There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

Chainweasel , to piracy in Amazon clearly lying about "ownership" on Prime.

If they’re saying “own” on their advertisements then they should be required to refund you when they eventually have to take it away. I’m pretty sure “ownership” has a legal definition and it’s probably not too ambiguous.
It should at least be considered false advertising if they can’t guarantee access permanently.

Gormadt , avatar

That’s the best part

They redefine “own” and “buy” in their TOS

And so do many many other online retailers that sell digital goods


ok that makes me sick

AlteredStateBlob , avatar

This is modern alchemy trying to turn lead into gold. Just change the meaning of the magic words et voilá you make gold while the other party is robbed blind and can't do anything about it after the fact.

And of course, it's totally legal and totally cool.

takeda ,

I wonder if that would hold in court. They could simply use “rent” or “lease” in their ads, but they purposely are trying to mislead to imply permanence.

Diplomjodler ,

The people who can afford to fight this kind of court case have no interest in doing so.

Zoot , avatar

We should start a gofundme then to get the funds needed to afford such a fight. Id throw in 100$. Might take a few thousands of me, and a lot of time, but it should start somewhere.

iknowitwheniseeit ,

Or join the EFF which already does great work in this area. They don’t always succeed, but I doubt a GoFundMe could do better.

menemen , avatar

Don’t you have customer protection NGOs in the USA?

Arcane_Trixster ,

We have corporate protections in the USA.

Bakkoda ,

The consumer isn’t the last rung on the ladder. We’re on the fuckin ground. With footprints on our faces and medical bills to prove it.

mannycalavera , avatar

I don’t think they do 😢

TimewornTraveler ,

try google

9point6 ,

I can’t believe you were able to ask that with a straight face

HawlSera ,

I don’t even know what that stands for

TimewornTraveler ,

NGO is non government organization

TimewornTraveler ,

to give an actual answer instead of jaded teenage bullshit:

yes, we have several

Don’t expect any actual info from people around here. something tells me the comment section isn’t up for a fair analysis at where these things have failed us. it’ll be all soapbox, zero fact. I’m pretty baffled at how many people just told you No

NightAuthor ,

Of that list, BBB is apparently more of a business extortion scene. But consumer reports seems cool, I’ve used their site a few times.

HawlSera ,

Why would they endanger the ability to sell the same movie dozens of times over?

TheBat , avatar

Who tf is going to buy Aquaman 2 dozens of times? What’s wrong with them?😭

Mirodir ,

Or “watch”. That way they don’t have to make it obvious that their customers won’t own it but still don’t straight up lie.

Anticorp ,

Anything holds in court when you have more money than several small nations combined.

blanketswithsmallpox ,

Then it’s not binding and they’re just waiting for the class action. Which will win, but they’ll still be richer in the end.

morrowind , avatar

They actually never mention the idea of you owning content in their tos…

It’s “purchased digital content”

(iii) purchase Digital Content for on-demand viewing over an indefinite period of time (“Purchased Digital Content”)

Auli ,

Which is exactly like physical media. You never owned it you bought a license to view it on that particular disk. But it also had limitations put on it.

Gradually_Adjusting , avatar

If license ownership rights with digital custodians were as good as they are with discs, there would be no conversation happening right now. The difference now is that custodians will occasionally snap a finger and disappear your stuff, and you have no recourse.

anonymouse ,

It’s not “exactly like” physical media. The license portion is a similar concept. But the difference is that the variables that determine whether I can keep watching the content whenever I want, in perpetuity, lie solely with me as the person who physically possesses the media. The corporation from which I purchased the license can’t unilaterally decide to revoke my access to the content.

explodicle ,

Refunding the sale price is still theft. If it was only worth that much to me (zero surplus), then I wouldn’t have bothered with the trade in the first place. The only things worth buying are worth more to you than the sale price.

Jrockwar ,

Oh I had never thought of this or come across this concept! That’s a really elegant concept. Of course, in a transaction you’re putting in more effort than the money. The time it takes you to go through the purchase, the research, the cost of opportunity of that money… meaning those have to be covered in the cost of the transaction, and therefore the goods must be cheaper than the perceived value by those amounts.

You’ve sent me down a rabbit hole and I thank you for that. Now I’m off to read about economics 🤓

lud ,

Refunding the sale price is still theft.

What did you lose in this theft?

You got back everything you paid and you still got to enjoy the movie.

The way I see it you benefited from this transaction.

ReluctantMuskrat ,

You lost the ability to enjoy it forever, and that’s what the language at time of sale said you’d have.

lud ,

You buy it again then?

It’s probably much cheaper by the time it’s deleted anyways.

explodicle ,

You’ve gone from asking what was lost to insisting that they took it in order to give us a discount.

lud ,

No, I just think that everyone here is over reacting like always

explodicle ,

So you moved the goalposts?

Woht24 ,

A dollar today is worth more than a dollar in 1 year

lud ,

Yes but the movie will have lost its value over time so you could probably find it for much cheaper.

Woht24 ,

But you’ve already spent your dollar… That only proves my point. Both the dollar and the media both decrease in value, for separate reasons.

Aceticon , (edited )

It’s called the Discounted Value Of Money in Finance.

As in, the future money returned by an investment is converted to today’s money by using a risk free investment - say US Treasuries - as baseline to convert that future money to today’s money.

Maybe an example helps: if I have a $1000 investment I can make today that returns $1050 in 2 years time, the way to check if it’s worth it and by how much is by comparing it with how much would $1000 put today in, for example, US Treasuries return in 2 years time and if it’s more than $1050 then that investment isn’t worth it because I could make more from those $1000 in 2 years with no risk.

You could say that the baseline, no-risk, future value of today’s money is how much it will turn into by that future time if I kept it in a risk free investment from today until then, and you can also do the operation in reverse, Discounting the Value Of Money in the Future to a Present Day value.

PS: There is also another concept which applies here which is to do with having your money lock-into something called Opportunity Cost. Simply it’s trying to have a value for the investment opportunities you might miss if you money is already lock-in for a certain time frame in something. Back in the example above, if those $1000 are put in our example investment for 2 years, they can’t be used if a better opportunity appear in the meanwhile.

