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penquin , in CNN Host Left Stunned As IDF Confirms Israel Hit Refugee Camp With Airstrike

That’s our fucking tax money, that’s what’s killing me. We are indirectly funding the killing of all of these innocent people. I hate life.

PP_BOY_ , avatar

It’s not indirect. Every dollar the US sends to Israel directly goes to killing Palestinians.

CubbyTustard ,


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  • ikidd , avatar

    Fuck off with that “and Russians” crap. They aren’t even vaguely comparable situations.

    CubbyTustard ,


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  • ikidd , avatar
    CubbyTustard ,


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  • StupidBrotherInLaw , (edited )

    I saw this all the time on reddit. Some people seem to have the need to be involved in conversations but don’t have anything worthwhile, intelligent, or even just interesting or entertaining to say. They instead tend to pick an aspect of a comment, often take it out of context, then shit all over it but not in a way that’s constructive, helpful, or insightful whatsoever. They often don’t seem to really even have a point other than telling you you’re wrong. I’m pretty sure that’s what we’re seeing here.

    I suggest at most calling them out on their behavior but otherwise just not engaging. They’re basically trolls, even if they don’t realize it themselves, so it’s not worth the trouble and there’s no way to ‘win’.

    masquenox ,

    They aren’t even vaguely comparable situations.

    In this sense they absolutely are. No different than Iraqis, Afghans, Panamanians, Vietnamese… etc.

    In every other way, no - Putin can end this war any damn time he feels like. But that doesn’t mean the US military-industrial complex isn’t going to milk this for all it’s worth.

    pinkdrunkenelephants ,

    Nah, you just framed the Russians as victims equivalent to the Palestinians and now you just did a 180 to pretend you meant to frame Russia as the aggressor when you actually didn’t. You know we can read your text, right?

    Killing the palestinians (and russians) don’t matter to them it’s just another funnel from our effort into their pockets.

    masquenox ,

    Nah, you just framed the Russians as victims equivalent to the Palestinians

    Nope. I framed them as something the US military-industrial complex makes money out of.

    now you just did a 180

    Nope. I did a 0 degree turn and is still facing the exact way I was.

    You know we can read your text

    Are you sure you are capable of that?

    pinkdrunkenelephants , (edited )

    Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt with you shills, is it?

    It’s not gonna work here, though. For all that Lemmy sucks ass, at least the users have a modicum of common sense. Good luck overcoming that. Dasvidaniya

    TowardsTheFuture ,

    To be fair, they were talking about war profiteering, not genocide. We are definitely happy with Ukraine being at war with Russia as far as war profiteering goes. And as much as Putin sucks, and any country may suck, it doesn’t mean their citizens should be killed endlessly. The people there are still human, even if their leaders are terrible. But rather than doing something to try and stop the war, the US would rather use it to funnel money to our arms dealers. Which is a problem, even if the enemy is bad, killing all the Russians should never be the goal. Stopping the war should.

    pinkdrunkenelephants ,

    I am not implying that at all obviously. No one is. In fact I don’t know a single pro-Ukraine person who can’t differentiate between Putin’s regime and the Russian people.

    The Ukraine war is just Putin’s Iraq.

    masquenox ,

    It’s really amusing watching you having an argument with yourself.

    Maeve ,

    Tbf we’ve done it directly, too.

    penquin ,

    I’m talking about us, the people. Our government has been funding this shit for years.

    Maeve ,

    Ah, got you. Thanks for clarification. Yes, I agree. Gawd almighty absolutely forbids using our own tax dollars for such ungodly things like feeding the hungry, healing the sick, clothing the naked or looking out for prisoners.

    AutistoMephisto , (edited ) avatar

    It’s sort of like a “Bruce Wayne v. Court of Owls” situation. Bruce Wayne has his philanthropy actively countered by a group that’s basically the Illuminati, this “Court of Owls” because, I’m guessing there’s an Eldritch horror that slumbers so long as Gotham suffers, but would awaken if the rich actually did anything to help the poor.

    EDIT: Okay, so I found out this “Court of Owls” not only doesn’t care about the poor, they don’t care about the world in general. They serve an evil Bat-God named Barbatos who wants to use Bruce Wayne as a conduit to emerge in the world.

    Maeve ,

    Bruce Wayne would definitely make it into Murica heaven. Superman might make it into Jesus heaven (which I would assume would be loving yourself, if the Kingdom of heaven is actually within us, which it is, in my experience).

    orcrist ,

    Yes but you shouldn’t bring up hypocrisy here. Stopping killing now is worthwhile regardless of what various countries have done years and decades ago.

    Maeve ,

    And forgetting the past leads to repeats. We have to acknowledge the good, bad and ugly and stay vigilant.

    orcrist ,

    That’s generally good advice, but on a broad level it’s completely impossible. There’s no way that everyone can know all of history. We all have to learn little parts at different times in our lives, according to our own priorities and values. Also, quite obviously, forgetting the past does not always lead to repeats.

    Nonameuser678 , avatar

    Isn’t Israel quite wealthy? Why do they even need this funding?

    xenomor ,

    To spread culpability around.

    Nonameuser678 , avatar

    Yeah I can see that actually. Also serves as a way of legitimising their war.

    billiam0202 ,

    You don’t get wealthy spending your money.

    You get wealthy spending other people’s money.

    Dontcare ,

    Hamas fires thousands of rockets at Israeli, if it didn’t have iron dome they’d have to prevent Gaza from firing the missiles, which means bombing Hamas and the civilians they hide behind

    TinyPizza , avatar

    all your hypothetical disasters when your blind to the real one. What a joke.

    Rusticus ,

    We could have healthcare. Or free college. We are all complicit in this, like it or not.

    BongRipsMcGee420 ,

    I don’t remember being asked…

    Rusticus ,

    Do you vote? Do you encourage others to vote? Can you do more?

    Krono ,

    Vote for who? I always do my duty and vote for the lesser of the two evils, and they all turn out to be war criminals.

    stella ,

    Unfortunately, until we get money out of politics, voting doesn’t really matter.

    The ruling class can just funnel more money to the opposing side to get them elected. They’ve already got it down to a science so they don’t spend more than they need to.

    They haven’t even scratched the surface of how much money they can spend to control elections. It’s all just the bare-minimum to them, like maximizing profit.

    Rusticus ,

    100% agree. Until Citizens v United is overturned we do not have a functioning Democracy.

    candybrie ,

    Taxes aren’t what’s stopping us from having health care. We already spend more taxes on health care per capita than countries with single payer health care. (Not that changes that we could be using our taxes better, but the myth that we would spend more taxes to get single payer needs to be dispelled.)

    Rusticus ,

    We already spend more taxes on health care per capita than countries with single payer health care

    Sauce please

    Lumun , avatar

    The claim doesn’t seem right. We do spend far more on healthcare than other nations overall and our taxed spending on healthcare seems comparable to other rich nations like Japan, though that’s only a fraction of our total spending - most is private cost. Quick back of napkin math says taxes directly spend ~4k a year/capita on healthcare expenses, mostly Medicare, and single-payer systems tend to cost about ~6k total. Data is a little old. Correct me if I’m reading wrong.…/health-spending-u-s-com……/how-much-does-federal-gover…

    dx1 ,
    Rusticus ,

    Hold on. I am in complete agreement that US healthcare spending is batshit crazy. I was just doubtful that our TAXED healthcare spending was more than other countries with single payer. All our spending is private.

    dx1 ,

    What do you mean “taxed”? Graph shows public vs. private.

    FontMasterFlex ,

    You mean how Israelis have Healthcare and free college?

    Illuminostro ,

    But how will Jeebus be reborn if he doesn’t have a home?

    masquenox ,

    The US had better pray Jesus doesn’t show up a second time - he’d take a flamethrower to it first thing. Israel won’t be far behind.

    SirToxicAvenger ,

    your tax money is added to a pool. a very small part of that pool is used to fund interests internationally.

    tocopherol , avatar

    Yeah, so our dollars are killing more than just these innocent people in Palestine.

    iopq ,

    They are also killing Russians which are committing genocide in Ukraine

    forrgott ,

    The vast majority of the pool is given to the military, who haven’t even successfully completed an audit, let alone passed one, in God knows how long.

    Don’t insult everyone’s intelligence pretending you know how that money is being spent; none of us do.

    SwampYankee ,

    Some of the mandatory budget and discretionary non-defense budget can be directly or indirectly linked to military purposes, but regardless, the majority of the budget is social programs.

    SirToxicAvenger ,

    i have some idea. do I know where every cent goes? no. the government, most governments, are these giant ponderous masses of interwoven bureaucracy, striving to complete many diverse goals. the various goals are often at odds with each other.

    it’s the real downside of democratic governance.

    masquenox ,

    That’s our fucking tax money,

    Nope. It’s not. That money they hand Israel? Completely sucked out of their thumb - I literally use the massive handouts the US gives Israel as a way to debunk the “but printing money causes inflation!” crowd.

    Btw, that is an actual example of a handout - ie, not the (alleged) “handouts” right-wing pundits start whining about whenever the issue of social services come up.

    Of course, they could just as easily spend all that invented money to give you healthcare - but they won’t… that’s not how class warfare works.

    dangblingus ,

    No, no I’m pretty sure there is foreign aid earmarked in the annual budget every year. It’s tax dollars.

    masquenox ,

    Nope. Your taxes doesn’t even pay for the US military - it’s all just money they invent. Your taxes are spent by the state you live in - roads, hospitals… that kind of stuff.

    When it comes to their precious military - and their precious neocolonialist shitfuckery they call “foreign policy” - they don’t rely on you.

    daltotron ,

    ntg but can you point me in the direction of your sources for that? I’m kind of lazy and google/my google fu sucks for me recently. no big prob if you can’t though

    masquenox ,

    Sure thing. The part you’re interested in starts at about 4:23.

    dx1 ,

    Not “completely”. They spend into a deficit every year, which is partially financed with tax and partially financed with debt obligations. It’s more that any spending is paid for 50% tax and 50% “indirect inflation tax” later, or whatever the exact numbers are (I stopped keeping track).

    qwertyWarlord ,

    Oh just wait until you find out what else tax money is used for…

    Better not worry about that and just focus on yourself

    SwampYankee ,

    Remember that time a million Iraqis died… for some reason?

    Gradually_Adjusting , in Bill Barr says Trump often suggested executing rivals in heated White House outbursts avatar

    “Trump’s as bad as people are afraid he is, but I could never compromise my values so much that I’d vote for a centre right neoliberal.”

    Anyone who feels this way is an actual nazi

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    The problem is that all the people inside the right-wing media bubble don’t know he’s as bad as people are afraid he is. Because they’re regularly lied to.

    Gradually_Adjusting , avatar

    I feel like I’ve said this before, but maybe letting right wing billionaires own all the major media outlets was a bit of an oopsie.

    HubertManne ,

    what I would not give to have 70's style regulation again, of course getting rid of citizens united would be bigger but owe man I hate the direct we have taken since the 80's

    djsoren19 ,

    The older I get, the more I realize just how much I hate Ronald fucking Reagan.

    HubertManne ,

    yup. it reminds me a bit of nixon. growing up I understood he was bad but boy how rabidly upset he would make folks older than I. I did not get it but then I learned more and more about his actions and understood over time. Reagan same but experienced it. One thing is you don't even know the real bad stuff till its to late. People still don't seem to understand iran contra or the october surprise. effed up. now we just had trump. can you imagine the stuff we don't know yet. ugh.

    DigitalTraveler42 ,

    The Reagans fucked this country like Hollywood fucked Nancy’s mouthhole.

    Eldritch ,

    Tha throat goat.

    DigitalTraveler42 ,

    Tracy Morgan: “gurgle gurgle

    disguy_ovahea , (edited )

    He’s also the one who set the precedent in 1986 of support in the Israel-Iran proxy conflict that we’re protesting today.

    He did that after supplying Iran with arms in the Iran-Contra scandal.

    Prior to that, he removed foreign aid from Israel, and then supplied military aid under specific agreement that they use it to invade Lebanon and attack Hezbollah.

    He put this shit pot on the stove and started stirring.

    DrWeevilJammer , avatar

    “Fun” fact: Those two things are connected! Without the repeal of the Fairness Doctrine by Reagan’s FCC in 1987, the group called Citizens United would likely not have been able to form in 1988, as they would have been required to provide opposing viewpoints when they expressed their terrible views on national tv or radio networks.

    Additional fun fact: Rush Limbaugh’s nationally syndicated radio show (which began in 1988) also would not have been possible without the repeal of the fairness doctrine.

    HubertManne ,

    unholy hannah. thanks. I did not know this connection. Once again finding out more about a politician make me hate them more.

    Sanctus , avatar

    Its almost like they were just waiting in the wings to swoop out and create these social bubbles for the sole purpose of weakening the American people.

    kent_eh ,

    And Limbaugh opened the door for Hannity, Alex Jones, and the rest of the Faux News screaming liars.

    TheFriar ,

    Just a little uh-oh Woopsie-doodle flub

    xmunk ,

    They’re a lost cause - but apathetic left wing voters need to hear that message.

    Our democracy may simply end if Trump is reelected.

    Dubskee , avatar


    themeatbridge ,

    Is anyone surprised that Bill Barr is an actual nazi?

    UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

    Whatever you do, never question what J. Edgar Hoover’s COINTELPRO division was up to during the serial murder of black civil rights leaders in the 1960s. Don’t question how similar disappearances and slayings occurred during Iraq War protests, the BLM protests, and appear to be happening again during the Palestine protests. Ignore the LA Sheriff’s Gangs that operate independently of city government and the mass privatization of police forces in Detroit, Miami, and Atlanta. Don’t google who Allen Dulles was or what he spent his career doing (and definitely don’t question where he was or what he was doing in November of 1963). Don’t ask who Bill Barr’s dad is or question why he hired a a very young, very unqualified Jeffrey Epstein to teach at one of the most elite private schools in the country.

