There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

blindbunny , to lemmyshitpost in Bussy?

🙄 this is why I only date bisexual women. If I said this to any women I’m in a relationship with she would probably say something like, “fuck you” then peg me while annoying asking if I got the pun.

SpaceNoodle ,

What’s the downside?

midnight_puker , avatar

It’s a win-win, most definitely.

blindbunny ,

There’s not one. Bi women treat but men as equals in bed and straight women bore me

brbposting , to programmerhumor in Of course

One of the most useful concepts ever:

the Curse of Knowledge.

Explaining something to someone? Zoom out. Back up. What if that person were an alien, how much more context would you need to explain?

The curse of knowledge is a cognitive bias that occurs when an individual, who is communicating with others, assumes that others have information that is only available to themselves, assuming they all share a background and understanding. This bias is also called by some authors the curse of expertise.

Asafum ,

My friend really needs to learn about this. He works for Intel and does some really involved stuff, I on the other hand am a moronic jackass factory worker.

No friend, I haven’t the slightest idea what you’re trying to tell me you did if you keep using technical terms.

brbposting ,

If you said something like “if I were a marketing intern
” or “if I were a college freshman majoring in English, how would you explain it?”

would he not know how to clearly communicate still? :)

Maybe get him with the “is this a curse of knowledge situation?” (along with a link to Wikipedia) heh

Ephera ,

Problem is, even if they are capable of explaining it, it’s basically our job to learn things 8 hours a day. Trying to catch someone up on that, who doesn’t have that same job, that’s nearly impossible. Well, and you still want to rant/tell about your day for social interaction purposes.

Like, my mum would also sometimes ask what my (programmer) workday was like and I’d start telling that we had to deploy onto a really old Linux system. Wait hang on, Linux is an operating system. And an operating system is the software that makes computers go. Do you know what “software” is? Hmm, it’s like

And yeah, basically one computer science lecture later, I still haven’t told anything about my workday.

Sometimes, I can try to leave out such words, like “we had to roll out our software onto a really old computer”, but then I can practically only say “that was really annoying”. To actually explain how I slayed the beast, I do need to explain the scene.

brbposting ,

basically one computer science lecture later, I still haven’t told anything about my workday.


I can try to leave out such words, like “we had to roll out our software onto a really old computer”, but then I can practically only say “that was really annoying”.

Tough. Try my best with analogies, tailored if possible, but still tough.

“We had to try to translate our app into a language this ancient computer could understand. It was as easy as suddenly switching to Shakespearean English halfway through this conversation. Or like if you drove your car to a mechanic who’d been cryogenically frozen for the last hundred years. He doth protest much, methinks.

Overall, it was like putting together a thousand-piece puzzle, except the box came with a million pieces and most of them were useless!”

Good thing your mom was surely impressed with you all the same 😉

kameecoding ,

what’s it called when you try to be aware of this and inadvertently say stuff that comes off as condescending, umm, asking for a friend

brbposting ,


I know for men who are equal opportunity overexplainers it can still be seen as “mansplaining” when overexplaining to women.

But in general, if your tone of voice is right and it’s still happening, perhaps communicating your intention and a safeguard would work, at least sometimes?

May I try to explain this? If I start too basic, and overexplain so it feels condescending, please stop me so I can dig into it more technically.

Baku ,

I’m always worried about inadvertently doing this, so I’ve been trying to make a conscious effort to ask people if they need more context rather than assuming they do or don’t. It’s actually a good approach I think. Although it does depend on whether the person you’re talking to is likely to just say “oh yeah, I know what that is” when they really don’t

Treemaster099 ,

I’ve had to train literally hundreds of people over the various jobs I’ve had and it causes me to over explain in almost every conversation.

I got two tricks to figure out how much someone knows about a topic and encourage them to ask questions rather than lie just to avoid being a little uncomfortable.

First, I look for them to use vocabulary that I haven’t already mentioned or if they seem to understand something just by using a couple words.

Second, I ask them to explain something early in the conversation to make it easier to ask if they don’t understand something later. It’s usually really simple, but it really does work to lower communication barriers.

I like to think it makes us feel more like equals trading expertise, rather than like I’m some authority talking down to them.

I hope this helps anyone

brbposting ,

Yeah that’s good stuff!

Seems like you have your best shot if you make it seem like a lack of knowledge on a given topic is really safe. “Is this something you’ve nerded out on before, or not yet? Oh you have - cool, it’s pretty esoteric. Do you know enough to summarize it in a sentence or a few? If not I like to try to give my own high level before diving in.”

Something open ended in there gives you a chance to validate whether the ‘I know what that is’ was ego or truth.

cmfhsu ,

That’s the ticket, IMO. I start off assuming they know, then pause to ask “are you familiar with x concept?”

If they say yes and they really mean no, there’s really not a lot I can do. But it seems to make people feel at ease when talking to me - I don’t get called out for over explaining or infantalizing people this way.

theneverfox , avatar

If there’s any chance they’ve heard about a concept, I’ll ask if they’ve heard of it and take them at their word (without comment either way).

And if they’re kinda nodding impatiently, I’ll wrap up the explanation and move on to the deeper level

At first, people will sometimes be defensive or lie about knowing a topic, but after you establish there’s no judgement either way with you I’ve found people become less hesitant about admitting ignorance and will even want to hear your explanation of something to check their knowledge

I also do the flip side - I pride myself on admitting when I don’t know something, so that might play in too

AFKBRBChocolate ,

One of the things I look for in employees is the ability to distill complex topics into the important elements and explain it to someone unfamiliar. Some people are just naturally good at it, and it’s a really important skill for moving up a leadership chain.

Fungah ,

But then you’re Mansplaining.