This actually applies to regular people all the time: for example, if you don’t have time to play a game, why buy it now if you can instead buy it later when you do have time to play it, it might be cheaper and you even have the option to change your mind in the meanwhile and get something else you enjoy more with that game. Mind you, this is maybe an example more suitable for the Patient Gamers forum than for the Piracy one ;)

backgroundcow ,

Refunding the sale price is still theft.

What did you lose in this theft?

Is there really nothing in your home right now you would be sad if someone took and just gave you the money you paid for it?

Even a digital copy of a movie may not be so easy to replace on the services I have access to.

Stores are not allowed to go home to people and take back the stuff they sold, even if they refund the price. Neither should a company that advertise “pay this price and own this movie” rather than “pay this price and rent it for an indeterminate time”.

lud ,

Is there really nothing in your home right now you would be sad if someone took and just gave you the money you paid for it?

Well of course, but I wouldn’t care much about movies or media. Especially if the media is readily available elsewhere which is always the case for movies you “bought” digitally.

backgroundcow ,

Especially if the media is readily available elsewhere which is always the case for movies you “bought” digitally.

Except when they aren’t. Especially if located outside the US, it is far from obvious that a given movie is available through another service.

Imgonnatrythis ,

Oh, whoops. I read it as them explicitly telling me to pirate it. Yeah of course they aren’t going to let you actually own it. That doesn’t come close to making sense.

cyberpunk007 ,

“rent a license for 15 years”

RandomApple , to memes in The slow decline isn't slow anymore

Endgame was a 3 hour fan service and wasn’t all that good and I’ll die on that hill.

lol3droflxp , avatar

Less of a hill and more of a well constructed 15th century fortress with about 100 loyal defenders at your service.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Agreed. My main takeaway from it was that my butt hurt after sitting in the theater for that long.

BanditMcDougal ,

I fell asleep during it in the theater. It was so insanely boring.

IMongoose ,

No, you’re right. Infinity war is the better movie but endgame was the better event. Endgame is almost a perfect fanservice movie and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

criticon ,

Infinity war is not that good either. Everything is preventable but the heroes forgot how to heroe and make very bad decisions

Bonehead ,

Everything is preventable but the heroes forgot how to heroe and make very bad decisions

Welcome to every single movie that's ever been produced. Most things in movies could be prevented if the heroes just made reasonable decisions. But then you wouldn't have a movie, so heroes have to be stupid at just the right moment to make the movie work.

MotoAsh ,

Nahh, that’s just cheap Hollywood shit that’s written so poorly.

It’s hard to tell living in the US, because our media is dominated by Hollywood. You only get to see the one or two gems that get shat out randomly once a decade sitting amongst a giant field of dumbed down Disney fairy tales. That’s if the gems were even advertised all that well in the first place. So much ADD advertising that spoils the climax of the movie ‘and’ gives you the wrong idea of the plot, it’s impossible to tell what’s actually good without watching it.

kratoz29 ,

Care to name a few examples?

MotoAsh , (edited )

Hmm, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen a movie in theaters, let alone a hidden gem or grossly misadvertised one. I try to avoid ads like the plague.

The only recentish thing that comes to mind is Barbarian, but I don’t think I even saw an ad for it. Not one I paid attention to. Just went randomly, it was not as expected, and we had fun not taking it too seriously anyways, which seems appropriate for that movie.

Others elsewhere in the convo are making some banger recommends, though.

Norodix ,

Not true, that is just lazy writing.

rotopenguin , avatar

Go watch Die Hard, The Day Of The Jackal, Rope, Seven Samurai, The Martian. It is possible to write a movie that isn’t moved forward by passing around the idiot ball. Characters can take reasonable actions, and still have stuff go wrong and have to take new reasonable actions to adjust.

Bonehead ,

Go watch Die Hard

If the hero just minded his own business and did nothing, no one dies and his wife is never in danger but millions of dollars worth of bonds are stolen. It's a fair trade off, and might have even saved their marriage.

The Day Of The Jackal

Based on a book with no actual heroes. Just a cold-blooded assassination attempt. This isn't the type of movie I'm referring to, though I should have said "almost every single movie..." or "hero movies".



In the play, two homosexual college students become fascinated by their philosophy professor’s ideas about the “innate superiority” of some people over others. Convinced they have found a victim who is inferior to them, they murder him, conceal his body in an unlocked trunk in their apartment, and then throw a dinner party with the trunk as the brazen centerpiece of the living room.

That's just a whole lot of fucked up. No heroes there, except maybe someone not realizing they are friends with psychopaths that have a dead body in their living room.

Seven Samurai

The heroes lose 4 of their own. I'll give you this one, this is the most realistic depiction of a hero movie.

The Martian

Poor mission planning. They can monitor, predict, and plan for dust storms on Mars today. But in the future, all that goes out the window when humans are involved? This entire scenario depends on someone not doing their job properly.

AdamBomb ,

Agreed. Infinity War was so dumb, I never even bothered to see Endgame. In that sense, it had the same effect on me as The Last Jedi, but at least MCU had an overarching story planned which is more than can be said for the Disney SW trilogy.

lobut ,

Infinity War has its faults. It’s paced a little nonstop and the Wakanda bits are a bit weak. That being said, I saw it ten times in the cinema and it’s the perfect movie for me. I swear – the tail end of Thanos being on Titan to the end of the movie, you can feel how somber it was and I feel that’s because of the connection to the characters. We can always say “oh they’re coming back” but I like to watch the movie on its own and remember just how it felt watching the movie for the first time.

Sigh_Bafanada ,

Exactly. Endgame is great in terms of fanservice, but IW is just a far more solid film

Resonosity ,

Yeah infinity war was better, I knew this the moment Thanos ripped that planet down with the power and space stones

tacosanonymous ,

You’ll have my bow.

zalgotext ,

I’m still pissed that the McGuffin in that movie was basic-ass time travel, when they had the way cooler McGuffin of the Quantum Realm they could have explored.

