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Fungah ,

Get he out lest he be ready to drop to your knees and gibe praise to the righteous AUR as it doth demand.

Fungah ,

I don’t like driving…

I don’t need to drive

Owning a car is stupidly expensive. And its an expense I don’t need to pay.

Cars make people lazy and entitled and create divisions between them. When you’re driving you’re not around other people like you would be on public transit. They’re bothered.

Fungah ,

Yeah this dude is an idiot.what the actual fuck is his reasoning here?

Fungah ,

Setting up a pfsense router / firewall virtualized in proxmox on my server PC with separate vlans for my iot devices and guest WiFi was tedious, time consuming, challenging, educational, and ultimately worth it. I’m not invincible buy at least I have fucking viability into what’s going on in my fucking home network.

Fungah ,

Dude I wish. I’d love to be able to point you in the right direction but getting this all working for me was just the product.of determination and posts / videos from all over the place.

I can tell you that adding proxmox to the equation made things way more complicated. And that vlans are not intuitive.

My advice would be to just kind of go for it. I ended up needing a smart switch, a mul5i nic pace card, a regular switch, and two access points (you could get a vlan aware access point but I couldn’t find anything that made sense price wise).

The whole thing took days to set up. I frequently didn’t know why things weren’t working. It sucked.

You can pm me if you get stuck and I can try to give you a hand buy the frustrating truth I learned about the process was that I was kind of on my own since every set up is kind of unique based on your hardware.

I’m glad its done but doing it frankly sucked…

Fungah ,

My old PC.

Its on proxmox but I’ve got an i7 8600k 18tb hard drive for frigate / nas, rtx2080ti because where else am I going to put it. 32gb ram. 1000 watt PSU.

Fungah ,

The fuck does someone’s political alignment have to do with this shit?

Fungah ,

Yes. Please. Dispose of it all in some sort of pneumatic tube system that sends it straight to Canada please.

Fungah ,

What’s the point of even searching I’d you can’t grep?

Fungah ,

This is the issue. they’re all shit. Even kagi often fails to deliver useful results. Its the best of the bunch but AFAIK their own crawler is very reliant on google.

Fungah ,

My father bounced on my mother, thinking me and my twin sister died during childbirth. We were split up to that way. She grew up like royalty, with everything a child could possibly want or need, while I grew up in the desert with my aunt and uncle, who were both unfortunately killed while.I was in my late teens.

They’d lied to me about who my father really was after I was reunited with my sister, and the first time I ever met him I found out first hand how cruel he could be and I unfortunately lost my hand in the fray.

Despite this, he tried everything he could to get me to come work for him and his asshole boss. And mentor.

Ultimately he redeemed himself when he threw that wrinkled prick.down an 3levator shaft, but died soon after.

Life’s a mess.

Fungah ,

Happy to report that the 555 beta still just gives me a black screen before rebooting the computer. Though after a few attempts it did display some garbled Greg shit.

Fungah ,

Like. I can’t even rub Wayland on my 4090. Its a black screen. This happens with manjaro kde. With mint I can at least see my (frozen, unresponsive, unusable) desktop.

This all sounds cool and stuff but I kind of wish people would, like, shut the fuck up about Wayland? My understanding is that NY far from unique. People that own PCs have nvidia cards. Unless “the year of the Linux desktop” involves everyone vaporating anmd cards that magically have cuda cores somehow out of their asses then nothing about Wayland really matters to us.

You can “get an and” card to me all you want, but here’s the thing: I don’t fucking want one. I use my cuda cores. Its why I spent as much as I did on a 4090.

I guess 555 is supposed to make Wayland work with nvidia?

I mean, look. Using an nvidia card with Linux, and getting the requisite drivers working, can be am experience akin to having your has deferens ripped out by an aging badger. I get it. But until I can nvidia while I Wayland I just don’t care. And I’m not alone.

Fungah ,

I use bing for porn. Its great for porn.

Fungah ,

It is illegal in Canada to have sexual depictions of a child whether its a real image or you’ve just sat down and drawn it yourself. The rationale being that behavior escalated, and looking at images goes to wanting more

It borders on thought crime which I feel kind of high about but only pedophiles suffer which I feel great about. There’s no legitimate reason to have sexualized image of a child whether computer geneerate, hand drawn, or whatever.