Even if we have the Patriarchy app4oved mind scanning kits out instructions are to not use them so
I’d hate to accidentally not Mansplain something.

brbposting ,


Since there’s no way to fix the incorrect assumptions (a t-shirt proclaiming “I explain granularly to men too!!”?), best bet is probably to get ahead of the assumption with a disclaimer & offer to be receptive to feedback.

Someone could still be upset I guess but can’t please everyone!

Discussed a bit below.

AVincentInSpace ,

Me talking to my dad (who last held the position of professional programmer 30 years ago) about the programming problem I’m working on and vastly overestimating how much he knows about modern software development parlance

Aganim , to lemmyshitpost in Gotta get on that grindset

For $250000 I’m totally fine with him showing me his penis. Unfortunately I think he won’t be interested now that consent is given though. â˜č

Vent ,

I do NOT consent to Elon flashing me for $250k 😉

Track_Shovel ,

Y’all got any more of those unsolicited billionaire dick pics?

PhlubbaDubba ,

Nah, if consent is given that means you get a horse not a payout

Although apparently horse semen is the single most valuable fluid on the market, so if you get a stallion you could probably get a nice payday out of it!

slazer2au , to mildlyinfuriating in MFA

At least it isn’t email or SMS MFA.

wreckedcarzz , avatar

Or email OFA. Burger King, Popeyes (I know they are the same company), and just a bit ago, BuyMeACoffee. They let you enter a password; fuck if I know what their requirements are. No tooltip, no failure text. 60 char with special chars? Nope. (a few moments later) 20 chars with no special chars? Nope. Fuck it, let’s try 2FA. Get seed, generate code, go to setup verification page (on phone), first box, paste. ONLY THE FIRST NUMBER PASTES AND MY KEYBOARD CLOSES. SCREAMS

(only factor authentication)

drolex ,

Nothing compared to BOFA, which is arguably even worse and a lot more stupid

mutter9355 ,

What’s BOFA? (Apart from BOFA deez nuts)

einlander ,

Bank OF America

randint , avatar

I thought it meant Bank Of Fucking America

drolex ,

Aw you’re too good. Can’t you even let your guard down a little? I need this.

grue ,

For those who don’t know, the BofA app clears the username and password fields every time you switch to a different app, completely thwarting the use of password managers because Bank of America is apparently Hell-bent on forcing everyone to have easily-typed (and therefore easily-brute-forced) passwords.

Natanael ,

Android has password managers with keyboard app integration so you can paste both fields from the keyboard itself

I use Keepass2Android and it’s own keyboard app for this. I switch active keyboard app when the login field shows up to paste and then switch back to my normal keyboard after

Jimmycakes ,

Dashlane has no problems filling out my bofa passwords on android

grue ,

Good for them, but there’s no way in Hell I’d trust a proprietary, cloud-hosted password manager.

Jimmycakes ,


Fosheze ,

Thank you for clarifying because I was expecting a “BOFA dez nutz” joke.

possiblylinux127 ,

My bank requires SMS mfa

Admittedly I kind of see why

viking , avatar

My bank has its own authenticator app, which doesn’t work on my phone. Piece of crap. They now enabled fingerprint login without additional 2FA somehow, and I can also authorise payments with biometrics. Only to change my limits, update address etc. I have to use the app (on an old Pixel 3a as a standby device just for this purpose).

possiblylinux127 ,

I would change banks. Stuff like this is a reminder why letting government run such services is a bad idea. (I’m sure your bank isn’t state owned but still)

viking , avatar

I can’t, live abroad and no bank I contacted would open accounts for non-residents.

I have other accounts where I live, but all my investments and major holdings are sent back home.

possiblylinux127 ,

Oh, well that’s a tough situation.

KairuByte , avatar


Totp is easier, cheaper, and more secure. It makes no sense to go with SMS.

possiblylinux127 ,

For one that requires more training and support. However I think the biggest reason is that it is predictable and requires access to the device. You also can’t steal a phone number as easily as stealing poorly secured keys

KairuByte , avatar

Poorly secured keys usually still require device access, unless they are secured so poorly that the individual would be compromised in one of many other ways regardless.

Stealing a phone number requires, at most, paying off an employee at a telco company. At best it just requires a call and some social engineering. And don’t forget, people who leave their phone laying around without a passcode exist.

Now, neither of these are really options for a dragnet approach, they’d need to be targeted. But the fact that one can be done fully remote should be a red flag.

areyouevenreal ,

The issue being what do you do when your phone gets stolen? You can get a new SIM with the same number easily. What’s the solution for TOTP?

KairuByte , avatar

You’re misunderstanding. Totp apps require authentication to use them, be it a password or bio-authentication. SMS does not, it just requires the phone number.

You can get the phone number through any number of ways, but it can be done remotely meaning no one ever interacts with you or your phone. Through various methods, they have your phone number transferred to a different phone, and then have the SMS sent directly to them.

Totp apps (typically) have a backup system in place. 1password as an example, uses their servers to host the data. But you can also back that up. The chances of someone gaining unauthorized access to your Totp account comes down to your security, and which service is chosen. 1password again as an example, is fully encrypted, they can’t see your passwords, if you forget your security token, the only solution is to wipe the entire password store and start again.

The difference in security is mountainous. It’s the difference between a single family home, and a bank vault.

areyouevenreal ,

Yes and muggers ask you for your phone pin. Ask me how I know. I am guessing this is why you need a separate password when using 2FA

I see now that there is a backup in place for losing a phone. That’s primarily what I was concerned about.

Bubs , to programmer_humor in Brainfuck is the sixth circle

Apparently, this is the code for a Hello World program in Malbolge:


Shyfer ,


Yearly1845 ,


  • Loading...
  • gravitas_deficiency ,

    Idiomatically nonsensical, as all things should be.

