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Beardsley , in TIL humans are the only animal with a chin. We aren't sure why.

Idk, I was assured that pigs had a Chinny-chin-chin.

gedaliyah OP , avatar

That’s the exact lead in of the Atlantic article about this (paywall)

Repelle ,

Growing up half Japanese I could never help laughing at that story as chinchin means penis in Japanese, and I think everyone should share in this amusement.

TexasDrunk ,

“Not by the hair on my dick, fuckface!”

I think Green Jellÿ should use that.

PythagreousTitties ,

Green Jelly Suxs!

TexasDrunk , (edited )

Bill’s whole show is just people running around in huge puppet heads chanting that interspersed with Three Little Pigs.

I highly recommend it. Even I had a hard time being drunk while sweating everything out due to the heavy cardio.

Bo7a ,

I will carry this sacred knowledge for the remainder of my fleeting time on this rock.

And giggle.

delirious_owl , avatar

So it translates to a chin-like penis?

Grass ,

more like peeny penis or didi dick

Shameless , in Today I learned an oil company prevented the rescue of contracted divers working on their pipe to save money.

How are acts such as this not treated the same as though one person had decided to do this to 5 people? What’s the point of a CEO or Director if not to step in at times like this and do the right thing? And if they don’t, they face the consequences.

I understand its all legal BS that negates the responsibility, but it just doesn’t seem logical regardless of how its framed.

Transporter_Room_3 ,

Well you see, when the people with all the money make the rules, they go out of their way to ensure they never see an inkling of the consequences of their behaviors.

It’s not logical, as so many things in modern society aren’t when you take a step back and think about the Why’s of the way things are. But society at large is beaten down and starved enough to not question it.

“It’s just the way things are”

But it’s not the way things could be

Plopp ,

What we need is a system where the power of the guilty is used as a multiplier for their punishment, especially if they used that power in some way for their crime.

mjhelto ,

Great idea. I just wish the fixes weren’t reliant on the same foxes “guarding” the hens. Also, I think they do this in a Scandinavian country with income-based fines. Would be nice, but just a pipe dream until we can do something about this stupid fucked up government!

Plopp ,

Yes Finland does it with traffic fines, and maybe other fines as well. That’s sort of exactly what I meant, but with “power” being more broadly defined than just money. (for instance cops have tremendous power they could misuse but not much money)

Maybe, just maybe, we could get something like that going if we managed to focus more on the split between people top to bottom rather than left to right, or between ethnicities etc.

mjhelto ,

One can hope. Unfortunately, too many are caught up in wedge-issues to solidify against the parasite class and demand change. When those same rich fucks own all the communication means and information storage, they’d just shut down our ability to coordinate if we ever grouped up to take on that group and this shit world they’ve created.

Plopp ,

Exactly. Who cares about accumulation of wealth and power, increasing income gaps and overall disparity when there are brown and trans people, reeeee! Some sort of enlightened, broad and sustained effort is required, but people with long working ours and stress over bills don’t have the time and energy to engage in all that. Tee-hee says the rich folks.

ReverendIrreverence , avatar

just a pipe dream

I see what you did there ;-)

sorghum , avatar

Not that it matters much for this outcome, but it’s a state owned oil company. It is run by Trinidad and Tobago. So replace CEO and directors with president/prime minister and parliament.

bazus1 , in TIL you can improve your google search result by adding "before:2023"

You can improve your google search results by using DuckDuckGo instead.

weariedfae ,

To be honest it’s still a crapshoot of SEO bs.

cloudless ,

Which is basically Bing.

partial_accumen ,

I really wanted to like DDG, but its results returned are so horribly unusable, I had to give up.

I’m usually searching for something obscure, but add in general terms for general refinement. DDG will ignore my obscure term (the thing I’m actually looking for) and give me pages of results of the general terms. Using special operators doesn’t help. Whereas Google will give me at least a few relevant results using the same search terms.

snooggums , avatar

I get the same pattern of ignoring obscure terms in both Bing and Google. Bings results include some that seem to assume I made a typo and Google includes a some sites that are just alternates that are the equivalent of ads.

I remember five or so years ago when both could at least return some relevant results anytime I used more than a few words.

fuckwit_mcbumcrumble ,

Yeah I gave duck duck go another shot the other day and it was FAR and away worse than google. Considering how bad Google has been lately I was impressed (and disappointed) by how much worse DDG was.

Anticorp ,

I’ve been digging Kagi. It does cost money, but it’s a small price to pay for the return of my sanity. I was constantly frustrated by Google results a hundred times per day before I switched to Kagi.

Krudler ,

Yeah I don’t know why DuckDuckGo keeps getting recommended as much as it does.

I couldn’t find on Google, the answer to a simple question the other day. All I wanted to know was the precooked weight of a particular fast food restaurant’s patty.

I made it to page 3 of the Google results, wading through page after page of promotional content, news releases, and sponsored “news-style” articles that were thinly veiled ads.

Decided to visit duck duck go, and was greeted with search results that were even worse than Google.

I realize it’s only one example, but to me it was an example of a search so specific, its egregious that the search engines simply refuse to return a page with the answer.

MedicPigBabySaver ,

No. DDG sux.

ruckblack ,

Tried, kept returning to Google for “real” searches

Poggervania , avatar

Nah, DDG is arguably worse than Google now with their search results - I just ended up going back to Google after a couple of years of using DDG.

Squizzy ,

Didnt go to google but I hate ddg now

lectricleopard ,

Bing it is then

agent_flounder , avatar

I thought ddg used bing.

Gopher it is then!

Squizzy ,

It isnt the bing part of ddg it is themselves.

They have started tailoring results locally no matter your settings.

KnightontheSun ,

I can’t go back and sink deeper into Google again. Startpage seems to work fine when I use it.

lvxferre ,

DDG for me was always a matter of exchanging a bit of convenience for a bit of freedom. The results are usually a bit poorer (or extremely poorer if websearching in Italian or Portuguese), but at least it isn’t vulturing my data.

Squizzy ,

Fuck ddg, turning into wht they sought to destroy

nitefox ,

It go so much worse lately it’s on par with Google. I’m out of search engines tbf

KnightontheSun ,

I have been okay with Startpage. Been returning good results for me.

maccentric ,


VolcanoWonderpants , avatar

I just tested it out by typing in “Sonic the hedgehog fanart”. For once, I was able to get some decent images without being bombarded by uncanny valley ai-generated images of Sonic wearing Rouge’s outfit or poorly-drawn inflation art. So it seems to be off to a good start.

stoly ,

OK wasn’t my imagination then.

ace_garp , avatar

Trying Searx currently.

