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Mirshe ,

Not these Teslas, from what I understand. The type of glass they use is EXTREMELY resistant to shattering.

Mirshe ,

The “slaves built the Pyramids” thing has been pretty well-debunked by anthropologists and archaeologists, who both agree that something as monumental as building the vehicle of the Pharaoh’s ascent to the afterlife would not have been something Egypt would’ve forced slaves to labor on. Aside from the obvious chances of revolt, there’s a lot of religious reasons, and many agree that it was likely seen as a GREAT honor - backed up by inscriptions of the masons that worked the stone (found in some reliefs), or painters, etc. It’s not unlikely that they used slave labor to quarry and transport the stones to the building site, but not to actually physically haul and build things AT the site.

Dev of cancelled Life By You game shares some information, including just two weeks notice of cancellation after being given the thumbs-up a few weeks prior (

I cannot share specific numbers, but I can say that we had an internal metric we were aiming for that had been approved, and that we exceeded that number by a significant portion. We also got a thumbs up a few weeks before launch.

Mirshe ,

I’ll bet you anything it’s taxes.

Mirshe ,

But that’s the thing. The Dems want to campaign like they have for the past century, going out and making sensible campaign stops every so often. Obama was trying to change this, and honestly had the right of it - you blast your message everywhere, all at once, KEEP REPEATING IT, and shorten the general gist until it can fit in a meme.

Mirshe ,

As Behind the Bastards pointed out recently in their Kent Hovind episode, the IRS doesn’t give a shit about what illegal or immoral activity you commit, they literally just want you to pay taxes on it.

Mirshe ,

Don’t forget megachurch pastors.

Mirshe ,

So give me exactly what your criteria are on “shithole nations”.

Also, our entire aid spending is less than 1% of our budget normally.

Mirshe ,

Remember the times they effectively blockaded highways with their ad hoc motorcades, and they kept getting into wrecks there too?

Mirshe ,

Right? If an LLM can transcribe all the useful information out of a meeting, it stands to reason that the entire meeting could just be boiled to an email, instead of enabling middle managers to feel useful by tying up other people’s time.

Mirshe ,

Shit, even Star Trek understood the idea of “hey can we make this a voice call instead of a meeting so I can literally stop the ship from exploding while we hash out the menu for the shipwide picnic”.

Mirshe ,

It’s not creditors - lawyers from his supplement company were attempting to get a bankruptcy judge to shut down InfoWars’ parent company. I don’t fully disagree with a lot of assessments saying this is pretty clearly Jones trying to manufacture a crisis to drum up cash (probably to pay the giant settlement he owes in CT). On the other hand, the judge handling his bankruptcy case is expected to make a decision on whether or not Free Speech Systems will continue operating by the end of next week, so Dan and Jordan may have to find someone else to style on for their podcast.

And that’s my bright spot.

Mirshe ,

Yeah, pretty much this. People like living near water - you can drink it (if it’s fresh), you can use it for rudimentary sanitation, you can water animals and crops much easier than building complex irrigation, and you can use it as a food source (fish/shellfish).

She Made an Offer on a Condo. Then the Seller Learned She Was Black. (

Two federal laws — the Fair Housing Act of 1968 and the much older Civil Rights Act of 1866 — make it illegal for both home sellers and their real estate agents to discriminate during a home sale. But more than 50 years after redlining was outlawed, racial discrimination remains an issue, housing advocates say. A multiyear...

Mirshe ,

You would be VERY surprised - bigots are usually very willing to shoot themselves in the foot. I mentioned going to my city’s Pride parade once to a prospective landlord I was touring an apartment with, and they all but told me outright “I won’t rent to you”. I’ve also seen this happen with friends buying cars - a buddy asked me to go kick tires with him when he was looking for a new car, and since I’m white and he isn’t, the salesman that came out to talk with us IMMEDIATELY assumed I was the one buying the car.

I also used to work commission-based sales myself as a cellphone salesperson. One common complaint I had from a lot of my Black and Hispanic clientele was that the anchor store sales staff (who were closer to them and better-stocked) would almost always assume they wanted to see the worst, shittiest phones (this was back right as the iPhone 5 was coming out), even if they had walked in ready to drop several thousand dollars on new Apple phones (which got us a commission of about $100 per device). These people would drive 20-30 minutes past THAT store to come to my store (the next closest) just so they didn’t have to deal with those salespeople.

Mirshe ,

Rage Against the Machine doing this concert would just be Tom Morello beating every one of them to death with his guitar.

Mirshe ,

Their home version of Spokesman is great.

