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elbucho , avatar

I mean, to be fair, you were kind of talking shit about their boss. It’s a hard living, being a Tankie. You’ve got to wake up every day, look yourself in the mirror, and decide to continue whoring yourself out to authoritarian regimes by posting a picture of a pig pooping on its own balls on the internet and telling left wingers that they’re fascist because they aren’t supporting Russia’s imperialist war.

elbucho , avatar

Problem: the more people know about me, the more they despise me.

Solution: get angry at the media for telling people stuff about me.

Yeah. That checks out.

elbucho , avatar

I mean, he’s absolutely right about the terrain. There are major logistical differences between Ukraine and Afghanistan. The Ukrainians are holding land that is so much harder to defend because a significant amount of it is flat farmland. The reason they’ve been able to hold on as long as they have is mostly because of western arms and training, which is why it’s so absolutely vital that western countries throw every dollar / euro they can spare Ukraine’s way to keep them stocked to the hilt with mines, drones, tanks, rockets, and artillery rounds. Building up their air force will also help a tremendous amount.

The truth that Tankies absolutely hate is that Ukraine’s been a severe underdog this entire fight, and they’re still in it, still putting hundreds of Russians in the dirt every single day even 2 years after the start of this “3 day war”. They are tired, they are bloody, but they aren’t beaten. This is not a war that will be won quickly, but it can be won, and it is in every NATO country’s best interest to do everything in their power to help Ukraine win.

They may not be Afghanistan, but Ukraine can still absolutely be the graveyard of empire. We just all have to chip in.

elbucho , avatar
elbucho , avatar

In retrospect, we should have noticed sooner. He was constantly asking kids to tickle him, after all.

elbucho , avatar

I think you’re severely overestimating the average intelligence of the population.

elbucho , avatar

True, the weather was really bad in that area, but he was traveling in a 3-helicopter convoy, and only his helicopter crashed. Now, I’m not saying that it’s impossible, or even improbable that it was an accident, but we can’t really rule out sabotage at this point, especially considering how big of a target he had on his head from both the US and Israel. Personally, I really hope it was an accident. I mean, I shed no tears for that son of a bitch, but the ramifications if this was an assassination are unsettling.

elbucho , avatar

Well, not that we needed one, but I really appreciate you giving us a reminder for why we should never ever make you president, Mittens. It’s very thoughtful of you.

elbucho , avatar

It is true, though. If he were to run for president, he’d be the best candidate the Republican party has put forward in 2 decades. And he’s still a gigantic piece of shit.

elbucho , avatar

You certainly have a way with words, my friend.

Why does a state like California that has supermajorities in both houses of the legislature not have a livable wage, housing guarantees, universal healthcare, and other very progressive policies?

I keep being told it’s because of the Republicans that we can’t have nice things. So what gives in California? We should be overflowing with progressive policies.

elbucho , avatar

I think you’ve got some very mistaken ideas about who Democrats are if you think that a supermajority of them would be totally up for implementing a slew of progressive policies. They’re way more progressive than the Republican party is, for sure. But that’s such an incredibly low bar that it’s laughable. Democrats will do things like make Cesar Chavez day a holiday, or fly BLM and LGBTQI flags, but expecting them to actually pass legislation that addresses the root inequities in a meaningful way is an uphill battle.

elbucho , (edited ) avatar

I love SIGBOVIK - truly some insane projects are presented there. Like Tom Murphy’s projects of creating a hard drive from pings, or using AI to create uppest and lowest case letters. Or reverse emulating a Nintendo (which is a particular favorite of mine).

One other project that I really love was presented at the 2021 Sigbovik: Fontemon, created by Michael Mulet. It’s a full-blown choose-your-own-adventure game in a font. Truly insane. Here’s a short video showing the basics of how it works:

elbucho , (edited ) avatar

One thing that I was fascinated about after reading his manifesto is this part right here:

To better understand our form of government, I will point you to one of the most astonishing pieces of stand-alone evidence I’ve found: Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton’s 1988 DNC speech where he nominated Mike Dukakis for president against George H.W. Bush. The speech is a vile, mean-spirited roast of Dukakis that makes no sense whatsoever: For Clinton to ruthlessly attack a member of his own party should have been political suicide, and he repeatedly mocks Dukakis’ noble and earnest qualities.