To make matters even worse, it’s seeming like the real reason they did the time travel BS was so they could start the multiverse BS, so they had a justification to continue pumping out garbage content.

rwhitisissle ,

It’s also just a bad time travel movie because the purpose of it was to be appeal to self-contained nostalgia. Like, “hey, remember all these OTHER movies you saw that built up to this one? Well, they’re going to revisit these in minor, superficial ways at the very end of our huge event.” Yeah, dog, I don’t care about those movies anymore and they weren’t very entertaining to begin with. Just get to the ball numbing action violence.

SquirtleHermit ,

Completely agree! Though time travel wasn’t a MacGuffin, it was just a plot contrivance. A Macguffin is an interchangeable irrelavent object used to drive the motivation for the plot. The “tesseract” in Avengers, or the “Philosopher/Sorcerer’s Stone” in Harry Potter for example.

Sorry to be pedantic, I fully agree with your actual point, and just thought you might want to know.

zalgotext ,

Lol thank you, I genuinely appreciate the pedantry

sederx ,

I’m so sick of time travel

MeatsOfRage , to lemmyshitpost in For some reason, I'm doubtful.

For context, the emachines “never obsolete” wasn’t referring to this computer, it was a recycling program where you could send your old machine back and get a huge discount on your next one. It was actually a pretty good deal at the time, especially when your average family machine was a lot more expensive than they are today

FlexibleToast ,

There were a couple of companies that tried programs like this. PeoplePC was another similar program. You would pay for their services and they would lease you a computer every 3 years.

CoderKat ,

I wonder how much of a discount OP can get when they send their machine back?

jarfil ,

If it’s in perfect condition, and they valued it based on second hand retrocomputing market prices… probably a nice chunk of cash.

insomniac , avatar

These aren’t super valuable. You can get them for about 200-250 bucks.

umbrella , avatar

pretty misleading tbh

smeg , to youshouldknow in YSK The difference between equality, justice and equity.

Every time I see this quaint but misleading image reposted it’s necessary to make the same comment: the words attached to each image are do not exclusively represent those images. “Equality” could apply to all but the first; nobody uses “equity” this way; and most people use “justice” to refer to criminal justice and punishment.

crazycanadianloon ,

It’s an infographic for children…? I think it’s meant to be simple.

I’m sure 18+ people should already have a more nuanced view of what those words mean. And if they don’t I’m sure there are other materials they can peruse to help them understand.

phillaholic ,

Apparently not simply enough for people to understand it’s point here.

whats_a_refoogee ,

The OP comment did not criticize the comic for being too simple. He called it misleading. You’re both arguing with a strawman.

Someone disagreeing with something doesn’t mean they didn’t understand it. It’s a really poisonous mindset that hampers intellectual discourse and development.

phillaholic ,

It’s not misleading. If you can explain it better in an easier way by all means…

uniqueid198x ,

How would you label the different concepts?

Bartsbigbugbag ,

Plenty of people use equity this way. Maybe not in your circles, but it’s not a new definition, it’s been around for decades. Millions of people in the US alone do not equate the criminal Justice system with the concept of Justice. Perhaps you should recognize that your perceptions are not able to be applied to the entire population. If you ever find yourself using “nobody” or “everybody” and you have no definitive data backing that up, I would recommend re-examining your biases, because what you appear to be doing is attempting to normalize your beliefs while otherizing the beliefs of others who do not share your view.

oce , avatar

I wonder if it was written by a non native speaker or a non American because the literal translation in French sounds right.

GustavoM , to mildlyinfuriating in Online dating avatar

If someone does not take the least amount of effort to answer a simple question like that one … then he doesn’t care about you in the slightest.

“But its a generic question!”

Two words: common courtesy.

CarbonatedPastaSauce ,

People (guys usually) also answer like this when they are trying to tell you exactly what you want to hear so that you’ll sleep with them. They feel like if they give any wrong answer early on, they’ve lost their chance. It’s a very manipulative mindset. He was like a deer in the headlights, not knowing if any answer he gave would be the right answer since he doesn’t know her at all yet. So he stalls, hoping she’ll drop it.

Or he might just be an idiot.

Either way, drop them and move on to somebody who will be real with you.

GustavoM , avatar

In other words, playing games, i.e trying to “tick her funne bone” so he gets someone else to play instead of himself. But what most of those guys fail to acknowledge is that “tickling her funne bone” takes time – it’s not a “free pussy pass” of any sort that you “say it”, and she goes “WHOOAAA fuck me mister! Fuck me right NOW!”. That is not “acting tough” or smart, but acting like a douche.

Aesthesiaphilia ,

They feel like if they give any wrong answer early on, they’ve lost their chance.

To be fair, that's usually correct. Women have their pick of men, generally. If a guy answers a band she doesn't like, most likely she'll move on.

So guys lie and tell her everything she wants to hear. And then once they get their foot in the door, they can start telling the truth.

This guy handled it very badly but I can see why he didn't want to answer.

FlihpFlorp ,

Yeah I may not be a relationship expert but if I have to lie for an ice breaker not even a deep question just an ice breaker I don’t think that relation will work

AFKBRBChocolate ,

Yeah, that was my thought as well. This is the type of person who is only going to say something of they think it will impress you. The second possibility is that they will share nothing of themselves, period. In either case, they don’t seem like good relationship material.

7ColorKaleidoscope ,

What he gave was the wrong answer IMO.

Cannacheques ,

Nah it’s one of those things where some guys just prefer to talk about what they think matters to everyone, their job or financial conditions, music or other personal stuff might just be an extra on their minds

Poob ,

So an idiot.

If someone asks you about your taste in music, then clearly music matters to them.

Anonymoose , to reddit in This is what the official Reddit app looks like, by the way avatar

I just realized I’m taking my ad-free experience in Lemmy for granted. It’s refreshing to have a little corner of the internet that doesn’t slam you with advertising.

victron , avatar

Support your fediverse instance if you can, many servers accept donations.

TheGreatFox , avatar

My ublock origin icon has been at a steady 0 ads blocked in my entire time browsing Lemmy. It feels weird.

azimir ,

On several sites that counter climbs like crazy. I’m watching a YouTube video right now that’s only 12 minutes long. The uBlock counter just hit 60.

