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Second teacher at Missouri school on leave over OnlyFans side hustle: 'It’s working out ok so far'

A second teacher at a high school in Missouri was put on leave after administrators discovered her OnlyFans side hustle.

Megan Gaither, 31, said during an interview with the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that she was placed on leave from her English teaching and varsity cheerleading coach position on Oct. 27 after district officials found out about her account on the OnlyFans platform.

lost ,

Imagine being a horny 16 year old and finding out your hot teacher posts nudes online…

echodot ,

I feel like I missed out on seminal moment in my childhood because all my teachers were like 50 years old. Where was my hot English teacher? All I got was an old bat who hated children and didn’t bother to hide it.

Kushia , avatar

Imagine if we just paid teachers better so that they didn’t sometimes resort to this to make ends meet. Nah, let’s persecute the poor teacher instead!

StalinistTransition ,

this is america, doing anything else is communism!

grayman ,

The average teacher was in the bottom 20% of their class. It seems like we need to incentivize higher skilled people to teach. Pay is just part of it.

ZombieTheZombieCat ,

It’s hard to spend years getting a master’s degree and then to go work on a teacher’s salary. But then to be a professor, it’s another 6-8 years above and beyond a master’s to get a PhD (during which you’re making jack shit and aren’t allowed to work off campus). On top of that, higher ed is apparently ridiculously competitive and an insane amount of thankless long hours for a slightly higher shit salary than high school teachers. The whole culture around and within education needs changing. A lot of changing. It’s so disappointing.

RoseRose56 , avatar

Thats what they all say “I did it because my (insert job), had very low income, I had also a loan to pay back” and then they keep posting content!

I don’t know about you guys, but its sounds and feels weird, to know that a teacher has onlyfans. In the end if she wanted, she could quit from school, and continue with her only fans, but guess what? is not enough and naughty!

Salamendacious OP , avatar

Take the only fans out of the equation. I personally know a lot of educators who work two jobs during the year. Bottom line teachers and aides do not make enough money.

Draedron ,

Or let her do both since no one is harmed?

tswerts ,

Am I wrong in assuming that OF, and people making money of it, isn’t that mainstream at all?

threeduck , avatar

Pure speculation here, but I feel like it’s an American thing. With the minimum wage over there being stupid low, coupled with “grind-set culture”, the young generation is doing everything it can to make money to meet their fame-obssessed ideals. The effort to reduce sex-worker stigma probably helps a lot too.

BearGun ,

if by “fame-obsessed ideals” you mean earning a living wage and being able to buy school supplies for your students, then yes.

threeduck , avatar

Cost of living troubles aren’t unique to America, and yet 45% of OnlyFans content creators are American. There’s something else at play, and I’d argue it’s cultural.

Maggoty ,

Grind culture to meet their fame-obssessed ideals rent.


markon ,

This 👆

threeduck , avatar

Yeah possibly. Although rents over there aren’t any worse than here in Sydney Australia, or Auckland NZ, and yet 45% of onlyfans content creators are American.

echodot ,

the young generation is doing everything it can to make money to meet their fame-obssessed ideals.

What the bleeding hell is that supposed to mean?

threeduck , avatar

“Being rich” is idealised by Americans, their culture is baked in it. The Kardashians, every YouTuber flaunting their exhaustive fortunes, people showing off wads of cash on Snapchat/Instagram. The whole bit about having an android phone being a turn off, which seems to be almost entirely isolated to Americans. If I had to guess, I’d say it stems from African Americans requiring money to “escape the hood”, and that culture permeating to other ethnicities (likely via music). If my theory is correct, then it would follow that people might go to greater levels to attain wealth in a culture that idealises it so heavily. Did that explain my viewpoint?

Maggoty ,

I’m not going to write a paper because it’s 0100 my time and I mean this politely. You are wrong. What you’re seeing is the veneer presented to the world by Hollywood and Social Media. American youth are actually turning their backs on traditional status symbols like cars.

threeduck , avatar

The success of this veneer is indicative of my point. You can’t hand wave social media away, this upcoming generation is deeply involved in it. The success of these trends means they’re being actively consumed. There are loads of studies suggesting youth develop mental health disorders as a direct result of seeing (often financial) success amongst peers on social media. I did posit that my point was fairly speculative, but at least I cited commonplace social trends bolstering my point. You’ve just said “no, not true”.

Maggoty ,

Yeah sorry about that it really was one in the morning. So I wasn’t going to write much more than that. You’re not wrong that Social Media can be damaging to mental health in kids more vulnerable to peer pressure. But once kids are at the age where they’re turning into adults we’re seeing far less consumption of fashion and luxuries. That is a combination of the cost of living crisis and some x factor we haven’t figured out yet. But they are driving less, drinking less, having less sex, buying less fashion, less jewelry, less services, etc.

