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s38b35M5 , avatar

Unused to wonder if the radio announcers that are always reciting the station call letters found that the letters stopped sounding like individual sounds, and the whole recitation became a sort of “word” for them. Like “You’re listening to 102.9FM WBLM!” Did it stop being “double-you bee ell emm,” and turn into more of a mashup of “dubbleyabeeyelmm”

True, the difference is pretty subtle, especially to a listener, but I wonder strange things sometimes…

s38b35M5 , avatar

Not really doing a great job finding the right place for your posts. You broke three community rules posting this here; rules 1, 2 and 9. Perhaps you should try a comics community?

s38b35M5 , avatar

I have a tiny 7yo girl kittay that rubs on the laptop screen so often and aggressively that two things have resulted.

  1. The corners have gross, brown buildup from her gums, drool and dander
  2. She earned the nickname Gubba, for “gum rubba”
s38b35M5 , avatar

Joke’s on you, Google! I uninstalled the Play store weeks ago!

Folders and files sorted skipping preceding underscores?

I’m in the process of switching my machines to Linux Mint from Windows and on my network drive I have a bunch of folders that are sorted with the help of preceding underscores (like this “__folder1” “___folder2”)) so that folders appear in a specific order....

s38b35M5 , avatar

Not a fix, but a workaround I use when symbols and punctuation are treated this way: I use lowercase letters to precede folder names to get the sort I want.


Not elegant, but it works in your case. You could also try other file managers, like Thunar to see if they manage sorting differently

s38b35M5 , avatar

Yeah, that sounds like a better long-term solution for you. Once you change your workflow, you shouldn’t have to do it again anyway!

s38b35M5 , avatar

If you dare, you can automated it with some simple scripting. If I had more than 20 or 30, I’d probably go that route.

s38b35M5 , (edited ) avatar

I’d use the find command piped to mv and play with some empty test folders first. I’m not familiar with Nemo, though I’ve used it for a short while. I’ve never tried the bulk renaming features if they exist.

Depending in how much variation you have in the preceding underscores, REGEX may be useful, but if its just a lot of single underscores you can easily trim them with a single version of the script.

Edit: corrected second command typo. I think there’s a rename command I haven’t used in ages that may have args to help here too, but I’m away from the PC

s38b35M5 OP , (edited ) avatar

Thank you for the comment. I have libopus0 1.3.1-3 installed. While I can play back opus files in strawberry, there are many missing integrations, like metadata cover art, and also audio level normalization seems to skip my opus files completely, as evidenced by viewing scanned files in the playlist with the “integrated loudness” or “loudness range” columns visible, or in the context tab if configured to display loudness parameters. Until I can get that sorted, vorbis is my go to.

Thanks also for the tip about variable bitrate. After reading some more about both codecs, I realized my constant br isn’t doing me any favors, and both excel when it comes to vbr. I’ll also dial back to the 6 or 7 vbr level and go from there. Honestly, my process to develop the conversion that “worked” for me was to take several 320k mp3s from way back in my collection and do a CBR conversion to vorbis that resulted in approximately the same file size, or slightly smaller. Not a very scientific benchmark. I just stuck with that when converting from opus.

Thanks again!

PS I added my current conversion string to my OP. I’ll share my results back here after I trial the new one.

ETA: I think I recall now that some conversions using variable bitrate would fail because the source files didn’t match up to the bit depth or some mathematical multiple of the source bitrate or some such thing that confused me, and was fixed by switching to a constant bitrate. Course, I could have it backwards. I do that a lot these days…)

s38b35M5 OP , avatar

Now that you mention it, I think I can tell yt-dlp to give me vorbis, but it might still entail a conversion.

s38b35M5 , avatar

Haven’t done this yet, but this is a source I saved in response to a similar question a while back.

s38b35M5 , avatar

Thx for this comment.

My main drive for self hosting is to escape data harvesting and arbitrary query limits, and to say, “I did this.” I fully expect it to be painful and not very fulfilling…

s38b35M5 , avatar

We call those “whisker balls” in our house, but I love peanut whiskers.

s38b35M5 , avatar

You just clinched your interview for Uber upper management

Uuhhh... help with new cat meeting old cat, or soothe me please

Day 1, panicked cry for helpHello, I hope it’s ok to not post a picture, I’m quite a mess right now. I lack sleep, and I’m stressed, and just stopping panicking, lying down to write this and sleep. I just brought home, on somewhat of a whim, the goodest and most communicative little boy cat from the street (he looks around...

s38b35M5 , avatar

You did it wrong. Anya’s world is upside down with this intruder. “Just see what happens” is not healthy or safe. Accept that and move past it.