Mirshe ,

Ehh, populism isn’t limited to politics, at least not tactics-wise. Lots of televangelists and the like use the same sort of tactics - boil down everything wrong in your life to a single, easily-solvable datapoint that YOU can take action on.

At the same time, I think it’s important to recognize that not all Trump voters are “stupid” or “ignorant”. While those exist, cults can - and HAVE - suckered in people with high-paying jobs, with degrees and education and accolades. Trump’s cult of personality is no different - a LOT of Trump voters aren’t stupid or ignorant or anything, they might vote for him for dozens of reasons, from “well I’m a shitty racist as well” to “well he wears the trappings of success” to “he sounds confident”, and it’s important to recognize that anyone can fall victim to a cult like that through the sheer momentum of peer pressure. Jonestown was full of people who were desperately seeking a better world, and a lot of them were fairly well-educated engineers and doctors and lawyers and the like. Aum Shinrikyo was FULL of PhDs and MDs. Trump has lost a lot of the more well-informed and well-educated people in his camp, but characterizing his entire voter base as “dumb hicks waiting to be conned” is unhelpful at best and harmful at worst.

Mirshe ,

The issue is that none of those have the energy density of nuclear power. A single mid-sized nuclear plant can power a small city, where that same city would need at least a half-dozen solar farms around the area (assuming there’s enough cleared land to support it - rooftop solar can offset, but it generally will not replace mains power), or tons of wind turbines (again, subject to area - not every place is a good candidate). Geothermal and hydroelectric are subject to that same issue - you can’t place them anywhere, there are very specific requirements to get one up and running.

I agree we should work towards 100% green energy, but nuclear is an effective option dollar-for-dollar and acre-for-acre until we figure out a good way to increase energy density of wind or solar to a point where we don’t need enormous tracts of land dedicated to them in order to support places where people live.

Mirshe ,

Israel has plenty of their own homegrown defense industry, I do not foresee them running out of armaments any time soon, despite what your politicians may say.

Mirshe ,

Mhm, society persists even through collapse scenarios mostly for exactly this reason. John the Butcher in 13th century Scotland might have lost his entire village to The Plague, but those guys in the village 3 miles down the road still have people who know how to forage, or hunt, or grow food, etc etc etc.

Mirshe ,

Offsides/Five Dollar Footlong Jesus just isn’t the same.

Mirshe ,

There’s an MRE guy on YouTube who ate a ration from 1899 and was (mostly) fine.

Mirshe ,

We sure do NOT have universally mandatory civics, not anymore. I graduated in 09 and my school district didn’t teach anyone anything beyond the basics of the voting system.

Mirshe ,

You forgot the parts where he drove an APC through the wrong guy’s house, and also the part about the sex slave that escaped from his house.

Mirshe ,

Or, the company keeps withholding documentation until your own money runs out. They know how it’s played, and unless you get your local Department of Labor involved (if indeed you even have a DoL that’s not just countywide or whatever), they know that they can just run the clock out by withholding documents, delaying court dates, etc while remaining well within the “oh we just plain forgot your honor” line.

Mirshe ,

Pretty much this. The average gets dragged down by a HIGH infant mortality rate - nest predators from snakes to raccoons to hawks and vultures kill a lot of hatchlings, as well as things like simple accidents (falling out of a tree, for instance).

Mirshe ,

Pretty much this. It’s the radium craze, or the ozone craze, or a whole bunch of other fads - everything has to have AI/LLMs integrated in some way or it’s not “interesting” to shareholders.

Mirshe ,

Also, social consequences are IMPORTANT for fighting fascism. Making them feel unwelcome at every table, every party, every workplace, EVERYWHERE is a time-tested and actually fairly effective way to fight the spread of fascist thought. It won’t get rid of the most entrenched, the true believers - but it can help the knock-on effect of “hey maybe that guy has a real point”.

Mirshe ,

They either speed-dial the police, OR they simply just come out and shoot at whoever they feel is “invading”. My friend had a whole list of areas he wouldn’t deliver when he was running Instacart stuff because he’d gotten shot at or threatened by neighbors (or sometimes the people who actually ordered things).

Mirshe ,

But it led to arguably the COOLEST combat engineering ever - Iraq destroyed all the roads through a marsh and ELECTRIFIED THE MARSH when a column of soldiers came through.

Mirshe ,

Yet another entry in the Corpse Infrastructure line.

Mirshe ,

Nah, this has been a thing for a WHILE. My great grandma had cookbooks from the 1930s with recipes for cicadas.

Mirshe ,

Jamie Oliver does terrible things to a LOT of recipes. Remember when he tried to “enhance” a Tandoori chicken recipe and called it literally “Empire Chicken”?