Every economic indicator is a drop in demand. And studies like the iPhone/Android one forgo looking at any actual cause, leaving people to believe whatever they want. Like the fact that Apple restricts the features available in a chat with non Apple devices. So now the entire Internet is blaming a subset of teenagers for Apple’s anti competitive behavior.

afraid_of_zombies ,

I keep wondering when the war on teachers is going to spread to my district. Given how many Republican “parent choice” signs I see up I don’t think I have long. Really would have liked my kids to go to a functional school.

I don’t care if my kids teacher does porn.

StalinistTransition ,

I don’t care if my kids teacher does porn.

why would you say something so controversial yet so brave

Bloodyhog ,

As long as it does not involve kids - why would we care?

afraid_of_zombies ,

I don’t get your point other than snark. Frankly I don’t think you get it. When some Karen causes issues it hurts everyone. It means teachers quit, it means less go in the field, it means that parent-teacher relationships are more sour.

Yes I don’t care if a teacher does porn and me not caring matters as much as the fuckface who decided to care about this! We have for some freaken reason decided that whomever gets offended is the one who makes the rules as long as they are louder than the ones not offended.

markon ,

Choice for everything we’re care about the way we want it under our rules! Take it or leave it!

markon ,

Hell I’d just be watching and jacking myself anyway. I wanna go to the PTA meeting, and that is like hell for me so, you know…

Piecemakers3Dprints , avatar

“Discovered”… Uh hunh.

Salamendacious OP , avatar

You think she planted the story? That’s interesting. Anything’s possible.

Piecemakers3Dprints , avatar

No, that the admins “discovered” her account as part of some official investigation, rather than subbing avidly before ratting her out from their own unprocessed self-loathing (or getting caught perving, who knows).

edit: I’m not even gonna begin to unpack the sociological content of “cheerleader coach” and “sexualized teacher”.

grayman ,

Some dude’s wife found out. No way the dudes ratted on her.

punkwalrus , avatar

Like those family members who outed the other family members for not keeping their eyes closed while saying Grace at the table.

Piecemakers3Dprints , avatar

I always just happened to be picking my nose with my middle finger and looking directly at them. Try me, cousin. Me & Satan are like >this<, so who’s on your team?

echodot ,

Do you have any idea how many videos I had to watch until I discovered something that I found offensive, it’s disgusting. Only fans needs a better search engine.

Piecemakers3Dprints , avatar

Hopefully, the answer is “enough”?

Lizzy_Wizzy ,

Imagine giving a shit if someone makes porn in their free time.

Grumpy ,

Humans are social creatures. We are affected direct and indirectly by other people whether you like it or not (unless you want to become a hikikomori).

The fact that other people give a shit about about someone making porn in their free time, should make you give a shit. This is irrelevant to whether you think they should give a shit or not. Your lack of ability to give a shit signals your lack of foresight into how this affects your life as well as lack of social skills. If she wants to be an OF model, and therefore chooses to do OF content, that’s fine. If she wants to be a teacher and thinks she can do OF without consequence, she’s stupid.

Lizzy_Wizzy ,

L take and completely wrong. Fuck people for not only judging for something harmless, but also for directly impacting her life because of it when she didn’t impact anyone else’s.

Grumpy , (edited )

What part am I wrong about? Her OF account has clearly affected her job as a teacher. The evidence of what I said is right there. You’re in denial of facts of what has already occurred. If she didn’t see this coming, she’s stupid.

I don’t care if you think people shouldn’t be judgmental. You’re being judgement of me right now. And I am of you right now. People always are, always have been and always will. That’s how humans work. Your denial or calling it out as bad is irrelevant in your ability to plan for the future.

Edit: Let me be clear. I am not defending the judgmental. I am pointing out the lack of social understanding.

Lizzy_Wizzy ,

In that same vain then, I shouldn’t dress “slutty” in public otherwise I’m just asking to get raped right? Get fucked.

Grumpy ,

Because you couldn’t point out what was wrong, you decided to take a strawman? No, that is not the same vain. The logic isn’t consistent.

It would be: If she doesn’t want to get raped, she should take precautions based on the risks involved.

If this teacher doesn’t want to be fired, she should understand that there are risks that follow her actions.

If I follow your logic, the statement of the teacher would become:

She must’ve wanted to get fired, so she did OF. No, the predicate the consequences are backwards.

Being stupid is not a defense. And your argument is illogical.

afraid_of_zombies ,

She must have wanted to be raped or she wouldn’t have dressed like that.

Grumpy ,

No, that is not the same vain. The logic isn’t consistent.

It would be: If she doesn’t want to get raped, she should take precautions based on the risks involved.