    Don’t ask what the 1994 Crime Bill had to do with the rise in mass incarceration. Don’t ask who sponsored that bill. Don’t question who wrote large sections of the Patriot Act and lobbied for their passage even before 9/11. Don’t think about PRISM or question how the US Congress responded to its outing.

    Just fixate on the Big Cheeto who wants to be back in the White House.

    Our status as a fascist nation has nothing to do with our long history of police brutality and state surveillance. It has nothing to do with the structure of business or the anti-democratic judicial and senatorial systems that decide our laws. It certainly has nothing to do with the Military Industrial Complex and the continuous need for cheap labor at home and abroad.

    Its just this one weird guy who might return to the White House. Everything else is fine.

    Gradually_Adjusting , avatar

    Everything that keeps happening and everything that has happened keeps making me feel satisfied with my choice to leave. I just wish it felt safe to look away.

    Zink ,

    You know, if Trump was an elaborate psyop to distract us from the REAL nefarious shit, it would actually help the world make more sense.

    UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

    He’s like the giant cold sore that lets us know we’ve got herpes.

    Except we keep insisting if we just put a band-aid on it, we won’t have herpes.

    Zombiepirate , avatar

    Those Germans who would do anything, be anything, join anything to stop Bolshevism had, in the end, to be Nazis. And Nazism did stop Bolshevism. How it stopped Bolshevism, with what means and what consequences, did not matter—not enough, at least, to alienate them. None of its shortcomings, mild or hideous, none of its contradictions, small or calamitous, ever swayed them. To them, then and now, Nazism kept its promise.

    -They Thought They Were Free, The Germans 1933-45

    Fascism is always a right-wing reactionary movement against leftists.

    NABDad ,

    Fascism is always a right-wing reactionary movement against leftists.

    Except, in the U.S. our fascists don’t have any real Bolsheviks to stop, so they have to pretend that the center-right conservatives are actually Bolsheviks.

    ChicoSuave ,

    We say individuals are evil, amoral, and are the cause of suffering but no mention given to the organizations which enabled the suffering. There is no social reason to abhor Bolshevism but there is a profit driven motive. Bolshevism, and Communism that it became, are scary for businesses and people who see money as the only way to live.

    Preventing businesses from having political power will see “We the People” more accurately represented.

    Professorozone ,

    Now, now don’t be hasty. Maybe he meant to say, “Trump often suggested executing rivals in heated outbursts… and I really like that in a president.” Not hypocritical at all really. Just a, you know, personal choice or something.

    Hegar , in Watch: Billionaire CEO says unemployment 'has to jump' to put 'arrogant' workers in their place avatar

    We need to see some pain in the economy. We need to remind people that they work for the employer, not the other way around... There's been a systemic change where the employees feel that the employer is extremely lucky to have them, as opposed to the other way around.

    So said every vicious aristocrat throughout history.

    Whether owner of slaves, serfs or workers - elites always believe it's their right to inflict harm on others.

    Eat the rich, put us out of their misery.

    Shadywack , avatar


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  • Rootiest ,

    I like when they don’t and just keep bitching right up until a few seconds after they’ve been decapitated.

    Makes it more exciting for the onlookers

    Facelesscog ,

    For extra fun, keep telling them that “at any point the Governor might call with a last minute reprieve.”

    malcyon ,

    Killing people is not okay. You should treat others the way you would want to be treated yourself.

    LinyosT ,

    I agree in part, Im not particularly a fan of all the death threats myself.

    But do the billionaires treat us the way they want to be treated?

    Murais , avatar

    As long as you commodify my labor, it has value.

    Whose labor generates more value? The worker, who creates the product being sold to generate profit, or the boss who manages them?

    Maalus ,

    Without the boss, there wouldn’t be the worker or the company. Let’s not pretend that the entire management does nothing.

    Sir_Kevin , avatar

    You’re suppose to put an /s at the end of sarcastic comments.

    Murais , avatar

    Yes. What ever did humanity do for work before the invention of middle management?

    It must have been chaos. Bedlam, even!

    SCB ,

    Since you’re describing a society with no infrastructure whatsoever, yeah, basically.

    Murais , avatar

    No hierarchy doesn’t mean the same as no infrastructure and never has.

    It’s a commonly repeated lie to equate them as meaning the same thing.

    EDIT: Middle management is also a phenomenon of the Industrial Era. Prior to industrialization, humanity (and jobs) existed for thousands of years.

    According to some here, that is impossible.

    SCB ,

    “Middle management” as a concept is simply “someone gives you directives and you give someone else directives” and that is literally as old as society itself.

    The Mayans didn’t build highways through a fucking jungle without middle management, and they were most definitely not “industrialized.”

    Also the whole “middle management bad” meme is pants on head stupid. Almost as stupid as your interest in going back to subsistence farming.

    Murais , avatar

    I never implied a necessary return to subsistence farming. I said that hierarchy is not necessary for society to exist, but you continue to equate the two.

    Mayans didn’t build highways, because the technology and the necessity were not present. But they did build roads. And bridges. And pressurized aqueducts. And they did it without an “Assistant Director of Construction.”

    Y’know. Infrastructure. With limited hierarchy.

    Saying that human civilization and the necessary infrastructure to support it is impossible without traditional corporate hierarchy isn’t just wrong, it’s fucking propaganda. And it’s propaganda designed specifically to depress the value of labor.

    SCB ,

    Mayans did build highways, made of elevated dirt, to connect their cities. We just discovered them via LiDAR…

    It’s so adorable that you suggest the fucking Mayans had “limited hierarchy.” Maybe the funniest hot take I’ve read today, and today has been a doozy.

    Murais , avatar

    My dude, if you can only imagine one system of social organization as being correct or successful, I don’t think it’s my intellect you need to concern yourself with.

    SCB ,

    I exist in the real world, and thus am aware of many types of social organization that currently exist.

    All of them with any substantial amount of people are hierarchal.

    As an example the Mayans had both “Divine kings” and a well established system of patronage within their city-states.

    Frankly, your assumptions about Mayan culture are pretty racist.

    Murais , avatar

    But in all seriousness, think of strikes and the inherent power of labor.

    How come management never strikes?

    When workers strike and there are no workers in the building, the day comes to a screeching halt and NOTHING happens.

    If there are no managers in the building, business continues as usual. Because it happens all of the fucking time. That’s why your manager can go on vacation for weeks at a time and nobody gives a shit, but you’re lucky if you get 5 days in a whole calendar year.

    Natanael ,

    Management strikes have happened but it’s ridiculously rare

    Natanael ,

    Most companies’ performance do not have any correlation to upper management’s actions

    jcit878 ,


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  • Drgon ,


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  • Zacryon ,

    We need to remind people that they work for the employer, not the other way around

    Oh and I was sitting here thinking, that employers and employees share a mutually profitable relationship. Employees provide services to employers and employers provide financial gains for their employees.

    But no, modern slavery it is. Alright.

    Transcendant , in ‘Thwarted diabolical plot': Man arrested minutes before mass shooting at Northern Virginia church, police say

    “Quite frankly, we’ve just been thanking God. You know, God’s been so good to us, and he protected us,

    Never fails to amaze me how someone can completely disregard the hard work and sacrifice of other human beings and instead praise an imaginary skyguy.

    Fredselfish , avatar

    Same imaginary skygod who put them in harms way to begin with. Never did understand.

    tburkhol ,

    No, no: that’s the other skyguy. We’re like the kids in a bitter divorce, constantly bounced between a good parent and a bad parent, with no actual agency. Except to thank good skyguy, otherwise they might not protect us from bad skyguy next time.

    Skyguy whims sometimes feel arbitrary and capricious, but there’s divine or diabolical intent, which means it’s way better than being lost to the randomness of chaotic but determinate natural forces. How terrifying would the world be if stuff just happened for no reason?

    Piecemakers3Dprints , avatar


    jaybone ,

    I think you mean undergroundguy

    gregorum ,

    Snips knew better than to praise Skyguy… eventually

    JustZ , avatar

    Seriously. Not alert citizens. Not technology. Not good policework. Dog.

    Unreal these morons.

    CoolMatt ,


    mars296 ,


    iamtrashman1312 ,

    Not the person you’re responding to, but I’d thank any given dog before I thanked any given god, so why not

    SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

    Dogs like being praised and talking to imaginary friends is a sign of mental illness so I agree.

    AdamantRatPuncher ,

    Imaginary friends? The understanding of religions here is stunningly low

    SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

    I grew up in a religious household and the more it was explained to me the less sense it made.

    AdamantRatPuncher ,

    It doesn’t matter. These are just people living their lives. Trying to force a debate in this circumstance is really pointless. Again, what do you want them to say? Something like ‘thank science’? A lot of people grow in a religious setting. You’re not special for that. Beside, you can justify bad behaviours even without a religion, in this case the pointless hate for a couple of churchgoers is quite telling. I am quite sure they aren’t thinking about some Internet guy now, they’ll be probably grateful for what happened in that day. I’m done…

    SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

    I’m glad you’re done and got that out of your system.

    Have a nice day.

    AdamantRatPuncher ,

    This isn’t debate class…and in real life you wouldn’t be a pleasant person to meet with that arrogance of yours. Again, this kind of thing can only exist online.

    SatansMaggotyCumFart ,


    I was sure that I was in a debate class right now.

    Didn’t you say you were done or are you just trying to pick a fight?

    AdamantRatPuncher ,

    i’m tired of this stuff, you know, i left reddit partly because i have seen these comments for hundres of thousands times. Really. Your comments are the same i have seen before. Repetitive. The point is, your attitude wouldn’t work outside of this place. Enough with this altogether. Also the amount of politics i see here is not less than reddit, it’s stupid. I remember now why i never appreciated internet culture either. No picking fights, i need to get this out. I guess we change over time, i’m not one to enjoy these things after a while. And maybe this is exactly the feedback i needed.

    SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

    So why are you choosing me to unload your issues?

    You’re replying to a pretty anti-religion thread yet I’m the only one you’re unloading on?

    AdamantRatPuncher ,

    i am not choosing you, you chose to reply. But that is a valuable thing, unexpected feedback.

    Anyway you can be anti-whatever you want but i stay neutra, which means that this place is a stupid way to spend my time.

    SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

    You chose to jump into my conversation and are choosing to continue to engage after saying you’re done.

    Now you’re acting like you’re some martyr because of it and I’m responding because it’s hilarious.

    CaptainAniki ,


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  • AdamantRatPuncher ,

    Yeah, ‘civility’. Leaving this goodbye. This isn’t civility, this is just some stupid corner of the Internet. Meaningless.

    SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

    What did you say to that other user to make them delete all their comments?

    CaptainAniki ,


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  • SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

    Oh, they deleted everything from their comment history which was kind of amusing.

    CaptainAniki ,


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  • AdamantRatPuncher ,

    See, this generalisation is extremely poor. That is a life system, not a set of imaginary friends. Not that I am religious at all, but you’re wrong on almost anything you think. And yet you like to look at yourself as smarter that those people, which you are not, and neither am I. Again, your logic is exclusionary and doesn’t really work irl. You better talk to different people and interact with different cultures cause you’re isolating yourself.

    ryathal ,

    The fact police received a report and acted in a timely manner to that report is actually pretty remarkable. Whether it’s divine intervention or statistical inevitability doesn’t really matter.

    JustZ , avatar

    It’s miraculous bit I wouldn’t call it a miracle. Call the newspaper, not the Vatican.

    Daisyifyoudo ,

    Of course it matters! You don’t think it matters whether someone believes that this stemmed from real world actions or from magic???

    Nougat ,

    Cops should have just said, "Oh, it's at a church? God's got it handled," and went back to speed traps.

    ComradeChairmanKGB , avatar

    They let students handle it at schools

    SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

    Protect and serve*.

    *Some terms and conditions apply.

    greavous ,

    Operation student shield

    Tedesche ,

    It’s a mistake to dismiss religious people as stupid, but they really make it hard not to sometimes.

    Piecemakers3Dprints , avatar

    That’s an odd way to spell “natural reflex”, but it’s close.

    Tedesche ,

    Because they’re not stupid; or at least, that’s not why they’re religious. Sadly, religious indoctrination can affect even brilliant minds.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    I mean, it is a church. I think it’s stupid, but it’s not like it’s a car dealership. What do you think they’re going to say?

    Transcendant ,

    Fair point!

    nulluser ,

    Repoter: So, the police arrested a gunman moments away from shooting up your dealership. What are your thoughts?

    Dealer: It was wild. Absolutely crazy… Almost as crazy as ThEse CraZy deAls We’vE GoT RigHt nOW. JUst cHeCk Out ThE PriCe oN ThiS '88 MaliBu. It’S CrAaaaZy!

    be_excellent_to_each_other , avatar

    Police don't have a particularly good track record at prevention; they are rather famous for showing up after the crime has happened. I think giving crediting a higher power for the miracle that they proactively stopped a shooter before the shooting started kinda fits.

    I also think it's reasonable that folks who believe in a deity that theoretically protects them would thank that deity when they feel protected. I somehow doubt the cops on scene lacked for any expression of thanks because everyone was too busy praying.

    Cold_Brew_Enema ,

    Yep I can’t stand this. What about the little girl who dies of cancer? God didn’t feel like protecting her?

    Fuck off

    Saneless ,

    Well, if he’s consistent with his behavior in the Bible, it’s not that he failed to protect her. He killed her himself

    Delusional ,

    And if all those people were shot up, you can be damn sure they wouldn’t be saying it’s thanks to God. Mass of idiots.

    Nepenthe , (edited ) avatar

    Since I feel the sudden urge to vent, I've never forgotten staying at this one homeless shelter several years ago.