Valmond ,

Then you wonder why those sites are so slow sometimes…

TheGreatFox , avatar

I have a youtube tab open, it’s currently at 498 blocks. After writing that, 503.

azimir ,

I haven’t had this page up very long today, but apparently YouTube is on an advertising roll at the moment.

Added bonus: I’m one of the three people in the world who pays for YouTube premium… so the quantity of ads should be much lower.

Bozicus ,

Oh hey, I’m one of the other two, lol. I think they probably lose money on us at this point, with the amount of ads they serve.

Serinus ,

Soon, when things go smoother, I absolutely wouldn’t mind either having ads or paying a low annual fee.

The problem with Reddit was seeking out vulture capital. Turning a small profit, enough to pay people something resembling wages, isn’t a bad thing.

Anonymoose , avatar

I think the option for both would be acceptable, I’d be ok to pay a few bucks to maintain an ad free haven.

Hazzardis ,

Wikipedia is funded via donations, de-centralized social media could be too

Serinus ,

Maybe. But I think Wikipedia is easier to run than Reddit, even if it’s only partial Reddit.

Lem453 ,

The start of ads seems to always lead to a path of enshitification. One of the reasons I really like jellyfin is because they realized this and intentionally disabled recurrent donations. They saw what it does to Plex and saw the eventually the leadership’s will try to sell out and sell the company or IPO.

Jellyfin saw the way every service seemed to go once the revenue picked up and decided they want to prevent that.

db0 , avatar

plenty of instances including mine and some massive ones like are fully funded by donations.There’s absolutely no need for ads

minorsecond ,

Using lemmy is well worth the $5 per month I give them.

DeriHunter ,

If you’re on android, you should try blockada, I don’t have ads whatsoever

Icarus , (edited )

or just NextDNS which doesn’t even require anything to be installed

Mic_Check_One_Two ,

For those who don’t know: DNS blockers can be sketchy unless you’re hosting it yourself. Something like a pihole that you set up would be fine, but external DNS services are almost guaranteed to be data-mining you even worse than the ads and trackers they’re blocking.

Icarus ,

that is fair, but your ISP is logging the DNS requests anyway, and NextDNS allows you to turn off logging.

Edit: I also don’t see how it’s worse than ads and trackers, they can only see the domain names of the sites you visit.

Bingohas ,

Uh oh! You’ve reached your daily limit of free Lemmy™ posts. Please tap here to spend 45 Lembux™ and refresh your post allowance.

RickyRigatoni , avatar

Can I pay with runescape gp?

Mic_Check_One_Two ,

Only if you promise to be my gf

EditsHisComments ,

Oh boy, I haven’t been anyone’s gf in a long time

osmn ,

Here some more LemBux™

Zachariah , to aboringdystopia in "Yeah, but what if we used AI?" avatar

But this way third parties can get their cut.

andrew , avatar

Taxes have that feature too, sadly. No system is perfect.

bitfucker ,

Well, I guess it is fair for someone that manages those resources full time to get their payment for their management labour from those pool of resources no? The implementation is what must be very strictly looked out for and be as transparent as possible. It is why we have created a country along with its governmental system. Now, whether ANY currently implemented system is perfect or not is another debate.

Dampframme ,

But there’s also stuff like cum ex where the tax system gets exploited

HubertManne ,

yes but what about second third party pip?

Socsa ,

pip install local_park

umbrella , avatar

at least we are somewhat choosing those

Aux ,

You don’t choose taxes, they are enforced.

lost_faith ,

You don’t choose to have roads, schools, water, etc… they are enforced

aidan ,

We individually aren’t, in theory the majority on any issue is.

umbrella , avatar

which is better than just some trust fund kid heir

aidan ,

I’d prefer people making decisions for themselves as much as possible.

umbrella , avatar

agreed. rich heir assholes shouldnt make decisions pertaining to our work and future, we should.

aidan ,

Agreed, but there is no we. You shouldn’t make decisions for me either.

umbrella , avatar

there is a “we” whether you or me like it or not.

aidan ,

What is the we?

umbrella , avatar

it depends on the issue at hand. if we are talking about climate change, its everyone.

decaying infrastructure on a given country? its inhabitants.

aidan ,

Well it’s not everyone, both those things effect people differently. Even if I live in a country with decaying infrastructure- if I barely go outside it doesn’t effect me that much. Or, I may value infrastructure or the climate differently than you.

umbrella , (edited ) avatar

it does. if you barely get out of the house you still need that infrastructure to get food, energy and sewer service delivered to you, regardless of how important you judge it to be. society is a big web of interconnected people and services.

aidan ,

There are plenty of people who homestead. Are they at least out of the we? And I never disagreed that most people rely on each other. Instead I disagree that that mutual reliance makes a collective of people with the same desires, interests, and goals.

umbrella , (edited ) avatar

im not really saying they have all common interests, but that they overlap.

someone who is completely off the grid will also get affected by the rest of the world’s industrial and energy policy due to climate change and polution too.

aidan ,

Being effected doesn’t mean there is a “we” that is justified in making decisions for others

umbrella , (edited ) avatar

no one person is single handedly making decisions for everyone else on a given subject. not on a system closer to the ideal.

on our current system, yes, a few rich people are deciding most stuff for everyone else.

aidan ,

no one person is single handedly making decisions for everyone else on a given subject.

No, as I said, the best you can get when you have a unrestricted democratic government is the majority making decisions for the minority. That’s still not good.

affiliate ,

they finally found a way to add a built in service fee to taxes. i just hope this new model is compatible with turbo tax premium

sudo42 ,

Every new business model now is just insinuating themselves into an existing structure so they can grift/leech money out for themselves. They call it “innovation “.

APassenger , (edited ) to lemmyshitpost in It would have to be a VERY lazy dog to allow a fox to jump over it anyway.

jumps over the lazy dog.

Otherwise there’s no “s.”

It tells a short story that’s visual and full of words people know how to spell.

Empricorn , (edited )

Apparently not. ☹️

edit: Aww, they fixed the typo. Now my joke is lame(er).

APassenger ,

Mobile phone at 4 Am. Missed the typo. Fixed now.

