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Synctrex , in gotdamn

“working as a server” - I have to get rid of thinking everything is about computers…

Fuck_u_spez_ ,

I have a friend who asks people whether they’re running Windows or Linux when we go out to eat and they come to our table to introduce themselves as our server. None of them has yet to get the (bad) joke and I die inside a little more every time I hear it.

Synctrex ,

That’s hilarious but I would also cringe every time.

thepianistfroggollum ,

Time to give my wife another reason to sigh at me in public.

kungen ,

What’s he going to say when they respond “FreeBSD” one day?

Zoboomafoo , avatar

“Can I have your number” would be a good start

onionbaggage ,

No, they get it. It’s just not funny.

preciouspupp ,

Responding to HTTP request all day is hard work.

ArtisinalBS ,

For the last time, make the coffee yourself, I AM A TEAPOT!

Mossheart ,

I see an HTTP 418 in the wild, I upvote.

AstralWeekends ,

Not when every response is a 503 (taps head)!

Apollo ,

For a second I wondered if it was an old timey job, similar to how one could be employed as a computer.

Schadrach ,

I mean, you needed someone to crunch non-financial numbers before machines were invented to do that. A major discovery in astronomy (the relationship between period and luminosity) that’s central to how we measure distances in space was actually made by a woman doing that job (Henrietta Swan Leavitt). If she’d lived a few years longer she likely would have won the Nobel for it.

Apollo ,

I hadn’t heard of her, thanks for putting her name on my radar!

Cheesus , in Blueberry milkshakes

For those who don’t know, the blue liquid is their blood

15liam20 ,

A pint? That’s nearly an arm-full!

menemen , (edited ) avatar

So this is basically like a blood farm from vampires? Shit, still surprises me what an evil species we really are.

zazaserty , avatar

I kinda agree with you but when you think about it it’s not that bad. They are released afterwards and we can use that blood to save countless people, like you and me.

ThunderclapSasquatch ,

Dp you enjoy the widespread availability of injectable medicine? The blood is used to detect impurities in injectable medicine.

dependencyinjection ,

Why are they draining it in this way? Poor things.

CluckN ,

It’s catch and release so they let them go afterwards where they found them. Horseshoe crab blood is an essential biomedical tool that’s saved countless lives.

dependencyinjection ,

What are some example uses for the blood? I’m fascinated.

Thanks for the reply too.

CluckN ,

It’s an anticoagulant and can detect the smallest traces of endotoxins in medicine. I’m sure I’m missing some details but there are some great medical journals that detail the process and help explain why it’s $60,000 a gallon.

someguy3 ,

$15.85 per ml, for a more at scale measurement.

IWantToFuckSpez ,

Is this why the royals are rich? Because they have blue blood.

Aqarius ,

I, uh, I may have an economic recovery proposal.

jasondj ,

How close is this stuff to HP’s Cyan?

gkd , avatar

With how much those things cost, I wouldn’t be surprised if some horseshoe crab blood was mixed in to really make the color pop.

RestrictedAccount ,

I just snorted

Mercival ,

It is not an anticoagulant, quite the opposite actually. The blood (limulus amoebocyte lysate) will coagulate at the slightest hint of gram-negative bacteria and their endotoxins.

It’s most likely a defense mechanism against bacterial infections.

It’s widely used in medicine to check for bacterial contamination of injectable pharmaceuticals.

peopleproblems ,

Woah. Are horseshoe crabs like other crustaceans in that they eat pretty much anything including/mostly detritus?

If thats the case, than how would it be beneficial to have blood that coagulates so easily?

Wouldn’t every meal lead to a crab version of a stroke?

Four_lights77 ,

Probably so it can detect it as quickly as possible for elimination.

MeanEYE , avatar

They are not crabs nor crustaceans.

Kedly ,

Not a relevant time to be pedantic

MeanEYE , avatar

Well, he asked if they are like other crustaceans, so the answer is they are not crustaceans so no, they are not like others.

Kedly ,

Aww fuck you’re right. I’m the one in the wrong here. I apologize, it wasnt a relevant time for me to be an ass

dependencyinjection ,

It’s great that you owned up. Many wouldn’t.

Kedly ,

Yeah, I may be a bit combative in my comments, but in general I dont want to contribute to toxicity, so when I’m wrong I’ll fess up and apologize for it

dependencyinjection ,

I feel you and I don’t know your age but me personally I found that with age, I was more forthcoming with saying i was wrong and just trying to be nice to folk.

Have a great day dude!

Kedly ,

Age might play a part in it, I do think I’ve been more willing to fess up to wrongdoing than average throughout my life as well though as I function best in honest environments. You have a great day as well!

Mercival ,

Horseshoe crabs are not crusteceans, they are early chelicerates.

They have an open circulatory system, where the blood (heamolymph) freely spills out of the arteries into surrounding tissues, so a small clot probably wouldn’t cause issues. Think of it like a cyst, sometimes if an infection can’t be removed by the immune system, your body will just enclose it in a capsule, so it can’t spread.

peopleproblems ,

Ahhh that makes sense. That’s a pretty cool defense system

Rubanski ,

Discoveries like this always makes me wonder, who had the idea to try it and why

SpiderShoeCult ,

wait until you hear about protamines and their medical uses

Zron ,

Where can someone find these horseshoe crabs?

