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snooggums , avatar

People who fetishize self defense carry will always have loaded and unlocked guns in the house because they are afraid of someone breaking in at any moment and they might need to play John Wick: Home Edition. Those kinds of people also teach gun safety because they think responsible handling of firearms is important.

They just don’t understand that accidents are far more likely than a home invasion, and children are children even if they are taught gun safety.

snooggums , avatar

2 liter bottle.

Checkmate, athiests.

snooggums , avatar

There should be a requirement for cart return spots next to the handicap parking. In places where there is a return 10 feet from the spots I still see a ton of carts in the parking spots.

I get that it can be hard, but it seems way too frequent that they could do the whole store but just couldn’t make that last 10 feet. Like sure, occasionally that is inderstandable.

So I will judge them while also grabbing the cart and either using it or putting it away because that is the right thing to do.

snooggums , avatar

That sounds like more work than just putting the cart back…

Non-language-using animals must think humans are the worst songbirds ever.

To clarify: I’m not suggesting animals think all sounds are songs—just that songbirds and humans are the only common animals that combine sounds into arbitrary sequences where each individual sound doesn’t have a single fixed meaning.

snooggums , avatar

There wasn’t a debate in congress, there wasn’t any tax increase or funding shortfall. The money was just there because they wanted it.

And then states like Missouri refused the money because Republicans hate children.

snooggums , avatar

He didn’t say what he made in 18 months. He might just sell Santa themed toilet seat covers during the holidays and isn’t aware of how to advertise.

snooggums , avatar

Targeted advertising, which requires collecting personal information without people’s knowledge, is what makes online advertising the absolute worst kind of advertising. That could be addressed on a way that could allow other less malicious forms to exist.

snooggums , avatar

Yes, OP said all advertising. You mentioned the main problems with ditching all advertising. I added to the conversation with a poasible middle ground that addressed the worst parts.

snooggums , avatar

That’s fine. I will either continue to use adblockers, pay, or stop using the internet outside of what is required to function in society. I already refuse to use anything that has decided to go ad supported without the ability to block ads and has a price I’m not willing to pay.

If small (or large) businesses require the mass collection of personal information by malicious advertisers to exist, then they don’t derserve to exist.

snooggums , avatar

Any change just for the sake of change will be detrimental to the functionality. Constant change means there is never a point in time where the overall functionality can be reviewed for stability.

snooggums , avatar

The Shitposting argument style is the disruption in online conversations, usually of significant issues of discourse such as political and social issues, by making proofless and inflammatory claims that derail the conversation. The arguments are just reasonable enough that they come across as genuine beliefs and move the conversation to an irrelevant discussion.

Shitposting is just the new name for trolling after trolling was changed to mean online bullying.

snooggums , avatar

That’s a fish, not a dinosaur!

Now a goose, that is a fine dinosaur.

snooggums , avatar

There are plenty of drug dealers who keep their house and car in conditions from spotless to 30 minutes from clean like everyone else. There are plenty of non-drug dealers who have trashed homes and vehicles too.

You only notice the ones that are making poor choices or have some mental health issues. Sometimes they also sell drugs.

snooggums , avatar

A swiping motion and muscle memory for tapping are two different things. It took a while to get fast with my thumbs even though I type fairly fast on a keyboard.

snooggums , avatar

But I would love a TV that is smart enough to auto hide & mute every kind of ad. Even little logos on the athletes’ uniforms.

So, the best part about this example is that it is well intended but would have so many side effects it would be hilarious to see someone try to make it work. My assumption is that you want it to just have regular uniform colors where the ads are now.

The first assumption is that the team logo and colors aren’t advertising. They are! Yeah, they make bank on tickets, but the real money is in merchandising. Merchandising only works because the people associate it with the team, so team uniforms at their core are ads. They weren’t as much in the past when the majority of income was from tickets and concessions, but they are now. An easier version of this example is auto racing, where the car colors and entire paint job is an advertisement with a bunch of smaller ads plastered all over. Would the AI need to recolor all the cars to avoid color based advertising like bright yellow and black for DeWalt?

That also means that other media that exists to prop up sales in other areas are also ads. A lot of cartoons like Transformers, GI Joe, and My Little Pony existed as advertisements for the toys. The best way this gets convoluted is that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT) was originally a comic book, which someone thought would be a great starting point for selling toys and to sell the toys they made a cartoon. But then they stopped selling the toys for a while, so the cartoon reruns weren’t really ads at that point in time the same way they were originally. So does the TMNT cartoon always count as an ad because of the intent at the time it was created, or is it only an ad while the thing it is advertising is being sold?

Then you get into the fake ads in movies for things that don’t exist. Are they ads? What about media where a real world thing is part of the plot, like how the military being in a movie is likely to be intended as an ad for the military?

I’m sure the idea is that the AI would know what the user means by ads, but the viewer will always be surprised when things they don’t realize are ads get blocked and it would have to adapt to each individual viewer. Even more fun when multiple people try to watch something and they aren’t on the same page about ads that impact the ability to watch!