Land_Strider ,

As a non-native yet quite fluent speaker of English, I was wondering where the letter s was supposed to be in the example above. Thanks for pointing out the very obvious thing anyway, brains can fart at times.

APassenger ,

The full sentence is, “the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”

Intent is to use every letter of the English alphabet. Thing is, I’ve heard “jumped” for decades now which ironically leads to s being skipped. I say ironically because it’s one of the most commonly used letters.

wildcardology ,

Huh, I don’t know where I got it from but I always typed it as this: “the quick little brown fox jumps over the back of the lazy dog” tried googling it just now and all I got was the shorter one.

MadBob ,

I suppose people aren’t that used to telling stories in the present tense.

dodgy_bagel ,

The lemmy user writes a quick shitpost

QuaternionsRock ,


dabaldeagul , avatar


QuaternionsRock ,


FarceMultiplier , to world in Margot Robbie Shows Solidarity with Writers Guild avatar

Geez, they couldn’t write an article about the strike and the issues rather than how “runway-ready” she looks in a t-shirt?

newtraditionalists ,

Right? What a ridiculous article. We are all a little more stupid now.

sebinspace ,

Right? Margot Robbie is a fucking stunner, not like we didn’t all already know that. It’s not like she played Barbie or anything.

We’re the only known example of intelligent life in the universe, and we’re squandering it on these kinds of head-ass takes…

fubo ,

“Ohai, did you know, hot people can be workers too!”

MargotRobbie , avatar

The real question is, are hot people allowed to shitpost on an obscure tech forum?

fubo ,

Well we seem to be getting away with it, so …

fiat_lux ,

I do it as a service. The more chronically online I am, the fewer people are hurt by being distracted by my irresistible in-person allure. I'm sure you relate.

FarceMultiplier , avatar

Yes, because I’ve seen your posts elsewhere and you are definitely intelligent enough to hold your own.

No objection to you being hot (not sure how to say that without being creepy, but oh well). My objection is only that they could reference the strike first rather than what you are wearing.

Marsupial , avatar

Are people actually thinking you’re the real Margot Robbie?

shuzuko ,

She obviously is. She’s said so dozens of times! And really, who would just go on the internet and lie like that? ;)

MargotRobbie , avatar

Not esteemed Academy Award nominated character actress Margot Elise Robbie, that’s for sure.

havokdj ,

Woah, I had no idea you were on Lemmy, that’s fucking awesome!

stigmata ,

Is the woman to her right the actress that plays Nynaeve on Wheel of Time?

too_high_for_this ,

It’s an article on a fashion site. And it does inform the average person all they really need to know about the strike in two sentences.

If anything, they wrote the article specifically to draw attention to the strike. She’s wearing an oversized T-shirt ffs.

Steeve ,

Brawndo’s got what plants crave

RootBeerGuy , avatar

Well, the real writers are on strike so…

Yeah I know, not the same type of writers.

LogarithmicCamel ,

Geez, people. Feminine magazines have always been like this. Everyone knows that we women are incapable of caring about or understanding anything except clothes, diets, and home decor, so we must appeal to these interests rather than talking about this difficult boring stuff like writers’ strike. What exactly do these writers do anyway? Why are they striking rather than writing? It sounds boring. Please tell me more about Margot’s outfit, which I will wear after losing 50lb.

echodot ,

Well you see what happened was she was given the exact same t-shirt that everyone else has on, and then she put it on. I’m not sure we’ll be able to successfully recreate such magic.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Gloria Steinem is rolling in her grave and she’s not even dead.

Hazdaz ,

Modern day journalism.

Rolive , to lemmyshitpost in And they say English is bad

It’s Afrikaans, not Dutch. It’s close though. We can understand written Afrikaans.

No_Change_Just_Money ,

Would you translate the bold text below the subtitles?

mononomi ,

Alright this is what I understand as a dutchie

Hitler is dead and Dönitz is now the leader in Germany, a British newspaper writes today: “Never before in history has the perspective of peace been so ?? made a possibility of the long war”

The sentence structure is pretty confusing to me and I don’t know some words

Rolive ,

Thanks you beat me to it.

Yeah it’s something like how abrupt the change of prospect is from an extended war to peace.

Xanthrax , avatar

Obviously, he’s so dood.

rinkink ,

Crude translation, trying to keep the word order the same.

Hitler’s death and Dönitz 's acceptance of rule in Germany led a British paper to write: “Never before in the history has the prospect of peace so suddenly changed to the possibility of a protracted war.”

rtxn ,

For non-speakers, it’s kind of like reading Scots as a monolingual English speaker.

tigeruppercut ,

Did they ever fix the issue that an American teen used a hilariously bad interpretation of the Scots language to write thousands of articles on the Scots wiki?…/scots-wikipedia-language-american-tee……/ive_discovered_that_almost_every…

Ultraviolet ,

Only partially, unfortunately. There aren’t a lot of people who speak full on Scots, the majority of Scotland speaks a dialect of English with a handful of Scots vocabulary now. It’s an endangered language.

Rolive ,

Funny. If you say the words out loud they’re much easier to understand.

samus12345 , avatar

It’s like reading a Nac Mac Feegle speaking.

Boxscape , avatar

It’s Afrikaans, not Dutch.

Hitler dood? Lekker bru!

lugal ,

That explains the neutral tone. It’s something important far away.

FreeFacts ,

Well, the Union of South Africa were participants in the war against Germany, so that’s still a bit weird. Don’t know about the affiliation of the magazine in question, but the support for joining the allies wasn’t clear cut, but only a narrow majority among the ruling white class.

lengau ,

There was a strong pro-Nazi contingent amongst (mainly) Afrikaans-speaking South Africans. That’s not to say by any stretch that Afrikaners were mostly pro-Nazi, though. Jan Smuts was an Afrikaner and was both a Field Marshal in the South African defence forces and the prime minister during WW2 - he wasn’t exactly pro-British (he fought against them in the second Boer war), but he was very strongly anti-Nazi.

LordWiggle , avatar

Yes, just like Americans they think it’s their country and the original inhabitants have no place in their country.

Aceticon ,

Also that newspaper is called “The Fatherland”.

