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jadedwench ,

Wait, is that actually Garbage? That was the first thing that popped into my head when I saw the picture. That Bond music video she did was awesome. World is Not Enough.

jadedwench ,

Hatsune Miku? May not be the same thing your kiddo is in to, but boy is my very gay nephew obsessed. It is entirely adorable. I even added “CV01” to the ssid of the WiFi because I am the cool aunt.

jadedwench ,

Fuckwit is my go to. Or “Too stupid to breathe.” Or bring out some Linus Torvalds, but honestly Trump doesn’t deserve to be graced by that mans insults, as awesome as they are from a “JFC dude, that is going way too far”, except Trump would actually deserve them unlike the poor kernel maintainers.

jadedwench ,

Hey, you ok? I am not ok today, but I definitely don’t want to fill my skull with bullets. Go wash your sheets/bedding. For whatever reason, clean sheets are the best.

jadedwench ,

I changed my settings to name nic cards by mac address instead of the enumeration as I got sick of the name changing when I would add/remove pci devices.

jadedwench ,

I am not at home, but what I did was change the file. I found this from the two pages below.…

Basically, by doing this, your nic cards will be forcibly named using the mac address:

<span style="color:#323232;">#/etc/systemd/network/
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> [Match]
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> OriginalName=*
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> [Link]
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> NamePolicy=mac
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> MACAddressPolicy=persistent

Afterwards, you will need to reboot and then update your network config file to use the correct names. I don’t ever change the network config with the GUI in proxmox as it has wrecked it too many times. I will update this reply again later with some more information on what to do.

jadedwench ,

Sorry, didn’t make it home until today and not sure if you get notifications on edits. You will need a monitor and keyboard hooked up to your server as you will not have ssh access until the network config is “fixed”. I would do the below with the GPU removed, so you know 100% that your networking config is correct before mucking about further.

Step 1 - Create file

Add a /etc/systemd/network/ with the below contents.

<span style="color:#323232;"># SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> #
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> # This config file is installed as part of systemd.
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> # It may be freely copied and edited (following the MIT No Attribution license).
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> #
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> # To make local modifications, one of the following methods may be used:
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> # 1. add a drop-in file that extends this file by creating the
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> #    /etc/systemd/network/ directory and creating a
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> #    new .conf file there.
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> # 2. copy this file into /etc/systemd/network or one of the other paths checked
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> #    by systemd-udevd and edit it there.
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> # This file should not be edited in place, because it'll be overwritten on upgrades.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> [Match]
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> OriginalName=*
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> [Link]
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> NamePolicy=mac
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> MACAddressPolicy=persistent

Step 2 - Reboot and find new name of NIC that will be based on MAC

I forget if you have to reboot, but I am going to assume so. At this point, you can get the new name of your nic card and fix your network config.

  1. ip link should list all of your nic devices, both real and virtual. Here is how mine looks like for reference, with the MAC obfuscated:

<span style="color:#323232;">1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
</span><span style="color:#323232;">2: enxAABBCCDDEEFF: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq master vmbr0 state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    link/ether AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
</span><span style="color:#323232;">3: vmbr0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    link/ether AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

Step 3 - Fix your network config and restart network manager

You will need to edit your /etc/network/interfaces file so the correct card is used.

  1. Make a copy of /etc/network/interfaces, just in case you mess something up.
  2. sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces (or whatever text editor makes you happy) It will need to look something like below. I have to have DHCP turned on for mine, so your config likely uses static. Really all you need to do is change wherever it says enp yada yada to the enxAABBCCDDEEFF you identified above.

<span style="color:#323232;"> source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> auto lo
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> iface lo inet loopback
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> iface enxAABBCCDDEEFF inet manual
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> auto vmbr0
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> iface vmbr0 inet dhcp
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> #iface vmbr0 inet static
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> #address
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> #gateway
</span><span style="color:#323232;">     bridge-ports enxAABBCCDDEEFF
</span><span style="color:#323232;">     bridge-stp off
</span><span style="color:#323232;">     bridge-fd 0
  1. Restart your networking service. You shouldn’t need to reboot. sudo systemctl restart networking.service

Step 4 - Profit?

Hopefully at this point you have nework access again. Check the below, do some ping tests, and if it doesn’t work, double check that you edited the interfaces file correctly.

  1. sudo systemctl status networking.service will show you if anything went wrong and hopefully show that everything is working correctly
  2. ip -br addr show should show that the interface is up now.

<span style="color:#323232;">lo               UNKNOWN ::1/128
</span><span style="color:#323232;">enxAABBCCDDEEFF  UP
</span><span style="color:#323232;">vmbr0            UP    

At this point, if all is well, I would reboot anyways, just to make sure. If you add any GPUs, sata drives, other PCI device, disable/enable wifi/bt in the BIOS, or anything else that changes the PCI numbering, you don’t have to worry about your NIC changing.

jadedwench ,

I wish I understood how to use them. I have half written scraps of paper and random text in random text files. Notebooks are about the best I can do. I can’t write very well on a vertical board. It is really really uncomfortable and I end up obsessing on how bad it looks over solving the problem. Sometimes drawing on my iPad instead works, but that is another place to look for things.