As another comment mentions, Jackson Galaxy has a good many videos on this topic, but the first priority should be the vet to check them out for a chip and health. Then watch the JG vids.

Remember: cat’s most important security is derived from familiar territory. Move even one piece of furniture and they need to reassess. A new un-neutered male is a direct threat to the territory and can cause many unwanted behaviors and stress on both cats.

After Raids, NYPD Denied Student Protesters Water and Food in Jail (

Students arrested during the police crackdown on protests at universities in New York City last week were denied water and food for 16 hours, according to two faculty members at Columbia University’s Barnard College who collected reports from students who were inside....

s38b35M5 , avatar

Shouldn’t have [checks notes] exercised their rights.

s38b35M5 , avatar

Luna’s pose would always get me taking photos. That said, I feel for Luna being so clearly overweight. 😥

s38b35M5 , avatar

Hollywood magic! The chair back adds 7 pounds!

s38b35M5 , avatar

The pedant in me has to point our that if it’s the “best song we’ve ever heard…” then we already heard it, and it isn’t still “out there” as in unheard and waiting to be listened to.

s38b35M5 , (edited ) avatar

Uninformed myself, but if a supervisor was present with the mother and they were driving hours to pick the kids up for a party, my guess is the kids were somehow in the custody of the grandparents at the time.


The children’s mother, Veronica Butler, however, wanted more access to her kids than the court-ordered supervised Saturday visits she was allowed.

s38b35M5 OP , avatar


s38b35M5 OP , (edited ) avatar

Mask and blaze! When I shared your comment, he squeaked in reply.

s38b35M5 OP , avatar

Thank you!

This is his “why are you still awake at 11pm” face

s38b35M5 OP , avatar

Thank you! We love our Charlie – though I’m the only human in the house that calls him by that name. My GF likes silly names, and calls him, “big boy,” pronounced, “beeg bwai,” on account of him being the biggest cat she’s ever had.

Fun fact: he may have condor or eagle in his bloodline, because his claws are the biggest, longest, thickest claws I’ve ever seen on a house cat.

Give your Charlie pets for us!

s38b35M5 OP , avatar

Thanks! We call it polite pose. He does it a lot, and it usually looks far more… intentional

s38b35M5 OP , avatar

We love this photo.

Scritches are his favorite. (Big surprise, that…) He enjoyed.

s38b35M5 OP , avatar

Thank you! I wanted to provide a fun bio with his background because I always like learning about the kittays on here. I also thought some might wonder about his ear.

s38b35M5 , avatar

Try training Kika to use the toilet? My Grandmother’s cat was the same way back in the 80’s, and my uncle (yup, he still lived at home in his forties) trained the cat to use their downstairs toilet. Problem solved.

Edit: we kids always tried to catch her doing it but never did, but wed see the evidence after the fact.

s38b35M5 , avatar

I’m sorry you’re going through this. I haven’t seen your previous posts, but I can relate to some of what you are going through.

Our ten year old cat (former feral rescued at age 3+/-) has chronic inflamed gums and buildup on the gumline. In the US, we were quoted $700-$1600 (they said it would depend on a few variables) for twice-yearly cleaning, and said extraction would be the logical next step. We were shocked at that cost, and considered putting our cat down.

About six months later, we moved to Central America, and on our first vet visit, told them the situation. The vet examined his teeth, quoted us $35 for a simple cleaning and $15 for an enzyme we put in his water. No need for extraction. The vet was visibly angry at the proposal to remove his teeth, and especially the cost.

The day of the procedure (1 December), the vet allowed me to assist, and it took only about ten minutes. The whole room stank of bad kittay breath. Recovery from the sedative was hard to watch for the rest of the day, but the next few days he seemed much happier, even playing with his sister instead of being his usual grouch self.