Leeker ,

Didn’t Searx lose support and maintenance?

ace_garp , avatar

Do tell.

I am currently testing the fork SearxNG, which still has development this week.

Let me know any concerns about SearxNG. Seems to be solid so far.

Here is the about page.

stackPeek , avatar


Especially with non-English stuff. Let’s be realistic here

Steve ,

Its really not much better

xigoi , avatar


weeeeum , in TIL North Koreans cannot go to Japan

I don’t mean to shock you but… North Koreans can’t travel anywhere.

Am I missing something ?

match , avatar

North Koreans with passports can travel to 12 countries visa-free, including Suriname and Guyana

boredtortoise ,

Probably not available to everyone

MrJameGumb , avatar

North Koreans with passports

Really though how many people is that? Like 20 or 30?

Unforeseen ,

Which entirely consists of the espionage dept

acockworkorange ,

Don’t forget the espionage dept espionage dept.

Kusimulkku ,

And is this common, traveling abroad to these places?

boyi , (edited )

of course they can, to the countries that have diplomatic relations with them, but not many countries, of course.

Fun fact:

As of 2024, Malaysia is the only country in Southeast Asia that does not maintain diplomatic relations with North Korea.


If Kim Jong-Nam assassination rings a bell…

Kusimulkku , (edited )

They were saying that the limiting factor might not be whether other countries allow them in but rather if their own country allows them to leave.

Not that anyone would want to leave the glorious workers’ paradise to begin with.

boyi ,

Yes, we can safely assume that those who leave NK are somehow working for the government either officially or unofficially and thoroughly vetted to ensure that they will come back to their glorious country.


Often monitored to the extent that they’re under house arrest in some cases, such as those who work in the Pyongyang restaurant chain. The waitresses can go out with minders, but must be ‘home’ in the evenings. Some South Korean businessmen have visited and managed to get a few of them out before.

AceFuzzLord ,

I don’t remember what countries, but I know there are North Korean restaurants in other countries. With actual North Korean women working there, having to live on premises and be vetted for political loyalty while essentially being under surveillance.

Looked it up and Wikipedia was saying they’re all essentially fronts for laundering foreign currency to send back home. Other sites have been saying that these restaurants have been closing since the pandemic.

southsamurai , in TIL a Canadian from Greece took an American version of an Italian dish and added tropical fruit to it and called it a Hawaiian pizza. avatar

It’s kinda crazy that it took the combined culinary efforts of at least 4 nations to create something genius that would piss off all of those nations.

Also, pineapple on pizza is fucking delicious, and I will fight over that personal opinion being as valid as it sucking :)

CannedTuna ,

Pepperoni, bacon, pineapple, and jalapeño. The ultimate combination of sweet, spicy, salty, and savory.

grabyourmotherskeys ,

You have been awarded the key to the city of Halifax.

Alteon ,

Drizzle a little mango sauce on top, and I’m sold.

ILikeBoobies ,

Mango makes way more sense than pineapple for adding sweetness

pdxfed ,

In the states they never add Jalapenos because of all the WASPS who say things like “this food has too much flavor” so I thought I hated Hawaiian pizza, def will try with Jalapeno.

EvilHankVenture ,

I have lived in several states and I feel like jalapenos are a very common pizza topping in all of them. I have mostly lived in areas with large Hispanic populations though.

jopepa ,

You can get jalapeños in Maine it doesn’t get more WASPy than there.

southsamurai , avatar

Word, though I have to go very light on the peppers nowadays lol

Snowpix , avatar

Replace the bacon with ham slices and you’ve got my favourite pizza

scottywh ,

This minus the pepperoni is my favorite pizza


In Greece, eating feta cheese with watermelon(or melon) is somewhat common. You combine the sweetness of the watermelon with the saltiness of feta. And both things are cold.

Bumblebb ,

That's common in California, too. Watermelon, feta and a little bit of lime juice is a frequent summer salad.

dylanmorgan ,

In Italy, prosciutto with melon is pretty common. Sweet and savory as a combination is pretty common. See also: sharp cheddar on apple pie.

SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

Sharp cheddar cuts up my mouth something fierce.

grabyourmotherskeys ,

Yup, people who object to Hawaiian Pizza for any reason other than “it’s not for me” don’t really understand food.

cheesymoonshadow , avatar

Similar to a fruit bowl with cottage cheese.

southsamurai , avatar

Yup, and it’s yummy as hell.

Here in the south, and maybe elsewhere, we sometimes add a nice hunk of extra sharp cheddar on top of our apple pie for the same reason. Heck, any number of fruit plates will be served with cheeses, and vice versa.

Once you get into the sweet, salt, fat, acid combo, it really doesn’t matter what you use to get them.

To quote a great American show, “pork chops and applesauce”. “Hawaiian” pizza is just a different version of the same basic idea

Bumblebb ,

Whats even crazier is the ethnobotanical path to GET those ingredients together.

Tomatoes had to be brought from south america. Bred to grow at lower altitudes. Peasants had to be persuaded to eat them (they were formally animal feed because they were from the nightshade family and peasants didn't trust the fruit not to be poisonous since the leaves are) and then enough time (100 years) had to pass for them to develop cuisine around them.

Cold_Brew_Enema ,

Agreed. It’s amazing. I always spring for pineapple on pizza

Dabundis ,

Pizza is a very fatty, often greasy food, and acidic taste balances out greasiness in the mouth

ILikeBoobies ,

Good thing tomatoes are acidic then

masterspace ,

Not American tomatoes, at least, not in tomato sauce form; they put a tight sugary lid on that.

platypus_plumba ,

It really depends on the quality of the pineapple to me. Sometimes it is dry and it sucks. Sometimes it is kinda melted, which gives a sweet to the pizza without making the texture weird.

RampantParanoia2365 ,

Pineapple, Canadian bacon, pepperoni, red onion, and balsamic drizzle. My recent stroke of genius from the local unlimited topping pizza place.

PopMyCop ,

Try red bell pepper with balsamic. I love the combination.

TheIvoryTower , in TIL that during the filming of Borat, Police was called 90+ times

Sacha Baron Cohen is one classy son of a bitch.

He played Ali G. He risked his life interviewing conservatives. He infuriated the Kazakhstan government.