If this teacher doesn’t want to be fired, she should understand that there are risks that follow her actions.

If I follow your logic, the statement of the teacher would become:

She must’ve wanted to get fired, so she did OF. No, the predicate the consequences are backwards.

Being stupid is not a defense. And your argument is illogical.

afraid_of_zombies ,

Victim blaming and I don’t think you know how logic works.

Grumpy ,

I did not victim blame. I wish logic and/or discrete mathematics is a requirement education in the world. Then we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

afraid_of_zombies ,

You did.

afraid_of_zombies ,

Being a social creature doesn’t mean you get veto power over how others live their lives. Your justification thus falls flat as does your victim blaming argument.

Grumpy ,

When you were little, did you parents teach you to look both ways before crossing the street? Even when you’re at a stop sign or at a green light? Probably, since you’re still alive. Why did they do that? You’d be in the right. If a car hit you, you’d be the victim, 100%. But you do that anyway because being right or being the victim is completely irrelevant. It’s not about who gets the blame. It’s about what gives you the best outcome. You looking both ways before crossing the street has the best outcome for you. It doesn’t matter if you’re right if you’re fucking dead.

If she wanted the best outcome of staying as a teacher, she shouldn’t have done OF. This should be a very easy deductive logic people should be able to make given what is the current society.

This is not victim blaming. I lean quite far left, and this is one of the most insanely annoying thing I find about the left. Far too many only look about who’s the victim and whose to blame. That shit is fucking stupidest outlook on life. It’s a good goal to attain, a world without problem causing things. But unless utopia happens, you need to learn to figure out how the world works. Failure to do that simply means you’re stupid. You might be a victim, but you’re still stupid.

afraid_of_zombies ,

Your analogy is false. This is victim blaming and a gross violation of privacy. On your off time you are free to do what you want your employer is not paying you for that time.

You sound like one of those no-fap types btw.

Grumpy ,

How is my analogy false? How did I victim blame? What did I blame her of? I said nothing of such. You’re going to have to substantiate your claim.

I masterbate and have no issues others materbating. In fact I already said it’s fine if she wants to do OF.

afraid_of_zombies ,

Not on me to justify your analogy. You must really hate woman who have sexuality

Smoogs ,

If she wants to be a teacher and thinks she can do OF without consequence, she’s stupid.

This comment reeks of trying to control women’s sexuality.

Meanwhile you probably think ‘good job’ when firefighters make a topless calendar and have no qualms if they show up to put out the fires.

You smell of double standard vomit.

Grumpy ,

I’m not trying to control her sexuality. I, in fact, said it’s fine if she wants to do OF. So you have read me wrong. I pointed out people’s inability to predict the future.

You have judged me for judging on things I didn’t say. You smell of hypocrisy.

Smoogs ,

I had a home ec teacher that was found out to do playboy spreads. As a child I did not care. My parents did not care(they were hippies). Who cared the most were dumbass teenage boys for some reason writing her porn name on the chalkboard before she came in one day. It was like they were angry at her for turning them on. That’s when I realized men’s sex education and support for processing complex thought and feelings is abysmal.

lightnsfw ,

It might not have been about making them horny. They just found something to bully the teacher about and used it. Teenagers are monsters.

deadbeef79000 ,

Teenagers raised by monsters are monsters.

Roflol , (edited )

Nah, seen plenty monstrous teenagers with decent parents. But with monster parent its more likely monster teenagers.

But maybe your right, i cant see inside homes, maybe all monster teenagers have parental deficiencies.

deadbeef79000 ,

Actually agree.

IMHO we are entirely the product of our environment and upbringing: initially a blank slate. Deficiency or poison in either produces problems.

Sometime those deficiencies and poisons are parents.

PhlubbaDubba ,

Nah, there are definitely correlation and causation in a lot of cases but there are definitely also kids who are just born evil, as if they’re infuriated at the world for their having been born.

They’re a rare breed but far too dangerous to write off when discussing things that affect the public.

deadbeef79000 ,

I fundamentally disagree that someone can be born evil.

Someone can be born a psychopath, but they can still be raised to logically understand the norms of society and mimic them.

There are, however, a couple of generations born with lead poisoning from leaded petrol: that will stop a brain functioning properly.

Roflol ,

How can you be so sure?

Grumpy ,

As a young teenager I did not care.

Were you a young teenage girl? Because you seem to completely lack understanding of teenage boys’ psychology. There’s absolutely no reason they would be angry at her for making them horny. That makes no sense at all.

I would agree with your other replier on this. Furthering that, I would say this is the teenage boys’ attempt to challenge authority by undermining her authority with her open sexuality as a tool. They found a leverage to have power over her. And they’re going to use it to the full extent. They’re at a point in time of their growth where they find their social hierarchy. Almost every male mammal engages in this. They pick fights and they learn where they stand by winning and losing. And they want to get as high as possible. This explains the anger that you pointed out, because challenging authority and fighting is inherently similar emotion to anger.