And are they able to be bred in captivity?

Pls respond fast, I’m already driving to home depot to buy the largest above ground pool they have.

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA , avatar

On horseshoes, sure why not, and buy two

Restaldt ,

Most aquariums have a horseshoe crab petting exhibit. Hands on.

If you are a fast enough runner i bet you could take a couple

Vorticity ,
EvilCartyen ,

The blood contains a coagulent which clots in the presence of bacterial toxins. It is extracted and used to ensure that medical equipent and stuff such as vaccines are sterile and safe.

prayer , (edited )

The main use is to detect how much endotoxins (proteins that cause our immune system to react) are present in a sample. This is important because we often use bacteria/fungus/yeast to produce medicine and then remove the bacteria from that medicine. This checks for anything left behind in that process, far more sensitive than any other test or machine can do.

If it wasn’t for horseshoe crab blood, creating medicine that is safe for injection would be a lot harder and potentially more dangerous.

Rolder ,

Wonder why we can’t just make the coagulant ourselves. Or maybe we can but milking crabs is still cheaper.

prayer ,

My guess without checking would be regulatory. The FDA doesn’t want to approve an alternative to an already working method unless it can be shown to truly be an alternative. That testing is lengthy and expensive.

wolfpack86 ,

It’s not a chemical compound, the active component is an amebocyte. Same reason we can’t just make red blood cells and need other humans to donate them.

There have been other attempts at making synthetic coagulants without broad success. The thing that seems to be the most effective at minimizing the horseshoe crab burden is using machines to do the detection and cut down on the amount of LAL needed vs running the test visually.

Alabaster_Mango , avatar

Here’s a description of the bleeding process:

It’s specifically non-fatal:

Bleeding horseshoe crabs to death is not an acceptable practice in the U.S.

The volume of blood taken is actually quite small, as most of the material in the collection jars is anticoagulant.

It may look uncomfortable to us humans, but keep in mind that horseshoe crabs are not human. What’s normal for the spider is chaos for the fly. Granted, it would be kinda weird to be hoisted from your home by a giant ape and forced into a blood drive. It’s done as gently as possible though.

shalafi ,

Still, I was disappointed to find that a large percentage of released crabs die anyway. Can’t find the number, but it’s significant. 1/3rd?

lemmylommy ,

Afair estimates put the portion of dead crabs between 10 and 30%. Some might also be unable to reproduce due to the bleeding.

Mercival ,

Sadly a lot of the companies harvesting them will just kill and sell them for bait anyways.

Of those that are released, about a third die. Not to say about the decrease in overall fitness, which can lead to them falling prey more easily.

It’s obviously a traumatic experience for the animal in the best case scenario and that is going to reflect on their ability to survive in the wild.

bstix ,

Unfortunately the practice often results in death anyway. 30% die in the process.

It also has unforseen consequences in the food chain, so by all means we should look for alternatives.

Thankfully alternatives already exist .

cashews_best_nut ,

By vegan moral logic they shouldn’t be allowed to accept vaccines.

bstix ,

Hmm. Assuming that the production was actually harmless, what’s the difference between wearing a wool sweater made from excess animal production of wool and using a vaccine made from excess animal blood?

Gabu ,

No such thing as “excess blood”, brother. That’s why we generally want it to stay inside of our bodies.

bstix ,

Yes donors voluntarily give up a pint of blood every month, because it replenishes.

Gabu ,

That’s still not excess, lest you think there’s such a thing as “excess skin” because when you get cut eventually it heals.

cashews_best_nut ,

Vegans can receive transfusions because I believe it’s down to “consent”. Humans consent to the blood draw. Crabs do not.

So vegans shouldn’t be taking any medicine or vaccines that have had blood crab blood used in their manufacture.

I have discovered the solution to the vegan problem! Tell all vegans about medicine being made using animal blood and they will die out faster than their B12 & iron deficiency does at the moment!

Patent Pending

Gabu ,

Not taking vaccines is endangering far more people

abraxas ,

Last I read synthetic LAL was nowhere near scaleable. Bleeding Crabs is very expensive.

umbrella , avatar

being bled is not my concept of normal for and species

Alabaster_Mango , avatar

Oh, I don’t mean the “blood donation” being normal. The person I was responding to asked why they were being drained “this way”. I assumed they were concerned about the folded-over positioning of the crab.

Also, counter argument (in good fun): plenty of animals get their blood drained regularly in nature. Mosquitos, ticks, leaches, and vampire bats are a few examples of things that drain blood from others. Maybe the crabs see us as giant pests?

Defo not the best arrangement for the crabs though. As others pointed out to me, apparently despite the optimistic wording in the link I shared the process is still fatal to some. I’m glad we’re working on alternatives.

slackassassin ,

Red Cross enters the chat.

voluble ,

Thanks for the link and info.