    We found out much later after the place was shut down that they'd actually been receiving more than adequate donations the entire time, but the staff was just taking it all home with them and telling us that there was no food to give. They could do one or sometimes two meals, but never much, never more, and not dependably from day to. They had none.

    So obviously we believed them and since this was just...the position we were in, I was taking the money I was technically required by agreement to save for a place and using it to buy food for myself and anywhere from 1 to 4 of the other residents.

    One of them was Gabriel, who came in with the clothes on his back and a guitar. Gabriel was religious, but one of the painfully few who put the kindness part first and he was very sweet and tended to be walked on for it and to become depressed for being taken advantage of.

    When he took his guitar around looking for gigs, I went with him for moral support. When one of those was a church, I sat in with the flock even though the related trauma makes my skin crawl. When winter drew close, I bought him what I still think was a pretty snazzy jacket.

    I split a meal almost daily for months, because I'm not going to see anyone hungry when I can afford it, even though none of us could really afford it and doing so was imperiling my future. When he found out the fiance he doted on was banging his best friend while he himself was homeless, guess who was there to cry on immediately.

    I don't regret any of those, to be very clear. I'd grudgingly do it again, because people matter more. But to think to check up on him some years after we parted and find him thanking god for looking after him during that time was a direct slap in the face. Over a decade later, it still stings.

    Of course it would be god. Looking after each other like sentient, suffering beings, that's god's doing, personally stepping in to work his mysterious ways. I only take the blame for the bad shit.

    fiat_lux ,

    As a total stranger, thankyou for looking after Gabriel, even after being so mistreated yourself. You clearly have a lot of compassion and kindness to offer the world, even if it's not always respected by its recipients (although it sounds like Gabriel may not have had the skills or ability to fully comprehend it). I hope you're in a much better place and able to extend your kindness even further and without neglecting your own needs in the process.

    Transcendant ,

    Wow. I can see how that would’ve stung. It just feels so irrational! And, there’s no need for them to drop their god schtick when acknowledging someone’s effort. He could’ve just as easily have said “I thank god for putting people who cared around me”

    AstridWipenaugh ,

    Man, I know a woman who got COVID bad and got a double lung transplant. Not a word about any of her doctors or other care staff that kept her alive while on a ventilator for 6 month. Not even a mention once. But it was constant “look at the power of prayer” and “thank the good lord for my recovery” and shit like that.

    CaptFeather ,

    Which is hilarious considering how many “good Christians” died for refusing the vaccine. Confirmation bias in action!

    afraid_of_zombies ,

    Even when I was a theist I still made a point of thanking doctors and nurses. Everyone can get credit.

    Furbag ,

    God, when he fails to prevent all the other mass shootings that happened in places of worship:

    “Lol that was part of my plan, too.”

    RizzRustbolt ,

    “That’s not a plan! You’re just a jerk!” -Jerry

    TechyDad , avatar

    I inka dinka binka bonka understood this reference.

    Kolanaki , avatar

    “Why does God’s plan involve so many priests molesting alter boys?”

    vivadanang ,

    And needing 10% of my money?

    mack7400 ,

    And what does God need with a starship?

    bobman ,

    Weird how they never thank god for the successful attacks.

    loutr , avatar

    Exactly, if God prevented this attack, it means he wanted the successful ones to take place. He really works in mysterious ways…

    Meowoem ,

    But also he would know for sure that heaven exists so the fact he saves some people should be seen as an insult, survive near death a few times? God really doesn’t want to hang out with you

    RogueBanana ,

    Dramas get boring when nothing bad happens. Hes just making our lives a bit interesting and sometimes end it all.

    Duamerthrax ,

    They didn’t pray hard enough.

    AdamantRatPuncher ,

    What did they have to say? Do you think they didn’t thank them as well? Enough of that nonsense leave people be…

    cricket97 ,

    They did thank everyone involved, the news didn’t report on it. Hope you feel stupid for saying that.

    theyoyomaster ,

    In his actual statement he thanked the police and everyone involved. NBC Washington felt that only the snippet thanking God was worth reporting.

    Transcendant ,

    Thanks for clarifying

    Davel23 , in Trump sues Truth Social co-founders, says they're not entitled to stock shares

    Former President Donald Trump has sued the co-founders of Truth Social, alleging they mismanaged the social media platform early on and should therefore lose their stock in the company, which recently went public.

    If mismanagement is enough to prevent someone from owning stock, Trump should not own a single share of anything.

    FiniteBanjo ,

    Well, honestly, Trump should not be allowed to own a single share of anything for many great reasons imo.

    Worx ,

    Everyone says they’re the greatest reasons, in fact

    girlfreddy , avatar

    Tremendous even.

    homesweethomeMrL ,

    flappy accordion hands

    bitwaba ,

    The best

    ObviouslyNotBanana , avatar

    Some of the finest reasons, I’ve heard

    turbowafflz ,

    He has a great relationship with the reasons

    psmgx ,

    If mismanagement is enough to prevent someone from owning stock, Trump should not own a single share of anything

    I agree, though this is par for the course as Trump behavior goes. He’s got a long history of doing shady shit, screwing over partners and vendors.

    Lemminary ,

    I’m glad that people are learning the hard way not to trust him, although I would’ve preferred it if they had listened. I’m enjoying this shit show!

    CileTheSane , avatar

    The stock isn’t going to be worth anything by the time the case gets resolved anyway.

    andyburke , in Second teacher at Missouri school on leave over OnlyFans side hustle: 'It’s working out ok so far' avatar

    Someone gets naked so everyone loses their minds.

    People shoot up schools: thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers....

    Religion is insanity.

    9715698 ,

    Lots of countries have religion, but not many countries have guns as the leading cause of death among children and teens.

    andyburke , avatar

    Yeah, instead they do things like kill LGBTQ people with machetes or put you in prison for apostasy.

    Religion is insanity.

    masquenox ,

    Yeah, instead they do things like kill LGBTQ people with machetes or put you in prison for apostasy.

    You mean like Australia?

    afraid_of_zombies ,

    I am glad to hear no one, say in recent times, used religion to justify mass murder in Australia.

    masquenox ,

    Australia was colonized only recently… so yes - religion was used as a justification to perpetrate mass atrocities on the people living in Australia.

    afraid_of_zombies ,

    Muslims aren’t people?

    masquenox ,

    Are you lost, perhaps?

    lud ,

    You say that like every country apart from the USA does that, lol.

    crusa187 ,

    We’re supposed to have separation of church and state to avoid this type of violence from religious zealots, but the us government decided to legalize bribery so they used the insane wealth they’ve amassed, in part due to tax-exempt religious status, to buy their way in.

    fne8w2ah ,

    Europe on the other hand is the exact opposite.

    bobzilla ,

    Religion is insanity.

    Thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers… People shoot up schools

    Everyone loses their minds so someone gets naked.

    Wogi ,

    Yes that’s accurate

    invertedspear ,

    To be fair I doubt a teacher that shoots up a school would be allowed to keep their job either, but these days who knows.

    Potatos_are_not_friends , in Women are less likely to receive CPR in public than men: Study

    One time, I put my hand out to stop a kid from running into the street.

    Most people were like “Woah that kid almost died.” But one Karen looking woman had a “How dare you touch that child” look.

    I’m not going to stop saving kids who run into the street. But it did make me question when to involve myself or not. And I can see a lot of people hesitating because some fuckface has something stupid to say.

    Empricorn ,

    You inferred one look from a stranger experiencing a traumatic event, that apparently wasn’t reinforced by conversation with her after the fact!? I don’t think you should modify anything about your instincts or responses…

    JoeBigelow , avatar

    You psychoanalyzed him from one comment on an Internet forum without a single reply or anything?

    See how that sounds?

    Empricorn ,

    Uh, no? No one’s analyzing here! I basically told them to trust their instincts, rather than defer to the minority opinion of “all men are pedophiles” (based on their interpretation of the Karen’s response). Same advice I would give male lifeguards who would hesitate in possibly saving a life because maybe one person would be hyper-sensitive to any contact. Do what’s good and true and right immediately, and deal with haters later…

    JoeBigelow , avatar

    Yea, guess not.

    QuarterSwede , avatar


    BearOfaTime ,

    Nah, cause those haters could put my ass in jail.

    So no, I will assess every situation. I ain’t touching a woman who’s down.

    Thank the assholes of the world for that… And also the coworker who flirted with me, and when I didn’t flirt with her, she accused me of sexual harassment and I got fired - 30 years ago.

    The shit is real, (shitty) women have made the bed, they can lie in it.

    Murvel ,

    Oh boy…

    ParsnipWitch ,

    Don’t you know? Every woman who is middle aged and doesn’t give an appreciating look all the time I want is a misandrist Karen. And if someone dies, it’s her and other women’s fault.

    Cringe2793 ,

    All it takes is one person to accuse you for your life to be ruined. Such is the reality of being a man.

    Instigate ,

    Accusations ruin plenty of people’s lives, regardless of gender.

    Cringe2793 ,

    Men’s more than women’s, tbh. Accusations of SA never go away, even if you’re proven innocent.

    Instigate ,

    Source for accusations against men leading to quantifiably worse outcomes than accusations against women or NB people? I haven’t seen the research that backs up your assertion.

    Treczoks ,

    Yep. People have strange selective views on things.

    I was standing with the car at the crossing where it enters the main road. A kid came racing down the bike path from the local primary school on his scooter and tried to get around my car without wasting speed, i.e. slowing down. Physics said: “NO” in no uncertain terms, and the kid kissed the road in front of my car. I got out to help, but he already got up, probably more annoyed about loosing speed than anything else, answered negative on my inquiry if he was hurt or needed help, and was off like lighting.

    Two days later, the police was at my door, responding to a neighbors claim that I had run over a kid that day…

    Knusper ,

    I could imagine that neighbour just heard some noise, looked outside, and then just concluded, you must’ve hit that child, from what the aftermath looked like…

    circuitfarmer , avatar

    Exactly. As much as I believe in being a good person and trying to stop others from coming to harm, there is now a not-nonsignificant chance that I end up being prosecuted for something as a result of stepping in to attempt to save a life. It deincentivizes such activities.

    riskable , avatar


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  • circuitfarmer , avatar

    I’ll reference this comment in the trial.

    PennyAndAHalf ,

    A man stopped my son with his hand from crossing at the signal because a car didn’t see him and could have mowed him down. I think a lot about how that could have gone badly if the man had second guessed himself for even a moment. Legally and socially, we need to be on the side of anyone who makes a split second decision to help in a crisis.

    thepianistfroggollum ,

    We are, it’s called Good Samaritan laws.

    Seditious_Delicious , avatar

    Nah man. I won’t go near kids. Not my problem… If they die because of stupidity… it’s just thinning the heard.

    ZephyrXero , in McDonald’s once again sued after customer burns herself on hot coffee

    In case anyone still has misconceptions about the famous case that came before. McDonald’s spun public opinion, but she had a legitimate case.

    Confound4082 ,

    “Fused labia”

    Fosheze ,

    The name of my garrage band.

    Sharkwellington ,

    Aka hot enough to weld flesh together.

    thepianistfroggollum ,

    I’m not going to watch the video since the case was covered in both my business law and ethics courses, but absolutely do not look up the images of her injury.

    It’s brutal.

    Broken_Monitor ,

    Beat me to it. I remember as a teenager hearing adults laugh about this, “how could you not know coffee is hot?? Hahaha”. Holy shit the McDonalds PR really fucked that lady over. It wasn’t until at least a decade later that I learned the reality of the situation and how horrific her burns were.

    Fuck McDonalds.

    chaogomu ,

    Jay Leno did the most to further that hit job. He spent months spreading lies, all while McDonald's became a major sponsor of his show.

    kameecoding ,

    it also made it onto Seinfeld, it was also pushed by Republicans and their mouthpieces (Fox) that the country ia going to hell everyone can sue for anything bla bla bla, typical moral panic stuff.

    that shit was so widespread I heard about the anyone can sue rhetoric about the USA as a kid, and I am from Slovakia

    HughJanus ,

    Well the “anyone can sue” is very much a real thing. But you can also counter-sue to recover “reasonable legal fees” (court costs, attorney fees) etc. if it’s found to be exceptionally egregious and litigious.

    But most of the cases you hear about are similar to the Maccas one where there are giant details left out of the public narrative.

    kameecoding ,

    it’s a real thing technically, but not realistically and it’s no different than in Slovakia, if you have a dispute here you can sue too.

    JokeDeity ,

    As ALWAYS with conservatives it’s just a reflection of themselves. They sue people more often and for bigger sums.

    CynicRaven ,

    Geeze, seriously? He also got massive mileage out of denigrating Monica Lewinsky.

    fmstrat ,

    What I don’t understand is how she was appealed down to $480K, but the family in FL got $800K for not warning that the nuggets were fresh out of the fryer. The former was way, way, worse.

    CaptFeather ,

    The only thing I can think of is maybe the '91 case wasn’t adjusted for inflation? That would make it a little over 1 mil today

    SeaJ ,

    What’s nuts is that she originally only asked for like $32k to cover the cost of the fucking skin grafts she needed.

    NevermindNoMind ,

    Just want to add that this wasn’t just McDonald’s spinning it for their own purposes, it was part of a larger effort of tort reform - spreading the conception that people are suing for everything, even hot coffee hur dur, so that the public would support things like caps on pain and suffering damages and punitive damages. Corporations wanted more leeway to maximize profits(the reason McDonald’s coffee was so hot was because they could get more coffee out of the beans that way), even if it hurt people, and the public jumped right on board. This was part of the same strategy as denigrating plaintiffs attorneys as “ambulance chasers” and the like. It got to the point that even when people were harmed, they still wouldn’t sue because they didn’t want to be lumped in with “those entitled people suing over everything”. It became a point of pride to get fucked over by corporations and to do nothing about it. Really disgusting how easily the public was manipulated by all that.