    RootBeerGuy , avatar

    Biblically correct hello world

    LostXOR ,

    Looks like the backticks in the program messed up the formatting a bit, here's it with fixed formatting.


    Not that it's any more intelligible. :D

    brbposting ,

    What steps did you take to fix the formatting?

    (Save me the Unicode identifier / dive into console :) )

    stebo02 , avatar

    just copy the comment?

    LostXOR ,

    I just grabbed the original program from Wikipedia and put it in a code block.

    mindbleach ,

    The document icon below each comment is “view source.”

    brbposting ,
    mindbleach ,

 where are your vote icons, in general?

    brbposting ,

    Wasn’t logged in,

    nice thanks :)

    Still curious why your comment doesn’t show on!

    mindbleach ,

    General ban by an admin being an asshat. Haven’t bothered asking nicely to get reinstated.

    Lemmy desperately needs some default notification, because what newbie is checking a site’s modlog with any regularity? I didn’t even know it existed. I was bickering with some troll who said ‘you’re cruising for a report, mister!’ despite being far further over-the-line than me, and I said, that’s adorable, knock yourself out. And then things so thoroughly stopped working that I assumed my LW account had been straight-up deleted.

    Meanwhile, that troll suffered no consequences whatsoever. Despite starting shit, getting personal, and being wrong. My accordingly low opinion of moderation across Lemmy has since been vindicated more often than not. This was the largest instance that didn’t demand “civility” as a constant choke-collar, and the worst problems I’ve had have still been mods flying off the handle in cases where I’ve been perfectly polite.

    Apparently I can’t say please and thank you without people taking it as vicious sarcasm, so I don’t fuckin’ try and I don’t fuckin’ worry about it. It’s been freeing.

    brbposting ,

    You’re cruising for a double report now, mister!

    Aww man. Good point about the notification. Better luck in the future.

    FreshLight ,

    Ah, yes! Much better!

    mox ,

    Huh. Looks just like Perl.

    yetAnotherUser ,

    And I’ve heard it took years until someone managed to do it

    JATtho ,

    Holy cow.

    mrkite , avatar

    Mom, put down the phone, I’m using the modem!

    verysoft , to memes in Something tells me this might not be a good year for games...

    Just ignore the "triple A" industry and games are usually great. Lots of small passionate studios still pumping out quality stuff.

    Neato , avatar

    I played the demo for Mouthwashing and it was excellent. Nice little horror game without jump scares that really evokes dread.

    The Deep Rock Survivors game is pretty cool too. Lots of neat stuff coming out these days.

    AdmiralShat ,

    Honestly really liking DRG Surviors, and I usually don’t like the genre.

    FilthyShrooms OP ,

    Yea I’ve mainly been focusing on smaller games recently. Last AAA game I bought was Cyberpunk 77, which I enjoyed but was a whole thing. There’s so many good indy games coming and going its definitely worth it to look into some of them

    NuXCOM_90Percent , (edited )

    While “AAA” has lost all meaning: even in that space we have some real bangers already

    Yakuza/Like a Dragon 8 is already in the running as one of the all time great JRPGs (and probably a top 50 GOAT in terms of games period). FF7R2 is going to have to REALLY screw up for fans to not feel strongly about it. And Dragon’s Dogma 2 is, somehow, showing all signs of actually being faithful to the incredibly weird original. We also might be seeing Elden Ring DLC sooner than later. Tekken 8 seems to be incredibly well received
 accessibility aside. That gets us to the end of March (ER has a mysterious youtube entry but it has for weeks so who knows)? Even if nothing else happens this year, that already is a stacked as hell line-up.

    Two months in and, gaming wise, 2024 is shaping up really well. Like most years, people see what they want to see. If you want to say things are a flop, there are flops. If you want to say things are awesome, there are some truly amazing games.

    MrScottyTay ,

    I’m so excited for 7 rebirth. And one I’ve finished that I’ll be getting persona 3 reload to replay one of my favourite games. With those two alone and me catching up on some of last year’s games, this year is going to be a good one for me.

    Dettweiler42 ,

    Seriously. I’ve been playing Ready or Not, Palworld, and Helldivers 2 lately, and I’m having a great time with gaming.

    rish , avatar

    This is not a triple A game actually. Ubisoft CEO referred it as a four A. AAAA.

    avater , (edited ) avatar

    To investors who know shit about gaming, not to gamers
maybe he meant the costs which could be in the 4A sector after all this time 😅

    xlash123 , avatar

    More A equals more good

    Comradesexual , avatar

    Are they? Because the past few years indie games for me have been nothing but early access underdeveloped bare bones crap.

    collinrs ,

    Ubisoft also published the best game of the year, Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown. Best metroidvania game I’ve played in a long time.

    IzzyScissor , to memes in Can't win with some people

    If “your man card can be revoked” then you understand that gender is performative and conditional.

    Holzkohlen ,

    You would think that, wouldn’t you?

    VampyreOfNazareth ,

    They be throwing man cards at people violently

    anarchy79 , (edited ) avatar

    In fact words all those words are a bunch of gibberish and neither the world nor reality works like that. I can just question the vague and often circular premises of that argument and we’re back to square zero.

    Not against the sentiment, but you’re never going to get anywhere with that pseudoacademic bullshit.

    Edit: hahaha just keep proving my point. You’re the same as them- dogmatic fanatics with no arguments that hold up for shit.

    Riven , avatar

    Cringe, you’re not even a good anarchist.

    WaxedWookie ,

    Is this the most terminally online possible way of saying “gender is a social construct and I’m a gender abolitionist”?

    VampyreOfNazareth ,

    Possibly, never seen anyone in real world run around yelling their gender at people.

