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spicytuna62 , avatar

Looks aside, I’ll bet visibility is incredible, at least from the front. And I think that at least my mail carrier will appreciate having air conditioning. We still have a lot of the old LLV’s here and it was 105 and humid all summer.

spicytuna62 , avatar

Hate to break it to you, but nostalgia will probably make them cool. Nostalgia is the rosiest of tints.

spicytuna62 , avatar

Got it. Full of holes. Uhh…what caliber, sir?

spicytuna62 , (edited ) avatar

Cheetahs have always been my favorite. It’s not that they’re the fastest land animal that fascinates me, but how. Dogs are so funny to watch run because they’re so goofy, but even the fastest dogs get going maybe 40 miles an hour. They spend a lot of time off the ground in their stride. And if you’re not in contact with the ground, you’re slowing down. Cheetahs keep their strides very low to the ground and spend little time in the air. Additionally, their long, muscular, flexible spine allows them to treat it kind of like a leaf spring. And the long tails are gorgeous.

And if that wasn’t enough, they meow and purr, too.

spicytuna62 OP , avatar

Hell yeah animation is ok, and Gavity Falls is a solid 10/10 choice.

Between my brother, a mutual friend, and myself, we have over 1,800 collective hours in Borderlands 2. That was probably my favorite game for about 5 years. It’s fun enough on your own, but the game gets a million times between with co-op.

I thought the Pre-Sequel was pretty good. The low grav mechanic was a fun addition, and the moon being populated by Aussies was a nice touch. Borderlands 3 was kinda meh. We all had high hopes for it. It’s a pretty good game, but its greatest weakness is that Borderlands 2 exists.

spicytuna62 OP , avatar

Undertale made me ugly cry, thanks Toby.

spicytuna62 , avatar

I haven’t played AC. My experience lies mostly in Far Cry. I got a free copy of Far Cry 3 with my Radeon HD 7770. Little did I know that’s where the series would peak. It’s one of the games I wish I could play for the first time again. Vaas is easily one of the best written and (and especially) acted bosses in a game ever. He’s such a pain in your ass until you kill him, then the final boss sucks so much, you miss him.

spicytuna62 , avatar

Have to respectfully disagree, but I’ll give that FC5 was consistently pretty good throughout. FC3 started off the first half on the highest of notes and finished somewhere in the middle before sending you to horny jail for being bad boy. FC5 was a solid B+ game. Not one for the ages, but definitely a fun way to kill a few hours. FC5 does have really good co-op. My wife and I each have 100+ hours in FC5 specifically because we played through it together several times.

I thought Faith was a pretty good character. Especially as you dive a little more into her lore. Her dudes that pop out of nowhere can be annoying though lol

We also did the easter egg ending.

spicytuna62 , avatar

The day my parents signed up for Facebook was the day my account died. I’m sure many other millennials have similar experiences lol

spicytuna62 , (edited ) avatar

My first job out of college was in a hospital. When you see doctors outside of their own setting, you quickly realize that >90% of them are pretty stupid at literally everything else. I was an accountant processing travel reimbursements for business-related professional expenses (mostly vacations disguised as conferences and workshops for CMEs) and many of them just could NOT understand why they weren’t allowed to claim alcohol on their travel reimbursements. Literally, the IRS will not allow it. And even if it did, state law forbids it, too. Sometimes, I got angry emails because they couldn’t claim miles for taking a detour to visit a relative before going to their destination after I adjusted it as if they drove directly from work to the airport. Shit like that. I was good friends with the IT guy there and he had many similar gripes. Most of his job was arriving on-site to plug machines in because they swore up and down on the phone that the machine was plugged in.

I’m convinced the majority of doctors are just average intelligence people who spent a decade practicing and mastering a skill. That’s it. Anyone can be a doctor if they can be allowed into med school and sink the time and effort into becoming one.

spicytuna62 , avatar

For those who don’t know, Martian solar eclipses suck compared to ours. The near equal relative size of the sun and moon to Earth is why we get such awesome eclipses.

Perks of having a planet-sized object slam into your planet during its Hadean Eon.

spicytuna62 , avatar

Imagine telling this guy what that little third 9 in the price of his fuel means. Think he might switch to electric?

spicytuna62 , (edited ) avatar

But at least y’all don’t have mice.

Edit: aw, rats.

spicytuna62 , avatar

You can! You set it up like this:

[](link to your image)

If you put any text inside the brackets, it makes it a hyperlink instead of an image.

spicytuna62 , avatar

She saw the neat green insect. Are you even paying attention?

spicytuna62 , avatar

You know the neighborhood’s fucked when the Jawas open a car dealership.

spicytuna62 , avatar

Anomalocaris means “weird shrimp” so I get the feeling the Cambrian freaks out the nerds sometimes, too.

spicytuna62 , avatar

Mine dates to '09. It’s been dead since '14. I only keep it around to use Marketplace since Craigslist is basically dead.

spicytuna62 , avatar

I’d argue it’s not always comfortable for them. Consider how hot black pavement can get on a summer day. I never make my dog walk across a parking lot when it’s been baking under a 100 degree sun. I carry him to a shaded area, at least.

spicytuna62 , avatar

Well your first problem is using Google.

Gotta use Duck Duck Go + Tor + VPN on a burner phone you can yeet into the middle of international waters when you’re done. Make sure to sink the boat while you’re there, too. That way, under international law, nobody owns it.

spicytuna62 , avatar

Cars peaked in the 90s. They will never be this cool again. If you, like me, live in car-dependent North America, you should drive a 90s car, too.

Really any car from before about 2010-2015 is a solid choice if you have to drive.

spicytuna62 , avatar

What a wonderful day to have Sktttttttttt

spicytuna62 , avatar

And you’ll sound funny on the way out. I see this as a win-win.

spicytuna62 , avatar

I can’t say I blame you, but I’d just set up a pihole.

spicytuna62 , avatar

When I was single and living in a 1 bedroom apartment, I had my gaming rig next to my TV in the corner. I ran a long HDMI cable along the baseboard, around the corner, and into the TV. It was clean. I had this keyboard/touchpad combo in addition to my regular mouse and keyboard and that was how I turned my dumb TV into a smart TV running Windows 8.1 circa 2013/2014. I had a DualShock 4 that I’d use specifically for couch gaming because I didn’t always want to play at my desk. My PC has a BD drive so I used it as a Blu-Ray player, too.

I was real proud of that setup. I’m married and we work from home now and so we have to have an office, but I’d love to get an Ethernet cable run between our living room and our office so I can use my laptop to stream my games and couch game again. All I have for couch gaming these days is my ancient consoles (PS2 and Wii).

spicytuna62 , avatar

I present: my favorite anti-intelligent design video

spicytuna62 , avatar

Hell, even “are you down…” isn’t bad. Suggested finishers:

  • …to get coffee?
  • …for a movie night?
  • …for lunch/dinner?
  • …to hang out and chat at the park?
  • …to meet at the library for a quick game of Cones of Dunshire?

Basically anything but that.

spicytuna62 , avatar

Who knows? Maybe she’s down…

  • …to lay waste to the city of Carthage for the glory of the Empire.
  • …to slay King Harold, forever changing the English language.
  • …for a brisk walk with the boys to the Atlantic Ocean…but first, a pit stop in Atlanta.
spicytuna62 , avatar


spicytuna62 , avatar

But what if nobody but the caddy smelt it? Is it the caddy, then, that dealt it and shat Trump’s pants?

Because if so, what a legend.

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