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riskable , avatar

I’ll take laptops over a Punch Card System (PCS) any day!

riskable , avatar

Electric vehicles. Did you forget?

Also, the reason why walking, running, or even biking to get around 99% of the US isn’t feasible is because the distances are too vast. The average commute time for people in the US is 26.7 minutes and most of that will be on a highway. Covering the same distance on a bike would take 3-10x longer (why 10x? Because of soooo many bridges that don’t allow bikes or pedestrians!).

riskable , avatar

Now do big trucks and cars modified to be extra loud!

riskable , avatar

Why would we want to hear about and end to Trump flags being burned? I mean, as long as they’re old and people aren’t sending money his way 🤷

riskable , avatar

Bonus: You should be able to put a hook around the bottom to hold your bag/umbrella. Someone measure the diameter of the pole so we can start making 3D printed hooks for this purpose!

riskable , avatar

This is how you get hooked on 3D printing 👍

is there an arch Fork where I can compile every package myself?

In order to be able to Further configure my system, I am looking for a fork of my current OS (artix with openRC as init system) in which i am able to compile every package from source in order to Further configure it with make flags. I am currently not using gentoo, and because the packages in its default repos are only updated...

riskable , avatar

Just use Gentoo. Do it from scratch on the command line without the GUI installer like a pro 👍

At the very least you’ll learn how everything works at a deeper level.

riskable , avatar

To be fair, carrying a child on your back can be fun for MAX an hour at a time. So maybe perfect for a video game 🤔

I used to carry my kids in a kid backpack for hikes on the weekends and they loved it. Too much, actually. In the Florida heat that’s a good way to sweat your ass off.

Can’t say the thing missing from those fun hikes through the arboretum was fashion 🙄

riskable , avatar

It’s more that they got sweaty and uncomfortable. Kids need to move around, ya know?

riskable , avatar

Men shouldn’t be allowed near children that aren’t their own. It’s rarely stated but regularly assumed.

riskable , avatar

Yes: To them this demonstrates that the justice system is corrupt and they think only Trump can fix it.

They will believe this even though Trump isn’t running for any office in New York 🤣

riskable , avatar

It’s an indication that we’re not “sending our best”

riskable , avatar

Welcome to the future! I believe this is how the next world war starts?

riskable , avatar

They didn’t say it was a man-made pyramid. It could be the naturally occurring kind. Example:

riskable , avatar

You say that because you don’t realize the benefits:

  • Better support for Linux with any new PC hardware on day 1. This includes things like USB devices, monitors, KVMs, UPS, everything.
  • Better support for all commercial software in general. More software will become available and it’ll be higher quality.
  • Vendors will be forced to test all their stuff on Linux which means it’ll all become more reliable and less glitchy.
  • There will be more diversity in software and distros which means widespread attacks (aka hacking, worms, viruses, etc) will have less success and smaller impacts.
  • The more Linux users there are the more Linux developers will result. It’s also much easier to start learning how to code on a Linux desktop than it is in Windows.
  • Better security for the entire world. Linux has a vastly superior security architecture than Windows and a vastly superior track record. The more Linux users there are, the harder it will be for malicious entities to break into their PCs which translates into a more secure world.
  • It’s much easier (for experienced users) to troubleshoot and fix problems in Linux than in Windows. This will lead to support teams everywhere getting frustrated whenever they have to deal with Windows users (this is already the case for many software vendors, haha). Therefore, it makes support people happy and easy going. Who doesn’t want to reach a happy, helpful person for technical support instead of the usual defiant/adversarial support tech? 😁
  • The worst sorts of hardware vendors won’t be able to get away with their usual bullshit. For example, if there were enough Linux users HP wouldn’t be offering extremely invasive 2GB printer “drivers” because their Windows customers would know enough Linux users that they’d be rightfully pissed and not depressively submissive like they are now.
  • When you do have a problem it will be easier to find a solution because the likelihood that someone else already had it and posted a solution will be higher (though admittedly this factor doesn’t seem to do much for Windows currently because of how obtuse and obfuscated everything is in that OS).

There’s actually a lot more reasons but that’s probably enough for now 😁

riskable , avatar

At the current rate, Japanese robots will be all that populate the country in like 150 years. Japanese racial purity will ensure the rest of the world won’t have to worry about their racism eventually 👍

riskable , avatar

Even if they are Hamas what consequences would that entail? Hamas has no real power in the US and everything they care about exists in Palestine.

Would they organize terrorists attacks in the US? It’s not impossible but I think it’s much more likely that they’d use the safety and security of living in the US (ya know, a secular, pluralistic democracy–the opposite of what they want for Palestine) to merely coordinate things with their allies in Gaza.

Every extremist religious organization that’s ever come to the US ends up with a very rude awakening when the second or third generation ends up not believing in their religion anymore. Secular rule and freedom of religion (and from religion) are just too powerful for extremists to overcome when they’re not isolated from the rest of society.