Fungah ,

But then you’re Mansplaining.

Even if we have the Patriarchy app4oved mind scanning kits out instructions are to not use them so…I’d hate to accidentally not Mansplain something.

Fungah ,

Didn’t they recently come out and admit that there were hackers in many of their most secure systems that they couldn’t get out?

Fungah ,

Sometimes objects im using have like, a personality and desire? Like they won’t want to get thrown out or there’s some kind of relationship between two forks.

Its kind of subconscious - I’m only somewhat aware of it. Its weird.

Also when in recalling things Ive learned recently I’ll sometimes recall a place I’ve been to as well. This happens most frequently with code for some reason. Programs I’ve written or functions will be strongly tied to places in some way? I don’t get it.

Fungah ,

The not understanding hlw it works thing isn’t universal in ai from my understanding. And people understand how a lot of it works even then. There may be a few mysterious but its not sacrificing chickens to Jupiter either.

Fungah ,

This doesn’t feel accurate for some reason. Maybe because I’m on drugs.

Fungah ,

I was transferred between 16 different reps on an amazon chat trying to return a busted chair. I refused to log off, was polite, and started asking what the record for transfers was and of wed best it. I refused to explain the pr9boem again after the third transfer.

I wanted to return the chair and get the same model but not broken. I refused to take it to the post office.

They ended up refunding me the money and I kept the chair. Which kind of works. You can sit in it. Just can’t lock it when you Kean back.

Same thing happened with a vacuum that worked but kind of shot.out dust when you first turned it on.

'Horrific' violence at UCLA after counter-protesters attack pro-Palestinian camp (

Violence erupted at the University of California, Los Angeles after pro-Israeli counter-demonstrators attacked a pro-Palestinian campus encampment. Bubbling tensions on the campus boiled over following the alleged breach of a “buffer zone” between the rival groups.

Fungah ,

Its weird yo see they York University was so far ahead of its time with this stuff.

Fungah ,

I, too, did a heroic dose of mushrooms once

Fungah ,

I read… Something once and they suggested the past we may have collectively possessed a more direct relationship with rekigi9n like you’re talking about. That for some reason or another we don’t tend to “hear the voice of hod” like we once did. Out relationship with our internal self had changed. Maybe it was bred out by our tendency to kill the religious folks who disagree the most with whatever the dumpster jour religion at the time is.

Fungah ,

What the fuck are you talking about?

Fungah ,

My understanding is that CSAM doesn’t satisfy anything. Iirc research on the subject suggests that it causes most pedophiles to go out and look for the real thing.

Which scans. How many people watch and think: “well, that’s good enough” and just stop pursuing a real partner?

YSK : Dark patterns among large companies are becoming more mainstream (

While it is no secret that exploitative practices are interlaced with capitalistic tendencies, the practices are becoming intolerable. Signing up to pay usually takes only two clicks that are prominently visible whereas cancelation options are hidden away in deep settings requiring multiple clicks. Pricing often feel arbitrary...

Fungah ,

Who the fuck would rather repeatedly pause and in pause a fucking video, skim past bullshit, skip ads, or hell even USE YouTube over a block of text somewhere that c9ntains the info you were looking for.

People watch this dog.shit. is it because its.the you can find info anymore? Or do people actually LIKE this format?

Fungah ,

In tests they did in the 50s they told people yo cover their eyed with their hands and close their eyed and people could see the bones in the heir hands.

Fungah ,

If past.lives are real then every hr employee across the globe had a past life as some middle manag3mentnpaper.pusher making the Holocaust possible.

If you work in hr there’s about a 99℅ you are irredeemably evil.

Fungah ,

How about inmates? Let’s use that term. And make sure its accurate.

Fungah ,

I used to on irc when i was 10 fucking years old. You the serve and then type the room you want to use.

Did they put lead back in gasoline when i wasn’t looking or something?

Fungah ,

Can we just start hanging the rich on live TV?

Fungah ,

You say this.

But its just not true.

It took my of all of a day with Linux mint before she needed to open up a command line and do things.