I went back and watched that speech. It was just a really long list of reasons why he thought Dukakis would be great as president. The only thing approaching a “roast”, and not even a mean spirited one, was when he ribbed Dukakis for his loyalty to a non-Atlanta sports team.

So, like… I know this dude is totally out of this world bonkers crazy… but I can’t help but wonder what he saw in that speech that he thought was vile or mean-spirited.

elbucho , avatar

Given that it’s Los Angeles, that shelter could probably go for about $175,000.

elbucho , avatar

Well, I mean - that’s a pretty misleading figure, tbh. It’s true that around that percentage of Americans as a whole voted for him, but “Americans as a whole” includes a whole bunch of people who are not eligible to vote. Like, people under 18. Or people who have felonies and cannot exercise their voting rights. The eligible voting population in 2020 (according to the US census bureau) was 231.6 million. As Trump received 74,223,975 votes in 2020, that represents about 32% of the population. Of course, 231.6 million people didn’t vote in 2020. Only about 168.3 million were registered to vote, and only about 154.6 million actually voted. So if you look at the percentage of people who were willing to vote who preferred Donald Trump, that’s a staggering 48%. What’s depressing is that if you tally up the people who didn’t vote (either because they weren’t registered to vote, or they were registered and decided not to), you get about 77 million voters - more people than actually voted for Trump, or about 33% of the total eligible voting population.

So what’s probably most accurate is to say that America is roughly divided into thirds: those who think Donald Trump is swell, those who don’t, and those who couldn’t give a shit either way.

elbucho , avatar

“Population” could also mean “Eligible voting population”, not just “total population”. Both contexts work.

elbucho , avatar

Right message, very much the wrong messenger. Like it or not, Hillary, a significant number of people in this country despise you. I don’t think that’s at all fair, but them’s the breaks. You’re not helping.

elbucho , avatar

That wasn’t really the message. The message is more: “Please stop with the hyperbole. You know that Donald Trump is the worst possible candidate imaginable.” Which is absolutely true.

elbucho , avatar

You ok, bud?

elbucho , avatar

I mean, I agree it would be great if Biden was a better candidate. I’d be a whole lot less worried about a second Trump presidency if that were the case. But he’s not a better candidate. He is who he is. And though he hasn’t earned your vote, you should give it to him anyway because it’s in your best interest to do so.

elbucho , avatar

Ok, so what’s your solution, then? Actually - first, let’s make sure we’re on the same page about the basics: do you agree that Donald Trump would be fundamentally worse for America than Joe Biden? Second, do you agree that any candidate other than the winners of the Democratic and Republican primaries basically stands no chance of becoming president?

elbucho , avatar

Ok - you didn’t answer either question. You gave me a bunch of reasons why you dislike Biden, but no opinion on whether a second Trump presidency would be worse for America than a second Biden presidency. This isn’t a trap; I want to know whether we have a basic level of agreement here.

elbucho , avatar

What you’re doing isn’t clever, nor effective.

Well now I’m very curious as to what you think I’m doing. Because I think I’m asking you to make a judgment call about which of the two candidates who have a shot at becoming president would be better for America. It’s a very simple question. What do you think I’m doing?

elbucho , avatar

I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to explain that to me. I have no idea what you mean by that. How is asking you your opinion on the relative impact of each potential president holding you to a standard at all, let alone one that’s “different from moderates and liberals”? It’s not a difficult question. Do you not know the answer?