As long as any extremists can’t build isolated communities of co-believers they’ll never make headway in places like the US. Their children will get exposed to too much diversity of cultures and beliefs. It’s highly unlikely that they will be able to avoid the inescapable march of atheism taking over the West.

BTW: If you are part of a strongly religious society. Say, the type that forces women to dress a certain way or treats non-adherents as lesser human beings then congratulations! You are promoting atheism.

riskable , avatar

Any day now a Republican will propose they solve this “bureaucratic inefficiency” by switching to ovens.

riskable , avatar

The fairer sex sees not but the belligerent blustering of a bedswerving bobolyne!

riskable , avatar

I’d love to see more adoption of… I2C!

Bazillions of motherboards and SBCs support I2C and many have the ability to use it via GPIO pins or even have connectors just for I2C devices (e.g. QWIIC). Yet there’s very little in the way of things you can buy and plug in. It feels like such a waste!

There’s all sorts of neat and useful things we could plug in and make use of if only there were software to use it. For example, cheap color sensors, nifty gesture sensors, time-of-flight sensors, light sensors, and more.

There’s lmsensors which knows I2C and can magically understand zillions of temperature sensors and PWM things (e.g. fan control). We need something like that for all those cool devices and chips that speak I2C.

How do you feel confident in the workplace?

I was a student for many years (5 years of undergrad, 2.5 years of grad school), and I became very comfortable with always being able to look at the syllabus and my grade and know what I needed to do and how well I was performing. Work isn’t like that. Like I think is normal, I get a performance review once a year. I find this...

riskable , avatar

To be fair, you are always on the cusp of being fired/laid off. Even if you’re the backbone of the company, the best employee, etc.

Also remember that expectations of young people in a lot of businesses are very low. That’s why they pay the young so poorly 🤷.

If you seem to be getting work done and your boss isn’t bitching then you’re doing exactly what you’re supposed to be doing. Don’t worry about it.

Also, when you’re young change jobs every year or two! It’s the best way to make considerably more money over time and no, it will not hurt your resume in the slightest. It merely shows initiative and the fact that everyone wants you (i.e. you’re competent).

riskable , avatar

The tower on the left is home to the Tea Wizard who uses parts of the lower floors for the nation’s biscuit reserves. The one on the right is host to a princess that’s been waiting for rescue by a prince for a very long time now.

riskable , avatar

With big freedom come big cursors. Every click is a boom of libration!

riskable , avatar

The Warhammer lore where people worship an AI as literal God suddenly seems so realistic!

riskable , avatar

I’m failing to see the problem. As long as one of the languages isn’t PHP they’re still probably better off 🤷

riskable , avatar

Wait: Do the times listed on the screen of your washer/dryer actually reflect reality

My dryer will say it’s got 20 minutes remaining for like an hour and a half. And yes, I clean the lint screen and vent regularly (all the way up to the roof!).

riskable , avatar

If you’re putting in a dishwasher just drill the holes. Your landlord will thank you for saving them the trouble of having to do that themselves some day.

I don’t think any normal landlord would give two shits about some dishwasher-hose-sized holes drilled under a sink, between internal cabinet walls, that no one will ever see. Such holes are so far back and out of the way… No one would ever notice unless they’re missing.

riskable , avatar

They’ll help you develop and test your AI stuff on Linux but not Windows (I don’t think… Completely different team of engineers).

I’m wondering what will happen when loads of games have built-in generative AI… Will these two paths finally cross and finally give us Linux folks Nvidia (graphics) drivers that are actually good? 🤔

riskable , avatar

This is caused by your root controller’s limited bandwidth and it’s inability to handle that many 3.0 devices at the same time. Some of the newer motherboards with USB C PD have controllers in them that can do a lot more.

It’s basically a hack on part of the company that made the root controller IC. They know they only have enough internal bandwidth to support 16 USB 3.0 devices so they intentionally bork things when you plug in more than that since their Transaction Translator (TT) can’t handle more and they were too lazy to bother implementing the ability to share 2.0 and 3.0 properly.

I’m guessing the decision went something like this…

“We have enough bandwidth for 16 3.0 devices… What do we do if someone plugs in more than that?” “Only a few people will ever have that many! We don’t have the budget to handle every tiny little use case! Just ship it.”

So it’s not Linux fault in this case. Or at least, if it is (a problem with the driver) it’s because of some proprietary bullshit that the driver requires to function properly 🤷

riskable , (edited ) avatar

Never trust any organization with “heritage” in its name.

riskable , avatar

I don’t know if it’s because of Brexit or what but news out of Britain has become a lot like news out of Florida.

BritishMan might overtake FloridaMan some day.

riskable , avatar

Dental Hygienist. They make like $40/hour to clean people’s teeth. It only requires an associates degree and you can get it from community college (aka cheap).

riskable , avatar

Telemedicine is fantastic and an amazing advancement in medical treatment. It’s just that people keep trying to use it for things it’s not good at and probably never will be good at.