And009 ,

Kazakhstan tourism slogan “Very Nice”

Cqrd , (edited )

Then he made some really dumb statements about cancel culture. That was Rowan Atkinson, my bad.

elbarto777 ,

Oh really? Got any links, please?

Cqrd ,

Oh snap, I mixed up Rowan Atkinson and Sacha. That’s my bad.

TheMauveAvenger ,

Is this what you’re talking about? Because it seems pretty damn reasonable to me.

Annoyed_Crabby ,

Dude basically advocated for free speech and someone offended.

World is very nice.

Cqrd ,

I haven’t watched that, I was specifically referring to his interview with the Irish times where he said comedy is supposed to hurt people, which is a hilariously bad take.


Got a link to it? Found three interviews but couldn’t find that mentioned.

OurTragicUniverse , avatar

Idk the zionism kinda ruins him for me.

Mrkawfee ,


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  • maxy ,

    That’s an Adam Sandler movie, Sasha Baron Cohen had nothing to do with it.

    feedum_sneedson ,

    It’s a funny mistake, though.

    1847953620 ,

    links for the uninitiated

    MycelialMass ,

    Pretty sure Kazakhstan loves Borat, he brought the name Kazakhstan into public consciousness where as before people where like ‘wtf is Kazakhstan?’

    OhmsLawn ,

    Sort of an inverse Streisand effect.

    theangryseal , (edited )

    I actually met a man from Kazakhstan in my store the other day. He gestured to me that he’d like to sleep in the parking lot and pointed, “in truck. In truck. No English.” Imagine my surprise when I said, “what language?” and this very Asian looking fellow said, “Russian. But not me Russian. Me Kazakhstan”.

    I got to use the translate app on my phone for the first time and when I said, “Ah, I’ve heard of Kazakhstan. I seen Borat.” He said, “No no no, uh, he is from London. He is not really from Kazakhstan. We hate him. We’re so tired of him. That is not what we are really like.” I said, “Oh I know that Kazakhstan is a former Soviet country and you guys are nothing like that. Borat is a man from England. He’s a comedian. I know it’s a joke.” “Oh it makes me so happy you know about the real Kazakhstan.” He said.

    Then I ordered him a pizza to be delivered to his truck.

    It was a fun experience meeting him. He was a great guy.

    We talked for hours using the Google translate app.

    There were a couple of gaffs. I realized after he left when I said “nice to meet you.” It heard, “it was nice to me too.” But otherwise it worked pretty well. It amazes me that we can do that nowadays.

    ____ ,

    You are a good person.

    ____ ,

    When Borat was fresh, I was in a new hire class for a major telecom you’ve heard of if you’re in the US.

    Somehow, the chatter came around to Borat, and someone challenged me on the existence of Kazakhstan.

    I’m not always great with people , so I did a double take - they were serious. I shipped them a GMaps link via chat…

    …and they proceeded to argue with me that said country couldn’t possibly actually exist.

    Once in a while, I wonder where that person ended up - no Ill will towards the misinformed, but I’m certainly curious.

    xantoxis ,

    They’re really no dumber than anyone else.

    They were wrong because they hadn’t heard of it (not really their fault, it’s not like we’re all talking about Kazakhstan every day).

    They doubled down because that’s what people do to protect their egos. Look up the backlash effect if you want to know why they didn’t believe you even with a maps link. It’s traumatic to be wrong and have someone prove it to you.

    DragonTypeWyvern ,

    (for stupid, insecure people it is)

    cynar ,

    The ability to self correct is one of the biggest differences between smart and stupid. A smart person might be wrong 1-2 times, before correcting on that point. A stupid person will value ego over truth and double down. This effect compounds over time, particularly when combined with an inquisitive mindset (another important marker).

    naticus ,

    An American not knowing the existence of Kazakhstan is pretty reasonable. But an American not knowing that New Mexico is a state is completely disappointing and happens way too gd often.

    wieson ,

    where as before people where like ‘wtf is Kazakhstan?’

    Maybe US Americans

    Clbull ,

    I’ve heard differing things about Kazakhstan’s reaction. Wasn’t there a time where Sacha Baron Cohen would have been a dead man if he entered Kazakh borders?

    Also, Kazakhstan actually has a really nice national anthem that 100% does not deserve to be overshadowed by a satirical one that mocks their country.

    FrenLivesMatter , avatar

    More recently though, he has spent his time complaining about the rise of antisemitism when he himself has done a fair amount of work contributing to it while in the character of Borat.…

    out , (edited )


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  • FrenLivesMatter , (edited ) avatar

    “In my country there is problem and that problem is the Jew”

    Yeah, you could argue that he was only making a joke or a political statement about latent antisemitism that was already present in society, but if he were the police (and he kinda IS policing antisemitism now), this would be called entrapment.

    ABCDE ,

    you could argue that he was only making a joke

    What do you think Borat was, a bloody documentary?

    FrenLivesMatter , avatar

    You’re missing the point. He deliberately encouraged people to express antisemitism and now he’s complaining that people are expressing more antisemitism.

    ABCDE ,

    Do you think the people joking about things as he does, want more anti-semitism? Do you think he is responsible because they expressed their actual feelings, whereas he was doing it for comedy? Their feelings existed whether he drew it out or not.

    FrenLivesMatter , avatar

    Well, if an undercover cops manages to instigate you to do something illegal, the underlying desire to do it must have already been there, otherwise you’d just tell him to fuck off. But entrapment is still illegal because if he hadn’t provided you with a chance to do it, you may not have followed through after all.

    What you seem to be saying is “entrapment is fine as long as it’s done to people I hate”.

    out , (edited )


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  • FrenLivesMatter , avatar

    Well I’m not arguing that what he did should be illegal, just that I consider it bad taste.

    It’s like if I went and did a standup routine consisting of Holocaust jokes and then a couple of years later complained about a rise in antisemitism.

    If he was serious, he should at least publicly acknowledge that he DID contribute to the issue and formally distance himself from his old work. Otherwise, it just seems rather disingenuous.

    ABCDE ,

    No, it’s just you.

    FrenLivesMatter , avatar

    Ah, okay. Great argument, I’m totally convinced now. /s

    ABCDE ,

    I have responded enough already, you don’t want to be convinced and you are entrenched in your views that a Jewish guy is anti-semitic, and, as a comedian, needs to repent for poking fun at racists in the way that he did and nothing else could possibly be correct.

    “If he was serious” about what? It’s of no interest to pick holes in your already Leedammer-esque ‘arguments’.