I do like using Markdown + Mermaid. Obsidian is a nice little note taking app once I got it configured. It just takes me forever.

jadedwench ,

I know right? It sucks having a curved screen with a case as it pushes my thumb in the exact worst spot on the side of the screen. I accidentally do things all the time. I rest my thumb on the case edge to try and avoid it, but if I barely tilt, it touches the oversensitive touchscreen. First world problems.

jadedwench ,

Same. I had to uninstall due to the battery drain issues. Pixel 6 Pro. Battery life is not something I am willing to compromise on.

jadedwench ,

Thank you. I admit I don’t use Firefox right now due to issues I ran in to during my trial run earlier this year. Once the battery drain issues are fixed on the Android client I can at least switch back to it on my phone.

My company surprised me last week as we did an install and things didn’t work right in Firefox for the customer. My boss and the team are committed to fixing it and doing better on browser testing. There was not a moment of hesitation on this decision. We of course told them to use Edge, Safari, or Chrome in the meantime, but by no means are we throwing it on the bottom of the “fix” pile. Team is almost done and ready to send to QA. Super proud.

jadedwench ,

God I love Snatch. Seriously. One of my favorite films. Fuck it, I am going to go put it on.

jadedwench ,

In a similar train of thought, have you tried having (good) orange juice with Mexican food? I used to love having it once in a while when we brought home Rosa’s. Never did at a restaurant. Not a complete heathen. 😁

jadedwench ,

It looks like with multiple power cubes you can break it up. My favorite thing about the switch is the separate joy cons. This is far far far less painful for me to hold than traditional controllers. If this worked on Linux, Mac, PlayStation, and my Steamdeck, I might try it, as long as I could return it if it doesn’t work out.

I struggle with buttons in general. My palms are too small so I can’t wrap my hand around them very well. I have to death grip with my palm or I drop it, but I am constantly shifting around as my fingers can’t reach certain things easily either. The off-axis joysticks on an Xbox controller is a no go as I have to hold the controller rotated a bit which means that up isn’t up. I do much better with PS5 controllers, but still get a lot of pain in my hands if I play too much.

jadedwench ,

Been there. Done that. FML on searching for programming help some days. Versioning is a nightmare as the way you “used” to do things is no longer relevant and the rest of the results are some asshole saying it is a duplicate question that was answered 10 years ago…that is no longer fucking relevant!

Sorry. Yesterday sucked. I hope today is less frustration and more things working like they are supposed to.

jadedwench ,

I lucked out. Success at last! Now I can continue to code furiously doing things I know how to do.

jadedwench ,

I think I vaguely remember something about that, but I would be pretty upset if the keyboard navigation was unusable. It is almost as bad as the stupid mouse enabled BIOSs that never work. It doesn’t even work on the Dell laptop I have for work. The keyboard navigation is always extra special in those cases and involves a lot of button mashing to get to the correct thing, if I can figure it out at all.

I don’t use wired mice either and had to dig the old gaming mouse out recently so I could get to some menus on a new machine to pair the mouse. I have done the mouse pairing thing through console and it isn’t the best experience, especially if you are trying to figure out if things are working in the first place. For me, I could figure it out. For a new user, you are asking a lot.

Just give me an old school OS installer with simple menus, easy keyboard navigation, and the bare minimum guidance needed to not entirely fuck it up.

jadedwench ,

I never considered old DOS games until now. Thank you!

jadedwench ,

Thank you. So many people excuse rape, victim blame, and don’t see it as a “bad crime.”

jadedwench ,

Mine did that too recently! It really freaked me out as I normally share my contact card and tell them to send me theirs after, but I immediately got all of their information as soon as I texted them. I have a Pixel 6 Pro.

jadedwench ,

I get confused every time I install a distro and man isn’t installed by default. I guess I get the bare minimum philosophy, but it throws me off every time. First thing I install is vim, man, git, and probably a couple other things I can’t remember right now.

I do like a decent man page that has examples for us dummies and I have found that they have improved a lot over the years.

jadedwench ,

The best was on arch because I had no idea how to use pacman, which I needed to install man, when I needed how to use pacman. I will have to take a look at tldr. I mostly use Debian without a desktop environment, but have an Arch VM for gaming here and there. Works out.

jadedwench ,

Like other posts, Factorio. You will lose sleep. Set timers…

Proton and Vulkan make most things easy-ish if you are using Steam. Note that there is a little properties button on the game page that you probably need to use to force it to use Proton so it will install. Proton DB is your friend. Lutris + Wine is pretty good too. Proton is just Wine with enhancements.

