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Shou ,

Wars have always been brutal and involved murdering/raping citizens. Don’t act like nuclear power made a change in morals. Only thing that changed is the scale. The darkness has always been there.

Shou ,

As long as transwomen sit down when using the loo, they are more than welcome. I’m glad that snitch line drew up nothing. Imagine if they used those funds to fascilitate free hygiene products? But noo, they gotta harass a minority…

Shou ,

Hovering is just as bad. Because standing causes small deoplets of urine to splash out of the toilet. Not unlike the mist at the bottom of a waterfall. By cleaning the toilet seat and just sitting down, a stall gets nasty slower.

It’s fine if the stall is horrible already, but if it’s clean, it’s better if we keep it that way.

Shou ,

Urinals are meant to be used standing. If you piss against the wall at an angle, it won’t mess up the place as much. I was talking about the porcelain throne.

Shou ,

I don’t get what you are trying to imply. I am aware that sitting down isn’t the only option to keep it cleaner for longer.

I know toilets can splash water on the seet. Large droplets aren’t the concern here. It’s the small particles that get out and stick to the seat, walls and floor. You can’t see it, but it does stink up the place.

As for kids, I sure af hope the women clean up after them too. My original commenr was not about whose the worst offender, it’s about being mindful and keeping the stalls clean.

Shou ,

As someone who absolutely hates religions and the effects it had on science and animal welfare on the european continent. I 100% agree with you.

I don’t care for the cut off statement, because who cares about metallury if a faith doesn’t affect it?

The labelling and lack of privacy is always a bad development. Always. It is the first step needed to prosecute any group. The holocaust museum’s wall paper are chronological steps that the nazi’s took to gain power and strip away human rights. And the wallpaper goes on and on, floor to floor.

People should be free to believe, but they should be taught not to obfuscate or ignore observations just because of religion. Especially in the fields of medicine and biology. Especially in women’s health.

Shou ,

I disagree here. It isn’t a flaw in logic to think it should apply when religion interferes with the research. Just because the person didn’t make a distinction, doesn’t mean it was flawed thinking.

The flaw is intolerance and breech of privacy. Which we shouldn’t tolerate intolerance and protect every member of society.

Shou ,

How dope wpuld it be if it was a thumb of gigantalopithicus?

Shou ,

I’ve had a guinea pig and he never bit me. Not once. Only licked. He trusted me and I made sure he had a good life. He was outside and free to roam the garden until dusk. And inside the home if the outside was too cold/dark/wet. The garden also offered lots of plants to eat and hide under. He had great avriety in diet alongside the petfood and guineapig essentials. He would join me at the dinner table with his own plate of safe greens. We would snuggle every day. Everytime I had to catch him, it sometimes turned into a chase. He ofcourse didn’t want to go into the cage. The cage only served to protect him against predators at night, and from our electronic cables. Which ofcourse he didn’t understand. But he still accepted me picking him up when catching him. No biting. He knew he’d be free again come morning. He died how he lived after my dad let him out and left him outside overnight because he couldn’t catch him. My only regret is that I didn’t know they had to come in pairs.

So what in the fuck are you doing with that guinea pig that it distrusts you so? I literally had to chase him sometimes and he still didn’t bite me when I gently but quickly scooped him.

Shou ,

I mean. They are a matriarchy. So one could say the oldest is the alpha female. Who only accepts a new female in the group if she’s able to sexually satisfy the matriarch. And in case you want to see what bonobo gay sex looks like… don’t. It looks like two sopping tumors rubbing against each other.

Shou ,

Or sold her into prostitution for years first.

Shou ,

On the contrary. Death is programmed.

Mammals have fuck all in terms of adaptability tactics. Only way for us to adapt, is mix our genes and hope it suffices. The only way we can do that, is reproduction (funghi are op). Now that means more of us in a system that has limited resources (called carrying capacity). We die in order to prevent competing with our children.

This is the reason animals have different lifespans depending on how likely they are to survive in nature. Take a rat and north american opossum for example. Far apart in terms of evolution and size, but have roughly the same life expectancy due to predation. Wolves can technically live up to 17 years, but become fertile at a very young age because the average lifespan in the wild is 5 years due to disease.