    ABCDE ,

    now he’s complaining

    Where, by the way?

    FrenLivesMatter , avatar

    Didn’t I post a link already?

    ABCDE ,

    Apparently so, I just asked where. Your point is a fallacy though.

    FrenLivesMatter , avatar

    Ah, okay then. The good old “you’re wrong because I say so.”

    ABCDE ,

    That’s not what a fallacy is.

    FrenLivesMatter , avatar

    Simply calling something a fallacy doesn’t make it one.

    ABCDE ,

    I didn’t say it did, but it was a fallacy, and your response doesn’t negate that.

    FrenLivesMatter , avatar

    Yeah unless you can explain WHY it’s a fallacy, that’s just your opinion.

    ABCDE ,

    I don’t have to explain everything to you. You can search online for what a fallacy is to understand the concept first, then look at why I said it.

    It’s still not my opinion just because you don’t understand it.

    FrenLivesMatter , avatar

    I understand the concept of what a fallacy is. But like I said, unless you can explain what KIND of fallacy you think my argument is, simply calling it a fallacy thinking you’ve proven anything is a fallacy in and of itself. I don’t need to make your arguments for you if you want me to be convinced of what you’re saying.

    Adding an ad hominem on top just shows you have no idea what a fallacy even is.

    ABCDE ,

    “that’s just your opinion” “It’s still not my opinion just because you don’t understand it”

    About the same. You aren’t willing to be convinced of anything as I said, so no point anyway.

    FrenLivesMatter , avatar

    I’m willing to be convinced by reason and evidence, but you have provided neither.

    I don’t care about your opinion AT ALL.

    cokeslutgarbage , in TIL about Earl Silverman, a domestic abuse survivor who founded a shelter for men. It was denied funding from the government and he was ridiculed. The shelter went bankrupt and he died by suicide

    My mother was the abuser in my home. She abused me and my father. That fact doesn’t prevent me from knowing that men are statistically more likely to be the aggressor. I don’t know what I’m trying to say with this comment. Life is scary and hard enough. May we all only share and receive kindness.

    Xx love you.

    vtnt9 ,

    That is very kind of you, cokeslutgarbage. Not my business but anyway: this may be the moment when a username deserves to be changed.

    victorz ,

    😂 I didn’t notice until you mentioned it.

    Hoping there’s a r/rimjob_steve equivalent here on Lemmy! 🤞

    emptiestplace ,


    cactusupyourbutt ,

    you were saying?

    SirDankbud ,

    Yeah it could probably use a cunt at the end for maximum efficacy

    A_Random_Idiot , (edited )

    I don’t know what I’m trying to say with this comment

    That despite being actual victim of abuse, and further witnessing your father be a victim of abuse, You still try to push the narrative that women are the only real victims and the only ones deserving of support.

    and I dont say this to be mean, or snarky, or cruel to you. You’ve just got to realize how internalized you’ve got this shit.

    PedroG14 ,


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  • Takios ,

    But why bring this up in a thread about abused men?

    pinkdrunkenelephants ,

    Because you all constantly bring up the fact that men are abused whenever women talk about their suffering in order to invalidate what they’re saying.

    And now that the shoe’s on the other foot, you complain.

    And while you’re squabbling with me over it, the slave racket will keep churning out more crushed souls.

    Syrc ,

    “Every time there’s discussion about women’s issues there’s men who try to divert it to their problems and that’s annoying, therefore women should do the same thing so that men get annoyed too”.

    Is that really how you want this to work? An eye for an eye?

    pinkdrunkenelephants ,

    Should I even bother justifying that with a response knowing you won’t ever listen or care unless it happens to a man anyway?

    pearsaltchocolatebar ,

    Because that part is completely irrelevant to the fact that men can be victims of domestic abuse and it’s often used to dismiss the men who are victims.

    A_Random_Idiot ,

    And the fact that he feels the need to pre-emptively dismiss himself that way is sad. He shouldn’t have to feel that way.

    A_Random_Idiot ,

    That fact doesn’t prevent me from knowing that men are statistically more likely to be the aggressor

    Right there.

    He is a victim if abuse, and deserves support and understanding. He deserves to be heard without caveats. He shouldnt feel the need to have to basically hide his abuse by saying “Yeah, I was abused, but women have it so much worse” to avoid a deluge of critical comments and attacks. Which very often happens anytime a man is a victim of abuse and speaks out about it in any capacity.

    He deserves support, and understanding, and resources. Same with his father. Same with all victims of abuse.

    But men don’t have access to such things, because societal misandry on the topic means resources for men are downright nonexistent, because if a man tries to access currently available resources, they’ll be shut down and viewed as an abuser trying to get to vulnerable women, and anytime someone does try to provide resources for men separately, They are either attacked with dubious claims like trying to take resources away from women, or are just straight shut down and ridiculed.

    And statistics are only based on reported/known crimes. male victims of abuse, domestic or sexual, are far less likely to report due to the social stigmas associated with toxic ideas of what men should be.

    Ifera ,

    Thank you for saying this. It is the same when men get raped by other men. “It is male on male crime” is such a stupid take, it is blaming the person who got raped because of the gender they were born into.

    pinkdrunkenelephants ,

    So you’re basically one of those sexist trolls who argue that men get abused too, therefore they couldn’t possibly be responsible for most of the abuse. And that women’s suffering is invalid.

    To solve the problem, we have to accept the facts and the fact is, despite the fact that men sometimes get abused, they’re the ones doing most of the abusing and therefore are the ones who need to be fixed. Deal with that fact.

    A_Random_Idiot ,

    Project harder, troll.

    pinkdrunkenelephants ,

    And the slave racket keeps churning out more broken people while you squabble with me to try to be right about something.

    Is you arguing with me going to do anything to save any abuse victims? Any of the male ones who are clearly the only ones you give a fuck about? Hmm?

    A_Random_Idiot , (edited )

    Oh damn, you got me. Yep. I only care about male victims

    He deserves support, and understanding, and resources. Same with his father. Same with all victims of abuse.

    edit I do want to thank [email protected] for being a shining, sterling example of exactly the kind of toxic people who creep up when you dare to talk about male victims though, and how they always try to twist the argument away from male victims.

    Transporter_Room_3 ,

    The only male victim who I PERSONALLY know (not just know OF) who has spoken out about had his own family OPENLY mock him on Facebook, Several from our mutual text group make jokes about it until he left, I snapped at them and called them pieces of shit, kicked them all and disbanded the group.