    Omegamanthethird , avatar

    I just corrected someone about that last month who was using it as complaint about society. They had no idea about the details.

    bradorsomething ,

    Tl;dr: the burn fused part of her vulva, and they didn’t want to pay medical costs.

    ZombieZookeeper , in Pope says 'backward' US conservatives replaced faith with ideology

    Now the pos conservatives are gonna start calling the pope woke. 🤣🤣🤣

    RGB3x3 ,

    They’re already doing that, have been for a long time. I have a Baptist coworker who thinks Catholicism isn’t real Christianity…

    AbouBenAdhem ,

    I had a Catholic coworker who said some of her Catholic relatives were becoming “Christians”, which turned out to mean Evangelicals.

    Pat12 ,

    I had a Catholic coworker who said some of her Catholic relatives were becoming “Christians”, which turned out to mean Evangelicals.

    in the US they refer to Protestants as “Christians”, mainstream Christianity is made up of Catholics, Orthodox, and Protestants

    AbouBenAdhem , (edited )

    Right—my point is that my coworker (like the previously-mentioned Baptist) was implying that Catholics were distinct from Christians, in spite of being Catholic herself.

    klemptor ,

    I was raised Catholic and the distinction was always made between Catholics and Christians. I didn’t really understand that Catholics were a subtype of Christians until someone pointed it out to me when I was a teenager - I just thought Christians was a catch-all term for non-Catholics that believed in jesus.

    bluebooby ,

    What country were you raised in? I was raised Catholic in the Philippines and in the US and it was made explicitly clear in my education that Catholics are Christian.

    SCB ,

    I’m from Ohio and there is a massive Catholic community in my hometown and “Christian” as a term was always used as a throwaway term for the various non-denominational evangelical sects.

    Catholics and Protestants do not get along, even today. When I went to college and people thought I grew up Catholic, they would try to “convert” me away from “ancestor worship and idolatry.”

    bluebooby ,

    Thanks for the insight. Honestly the nerve of some people…

    eestileib ,

    My father made that exact distinction and he grew up in Iowa.

    bluebooby ,

    In the US I grew up in LA, California so I think I’m understanding the pattern now.

    klemptor ,

    I’m from New Jersey

    Sicktatties ,

    To be fair, it isnt; but then neither is Evangelicism or Mormonism or any of these other wackadoo cults within which these assholes conflate their hatred and fear with faith.

    NOT_RICK , avatar

    What makes Catholicism fake Christianity in your view? Any faith that believes Jesus Christ is the Son of God that died for the sins of humankind meets the threshold, imo. The Catholic Church fits comfortably within that definition.

    Bdtrngl ,

    Well there is all that child sex abuse.

    NOT_RICK , avatar

    That is an institutional failing of the Catholic Church, it was never endorsed as a part of the Church’s dogma. While I would encourage any Catholic to ask themselves if they really should continue to support an organization that hasn’t done even close to enough to reckon with their many sins over the past two millennia, I still think it’s silly to act like they’re not Christian.

    Bdtrngl ,

    Fucking kids ≠ following the teachings of Jesus in my book.

    SCB ,

    This is also how the Catholic Church sees it.

    cloudpunk ,

    Well then you can include baptists in that too.

    HubertManne ,

    the only difference between the priests and pastures is the "born again" churches do not have a central structure to follow up on it so they are all just one offs.

    rambaroo ,

    There’s a ton of it in protestant churches too. The national Baptist church is under federal investigation for it right now. The US has always had an easier time hating Catholics.

    Sicktatties , (edited )

    If I were being charitable I’d label these heretical creeds as Paulity. They have very little to do with the words and deeds of Christ, or living up to them, and far more to do with how Saul of Tarsus interpreted them.

    You may recall the Catholic Church was born out of the first Nicaean Council, where they canonized the four gospels that best reinforced the idea of the supremacy of the Roman state, and burned the hundreds of other so-called “gnostic” gospels, which (judging by the content of the few that survived) far better encapsulate what I would consider “real Christianity”.

    That said, the whole “No True Scotsman” fallacy really isn’t worth pursuing. It’s been this way since 325 CE, and there really is no painting a happy face on one of the most destructive and inhumane ideologies history has to offer. No matter what my opinion may be, you are correct in pointing out that the Paulity is the institution that is currently regarded as “Real Christianity”, as sick and anti-Christian as it may be.

    severien ,

    All Christians use some interpretation of Bible and Christ.

    From the outsiders it’s a bit funny to observe these squabbles and the heretic accusations.

    afraid_of_zombies ,

    You may recall the Catholic Church was born out of the first Nicaean Council, where they canonized the four gospels that best reinforced the idea of the supremacy of the Roman state, and burned the hundreds of other so-called “gnostic” gospels, which (judging by the content of the few that survived) far better encapsulate what I would consider “real Christianity”.

    I believe you are mistaken. That was next big council. The 27 books were finalized by a man who attended the Nicaean Council. When he got back he wrote a letter stating which books he considered to be canon.

    Ghostalmedia , avatar

    To be fair, even the super conservative Catholics aren’t into this pope. Benedict was their jam.

    dartos ,

    I think all religions are just fake copycats of the one true god.

    Praise be Flying Spaghetti Monster

    CmdrShepard ,


    Gee2oo40 ,

    Pork Belly

    CADmonkey ,

    Baptist coworker who thinks Catholicism isn’t real Christianity…

    I’ve seen a lot of that and not just recently.

    Iamdanno ,

    All religions think all other religions are not “real”, because of their “There can be only one!” Highlander shit.

    Lurk99777 ,
    njm1314 ,

    Not for nothing but that claim is hardly new. Goes back to the Reformation.

    root_beer ,

    Conservative Protestants have been saying that for a very long time though. The attitude is so pervasive that my wife, who grew up Catholic (but has not been one for decades), has to be reminded that Catholics are Christians.

    Cerbero ,

    I wonder where do they think it all comes from?

    NotYourSocialWorker ,

    I mean, most protestant Christians dislike Catholicism, that’s why they are called protestants after all.

    The new part is American evangelicals and other extremists thinking that catholicism not being conservative enough…

    atempuser23 ,

    It’s hard to imagine now , but Catholics were not considered Christians and it was ok to openly discriminate against them. I know of people fired for that. People still try and convert me to ‘Christianity’ and claim all sorts of stuff.

    The KKK and Nixon were vocally against’Papists’

    iHUNTcriminals ,

    There a whole YouTube channel by some ex fox host called church militant… It’s all about hating gays and lesser religions. They talk shit about the Pope all the time.

    It’s like everything in America is just power struggles, selfishness, greed, and crime. There’s no God or respect for life here. The “good guys” don’t even go after the “bad guys” because the bad guys are ahead now. People are so naive here they think heartless crimes are not happening when it’s right under their nose. Sometimes the good guys even get used in the plot. Just look at all the old politicians and Americans that got roped in Rogers stones mob puppeting of Trump. America had a mob affiliate for president. I think that puts in stone… Americas bullshit. It’s going to take decades to get trust and genuine patriotism back.

    afraid_of_zombies ,

    Even when I was one I had zero interest in that game.

    postmateDumbass ,

    Time for a reality check on the history of Popeing

    zib , avatar

    You know you fucked up bad when even the Pope is saying, "Whoa, slow it down there with the fascism, bud".

    abraxas ,

    American Catholics have largely voted Democrat for much of the last century. This flip-flop to voting Republican is relatively recent.

    It seems to me to be a bit of a religio-coup. Bishops have some autonomy, and Priests some as well. It’s become increasingly common that both are in opposition to Rome on certain behaviors related to politics, and exactly how strongly they should be pushing people to vote and for what reasons. The dehumanization of Biden (publicly refusing him Eucharist) for his nuanced pro-choice views is in direct contradiction of papal behavior going back at least to the turn of the 20th century. Telling people that in voting, any sin is forgivable except being pro-choice… well, there’s no basis in Canon Law for that attitude.

    I live in a very Catholic area, and have a lot of Catholic family. Talking to them, they mention their priests say “you can vote for either party, as long as they’re pro-life”. The Abortion issue is not the only or greatest issue to Rome. It is AN issue, but disagreeing with the Church is generally not going to earn their full enmity unless you are preaching your disagreement. Biden (the target of that local church smear campaign) is absolutely not preaching pro-choice to anyone.

    Pope Francis is right to be saying that because American Catholic Leadership has gone WAY astray from what Catholicism allows or mandates of them.

    DarkThoughts ,

    Didn't they recently called Jesus / Christianity woke?

    30mag ,

    It sounds like they’ve already been doing that according to this article.

    Many conservatives have blasted Francis’ emphasis instead on social justice issues such as the environment and the poor, while also branding as heretical his opening to letting divorced and civilly remarried Catholics receive the sacraments.

    rambaroo ,

    Even the most minimal amount of compassion is a sin to these people. They’re just straight up evil at this point.

    SomeAmateur , (edited )

    Conservatives are mostly christian, but if they aren’t catholic the pope has little sway over what they do. And they love dissing catholics so yes they will more than they have been already.

    Kerred ,

    If you have a throwaway email to see comments on the Newsmax site, it is Catholics and whatnot saying the Pope isn’t the real part of the religion anymore.

    DougHolland , in Texas woman leaves state to have abortion after Texas Supreme Court paused ruling that would have allowed it, her lawyers say avatar

    I will try to hold back too many profanities, but it’s seriously FUCKED UP that anyone but this woman and her doctor know that she’s pregnant, with a doomed fetus, and needs an abortion, and it’s FUCKED UP that anyone gets to overrule her decision, and it’s FUCKED UP that she has to flee the state during an obviously traumatic time, and it’s FUCKED UP that the FUCKERS will vilify her now, hell maybe even prosecute her, and it’s FUCKED UP that making a difficult time much more difficult is “good politics” in the state of Texas, which, by the way, is an utterly FUCKED UP place.

    yenahmik ,


    I should not know her name. I should not know her intimate personal details.

    She should have been able to mourn her loss in private with her loved ones. Not on the national stage as an example. She should not be at risk of prosecution because of this unfortunate situation.

    SlikPikker ,

    “Risk” is hopeful.

    LillyPip ,

    I should not know her name. I should not know her intimate personal details.

    Good news! You don’t know the names of the thousands upon thousands of other women and girls in similar positions who don’t have the resources or skin pigmentation to be able to bring a case against the state or make headlines like this.

    Oh wait, that’s maybe not such good news…

    Buffalox ,

    These extreme right wing fanatic religious nuts, are the ones that make me doubt humanity will make it past a few generations more.

    LillyPip ,

    It will if we don’t let them get away with this.

    Protests do work. There are more of us than them, and we don’t have to passively let them do this to us.

    Buffalox ,

    This anti abortion thing is a symptom of a larger problem IMO.
    Trump actually has a chance of winning! Think about it! The narcissist psycho Donald Trump, a proven criminal and traitor, actually has a chance of winning the next presidential election!
    Russia has gone completely fascist and anti humanitarian, invading a peaceful democracy for seeking closer ties to EU and NATO.
    Slovakia recently elected a Russia friendly government.
    Netherlands elected a fascist government. Who helps Putin, and wants Netherlands out of EU and NATO.
    Italia elected a fascist leader last election.
    Hungary and Bulgaria are actively undermining EU and try to block aid to Ukraine, and want “better” relations with Russia.
    Argentina together with much of south America is turning extreme right again. Almost as iof they want their old military dictators back.
    China under Xi is trying to dominate Asia including militarily in the China sea now, their rhetoric regarding Taiwan is becoming ever more aggressive. and Xi has gained powers in China comparable to what Putin has done in Russia.

    The optimism after the Berlin wall fell, has turned into a nightmare, where instead of freedom spreading east, fascism is now spreading west.
    At least Poland took a minor step back towards normalcy, and prevented the “Law and Justice” party from forming government again.

    Of course this could begin to turn around, especially if Putin and Xi loses power somehow. That could end a huge catalyst towards fascism in the world.

    negativenull , avatar

    What is worse is that, as she at least has means/options (to hire a lawyer, to leave the state, etc), many woman do not.

    Can I repeat that it’s FUCKED UP!

    HonkTonkWoman ,

    It’s also pretty FUCKED UP that she was cleared for the procedure by one judge, giving her a glimmer of relief, only to have that snatched back by the Texas Supreme Court like 2 days later.

    This whole situation & every lawmaker involved is proper fucked.

    Sagifurius ,

    I’m curious how her doctor didn’t just go for it in the window

    HonkTonkWoman ,

    The window was short & I think over a weekend, but I may be mistaken about that.

    GBU_28 ,

    I mean good vent but you can do swears here

    HerrBeter ,

    … Duckers…

    Immersive_Matthew ,

    This reply not only utilized the word fuck effectively, but also really had no other choice as it is, just so utterly Fucked up. No wonder there is a brain drain going on right now in Texas. I would want to leave too.

    jadedwench ,

    Been saying this for days. Her whole life, her children, friends, family; exposed to these crazies. Every bit of spite will be directed at them. It may not even be safe for them to live there. Her husband. His job? All fucked. Who knows how long it will take for this shit to blow over and still be left with the tragedy of needing healthcare, losing a wanted child, and being punished for it.

    squirrelwithnut , in More Gen Z Americans identify as LGBTQ than as Republican

    And if they don’t vote, it won’t matter.

    jennwiththesea , avatar

    So help them vote. Volunteer with efforts to get out the youth vote. Push for universal mail in voting where you are, or at least early voting. Help get politicians and initiatives on the ballot that they actually care about.

    Shaming and complaining about the demographic you want to reach accomplishes nothing.