It is also the reason menopause exists. It is rare, and found in elephnts and orca’s (both matriarchial species) and humans. This is because the life experience of the matriarch is too valuable. To be able to keep the matriarch around without her being able to compete with her own offspring, infertility is incuded. Post-menopausal orca’s pimp out their youngest sons because it is the best way to pass on genetics they have left. Imagine your mom being your finman.

Humans are the odd one out here since we also have andropause, the male equivalent. A paradox on male reproductive strategy. Which afaik doesn’t exist anywhere else. This is why humans live so long compared to most mammals. Grandparents are important.

Some animals don’t really age. Lobsters simply die from growing too big and unable to get enough oxygen. Some species of octopi stop eating after mating all the way to starving to death. Some animals mate until they die from exhaustion. The immortal jellyfish pretty much recycles itself. And bot just animals need death for renewal. New zealand has a forest which reproduces only after a forest fire. Which happen rarely over hundreds of years due to being in a region with lots of heavy rain. The trees themselves are pretty much immortal, and don’t reproduce while living.

Senesence and death are essential for ecosysems and adaptation of life. Regardless of whether or not keeping an aging body alive is hard or possible.

We age because our cells “choose” to. We have the equipment to live on “forever.” It’s just not our meta.

Shou ,

And money. Money and time to take care of children.

Women perform better at visiospatial and anticipatory processess when menstruating (

There was no group difference in reaction times and accuracy between males and females (using contraception and not). However, within subject analyses revealed that regularly menstruating females performed better during menstruation compared to being in any other phase, with faster reaction times (10ms, p < .01), fewer...

Shou ,

Interesting. For memory tasks it seems to be the opposite. Worse during the luteal phase.

Shou ,

Maybe oceangate wasn’t a bad idea after all.

Shou ,

“Fuck yeah! I can make my own babies now!”

Shou ,

I have a high sensitivity to sour. It sucks. Apples are often too sour. So it’s not just ants, or bitterness.

Shou ,

Big rigs drive here too.

Shou ,

The other side already has trees. The trees also have a secondary function besides more trees. They plant them equadistant, except for near a crossing. There the trees get closer and vloser together, giving the illusion that you’re driving too fast and encouraging people to slow down regaerdless of the roadsigns.

Shou ,

I think those are all valid reasons. The ground isn’t rock either, but soft too. So perhaps it will move a lot? Then again, wouldn’t the angle a car makes hitting it determine how much it bends? If a car goes relatively straight, it shouldn’t need to bend much.

Shou ,

I am bad at statistics, and have no clue what those tests are. But damm I do relate. This is how doing the statistics project and exam felt.

Shou ,

Don’t forget mice. Those fuckers get all the treatments for cancer. Selfish bastards.

Pronouns and tribal affiliations are now forbidden in South Dakota public university employee emails (

A new South Dakota policy to stop the use of gender pronouns by public university faculty and staff in official correspondence is also keeping Native American employees from listing their tribal affiliations in a state with a long and violent history of conflict with tribes....

Shou ,

So what do people call each other now? Fuckwit/fuckedwit?

Shou ,

“Even if you give an ape a ring, it’ll remain an ugly thing.” -Netherlands.

Shou ,

Men are so fragile.

Shou ,

It’s not always the mother being deceptive.

My mother wanted a child. A family. She was clear about it from the start. My dad didn’t. Probably didn’t communicate it. He didn’t bother using protection either. When my mom got pregnant on the first go, he wanted an abortion. No responsibility.

He tried to hide his autism from my also autistic mother. They didn’t understand autism back then. She herself considered aborting me out of fear of having a retarded child. She zoned out for weeks, and when she learned I was a girl, she believed god had blessed her. For she thought girls can’t be autistic.

Lo and behold, my sister and I were neglected intellectually, socially, and emotionally. Because they did not understand parents supposed to teach children, not threaten them with a belt when the kid doesn’t adhere to their autistic whims/expectations.

We raised ourselves with 0 guidence and am I far behind the average person. They are both not asocial, lonely and happy we exist as a means to reduce their misery.

They should never have had children. Life is a mess.

Shou ,

Thermal protection? Isn’t that permanent?