    Most people simply believed he was lying.

    Some knew he wasn’t and mocked him for “letting himself get beaten by a woman”

    And every time I hear about people like this, I wish they never have to find out just how bigoted and wrong they are. Because the only way they’ll ever believe it is if it happens to them.

    A_Random_Idiot ,

    I’m sorry that he had such a shitty, miserable family. I hope hes doing okay now and hes found the people who give him the support he deserves

    pinkdrunkenelephants ,

    Actually yes, that’s literally exactly where you say you don’t actually give a fuck about female victims of abuse. Because you came into this thread with a chip on your shoulder about women, and the second you saw someone talk about female victims of abuse, you pounced.

    Because your dumb ass thinks talking about abuse happening to one group invalidates that of the other. Because to you, attention, sympathy and concern are a limited zero-sum source to squabble over.

    And you bat not a fucking eye when MRA trash goes into women’s abuse threads and cries that men get abused too, and get rebuked the way you try and fail to rebuke me.

    Because you are biased in favor of men at the expense of women.

    You’re the problem. Literally you

    A_Random_Idiot ,

    Sure buddy.

    havokdj ,

    You’re fucking stupid lol, and people like you who put the label of sex in domestic violence + abuse can honestly go fuck themselves too.

    A N Y O N E is capable of violence. To lessen a HUMAN BEING’S suffering just because of their sex? THAT is sexism my friend, literally the definition right there. “Men need to be fixed” because about 14% more are abusers compared to women? Not accounting for rounding, margins of error, silent cases? Considering the fact that men are far more likely to stay quiet in cases like this because of the extreme stigma that people like YOU create in circumstances like this.

    Remember, YOU people brought sex into it. I don’t see male or female when I see someone suffering from domestic abuse, I see a victim!

    You don’t see “female victim” on the news when you see a woman getting in a car crash, you don’t see a “male victim” headline when a man gets murdered in a street, you see VICTIM. That’s because that’s what they are and that’s what’s important at the end of the day.

    pinkdrunkenelephants ,

    The statistics say men are responsible for most of the domestic violence, but good job proving you have a shitty sexist agenda by parroting what I was telling everyone else to benefit you, while rejecting the truth.

    The only ones who are going to suffer is… about a quarter of U.S. households, give or take

    havokdj ,

    Parroting what you said huh? Where did I repeat a single word you said?

    shitty sexist agenda

    That my friend, is what parroting actually is. You brought sex into it because you want to make a specific group of people’s suffering seem insignificant solely based on the genitals they were born with. That’s literally sexism. Victims are victims, giving a specific group special attention leads to ignorance of the other group, and especially considering that about 36% of domestic violence victims are indeed men, that is NOT something that can just be ignored. It is totally ironic that you are sitting here telling me that I have a sexist agenda when you are literally downplaying just how many domestic violence victims are men, solely based on the fact that they are men.

    rejecting the truth

    I need citations please, show me where I denied any fact based evidence you presented. I said men are victims in an estimated 36% of domestic violence cases, everything you just stated seems like it was an attempt to somehow “prove” that I said something other than what I said.

    Again, the very first sentence in my statement holds just as true as everything else I said, you are fucking STUPID.

    ParsnipWitch ,

    There are resources and help for men. You aren’t helping anybody but sexist trolls by pretending they don’t exist. The only thing you are “achieving” is that some victims don’t even try to get help.

    A_Random_Idiot ,

    Gonna break out all the alts for this, huh?

    SpaceCowboy , avatar

    I don’t know what I’m trying to say with this comment.

    That’s a indicative of nervousness over even discussing the problem. Which shouldn’t be the case. The existence of a larger problem doesn’t mean people should feel nervousness over discussing smaller problems.

    Also this isn’t a smaller problem for the person affected. A man that is abused is no small problem for that man. It’s the biggest problem in their life, just as for a woman that’s being abused that’s the biggest problem in her life. The fact that more women are being abused than men doesn’t lessen the effect of the abuse on the individual whether the victim is a man or a woman.

    There’s a tendency for statistics to override empathy for an individual. “Ah well, that doesn’t happen very often, so whatever.” But it did happen for that person and it’s just as horrible for that person as it is for individuals in that statically larger group.

    So we should make an effort to prevent statistics from negating empathy. There shouldn’t be a stigma against someone talking about a problem that’s statistically less probable as if low probability means something didn’t happen and isn’t worth talking about. It happened and and we should be aware of how statistics can have the tendency to turn us into statistical psychopaths which prevents real problems from being addressed.

    asret ,

    Yeah, he’s maybe taken it a bit far, but his point is still valid. If I’m talking about my experience with abuse it should be allowed to stand alone. I shouldn’t have to acknowledge its place in the meta.

    It’s fine to discuss its place in the wider conversation, but I shouldn’t be forced to engage with it when sharing my experience. When people do try to push this it does unfortunately come across as invalidating my experience.

    The original commenter posting that bit makes it seem like they’re minimising their experience for fear of others’ reactions.

    AeonFelis ,
    ThePowerOfGeek , avatar

    I assumed you said that (about how men are far more likely to be abusers) to try to mitigate any reactions that take your very reasonable comment out of context. Any time someone points out that abuse or injustice can happen from the non-typical side of a binary situation, someone inevitably jumps in with a “well achually…” response. Sometimes it’s said with the best of intentions. Sometimes it’s just trolling our pushing a personal bias.

    I disagree with others who say you are perpetuating something negative by saying that. That’s clearly not what you are doing. You are just trying to provide a preemptive response to an inevitable counterpoint. Your overall point was well-made and reinforces the tragic but insightful story behind this post.

    I hope you and your dad have found peace and happiness away from your abusive mom.

    Vampiric_Luma , avatar

    This is exactly how I interpreted it

    ParsnipWitch ,

    It’s because you can’t say or do anything in regards to this issue without attracting people that have an agenda that has nothing to do with helping men but is simply anti-feminist.

    I’ve read plenty of times online how people don’t even look for help because they were convinced online that help for men does not exist. But it does and it should be spread instead of people trying to persuade people it doesn’t exist just because they want to spread their ideology.

    quaddo ,

    May we all only share and receive kindness.

    Well said, @cokeslutgarbage

    somethingp ,

    Is this Lemmy’s rimjobsteve?

    CuttingBoard ,

    I know roger simon won’t show up. It was always his father who would beat him with jumper cables.

    brbposting ,

    So sorry to hear that.