Lizzy_Wizzy ,

You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about. Please let the adults who are educated continue discussing these topics. Literally everything you just said was wrong.

Grumpy ,

If you’re an adult, you should learn to address the argument, not make ad hominem attacks.

Smoogs , (edited )

Dear kavanaugh,

Stop raping women and pretending like it’s just the beer talking.

We sincerely hate you,


Grumpy ,

You still lack the ability to address the content. You’re just spewing out things you’re familiar with. You’re not actually engaging in any discussion.

No one should rape anyone. I don’t see how this is relevant to this discussion.

andrewta ,

Which part of what he said was wrong?

Grumpy ,

Apparently nothing. Since I’ve had 0 actual counter argument so far. All I got is name calling and starwman.

Smoogs ,

Because you seem to completely lack understanding of teenage boys’ psychology. There’s absolutely no reason they would be angry at her for making them horny. That makes no sense at all.

Ah. I see you are one of those types of bigots.

As you surely didn’t forget a whole array of other non binary genders some of which actually get beaten to death for ‘turning straight men on.’

Also some cultures will stone women for ‘turning men on enough to rape them’. That has nothing to do with ‘challenging authority’ in fact it’s gross you even compare it to that. It’s all about attacking vulnerable.

afraid_of_zombies ,

If you don’t understand or respect your emotions it isnt like you suddenly don’t have them, you still do you just don’t know what to do with them.

PhlubbaDubba ,

Probably not a popular take but I can at least understand it from the perspective of it just being easier to put her on paid leave than to play whackamole punishing every kid who starts bullying her or disrespecting her because stupid teenagers.

It’s the dumbfuck no tolerance logic that inadvertently encourages kids to respond to being bullied by pulling a knife since they gettin’ punished either way for being in a fight, but it does make the twisted kind of sense you can expect from admins who hate nothing more than doing their jobs instead of sitting at their desk playing minesweeper all day.

Maggoty ,

Perpetuating the stigma isn’t going to help either. Kids take their cues from adults.

markon ,

Somebody’s gotta do it! 😁

chronicledmonocle ,

The irony of this is being put on administrative leave and ending up on the news is likely to make her OF blow up. Probably a win/win for her.

PhlubbaDubba ,

Probably why she said she was fine with it

Harpsist ,

So. Underpaid highschool teacher is held to a higher standard then checks notes ex-president(and traitor to) the united states.

Sharpiemarker ,

Correct. You only have to look at Roe’s reversal to see that we’re waging war against women in the US. The cruelty is the point.

chronicledmonocle ,


the_q ,

Babies suck. We don’t need em.

kmartburrito ,

Yeah those are OUR titties

derpgon ,

They also spread misinformation, kill people, and pollute the planet. I say we ban babies altogether, only adults are now allowed to be born! ^/s^

penquin ,

How do those “officials” find these OF accounts? 🤔

Alexstarfire ,

I think you know.

mctoasterson ,

I mean she did use her real first and last name on the account? Not exactly intense detective work.

penquin ,

But but but, what are those “officials” doing on OF if they think it’s “bad”?

radioactiveradio ,

That implies they’re specifically searching for their female teachers on onlyfans like horny 14 year olds.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Or the horny 14 year olds found her account and, being 14, didn’t keep it to themselves.

radioactiveradio ,

Why would they tell these “officials” lol? The next question would be “you didn’t masturbate did you?”

DragonTypeWyvern ,

They don’t need to say it directly, kids are dumb and gossip in earshot of other teachers.

Wogi ,

Y’all, it explicitly says in the article she was found by a student who did some 4 Chan level of detective work when she showed up in a different video on someone else’s page.

radioactiveradio ,

Ah, the ol’ highschool rumours. Spread like wildfire, or nudes in this case.

Smokeydope , avatar

Good for her, if shes okay with it its cool with me. Teachers and healthcare workers get shafted so hard it isn’t even funny. Not like schools teach anything worth knowing anymore.

way_of_UwU ,

You ain’t lying. Most of the bartenders at my favorite bottle shop / brewery are teachers doing a side hustle. They need the money.

Want your teachers to stop doing OF and more on the side? Pay them better.

Rolando_Cueva ,

Without school you wouldn’t be able to write this comment.

AceFuzzLord ,

Besides maybe the basic skills, I’d definitely say my parents generation definitely had better education. Then again, even with the basic skills, I question peoples’ abilities to read and write properly because of things such as the Internet (and soon I’ll probably end up blaming AI). I also include myself in that questionable category.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Maybe I’m just a spiteful bastard at heart, but if we could drop all the gullible types who say things like “I never learned anything useful in school” on their own planet I think they’d learn pretty quickly that while they didn’t learn shit the people making society work around them did.