    MetaCubed ,

    I’m entirely for gender abolitionism, but you really need to find some better rhetoric. “Cope and seethe, your arguments are shit” won’t work on most people

    The_Lopen ,

    Sooo what if a dude just decides to act like, dress like, and call themselves like a girl? Why would they not be allowed to do that? What about the laws of the universe takes away their agency to do that?

    IzzyScissor ,

    Which words are you struggling with?

    Thrashy , avatar

    For some the optionality of it is less important than the notion that if it’s performative, you can be bad at it and therefore make yourself an acceptable target for abuse, and besides that the idea that some roles can be restricted to only those with a certain set of physical characteristics is deeply ingrained in many, be that in terms gender, career, or what have you.

    Mango ,

    I understand that gender is made up and doesn’t matter. There is nothing girly or manly.

    hdnsmbt , to lemmyshitpost in IT support work be like

    “My computer is broken, it won’t turn on!”

    “Are you sure it’s plugged in?”

    “You think I’m stupid? Of course it’s plugged in! It’s broken!”

    “Sometimes the plug isn’t in all the way and then it won’t work.”

    “I know how to plug in a plug, it just won’t turn on because it is b-r-o-k-e-n!”

    “Are you sure the plug is all the way in?”

    “It’s all the way in. My computer is broken!”

    “Im coming down there and if the plug isnt all the way in, I’ll be pissed and mock you.”

    “IT’S BROKEN!”

    Goes down there and plugs the plug all the way in

    Computer starts

    Kolanaki , avatar

    I myself had this problem with my monitor when I first bought it. It has weird touch buttons instead of normal buttons, I plugged it into the computer and kept hitting the power button and it wouldn’t come on. I was getting annoyed that it was broken
 Then I realized I only plugged it into the computer and forgot the freakin’ power cable when I was about to pack it back up and take it back to the store. đŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž

    BirdyBoogleBop ,

    My Monitor used to turn off randomly for no reason. Until I noticed it turned off every time my mini fridge kicked in, move mini fridge plug to a different wall port and issue resolved.

    Make sure you aren’t overloading your wall sockets people!

    Trainguyrom ,

    I learned 3 things very quickly in one evening:

    1. My cheap electric razor throws a ton of noise onto whatever electrical circuit it’s plugged into
    2. How to sort out ZFS filesystem errors
    3. That the bathroom socket I plug my razor into and the plug across the house that the main desktop is plugged into happen to be on the same electrical circuit

    So that’s fun!

    dis_honestfamiliar ,

    I can top this.

    I was running hackintosh along side others OSes. Keep in mind it was working fine until it wasn’t. So this hackintosh one day started having a problem. After some time of inactivity, the monitor would sleep. Once it did, it wouldn’t come back up. Only a reboot would help. Eventually I thought it was incompatible with the DVI output since I saw similar hackintosh issues online. I bought a new monitor that would support display port. When I was disconnecting everything I notice that the DVI port wasn’t fully plugged in. đŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž

    ademir , avatar

    At least it was in time to return, right?


    dingus , (edited )

    This reminds me. At work, I’ve had to help during rapid consultation procedures for surgeons while they are performing a surgery. It involves you cutting tissue microscopically thin with a very sharp blade within this specialized machine.

    Well one day I am cutting and cutting and I just can’t get anything to work. It’s making a mess and fucking everything up.

    I look down and realize I didn’t even have the blade in the machine lmaooo. I was trying to cut with blunt metal. What a goober move.

    Brain farts happen!

    baseless_discourse ,

    my brain sees “I’ll be pissed and mock you” and read it to me as “I’ll piss on you”.

    Not a bad punishment for people don’t plug their plugs all the way in.

    nudnyekscentryk , avatar

    Pissing on a plug is a punishment for the person who pisses, not for the person who didn’t plug it all the way in

    Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

    Never ask them if it's plugged in. Ask them to unplug it and plug it back in. Make something up about contact patches on the cables getting corrosion. That way they can see that it's not plugged in without feeling ashamed for not checking it.

    Valmond ,

    Ooh, manager material right here!

    You are so right though 😁

    MetaCubed ,

    If I’m ever doubtful that someone has unplugged something, I’ll ask them to describe something that may or may not be on the plug.

    • Color
    • metal type
    • "can you please read me the serial number stamped on the prongs of the power cable"
    • “what color is the plastic inside the plug” Etc.etc.

    Have not had it fail yet

    YoorWeb ,

    what color is the plastic inside the plug

    That’s gold, I don’t think I could ask that without laughing.

    littletranspunk ,

    You should reach out to power supply companies and ask them to put some bogus number on the plastic by the prongs so end users never think something is up when you do this trick

    NerfHerder ,

    I’ve used the, unplug it, touch the ends of the plug with your fingers to release the static on the line ans plug it back in line more times than I care to count.

    Deuces ,

    Ohh that’s good. I always use the “try another outlet”, but it backfires sometimes when they move the whole desk to another outlet

    NerfHerder ,

    That is a good one too, I’ve had the same result using that one but also they will occasionally state that their different sockets from the same circuit.

    MetaCubed , (edited )

    I have a deep fear that the power supply won’t have a discharge capacitor and they’ll get a shock from it. Completely irrational but its deep seated enough that couldn’t use this one

    Edit: discharge resistor*

    NerfHerder ,

    If PEBKAC, problem solved, right?

    lightnsfw ,

    Maybe that’ll reach them to do what they’re told the first time.

    hdnsmbt ,

    If you ask them to unplug it and plug it back in, they’ll lie and say they already did that, though.

    And if they were ashamed at all, they’d have remembered the last time the exact same thing happened.