    I read:

    1 - men absolutely get abused

    2 - we don’t need to entirely eliminate any of the existing narrative that women have it rough [but let’s add abuse of men to the picture]

    No notes besides sending some love back, brother.

    Zomg , (edited )

    I think I interpret what you are saying as that you’re aware women likely need more help, but so do men, and we shouldn’t assume the smaller one doesn’t exist or ignore them because that group creates more issues than they have victims.

    GhostFence ,

    Thank you for that balanced take on this issue.

    ohlaph , in TIL In the Hot Coffee lawsuit against McDonalds,punitive damages were given due to McDonalds intentionally overheating coffee to save money on refills

    When you dive into that case, you definitely side with the lady. She had some pretty serious burns, like way beyond what most of us would get if we spilled coffee that we made at the house.

    If my memory serves me well, she originally only asked them to cover the medical expenses. So their greed ended up costing them far more.

    Xtallll , avatar

    The injuries involved the phrase “labia fused to leg”.

    SacrificedBeans ,

    Oh… I can’t unread that…

    A7thStone ,

    And you canot unsee it if you ever saw the court pictures

    x4740N , avatar

    And you can’t unsee the imagined version of that if you imagined what that eould look like

    assassin_aragorn ,

    Well then. TIL that third degree burns can fucking fuse your body parts together. Jesus Christ

    ares35 , in TIL Minimum wage has only increased by $7.00 in 85 years in the USA. avatar

    inflation-adusted, the federal minimum wage peaked way tf back in february 1968 at $1.60 an hour (equal to $13.46 in '2022 dollars').

    maegul , (edited ) avatar

    Just when boomers were young (8-23 yrs old) … totally tracks!

    Looking at the linked graph, there’s a relatively clear plateau from ‘56 to ‘80 … basically from oldest boomers being age 11 to youngest boomers being age 20. I’m a little astonished at how well it lines up with the whole fucking generation. Literally all of them, from the beginning of their teens to the end of their teens (at least), enjoyed the best minimum wage of the modern age.

    It also, interestingly, justifies the seperate categorisation of the Jones generation (born 1960-1966) who were the first to see the steady decline.

    DarthBueller ,

    explain jones gen. never heard this term before.

    idreamoffiji ,

    The Wikipedia article explains it pretty concisely. Basically the generation between boomers and gen x that tends to get overlooked.

    spicytuna62 , avatar

    Might as well use the latest numbers for this comparison. Yes, inflation is still absolutely sucking us all dry.

    Marsupial , avatar

    I love how its just flipped the numbers around.

    WhatAmLemmy ,

    This is if you actually believe CPI is a legitimate measure, despite the cost of all the big ticket expenses like housing, education, and healthcare increasing 5x or more above inflation.

    Random_user ,

    That’s why they’re conveniently not part of the inflation equation.

    JossyBop ,

    That’s true, though I can’t say for the US, in the UK, inflation is still ridiculously calculated. Jack Monroe went on a mini crusade about it, because staples like pasta and rice weren’t included, but champagne was.

    GiddyGap , (edited )

    inflation is still absolutely sucking us all dry.

    However, as a side note, inflation is absolutely essential to keep the economy healthy. Most developed countries around the world have a goal of 2 percent inflation. US inflation is currently 3.7 percent before seasonal adjustments.

    Edit: Wow. Lots of people here who need to retake Econ 101.

    firadin ,

    Inflation is important because it punishes the hoarding of wealth and encourages spending. When investments grow greater than inflation but wages grow slower, it’s problematic because the investing class is rewarded for having money while the working class is punished.

    Cryophilia ,

    Most lemmings have never taken econ 101, because they are in middle school

    orrk ,

    well no, the econ 101 guys are the ones calling for getting rid of inflation, you actually need to get a bit further down into the mud to get to “inflation is super important and one of few reasons for investment instead of dragon hordes”

    fubo , in TIL that John Lennon's son had to buy back postcards sent to him by his father from his widow Yoko Ono

    Nitpick: Yoko Ono is John Lennon’s widow, not former wife (which would imply that they divorced).

    tst123 OP , avatar


    drislands ,

    Oh dang , you can edit titles on Lemmy?!

    lambda , avatar


    HonoraryMancunian ,

    Isn’t that open to abuse somewhat?

    Sethayy ,

    Nah not more than editing comments, and I’d say its worth it cause the plethora of typos in titles

    (if you really care you can loom at the logs for the original title too)

    Peppycito ,

    I’ve never understood why there isn’t a “view edits” button.

    Dontfearthereaper123 ,

    There is on some clients I believe

    lambda , avatar

    There is on the website. If you are on a mobile you might not.

    can , (edited )

    It’s actually even worse:

    You know, I don’t want to give anybody any ideas

    HonoraryMancunian ,

    I can’t believe I missed your presumably evil suggestion by only 18 minutes

    (Although I can guess at some possible examples)

    RhetoricalOrator ,

    That feels like it would be very open to abuse: OP can edit the post later to read:

    “Upvote and comment to show your respect for the Proud Boys who are staying strong! The government has become our Yoko Ono!”

    Then readers will all wonder if this is new code talk and be surprised by the votes and engagement.

    lambda , avatar

    Probably, but you can also view all edits. Lemmy is very open to history of files.

    HonoraryMancunian ,

    How? I’ve tried looking on the website but couldn’t figure it out (I’m a bit tech illiterate tbf)

    lambda , avatar

    I know I’ve looked at it before. But now I can’t find it either. Maybe it was changed?

    Dasus , in TIL in the Carboniferous Period, no fungus existed to decompose trees. They just grew on top of each other up and up. avatar

    Fungi in general are about twice as old as sharks. Roughly a billion years vs ~450 million years.

    The point is there just weren’t any which had bacteria to decompose trees, as no bacteria had evolved the ability yet. Until there were. Took millions of years though.

    Fun fact, now we have mushrooms which can deal with plastic.

    Pestalotiopsis microspora is a type of endophytic fungus discovered in the Amazon rainforest in 2011 which contains bacteria that can biodegrade and break down synthetic plastic polymers.

    itsAsin ,

    that’s what i was thinkin… surely single-cell eukaryote (fungi) is earlier than complex eukaryote (shark)?