Not a reply directly to you, but to contrast the dominant view in the thread - what would it matter if even 100% of the crabs died? Sustainability considerations aside - a crab died for my delicious salad, who cares if they die for a life saving vaccine? Who cares if it’s painful and disorienting for the crab, it’s a crab. As humans, why should we prioritize crab life and well-being over our own?

spacecowboy ,

Because we aren’t special and every time we make a stupid decision like that it has disastrous ripple effects.

voluble ,

Ripple effects, sure, I’m with you there, sustainability considerations, which I haven’t seen anyone mentioning ITT.

I completely disagree with you about the status of humanity. Is it really your view that the well-being of a crab has equivalent moral status to your own well-being?

angrystego ,

I don’t know about spacecowboy, but I do. I still eat crabs, but I don’t think I’m superior to them morally just because I’m more intelligent or something. We’re just animals eating each other.

voluble , (edited )

What I mean when I say moral is, I don’t see why it’s wrong if a bunch of invertebrates are subjugated, in pain, or die in order to provide something that improves the lives of humans. It’s not sad, it’s a good thing. “Oh but the crabs get stressed out, and 30% might die”, yeah, who cares, they’re crabs.

Sure, I’m a human, and I have a particular perspective on these things. But, we are special. Anyone who considers a trolley problem with a crab on one track, and a human on the other and honestly says, “hey it doesn’t matter humans aren’t special”, that’s, unappealing. In a purely academic, cosmic, arrangement of particles sense, OK, nothing is special. But in that condition, the suffering of animals isn’t even a question worth considering.

The fact that so many accounts in this thread are going out of their way to give weight to the well-being of invertebrates, in a conversation about human well-being, is baffling.

Should we be using existing clotting factors in medical settings that don’t rely on the blood of an endangered species that lives in an incredibly volatile habitat? Probably, but crab discomfort is at the very bottom of the list of reasons why.

angrystego ,

People can think of other species as being morally as valuable as people and not be psychotic.

They can also chose the human in the trolley problem and still feel bad for the crab. If the trolley problem included people from my familly and strangers, I’d chose my family, but not because I think it’s morally superior. I would feel bad for the other people.

The line where compassion stops can be drawn anywhere. Many people draw it where their nation or race ends. Many people draw it at the elusive pet/food distinction. Many people draw it where being mammal stops.

I don’t think drawing the line is based on moral principles. It’s practical. Sometimes you need to eat meat, sometimes you need to fight in a war. But when it comes to morality animal lives are animal lives, no matter whether it’s a crab or a white male human. They’re either all worthy of compassion or non of them is.

So that’s my point of view. And thanks for your previous answer.

voluble ,

Disclosure - Before you had replied, I edited out the word ‘psychotic’ above, felt it was unfair.

Cheers, thanks for the thoughtful and reasonable reply. I agree with most of what you say. & it circles something I think about a lot but haven’t made much sense of (if there even is sense to make if it), which is, the role of bad feelings in moral decision making.

I think though, the compassion line should be drawn somewhere, sometimes, with moral reason as a guide. To dip into the quagmire of philosophical thought experiments, you know, what if certain humans produced this special clotting factor, and we had to bleed them to get it, and it came with a risk of their mortality? I think reasonable people could agree, that would be an entirely different question to grapple with. So, you know, I would say it does matter, it’s not a black & white thing, where either everything is worthy of compassion or nothing is. The circumstance can, should, dictate the moral approach. Eating meat, fighting in wars, there might be a right or wrong that’s worth determining there. And knowing that, the moral and the practical are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

And totally, I expect people to have differences when it comes to compassion. Suppose I’m just surprised at the outpouring of love for the gross horseshoe crab, in spite of its real usefulness for global human health. Or at least my understanding of it, which I admit, is not very deep.

Gabu ,

“Oh but the crabs get stressed out, and 30% might die”, yeah, who cares, they’re crabs.

“If I shot a couple of your fingers off, who cares, you’re not me. I only care about me.”

The fact that so many accounts in this thread are going out of their way to give weight to the well-being of invertebrates, in a conversation about human well-being, is baffling.

That’s called not being a cunt.

ParsnipWitch ,

Because some people see morality not as something that’s subjective but believe it is a moral objective truth that suffering should be reduced as much as possible.

That’s not more or less rational than to believe humans are somehow ‘special’.

voluble ,

For the sake of argument, let’s take for granted your statement, that ‘suffering should be reduced as much as possible’.

If the discomfort of a single crab can prevent worse discomfort/suffering/death of many other beings, and results in reduced net pain, then the utilitarian line of reasoning seems to be that we might actually be morally obligated to take blood from crabs.

ParsnipWitch ,

Sure, but the question was why humans in the first place have trouble with seeing suffering. And the reason is that we naturally seem to have a tendency of making moral judgements in the favour of being against suffering.

It’s often not easy to decide which decision leads to the best outcome. And people have a tendency to react more to what they are seeing now than to judge the bigger picture.

So, while the outcome may be the same (whether you believe the pain of animals doesn’t matter or that you accept there isn’t a better solution at the moment) the way people react is influenced by their moral compass.

voluble ,

I don’t understand the point you’re trying to make above.

In this case specifically, the outcome isn’t unclear. Let’s call the crab’s pain one unit of pain. Assume that unit can directly alleviate 20 units of pain across a handful of other beings. The utilitarian ought to prefer avoiding 19 units of net pain, than allowing 19 units of net pain to occur.