Like, how do you not even have enough of your would-be street smarts to know that what you’re saying sounds like propaganda to defund schools even more?

UristMcHolland ,

Statements like “I never learned anything useful in school” completely misses the point of primary education. There is, objectively, quite a few subjects that are “unnecessary” to learn but even if kids don’t remember the factoids and formulas they learn how to learn. So when they move on to higher education they know how to take notes, how to study, and that it’s okay not to understand everything immediately.

Alexstarfire ,

My parents taught me to write. School taught me to write in cursive.

I also read a lot on my own until shitty schools books killed my interest. That probably wasn’t the sole cause, but it was a big part of it. I just couldn’t dedicate time to reading on my own when I had to really put in effort to get through the school stuff.

MedicatedMaybe ,

The books usually assigned in school are literary classics. Such as The Giver, Tuesday’s with Morrie, the grapes of wrath, the adventures of huckleberry finn, the odyssey, of mice and men, Moby dick, the importance of being Ernest, death of a salesman, and I could keep going. You are telling me those books are shitty? I don’t think the books are the problem.

radioactiveradio ,

No those books were good and I definitely had an interest in learning English reading those. But child brains can’t focus(well not mine atleast) and those books have very hard English and no images to make them interesting. It did teach me to look up hard words in the dictionary and now I’m pretty decent in speaking/writing in English. But the bad thing that I would point out is exams. You can’t be expected to writing words like that and 3 page answers to each question and that to determine whether you’ll pass or fail. Like all my answers used to be correct but since I wrote less in pages I would always get less credit on my answers. Also as someone who’s been diagnosed with ADHD the 3 hours during exams were hell. I kept zoning out and looking at everyone else instead of the exams. And the bullying ofc. Good and bad experiences alike. Still i fail to see why online courses woudn’t do the same thing. Children are naturally curious to learn for themselves and forcing things obviously doesn’t work.

MedicatedMaybe ,

Oh as a teenager reading those books I definitely didn’t enjoy them as much as I do now as an adult. As an adult I 100 percent enjoy reading more compared to my younger years but I still found some of those story’s very compelling.

ADHD can be a pain in the ass especially when you are being forced to perform in an environment that is basically your worst enemy. I don’t think standardized testing shows who’s smart and who isn’t. It shows who’s better at memorization and concentration maybe. I also hated word counts as well and that why I also liked scientific writing better because it’s to the point and cuts out all the fluff. I love reading the fluff now but not into writing it myself.

radioactiveradio ,

Well yeah, it was admittedly too complicated for me too. I just crammed all the words and regurgitated them in the exams. Doesn’t exactly counts as “learning”, parroting more like.

As an adult i still can’t focus and keep reading the same sentence over and over and none of that enters my brain lol. Now I use Google TTS to read the Light novels to me, i still zone out at boring parts but I still get the basic gist of it.

MedicatedMaybe ,

I still do that myself I’ll read a whole page and then realize I have zoned out the entire time and remember nothing. Usually that happens when I’m not as invested in the material. I’m current reading the wheel of times series and am enjoying it. However it has it’s boring or just overly detailed areas that I find myself zoning out more in.

Alexstarfire ,

I only read one of those books for school, Huck Finn. That was a good book. We only read a tiny bit of the Odyssey, which I also enjoyed. We just had lots I didn’t like. Great Expectations, The Great Gadsby, Shakespeare (yea, all of it, I said it), and Canterbury Tales come to mind. The last one mostly because of it being middle (?) English.

And I read stuff now, and none of it is genres I read in school. Just for 10 years after high school I basically didn’t read.

MedicatedMaybe ,

I get that it is honestly hard to read stuff you just don’t connect with or find interesting on some level. I absolutely loved the odyssey and huck finn. I can completely understand people not getting on board with Shakespeare especially when you’re younger.

I’ve definitely gone back in red some of the really popular books back when I was in high school because I can appreciate them more now. However, I still read a ton of fantasy novels and stuff like that which I find more interesting then most things I read back then.

Raiderkev ,

This is the only reaction people will have when the article drops about her getting fired. Then she gets more viewers, and probably makes more than she ever would have as a teacher.

Crackhappy , avatar

This is ridiculous. What she does on OnlyFans has absolutely nothing to do with her performance as a teacher and it is disgusting that teachers that we desperately need are not only getting fired for being forced to do outside work to afford to be able to live and also buy supplies for their own classrooms but that they’re getting excoriated for it.

Eigerloft ,

No they need to get real jobs…like at retail so everyone can harass them more and/or recognize them and feel bad while not actually doing anything.