    Swedneck , avatar

    you’d think so, but sharks were in fact the first lifeform to be summoned from the astral planes, everything else evolved from a single shark cell that had the right mutations to survive (all sharks simply died within minutes until plants had created enough oxygen for them to breathe, at which point they died within days until the evolution of other animals)

    dumples , avatar

    Thank God for fungi. They do so much for us and now eating plastics. We really need something to eat it all

    Dasus , avatar

    There’s also fungi which can use radiation as a source of energy, radiotrophic fungi, and we’ve been thinking about using them as radiation shields in spacecraft.…

    PhlubbaDubba ,

    The reputation cordyceps gave fungi is really unfair IMO, they mostly chill shroomy buddies that poop food and eat poop

    Swedneck , avatar

    cordyceps are to fungi what barnacles are to arthropods, horrifying twisted versions of the clade

    PhlubbaDubba ,

    Of all the arthropods you could have singled out as the scary one, you picked Barnacles?

    Swedneck , avatar

    you have seen how they look on the inside, yes? They bring about existential dread with how they’ve been twisted from the arthropod baseline, they’re like the creatures in Man After Man.

    A7thStone ,

    I think these fit the idea.

    shottymcb ,

    What the fuck?!

    Bartsbigbugbag ,

    They are great for human ingestion, I take cordyceps medicinally regularly.

    nickwitha_k ,

    TIL that barnacles are crustaceans. Had thought that were mollusks. Yeah. I’m going to have to agree with them bring a horrifying twisted version of the clade.

    howrar ,

    Is this a good thing? Consuming plastic means releasing all the carbon that they’re made of.

    delirious_owl , avatar

    Awesome, now they’ll just dump all the plastic in the Amazon and congratulate themselves for doing the right thing

    Jarix ,

    What Amazon? Is that one of those sheerwood forest things?

    model_tar_gz ,

    Fungi are pretty awesome. We can decompose plastic with them. Engage in inter dimensional astral travel with them. And have a nice trip by a campfire without ever leaving the chair.

    Dasus , avatar
    Seraph , in TIL personal credit scores only started in 1989 avatar

    It sucks but things were worse before, especially if you were black.

    KevonLooney ,

    Or an immigrant. Or a woman (especially if you’re pregnant). Or if you lived near black people or immigrants. Or if you had long hair. Or maybe the local bank manager just didn’t like you. These were all acceptable reasons to deny your loan application prior to credit scores.

    They literally made decisions based on things you can’t control. Banks are now legally prohibited from even asking these things. If you notice, people working at a bank will never ask “where are you from?”

    Coasting0942 ,

    Fuck I sound like a bootlicker but the net result was that it took away some control of the rich to influence social mobility.

    But rich people are living organisms and their think tanks are the smartest. They’ve already found ways around it.

    frezik ,

    As time moves on, a lot of things containing racial bias have gotten more abstract. For example, we don’t segregate schools by law anymore, but African-Americans do tend to live in neighborhoods together, those neighborhoods tend to have lower property values, and schools are funded by the taxes on property values. Segregation is still there, but you have to go a few layers deep to find it.

    However, as its been forced to get more abstract, it’s also become less effective. Without absolute prohibitions against African-Americans attending the same schools as white people, there has been more upwards mobility of African-Americans to live in better neighborhoods with better schools and end cycles of poverty. Still, it would be better if we got rid of this dumb property tax system for schools altogether.

    Credit scores are the same. It abstracted away the racism. It’s still there, causing unnecessary hardship, but not to the degree previous systems did. There is more room for upwards mobility, but that doesn’t mean we should leave it as it is.

    UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

    However, as its been forced to get more abstract, it’s also become less effective. Without absolute prohibitions against African-Americans attending the same schools as white people, there has been more upwards mobility of African-Americans to live in better neighborhoods with better schools and end cycles of poverty.

    That’s highly debatable. There are definitely some groups of African Americans who have cracked the glass ceiling. But on average, black household wealth has significantly lagged white wealth accumulation year-over-year. Case in point, the '08 crash decimated black households to the tune of 40% of their total accumulated savings. The COVID crisis saw higher rates of mortality in black communities, as well as higher rates of unemployment, of declines in school completion rates (from high school up through graduate programs), and of divorce. All negatively correlated with wealth accumulation.

    Maybe since '89 things have improved. But the last two decades have sucked and African Americans have eaten disproportionate amounts of shit during it.

    JoMiran , avatar

    Came here to say this. Credit scores are meant to remove some of the racial and social bias from the decision making. That was the idea anyway.

    MotoAsh ,

    Doesn’t mean this is how it has to be. It can be improved further.

    Seraph , avatar

    While true, don't let perfect be the enemy of the good.

    MotoAsh ,

    Yes, and I’m only making the opposite counter-point: Don’t stop doing a good thing, like fixing broken systems.

    I love it how everyone enjoys pointing out the negative interpretation when it’s in response to something that makes it utterly clear I mean the positive interpretation.

    You may as well be saying, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”, which I’m sure is not what you mean, but that’s exactly what responding with a counter-view implies at this point.

    Dozzi92 , avatar

    How can it be improved further. If you’re going to say stuff, give us a “such as,” otherwise it comes off as a negative, it’s not good enough. Gotta be constructive with the criticism. I’m reading a lot of negative reactions and I want some actual rationale for it, because I guess I’m uneducated on the topic and I fail to see what the issue is. Credit is people giving you money. There’s a system that keeps track of your credit history. Don’t want it? Don’t get credit, that’s it. Have 0 credit and then reap the rewards of that if you want.

    clearleaf ,

    Such as if you’ve been paying rent for years you should be allowed to pay an equal amount for a home you may actually own one day. That’s my main one.

    Dozzi92 , avatar

    I don’t understand what you mean or how that relates at all. And I’m not trying to be obtuse, I just don’t see a rational nexus between what you’re paying in rent now versus what you may pay as a mortgage on some completely different piece of property. Owning a piece of property and renting one are two different things.

    Now, should paying rent be reflected on your credit score? I believe so, for better and for worse. If you are a good tenant, always pay rent on time, to me that reflects well on your fiscal health. I think the only reason it’s not is because who is there to report it? Only way it would be is if you could put it on your credit card, and I’m not sure any landlords take credit cards.

    UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

    Credit scores are meant to remove obfuscate some of the racial and social bias

    UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

    Mass incarceration in the modern era makes that a hard comparison to square up.

    Are you better off today as a middle class black suburbanite throwing a third of your paycheck at a subprime loan for a house you couldn’t even legally own 40 years ago? Yeah, sure, I guess.