I read your initial post to be some sort of utilitarian moral argument, roughly, that less pain is better. Or something like that. That argument, in this case in particular, leads in the opposite direction than I think you want.

ThunderclapSasquatch ,

If the crabs die out we lose the blood, from both sides its better to be as sustainable as possible.

RubberElectrons , (edited ) avatar

I don’t like hurting animals. If one believes we really are a special species because of things like our innate curiosity, I think you’ll understand the interesting quest to try to eat without hurting anyone/thing.

Why? Better, why not?

  • Consider how difficult “getting off this rock” is with live food onboard. Plants can directly feed humans with limited processing. With some processing, you can make tasty high protein burgers that taste a lot like beef. Admittedly, still not nutritionally the same as beef, but compensable in other ways.
  • We’re a concious species (mostly), why not try to avoid hurting our fellow companions in this barren wasteland called space? Who else do we have in the known universe?

I still eat eggs & cheese. Perhaps a day will come where I don’t need those either. I hope you’ll be curious enough to try some alternatives too.

voluble ,

I’ve read good moral arguments for a veganism. I think it’s the right thing to do when it comes to diet. For what it’s worth, this isn’t really a discussion about diet.

It isn’t a decision between a lentil burger and a beef burger, this is an animal resource that can assist in saving human lives. There are other clotting factors used in medicine, and that’s great, let’s use and develop those. But suppose something more lethal and dangerous than COVID comes along, and vaccines need to be produced quickly and globally. I think it would be foolish to wince if we needed to take crab blood to roll out a program that would save human lives.

RubberElectrons , (edited ) avatar

I’m vegetarian for moral reasons primarily. Steak smells great, I miss al pastor tacos, etc. But, nothing wrong with wincing, doing the extraction as gently as possible, and trying to keep the crabs alive as well. Sure, we gotta live too but I won’t accept taking every other creature with us just so we can survive.

We need to degrow a bit. As a species, humanity is running the planet a little too close to the redline, to put it mildly. Overpopulation has almost guaranteed a dependency on fossil fuels for more than just powering farm equipment, we now artificially produce fertilizer out of it.

Nothing is black and white, and the older I get, the more shades I see. I think we can exist, in a less damaging way that people can enjoy. We humans can, should, and will strive for better.

SmoothIsFast ,

I completely disagree with you about the status of humanity.

Why because we happened to evolve to think? Given enough time something else would of if not us. Given we may end up causing our species to go extinct due to careless disregard for our environment and even human life in general. We really are not that special and it would serve us to treat the ecosystems, which enable life on this planet to thrive and evolve, with respect if we want to live long enough too see other stars or at least leave the planet in a decent state for the next species if we all die from pointless wars like humanity seems to love doing regardless of if we treat our environment better.

Gabu ,

I’d rather see a dead human than a dead non-human, to be honest… (with the exception of insects, those buggers freak me out).

abraxas ,

Would you tell that to your spouse when the dead human was your kid?

Gabu ,

In that fictional universe, do I get superpowers?

abraxas ,

Not quite sure how this answer is relevant. Childfree, or just too young to have kids yourself? The question stands for your mother, a sibling, a niece/nephew, a girlfriend, or whatever makes no stop and consider for a second that you just said you’re okay with random, innocent people suffering and dying.

Gabu ,

Do I get superpowers in those universes?

abraxas ,

(reading post history)

Ah. I understand now. Enjoy the block.

Kedly ,

Because we HAVE to kill a crab to eat it, we shouldnt be killing or harming other animals unless we “need” to. If theres a way to harvest blood without killing the animal, that is the ethically cleanest option. I do think we should prioritize helping our own species over others, but that doesnt mean ignoring the suffering or harm of other species

Darken , avatar

That’s how blueberry is made Freeze some of this add some structure, let it set, then put it on trees

ILikeBoobies , (edited )

Highest chance of survival/low stress

Edit: many do die still. I don’t want to say it’s safe, just safer

Emerald ,

Because we as a species have decided its okay to torture others for personal gain

erin ,

This is a necessary evil to save many many human lives. Alternatives are being worked on, but this isn’t just for money or food, it’s for lifesaving medicine.

Emerald ,

At the expense of others, also we have synthetic versions of this now.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Which proves they’re all royalty.

havokdj ,

King Crab 🦀

Imgonnatrythis ,

Obviously didn’t read the meme. It’s a blueberry milkshake. Everyone knows blood isn’t that color.

brokenlcd , in New tech discovered

It seems like a flavour of the rubber duck method; by trying to explain it to a third party, you think about it in a different way and find a solution.

lugal ,

Never heard the term but I often do it intuitively

Phineaz ,

Trust me bro(ette): Rubber duck is the SHIT. I don’t even program save for a few rare instances, but any complex issue where you just know something is wrong but can’t quite put your finger on it? It works miracles. A lot better tbf if you are actually explaining it to someone who can ask questions, but any object that you can look at is a good substitute.

lugal ,

Of cause I know someone who can ask questions. It’s me.

No, seriously, when I explain it to myself, I come up with questions that really help

BlackPenguins ,

My cat is my rubber duck. I get some weird looks from her.