Shou ,

You know what sucks? Unwanted children.

Shou ,

Woah. Even Saudi Arabia has doctors insist a 12yo “wife” to have an abortion. Amarica has been going downhill fast.

Shou ,

Was that due to animal welfare regulations? Thought it had to do with regulations favoring mega farms and forcing small farms to stop.

Shou ,

Dunno man. Gunshot wounds suck pretty bad too.

Shou ,

Tbh. How could would it be to have an extra pair of long grabbers attached to your back? Sometimes two hands just aren’t sufficient.

Shou ,

God I feel the pain. Now I consider our bloody centrifuge a reasonable experience. Noticed a droplet of blood while the other students loaded in their capillairy tubes. Went to get some sds and alcohol to clean it. I return to see it turned on and spinning. Swore to never trust any lab equipment ever again. Was I glad to have that hep A/B shot.

The extreme centrifuge was even more fun. Luckily most students were too scared to weigh the counter balance. So I got to balance that ±0,002gram tolerance fucker. No walls were broken.

Shou ,

This seems to be a recurring trend. Human rights took more blood than ink to write.

Shou ,

The article you sent was interesting, but it says nothing about enabling behaviour of women on violence perpetuated by men. It only goes into the willingness of women to interact with serial killers who target women specifically, as opposed to mass murderers, domestic abusers and sex offenders. They offer explanations as to why some women show fascination towards serial killers. It reminded me of the fawn response in non-human primates, and the many forms of conflict avoidence humans and other species employ. From frogs and hummingbirds bluffing one’s way out of conflict to chemically influencing male aggression specifically. From chimpanzees prostrating themselves just to avoid further aggression and increase survivability.

I do agree that women who use male aggression for their own purposes exist. I have a friend who got tangled up in an affair. A woman cheated on her boyfriend with him 3 times. Her bf was described as “an abusive douchebag.” Douchebag or not, I don’t condone her cheating, nor my friend’s involvement in it. What I noticed was that he developed a hateful stance towards her bf. And her bf hated him ofcourse. I warned him that if her bf is as much of an abusive douchebag was, she would probably ridirect his anger towards him instead of herself. Pitting two men against each other while managing to stay out of trouble herself. He wouldn’t listen to any woman (family members included) who warned him that this lady was bad news. Thankfully it didn’t escalate and I hope the guy, douche or not, finds a better partner and heals from this experience. So I do see where you are comming from with women playing a role in men’s violent crimes. This anectodal observation isn’t enough, as it isn’t just the woman controlling two men, but also two men competing for the same woman.

I don’t think women’s enabling behaviour plays as much a role in men’s violence as some other aspects might do. Just like the article you sent me, I recon the fascination with violence stems more from self-preservation, as well as female-choice reproduction tactics.

Testosterone does correlate with higher rates of aggression mammals. Mostly because of male-male competition, forcing copulation (orangutangs for example), stealing resources (primates, reighndeer, jaguars, and more) and infanticide of offspring that isn’t theirs without the mother being able to do anything about it (tigers, zebra’s, elephant seals and many primates). Male aggression is so common in birds and mammals, that it shapes a lot of behaviours of social species. Now this isn’t to day that males are evil by default, and females victims. It’s more often a case of females having more to lose than only their lives, less targets to steal from and forcing copulation is rarely needed (there are exceptions). If they could, or had to, they would be just as violent as their male counterparts, and I would not be suprised at all that women try to utilize men for something nefarious. I don’t think its enoug to explain the difference in homocide and other crime rates between genders.

Here are some resources that I read over the last few years. ** Testosterone and human aggression: an evaluation of the challenge hypothesis** This article sums up a lot about how testosterone correlates to the behaviour in men.…/S0149763405000102

Fear responses when exposed to androgens.** The human body odor compound androstadienone leads to anger-dependent effects in an emotional Stroop but not dot-probe task using human faces. ** Three first citations contain more info about anxiety responses in women when exposed to human sweat.…

Olfactory exposure to males, including men, causes stress and related analgesia in

**Women smelling men’s masked body odors show enhanced harm aversion in moral dilemmas.**Harm avoidance increases when exposed to (masked) male body odor.…/S0031938418309533

Stockholm Syndrome, Appeasement and the Fawn Response.