I still love the post, but thinking how it could play out even if it worked is kind of funny.

snooggums , avatar

It itches other times, but you are able to address it with a free hand and doesn’t seem like such a big deal.

snooggums , avatar

I mean, they had (staged) footage and (fraudulent) receipts the first time.

snooggums , avatar

Hey, he showed a bunch of manilla folders with stacks of papers that were totally not blank props and lied about divesting or whatever from his private companies that were a clear conflict of interest thrpighout his presidency. That totally counts!

snooggums , avatar

We only had one ocean when we bullied Mexico into giving up territory.

We took over multiple islands both east and west of the continental US, which are now territoties and the state of Hawaii.

So no, oceans didn’t stop us when we rrached both coasts.

snooggums , avatar

“Justice delayed is justice guaranteed” as they say.

snooggums , avatar

“Don’t punish political candidates like normal people” is a shitty reason to avoid justice.

snooggums , avatar

The news loves to focus on individual Israeli hostages and victims by providing backgrounds and what they do for a living, but for the most part just lists Palestinian deaths by numbers and only occasionally includes names or family relationships.

There is one news agency, I think the BBC, which used the phrase “unprecedented attack” to refer to the Oct atrocity that kicked off the current hostilities but doesn’t use any similar phrasing for the IDF killing many times more civilians as a response. So apparently genocide doesn’t need called out in a similar fashion because it is apparently not unprecedented.

snooggums , avatar

It is a calendar that shows the repeating cycle of the world’s destruction and rebirth each time the milk runs out.

snooggums , avatar

Hey EABOD25, what’s the name of that restaurant you like with all the goofy shit on the walls and the mozzarella sticks?

snooggums , avatar

Everyone does deserve to be treated with respect by default. Respect is earned, and is not the same thing.

Choosing to associate with certain groups is an action for which respect may be rescinded.

snooggums , avatar

No, no. The one with the wild and wacky activities!

snooggums , avatar

I dunno, doesn’t seem like toe rings and cock follow the same naming convention.

snooggums , avatar

Oh yeah, and pinky rings!

At least onion rings are honest.

snooggums , avatar

I love the idea of a vampire having kitchen appliances for which they have no use just like regular people.

snooggums , avatar

Image of a man kissing a woman’s upper lip to distract her while preparing to jam his tongue up her nose.

snooggums , avatar

Bags of money!

Apparently they were duped into thinking the money came from pro-Russian US conservatives or something like that instead of directly from the source.

I disagree that they were duped in any way since the pro Russian messaging was still pro Russian messaging and the source of the money is not important.

snooggums , avatar

The headline does describe the article. The article has more detail about the motivations and nuance of why certain weight and fitness videos are being promoted less to children.

The platform will still allow 13- to 17-year-olds to view the videos, but its algorithms will not push young users down related content “rabbit holes” afterwards.

If they included rabbit hole in the title, it would still be necessary for a lot of people unaware of the term to read the article to find out what that phrase means.

snooggums , avatar

It isn’t about people better than you. It is about idealized and generally unrealistic body standards.

The new guidelines, now introduced in the UK and around the world, apply to content that: idealises some physical features over others, such as beauty routines to make your nose look slimmer; idealises fitness or body weights, such as exercise routines that encourage pursuing a certain look; or encourages social aggression, such as physical intimidation.

These are not videos about getting to a healthy weight and exercise routine. “Certain look” is a crappilly phrased way of saying unrealistic body standards, but that is what it means.

snooggums , avatar

but then in the recommended section it does not show someone who actually knows shit about fitness and steroids etc how would they know.

It is kind of funny that you think the recommendations would be informative instead of some shill peddling the same “you can do it with 5000 calories and exercise” bullshit. A rabbit hole is going further down the same hole.

snooggums , avatar

The Navy said Yaste was relieved of duty “due to a loss of confidence in his ability to command the guided-missile destroyer” that’s currently deployed in the Gulf of Oman. The statement didn’t elaborate about why Yaste was replaced.

I expect it was something other than the picture due to the four month gap, but the pic could be part of an overall pattern of incompetence.

snooggums , avatar

It was fine when the limited duration was a reasonable number of years. Anything over 30 years max before being in the public domain is too long.

snooggums , avatar

But a better system would for paying creators would be one of attribution and reward, where everyone can read whatever they want or stream whatever they want, and artists would be paid based on their number of views.

Which would be enforced through copyright…

snooggums , avatar

You are thinking of Lorena Bobbitt.

That was my first thought too! This meme is about the dumbass who go herself shot during the failed Jan 6th coup.

snooggums , avatar

She died in battle, so discount Valhalla?

Any recommendations for printers that don't require proprietary inks, subscriptions or special apps?

My HP put me through one to many hour-long fights to print a single page and I’m done with it. Going to go full office space on that thing, but first I need a new printer. I’m not a heavy user, so I’m lookng to spend $300 or less. What do yall recommend?...

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