KeenFlame ,

You mean prostitute

Guntrigger ,

Initially I thought this comment was threaded under the “my cat is my rubber duck” comment which made it much worse.

lolrightythen ,

Hey, pal - that’s my mom you’re talking about

ZarkleFarkle ,

A rubber duck is a prostitute for thoughts and belief systems.

snooggums , avatar

The rubber duck method is just another flavor of thinking out loud.

HamsterRage ,

I think it’s a bit more than that. I think that the idea is that you simplify the problem so that the rubber duck could understand it. Or at least reformulate it in order to communicate it clearly.

It’s the simplification, reformulation or reorganisation that helps to get the breakthrough.

Just thinking out loud isn’t quite the same thing.

snooggums , avatar

The small but important differences are what makes it another flavor.

HamsterRage ,

You mean “flavour”, right? Another small but important difference.

snooggums , avatar

As far as I am aware it is a regional difference in spelling, and that is what I get when searching for definitions.

What small but importance difference are you referring to?

superkret ,

Explain why “flavor” is wrong, as if I was a rubber duck. You can use any help you like, including a dictionary.

brbposting ,

Flavour Flauvvvvv

Emerald ,

thinking out loud

When your legs don’t work like they used to before

And I can’t sweep you off of your feet

kwomp2 ,

Even though this is true for like 90% of my thinking (that I can see when I try), so far I’m concinced this ist because I am a predominantly language-and-normal-grammar-rules thinker.

There are people that mostly think via associations of words that don’t have to be formulated/ cast into grammar.

And then there supposedly people mainly thinking in pictures or smth, without words.

Anyways for some people rubber duck mode reoresents a change in thinking method, I think

MotoAsh ,

I’m one of the latter that doesn’t really think in words, and a LOT of the time, thoughts have to be greatly simplified or at least much more organized to be stated in clear sentences. It’s that pause-and-refine that often gets the breakthrough for me. Sometimes it takes clear until I’m trying to put it in understandable sentences instead of a big ramble, but it still largely boils down to ACTUALLY stopping the task work to loop back over the landscape.

A lot of people do the same thing physically. Like when you’re climbing a big ladder and suddenly realize how high up you are, or how unstable the ladder is. Just a pause and broadening of attention is often enough to cue different thoughts and realizations.

snooggums , avatar

Yes, saying thinks out loud requires a different change in thinking because you are verbalizing the thoughts in addition to approaching it as an explanation instead of just an understanding. I know how a phone works, but describing how it works is a different thing from knowing. The duck is just a stand in for someone else to get the mindset of explaining

pennomi ,


chad ,


lightnsfw ,

I’ve been using it like that. I have been trying to program this macropad thing I bought that uses python without having done much programming and it has yet to give me a solution that works. But in the course of explaining to it why whatever it gave me doesn’t work I’ve made a lot of progress so that’s nice at least.

probableprotogen ,

AI in general is only a glorified rubber duck for most cases. The amount of bullshit cobbled together is too high for many uses

brokenlcd ,

Ai, the rolling coal of tought processes

ZarkleFarkle ,

That can generate better logic systems than Newton’s laws and fully utilise harmonics instead.

abcd ,
folekaule , in It's like a more challenging version of the trolley problem

Depends on if you’re a tits or an ass guy, I guess?

Wogi ,

Pack it in guys this is the comment.

LinkOpensChest_wav , in Average website visit in 2024 avatar

Every big web site in 2024 looks like the sites people warned you not to visit in the 90s

betterdeadthanreddit ,

Don’t invent the torment nexus.

Zoidsberg , avatar

Good news! We’ve invented the torment nexus

synapse1278 , in Maybe AI won't be taking all of our jobs after all? avatar

And now for the secret ingredient… fear.

AngryCommieKender ,

I see we are using the Gordon Ramsay cookbook today. I prefer Justin Wilson, where the secret ingredient is wine for the cook

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

Personally, I prefer Alton Brown, where the secret ingredient is goofiness.

metaStatic ,

Personally I prefer Jamie Oliver where all the ingredients are olive oil

owenfromcanada , avatar

I’m a fan of James May’s secret ingredient, yelling “oh cock!” every so often.

recarsion ,

I’m a fan of his other secret ingredient. CHEESE.

rwhitisissle ,

There’s an episode of Are You Afraid of the Dark from old school Nickelodeon (1992 to 1996) that had this as the exact premise.

Pea666 , in That'll be my last word avatar

The fuck you talking about? It’s 311223!

zzz ,

ISO-8601 dictates 2023-12-31.

I must.

lowleveldata ,

Nah bro this is the way. You’re doing lord’s job.

Pea666 , avatar

At least this makes more sense than the American notation.

hstde ,

It is very easily sortable.

tias ,

That doesn’t say much.

paddirn ,

This is the Way.

snoopen ,

This is the way

SuperApples , avatar

Best thing about Japan. Many things go ‘largest to smallest’, such as

  • Dates
  • Names
  • Addresses

And common use of 24h time time, too.

persolb ,

Any other method is madness. I think I’m going to make this a requirement in my contracts

doppelgangmember ,

Found the Non-American bois!