elbucho , avatar

I mean, probably? If someone decides that they don’t want to vote because they have a moral quandary with voting for the “lesser of the two evils”, then that person doesn’t make rational sense to me. So I’d be curious. Their political leanings don’t really matter in that scenario. Out of curiosity, why would you think that I wouldn’t ask the same questions of anybody else who said the same things you did? I mean, you’re just text on a screen to me. I don’t know you from Adam, so why would you think that I would have intimate knowledge of your political positions at the outset of our conversation?

elbucho , avatar

I don’t know who is making that argument, but it is a stupid argument. And besides, it doesn’t address the point at all. If, for example, Biden made those material compromises with progressives that you describe, and a “moderate” or “liberal” decides not to vote for him when his opponent is Donald Trump, then I would be in the exact same situation with them that I am currently in with you: asking them “do you believe that Donald Trump is fundamentally worse for America than Joe Biden”?

You’ve argued that I am holding you to a different standard by asking it, but have just demonstrated that that is nonsense. So will you answer now?

elbucho , avatar

Ok, you’re still failing to get it. I think it’s not a question of a lack of intelligence on your part, but rather of mulish obstinance. I get it - you don’t like Biden because he doesn’t cater to your politics. Boo fucking hoo. He doesn’t cater to mine either, but I’m voting for him anyway because I’m not a petulant child. The problems this country is facing are far larger than the tiny myopic view you’re choosing to adopt. One candidate doesn’t care very much about progressive causes, and the other one is a wannabe dictator. At some point, you’ve got to grow up and realize that your priorities are completely out of whack.

Do you think that Donald Trump would prioritize women’s reproductive freedom? Do you think that he would work to ensure that gay marriage isn’t overturned by a supreme court who has already talked about the possibility of overturning Obergefell v Hodges?

You complain that Biden broke the railroad strike. Do you think that Trump would be any better? Trump, the guy who thinks so little of the common worker that he often refuses to pay his contractors.

You complain about Biden supporting Israel. Do you think that Trump, the guy who had the US embassy moved to Jerusalem over the extremely vocal opposition of Palestine, would be any better?

I don’t think that you’re insane, so I think you probably recognize that Donald Trump would be very bad for the causes you supposedly represent. Certainly worse for them than Joe Biden would. But, you’re too focused on the dopamine hit that “taking the moral high ground” would represent to realize that your choices will make it more likely that Donald Trump will become president again.

There are precisely two candidates who have a shot at this. Both are bad. But one is miles worse than the other. Not voting, or voting third party isn’t as bad as voting for Trump, certainly, but it doesn’t help any of the rest of us out either. The fact is, there are 71 million people who voted for Trump in 2020. Those people will likely vote for him again. Which means that there needs to be significantly higher numbers of people voting for Biden to ensure that that orange fuck doesn’t assume office again.

When I said that giving your vote to Biden would be in your own self interest, this is what I meant. You wouldn’t be the first person to hold your nose at the ballot box because you wanted to avert a greater catastrophe. That’s not compromising your principles. It’s just being an adult and realizing that you’re not always going to get your way, and that taking your ball and going home is a child’s way out.

elbucho , avatar

Justify it all you want, your behavior is selfish and self-destructive. It is child-like. It is throwing a tantrum in the cereal aisle because Mom won’t buy you Cocoa Pebbles. Dressing it up in these flimsy, asinine justifications doesn’t make you sound smart, it makes you sound deluded.

elbucho , avatar

Ok, it seems you’re having trouble penetrating the depths of what is a fairly easy metaphor to grasp, so I’ll break it down for you.

You complain that Biden (and presumably most, if not all Democratic presidents thusfar) caters to liberal and moderate political positions, but alienates progressives. You then stated that if he were instead to cater towards progressive positions, it would alienate liberals and moderates. To quote you:

Simply put, people argue if Biden made material compromises with leftists and progressives then moderates and liberals wouldn’t vote for him.

So you ostensibly believe that Biden is in a no-win position, in which he will alienate either the progressives or the more moderate sections of his party. So far, so fine. However, where an adult would recognize that the system is imperfect and that it is not likely to improve by November, you whine and pout that you’re not getting your way (ie. having a president that caters to your political desires), and so you’re going to throw a tantrum in the cereal aisle (refuse to vote, thus making it more likely that someone who caters to your political desires far less than Biden would will become president).