Rusticus ,

It is sad to me that the focus isn’t on trying to pay her a living wage so she doesn’t have to have a side hustle. And by the way, all the “free market, lift yourself up by your bootstraps and just get another job” judgmental assholes can just fuck off because that’s exactly what she is doing.

Salamendacious OP , avatar

Teacher pay, aide pay, and student loan debt should be the conversation were having here in my opinion. Not the morality of only fans and especially not useless crap like her username.

stella ,

She’s definitely getting paid a living wage.

Do you think she would die without her side hustle? Or is she trying to live as luxurious a life as possible?

I know what I’d put my money on.

RubberElectrons , avatar

Do you think she’d have a life any of us in the same country would voluntarily take on? Do you actually know how hard being a teacher is?

I know what I’d put my money on, for both questions.

Omnificer ,

Subsistence wage is what you are thinking of, to meet basic biological necessities. A living wage allows for moderate comfort, because there is more to living than just surviving.

stella ,

You’re thinking of a ‘respectable wage.’

Living wage means just that. A wage that enables you to live.

there is more to living than just surviving.

I guess if you don’t understand the meaning of the word ‘living’, then sure. It can mean whatever you want, lol.

theparadox ,
stella ,

Yes, she was getting paid a living wage.

Needs are defined to include food, housing, and other essential needs such as clothing.

If you can’t afford all of these on a $50k/year salary, it’s your fault for being bad with money.

Something tells me she drives a nicer car than me and lives in a nicer apartment while eating nicer food and rarely cooking her own meals.

No, this is greed, not need. And it’s next to impossible to call it out for what it is because of how many people participate in it.

CileTheSane , avatar

You’re thinking of a ‘respectable wage.’

You’re saying teachers don’t deserve a ‘respectable wage’?

stella ,

I’m saying she had a livable wage already.

Everyone deserves a respectable wage, but we should not conflate wants with needs.

CileTheSane , avatar

Everyone deserves a respectable wage,

So we are all agreeing she should be getting paid more as a teacher, but you’re arguing semantics instead of the issue at hand.

stella ,

$50k/year is very respectable from a global perspective.

CileTheSane , avatar

“Compared to impoverished nations she’s doing great!”

If you have to move to goal posts that far that’s a sign that your argument is bad.

The fact is she took a second job that made her more money. If OF pays her more why should she remain a teacher?

RedAggroBest ,


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  • stella ,

    Lol, I’m sorry you’re mad I’m calling out greed for what it is.

    Probably because you contribute to it but don’t want to acknowledge it.

    TechyDad , avatar

    My wife was a teacher. I’ve seen what teachers get paid and what they need to pay for (supplies for their room that are essential but that the districts refuse to pay for). It’s actually very likely that this teacher was barely scraping by on her teacher salary.

    Edit: From the article:

    According to the report, Gaither’s pay, which includes a stipend for coaching the school’s cheerleading squad, was around $47,500.

    The article also mentions that she had $125,000 in student loans. She wasn’t living a life of luxury on that salary. Opening an OnlyFans was a means of making ends meet.

    BaardFigur ,


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  • TechyDad , avatar

    It depends on where you live. This teacher wasn’t in NYC, but a salary of $47,500 might not get you much there. Your rent alone could take all of your post-tax salary.

    And don’t forget that teachers also often have to pay for classroom supplies (including things like tissues which should just be given to them by the district). So their expenses can be higher than other people’s. They are also expected to continue learning - often on their dime.

    But setting all that aside, $47,500 would be about $36,000 after taxes which is $3,000 a month. A $125,000 student loan at 6% interest to be paid off in 7 years would cost $1,826 a month. That leaves her $1,174 to live off of.

    This page gives cost of living numbers for Missouri. Even the low figures are over $2,000. So she’d have a $800+ shortfall.

    There are a lot of people who go into the teaching profession and quickly leave it once they realize that they can’t survive on a teacher’s income. Teachers deserve more.

    TechyDad , avatar

    Exactly this. My wife was a teacher, but hasn’t been in a classroom in over 15 years. When she was pregnant with our second son, we did some budgeting. Take her salary and subtract after school care for our oldest son and daycare for our youngest son and we had $3,000 left over. Not $3,000 a month - $3,000 a year.

    And that was before clothing appropriate for school, supplies for school, gas to get to school, and the mydrid of other expenses that come with being a teacher. If she remained a teacher, we wouldn’t be earning money. We would be paying for her to remain tracking

    So she stopped teaching and became a stay at home mother.

    (By the way, we used her salary because hers was the smaller one. Had mine been the smaller salary, I would have quit and become a stay at home dad.)

    We once calculated how much she earned per hour. Given that she was getting in before school to set up, working late after school to help kids out or grade papers, and working holidays to get lesson plans in place, she was making less than minimum wage. She would literally have made more per hour at McDonald’s.