A month ago he went in to treat a rash from an allergy, and he currently has zero problems on his teeth or gums. The vet thinks all he needs is for us to keep using the enzyme (which we’re lucky that he drinks water many times a day) and stay on top of it.

Now we no longer mind when Charlie licks us, and he doesn’t stink. He’s also more playful. We think his mouth always hurt, and made him moody. He loves to chew on natural fiber rope toys (for dogs) with his back teeth, which possibly help keep them clean. He bites so hard his teeth squeak and creak through the rope.

All that is to say that care in the US is crazy expensive, and pretty dismissive of alternative treatment options. It left us feeling like our options were to spend an ungodly amount of money or put our cat down. Surprisingly, even putting the cat down in the states would cost more than the cleaning procedure here in Belize.

s38b35M5 , avatar

I don’t have any left and the vet is getting more from Mexico, but if I recall correctly, the vet said it has natural enzymes from fruits like papaya? I’m waiting for more, because I just can’t get Charlie to accept me brushing his teeth. Also, It’s possible the enzyme does nothing, and his current diet and the rope are what’s helping, but its so cheap, I don’t mind.

s38b35M5 , avatar

Man, Google really does suck now. It feels nearly impossible to get something like a how-to deep in the Debian FAQs to come up, as it mostly surfaces this auto-generated SEO crap

By design. The longer you’re Googling, the more ads they can sell.

…Ben Gomes – a long-tenured googler who helped define the company during its best years – lost a fight with Prabhakar Raghavan, a computer scientist turned manager whose tactic for increasing the number of search queries (and thus the number of ads the company could show to searchers) was to decrease the quality of search. That way, searchers would have to spend more time on Google before they found what they were looking for.

s38b35M5 , avatar

Worst timeline? Could be…

s38b35M5 , avatar


“We are too corrupt to draft meaningful privacy legislation, but watch as we pretend CCP is the real problem.”

Performative BS

s38b35M5 , (edited ) avatar

And many, many mobile apps out there, except this one is the bad one, because: China.

My point is that meaningful privacy legislation would stop all apps from doing this with our data, but we have legislators who only pretend to care if a bogeyman has access to the data, and forget the part where any adversary could simply buy the data on the open data market.

I’m personally less interested in China having access to my daily movements than I am my own government, which includes states that are trying to criminalize going to certain medical providers.

I’d prefer if nobody had access, but I can see through the charade. These legislators are invested in technology that competes with China, and that collect and sell our data, so they prefer to keep things the way they are and pick winners and losers.

‘Like a war zone’: Emory University grapples with fallout from police response to protest | US universities (

The university’s response was likely the quickest show of police force in response to a divestment protest among the dozens nationwide that have occurred in recent weeks. It was also probably the only one where pepper balls, stun guns and rubber bullets were used against students, faculty and community members – at one of...

s38b35M5 , avatar

Charges for peaceful demonstration? Sounds like a violation with no qualified immunity to me. But in the 11th district… Not too hopeful for justice.

s38b35M5 , avatar

Its definitely awesome that your cat is scratching, and good you want to keep their claws trimmed. Sharp claws can get caught in fabrics, and hurt other pets.

Bad news! Scratching actually sharpens their claws and pulls the old nail sheaths off the new razor sharp claw beneath.

Good news! You can trim your cat’s claws for the price of a pair of clippers.

Just be patient and gentle and calm and they’ll get used to it. My formerly feral rescue cats sleep through it now after years of it. The first few times, I’d just clip as many as they’d calmly let me. Now the clippers are like the brush, and they purr.

s38b35M5 , avatar

Why is green bad and red good? Seems like the color choices are as odd as the opinions in the list.

s38b35M5 , avatar

It would constantly be telling users how much nicer people are better things are for inexplicable reasons, but would have very little other than news to talk about.

s38b35M5 , avatar

How about an image host that doesn’t force JavaScript? This looks interesting, but it won’t load

s38b35M5 , avatar

Bam! Thanks!

Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but this would probably be great as a PDF or other vector image. Its pretty pixelated on my end, but still legible. Thx for the resource!

s38b35M5 , avatar

Back to not loading for me, but no worries – its my choice to avoid JS, not yours to find workarounds for me.

s38b35M5 , avatar

“Finance and economics is too complex for the poors to understand. Just trust us; we know what’s best doe everyone.” -The not-poors

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