Mirshe ,

Historically, large-scale withdrawals of drugs from markets ONLY occur, and large-scale marketing ONLY is barred when the side effects are deemed dangerous enough to not risk at any significant percentage. If you look through the list of withdrawn drugs throughout the world, almost all of them are withdrawn for either abuse reasons, or significant side effects like organ toxicity, serious risk of overdose even inside prescriber control, carcinogenicity, or neurological reactions (like some fungicides/bactericides causing blindness/deafness even when used properly).

SOME of these have been returned to market (like thalidomide) under very strict guidelines, used for very strict reasons (thalidomide is used for leprosy and multiple myeloma treatment now in certain situations, in combination with certain drugs to help reduce teratogenicity). Others, which were formerly seen as helpful, have been removed from markets because of newly-found dangers involving them (like Zantac, which was found to spontaneously break down into a carcinogenic compound).

Mirshe ,

So the first one MIGHT have been a suicide. The second one got sick, went to the hospital, and sadly contracted MRSA there and died of complications from that.

Mirshe ,

They actually touch on this in Like A Dragon. One of your party members is a Korean Mafia member, who specifically fell in with the Korean Mafia because Koreans were (and generally still are) completely unable to attain citizenship - even if their family was transported to Japan against their will during WWII.

Mirshe ,

Pretty much this. Elon was never interested in what he SHOULD HAVE BEEN: making an inexpensive electric vehicle that’s widely available. Tesla had the tech to do so, but they were being driven to make insane decisions like moving the gearshift to a touchscreen (gee, I love taking my eyes off the road to shift gears), or making “futuristic” doors that actually cannot physically open from the inside (whoops, guess those just can’t be recalled since DOT has literally no teeth).

Mirshe ,

I saw several people try to go hiking like that at Red Rocks outside of Las Vegas when I was there.

It was summer. The temperature was 113F that day.

Mirshe ,

Also, I think Tesla saw the way the wind was blowing on standardization. Eventually, the DOT will enforce a standard plug, and if it’s not YOURS, suddenly you have to either remanufacture the cars you’re making, or otherwise refit them to work with the new standard.

Mirshe ,

I wish multi barrel rifles weren’t shit. They’re so mid-90s spacegun.

Mirshe ,

The thing I’ve seen bandied about is a UN-administrated state combining both territories, policed by UN forces until a proper bipartisan government consisting of Israelis AND Palestinians is elected, ready, and able to take control - and even then subject to “hey we’ll come back if things get bad again”.

Mirshe ,

We also didn’t do anything about the President that sabotaged peace talks to win an election.

Mexico is heading towards its most violent election ever, with 30 candidates murdered, 77 threatened and 11 kidnapped (

More than 170 attacks have been committed against politicians in the lead-up to the June elections. This violence has put campaigns under tension and is sowing doubts about governability in several regions. Specialists warn that the line between the Mexican state and organized crime is increasingly blurred...

Mirshe ,

Not just the DEA, we’ve built a whole economy around drug offenses staying illegal. Drug testing companies, technology firms that develop law enforcement gear, law enforcement seminars, to say nothing of the thousands of companies that profit off of prison labor for what is effectively free, and the fact that a lot of the nonviolent offenders wind up turning violent because nobody will hire or rent to someone with a drug conviction.

Mirshe ,

I was about to say, you’re using language that sounds very different from “absolute” there, buddy. Absolute is an “all or nothing” word, you can’t say “well it’s absolute immunity but only for certain things”.

Mirshe ,

Yeah, this guy is deconstructing his own argument. The argument put forth is “absolute immunity”, you can’t say “absolute immunity in certain circumstances”. Either the president can act with complete impunity or they can’t, it’s a binary.

Mirshe ,

Not just that, but he also publicly bragged about how lax Romania’s laws and how they don’t care about rape during an administration that is attempting, at least on the surface, to change public perception of themselves worldwide from the corrupt governments of the 90s and 2000s.

Mirshe ,

There’s also the fact that Russia never really seemed to account for most of its monetary and material taps getting turned off. When you’re (ALLEGEDLY) throwing conscripts out there without even a single full magazine of ammo, you’re burning through old post-WWII ammo stocks, and constantly having to beg old SSR states “hey can we buy/borrow some of your tanks and APCs please,” it doesn’t look great.

Mirshe ,

They CAN be, depending on the area. My local neighborhood doesn’t have one, and there isn’t anything like that within the area of the city I’m in. “Third places” where you can just hang out with no expectations on you to purchase things or otherwise interact with that place’s services are rapidly disappearing in the US.

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