It’s a pretty good hint of where they stand in the whole Left-Right political spectrum.

lugal ,

Which is super weird in it self. I mean, do South African white people call their colonist nation their “Fatherland”?

Cryophilia ,

“mother country” or “motherland” is pretty common for descendants of European colonists/emigrees. I know Germans call it “fatherland” instead, probably the Dutch too

lugal ,

So this is a newspaper about Europe, I see

Crashumbc ,

FYI- South Africa is kind of unique in that it was settled by a ruling class as opposed to the normal dregs like most other places.

The maintained their close relationship to home and superior status to their slaves/servants much longer than other places.

kandoh ,

I think they call it the Volkstaat

teft , to funny in Every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man avatar
The_Picard_Maneuver OP , avatar

I see that as a win also.

MeatPilot , (edited ) avatar

If I looked like this, I’d have to beat the women back with a stick!

Because they are filthy peasants of course and I can’t have them touching my finery. Also my wrists would be too delicate to wield a stick, so I’d have a boy for that.

GBU_28 ,

How will you beat your boy, to let him know when to beat the ladies?

SkyezOpen ,

He can get another boy for that.

MeatPilot , avatar

Just beating off with boys all the way down the line.

Bernie_Sandals , avatar

This is exactly what God intended when he gave monarchs divine rights.

GBU_28 ,

Ah true

DrWeevilJammer , avatar

No need to use a stick - if you’re The Macaroni, you’re allowed to use your…elbows

fogstormberry ,

I want you to know this was an angry upvote

Illuminostro ,


Maeve ,

You .. You do know why powdered wigs, don't you?

psmgx ,


TassieTosser ,

Head lice.

Maeve ,


Ultragigagigantic , avatar

With $20, you could buy many peanuts.

skuzz ,

Explain how!

Maeve ,

Sores from syphilis lol.

feedum_sneedson ,

Did you just type a stutter?

Illuminostro ,

Know why they carried sachets? Because they all smelled like unwashed ass.

Maeve ,

Yeah. I remember the opening chapter from Shogun. I wondered if people just got so used to the stink they didn't notice?

MintyFresh ,


Edit: sorry I can hear that second picture and tried to type it. Not sure it came through. Lol sry.

Rev3rze ,

Sounded perfectly to me!

JokeDeity , to memes in Goth

Wait. This is unappealing to you guys? I’ll take the goth mommy then.

chakan2 , avatar

It’s fun for a minute…then…well…it’s kind of where “don’t stick your dick in crazy” came from.

Unaware7013 ,

I envy you if this is your version of 'crazy'

Dubious_Fart ,

big tiddy goth mommy dommy, fuck yes.

sock ,

its unappealing when i want notes and not sex. sometimes i just wanna hangout and not bone it doesnt mean youre not attractive its just midnight im really high and I want to sleep.

this is a hypothetical about my ex and i

ProperlyProperTea ,

Hang out and…not…bone?

xerazal ,

I can see why they’re your ex

RaivoKulli ,

It’s weird and unappealing if this just comes out of the blue when you ask for notes (and you’re not into her)

Holzkohlen ,

I too would let myself get pegged daily in return for a goth mommy.

Perfide , to mildlyinfuriating in The official reddit app is not even supported on my device.

Can we please stop with all the posts about reddit? Jesus christ you guys it’s a website, not your crazy ex. Lemmy is never going to surpass reddit in popularity when the only thing on the frontpage besides beans is “reddit this, reddit that”.

LollyActionGinger ,

Fucking same. If folk don’t miss it please stop telling every cunt how much you don’t miss it.

yokonzo ,

Tbh you all need to get used to it for a while, every day new people join and they wanna talk about their migration, it’s what’s going on for them right now, you had your moment let them have theirs

Ryumast3r ,

Redditors still talk about the great digg migration that happened over a decade ago.

It’ll get less important and prevalent but for the time being let people enjoy their new toy.

mustardman ,

Digg was rarely brought up on Reddit until valid comparisons were able to be drawn between platforms. The elevated Reddit talk on this site will naturally subside in due time.

plain_and_simply ,

Agreed, plus it increases engagement and comment count.

captain_samuel_brady ,

You sound mildly infuriated.

Hopalong ,

He should make a post about it!

dlok ,

Yeah it seems most of the posts on the front page are about Reddit or about how proud people are of using Lemmy etc I just want to see some actual content :(

Mastersord ,

It’s classic tribal or “sports team” mentality. Ex-redditors want to see reddit fail just as much as Lemmy succeed.

mustardman ,

It’s not a sports team mentality. The CEO pretty much disparaged a lot of users who were actively engaging in profit-making ventures for Reddit. Moderators, being unpaid spam filters, were lauded as entitled brats (landed genetry). He also explicitly got mad that people were using “his” content, content that Reddit never made yet is happily wants to profit off of. He did all of this while basically calling third-party app developers leeches despite them making apps with features Reddit’s native app lacks.

People want to see Reddit fail because Reddit pissed off the people that generated their value. People want to see Lemmy succeed because it is federated and cannot be abused like a central platform.

Mastersord ,

I’m only explaining the behavior. There’s very good reason for it, and I very much also want to see both Lemmy succeed and Reddit fail.

mustardman ,

I do imagine those type of people exist too, but probably not that much on Lemmy. Think of the 4chan type that love their “tribe” stirring up drama in other “tribes”. Lots of that still on Reddit too, and hopefully it stays over there.

penguin ,

Not gonna lie, I’d absolutely love to watch reddit implode while eating some popcorn.

Snekeyes ,

This too shall pass. Also. Welcome to the internet!

JoeLaffingMatter ,

Have a look around.

WhyCron ,

Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found.

little_bits_of_info ,

we’ve got mountains of content

Brandon658 ,

Some better, some worse

thegeka , avatar

If none of it’s of interest to you, you’d be the first

MrKristijan , avatar

Weeelcome, to the internet!

loudWaterEnjoyer ,

come and take a seat.