    BossDj ,

    no u

    GlendatheGayWitch ,

    I hope things will change, but we still have abysmal turnout. TX started allowing early voting over 40 years ago and we still struggle to get people to the polls. Early voting is a span of 2 weeks, where in the 1st week, polls are required to be open for at least 9 hours and can be open from 6 AM to 10 PM on the weekday and shortened hours on the weekend, and in the 2nd week, polls are required to be open at least 12 hours a day and typically have the same hours as election day. Yet we still have virtually no lines through all early voting and a massive line on election day.

    It doesn’t help that the news only bangs the final day of voting into peoples’ heads.

    MutilationWave ,

    Many Republicans vote exactly on election day because they are being fed lies that early voting and mail in voting are riddled with fraud.

    GlendatheGayWitch ,

    That explains a few people, but doesn’t explain why everyone else hasn’t been utilizing the early voting system for the 40 years prior to 2020. TX cities are pretty blue and their early voting lines are always very short.

    brbposting ,

    Shame ✍️ demographics ✍️ for ✍️ helpful ✍️ advice

    My state’s on it!

    moitoi ,

    It doesn’t work. Every swiss citizen older than 18 receives them at home. The younger generation doesn’t vote.

    I’m older now and the older I’m the more people of my age around me vote. It’s depressing. I try each time to make the younger vote but it’s not working. And, I didn’t miss one. Next one is the 3rd March. I will try again.

    Don’t take me wrong if I convince if just one younger person, it’s a win.

    brbposting ,

    You got this 🫡

    ApathyTree , (edited ) avatar


    If you are a legal resident of Wisconsin, and are not currently serving time or on paper, you can register to vote entirely online if you want, and you can request absentee ballots for all elections for the entire year (no reason needed, but necessary annual renewal, it’s my New Year’s resolution every year because it’s so easy to accomplish. entirely free of charge ofc.).

    Just go to to register, request absentee ballots, check your registration, or find your polling place. If you have any difficulty with your registration, you can find your local rep and contact them directly.

    Please vote. Please vote for your own wellbeing. Please.

    Edits to fix link redirect per convo below

    flames5123 ,

    This is why I love Washington. Everyone has an OPT OUT absentee ballot. Everyone gets one at your address. Every election. All the time. The same address that’s on your ID. It’s amazing.

    ccryx ,

    Hi, your link (the actual link, not the link text) is to .

    ApathyTree , (edited ) avatar

    So you went somewhere different than I did… weird…

    For me it comes up

    I typed it in though… the link and link text are the same, so that shouldn’t happen.

    callyral , avatar

    i see what happened.

    you typed []( in your comment’s source. for it to register as a URL you have to put https before the link inside the parentheses: [](

    for me it goes to (my instance, error: couldnt_find_post)

    in your comment’s source it is written, which shouldn’t behave like this. looks like a lemmy bug maybe?

    i have two theories:

    1. the bug is related to typing a link directly, as in pasting a link in the comment, like (i typed it without brackets for a name or parentheses for a URL)


    1. it’s related to links explicitly starting with www, such as what you linked.

    for testing purposes:

    you can report lemmy issues at i searched on there to see if it was already reported but couldn’t find anything, though if you want to i’d recommend searching.

    ApathyTree , avatar

    Hey thanks, I changed it and that did the trick.

    I guess it makes sense that would be a thing. I’m so used to everything accommodating for that lack, though lol

    Resonosity ,

    I’ve been helping my fellow zoomers by figuring out what their townships/town wards/city districts are, then what their local/state/federal legislative/executive/judicial districts are, then who’s running for what position, then where to vote and (primaries and generals).

    Information is power!

    leo , avatar

    Sadly some of them are republican

    Sterile_Technique , avatar

    Not sure why you’re being downvoted - you’re 100% correct. People voting against their own demographic is nothing new.…/Association_of_German_National…

    ripcord , avatar

    But both sides are the same or my vote is worthless or it’s too hard to vote or something

    Clam_Cathedral ,

    That said, election day not being a federal holiday is a crime.

    Welt ,

    In Australia it’s always on a Saturday, and it’s compulsory to vote. Works OK for us.

    mPony ,

    that sounds like a way for democracy to actually represent the will of the public. DEFINITELY not what they want in the U.S.

    Oderus ,

    In Canada, we get mail in voting, advanced voting and voting stations are everywhere. I’ve never had to wait more than 5 mins to vote and the closet voting station is a 2 min drive from my house. They’re also open late and most employers give us time off to vote. Not sure if there’s a law for that but voting here is easy af yet some people still don’t bother.

    Kusimulkku ,

    In Finland it’s on Sunday. And with I think two weeks to vote beforehand.

    MutilationWave ,

    Which, while a good idea, still screws over the working class that don’t get federal holidays off. In fact in many industries they are mandatory work days because of the increased business.

    State and federal opt-out mail ballots for all I say.

    Machinist3359 ,

    It is genuinely too difficult in some places thanks to voter suppression.

    hglman ,

    Yeah, those are all actually true.

    vimdiesel ,

    if you think both parties are the same you’re living in a fkn alternate reality. Only one part is seeking to end democracy in America and set up reeducation camps

    ripcord , avatar


    Machinist3359 ,

    Yes, but political engagement can't revolve around voting.

    It's shit. You have to navigate a beurocracy and don't even always have choices down the ballot. And when you do, you often have no idea who the candidates are beyond some half baked Facebook page. It's also a huge burnout pit. Put months of stress into a binary outcome you can barely control. And even that is if you're engaged in canvassing and etc, otherwise it's just a chore.

    Youth need to be mobilized in long term action projects. Something like Encode Justice for example, where they make civic engagement a part of their daily life, is far superior. It's also harder, but that comes with doing something actually impactful.

    stoly ,

    Things can change, though. California voted for an open primary in 1996 (think that was the year) and now you can participate in either one. Prior to that, you could only vote in the primary for the party you registered with.

    nybble41 , (edited )

    Open primaries invite strategic voters to sabotage the party they want to lose rather than supporting the candidate they want to win.

    Of course you can still do that with closed primaries—you just have to register as the party you want to vote for in the primaries, ignoring your own preferences. Nothing forces you to vote for your registered party in the general election. It’s slightly more involved this way since you would need to change your registration more frequently, and commit to it earlier, but that isn’t much of a hurdle.

    Lord_McAlister , in Bodycam: Pregnant woman accused of shoplifting shot by police

    So some neckbeard republicans are going to come out and say “She should have just complied”, but honestly what is the absolute worst scinerio if she WAS shop-lifting? In what world is it not a better option to just get her FUCKING CAR’S license-plate number, track her to her house, then arrest her there when she’s clearly cornered? Or just boot her car when it’s found again and force her to come to you to get it off?

    Because now you’ve killed a woman and her unborn baby over some God damn groceries.

    sab ,

    The headline "Pregnant lady caught shoplifting groceries; arrested" would already be telling of a society that has gone far over the edge.

    MelodiousFunk , avatar

    In this timeline, the edge is so far gone that it's faded into myth.

    KIM_JONG_JUICEBOX , avatar

    I thought it was alcohol?

    mrnotoriousman ,

    Unsurprisingly you have downvotes too.

    sndmn ,

    If this is a jurisdiction that says embryos are people then that cop executed a completely innocent person.

    PP_BOY_ , avatar

    Shhh… don’t point out their own hypocrisy

    Cethin ,

    That would require logical consistency. I would never accuse a republican of such a thing.

    Compactor9679 ,

    Is nit that she shop lifted, is that she tried to run over the officer

    Wookie , avatar

    “Yes, sir, officer sir! How many licks?”

    Compactor9679 ,

    How many items you took aithout paying?

    Chetzemoka , (edited )

    I thought it wasn't about her shoplifting? Make up your mind.

    Oh, I'm sorry. It's not about any of that, is it? It's just about whatever you need to excuse a government agent murdering an American citizen without a proper trial by jury.

    Do us all a favor and never pretend you respect the United States Constitution ever again.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    When did that become a death sentence without a judge and jury?

    Cethin ,

    If she was trying to run him over, she did a really shitty job. The cop put himself in front of the vehicle and she turned her steering wheel the wrong direction and didn’t slam the accelerator. I think if anything the cop was trying to be run over, not the other way around.

    Compactor9679 ,

    Its not about “doing a good job” or not. She had the intent. Its all it takes for an officer or even a person to defend themselfs

    Lord_McAlister ,

    You’re not getting it. He wasn’t trying to defend himself, he was intentionally putting himself in a place of danger to justify murder in the name of defense.

    Compactor9679 ,

    Amazing how cops are put in that position. Putting yourself intentionally in a place of danger to do your job. We have to thank every single one of them

    Lord_McAlister ,

    How’s that boot taste?

    Cethin ,

    She clearly did not have intent. The cop just placed himself in front of the car. If he wasn’t there she still would have driven forward. She didn’t drive forward because he was there. It wasn’t intent to run him over, it was intent to flee. The cop had intent to be in the cars path though.

    ieatpillowtags ,

    She clearly didn’t try to run him over though, so what’s it really about?

    Compactor9679 ,

    She does not have to.

    EndlessApollo ,

    You can clearly see her turn the wheel away from the officer, and she doesn’t slam on the gas, she just accelerates at a normal speed. Not that that matters to you, you just love jacking off to pigs murdering people and don’t want to question for one second how shoplifting and resisting arrest is supposed to justify murder

    ch1cken ,


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  • SaltySalamander , avatar

    She should have complied for sure, but non-compliance shouldn't mean execution by firing squad.

    Chetzemoka ,

    Sorry, I'm just gonna repeat that for the folks in the back...


    snooggums , avatar

    Probably thought they were going to kill her anyway, since cops be doing that on the regular.

    Cethin ,

    I pretty sure she drove her car into a wall because she was bleeding to death. I don’t think that was really a decision.

    tryingtimes ,

    she should have just complied,

    I’m surprised there isn’t an automod bot to filter out cliche comments exactly like this

    danc4498 ,

    Same exact neck beard republican bitching is bitching about the injustice of arresting the good boys for Jan 6th.

    KIM_JONG_JUICEBOX , avatar

    The argument will be that she was trying to use her car as a deadly weapon because she accelerated into an officer standing in front of the car.

    frunch ,

    Which falls apart when you watch the cops body cam footage and see that never even happened

    Ilovethebomb ,

    Or, you could deal with the issue when and where it arises? Seriously, some of the commenters here are trying to rewrite history.

    She drove at a police officer dude.

    Lord_McAlister ,

    She drove away from a police officer who intentionally stepped out in front of the car.

    Also that’s some grade a level hypocrisy right there.

    30mag ,

    I agree that she shouldn’t have been shot.

    In what world is it not a better option to just get her FUCKING CAR’S license-plate number,

    She was driving a car without license plates, which is unusual.

    Young got into a four-door Lexus sedan that did not have a license plate and was illegally parked in a handicapped spot, Belford said.…/70680484007/

    sixCats ,

    Okay but at that point shoot the tyres??

    Katana314 ,

    What I want to do is make a satirical video game about complying perfectly with a police officer’s requests, and show just how hard it is.

    Throw in mixups where the player might be confronted by armed criminals, just to make sure players instill themselves with a sense of self-preservation.

    30mag ,

    What I want to do is make a satirical video game about complying perfectly with a police officer’s requests, and show just how hard it is.

    Do you really need to?

    Ioughttamow , in TRUMP GUILTY ON ALL 34 COUNTS

    Can’t do the time, don’t do the crime. Get fucked you piece of shit

    pearsaltchocolatebar ,

    I have doubts he will do any time.

    Ioughttamow ,

    I can dream. I guess there’s some consolation to his mind slowly becoming his prison. If anyone deserves dementia, it’s this traitor

    HonkTonkWoman ,

    Asshole kept comparing himself to Capone…

    Let’s give him what he wants!

    Sentence his ass to 11 years & a roaring case of neurosyphilis.

    Boozilla , avatar

    I kinda think he may already have neurosyphilis. Didn’t he have weird sores on his hands? Whatever it is, there’s definitely something wrong with that pile of turds and KFC bones he calls a brain.

    HonkTonkWoman ,

    Double the neurosyphilis! Or maybe just double syphilis & give him a different kind of syphilis too.

    JasonDJ ,

    Double your pleasure Double your fun It’s the right one Give double-syphillis. Done.

    barsquid ,

    There has been something wrong with his brain for years. But yeah, I think it may be getting worse. I hope he is suffering and miserable.

    Chocrates ,

    Each count has a maximum of 1 - 4 years of prison apparently. Usually that is served concurrently, but he is technically a first time felon so I doubt he is going to do any time at all.

    HonkTonkWoman ,

    What about the neurosyphilis? Can we still give him neurosyphilis?

    Ragnarok314159 ,

    Have to have the “neuro” part, first.

    HonkTonkWoman ,

    Does neurosyphilis become regular syphilis if there’s no neuro to syphil? Cause I’d be alright with that!

    Chocrates ,

    Haha, or dementia. I don’t wish that suffering on anyone, id rather he just shut his mouth and stop being a hateful shit.

    harrys_balzac ,

    The judge has all the leeway in this case. Since these crimes were committed to influence an election and undermine democracy, the judge can make him go to prison for the 4 years.

    Another factor in sentencing is remorse - Trump has never said he’s genuinely sorry for anything. If the judge isn’t convinced that this is a one time thing (which is tough since it’s 34 charges involving multiple events with multiple accomplices), prison is more likely.

    Chocrates ,

    Absolutely fair. I am just shitting out what other pundits have said. We really won’t know what happens until July 11th.

    Bytemeister ,

    With the logistics of imprisoning a past president, and the “kid gloves” the justice system has been using on trump, I see 1 year of house arrest as the most likely outcome, plus some fines.

