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Alex Jones’ personal assets to be sold to help pay Sandy Hook debt as judge decides Infowars’ fate (

A federal judge on Friday ordered the liquidation of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones ′ personal assets and was still deciding on his company’s separate bankruptcy case. The decision could determine the future of his Infowars media platform, as Jones owes $1.5 billion for his false claims that the Sandy Hook Elementary School...

Passerby6497 ,

In shell companies held by his parents, or whomever own “AEJ Holdings”, which could be literally anyone!

spoilerIts Alex Emerick Jones

Passerby6497 ,

Totally not related, they just happen to sell the same products that he already sold. Total coincidence.

Also, unrelated, he’s been selling supplements that his dentist dad has been making for years, so clearly there’s no relation to infowars.

Passerby6497 , (edited )

I’m not sure what’s more ridiculous, offering her heroin for sex, or giving her the financial liability of taking care of an equine in exchange for 10-20 minutes of disappointment.

Passerby6497 ,

What’s the difference between a wild and a feral horse? Isn’t going feral just kinda like going back to being a wild animal?

Passerby6497 ,

Oh good, then I’m safe. My phone doesn’t connect to my car’s Bluetooth unless is configure it every drive.

Passerby6497 ,

So if I throw my phone on the passenger seat whenever I’m not using my GPS, I must never be driving!

Passerby6497 ,

It’s illegal to put my phone on the passenger seat??? Please, show me what law is be violated, because that sounds utterly ridiculous.

But the point I’m making is that you can’t make an assumption on who is driving based on where the phone physically is. I could be a passenger or my phone could be on the passenger seat or just sitting in the center console while I drive. I could be a passenger and my driving friend is using my phone for GPS on the dash.

There are way too many confounding variables to begin making guesses on driver based on phone sensor readings.

Passerby6497 ,

I still haven’t finished it. So many stars are just unlikable and the pacing (of the half I saw) is just not enough to keep it entertaining enough to overcome the cringey ‘just look at how awful everyone in power is’ caricatures.

Passerby6497 ,

the whole trilogy, it’s a damn masterpiece

An unpopular opinion from OP themselves.

I like the matrix series, but the two sequels are far from being masterpieces. The 2nd was a good action set piece, but the 3rd one got a bit up its own ass at times trying to fit all the exposition in with the action scenes.

18+ I wish I was Asexual.

Seriously I hate that. I always fantasize about having sex with very attractive women. It really grinds my fuck gears because I know that I will be a virgin forever because prostitution is illegal in Canada. So I unfortunately can not pay a very attractive 18 year old woman to have sex with me. I really wish that I was Asexual...

Passerby6497 ,

Your mental outlook is uglier than your body, guaranteed. I’ve seen plenty of short kings who aren’t manly pull in pussy like it’s nothing, and chads drier than a desert all based on personality.

Fix your world view and you’ll see your luck change. Or keep things how it is and keep on being unhappy about it, I’m not your dad.

Passerby6497 ,

ISP security is clown shoes at times. I was reading a blog post of a dude who played with their ISP APIs and was able to make changes to his own router because authenticated API endpoints returned data unauthenticated multiple times because they could just send the same request multiple times until it returned data. They fixed it quick, but still …

Passerby6497 ,

I’m also surprised that one of these threat-detection things people talk about wasn’t triggered when he was literally sending with “123456789” in most of the fields of a request.

Considering their systems allowed data return just because they got asked repeatedly, I’m not surprised at all. You’d be surprised the seemingly important metrics that don’t get monitored and reported on during day to day operations.

Study finds 1/4 of bosses hoped Return to Office would make staff quit (

HR software biz BambooHR surveyed more than 1,500 employees, a third of whom work in HR. The findings suggest the return to office movement has been a poorly-executed failure, but one particular figure stands out - a quarter of executives and a fifth of HR professionals hoped RTO mandates would result in staff leaving....

Passerby6497 ,

I get the issues with doom scrolling, but the desktop issue is pretty easily fixed. I have my home office set up with a couple KVM switches so that I can’t be on my work laptop and home desktop at the same time, because both systems use all the same peripherals. That at least makes it harder to justify switching over and being (more) unproductive during my shift.

Also, I have found it helps to have music or a podcast going in the background to help keep your focus on what you’re supposed to be doing.

Passerby6497 ,

I love doom 3, but I also have a vivid memory of a sleepover at a buddy’s house in high school where we made a friend play it then we scared the bejesus out of him during one of the early locker scares that we saw coming and he didn’t.

Good times.

Passerby6497 ,

Rob Schneider? You mean that ‘you can do it’ guy from the Adam Sandler movies?

Passerby6497 ,

You wouldn’t even need to change that many words from the Carlin interview for it to be 100% accurate to today. Andrew > Dave, Jewish > Black. Done.