You may find Helldivers a lot of fun too, especially if you can play with friends. It is suitably ridiculous in the best way and is sort of human vs aliens/robots. All of the humans (us) play on co-op teams to bring Democracy to the universe. There is a game master from the company that makes it that is leading the war against us. Like I said, suitably ridiculous. Most of my friends are playing it nightly and it will be a big part of our LAN party this weekend.

jadedwench ,

I do a lot on my M1 air and I haven’t even considered I would have RAM issues with 16GB. Windows, I would be getting 64GB to not be miserable. I don’t run as much as you all the time, but having a container or two going, far too many browser tabs, PDFs, 3-4 intellij projects, discord, teams, and probably other things I am forgetting about is the norm. I even have AutoCAD open sometimes.

The biggest difference is Mx is arm based, which goes a long way into getting better performance and battery life. I really need to look up again how Apple manages memory, swap, and performance in general. I just checked Activity Monitor and even with most of the memory showing as used, I don’t even notice. If my laptop were to die tomorrow due to my clumsy fumbling, I am getting another Mac. My only wish is getting Vulkan support. That would be amazing. Not going to hold my breath on that though.

Now, 8GB is a crime and it is not something I would recommend for any laptop/desktop, no matter what it is running. Not saying it wouldn’t work ok on a Mac for someone who only uses it for web browsing, but it is utterly ridiculous that 8GB is even an option these days. This is a dumb hill for Apple to die on and 16 should be the absolute minimum.

I have a debloated W11 VM on my proxmox server that I have used only once and is only there for some unknown emergency. With a little fiddling, I got it to idle under 4GB. I don’t plan to run servers on my laptop and invested enough on a little server rack to give me things like file servers, VMs, more permanent containers, and somehow got talked into making a gaming VM that I use at LAN parties. The 3U case for the main server travels very well.

Personally, I would try and get some of your server stuff off your machine. You can even take a look at some docker swarm or similar k8 concepts to reduce your container load. RPis are another good choice for some lower load server operations. I have a little RPi swarm that is powered by PoE+, though I plan on trying k8 on them soon to get some experience. RPis are also small enough that you could throw one in your bag if you needed something portable and are fairly inexpensive. Just a thought and may not be possible with your server applications.

jadedwench ,

I usually look at their GitHub or what have you to see if there are packages or instructions there. I have been able to solve most issues this way. Otherwise I see how much of a bitch it will be to compile from source. Depending what it is, I also check to see if there is a docker image instead.

jadedwench ,

I will happily defend you on this point. Down vote away people. As long as you don’t shove past the rows in front of you or bonk me with luggage, we good. I try to remember the passengers who had to store luggage father back and see if I can get it passed forward. I will totally boss people to sit back down if someone needs to get to the front ASAP due to close connections. If it is going to be a while, I will try to grab my backpack and sit back down.

Now, people with oversized rollerboards? Yeah. I get pretty irritated over that and the vast number of issues that causes with boarding and deplaning. The airlines make it worse with price hikes. I personally check all of my luggage and rarely run into issues. If I have any major concerns I will throw a couple things into a bag that will fit under my seat or FedEx it if we are really going there.

How does the day-to-day work of not wearing shoes in the house?

I have been reading a lot lately about not wearing outside shoes in the house and it interests me even more because I’ve been saving to re-carpet my whole house. It hits me every now and then about how to do things though, like, say I’m cooking all day on Sunday then need to take the trash out. I’m assuming it’s change...

jadedwench ,

I grew up in Texas. I understand your confusion. Houses are oriented a little differently here, but think of the “mudroom” as the garage. You know how you have a side door and a front door? And the side door is usually sort of attached to the garage, basement, or maybe laundry room? It is just that. A lot of people have a spot right inside that door, off to the side, for piling shoes. Otherwise you have a rack when you walk in, or you can use the closet right by your front door. It isn’t really a separate room. Good idea to have mats on both sides of the door. For whatever reason people are obsessed with split levels up here, so there is easier access to basement type areas.

jadedwench ,

No thanks. I will stick to my torx and hex, and they better be in metric.

  • Don’t use over or undersized screwdrivers, especially on smaller electronics.
  • Stop torquing while you are still ahead.
  • Be especially careful if the metals are soft.
  • Keep your driver perpendicular. Better drivers can make this easier.
  • Better to back out the screw and try again if it isn’t going in smooth on something threaded. Check for debris and burrs. If you need to apply more pressure, do so carefully.
  • I have found that for small stuff, getting nicer drivers makes a huge difference.