    That’s after the next 8 years of appeals…

    Furbag ,

    I understand the kid gloves angle, since, you know… 10 gag order violations and all he gets is a fine. But I don’t really understand what’s so logistically complicated about imprisoning Trump? The warden at Rikers says they already have a plan in place for VIPs. They will put him in the isolation wing where he will have no cellmate and no interaction with the general prison population, and the Secret Service presumably have come up with a plan by now to protect the dumb fuck from himself while he’s on ice. Or better yet, congress can do their jobs for a change and just pass a law to strip former presidents of their secret service retinue if they are sent to prison and the problem will be solved without forcing Americans who are just doing their jobs from having to be punished alongside Trump.

    StaySquared ,

    It’s… 4 years maximum.

    kent_eh ,

    4 years maximum.

    Which is not typically given to people convicted of this sort of crime, especially on their first conviction.

    Case ,

    Something tells me the latter has already occurred.

    Those spirochetes are leaving hole like a cork screw in his brain.

    khannie , avatar

    I happened to be in my mother’s house when she called me to look at it live and there was zero mention on CNN of whether or not he would serve time over it. Sentencing in July.

    Anyone know likelihood of jail time?

    Ioughttamow ,

    I’m not counting on jail time (though I can dream!). Just parroting an oft used law and order conservative catchphrase

    sanguinepar , avatar

    Slim chance. It’s his first offence (first conviction anyway) and a non violent crime. Can’t see the judge jailing him, especially given the logistics involved with the Secret Service having to protect him.

    mosiacmango , (edited )

    Cohen served time for this exact same crime in the exact same state. I think he was sentenced to 3 years and did 1.5 due to covid early release. That was also his first felony.

    It’s fully possible he gets jail time.

    BedSharkPal ,

    I need this. I didn’t know how much I needed this until now.

    refalo ,

    No you don’t. It literally does not affect you.

    Skullgrid , avatar

    this actually affects the entire world. We all have our knockoff trumps, and this needs to show them and our countries that there will be consequences for them.

    At least, there’s the likelyhood of it. Bolsonaro didn’t get prison time, but at least he got barred from politics and his passport revoked. Hopefully similar things happen to Fidesz & Orban, Milei and various others.

    khannie , (edited ) avatar

    this actually affects the entire world.

    Yeah I’m sitting there the far side of the Atlantic and I can say with absolute certainty that this affects me. For the better like.

    My mother called me in to watch it live on TV. Pure chance that I was in her house. I never watch live TV. We both said that we were watching history.

    Stanley_Pain , avatar

    Sitting here just north of and it absolutely affects us here as well.

    AquaTofana ,

    Women in Texas have literally seen their rights to their own body stripped away by state level politicians supported by the 5th circuit and further bolstered by SCOTUS.

    It quite literally does, affect me.

    sanguinepar , avatar

    Oh, I didn’t know that. Fingers crossed then!

    Given Trump’s age though, I just don’t think it’s likely - much as I would love to see him behind bars.

    efstajas ,

    Stop saying Cohen got convicted for the exact same crime! It’s misinformation. They both got a completely different set of counts.

    Montagge ,

    Maybe convicted ex presidents shouldn’t get secret service protection

    TheShadow277 , avatar

    I get what you’re saying, but I think without that protection it’s pretty likely he’d be killed in prison.

    androogee ,
    ChaoticNeutralCzech ,

    Not in solitary confinement (unless he’s on suicide watch ofc)

    AFKBRBChocolate ,

    It’s not like they’re going to put him with the general population. And USSS agents don’t sign up to be in prison.

    TheShadow277 , avatar

    Ah that’s probably true. He’s rich and white enough to end up in a resort prison, I’m sure.

    meldroc ,

    IIRC, probably the Secret Service will enter a memorandum of understanding with the New York Department of Corrections, and negotiate who and what goes where. Probably means Trump will get a wing of Rikers to himself.

    Don’t worry, I have full confidence in the Secret Service’s ability to keep Trump perfectly safe while he’s making license plates!

    Skullgrid , avatar

    Don’t worry, I have full confidence in the Secret Service’s ability to keep Trump perfectly safe while he’s making license plates!

    or you know, not. doesn’t really matter.

    dezmd , avatar

    They have protective custody for certain inmates that require protection, for example, Epstein.

    TheShadow277 , avatar

    I dunno. Epstein was pretty high profile (and it might not have worked out great for him, either), but a former president is really high profile. I have no idea how they would handle it, but if we’re lucky enough to see it, it’ll be quite interesting for sure

    frezik ,

    I’m not seeing the downside.

    HeyThisIsntTheYMCA , avatar

    True, but he wasn’t sentenced to death. We owe all prisoners the same protections.

    refalo ,

    So you support leaking the country’s biggest secrets just because he did bad thing?

    irreticent , avatar

    He leaked the country’s biggest secrets when he gave classified documents to foreign adversaries. Stop trying to pretend that’s what you’re actually worried about. You’re always defending Trump. You’re just worried about his well being, not our country.

    refalo ,

    I knew this was coming.

    He leaked

    I was more referring to one of the general reasons that the Secret Service stays with ALL presidents forever.

    You’re always defending Trump

    Um, this is literally the first time I have ever commented about the man in my entire life.

    barsquid ,

    He already sold them.

    thirteene ,

    My understanding is that we will see an appeal before sentencing on July 11th. If that is not successful, then he will get anything from a slap on the wrist to jail time. Sentencing is likely going to hinge on if he remains the lead Republican candidate. Jail time is going to have a lot of custom rules and exeptions that we are unprepared for; primarily secret secret protection.…/trump-jury-deliberations-watch-1.7218775 conviction section

    Skullgrid , avatar

    Sentencing is likely going to hinge on if he remains the lead Republican candidate

    AFAIK no one is left

    snooggums , avatar

    Sentencing is likely going to hinge on if he remains the lead Republican candidate.

    While you are probably right, that is fucking stupid.

    pearsaltchocolatebar ,

    I mean, SS protection should be pretty easy if he’s locked in an 8x10 cell.

    TropicalDingdong ,

    Cohen got jail time for this crime.

    Buffalox ,

    100%, how is this not more significant when people guess whether or not Trump will serve time? Cohen got jail time for this, and he turned himself in, and cooperated.

    Trump did nothing redeeming, and he was the guy giving the orders, how is it even conceivable that Trump should be punished less?

    barsquid ,

    Cohen doesn’t have a cult of dimwits willing to betray every value they claim to have in order to vote for him, tho.

    pearsaltchocolatebar ,

    And a stacked supreme court in his favor

    AFKBRBChocolate ,

    This needs to be brought up every damned time this subject comes up. Cohen served time for the exact same crime - so what argument is there that Trump shouldn’t?

    PrettyFlyForAFatGuy , (edited )

    Cohen didn’t need a secret service detail.

    The Guardian are reporting it is unlikely he will see jail time

    Edit: it’s not a disagree button, it’s being widely reported he is unlikely to see jail time. that doesn’t mean i think he shouldn’t see jail time

    FunderPants ,

    Everyone is reporting he won’t see jail time, which in my view is giving the court a pass on giving him a light sentence.

    In my opinion, Trump gained so much, and could gain so much from a repeat offense, that jail is the only compelling punishment for him. He is unrepentant, and would do it again in a heartbeat.

    barsquid ,

    You are correct, but nevertheless, a court so cowardly they cannot hold him accountable for blatant violations of court orders will not jail him either.

    Ragnarok314159 ,

    He could never go to a traditional jail, not with the amount of classified information he was exposed to.

    He would need a separate area of Leavenworth with no interaction with other humans except the guard and secret service detail unfortunately assigned to him.

    Then he has hell to look forward to.

    ouRKaoS ,

    Pretty sure the secret service would be the guards, I doubt “regular” confinement officers would be trusted in that situation.

    They’d have to either train a special detail, or get applicants from current CO’s to join the secret service.

    TranscendentalEmpire ,

    so what argument is there that Trump shouldn’t?

    The American justice system has been successfully boiled down to a pay to play system and it’s unfair to not let other rich people go for more serious crimes, but not Trump .

    I mean I don’t think they would be honest enough to run with that, but it’s the only argument I can think of that would be based on an unfortunate truth.

    Everyone consciously or subconsciously knows the justice system works differently for different classes. The only reason anyone who leans right actually believes it could be a “witch hunt” is because no one has an iota of faith in the justice system. Sending a “billionaire” to jail is so rare that the possibility of it happening seems suspicious.

    AFKBRBChocolate ,

    I completely agree. I asked what argument there was that he shouldn’t, not that he wouldn’t.

    the_crotch ,

    It takes a lot of balls to send a former and possibly future president to prison. Way more balls than sending his lackay.

    AFKBRBChocolate ,

    Paraphrasing, “We choose to send Trump to prison, not because it is easy, but because it is hard.”

    Chekhovs_Gun ,

    Something something Trumps a jelly donut

    logi ,

    I choose to send Trump to prison, not because I’m easy, but because I’m hard.

    disguy_ovahea , (edited )

    He did not. Cohen pleaded guilty to 5 counts of tax evasion (class B felony), one count of making false statements to a federally insured bank (class C felony), one count of causing an unlawful corporate contribution (class D felony) , one count of making an excessive campaign contribution (class D felony).…/michael-cohen-pleads-guilty-manhatt…

    Trump was convicted of 34 counts of falsifying business records (class E felony).

    timewarp , avatar


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  • disguy_ovahea ,

    His felonies are nonviolent, so no, they’re not equivalent. While I’d love see him in prison, it’s far more likely that he’d serve time for conviction in his other trials than this one. I hope I’m wrong.

    NuXCOM_90Percent ,

    Basically zero. Even if it wasn’t a political/social crisis to put him in prison, he is a white guy who did a non-violent crime.

    The most he would get would be house arrest. Which he would instantly violate.

    dragontamer ,

    What, like Martha Stewart?

    White pepo go to jail all the time, even elderly, grandmotherly types.

    ricecake ,

    If one is being objective and not paying attention to his former job or publicity, he’s a first time offender convicted of non-violent offenses with a business footprint that makes him low risk for probation violation.
    He would also place a burden on the penal system if incarcerated, and his current state of having round the clock law enforcement presence further lowers the likelihood that he goes to prison.

    On the flip side, he has done a lot to actively antagonize the person who will be mostly in charge of his fate, and he’s got a good month to build a body of evidence that says he’ll immediately disrespect probation.

    So almost certainly not, but it’s not as close to zero as you would expect for a former president.

    AFKBRBChocolate ,

    Cohen got prison time for the same exact crime, also a first offense. To my mind, being a former president should make them hold to to a higher standard, not a lesser one.

    ricecake ,

    I would entirely agree. But, the world is what it is, and it might be untenable for the justice system or the judge might decide it creates too many opportunities for everything to go wrong on appeal.

    Time will tell though, and July is just around the corner.

    mkwt ,

    Cohen was convicted of tax evasion, bank fraud, and campaign finance crimes. Trump was not charged with any of these. So not the same crimes.

    I don’t recall hearing a lot of evidence that Trump conspired with Cohen to evade Cohen’s income taxes, or to lie to Cohen’s bank.

    I don’t think Trump is capable of making illegal campaign contributions to his own campaign. There are no limits on self funding an election campaign in this country.

    ricecake ,

    I believe they meant “crime” as in “the criminal act of paying hush money and hiding it to illegally influence an election”, not the specific criminal charges.

    SulaymanF ,

    Trump was convicted of campaign finance crimes, from the same incident though.

    mkwt ,

    Negative. Trump was convicted of general business record crimes. Now these business record crimes are predicted in some other underlying crimes (including the campaign finance ones) that were not charged in the New York court. Trump was not charged with those underlying crimes, and he was not proven to be guilty of them. He was shown to be guilty in the business records case that sits on top.

    Finally, I want to restate that Trump cannot ever be guilty of the same campaign violation that Cohen was convicted of, for a simple reason: like any American he is allowed to make unlimited contributions to his own campaign.

    SulaymanF , (edited )

    That’s still untrue, the jury convicted on the charges that he falsified business records in order to further campaign fraud. The business record crimes were only part of the piece; the jury could have found him guilty on those charges alone but also convicted him on the rest. You keep denying it in this thread but the court records and jury verdicts on the specific charges as well as the jury instructions are all public.

    And the crime isn’t Trump funding himself, I’m not sure why you keep strawmanning that. The crime was that he took campaign money and used it for hush money payments and then falsified the records to make it seem like other legal work. We have those records, Trump’s signatures on the checks, witnesses describing the conversations and plans to hide the story, and even the payment system to launder the money through Cohen and even give him extra to cover the taxes so it wouldn’t raise suspicion.

    Edit: plenty of people in New York are in jail for the same crime, why should Trump be treated any different than the average citizen?

    mkwt ,

    the jury convicted on the charges that he falsified business records in order to further campaign fraud.

    This is true*. What I was trying to convey was that this statement does not claim that Trump himself perpetrated a campaign finance violation, only that he falsified the business records, etc, etc, so that a campaign violation occurred.

    The jury did not have to find that Trump directly participated** in any of the underlying crimes to convict. The conviction is for the false business records. Trump was not on trial for the predicate crimes.

    The “strawman” example, as you put it, was too show how absurd it would be to try to claim that Trump himself participated directly in this underlying election crime.

    • The prosecutors presented three underlying predicate crimes: a New York law election crime, Cohen’s tax fraud to the IRS, and the Cohen illegal campaign contribution. Under New York law for this business records statue, the jury is not required to say which of the three they believed in. They’re not even required to agree amongst themselves. So it’s possible that they all went for the tax crime and discounted the campaign crime. We may never find out.