I love Linux . i would kill for Linux. Have killed for linux. And wil kill again for Linux. What’s that, tux? Sudo for person in store; do “$festoon_the_walls_with_their_guts”? If [[ -e $police ]]; then -eval sudo_works_in_real_,life; find / -type “*god” -exec /platonic_root/deicide police surviving_bystanders news_crews: fi; done

You’re always looking out for me bud. Sure I’ll do it.

Fungah ,

And the us will veto the genovide. Can you veto a declaration of genocide? Seems like one of those things that should be veto proof.

It wasn't just the goblins — is J.K. Rowling doing Holocaust denial now? (

The most famous forms of Holocaust denial and revisionism tend to focus on Jews, casting doubt, for example, on how many were exterminated in the camps. But denying the impact the Nazis had on the other groups they targeted, including queer and trans people, disabled people and Romani people, is still Holocaust denial. Maybe...

Fungah ,

They could just fail every class for 8 years and be passed to the next anyway.

No different then public school system st the end of the day.

Fungah ,

I be been fiddling with home assistants voice thing a bit and like wvwry4hing home assistant the process has been frustrating and bordering on Kafkaesque. I bought these atom echo things they recommend which don’t seem to make the best google home replacements, and in struggling to figure out how to get home assistant to pipe the sound out of another device, thereby making them useful.

Admittedly this may be simpler if all I was looking to do is say things and have stuff happen in a default voice model, but I fine tuned my own RTS voice model(s) and am looking to be able to use them for controlling homeass as well as for general inference when i feel like it.

I’ve spent some tim3, not a lot but some, trying to find out what devices can be m2dia players and under what conditions and how (or whether) you can use esp home to pipe audio through the media player / use USB mics as microphones for the voice stuff.

I’m kind of at a loss as far as understanding what the actual intention was for homeless’ year of the voice, so I’ve be3n thinking that maybe offloading some of my goals to a container or VM on TNT server running homeless on proxmox may be a better path forward. I came across this post just in time it seems.

Fungah ,

Oh yeah the keyboard is awful.

But it doesn’t spy on me so. Everyone else gets to suffer.

Anyone know a good mouse with a lot of side buttons, that isn't an MMO style? (

My Razer Naga Pro died and I’m absolutely not buying another one for what it costs. But I also can’t seem to find a replacement with the same sort of layout this one had. I’ll link a picture, but I’m essentially looking for a mouse that has a lot of side buttons but still has a place for me to rest my thumb without...

Fungah ,

So this is… Vict tsing or something, I think they’re called?

I had a daily driver for about a year from them which was phenomenal. It was responsive, felt great in my hand, had a pinky rest, so much better than the piece of shit g502s that was the last Logitech mouse I’ll buy, apparently the only gaming mouse they make now, and also evidently made for those with tiny, dainty hands.

It stopped working evebtuslly though I can’t really why exactly, and the second on I bought stopped working much soone, after maybe 2 months?

Anyway the first one I bought was well worth the $20, price of admission. The second one less so. So while there are some durability issue, the low cost of entry and performance made up for it.

Fungah ,

I got a Chromecast on sale for like $15 last year when I read that they could be rooted.

This was not he case. I have get to use it.

"A dream. It's perfect": Helium discovery in northern Minnesota may be biggest ever in North America (

“A dream. It’s perfect”: Helium discovery in northern Minnesota may be biggest ever in North America::For a century, the U.S. Government-owned the largest helium reserve in the country, but the biggest exporters now are in Russia, Qatar and Tanzania. With this new discovery, Minnesota could be joining that list.

Fungah ,

I’m }picturing dudes coming up from underground looking just a little bit dirty pretending to wipe off all the helium they’ve been mining while huge dump trucks and conveyor belts industriously rumble away carrying literally nothing nowhere. A concerned supervisor runs over to one of the miners like “god damn it Joel,. I told you to be careful. You’re covered in helium! We’re you even wearing your protective gloves? Look at your hands

. The men g)are angrily as a dumpy Rick carying a load of helium }pulls around just as one of the execs from head office pulls up in a golf cart, leisurely motions to the dump truck driver to stop, and cautiously climbs up into the bed of the truck to reach in. He climbs down, looking bemused, running his thumb and index finger together.

" Fine helium boys, great work out there today” he says after gingerly tasting nothing on his finger.

" But see, we’ve got a little problem".