    This sounds like I hate end users which I really don’t. Their expertise lies elsewhere and I respect that. Still, sometimes it makes for funny/exhausting situations.

    elbucho , avatar

    A buddy of mine used to like telling the users that sometimes fat electrons get stuck in the prongs, so you have to occasionally unplug it and shake it out.

    MacNCheezus , avatar

    And thus, the The Bastard Operator from Hell was born

    SocialMediaRefugee ,

    I had this with a person who said their screen stayed blank no matter what they did. I came down, saw the power light on the monitor was off, saw the plug was not plugged in, and fixed it. She was very embarrassed.

    Transporter_Room_3 , to memes in Iron shooting avatar

    Then they tell you the previous person was incompetent or something to try and make it seem like they were a bad employee, not that it’s a bad work environment.

    “Oh? And who was in charge of their interview?” because unless they have a large hr department to handle hiring interviews, it was probably the person who hired you.

    This is when you take notes in your notebook you should have brought with you.

    I’ve noticed interviewers get visibly uncomfortable when I write in my notebook. It’s like they’re either trying to figure out if they just lied about something I will be able to reference later, or they just get that natural “someone is writing about me and I can’t read what it is” feeling, I assume the former.

    Simon Pegg wasn’t lying in Hot Fuzz. The notebook is a powerful weapon if used right.

    Vilian ,

    but the notebook strat gonna helpnme get the job in the end of the day?

    Bonehead ,

    Do you really want the job if the interviewer can't handle being interviewed by you?

    OneWomanCreamTeam ,

    Yes, because I like eating and having a roof over my head.

    Bonehead ,

    I thought that once too and ignored my gut feeling. It was the most toxic work environment that I've ever experienced, and it essentially killed my software development career. I was eventually laid off and never recovered. I'm now a mail carrier.

    the_post_of_tom_joad ,

    How’s the usps looking these days? You still got that asshole tearing the sorting machines down?

    Bonehead ,

    I actually work for Canada Post. We've heard rumblings of the pre-sequenced mail coming our way, and some people have lost large chunks of money from it. Contract negotiations are coming up though, so we'll see how things go. Though it is nice having a union that is willing to fight the company for the workers...I've never had that before this job.

    the_post_of_tom_joad ,

    Ah i did the thing, oops. Good luck on your negotiations :D

    Nommer ,

    Had a similar experience. Toxic company that was awarded a contract hired in a bunch of people, gave us starting dates then a week before we were supposed to start they delayed our start data by 4 months. It only got worse and worse from there. I eventually quit when I was doing 4 other jobs, like with different pay scales and supervisors and everything, by myself. Killed any chances I had with IT since every other company around here doesn’t want to risk yet another burnout from that place. I had the same place interview me twice 6 months apart and both times as soon as they saw that company on my resume they frowned and kind of cut it short.

    Vilian ,

    why it killed your carrer?, you lose the desire to work in software development?

    Bonehead ,

    It was because I believed the lie "if you start in Support, you'll have a chance to move over to Development". I spent 5 years waiting for them to keep their promise. I did everything they asked me to do, I even wrote code in order to demonstrate that I was able to do it. None of it mattered. And after 5 years of doing everything they wanted, chasing that goal post that kept on moving back on me, they laid me off unceremoniously. I then tried to apply to development jobs but I kept on getting asked the question why I haven't held a development title in more than 5 years. No answer I gave was apparently good enough. I spent the next five years bouncing from a tech support job that I got laid off from, and then a technical advisor job (which was really just tech support for the development team) that I got laid off from. After that, I decided I either get a development job, or I'm leaving the industry. Tech Support was killing me, and I refused to go back. And now I deliver mail for a living. It's a lot less stress than I had to deal with before. And I now get a true chance of a six-figure salary.

    Transporter_Room_3 , avatar

    Actually, I’ve had more than one interviewer comment on it saying it “shows (I’m) prepared” since many people don’t bring anything to write on and sometimes have to ask for a paper.

    As for whether that could be a bonus in getting hired? Meh. 110% depends on the field.

    If the question is “will asking unnecessary questions and writing down answers help get this job” then I’d ask if the interviewer isn’t prepared for a couple innocuous questions, then it shows a severe lack of preparedness on their part and I’d question whether I want to work for a place where someone gets shook by their underlings daring to question them.

    I fully admit I am already biased against nearly any company that I would be interviewing at, so I’m already more willing to get confrontational in interviews if I feel I am not getting the respect I deserve (you know, the basic human decency of treating every random person you meet as an equal until they prove otherwise worthy), and drop them to keep looking than the average person. I’ll eat ramen and peanut butter sandwiches for a few more weeks if I need to. I’ve walked out of interviews before.

    I’ve walked out after the opening “greeting”. “alright let’s make this quick, I’ve got a dozen other interviews today” okay well if that’s how you treat someone here for a simple interview I can’t imagine how you treat your employees on a bad day, get fucked. I literally said “excuse me? You don’t talk that way in a professional setting.” and left.

    The_Mike_Drop ,

    This is absolutely true. My former employer (a big box retail company) reduced my pay while I was on holiday. I had been there for years and accrued a bunch of pay rises - but the company got bought out and the new owners thought they could strip me of these because they felt they were temporary and non-contractual.

    I got some legal advice that basically said they can’t do that sort of thing and had a meeting scheduled with HR. I went in with my notepad, I stayed calm - pleasent even - no angry shouting or slamming tables with fists, I just politely asked them questions and wrote down everything they said, then read their answers back to them to confirm thats what they said. I had about 6 questions prepared and by the 4th they were visibly uncomfortable, it was an amazing feeling making them squirm like that. After I got done asking my questions, I dropped the legal advice I had been given on them and it was obvious the answers they gave supported my case very heavily. They panicked and reversed all there decesion plus I got back-pay.