    **For instance, if they thought that Trump was helping to cover up one of the underlying crimes, that’s enough to convict.

    timewarp , avatar


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  • ricecake ,

    Prisons, on paper, have a responsibility to ensure a degree of prisoner safety. The level of effort required to give a former president that safety is beyond what even a white collar criminal oriented prison is going to be able to easily provide without disruption. For example, who would be preparing his food? How many guards would have access to him while he slept?

    It’s possible to do, but it’s the sort of thing that could factor into the decision.

    fine_sandy_bottom ,

    What about the risk of recidivism though?

    Pretty clear that he will do exactly the same thing again.

    ricecake ,

    That’s fair. Being openly remorseless does tend to encourage the judge to give the full extent of what they’re allowed to do.

    I’m just cynical about anyone wanting to be the first person to sentence a former president to prison, and maybe finding any possible reasonable way to skirt over that for whatever reason or just “the good of the country”, justice or not.

    Or not, and they’ll just seize the opportunity to show that justice is blind.
    We’ll find out in July. 😊

    Burstar , avatar

    He could simply get parole, but if he does get any Jail time it will be delayed until his defence team have exhausted their appeals. Definitely won’t see jail before the election sadly.

    Chocrates ,

    Npr reporter said that each count has a maximum of 1 - 4 years in jail but usually served concurrently and the judge apparently already made a comment about jail time is not a guarantee or something. I am betting another useless fine and maybe some probation.

    dhork ,

    Don’t underestimate the effect of “maybe some probation”. Having to check in with some probation officer on a regular basis (and probably pee in a cup each time, I’m not sure whether NY mandates that) will be super humiliating for him. Plus, I bet that the period on probation will be much longer than any prison sentence, and will extend through the election.

    Plus, in the event he still wins, I doubt NYC really cares. They will keep making him pee in that cup until his probation is over.

    aphlamingphoenix ,

    Imagine the Biden campaign constantly trying to get interviews with “the Republican candidate’s probation officer”.

    Chocrates ,

    Lolol I didn’t think of that. Imagine Trump trying to go to Russia or something as president and his PO says he can’t leave the country.

    Do you know if he starts his sentence while he appeals or is he gonna get off for the next year or so

    SulaymanF ,

    I’d bet against your claim. He’s remorseless and antagonizing the judge with so many comments and contempt charges. I’m expecting a Martha Stewart sentence of 5 months (sort of low end of range of jail sentences, so the judge can show he’s being fair), maybe suspended until appeals.

    retrospectology , avatar

    Maybe not, but it still sets a nice precedent that there is no magical spall-trap that will be spring if we convict a former president of crimes.

    Now it just needs to be done for something he did in office.

    Maggoty ,

    They already let him leave. He’s not setting foot in a blue state again either ever, or until after he takes office. Depending on the election.

    SupraMario ,

    He won’t, rules for me and you, not for the ruling class.

    StaySquared ,

    I imagine that if the judge puts him in jail, preventing him from being elected as president, there’s going to be a lot of shtf. And by a lot, I mean across the entire country.

    wolfpack86 ,

    Sentence him to two months to be served from November 15 to January 15.

    venusaur , avatar

    Says he’ll likely just pay a fine. “Can afford the fine, can do the crime” is more like it.

    lettruthout ,

    Some other Lemmy commenter suggested community service instead of jail time.
    There’s something very appealing about the prospect of Trump, in a high-vis vest, picking up trash along the side of the freeway.

    Num10ck ,

    he would turn it into a publicity stunt fiasco

    kofe ,

    Yes, the sentencing ranges from probation to 4 years in prison. Given this is his first conviction and he’s a former president, I assume probation will be given. Though, he’s still under a gag order afaik…so if he violates that or probation somehow, maybe brief house arrest?

    I definitely want pictures of him picking up trash with the secret service hanging around, at the very least

    trbleclef ,

    Is that 4 years per count or what?

    baggachipz ,

    No. Up to 4 years TOTAL. What a joke

    catloaf ,

    Yes, each count is an individual felony.

    Cryophilia ,

    But iirc sentencing is concurrent, not consecutive.

    catloaf ,

    It is up to the judge, unless the law specifies.

    lightnsfw ,

    He’s already violated the gag order like 15 times and nothing’s happened.

    psoul ,

    From Four Seasons Total Landscaping to the side of the freeway. I hope they find Rudy to send with him.

    captainlezbian ,

    Ok but while the secret service would hate jail for him, that’s something they literally have 0 capacity to protect him during

    randon31415 ,

    |Get fucked!

    Rule of 34 charges.

    jordanlund , in Property owner stunned after $500,000 house built on wrong lot: ‘Are you kidding me?’ avatar

    “An attorney for PJ’s Construction said the developers didn’t want to hire surveyors.”

    Well there’s your problem.

    The answer here should be simple… the developers pay for demolition, removal of the house, and restore the property back to the condition where they found it.

    DemBoSain , avatar

    Until they declare bankruptcy and reorganize as JP’s Construction.

    givesomefucks ,

    They’ve sued everyone instead…

    The lady that owns the property, the people who used to own it, a bank, an insurance company, I think a person that lives on another lot, the person who sold them the other lots.

    In all likelihood the lawsuits are a stall until they can declare bankruptcy and start a new company.

    But they can’t just “restore” the property, it was full of mature native trees/plants and for bulldozed.

    Also the reason they didn’t “need” surveyors, was lots are clearly marked via numbers on telephone poles. They just read the numbers wrong. Which is even worse.

    someguy3 , (edited )

    Bold move Jim, let’s see if it pays off.

    NaibofTabr ,

    They couldn’t afford surveyors but they can pay lawyers to file a half dozen fraudulent lawsuits?

    I hope a judge smacks them.

    Kbin_space_program ,

    Didn't say they couldn't afford them. They didn't want to pay that expense

    givesomefucks ,

    Lawyers cost a lot to win a case like this.

    One lawyer to send letters to 20 people demanding they all each pay…

    That doesn’t cost much, might actually work, and stalls the issue.

    Mirshe ,

    And leaves you enough time to close up shop, declare bankruptcy, and walk into court with Groucho glasses saying “your honor, clearly this suit is filed towards Romanes Eunt Domum. The company I run now is Romanes Eunt Domus.”

    CosmicTurtle ,

    But they can’t just “restore” the property, it was full of mature native trees/plants and for bulldozed.

    Oh God…tree law…I never realized how much I missed this.

    givesomefucks ,

    Psh, the trees are the easy part, trees (for the most part) stay where you plant them.

    Good luck reintroducing the pocono swallow, or even being able to afford to fly a Bird Law specialist out from Philly to determine damages.

    Seriously tho, this lady just got a $500k house and probably a 1/10th of that in damages for a lot she paid 22k for.

    dylanmorgan ,

    A house that increased her taxes tenfold and that the developers are saying she can’t have.

    givesomefucks ,


    I read an article a couple days ago

    She bought it super cheap when it was an isolated lot in an undeveloped area to be used as a retreat.

    Then this developer built a shit ton of house all over, even if her lot was the same, the area was drastically changed.

    Like, I get it, it sucks for her.

    But it would have been even worse if they didn’t build a house there.

    stoly ,

    You just decided that what you think she should do with her property is more important than what she thinks she should do with her property.

    givesomefucks ,


    I’m saying she bought a lot in an undeveloped area, and now there are half million dollar homes all over the place.

    That lot is no longer remote.

    Now she’ll likely make a bunch of money and buy a bigger plot that’s more remote and likely to stay that way for longer.

    I didn’t take the time to explain every little detail, and it looks like a lot of people need them.

    JackFrostNCola , (edited )

    Thats not the point, it was her block.
    She chose that block, maybe she liked the plants, the shape, the hill its on, the view, or had plans for a particular layout.

    Like someone stealing your car then saying “oh you can get a more expensive one with the insurance payout” when really you just wanted the one you had.

    givesomefucks ,

    It’s not a car.

    It’s a plot of land. One that she bought because it was isolated and natural.

    Now it’s a neighborhood full of rich people.

    It’s not the same as when she bought it, even if they didn’t build a house on her land.

    It’s not complicated

    whoisearth , avatar

    But it’s still her land not yours. She decides what she wants done with it. Regardless of if the situation changed in how remote or not the land is does not change it was hers to decide.

    givesomefucks ,

    On the plus side, this thread is helping weed out a lot of people to add to the block list

    whoisearth , (edited ) avatar

    I mean I’m happy for you but a weak person runs away from being told they’re wrong by numerous people. Blocking won’t change the fact that you’re wrong.

    AA5B ,

    It also says this was discovered when they sold the house. Hopefully that sale fell through with no clear title, but someone else may think it’s theirs


    According to the article I read yesterday there are squatters in the house refusing to leave

    ColeSloth ,

    You don’t understand tree law. A same tree of about the same size and age must be transported and planted where the old one was. It can cost well over $20,000 per tree. They don’t get to just plant a sapling and say “20 years from now, you’re all good”.

    Then it also has to survive the transplant and a fair amount don’t, so must be replaced again if they fall over or die from the move.

    andrew , avatar

    Tree law? Let’s say you and I go toe-to-toe on bird law and see who comes out the victor.

    tootoughtoremember ,

    Just have the Lorax settle this

    MadMonkey ,

    Biggest thing I miss from old reddit. Oh well.

    stoly ,

    The restoration part is where everyone involved is totally screwed.

    slurpeesoforion ,

    There really should be a law that says a business can’t sue someone and declare bankruptcy because it looks like they’ll lose.

    1stTime4MeInMCU ,

    They also offered to “swap” her for the lot next door. F that, they should offer to buy it from her for fair market value

    schmidtster ,

    Is that not what they are doing by offering an identical lot next to it that cost the same?

    billiam0202 ,

    Doesn’t sound the same, since one of them now has a house on it.

    schmidtster , (edited )

    The options are restore it (identical lot next door), or a fair market value, which would be the cost of the land plus repair, or a suitable replacement. She ignored two fair trades that have plenty of precedent in courts, to achieve more damages than she should be entitled too. She definitely seems like she’s trying to get her cake and eat it here too.

    You aren’t entitled to the value of the house, that’s going above and beyond damages.

    Wrench ,

    Yes. How dare her object to her property being irrevocably changed without her consent. How dare she not just roll over and accept a completely different property in exchange to make it easy on them.

    No two properties are the same. You can’t decide for another that your attempt at a compromise (that only benefits you) is sufficient.

    schmidtster , (edited )

    Shit happens, she was given recourse and demanded far more than the damages she incurred.

    How does swapping two properties benefit one? They need to pay for all the legal paperwork and everything, they aren’t coming out ahead, since the cost of the house would be the same on either property.

    You seem to think the developer benefits here? Even though it’ll costs thousands of dollars in legal fees to process everything? And in the end all they have is a lot with a house, that they would have still had regardless? Where is the benefit to the developer?

    And yes, when it comes track homes every property is more or less the exact same, that’s the entire point of them. Theres actually very few cases where lots have any significant difference to them, except for custom communities that are a rarity anywhere.

    AA5B ,

    The benefit to the developer is being able to be careless, make an expensive mistake, and get off for almost nothing

    ShepherdPie ,

    I do think they were careless but not malicious. There’s no possible way to turn back the clock and put all the trees back in the lot, so she’s going to have to settle for something besides what she started with.

    M0oP0o , avatar

    There’s no possible way to turn back the clock and put all the trees back in the lot

    Oh you sweet naive child…


    Shit like this does not happen and when it does the person who fucked up needs to be taught the reason this is rare. In this case the developer needs to be held accountable, they won’t because they’ll file bankruptcy and open a new llc the following week though

    wwyvern ,

    I don’t think the developer comes out ahead… but I do think that the punishment on them should be punitive to the point of causing them to never do it again. Swapping out a fully treed lot (that the owner wanted) with a flat wasteland with a house on it could inequitable, depending on what you value. If they can give her one the same size as hers, fully wooded, that might matter.

    schmidtster , (edited )

    If they can give her one the same size as hers, fully wooded, that might matter.

    That is quite literally exactly what the deal is…….

    Literally the lot right next to it, so she can’t even complain it’s a different location…

    GreyEyedGhost , (edited )

    They’ve also caused her stress and hassle solely due to their fuckup. At the minimum I think she should be entitled to some amount of punitive damages, because she wouldn’t even have to be thinking about this if these people had actually done their job. And all that is assuming the two lots were equivalent before the house was added. We only have the people who have something to gain by that saying it is.

    IamtheMorgz ,

    Okay let’s go with your thing. So developer can now, by your logic, pick any property they want and just build there without the consent of the owner, as long as they later find a similar enough lot to switch with the owner later? And the owner just has to agree to it because it’s still a fair trade?

    schmidtster , (edited )

    Of course they can’t just up and fucking do it lmfao, the second time a company tried that they would lose their business license and everything else. The courts aren’t stupid like you are.

    Shit happens, most people understand this, I’m sorry you expect everyone to be perfect.

    ghterve ,

    They don’t expect them to be perfect. They expect them to be accountable for the consequences of their mistakes.

    schmidtster , (edited )

    And they were in this specific case……… they aren’t trying to railroad her, they gave her the 2 standard options for remedying it, that has been used for decades already throughout the industry to deal with these exact issues, since shit fucking happens. If a business starts making a habit of it, of course they will deal with it, you seriously think they would just let a business continually do it? Get a fucking grip on reality FFS.

    She refused the two standard options, and is now suing for above and beyond damages, that’s why she’s being countersued. The business was trying to be accountable FFS lmfao.

    M0oP0o , avatar

    they aren’t trying to railroad her

    That lawsuit implies otherwise. Also of note, those are the standard options the development companies prefer, there are thousands of cases where those options are refused and damages awarded (see almost all of tree law).

    fidodo ,

    Why don’t they just pick up the house, and put it over there?

    Seriously, I’ve seen houses being moved on trucks before, would it be faster and cheaper to do that?