    Are you better off today as a teenager in a Texas supermax prison without working A/C, working 12 hour shifts for less than a dollar an hour, while the state government frets that there aren’t enough people like you to meet some arbitrary imprisonment quota? Doubtful.

    Post-Reagan, society has been a decided mixed black for African Americans.

    can , in TIL 40 states in the US charge you $20-$80 a day for being incarcerated in prison.

    The US is starting to sound made up

    aeronmelon ,

    I left America over a decade ago due to a laundry list of grievances that I developed while having only ever lived in America.

    Once I started living in other countries, I finally developed context to compare my American life with. And it just made things look so much worse than I had previously thought.

    And now it feels like not a day can go by without learning some new awful truth about my former home.

    SaintWacko ,

    Where did you go, if you don’t mind me asking? It’s certainly something we’ve talked about…

    aeronmelon , (edited )

    I hopped around Southeast Asia until I landed in Japan.

    It’s not easy here, and it’s not without its own problems, but it works much better for me.

    (I’d probably still be in Singapore were it not for the heat. The food is 10/10 and dirt cheap, but I missed seasons.)

    (I knew that answering this question would make the jerks upset somehow.)

    Codilingus ,

    Do you have to struggle with the insane only work, no life, salary man/woman problems? Or did you find something that doesn’t follow that “life style?”

    aeronmelon ,

    No, I see it but I don’t have to deal with it.

    It’s also not as much of a constant as it used to be.

    Lucidlethargy ,

    It’s unfortunate you left… When good people leave, we’re stuck with more of the bad gaining power.

    If we lose this country to the bad people even more than it’s already been lost, then the entire world may pay dearly as a result.

    nilloc ,

    If he left a solid red or blue state, it doesn’t really matter. Our minority representation, first pst the pole voting and electoral college means that a lot of smart people from cities or solid blue areas can leave and nothing will change.

    Plus OP’s an outlier, most of us can’t afford to relocate like this.

    Varyk OP ,

    It was. Everywhere was.

    can ,

    Yes, but the more I live and hear things about the states it starts to sound like satire or as if it’s a joke to see what other people will believe.

    Varyk OP ,

    You’re just getting older, haha. The longer we live, the more we can’t help seeing what’s right in front of us.

    can ,

    If only that were true for everyone.

    Raffster ,

    Nah, it’s exactly the other way around. Except for a tiny minority. All the others have to ignore what’s around them in order to not go insane.

    Varyk OP , (edited )

    I can understand why it seems that way, but the broad American public supports civil and labor liberties, green energy, healthy and equitable policies in general; it’s the vocal minority that is subverting the will of the more fair-minded, rational and compassionate majority(sure would be nice if more than one out of every three or four people voted).

    And I don’t even think most conservatives believe in the policies they support so much as they don’t comprehend what they’re supporting and they are afraid of relinquishing control over what they narrowly perceive as “power” and “freedom”.

    The ones I’ve talked to don’t.

    Codilingus ,

    I feel like most of them only vote R because they’re getting bamboozled into believing that the Rs stand for conservative, Christian, family values.

    Varyk OP , (edited )

    Anecdotally, ignorance and fear seems to be significant factors supporting conservative beliefs.

    When I tell a liberal something that they aren’t expecting or that they didn’t know, they’ll respond with “what? How do you know that? Really?”

    Then with a conservative, I usually get “No, no. Really? Well, I don’t know about that, anyway…”

    And that’ll be some hard truth or contradicting statistic that the conservative doesn’t want to address or learn about because it will fly in the face of a fear or ignorance based belief.

    can ,

    This is probably not the point you intended, but I basically read that as Conservatives are against growth, personal or otherwise.

    Which is just sad. That sounds like an unrewarding life. I doubt they want my pity but they kind of already have it when I look past the hatred and think about how they’ve been swindled.

    Varyk OP ,

    Yep, that’s a part of what I meant.

    FlashMobOfOne , avatar

    I’d like to believe that. Social Media did a great job of reprogramming people.

    Varyk OP ,

    Media did a great job before that, and humans tend to get conservative as they age, so I think there’s a lot of factors working together to make people more cynical than they ought to be.

    6mementomori ,

    isn’t every country made up after all?

    can ,

    But this has begun sounding like made up details, like someone heard how we feel and they decided to play into those concerns to see how much we’d believe before calling them out.

    BruceTwarzen ,

    I honeatly think that a lot.

    gravitas_deficiency ,

    It’s called the American Dream because you’ve got to be asleep to believe it

    Mango ,

    It’s real and I’m here. Pls save me.

    can ,

    I’d love to invite you up north but we need to get some housing first.

    Mango ,

    We all have housing. It’s just a matter of prying the leeches off first.

    can ,

    As long as the leeches are still there then we really don’t.

    Mango ,

    Got any salt?

    can ,

    The finest.

    Mango ,

    WTB 1 salt. 5k /wave2 /glow:green

    MonsiuerPatEBrown , (edited ) in TIL the CIA trains its spies not to slouch and lean, as that's an American tell

    so if you meet an American that is oddly unslouched or disleaned they are “likely” a CIA operative

    LinkOpensChest_wav , avatar

    Me: (standing with impeccable form) No.

    Kolanaki , avatar

    That’s exactly what a CIA agent would say!

    BackOnMyBS , avatar

    Oh no, they’re gonna Kennedy your ass!

    MonsiuerPatEBrown ,

    Stop threatening my freedoms with your straight back and upright positions!

    Agent641 ,

    I just do a casual handstand to dispel any concerns

    NoMoreLurking , in TIL the adjective 'daily' in the lord's prayer is actually written in the original Greek as *epiousion*, which occurs nowhere else in known history

    Greek guy here.

    Επιούσιος (e-pi-u-si-os) is a composite word (you can make an astronomical number of composite words in Greek if you want to express a new concept, such as tele-phone) and in this sentence it means that which will nourish us for the day. So daily is quite fitting here.

    sanguinepar , avatar

    So it’s more like “our day’s worth of bread” than “the bread we eat every day”?

    DrBob ,

    “I’d like my daily ration today”. Sounds bitchy like that.

    NoMoreLurking ,

    If the word was missing from the sentence, then it could be translated as “Give us today our bread and forgive our sins…”.

    Instead, with the word added, it can be translated as "Give us today the bread we need for the day and forgive our sins… ".

    I guess the significance of the word is in not being greedy and asking from God only what you really need instead of what is “owed” to you?

    scottywh ,

    Nourishing makes sense… Particularly in a context similar to edifying.

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