It’s a really simple analogy. And the thing is, I think you recognize that you are being childish. It would certainly explain why you were so reluctant to say that Trump would be worse for America than Biden - you recognized that you would rightly be called out for immaturity because you were prioritizing your selfish need for attention over the good of the nation.

Basically, I think that you know that you are selfish and immature, but you also are self-conscious about that fact. I think that instead of going through some much needed self-reflection, you instead lash out at the world, because that’s a much easier way to salve your ego. I really hope that you do at some point reflect on your actions (or inactions, as the case currently stands), and begin the long and painful process of growing from it. You seem savvy enough to be able to actually contribute in a way that could make a difference, if only you manage to get out of your own way. Until then, you probably shouldn’t be surprised that acting like a child leads people to treat you like a child.

elbucho , avatar

It’s a tantrum. You are selfishly choosing to harm others because you aren’t being catered to.

elbucho , avatar

Honestly, my friend, you’re reading way too much into it. I expect in a desire to claw back some semblence of a win in order to salve your bruised ego, but hey - I’m not a psychologist. It was a really simple analogy. You’re just being pedantic at this point. You don’t need to find an exact parallel between every facet of the analogy and your situation for it to make sense.

elbucho , avatar

I think it’s kind of hilarious that you’re arguing so angrily and vehemently that you are not throwing a tantrum right now to some random stranger on the internet who called you childish. You’re kind of making my day. <3

elbucho , avatar

Ok? I fail to see how what you pointed out in any way changes my response.

elbucho , avatar

NBC’s journalists and anchors objected not because she was a conservative, or even a Trump ally, but because she had played an active role in trying to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential race…

I don’t know, man. All three of those things seem like really good reasons to not hire her. I have no idea how it’s possible for Cesar Conde to be so incredibly out of touch with reality to think that Ronna fucking McDaniel would be a good pick for a host. Like, holy shit.

Is it normal to forget your own age?

I’m still in my 20s, but as of a few years ago I started forgetting what’s my exact age. I always have to stop and recalculate it each time someone asks me. I get asked fairly infrequently, but when I do it’s a bit weird/embarrassing that I have to say “wait, let me calculate”. (I know when I was born, of course.)...

elbucho , avatar

I occasionally forget mine, too, but I was fortunate in that I was born in 1970, so it’s really easy to calculate it on the fly.

elbucho , avatar

I’m glad that the paramedics were both found guilty, and that one of the 3 piece of shit cops were found guilty. But it’s infuriating that the other two cops, Jason Rosenblatt and Nathan Woodyard, were acquitted. All 5 of them should be serving murder sentences in a federal prison.

elbucho , avatar

I just wish that one of those chucklefucks on the police board would stop for just 5 seconds and think: “What are we incentivizing, here?”

elbucho , avatar

I love that “poop with friends” is in a different ink than “poop alone”, and that the frowny face is in different ink than the smiley face, suggesting that this was a collaborative effort between multiple people over an unknown period of time.

elbucho , (edited ) avatar

Oh hey - catturd2; isn’t that that sycophantic piece of shit who fawns all over Elon Musk every chance he gets? Maybe it’s a different catturd2 on bluesky.

Edit: Actually, yeah; it does look like it’s a different person entirely:

elbucho , avatar

I recently read Neil Stephenson’s book called “Fall”, in which a significant chunk of the novel is set about 30 years in the future. At that point in time, large swathes of America are referred to as “Ameristan”, because they are break-away territories ruled by evangelical warlords. It feels surprisingly prescient.

elbucho , avatar

Same with “simpleton”, “idiot”, “feeble-minded”, and “imbecile”. It really is fascinating how language evolves.

elbucho , avatar

Ah, a fellow “Cracking the Cryptic” lover, I see.

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