Passerby6497 ,

Right, but the headline doesn’t include that to bait you into clicking the article to get that information. Just like every other click bait article about android app issues.

Passerby6497 ,

so now youre changing your requirements after your first statement is shown to be flawed?

L. O. L.

First of all, my story can’t change, since that’s my first comment in this thread. Second, reading comprehension is your friend in situations like this. From what you quoted:

I usually respect ars technical for writing great stories.

This time, however, they could’ve included the name of the app so it wasn’t clickbaity

Those are two independent clauses, referring to content and headline separately. That would be clear if you consider the definition of click bait:

Clickbait typically refers to the practice of writing sensationalized or misleading headlines in order to attract clicks on a piece of content. It often relies on exaggerating claims or leaving out key information in order to encourage traffic.

Their wording a bit confusing if you’re not reading closely, but their original point still stands. The content is generally good, but the headline is clickbaity.

The headline rarely conveys what you are suggesting.

Just because click bait is common doesn’t mean it isn’t click bait.

Passerby6497 ,

Lol, ok kid. I’m not going to argue with you all day because you misinterpreted someone else’s confusingly worded statement.

I don’t have time to deal with that kind of fragile ego.

Passerby6497 ,

Yeah, we should really give two wet shits what the all-but-in-name dictator of Russia has to say about democracy. When we need advice about subverting democracy with false flag attacks on your own civilians, we’ll be sure to ask ol Vladdy what he thinks.

Passerby6497 ,

And when you’re just a normal straight person who gets the willies when gay people hit on you, fuck you right?

Yes. Maybe you need to wear your adult undies and realize that icky feelings are ok, and doesn’t justify being a bigot or a fascist.

Passerby6497 ,

Holy shit I feel seen by this comment. I run Linux on multiple hosts and VMs, but using Linux on the desktop for more than a month always tends to devolve into me getting pissed off at having to basically do work like troubleshooting at home.

I fix computers(servers) all goddamned day, I want to enjoy my free time, not have to perform a regular investigation into why shots not working when all I want is to work on my scripts…

Passerby6497 ,

“shell: startup” or “shell: common startup” in an explorer window take you to the startup folder for your user or all users. Drop a shortcut in there and you’re done. Been that way for decades.

Passerby6497 ,

I’m waiting for the Demidemic myself.

Passerby6497 ,

The other 30% are criminally stupid Americans who either want fascism or are too dumb to see how their actions promote the end goals that they pretend to fight against.

I’ve seen more than a few with post histories that legitimately make them look like they oppose fascism, but GeNoCiDe JoE makes them help the other team light a fire in the engine of the fascism train.

Passerby6497 ,

If you’re holding your nose in November like I am, I have no problem with you. But if that’s your single issue, know that the alternative is much worse. For the sake of harm reduction, it’s better to vote blue and stem the bleeding with someone who might bend to pressure vs the alternate option of ‘finish the job’ who wont.

If that’s your single issue and you vote third party, that’s the behavior I’m calling out, because like it or not, our system has only 2 parties that remotely have a chance in November. They’re lining up behind a convicted felon who wants to bomb Palestine harder and all the shit that’s in project 2025 while we argue and promote accelerationist behaviors to punish or try to make the party ‘learn it’s lesson’ when history shows they only ever move right in response to losing the left.

I fucking hate that I have to vote Biden again, but I understand electoral politics and know that accelerationist stances only harm the most vulnerable among us. Harm reduction sometimes involves doing things you find objectionable because the only other option is magnitudes worse. Biden sucks in a lot of ways, but he can somewhat be reasoned with and doesn’t want to take away my family members’ basic human rights.

It’s a shit choice, but life is full of shit choices. And more often than not, not playing the game defaults you to the worse option.

Passerby6497 ,

Don’t cut Alex short, he also cashed in on imitating Bill Cooper (who absolutely hated him).

Passerby6497 ,

Do you realize that alternative political opinions are immaterial to electoral discussions about who can win on a first past the post electoral system? Maybe those alternative opinions should understand that 3rd party voting historically favor the right, which is currently running an antidemocratic fascist who wants to rev up the friers on the current genocide and spark new ones close to home?

I’m all for alternative political options and work on those locally myself. But if you’re only voting red party every 4 years, you’re directly contributing to the slow erosion of our democratic process.

Passerby6497 ,

Waiting for the day we see the advisement to put the Tesla into carwash mode during heavy rainfalls.

Passerby6497 ,

The top comment on this thread should be an unqualified “Hell yeah!” not speculation over whether she is going to be murdered.

What should be and what are, are frequently two different things. In this case, political candidates shouldn’t be commonly murdered, but that’s a reality for them and one they should be planning for.

And it’s not a knee jerk reaction, it’s just a legitimate worry posted by someone who pays attention to the news. I’m sad to say that I both had the ‘hell yeah’ reaction right before thinking ‘I hope her security can keep her safe’ thoughts back to back.