    But if the first thing I had done is charge in making accusations and quoting the law I know nothing constructive would have happened.

    See the goal is to bury them in their own words.

    Edit: predictably the company went bust the next year. So long Office Outlet!

    Transporter_Room_3 , avatar

    Always get them to bury themselves before dropping your intentions.

    My wife is currently dealing with her employer and their complete lack of handicap spots, despite over 200 regular car spaces scattered all around a warehouse lot. She doesn’t quite get how to “play the game” like this but she’s learning.

    One party recording state so I’d like her to go in to talk about it while recording, but her anxiety is completely stonewalling her from bringing it up.

    Hit record on the phone, slip it in a pocket that has good clearance for the whole conversation, and get them to say the things they’ve said when they think nobody else can hear them.

    Apparently the front office woman screamed at her to move her car (she parked there because the offices are isolated from traffic and have access to her work area)and “it’s not our goddamn problem we don’t have handicap spots, it’s yours so deal with it”

    I’m about to just skip around waiting for her to do things and file a complaint with the EEOC or at least the ADA government site complaint form. I’m sure that would take months, if not years before anything ever happened, but I can’t hold her hand and be there when she confronts the owners about their 6-8 missing handicap spots.

    bane_killgrind ,

    When I go to client sites I carry around a pad, and I tell people that ask it’s just a prop to make it seem like I’m being thorough.

    Really I have extremely good spatial recall and estimating retrofit jobs is a piece of cake in that respect.

    Couldbealeotard , to internetfuneral in Can it be done? avatar

    It was done. Teletext delivered news, sports results, horoscopes, closed captions, all directly to your TV in real-time. It was quite clever as a pre-internet method to deliver text content to every home.

    All the people in the comments here being unaware of this makes me feel old.

    elbarto777 ,

    It was not a thing in the places I grew up in. But when I saw it working during a European visit, it blew my mind. That was 20 years ago.

    Hubi ,

    I don’t know how it is in other countries, but at least here in Germany teletext is still a thing and works on all the larger channels.

    ChaoticNeutralCzech ,
    Hubi ,

    I never said it was good or practical lol

    ICastFist , avatar

    As someone who doesn’t understand german, Devote sklavin fĂŒr dich. Devote slave for you? And what’s that korperl zuchtingung?

    ChaoticNeutralCzech , (edited )

    Körperliche ZĂŒchtigung: bodily desires edit: mistook with sĂŒchtig, actually means corporal punishment
    Devote Sklavin fĂŒr dich: you are correct
    Fesseln+Knebeln: Bondage+gag
    1,99€/Min.v.FN Mobil abw. -w-: No idea edit: $2.49/min. from landline, mobile varies [ad]

    This is one of the more SFW pages actually. There are lots of pixelated nudes, as well as a cryptic page of colored rectangles, which you are supposed to scan with an app for the full AR experience and also buy as an NFT?
    I didn’t follow any of the links so all I saw was

    spacesweedkid27 ,

    “Heiße Uschi120+ bringt Dein Rohr ohne Vorspiel zum GlĂŒhen”


    ChaoticNeutralCzech , (edited )

    For non-German speakers: “Hot Uschi20+ will get your tube red hot without foreplay”.

    The phrase „Rohr zum GlĂŒhen bringen“ literally means “bring a tube to glow” and originated back when electronics used vacuum tubes. I’m not German so I have no idea how common it is today but I assume this bit is for an old audience.

    Great find, I missed that.

    Couldbealeotard , avatar

    This is bringing back memories. I never saw raunchy classifieds like this in Aus though.

    ChaoticNeutralCzech , (edited )

    This is one of the more SFW ones. You know what, I’ll make an ImageMagick script to crop & aspect-ratio-correct the rest of the ones I took and upload them. Coming soon!

    Edit: Imgur album, feel free to report as NSFW lol - omg, the “SEX SEX SEX” sign is actually flashing
    You can also view most German teletext services using their app for some reason

    ChaoticNeutralCzech , (edited )

    Teletext is a fun art form. Too bad the graphics are only really used for tarot and phone sex ads.

    Anyway, here are some of my recreations of Czech cartoon characters using the online editor at

    I have more but I am rate limited. Imgur album

    Couldbealeotard , avatar

    It’s at least 30 year old technology. Maybe older.

    elbarto777 ,

    Yup. I know because I grew up reading magazines with one article or two about it. It was neat to see it in person, though.

    TheBat , avatar

    Some places didn’t have that.

    Like places in Asia jumped from radio to cable tv to mobile phones, skipping intermediate technologies like tv with only one or two channels, computers etc

    Couldbealeotard , avatar

    That surprises me. Many parts of Asia have a big gambling scene; one of the main uses of Teletext was horse/dog racing odds in real time.

    TheBat , avatar

    I think they might have been gambling with cards or lottery when teletext was a thing in Europe.

    That was the thing in India at least.

    RealFknNito , avatar

    The current generation doesn’t even know what a VHS is. I’m sorry, time comes for us all.

    FangedWyvern42 , avatar

    I do. I’ve never seen or touched one, but I know what it is.

    tsonfeir , avatar

    Don’t worry, I’ve never touched a gas lamp but I know what it is.

    elbarto777 ,

    Buy one second hand and fiddle with it. Curious machines!

    Honytawk ,

    Out-dated and worthless you mean?

    There is no need to understand the technology.

    Not that tape storage is dead, it is just not relevant anymore.

    elbarto777 ,

    Who’s saying anything about being relevant. There is no need to smoke cigars or make oil paintings either. Yet people do things that they find interesting regardless of what you think. Interesting, huh?

    marietta_man ,

    Do you mean a VCR? Or A “VHS tape”?