    Teachers are very important and deserve more than “maybe, if you’re lucky, you’ll end up with minimum wage.”

    deadbeef79000 ,

    Same situation, same calculus.

    All up we were $100/month “better” off with my wife working.

    We agreed that “paying” $25/week was worth it to have mum at home raising our litter.

    It was very nice to come home to a relaxed home rather than a stressed gang of animals.

    dhork ,

    I think we need to change the focus, in order to get the misogynists on board. Explain to them that by not paying the teachers in the local District a living wage, they will force all the hot teachers onto OnlyFans to make their living. And their sons will only have frumpy teachers when they get to high school. That ought to scare them.

    andyburke , avatar

    Someone gets naked so everyone loses their minds.

    People shoot up schools: thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers....

    Religion is insanity.

    9715698 ,

    Lots of countries have religion, but not many countries have guns as the leading cause of death among children and teens.

    andyburke , avatar

    Yeah, instead they do things like kill LGBTQ people with machetes or put you in prison for apostasy.

    Religion is insanity.

    masquenox ,

    Yeah, instead they do things like kill LGBTQ people with machetes or put you in prison for apostasy.

    You mean like Australia?

    afraid_of_zombies ,

    I am glad to hear no one, say in recent times, used religion to justify mass murder in Australia.

    masquenox ,

    Australia was colonized only recently… so yes - religion was used as a justification to perpetrate mass atrocities on the people living in Australia.

    afraid_of_zombies ,

    Muslims aren’t people?

    masquenox ,

    Are you lost, perhaps?

    lud ,

    You say that like every country apart from the USA does that, lol.

    crusa187 ,

    We’re supposed to have separation of church and state to avoid this type of violence from religious zealots, but the us government decided to legalize bribery so they used the insane wealth they’ve amassed, in part due to tax-exempt religious status, to buy their way in.

    fne8w2ah ,

    Europe on the other hand is the exact opposite.

    bobzilla ,

    Religion is insanity.

    Thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers… People shoot up schools

    Everyone loses their minds so someone gets naked.

    Wogi ,

    Yes that’s accurate

    invertedspear ,

    To be fair I doubt a teacher that shoots up a school would be allowed to keep their job either, but these days who knows.

    cabron_offsets ,

    Nobody’s biz what she does outside of work. These cunts can fuck off.

    kleenbhole ,

    This is the logic I use to defend Jonathan Majors

    andyburke , avatar

    Yet in one of these situations no one was harmed and in another a lot of harm was done to other people.

    kleenbhole ,

    I don’t think anyone was harmed in either situation.

    cabron_offsets ,

    Who the fuck did this chick assault, numbnuts?

    kleenbhole , (edited )

    Not the argument I’m making. Just that questionable moral choices in people’s private lives shouldn’t affect employment if the consumer is inherently unaffected by the behavior in their personal lives. I think the more talented you are and the better you are at your job, the more protection you should have. Like, for example, Elvis was so talented he gets a pass for fucking kids. Meryl Streep can choke kittens to death at this point.

    I don’t actually think Jonathan Majors did anything wrong, even and especially if he got physical with some jealous histrionic drunk slut trying to snoop in his phone. All he did was revoke a pussy pass. He should be considered a feminist icon for that, along with Johnny Depp and Sean Connery. He’s too hot and talented to cancel.

    but more than anything else, in the same way I want to give the middle finger to moralizing prudes who don’t like to admit that teachers are often total sluts, I want to give the middle finger to white knights who want to cancel celebrities for petty arguments.

    Or even… hmm… maybe… maybe both of them engaged in unprofessional behavior unbecoming… nah fuck that I don’t care, I just want more superhero movies and porn and don’t care about moral hazard.

    stella ,

    I don’t expect logic or rationality from the crowd you’re replying to.

    I expect double standards, moving goalposts, and plain ol’ cognitive dissonance.

    kleenbhole ,

    Oh sweetheart I’m not using logic or rationality, Im responding to absurdity with absurdity.

    cabron_offsets ,

    lol, you asshats deserve each other.

    stella ,

    Calm down.

    ArtVandelay , avatar

    It’s a one week old account talking to a 3-day-old account. I’ve got a feeling there’s no good faith arguments to be had here.

    kleenbhole ,

    ding ding

    AdmiralShat ,

    You’re doing a huge smooth brained move by making a false equivalence of “questionable moral choices” between rape and getting naked

    The fact that you can’t see how these two things are so very far apart shows enough of who you really are.

    kleenbhole ,

    Rape? You even following the case? He smacked some dumb slut for snatching his phone, and a bunch of other opportunists came wafting up through the sewer grates so it seems like a pattern of behavior. It isn’t.