Penta-lobes for some of the small electronics are funny I guess, but they don’t bother me as long as I have a bit for it. Main thing is to understand why some of these different shapes exist.

jadedwench ,

Ah yes, the head size follows their iso standard for it. The threads, however, can be metric or SAE. You can put a different screw/bolt with whatever head in the same hole, but the threads/diameter can be metric or SAE/imperial.

jadedwench ,

I am so jealous. Those assholes will not run it to my apartment. Landlord tried. The entire neighborhood behind and next to us has it. I am just done and fed up with Spectrum. Maybe I should call and bitch.

jadedwench ,

laughs in evil PLC programmer A little forces enabled, a change here, and maybe just move this wire over there while I am at it…

jadedwench ,

Not to mention that you have to prepare and store it in an entirely different area. Otherwise you have to completely scrub the same area to try and prevent cross contamination and probably special air filtration systems to keep flour out of the air. I had a coworker tell me she got anaphylaxis once over an apple getting small amounts of flour on it. It is almost better to get pre-made from another company where it comes sealed and serve it that way.

I feel for people with severe food allergies. I thankfully only have a severe cat allergy, but I had a friend with a soy allergy. He refused to eat out as most employees either don’t know, will have to spend 10+ minutes trying to read every single label, or will misunderstand and say it doesn’t anyways. If we were cooking for him, we could at least check or show him all of the ingredients beforehand.

jadedwench ,

Thank you! I didn’t really understand what drivers did in the whole scheme of things and it makes me appreciate what these engineers do. Now to go down another rabbit hole of videos.

I just got an Arc recently after not having any kind of PC build for over a decade. Still figuring out all of the things I want to do with it, but I haven’t had any complaints with performance on the couple things I tried. Looking forward to spending more time with the hardware and watching more videos!

jadedwench ,

I have a hatred for the enp id thing as it isn’t any better for me. It changes on me every time I add/remove a hard drive or enable/disable the WiFi card in the BIOS. For someone who is building up a server and making changes to it, this becomes a real pain. What happens if a drive dies? Do I have to change the network config yet again over this?

jadedwench ,

Thank you! I squinted so hard. 😖

jadedwench ,

Only people I ever have a problem with are Project Managers. I have had way more bad experiences with utterly psychotic PMs than PMs who are actually good at their job. Everybody else is super cool, but I swear all of you are alcoholics. At least Sales pays for the drinks?

jadedwench , (edited )

Put your foot down, establish boundaries, and take a well deserved vacation with 0 communication to work while on it. Otherwise, I would start looking somewhere else. Your health is more important.

Edit: Also, hit them a few times with your Wabbajack for me.

jadedwench ,

I feel so heard. I refused to change mine last time, so now they are all “officially” correct.

jadedwench ,

I think most other comments cover the important bits, so I will try not to repeat them. I have been using a M1 MacBook Air since they came out and I love it. The battery life is great, the desktop environment is very clean and unobtrusive, and I don’t have to fight with it very often. I use brew to install my FOSS stuff. I certainly don’t pay for anything extra. Only major complaint is the way they do the windowing. Don’t know the right word for it. Maximize, minimize, “alt-tab”, and snapping to half/quarter/etc like Windows isn’t great in comparison and pretty lacking. Thankfully there are 3rd party applications such as Rectangle and AltTab that make it better. I haven’t used Stage Manager as it doesn’t fit my workflow.

The only other OSs I use at home are Debian and Arch. Those cover any additional gaming I might want to do, but they are primarily servers. I use GeForce Now for everything else.

I tried a W11 on a VM and I cannot describe the amount of hatred I have for it. I feel like I am fighting with the OS at every turn. I don’t really have a problem with W10 from a generic user experience, other than that advertising BS they keep trying to sneak in.

jadedwench ,

This is so damn wholesome. Thank you fellow humans for helping this person and even offering to pay. Why I am cutting onions this early in the day is a mystery.

jadedwench ,

I almost panicked and thought it was WSL until I got to the Android part. Never knew it was a thing. Still sucks for developers who depended on it.

jadedwench ,

$50. Mine certainly does and I have only truly screwed up once. I got hyper focused and lost track of time. I don’t get too upset over it though. Policy is policy…

jadedwench ,

I had to Google it too! “In other words”

The only semi nice thing my car did for the touchscreen is let you put shortcuts at the top, which is just the stupid screen for the heated seats. Everything else has a button in a easy to reach spot. I use Android Auto and I only have to bring up the actual car menu every few months, and not while driving. It isn’t a perfect infotainment system, but it has certainly been the least annoying.

jadedwench ,

Yeesh, being tied off like that is in no way comfortable. I have done the whole safety harness in a scissor/boom lift, but I have zero desire to be one of those crazy tower climbers or be near electrical utilities. I like the Klein bag though.

jadedwench ,

I set up a script the other day to check the repo every half hour or so and download any updates. I will give myself a reminder tomorrow to post it on Dropbox or something, if you don’t find it elsewhere.

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