    RealFknNito , avatar

    You know what a cassette is. I don’t need to call it a cassette tape do I?

    marietta_man ,

    When they were widely used, people called cassette tapes “tapes” (common) or “cassettes” (less common). I don’t recall anyone calling a VHS videotape or VCR “a VHS”.

    Similarly, I have seen people recently say “a vinyl”, which wasn’t ever the way it was said. (it would be music “on vinyl” or “a record”).

    RealFknNito , avatar

    The only time I have ever in my thirty years of life heard someone refer to a VHS as a “videotape” or “tape” is in the context of “tape that show for me”. It’s always been “Video” or if they’re specifying the format “grab the videotape” or “VHS” a lot like how people today say “DVD”.

    I think we’d both agree someone who calls a “DVD” a “DVD Disc” insane and someone who just says “Disc” could mean CD-ROM, Blueray, so forth. It’s too general and I think the same thing applies to “tape”.

    marietta_man ,

    Yeah, “video” was common, but “VHS” wasn’t. Maybe kids who developed language as the format was expiring in the early-mid 90s didn’t have lots of examples and just thought the letters printed on the tape were a noun.

    Couldbealeotard , avatar

    It was when both VHS and Betamax was on the market.

    Couldbealeotard , avatar

    My nieces once asked to see my rectangular DVDs

    vaultdweller013 ,

    In their defense when I was a kid I called red dead redemption, GTA cowboys. If kids dont know what to call something theyll figure out an equivalent.

    NounsAndWords ,

    On NY1 they just straight up read the newspaper to you on TV.

    Couldbealeotard , avatar

    There are many radio shows around the world dedicated to reading news articles for print impaired people. Great for when you’re driving as well.

    LinkOpensChest_wav , avatar

    I remember this, but I think it was only one local channel here. It would show community events, snow plow schedules, and things like that.

    Or was that something else?

    Couldbealeotard , avatar

    There were many pages, I’m not sure if you count that as channels? Then the Teletext for closed captions were tied to the channel you were overlaying on.

    omgarm ,

    Teletext in the Netherlands has an app now. People still use it.

    Couldbealeotard , avatar

    Hey, while it looks like a dog’s breakfast, it is an incredibly low bandwidth solution for such a useful service.

    Amaltheamannen ,

    Still exists in Sweden, though I haven’t seen it since I was a kid.

    MargotRobbie , to world in Margot Robbie Shows Solidarity with Writers Guild avatar

    Wearing a baggy t-shirt like everyone else on the strike is news now?

    Also, have I not been vocal enough about my support of the strike here?

    Where is my front page post on Lemmy about being “the opposite of a scab”?

    livus , avatar

    @MargotRobbie - B-b-but "you" have.... "signature blonde locks", unlike anyone else in Hollywood.

    I think @Mantis_Toboggan is right, this has to have been written by an AI.

    Sharkwellington ,

    She has such beautiful blueish brownish greenish eyes!

    Chozo ,

    Thank you for your service. o7

    fiat_lux ,

    You're a vision in a t-shirt! Your sunnies are so chic! What a stylish spin on... appropriate clothes for a warm sunny day. How do you do it!?

    MargotRobbie , avatar

    Wait till they see my home outfit of a hoodie, sweatpants and a tub of ice cream.

    fiat_lux ,

    Scandalous! Content should be marked as NSFW!

    Im14abeer ,

    Don’t forget to accessorize with a no-nonsense scrunchie for an effortless spin on that “lazy days” look!

    Chickenstalker ,

    Well, I think you’re doing a good job modding the android instance.

    MargotRobbie , avatar

    Thought I’d give Jared Leto’s method acting nonsense of “a reddit moderator” a try.

    Turns out to be pretty easy, all things considered.

    Bizz9172 ,

    I hope there are strikes going for games too. I am looking forward to develop a Gta Chinatown Wars like game on Godot engine.

    anlumo ,

    Game developers don’t have unions. Besides, this is a B2B conflict. Workers don’t care if it’s more expensive to publish a game.

    nickwitha_k ,

    Game developers don’t have unions.

    They should though. They get screwed harder than nearly any other subset of the tech industry. Tech workers, overall, and need unions too. They’re getting such a miniscule cut of the revenues that it’s shocking.

    Besides, this is a B2B conflict. Workers don’t care if it’s more expensive to publish a game.

    The biggest impact is on indies that may have very few devs. If you’re not making AAA or even AA games, it could mean closing down.

    anlumo ,

    The biggest impact is on indies that may have very few devs. If you’re not making AAA or even AA games, it could mean closing down.

    Yes, but striking doesn’t help small devs at all.

    FireTower , avatar

    I haven’t been particularly following the strikes but just scrolling on here I had seen you mention your support for it somewhere.

    It’s weird reading this person praising what I assume to be a free t-shirt on par with the ones they give away for running a 5k as a fashion statement.

    Deebster , to mildlyinfuriating in I hate using mobile to read articles avatar

    Obligatory mention that Firefox Mobile supports plugins like uBlock Origin. You don’t have to suffer this rubbish!

    whispering_depths ,

    i always open in Firefox, makes life 1000x easier on mobile

    ironsoap ,

    I really wish they brought back Reader mode. I kept the old version of firefox side by side just so I can force some pages into it. Makes reading soooo much easier.

    WrittenWeird ,

    Reader mode is still here and works 100% fine, at least on Android

    Bop ,

    Switched not to long ago and the reader mode is a lifesaver as well

    prole ,

    Can get you around paywalls on articles too

    Bop ,


    jack ,

    Except if you’re an apple tard 😂😂

    thehatfox , avatar

    The EU Digital markets Act will eventually be fixing that, for better or worse.