    A teacher showing her cervix to the world is a perfectly reasonable thing for parents to not want. There’s not a single fucking place on the planet where that’s fine.

    Staccato ,

    I’m sorry, did you say cervix?

    You either need to go back to school or you have some weird-ass fetish for endoscopy

    kleenbhole ,

    Definitely the latter. Love the dildo cam. I’m looking for polyps bro.

    Madison420 ,

    In this case I think it is.

    It’s not that she’s a sex worker that’s the issue it’s the fact that teens can barely keep their head clear is they have a cute teacher they could picture naked. That effect would be 1000% worse if you can simply give your teacher five bucks to slap her kitty while saying your a great student.

    cabron_offsets ,

    They could just as easily AI her face onto some chick banging 16 dudes.

    Madison420 ,

    Correct. I’m not saying I agree with it but I am saying I understand the reasoning.

    GladiusB , avatar

    This is like blaming the victim for being shot. It’s a 100% the guy with the gun

    Madison420 ,

    It’s not at all the same.

    In this case she would be the victim and the shooter. She shot herself in the foot, there are hundreds of ways to spoliate identity effectively on onlyfans and she chose not to. She knew her fan ase and took advantage then claimed to be the victim.

    If it weren’t a teacher pandering customized pornography to underage school children would it be ok? I’m gunna guess no, it’s essentially pedophilia at distance.

    GladiusB , avatar


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  • Madison420 ,

    That’s not an argument, that’s an attempt to sound intelligent without actually making a point of saying anything intelligent.

    GladiusB , avatar


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  • Madison420 ,

    Yep, much like that.

    GladiusB , avatar

    Thanks for understanding

    Madison420 ,

    Why not make an actual argument instead of this low effort troll bullshit because you either care or your just an asshole. Which one is it?

    GladiusB , avatar


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  • Madison420 ,

    Clever, way to prove you can’t support an alternative argument.

    GladiusB , avatar


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  • Madison420 ,

    semper necessitas probandi incumbit ei qui agit

    stella ,

    That’s not how public school teachers operate.

    For example, you’re not allowed to be visibly drunk in public if you are a public school teacher.

    There are good reasons for this. Teachers are supposed to be role models for students, so seeing one passed out in the gutter isn’t acceptable.

    If you don’t like it, then don’t become a public school teacher. There are plenty of other jobs you can do.

    zipzoopaboop ,


    cabron_offsets ,

    Prove it.

    cogman ,

    Like be a police officer, because we apparently don’t give a fuck if they drive drunk.…/hennepin-county-sheriff-hit-126-mph…

    stella ,

    Not sure how this is relevant.

    The job qualifications and contracts are different for police officers than teachers.

    5too ,

    It’s entirely relevant to your argument. Both are commonly expected to be role models. This expectation is enforced in only one case.

    stella ,

    The job qualifications and contracts are different for police officers than teachers.

    If officers agreed to terms that prevented them from having an OnlyFans, then you would have a point.

    It’s not a part of their contract, so why would they be punished for it?

    It is a part of a public school teacher’s contract, so they aren’t allowed to do it.

    If they don’t like it, they can do something else.

    AlligatorBlizzard ,

    Eh, Hutch got demoted to transit cop and then quickly got fired from that too, partly due to the drunk driving thing, and good riddance.

    Also there was a Minneapolis cop who got busted for having an OnlyFans last month and she still might get fired for it. A cop having an OF isn’t one of my many complaints about my local police department.

    zerodawn ,


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  • stella ,

    People don’t want to acknowledge facts they don’t like.

    arekkusu ,

    Just because teachers are controlled by schools in other ways doesn’t mean that they should be controlled in this way also. Simply saying that teachers can’t do X and therefore they ought not be able to do Y is a non-argument.

    CileTheSane , avatar

    If extra restrictions are being placed on their personal lives they should be paid more to compensate for it.

    TechyDad , avatar

    Public Schools: “The best we can offer is a ‘Great Teacher’ mug, tissues for your classroom, and a hearty thumbs up! Actually, the budget won’t support the mug. Or that tissues. Oh, and in completely unrelated news, the superintendent was just given a 25% raise.”

    hOUse_atomics ,

    Lol, around easter our admins gathered together to go door to door and deliver plastic easter eggs, one per teacher, with about 5 loose jelly beans inside. Not even good jelly beans.

    Like, they’re paid twice what we are and they spent a whole day on this.

    stella ,

    What do you mean? It’s a part of their contract. They can take it or leave it.

    CileTheSane , avatar

    And it looks like they’re leaving it. Not great when there’s a teacher shortage.

    Trigger2_2000 ,

    Saw at least one of my teachers drunk in public basically every night (local bar and grill).

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