Would you like to see the news or any famous women’s feet?

z3n0x , avatar

Some better, some worse

R51 ,

And if it can’t, and you’ve reached the edge where there is nothing further, you write a Tutorial.

loudWaterEnjoyer ,

sad bean noises

gsa32 ,

It’s a huge !lemmymoment to karma farm about the downfall of reddit

ihavenopeopleskills , avatar

Well, karma for all, then.

SovietShooter ,

Can we please stop with all the posts about reddit? Jesus christ you guys it’s a website, not your crazy ex.

But, if my ex isn’t crazy, then I must’ve been the crazy one… and that just couldn’t be possible, right?

Anonymous0573 ,

Honestly, I’m really trying to like Lemmy. I feel like none of the good communities came over here, just the one’s you mindlessly scroll through. I just looked for a fitness community yesterday and the one i found had like 5 posts. There is basically no communities for any of my hobbies. It seems like most people stayed on Reddit, except for the techy people. It’s a shame because I really want to support the idea of federation and I do like the website.

lazierlaser ,

it’s only been like a week, people will come

ilex , avatar

It’s been three since the exodus became measurable. And it is markedly better.

Brandon658 ,

If you build it they will come.

ilex , avatar

I heard that same advice about The Bunny Bar down the street, and you know what? They were right!

hazeebabee ,

Be the change you want to see. There are probably other people looking for those coversations, but see low engagement and move on. The more you post the more attractive it makes the community for other people.

I have also found that even if there are fewer comments, other people tend to respond and have more discussions.

I do have alot of hope that well see the community continue to grow & hopefully more activity as people search out reddit alternatives.

_bug0ut , avatar

The endless scrolling communities are the easiest to move. They’re low hanging fruit. One of the other replies to you here nailed it… without a massive community of millions, the future of Lemmy rests on the more modestly sized community here willing to actually come out of their lurk and not just respond to posts, but to start posts on their own and actually drive the content.

I feel the same way about music production-related communities here. I just don’t have much to ask and I suck pretty badly at it so I don’t feel like I’m good enough to drive content/discussions lol

ilex , avatar

music production-related communities here.>

Probably not what you mean, but if you wanna start doing anything, I’ve got a com specifically for sheet music and tabs, and God Almighty does it blow. It could use a fresh insight.

_bug0ut , avatar

I’m one of the unwashed, ignorant music production hobbyists who can’t play a lick of anything on an actual instrument, and certainly can’t read sheet music (I figured out tablature a long time ago when I was trying to teach myself guitar and have forgotten since). I can noodle around on a 25-key MIDI keyboard well enough - like I have a good handle on the patterns for different keys and scales on the keyboard, but I can’t actually play. I’d take you up on the invite, otherwise.

ilex , avatar

Check out some of the yellow mandolin tabs. The way I’ve been doing it is a matching game and MSpaint.

Anders429 ,

The only real community I saw that migrated was r/piracy. Otherwise, I’ve experienced basically the same thing you have.

Chriszz ,

Which fitness subreddits need growth? I have arrived.

crazycanadianloon ,

I initially had the same lament, but since we’re early adopters of this tech, it really is on us to build the communities here. If you want to discuss something, just post a thread. Even if no one replies right away, as people start coming they will start engaging with posts that are already there.

Weirdfish ,

That’s a fair point, I noticed if I open baconreader, I can still see my subscribed sub list. I need to learn how to make subs on here, and as you suggest, either find them, or get off my ass and make them myself.

On a nice side note, being an early adopter, I was able to get my username back without some damned number stapled on the end.

GrindingGears ,

Even from 3 weeks ago, this place has grown hand over fist. Just give it a few more weeks and it’ll be pretty much new Reddit.

BendyLemmy , avatar

Agreed. I saw your post and reddit.

AdmiralShat ,

It’s less than a week after the largest website in the world shit the bed. It’s still topical.

Bene7rddso ,

It certainly is crazy, and some people spent more time there than with the grilfriend they never had, so…

President_Pyrus , avatar


quitenormal ,

It’s an online community that people have been using for decades. The fact that many of us can’t use it anymore is a real issue, even if it isn’t relevant to you (believe it or not).

Weirdfish ,

I can for sure see both sides of this one. I had ditched all other social media years ago, and baconreader was my one guilty pleasure.

If I had my phone in my hand, I was catching up with other old skaters like myself, reading about the latest trends in tech, or browsing the daily news.

The tag line of “Front page of the internet” was quite literally true for me. That was the portal through which I found content.

In the weeks leading up to the June 30th, I felt a strong sadness, what was I going to do with my screen time? I had created a very custom space using baconreader that neither the reddit app, or to be fair, Lemmy, could provide.

While I am really enjoying learning about Lemmy, and I feel the quality of the post and comments here are far better, it’s going to take time to find and/or develop those niche communities again.

I do however agree, and the ex analogy is spot on, that the last thing I want is for this community to just be a bitch fest about what once was.

Give people a bit of time to vent, it hasn’t even been a week since a decades long experience came crashing to a halt through no fault of ours.

spicy ,

This is why I eventually left Mastodon after a month of use. People are not moving on 😬

Bonehead , to programmerhumor in Junior Dev VS Machine Learning

This is so unrealistic. Developers don't drink decaf.

eager_eagle , avatar

regardless of experience, that’s probably what makes him a junior

marcos ,

And LLMs don’t get on the correct answer.

Klear ,

I think this comic might predate the LLM craze.

stephen01king ,

This post is not specifically about LLMs, though?

marcos ,

That’s what people have been pointing. The 60 hours of training should have been a dead giveaway.

I hope the neurons use a logistic activation function. If it’s a saturating linear one, the result will still be full of surprises.

RobMyBot ,

I was shocked and appalled by this blatant inaccuracy.

Bye ,

I do, exclusively

Getting rid of caffeine (decaf still has a little) has been amazing for me.

Asafum ,

How so? I more than likely take in too much caffeine lol

lobut ,

I’m not the person you’re replying to but for me, I used to get random headaches and jitters and I feel more consistent now.

The problem is the withdrawal period can be hard for some. It was for me, but overall worth it in the end.

Cliff ,

So you get consistent headaches an jitters now instead of getting it randomly?