The men, grizzled helium miners all, look concerned but defiant. These rugged hardworking may ultimately be under this man’s purview, but they’ll never respect soft hands with manicured nails that have never felt thing ring of the pickaxe against a brand new helium de}osit deep in mother earth.

The men’s defiance seems ready to boil over in rage as security personal, a dozen of them, from lines around the mean, prepared for any trouble that might arise.

You see", the executive drawls smugly " recent shipments have been a little… Light".

The men look around nervously, as if a{using looking at Joel on purpose. This is a trepidation the executive does not share as,. Motioning to security guards he walks towards Joel.

" Say, ajoel, is it? How were the men’s today. "

Joe smiles wanly, says nothing.

" Well, Joel? What’s it like down there, huh?

Joel \inces as he replies " it was good" his voice is as high pitched as the backing of a 90s techno song. Joel is grabbed by security guards as the executive roughly reaches into Joel’s c{versllys.

He holds an empty hand up as if holding something, displaying it before the miners.

" Aha! Pure helium. Our helium. And don’t you forget it boys. "

Then men glare angrily at the executive, sympathetically at Joe, as they head off towards the showers to cleanse themselves of helium residue before heading home

Fungah ,

I think he’s controller by bees. The queen lives inside of his hat.

Fungah ,

Imo “,the trans issue” is cut and dry. Be who you want, do what you want. Doesn’t affect me, or anyone else.

I’m starting to take an issue with everyone who isn’t trans though, and how weirdly obsessive and angry everyone iand their mother is about an issue that doesn’t affect a vast majority of the population.

I get that people can care about more than one issue at once. But wage inequality, homelessness, war, genocide,declining standards of living, student loans - there are so many issues that deserve our collective consideration and action on more.

It’s a non issue. What other people do to themselves and how they present themselves is their business. Its not that these issues don’t matter, they do, but we have bigger fish to fry and while I’m personally glad to see such a widespread desire to advance causes like this I can’t help but feel like the time so many people spend bickering online about it is time that could be better spent offline doing things that would advance these causes anyway.

And it doesn’t help that the time spent bickering isn’t even productive. It’s just people who already agree withe sch otherr aggressively reinforcing each others,’ beliefs to the point of militancy.

I’m not allowed to have opinions on the subject, and I largely don’t because it really doesn’t affect me snd I’m already in support of people being able to live how they choose anyway, but I’m bombarded with posts about the issue wherever I go, and I’m ju#t so fatigued by how little it matters on the grand scale of things, while being sensitive to how it can be the most important things of the world to some people.

Fungah ,

Water, I think? I think the hydrogen is less of an issue than the hydrogen fuel cell though.

Only 10 more years to go!

Fungah ,

Lthe answer is hamster. S thousand hamsters in a thousand hamsters wheels in every car. They’ll eat their young so it’ll be a self sustaining eco system.

Fungah ,

The more ive learned to code and the better I’ve become at solving my own problems on Linux, the more I’ve been absolutely fucking bewildered about how so many people can spend so much time and effort into projects they care deeply about and fail to include even the most basic of necessary instructions. Like “this one simple step is crucial and you can’t do fuck all else if you don’t do it”, kind of necessary

I think they want people to use the things they built, right? And yet, here’you are in a Kafkaesque nightmare with no visible exit, seemingly alone as if you’re the only person to ever actually need the crucial but of instructions necessary to make this thing work.

You wonder: am I just an idiot? Iss everything else in on something that I just don’t get? So you spend hours pissing into the wind as Google tantalizingly dangles tangential words at you, having become the internet equivalent of a bully snatching away the toy you brought for show and tell while swearing THIS is the last time, and you soldier onwards for hours, determined that you’re going to get this fucking thing working even though you know that for the sake of your sanity and our limited time on earth the better choice would be to give up. You make a point to leave a comment about your struggle on GitHub, just in case someone else finds themselves in your position one day, feeling less like an accomplished problem solver and more like someone who’s had to pop their own dislocated shoulder into place after dropping a piping hot pizza and falling on black I d. You’ve learned something, you’re more self reliant, this will be less serious in the futurre, but you can’t shake this weird feeling growing ever more insistent, a question you just can’t seem to answer: why? You’ll never know, and though it bothers you, you set to work trying to get this new image generation model to make you some anime women with comically oversized tits and worryingly unnaturally thin waists.

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