Sternout ,

The one rare non-american

TxzK , in Reblog if youre american

Yeah fuck circumcisions. Child abuse is what it is. I want my fucking foreskin back

Ensign_Crab ,

My mother used to hate it when people would get baby girls’ ears pierced. Called it child abuse and mutilation.

I’m circumcised.

Shou ,

Damn. That’s pretty fucking shit.

MaoZedongers ,

Same here, some fucked up shit.

UnPassive ,

Not sure how badly you want it back, but it is possible to restore. Non-sugically. Basically skin under tension causes Mitosis (skin cells dividing to make more skin) - think putting on weight, gaining muscle, getting pregnant, or ear gauges. You tug the skin long enough and eventually have your hoodie back. The results are surprisingly impressive. r/restoring_foreskin has a bunch of info

CaptainEffort ,

I basically did by accident

c0mbatbag3l , avatar

Username checks out.

Freeman ,

I’m intact(/uncircumsized) and cannot imagine how you would accidentally do that

CaptainEffort ,

Honestly just being way too rough with it for like twenty years

TxzK ,

bruh. I don’t necessarily want it back and was just angry about the fact that it was taken from without my consent in the first place. But thanks for the info anyway, tho not sure what I’m gonna do with it.

Twentytwodividedby7 ,

Tug the foreskin? Lol

TxzK ,

Hmmm, perhaps we can play tug of war with foreskins lol

Mango ,

That’s not gonna restore the nervous system bits associated.

UnPassive ,

New nerves do grow. Muscly/fat/pregnant people have the same skin senstitivity. But there are special function bits that are lost. The Rigid Band has special nerve endings, gone forever. Frenellum too

LillyPip ,

Oh, I’ve seen that. It’s fascinating. There’s a ball with outer clamps and varying degrees of weights you can add on a dangly bit. You attach the contraption for some number of increasing minutes per day, and it stretches the skin surrounding the glans until it’s long enough to encompass the glans. After a while, the little ball will be encompassed by the new foreskin.

He says it’s not painful and I believe him, but not being the owner of a penis, it looks at least uncomfortable to me. Then again, I’ve never used gauges, either, and as you said, it’s pretty similar to that.

Emerald ,

Just make sure to double, triple, quadruple check any foreskin restoration advice you get. Some of the ways people suggest can be really dangerous.

force ,

I want my fucking foreskin back

Doom music starts playing

FiniteLooper ,

The Only Thing They Fear is Foreskin

Pinklink ,


prole ,

I have a certain set of skills…

SeekPie ,


brbposting ,

I don’t want much just want my foreskin back again
No it’s not TMI I shared it 'cause we’re friends
My parents chose this road but I’ll choose where it ends
Don’t I deserve it all? Gonna grow it back again

Grow It Back Again - foreskin restoration anthem from How To with John Wilson (HBO 2020)

(Piped mirror)

Emerald ,

Oh yeah I remember this guy. He has a good cause (anti circumcision) but had to ruin it with Bill Gates conspiracy theory nonsense. Also I love How to with John Wilson

edit: hmm actually there is some stuff about bill gates and circumcision so I should probably fact check myself here

Wogi , in i hate my wife and i love bug lite

This is a great example of the fallacy fallacy.

A fallacious argument is not necessarily an incorrect one.

PhlubbaDubba ,

Especially when the speaker isn’t a trained orator who knows to avoid that as much as possible during an argument

Norgur ,

Or when objectivity is not called for. All those fallacies and "unfair strategies" are described as they are in order to keep objective discussions at said objective level. Yet, when the discussion by it's nature cannot be objective, none of those "fallacies" apply as fallacies.

Besides: An appeal is not a bad tactic in any way, shape or form.

OpenStars , avatar
Wogi ,

An appeal to emotion, when you’re trying to prove your case on its logical merits alone, isn’t helpful.

X is good because y and z are true. As opposed to X is good because all my friends like it.

Most often appeals to emotion are kind of necessary. Issues are rarely so black and white as try be purely logical.

Ex is good because when my homies drop ex they have a great night. No Ex is bad for you. But consenting adults being what they are… Etc etc.

GluWu ,

Don’t fall prey to the fallacy fallacy fallacy.

A fallacious argument whose only logical protection is the fallacy fallacy is a fallacy.

Ookami38 ,

This whole thing is too phallus-y for me.

ignotum ,

Same here, i can only take at most two fallacies at once, so this is simply too much

Lynxtickler ,

How about phalluses?

SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

Isn’t it phallusi?

lars ,

Stop talking and we can take a third. Peace be with you.

Llewellyn ,

There’s no such thing as “too phallus-y”!

HipsterTenZero , avatar

Phallusy? or Falussy? Think about it.

Ookami38 ,

I could go for some falussy, you right.

Sombyr ,

This is the only time so far I’ve seen “fallacy fallacy” used correctly and not being used, ironically fallaciously, as if it automatically cancels out every fallacy in a person’s argument automatically making it valid.

byroon ,

These aren’t fallacious arguments in this case though

Wogi ,

That’s the joke.

byroon ,

Hmm, I read your comment as serious. My mistake

gravitas_deficiency , in How much for cuddles?

no nagging for a week

Wow, there’s just so much to unpack from just that sentence, let alone the chart.

taanegl ,

Look at his eyes, and look at his face… this is the trained male.