For reference, here’s what telemedicine is good at:

  • Refilling prescriptions. “Has anything changed?” “Nope”: You get a refill.
  • Getting new prescriptions for conditions that don’t really need a new diagnosis (e.g. someone that occasionally has flare-ups of psoriasis or occasional symptoms of other things).
  • Diagnosing blatantly obvious medical problems. “Doctor, it hurts when I do this!” "Yeah, don’t do that."
  • Answering simple questions like, "can I take ibuprofen if I just took a cold medicine that contains acetaminophen?"
  • Therapy (duh). Do you really need to sit directly across from the therapist for them to talk to you? For some problems, sure. Most? Probably not.

It’s never going to replace a nurse or doctor completely (someone has to listen to you breathe deeply and bonk your knee). However, with advancements in medical testing it may be possible that telemedicine could diagnose and treat more conditions in the future.

Using an Nvidia Nurse™ to do something like answering questions about medications seems fine. Such things have direct, factual answers and often simple instructions. An AI nurse could even be able to check the patient’s entire medical history (which could be lengthy) in milliseconds in order to determine if a particular medication or course or action might not be best for a particular patient.

There’s lots of room for improvement and efficiency gains in medicine. AI could be the prescription we need.

riskable , avatar

How long before some supermarket introduces, “surge pricing” for post-sunday-mass shoppers and gets sued based on religious discrimination?

Or some store just up and decides that they want to charge black people more? They’ll say it’s based on credit score or similar nonsense.

riskable , avatar

Rough times when you’re forced to go at a sketchy gas station 😖

riskable , avatar

My custom designed, fully 3D printed analog keyboards (which use 3D printed switches and stabilizers)!

That’s my AHEK-95 (typing on it every day) which was reviewed by a semi-famous keyboard YouTuber 😁

I’d also show off my Low Poly Rose Twist Vase design:

riskable , avatar
riskable , avatar

Anyone who’s ever driven by this area and sees this article will be like, “yep”.

How do these people even get home insurance? I bet they don’t even have any. No insurer in their right mind would insure these homes.

riskable , avatar

This might not necessarily be the case for much longer with storage costs finally reaching certain thresholds.

2TB SSDs only cost ~$100 and you can cram a lot of SSDs into a tiny space with only a minimal amount of cooling (still need a fan but just a fan).

The next bottleneck to overcome is upload bandwidth. Too many providers offer asynchronous service with weirdly low/slow upload limitations. However, that too might be changing over the next few years as DOCSIS 4.0 supports 10Gbit down/6Gbit up (DOCSIS 3.1 only supported ~1Gbit up). An important note about DOCSIS 4.0 is that in order to take advantage of it’s improved features (on the ISP end) you need to provide more upload bandwidth to the client (well, you can still cap it at the router but at that point the ISP is just being an asshole instead of actually “managing bandwidth”).

riskable , avatar

I don’t see the issue. If the Republican party dies conservatives will just flock to a new party. It doesn’t happen very often in the US but such things have happened.

Republicans were too accepting of extremists in order to win short term gains. Now they’re paying the price as moderates leave the party, making it even more extreme and unredeemable.

They embraced an authoritarian and just like every authoritarian he won’t stand for criticism. Anyone that doesn’t support the authoritarian is out.

If conservatives really want to have a political future they need to abandon the Republican party and make something new. Something that isn’t extremist. The problem with making that happen is they’re coming to find out that even their most fundamental beliefs–the things that make them conservatives–are what everyone else thinks of as extreme.

riskable , avatar

I don’t care what justification you throw out. Misuse of literally drives me figuratively insane!

riskable , avatar

It’s just a general statement. Not specific to this article or comments 🤷

riskable , avatar

Docker containers aren’t running in a virtual machine. They’re running what amounts to a fancy chroot jail… It’s just an isolated environment that takes advantage of several kernel security features to make software running inside the environment think everything is normal despite being locked down.

This is a very important distinction because it means that docker containers are very light weight compared to a VM. They use but a fraction of the resources a VM would and can be brought up and down in milliseconds since there’s no hardware to emulate.

riskable , avatar

Sick employees don’t perform well.

You assume performance matters. A ridiculously large number of jobs are “bullshit jobs” and just require a body/someone to be there.

Example: When I was a teen I had a job at a roller skating rink that involved working at a snack bar. On Tuesdays (designated little kids figure skating practice time) the likelihood that anyone would enter the place was slim and the likelihood that someone would come to the snack bar was probably 1/10th of that. However, if the place was claiming to be open at that time they needed someone there. If only to prevent people from stealing the snacks/drinks 😁

Even at “modern” offices there’s tons of jobs that don’t have anything practically measurable in terms of “performance”. How do you measure the performance of a receptionist who’s job is to just hand people clipboards and then enter their info? Smiles? Typos? LOL

Even “fancy” jobs like “systems administrator” often have no realistic measure of performance. Did anything break today? No? Fantastic job 😁👍

riskable , avatar

This should be the slogan for Whole Cake Island.

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