    Atom ,

    It looks like slab on grade construction, there’s no moving those. The houses that can be moved are up on posts or over a basement.

    snausagesinablanket , avatar

    The land has permanent damage and no trees genius.

    schmidtster ,

    Which is why she was offered the identical lot next door that still has all of that?

    Buffalobuffalo ,

    It has all the original trees from her lot? It has the same gradient, adjacent gradients and stone? There’s tons of differences between any two lands and equivalency would be up to the injured party -which they denied. Any judgement would be to make the injured whole or reach an agreement. Stamping your feet like the developer has any defensibility in their negligence is laughable.

    ShepherdPie ,

    You also can’t look at this like a winning lottery ticket where you’ll be flush with cash for the rest of your life because of it.

    Taking this to trial could wind up with the woman only getting her $22k back and missing out on the other identical property or keeping her same property with a free $500k house on it. The developers royally fucked up here but it’s not like they maliciously clear-cut her land and built a house on it which would be something that should come with a hefty penalty.

    I think the court is just going to try to make her ‘whole’ which comes with the risk of missing out on a much better pre-trial settlement since her actual investment in the property was only $22k. This is not too different than you accidently getting into a fender bender at low speed and the other party suing you for millions of dollars due to ‘pain and suffering.’ The court isn’t going to reward someone for being greedy.

    NikkiDimes ,

    So, protip for future developers: is there a nicer lot next to yours that you want? Build a house on it and go “whoopsie” and offer tradesies

    bitchkat ,

    Where did you see that it was identical? I only read that it was a lot next door.

    supersquirrel ,

    Surveyors: Actually a really important job because without them nobody knows where the fuck anything actually is in any precise way, nor does anyone actually know they own the land they think they do.

    ChonkyOwlbear ,

    Or just give the property the owner the house for free in exchange for not suing and cut their losses. Would probably be cheaper in the long run, especially counting legal fees.

    AngryCommieKender ,

    She doesn’t want the house because it balloons the taxes on the property from a few hundred to thousands per year

    stoly ,

    First: she has a right to be made whole and it’s not her concern what the people who wronged her have to go through to do that.

    Second: she never wanted a house. She had a special vision for the space, a space that has now been damaged.

    Third: squatters have rights and she may not be able to evict them. Their rights may take precedence over hers here.

    ansiz ,

    Not disagreeing with any of this but it should be clear to this lady her vision was screwed the moment a developer built a bunch of cookie cutter houses all over that area. A meditation center doesn’t really work in that area any longer.

    The issue with the taxes, the lawsuit, and the squatters is exactly why I would have just taken the offer to trade properties, she has an enormous headache on her hands and bailed on the easy way out of it.

    bluewing ,

    Squatters seldom have the “rights” to just take property as easily as the internet often seems to think they have. It very often takes years to assume those rights plus paying the taxes on it. And if it were so easy to do that it became such a common problem, it wouldn’t be as big a meme as it currently is.

    My question is: “Just how little are you paying attention to your personal property that you unaware of a many month’s long building process taking place on your property?” Or is the property owner that stupid and has her ass that far up her own head?

    I mean, I own several hundred acres of property, (farm land and forest), and a good chunk of it is 300 miles away. I KNOW what happens on that property. If someone tried to build anything on it without my knowledge or consent, I would know within a week of the start of the building and real hard pointed questions would be asked of the fools doing the building.

    rektdeckard , (edited ) avatar

    She doesn’t reside in the state, and the state is Hawaii (an island). We can assume she also has no social connections there, at least none near the property. Do you expect her to be telepathic?

    M0oP0o , avatar

    Her daughter lives there and was the one to recommend the property. That said I don’t think you lose your rights by not checking your stuff regularly. This developer could have had that house up in a matter of months, Does not really need to be a long time.

    bluewing ,

    Not telepathic, but you can hire companies to watch over your investment. And if you can afford real estate in Hawaii and live elsewhere, you can afford to hire such a company.

    rektdeckard , avatar

    You can. But should you be expected to? Lol. It’s an empty lot in a residential neighborhood. I think it’s fair to NOT expect people to be putting unauthorized structures on it.

    bluewing ,

    Fair or not, it happened and the actual property owner does have an obligation to know what happens on the property she owns - absent or not. So she bears some responsibility for what happened. Think about a small child falling into an abandoned well you didn’t know was there. As the owner of the property, you are expected to know of it’s presence and you are accountable for what happens with it. It’s a part of the joys of owning property.

    So if you end up owning property, understand when that if that day comes, that there are more obligations to ownership than simply making loan payments and paying your taxes.

    rektdeckard , (edited ) avatar

    I own property.

    I’m just saying it’s incorrect to characterize this woman as ass-headed, because it’s not a reasonable expectation to assume somebody might build on your land, or to have to spend your time and money to safeguard against that specific problem. Making sure there are no uncovered well, sure. Constant surveillance to keep out rogue construction companies? In a neighborhood? No.

    And whether you found out in a week or several months, it’s still a huge headache. So you notice a bit earlier if you’re paying close attention. Big whoop. You’ve still got a huge hole and a house foundation on your property. The developer still broke the law, and you did NOT break the law or do anything dumb by expecting others to adhere to property law, and doing what is required of you by law.

    RazorsLedge ,

    Wouldn’t the property owner already own the house?

    almar_quigley ,

    Or they do whatever the property owner wants because it’s their property. They don’t get to decide shit.

    toiletobserver ,

    Dear dumbass,

    Please remove your abandoned property.


    Attorney with the easiest job ever

    Mastengwe , in Supreme Court restores Trump to ballot, rejecting state attempts to ban him over Capitol attack

    And this folks, is why voting in November is IMPERATIVE. Don’t listen to the right-wing propaganda-spreading accounts here that post all day about how you should not vote because both parties are bad for America.

    They KNOW you’re not voting for Trump and they KNOW you cannot be persuaded to- so the next best thing is for them to bullshit you into not voting at all- which in the end- will still help Trump win America.

    If you think conservatives judges denying us our right to ban a “man” from running because of an attempted overthrowing of our government- denying us AFTER we went through due process to arrive at a legal decision to-

    Just wait until the someone even worse than them has the authority to pass laws.

    Do the right thing and vote.

    SmilingSolaris ,

    I just got run out of hexbear because I believe voting for Biden, while shitty, is a form of harm reduction. I got called a genocide supporter and a fascist followed by hours of threats and wishes of harm, including my favorite. An emoji of a location where Nazis were executed by partisans in Yugoslavia.

    I’m new to lemmy so just kinda assumed it was a leftist space. I didn’t realize that it’s just red tented Nazis with no actual love for their fellow human beings. Something I consider necessary to being a socialist in any form. That sucked.

    Mastengwe ,

    Yep. I have them and .ml and lemmygrad blocked from my feed. It’s toxic there.

    homesweethomeMrL ,

    This. Lemmy requires a blocklist. But fortunately it’s easy to make.

    rustydrd , avatar

    “Block hexbear” is to browsing Lemmy as “use an ad blocker” is to browsing the internet.

    Mastengwe ,

    Pretty much. Yeah. That place is gross, it’s like the dark-web of willful ignorance.

    orphiebaby ,


    Letstakealook ,

    I always see reports of this behavior from hexbear, but I’ve never been subjected to it, even when disagreeing with the user base there. Though,I am wondering if they just blocked me because I haven’t seen any of their posts in a while, now that I think about it.

    pelotron , avatar

    I made a snarky comment on a post from a Hexbear Truth-Teller once. The OP replied to me after a few days and thought it was important that I knew they couldn’t see my post from the Hexbear server.

    Uh sorry guy, not my concern really since it seems your server is the one blocking me.

    Chocrates ,

    I don’t really understand hexbear. They are leftists that are so left they are Nazis?

    I get it, I don’t like voting for Biden, but we live in a two party system where we have to vote for the least evil one.

    And despite myself, Biden has passed some of the most progressive legislation ever (at least my lefty podcasts tell me that) So while he was glacially, immorally, slow to call for a ceasefire in Gaza, he has done it and his policies are inarguably more moral than Trumps were and likely will be, should trump win.

    pelotron , avatar

    Maybe it’s kind of like how if you go far enough west you end up on the East.

    DarkDarkHouse , avatar
    Stovetop ,

    They’re fascists LARPing as leftists.

    Pips ,

    Yeah they’re like how Mao was a communist.

    mods_are_assholes ,

    Those who make it to the top after bloody revolution are far more likely to believe in nothing except their own authority and entitlement.

    Fedizen ,

    Many of the revolutionaries replaced even more brutal governments but realistically its only ever been where people were fully denied rights that revolutions were successful. Example: its well understood that the british empire ended slavery after a series of slave revolts. Cubans also had less rights than vacationing american mobsters under batista.

    Often more developed countries get better mechanisms to resolve disputes: elections, courts, regulations, insurance, strikes, etc.

    Its best to use those before pursuing violence.

    mods_are_assholes ,

    Oh I agree, I abhor violence and it is my sincere wish that no human anywhere perished in such ways. But I am not a naive enough fool to believe that meaningful change is always bloodless.

    Personally I think it will be the coming food riots that really kick things into high gear. And its going to happen sooner than people realize.

    John_McMurray ,

    Biden has passed some of the most progressive legislation ever

    No, but he has passed some horribly racist bills back when he was involved in passing bills

    assassin_aragorn ,

    And yet he was overwhelmingly the favorite pick for Black voters in the 2020 primary.

    People change. Context matters – some of those bills were even supported by black community leaders. It obviously didn’t turn out well.

    Plus, it matters to some people that he was happily VP under Obama. I personally don’t get it, but to some people being #2 to a black person at #1 meant something.

    Burn_The_Right ,

    They are leftists that are so left they are Nazis?

    Tankies are not really leftists. They are conservatives who call themselves leftists. They are engaging in modern propaganda.

    One of the standard tactics of fascists is to sew chaos and confusion among any who may resist. A tankie’s primary goal is to create confusion and demotivate progressives.

    Not everyone falls for it, but some tankies can be pretty convincing that they really believe their nonsense. Do not be fooled. Tankies are absolutely lying. They are pro-level trolls with a deadly serious goal.

    kellyaster , avatar

    Tankies are not really leftists. They are conservatives who call themselves leftists. They are engaging in modern propaganda.

    I wish more people realized this. They are bad faith actors who exist solely to disrupt and recruit. What I find particularly reprehensible about the Hexbear playbook is they appeal to the most disenfranchised part of the LGBTQ+ community and take advantage of their rage by giving them a target…not coincidentally, the same way the public face of the right wing panders to rural white men. Hexbear is queer-friendly and does offer a safe space, but they don’t actually discuss, much fight for the rights of the queer community in any way. They give them anti-west talking points, wind them up, and send them out into the world, but they don’t actually give a shit about their recruits’ queer existence; they’re just a tool to be used. It just sucks to see, for a number of reasons.

    Burn_The_Right ,

    Wow. I was completely unaware of Hexbear’s specific flavor of manipulation. Thank you for spelling that out. That is both heart-breaking and frightening.

    It also explains some of the bizarre conversations I’ve had with certain tankies. I’m usually not kind to them, but I think I can be both more sensitive and more persuasive with certain LGBTQ+ tankies now that I know some of them may actually be victims of manipulation. So, again, thank you.

    Natanael ,

    Horseshoe theory. The extremes ends on both sides aren’t identical, but they sure do rhyme

    Illuminostro ,

    They’re Russian trolls, and their minions.

    Pips ,

    They’re tankies, some of the most bizarre idiots around.

    Burn_The_Right ,

    Unfortunately, and a few other still-federated instances are currently infected with tankie mods. Some are a bit covert about it, banning people for clever little twists like “minimizing genocide” if the user calls any current military action a genocide.

    Conservatism, including fake progressives like tankies, are a cancer that are long overdue for a cure.

    fine_sandy_bottom ,

    Federation only works if everyone participates in good faith, and has approximately similar codes of conduct.

    Blocking instances is not enough.

    silence7 ,

    It’s worth doing more than voting. If you’re able, sign up to volunteer and donate. Adopt a close congressional race too; fairly modest travel can get a lot of people to a swing district for the day.

    Mastengwe ,

    VERY well said!

    Burn_The_Right ,

    Can you expand on what it means to “adopt” a congressional race?

    silence7 ,

    It means picking a swing district near you, and then supporting the Democrat with volunteer time and (if you can afford it) money and recruiting others to join you.

    whereisk ,

    This is their classic pincer maneuver employed by the establishment - and it works really well: the left wing candidate is both too left and not left enough.

    You see it in every election.

    It works so well because they own mainstream media so they can run all narratives at the same time as opinion pieces to hamstrung the left. That’s how the ratchet works also.

    Mastengwe ,

    Well said and thanks for the explanation.

    Xanis , (edited )

    It also works because, simply put, those of us not on the Right have a tendency to disagree with one another on what to support. Now I’m not saying this doesn’t happen in general. Only that we’ll do it even to the point of detriment as we recognize situations and cases we feel need to be supported, instead of just what needs to be attacked, and those can vary widely.

    My biggest and most consistent concern every election is whether we can come together in consensus long enough to make a difference. My second concern is whether we can hold that energy long enough to continue pushing for positive change.

    whereisk ,

    I mean you are right, but hopefully we learnt our lesson when we got the current supreme court because Hillary was not pure like Sanders.

    So long as we keep in mind that their goal is to split the working class in manageable little pieces we can put our differences aside to come together to at least stop the slide and hopefully take a few steps in the right direction.

    jumjummy ,

    That’s why it bears repeating that if you don’t vote for Biden in the General Election, YOU ARE HELPING TRUMP. No “genocide Joe” arguments matter at that point no matter how much you twist your logic, no matter how you WISH things worked with the US general election. These are simple FACTS.

    FunkPhenomenon ,

    easily 50% of the voter base is against the incumbent

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