How much you drinking? I didn’t think it had an impact on me, even afternoon or evening, and only realised the difference when I cut it out

Asafum ,

I have a “thermos” style bottle that’s probably 16oz that I drink throughout the day every day. Weekends I’ll drink more as I’m home and it’s readily available.

It’s cold brew so it’s already cold for anyone disgusted by the “throughout the day” bit lol

HumanPerson ,

16 oz is not that much, although cold brew is a little stronger. I used to consume a about gram of caffeine a day but withdrawal for me was a light headache and slightly lower energy for a day (I went no caffeine for a little while to reduce tolerance). I did notice my energy improve without it, however I am sometimes not able to get enough sleep and it is good for leveling out energy in those cases. I generally try to have low doses and occasional strategic bursts when necessary. Also if you are worried about sleep you can do the math using the half life of caffeine (5 hours avg.) to figure out how much you are on when you go to bed. Sorry if incoherent, I have been busy this week and not getting much sleep.

DrRatso ,

Personally, if i have too much and/or too late, i have a hard time falling asleep in the evening.

jaybone ,

I’m trying to switch to non-alcoholic vodka.

Cracks_InTheWalls , avatar

Non-alcoholic gin and tonics are the shit. If you’re legit looking for non-alcoholic drinks and like G&Ts give it a try.

pufferfischerpulver ,

Completely agree, it’s basically just botanicals anyway. Well and booze

Non alcoholic beer has gotten a lot better the last years as well.

Rolive ,

Also called voda.


Not the same, but I switched to tea mostly for aesthetic reasons, and after a brief adjustment period, I’m finding it a lot more fun an varied than coffee drinking. And easier to find v low caffeine, or tasty 0 caffeine teas of as many varieties as you can imagine.

I’ll still have a social coffee every now and then, but anyway I’d recommend it, at least to check out. It’s like discovering scotch after a lifetime of beer drinking.

Appoxo , avatar

Try eplaining tea to others though.
Every time I am on-site I get asked for two options: Coffee or water.


That’s why I bring a bag or two in my breast pocket when I go out!

Appoxo , avatar

I assume your are either not interested in loose tea or not there yet.

Once you reach temperature sensitive teas (like japanese greens) that are additionally sensitive to hard water it quickly becomes difficult to brew tea at work/not at home.

Personally I started to bring a 400ml thermos (about my usual cup) and on some days my 1L thermos.
Both my thermos keep a 70°C tea warm (probably 50°C) even until end of work and so temperature doesnt become an issue but instead oxidadation. Greens like to become a faint brown color and change their taste. Sometimes for the better, sometimes not.


not interested in loose tea or not there yet.

This strikes me as particularly funny, thank you, that is very accurate. I have dabbled in the leaf that is loose, mostly buying baggies from the bulk food store, so not particularly fresh (or high quality). But yeah I am trying to stick to the cheap stuff for now. I love how it’s so much less expensive than coffee!

Friends keep sending me these boutique tea and m samples now that I’m drinking tea haha, so I do know what I’m missing

Appoxo , avatar

Yeah, bagged tea is definitely more cheap compared to those more boutique teas.
But you can get it cheaper in local tea shops or on sites like yunnan sourcing. But: shipping and import


I’m not even a year into seriously being into tea, so I imagine I’ll just get more particular over time. I’m still working through a few boxes of various grocery store black and herbal teas, so maybe I’ll look around for something different when those start to run out.

I do really love a big pot of green tea while I’m working at my desk job.

Appoxo , (edited ) avatar

My biggest advice:
Stop going to grocery stores and instead try to find a local tea store with loose teas stored in non-see-through containers.
They will usually let you smell the teas and you can determine if they may fit your taste or not.
But watch out: Smell ≠ Taste
And the taste is very dependant on your water hardness (if hard, you should get a water filter) and for how long and how hot you brew it.

Wish you best of luck :)

If you want a starter:
80-90°C water (my cups are ~400ml)
Chinese gunpowder tea (4g is my go to)
1-2 mint leaves (my choice is nana/maroccanian mint)
Brew for 1-2min
If it’s a good quality tea, you can reuse the bag and maybe add another 1-2 leaves of mint

ulterno , avatar

Glucose dev here.

Agent641 ,

DECaf is a pseudo abbreviation for Dangerously and Extraordinarily Caffeinated.

It has a higher KDR than a Panera charged lemonade.

roofuskit , to aboringdystopia in This is going to set back medical trust for years

Activists don’t need the personal information of people they disagree with. Terrorists do, charge them accordingly.

Guy_Fieris_Hair ,

Terrorist-a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aim

Hmmm… that DOES sound a bit familiar…

uis , (edited )

Terrorism needs target to be an indefinite number of persons.

If target is one particular person, this is regular crime.

EDIT: or persons. Serial killers are serial killers, not terrorists.

explodicle ,

How many trans people were targeted?

uis ,

Post says 1.

UlfKirsten ,

No it doesn’t. But it’s worded in a way that speakers of certain articledeprived languages would have trouble understanding it.

masquenox ,

Activists don’t need the personal information of people they disagree with.

Speak for yourself. If you believe that intelligence work is beneath you, the other side has already won.

Test_Tickles ,

That is not what they’re saying. They are saying that there’s only one reason anyone would need the name and address of trans children and that is to terrorize them. Even if they say they have a different reason (history shows that they don’t) the one only effect that they could and would have is terror.

masquenox ,

That is not what they’re saying.

This is what they said:

Activists don’t need the personal information of people they disagree with. Terrorists do,

This is not a case of somebody saying something smart but just wording it terribly. It’s no different than idots who spout “only cowards wear masks!” It’s something only somebody that has no familiarity with actual activism - ie, no familiarity with the actual stakes and risks involved in real activism work - would say.

markpaskal ,

What you are alluding to is no longer activism and should be called what it is, terrorism. You are reframing the issue much as a neo Nazi might.

masquenox ,

What you are alluding to is no longer activism

The libs on here are really good at demonstrating that they know absolutely nothing about activism in any shape, way or form whatsoever - but are still willing to feign expertise on the matter.

I guess heckling antifa from the sidelines back in 2016 gave you lots of practice in that, eh?

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