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Skullgrid , avatar

oh god, you’re making me think of the difference between a procedurally generated level and a randomly generated one.

The fucking generative AIs don’t even have anything to stop it spewing crap

Skullgrid , (edited ) avatar

How old is that mute chick prince Erik is trying to bang groom?

Skullgrid , avatar

How old is that mute chick prince Erik is trying groom?

still not looking great for him

Skullgrid , avatar

His original voice actor, Christopher Daniel Barnes, was only 16 when he recorded his voice for Eric. The producers decided to cast him because he sounded much older than his actual age.

he’s described as a man, not beating the grooming allegations

Skullgrid , avatar

I unironically believe this; I have been to italy, and eaten authentic italian pizza.

Fuck off with barely any cheese and no toppings. it tastes fine as a kind of fancy bread, but give me the fuckload of cheese and meat every time

Skullgrid , avatar

exposing the poor traumatised kids to second hand smoke on top? talk about adding insult to injury

Skullgrid , avatar

sunset, silver ring. cost me about $20.

Half a million people protest against government in Israel (

Hundreds of thousands of Israelis protested across the country on Saturday for the eighth consecutive night with some clashes reported with the police. The demonstrations were ignited on Sunday last week after the bodies of six captives were recovered from the Gaza Strip....

Skullgrid , (edited ) avatar

They just got stereo back then , right?

Skullgrid , avatar

I ain’t eating that shit in public

Skullgrid , avatar

can we just fucking all take a break for a month? just have things go to being boring?

I attended a fucking ethics of ai talk at my work, only to run into a fucking knockoff nazi complaining about the founding fathers images being generated with black people, and talking about how silicon valley is too left wing.

either you’re so stupid that you don’t understand it’s a fucking alt-right dog whistle, or you’re a fucking nazi who gets very, very upset if you see a black person in any context. Either way, just shut the fuck up.

Skullgrid , avatar

spell it on the keypad with corresponding letters

something something fuck you united states

Skullgrid , avatar

congrats wisened/enrichend early retirement one.

Skullgrid , avatar

Hook me up, I work in outsourcing for salesforce and my current job has failed to find me a client for a while now.

They keep telling me it’s hard to find a client

Skullgrid , avatar

bug ocurred randomly.

Fixed it by now btw.

someone’s not sharing the actual root cause.

Skullgrid , avatar

now only do aluminum cans for :

  • food packaging
  • high end satellites
  • satellite launch systems.

I find this interpretation funny

Skullgrid , avatar

those 🕘 sweet 🕞sweet🕞 cans🕓

Skullgrid , avatar

Instructions unclear, attempted to learn JS

Skullgrid , avatar

the internet : a slot machine for things that make you smile a bit.

payout rate : 1 laugh per 100 minutes

Skullgrid , avatar

it’s on average. also, 100 minutes is not 1 hour, it’s 1 hour 40mins.

Get extra rekt.

PS : 100 mins is one metric hour, but we’re not on metric time

Skullgrid , avatar

“The next hour or so” both accounts for the variance and is more concise than saying “the next hour and forty minutes, give or take”

my bad, reading comprehension is hard

Skullgrid , avatar

The straight men who exclusively watch lesbian porn are laughing at you

Skullgrid , avatar

but he’s happy, a nice guy to everyone, and seems to have found a niche that still pays the bills.

Yep. To add, his list of stunts he regrets are “this was unethical, that turned out lame” instead of “this was the most painful”.

Skullgrid , avatar

Meanwhile in Texas: “water breaks on your lunch break only. I will dock your birth time off your time sheet, get back to work once you clean up this mess in the toilet.”

Skullgrid , avatar

I work salesforce adjacent, the desire to scream FIGMA NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTS every time I get one of these mails, or have to not laugh when they mention it in meetings is too much

Skullgrid , (edited ) avatar

this is the smiler

EDIT : I read kewjo’s post as “the thing about The Beast”

Skullgrid , avatar

my man

Skullgrid , avatar

no, they do.

They are enabling the racists to be further empowered to take further racist actions that effect other people. They deserve the same racism they’re enabling to happen to them.

The guy’s an uncle tom. if you think that’s a shitty, racist thing to say

  1. He deserves it
  2. Maybe I should call him an uncle ruckus instead.
Skullgrid , avatar

I like the way it kinda works regardless of if the punchline is about biological or computer science trees

Skullgrid , avatar

the AI doesn’t have fucking racial bias, humanity and the content they produce they fit into the AI has a racist bias.

Skullgrid , avatar

No, that a knife isn’t racist when its owner goes on a muslim stabbing spree.

Skullgrid , avatar


Skullgrid , avatar

beer is bitter. IPAs are sour.

I love beer. Fuck IPAs

Skullgrid , (edited ) avatar

Hop varieties have a wide range of flavors: floral, grassy, piney, citrusy


Skullgrid , avatar

why the fuck is the world bank advertising on anything? are they hoping heads of state are looking to adverts when they need a spare 4 trillion ?

EDIT : I was going to take out a loan from the IMF, but this twitter ad changed my mind to the World Bank instead.

Skullgrid , avatar

Not really comparable because the illegal content is hosted and distributed through his servers.

landlords should be prosecuted for crimes commited by tenants in houses they rented out to the tenants.

Skullgrid , avatar

how are you meant to know, by impeding on your tenant’s privacy constantly?

Skullgrid , avatar

Unpopular opinion : once you start blurring the lines of what gender is, the straightness based definitions of things go out the window.

An FTM and MTF relationship is something alright. None of my business.

but, linguistically speaking, I don’t think straight as a label applies to it, even though it’s male + female.

it ties into the difference between someone being pansexual, and bisexual.

Skullgrid , avatar

I wish this guy became a sort of Harold. I recognise him from comics off the escapist.

edit : stolen pixels by shamus young?

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