Long have nation states and governments tried to break the male, to wrangle the male into a submissive state, but none are more successful than the woman sociopath.

The female sociopath is in many ways addicted to control. Her one impulse to anything the male does is how she can turn it into her advantage, to control the male entirely.

Luckily for the male, the sociopath woman gives fierce blowjobs, so it’s up to him wether or not the pain and degradation is worth it. 4/10 males say it is.

Look at his eyes. He’s truly worked for this.

bobs_monkey ,

Luckily for the male, the sociopath woman gives fierce blowjobs

Honestly that’s a 50/50 shot between fierce and dead fish. I have proclivity for crazy, and a good half the time it’s all for show and a real disappointment at game time. That all said, always test drive the car before signing the paperwork.

0x4E4F , avatar

Listen to this guy, he knows what he’s talking about

ininewcrow , avatar

Also … if you have too many questions for the transaction from the start … it probably isn’t a worthwhile transaction.

0x4E4F , avatar

On the contrary, given my current life experience, I damn well diserve answers to all the questions I may have… if there are none or not enough, yes, the transaction is not worthwile.

Kecessa ,

Look guys, I’ve spotted the incel!

taanegl , (edited )

Voluntary. I’m ace. But I’m also an aspiring Gonzo writer. Check my other comments.

iheartneopets ,

Wtaf did I just read, and why god does it have so many up votes. Please let this be a copy pasta.

Psythik ,

Because it’s entertaining.

0x4E4F , avatar

It’s a sarcastic view on what the meme depicts. We are in shitposts after all.

Kecessa ,


Yeah I wouldn’t get my hopes up

0x4E4F , avatar

That’s the fun part about sarcasm, you never know how much of what that person said or wrote he really identifies with.

TseseJuer ,

it’s hilarious nonetheless

Dasnap , avatar

Lad should just whack it to succubus porn like the rest of us.

Fribbtastic ,

Why did I read that with the David Attenborough voice in mind?

WeeSheep ,

Unfortunately, women tend to want partners, men want caregivers. Reminding him to care for his kids because he doesn’t recognize how children as his responsibility is now a women’s personality issue, rather than a man’s personality issue. It’s wild that a woman doing merely most of the care work and the full entirety of family organization from cleaning to meals has become something to look down on as a woman failing rather than men being irresponsible and not respecting their spouse.

0x4E4F , avatar

I’m really surprised this got downvoted… don’t get me wrong, I downvoted as well, but… this is not what I expected.

RaoulDook ,

You may be right in general, but none of that is a good excuse for a transactional sex life.

If I wanted to exchange services (labor) for sex, I could simply take the money earned from labor to purchase it from a prostitute. That is not what a marriage should be like.

stevehobbes ,

I don’t think the kids pay you to clean up their puke or blowouts.

activ8r ,

Wow. What an incredibly sexist comment.

smotherlove ,

It’s okay, they are only praising women while putting down men. That’s above board in our society.

MaoZedongers ,


gravitas_deficiency ,

You are making a lot of sweeping generalizations that are wildly inaccurate. Some of those statements (hell, maybe all of them) may be true for certain socio-political subgroups of our society, but I absolutely do not agree that that’s the dynamic through which most heterosexual people view their partners (or more accurately, the idea of a partner).

You’re basically just regurgitating the “atomic family” ethos from back in the 1950s.

Wirrvogel ,

Reminding him to care for his kids

by treating him like a kid will not help. Yes, making clear that you expect him to share the care work with you is important. Making rules together can be a way of doing it, but he needs to do it because he is the dad and her partner and a reasonable adult that takes their responsibilities serious, not because he wants a BJ at the end of the week. They both need couple therapy, because he isn’t a responsible adult and she infantilizes him on top.

WeeSheep ,

I completely agree with this

Assman , avatar

women tend to

I’m gonna stop you right there dawg

Drewelite ,

Men tend to trend more irresponsible, women more neurotic, in my experience. There’s plenty of exceptions, but on the whole that’s what I’ve seen. Neither is good, both can collapse a relationship. In straight relationships this can result in women taking on everything. Even where she’s overcome (or not originally had) any neuroticism, a sufficiently irresponsible man can still put the problem on her shoulders.
What I think you’re omitting is that this can happen in reverse.

Even when a man overcomes (or didn’t originally have) any irresponsibility, a sufficiently neurotic woman can still put all the problems on him. He has to pull the tasks away from her because she thinks only she can do it ‘right’. Only then can he pull his weight. But he then must also do the dance of convincing his partner that he’s doing a good job, or she’ll just feel compelled to do the work again herself.

Of course most relationships are somewhere between these extremes. And some even see the roles reversed. People are, of course, extremely diverse. But this is a common pattern I’ve seen.

WeeSheep ,

Well put!

Katrisia ,

Unfortunately, women tend to want partners, men want caregivers.

Thank you. Nobody’s seeing that. All the comments saying the woman is mean, instead of talking about how irresponsible the man must be that he needs a reward system to do what he should be doing on his own* for his family.

*I’m not sure if it’s the right expression. I mean by his own volition and out of responsibility.