**Appeasement: replacing Stockholm syndrome as a definition of a survival strategy.**This paper makes a distinction between a direct physical threat and a hostage situation. It mentions also that the appeasement behavior aims to make the perpetrator feel safe with the victim (talking about an uno reverse card). This is different from the fawn response where the goal is to please a perpetrator in order to avoid conflict. Making it perhaps bit different from what we see in non-primates.

**History of the term ‘appeasement’: a response to Bailey et al. (2023)**This is a response to the article above about the terminology. It also describes different forms of appeasement and relations between individuals and groups in other species.…/20008066.2023.2183005

**Fight, Flight, Freeze, or Fawn: How We Respond to Threats.**An easy to read summary on different forms of responses to a threat in humans.…

**Submission signals in animal groups.**A summary on different displays of submission across different species. One way to avoid conflict it my adopting a female-mating position. This is seen in quite a few species and isn’t only displayed by females. Even male crayfish found this tactic useful to avoid further aggression and a “reduced chance of death…”…/article-p1_2.xml

**Perspectives in primate biology.**A common form of submissive behaviour in primates is sharing food. In humans, sharing is caring. For many non-human primates, it is a way to avoid aggression. Sharing food particularly when there is a difference in body size between the food possessor and the impending food thief. Female primates are weaker than the males and therefore have less options to demand food from. I wonder if this plays a role in the stereotype of women who don’t order fries and then try to take some from their boyfriend. Dominance or bonding? Both? Does this food competition play a role in why estrogens play a role in fat storage and slower catabolism? Whereas in rats, estrogens actually slow down fat storage. It’s why phytoestrogen rich diets need to be avoided in obesity and atherosclerosis studies using rats (be it male or female) as a model.…/Food-sharing-in-primates-a-cri…

Tactics to reduce male aggression in humansA chemical signal in human female tears lowers aggression in males. Why women cry emotional tears much more easily. What’s weird though is that it lowers male aggression to begin with. Did women adopt crying by mimicking an infant’s cry? This also seems weird since male non-human primates are notorious for killing young in order to get the mother to ovulate sooner again and force copulation. Did men have to adopt a “don’t kill the baby” behaviour somewhere along the way, that women then rode the success of? I am still looking for answers.…

Smiling also lowers aggression (not just male aggression). It’s why women smile more, and especially when anxious. Men less so. It may play a factor in why men are perceived as more funny too. Since the idea that someone is funny, plays a role in percieved funniness. ** Emotional expressions in human and non-human great apes** Parts 1.3 and 1.4. Talks about the correlation between fear and smiling in humans. “The evolutionary origin of the human smile (not laughter) is considered to come from the bared teeth display seen across primates that signals submission or appeasement (van Hooff, 1976)”…/S0149763419304749

** The gender divide in humor: How people rate the competence, influence, and funniness of men and women by the jokes they tell and how they tell them. ** ……/WCTC_2015_RozekChristina_Thegend…

Male phenotype mimicry to avoid male aggression or deathSome interesting stuff I found over time were different coping tactics for dealing with male aggression. Some involved adopting male behaviours and/or appearance.

Experimental evidence that female rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) perceive variation in male facial masculinityFemales looking more masculine to avoid coercive males and signal competitive strength.…/rsos.181415

** Intersexual social dominance mimicry drives female hummingbird polymorphism.** 20% of females adopting a male phenotype. They do this to avoid male aggression, despite giving up their camouflage against predators for it. Interestingly, this 20-25% percentage appears from time to time whenever females look or act like males. It was postulated that if too many females look/act like males, the meaning of the phenotype difference is lost. This isn’t always the case however.…/rspb.2022.0332

It isn’t always used to avoid aggression. There is this species of frog where 48% of females scream like a male to get him to let go. If they don’t get rid of the male embrace, they risk getting crushed to death by a pile up of males. They employ tactics other than mimicry as well. Including escaping the male embrace physically or pretending to be dead. I couldn’t find the original article, only the news item I read months ago. Just haul it through google translate, it’s is a fun read.…/vrouwtjeskikkers-veinzen-overli…

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