    Mozilla are already working on an iOS port apparently, just need Apple to (begrudgingly) open the doors.

    jack ,

    The rest of the OS is still a proprietary shithole

    EatBorekYouWreck ,

    Still better then the dumpster fire of nonupdated and unoptimized androids. I bet my old iphone 8 plus still feels smoother with 2GB ram then the new pixel

    Rai ,

    Edit: deleting my comment because it’s useless to reply to a crypto bro

    jack ,

    I have nothing against nocoiners

    llii ,

    I use Firefox and Firefox Klar which integrates into Firefox on iOS. I see no ads.

    themz , avatar

    Safari on iOS supports extensions. Chrome on Android does not. But hey, keep telling yourself that Google are better than Apple at this.

    jack ,

    Who cares about Google? Chrome is trash. You don’t understand that in the Android world I can install infinite different browsers. I am not dependent on what one company allows. Must be hard to understand for an Apple brain.

    HughJanus ,

    uBlock isn’t going to block pop-ups that are from the website you’re visiting.

    leanleft , avatar

    u probably donteven need an adblocker.
    i bet there is a config to disable popups. (might break some legitimate use cases)

    jaybone ,

    Can Memmy be configured to use this browser when opening links?

    leanleft , avatar

    extremely unlikely u would see the trashiest trash if u just had a host blocker (firefox strict, ublock, umatrix, etc

    pottedmeat7910 , to memes in Yeah seriously ,why ?

    My wife is a surgeon
 Or as she puts it, “Standing in the way of God since 2005”.

    dingleberry ,


    zloubida , avatar

    Meanwhile, God: 😏

    Nougat , to technology in Coming to you soon...

    People who choose not to watch ads are far more likely to not spend money based on ads. I know that when I see the same crappy ads over and over, yeah, I remember the name of the product, and I remind myself every time never to buy it. I'm more likely to buy from that seller if I don't see their ads.

    s38b35M5 , avatar

    100% agree, but they charge for eyeballs, not clicks.

    AProfessional ,

    Clicks are the core part of how ads work
 Cost-per-Click, Click-Through-Rate, etc.

    Kolanaki , avatar

    That’s because the average person is influenced by seeing the same shit over and over again, and it improves sales. Not every single person, just most of them.

    nicktron , avatar

    Not most. Just enough to make it worth the money they spend.

    thedrivingcrooner , avatar

    “just enough to justify not paying their workers livable wages” FTFY

    aceshigh , avatar

    Depends on the age demographic and lifestyle. For example, I pretty much buy the same things for the last 20 years. I’m not going to change my shopping patterns because of an ad.

    redtea ,

    Also, YouTube ads are about the most random things. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an ad on YouTube for anything that I would actually buy. I’m not even nearly immune to ads, either. Show me a product that solves a problem for me and I’ll strongly consider it. Consciously and I’m sure subconsciously.

    Google knows what I do for a living, where I live, and what I spend money on. Google also knows that I use YouTube primarily to watch videos in other languages. It’s not a secret to them. Yet they insist on trying to sell me products or services that have zero relevance to anything that I do. In English.

    It makes me wonder if they’re even trying to profit through ads. I know the answer – no, not really – the advertiser is the customer, not me. It must be too complicated for them to realise that they could charge more for ads the more sales they led to.

    DarkThoughts ,

    Yeah. I'm completely allergic to ads. If this goes through I'm simply not going to use YT anymore.

    starclaude ,

    then they are succesfully livin in your head rent free

    circuitfarmer , avatar

    I operate this way too. There must be literally dozens of us.

    In all seriousness, I do find it somewhat surprising that some of these companies think saturating everything with ads is a good idea. As a simple matter of brand recognition, I get that the power of suggestion is a helluva drug. But all that stuff does eventually glom together in my head as general advertising nonsense – as a result I see companies that advertise less / not at all and rely on a quality product and word of mouth as a better buy.

    Wogi ,

    They don’t just think it’s a good idea, marketers have convinced themselves they’re doing you a favor by pummeling you with advertisements day and night.

    How else could you learn about their valuable product if not for constant, unending advertisement?

    drekly , (edited )

    I work in Google Ads every day.

    It’s more likely that they’re incompetent and haven’t checked/manually set up their video / display ads, and have let Google decide how often to show their ads. Google then decides to show their ads as often as possible because it gets clicks (even if they’re accidental) and nets them more money each time.

    The best trick Google ever pulled was telling advertiser’s to trust them with their money and “leave it up to the algorithm”.

    Fuck no, you set it up so Google doesn’t abuse their platform and spam your ads everywhere, ignoring everything Google tell you to do.

    The shit I’ve seen in people’s accounts because Google told them to do it

    You can and should limit the amount of times your adverts are shown per day to someone. There’s a not-so-fine line between brand awareness and pissing off potential customers.

    zurohki ,

    Everyone thinks ads only work on other people, that’s why ads haven’t been banned yet.

    teamevil ,

Jordan Peterson and the stupid best fiends game, I’ll NEVER use

    AffineConnection ,

    No Ad is good sunscreen.

    Thorny_Thicket ,

    I can list a ton of products I by principle will never use. Athelic greens, casper mattresses, simplisafe, express/nordVPN, Honey 
 Some people may see a pattern there.

    Ironically I might actually buy your product even if you spam annoying ads as long as you do it on a platform I block ads on.

    Dasnap , to lemmyshitpost in I miss 2011 memes avatar

    There was an extinction event and Wojak evolved to fill in the ecosystem’s niches.

    wrath-sedan , (edited ) avatar

    Unironically a fantastic example of speciation.

    atomicorange ,

    Convergent evolution is so fascinating!

    DrQuint , (edited )

    Also pepes. I swear, pepes were JUST ABOUT to go away, and then Twitch of all places added pepes as default emotes and gave brain rot to a whole generation. Basically an invasive species being brought everywhere.

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