Edit: I won’t acknowledge the rest of your comment because, honestly, it got confusing.

ninjan , in Bad day

So flat it’s not even NSFW

LemmyKnowsBest ,

seriously. I had to come to the comments to figure out the answer to the original question: “What IS that?”

I’m leaning toward “It’s a sofa.”

Track_Shovel , avatar

I thought it was the side of her knee joint. Y’know when you squat down and you smush parts of your thigh and calf out?


TheBlackKnight ,


theneverfox , avatar

I thought it was a dudes armpit. It’s lopsided, like a pectoral with a little cushioning

tslnox ,

CAT: So what is it?

Dkarma ,

It’s a white hole. 🤔🤷‍♂️

smuuthbrane , in Which is which? avatar

Anarchist answer: They’re both unisex - bees for pees, birds for turds.

bassomitron ,

Hmm… You might be onto something here

smuuthbrane , avatar

Yes, this establishment’s blacklist.

TachyonTele ,

At least they’re not charging people to use these bathrooms. Then you’d be kicked out of a fine establishment.

tourist , avatar

ngl I’d shit in the bees stall bc the other one probably nasty af

Oka ,

I would say they’re unisex and just pick one.

KnowledgeableNip ,

Do I have to hold my pee while I’m pooping until I can get to the other bathroom?

smuuthbrane , avatar

You don’t already?!??

superduperenigma , in We're going in the wrong direction

Leave it to big tech to introduce the same exact product with less features while they gaslight you into believing it’s a shiny new product that you should be excited about.

RandomStickman , avatar

Give it a year after people has gotten used to it and forgot how it was. They'll sell it back to you as a premium feature.

ininewcrow , avatar

Big tech is about big money, it has less and less to do with tech

pruwybn , avatar

The new feature is how much they shove them down your throat.

anarchy79 , avatar

When I see “New and improved!!” all I get is “We have found a way to make more money, and we sure as fuck ain’t passing the earnings to you”, or potentially “We faced a lawsuit so have since begun to follow the smallest possible set of FDA guidelines the law allows for, making OUR product safer for YOU!”

rostby ,

You described Apple perfectly

anarchy79 , avatar

Sure our product is made by Filipino children, and sure it pollutes pristine wetlands, and yes, it does unfairly contribute to an insanely skewed distribution of wealth, but think of the INNOVATION!

NoForwardslashS , in Grok do a good

Damn wokes villainizing pedophiles now. You can’t do anything anymore because of the woke nonsense.

Kalkaline , avatar

Who said Elon Musk is a pedophile? What else do they know about Musk that we don’t?

suction ,

We do though

Kalkaline , avatar

Who said Elon Musk is a pedophile? What else do they know about Musk that we don’t?

Passerby6497 ,

Everyone knows Elon is a Pedo Guy, and has for years.

Kalkaline , avatar

Are you saying him calling out the dive team guy was just projection? Is Elon a pedo that likes little boys? I’m just asking questions here.

NoForwardslashS ,

Is there a photo of Elon and Ghislane Maxwell out there? Is there evidence he visited Epstein’s house? Did he get subpoenaed in the case against JP Morgan holding them responsible for child sex trafficking? I’m just asking questions.

And the answer to all of them is yes.

Lemminary ,

Grok said it, Grok knows things. Ask Grok.

ChillPenguin ,

I heard that Grok is wise. Maybe knows something we don’t.

ChronosTriggerWarning ,

Holy shit, that’s pretty funny. To me, it reads as if Trump was a caveman:

“Grok is best hunter, with biggest hands. Grok use bigly hands to carry best spear.”

Sgn ,

Anyone I don’t like is a pedofile is the new anyone I don’t like is a nazi

sleen ,

I d wouldn’t call it new, they’re used quite interchangeably. Also, its usually tied to political stances (conservative->lib & lib->conservative) - its like a insult on political views.

Karyoplasma ,

In Elon’s case, both allegations are valid.

suction ,

Oh come on after almost 10 years of the right using “pedophile” as their go-to insult for anyone they don’t like, the normal people do it once when it’s actually true, and you fly off the handle? That’s weird.

Rinox ,

Like the time Elon Musk called the diver who saved the kids trapped in a flooded cave a pedo just because he managed to do so before he could build his"robot" idea?

Zeppo , avatar

The submarine thing is still one of the most ridiculous ideas I’ve ever heard. The cave is in some places so narrow divers had to remove their tanks. How would an imaginary submarine based on a space X rocket make it through?

daellat ,

Yet the conservatives cant stop calling anyone pro lgbt+ a pedo

dudinax ,

The guy’s part of team Epstein. It’s simple math, even for a computer!

nexguy , avatar

You know I was walking barefoot when I got a woke in my foot. Woke is just laying around everywhere like that.

SuddenDownpour , in Mildred

Enough talk about trans rights, it’s time to talk about trans wrongs /s

Frozengyro ,

But first, let’s discuss the right and wrong trans wrongs.

The right trans wrongs: coming from a place of deep respect for you as a friend, Mildred is not the right name for you

The wrong trans wrongs: how many American conservatives ready trans individuals

Amir , avatar

Can we talk about trans lefts instead?

Mac ,

I personally think we should discuss trans stayeds.

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