Passerby6497 ,

Really? I got “people don’t have a choice in the matter, so they’re still going to buy tickets from us” from the statement.

Being a monopoly means your customers don’t really have a competitor they can go to when you shit the bed.

Passerby6497 ,

The other options (as I see them are to do nothing and let this happen without comment, or try to specifically target settlers. But I don’t think the Maldives are out of line banning all Israelis considering how widespread Israeli settlers are (close to 10% of the population) and the shit they do to Palestinians…

Passerby6497 ,

What about punishing civilians for the actions of civilians? Close to 10% of the population are illegal settlers, so it makes sense to target the class of people doing the illegal actions.

Passerby6497 ,

Because tech journalism is trash on the best days, and these android malapps articles only ever amount to blogspam to make you nervous. I don’t think I’ve seen more than a handful of these articles that actually warns you about the actual apps instead of just talking about the problem without relevant specifics.

Passerby6497 ,

If that’s pointing at the center of the galaxy, where’s the supermassive black hole?

Passerby6497 ,

Good thing our country is a Democracy and there are a multitude of other options.

Only technically. You absolutely have the option of wasting a vote on someone who has basically 0 chance of winning. But most people are going to vote for one of the two options that can win.

And given that it’s the left quibbling over who to vote for while the right lines up behind their Führer, you can see why people rag on 3rd party voters. It’s the same way we got trump the first time, because people (like me) wouldn’t hold their nose and vote against the orange turd.

I don’t like a lot of the shit Biden is doing, but I sure as fuck don’t want project 2025 or my LGBTQ+ family losing their basic rights.

Passerby6497 ,

I’d rather nickel and dime to fascism than go pot committed to fascism. Voting 3rd party is just accelerationism with self justification.

As I’ve said before, start at the local level and build up a real base of support rather than just moralizing every 4 years.

Passerby6497 ,

Shame you’re choosing extra fascism and moralizing to yourself about it.

Passerby6497 ,

Keep moralizing to yourself about your accelerationist beliefs. You’re only lying to yourself and showing everyone that you have a basic misunderstanding of the electoral process.

But please, tell me again how I’m a fascist while you’re advocating behavior that will directly lead to direct and overt fascism. You may not like it, but it is what it is.

If you really opposed fascism, you’d take the path that brought about harm reduction instead of pouring gasoline on the fire (or advocating for the same behavior those you oppose do). But either way, I have no more interest in listening to your accelerationist moralizing. Good day.

The ugly truth behind ChatGPT: AI is guzzling resources at planet-eating rates (

Despite its name, the infrastructure used by the “cloud” accounts for more global greenhouse emissions than commercial flights. In 2018, for instance, the 5bn YouTube hits for the viral song Despacito used the same amount of energy it would take to heat 40,000 US homes annually....

Passerby6497 ,

Yeah, cuz consumers really like getting useless ai results mixed in with their searches and shit. I don’t know how I lived before having clippy 2.0 added to fucking everything, including my desktop.

It’s entirely relevant to blame producers for creating and shoving this shit down our throats.

Passerby6497 ,

Yeah, who would ever believe that Israel hit yet another refugee location?

Passerby6497 ,

Tell that to the tens of civilians they murder every time they fire a rocket strike into civilian areas.

A country is still responsible for the war crimes they commit, Israel just thinks it’s above being held to account for war crimes, including genocide.

Passerby6497 ,

If you’re gonna do that, give the shit away before you die.

Pronouns and tribal affiliations are now forbidden in South Dakota public university employee emails (

A new South Dakota policy to stop the use of gender pronouns by public university faculty and staff in official correspondence is also keeping Native American employees from listing their tribal affiliations in a state with a long and violent history of conflict with tribes....

Passerby6497 ,

Government small enough to fit in your mailbox

Passerby6497 ,

It’s weird, I’ve got unlimited PTO and have taken more time in a year than I did overall at any of the jobs I’ve been at, and they’ve been super accommodating with a medical issue I have.

Last year I took over 30 PTO days, I’ve been lucky to get 8-12 days yearly at previous gigs. Unlimited PTO can be amazing if you have decent leadership.

Passerby6497 ,

Honestly, having had both paid out PTO and unlimited, I’ll take unlimited. It sounds like you’re getting fucked by not getting your PTO paid out, but you also aren’t incentivized to hold onto your PTO on the off chance you get paid out if you leave. I’ve found my mental health to be better now that I’m actively taking my leave instead of rationing it since I can just take it without wondering if I’m going to have to take an unpaid day late in the year.

Passerby6497 ,

He also talks about how he was vegan early in the documentary, not long before the iconic ‘getting a burger for the first time and throwing up in the parking lot’ scene.

I always attributed that to the obvious “his vegan body can’t handle eating all that meat at once” explanation, but him being an alcoholic would also explain that

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