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FlyingSquid , to news in Trump supporters call for riots and violent retribution after verdict avatar

So the people who screamed about the scary, scary BLM protesters rioting due to what they (rightly) viewed as a miscarriage of justice now think rioting should happen because of what they (wrongly) view as a miscarriage of justice.

As usual, it’s okay with they do it.

QuentinCallaghan , avatar

“Yeah but this is totes different thing!!!?!?!”

FlyingSquid , avatar

Well… that’s true. In this case, the person who got charged actually went through the court system rather than being murdered by a cop.

Which seems… fairer?

owenfromcanada , avatar

“But this time the guy was white rich Republican innocent!”

FlyingSquid , avatar

And if they make that argument, I’ll tell them that means they believe people are “guilty until proven innocent” and don’t deserve a trial by a jury of their peers, which is as unAmerican an idea as you can get.

peto ,

Not going to be useful. They don’t want a democracy, they don’t want a justice system. They want a king and the ability to use state power to shit on other people.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Trust me, I am in Indiana. I’m surrounded by these flag-waving morons. You call them unAmerican and they lose their shit. And all I have to do is pull up the Bill of Rights.

henfredemars ,

I get all this talk about their rights yet they seem so fundamentally opposed to me having mine.

These people are terrible citizens.

FlyingSquid , avatar

No argument from me. As the person above said, they don’t want a democracy or a justice system. They are as bad a citizen you can get without actively sending classified information to a rival power.

TimLovesTech , avatar

They are all members of the cult, just sadly the majority of them don’t realize they are. This is David Koresh on steroids! He has a platform previous cults did not, and has captured a political party to use for recruitment. It has become apparent that at some point the media and the country need to start treating his cult as such, and we need to figure out how to “rescue” millions of people that would do anything for their cult leader because they have broken all tethers to reality. Putting the cult leader in jail is not going to bring these people back, and is going to require mental health resources on a scale the US (and the world) has never had to deal with before. This is going to have repercussions for generations.

nondescripthandle ,

They’re downright bad people too. They dont get to do a few good deeds while trying to use political power to do away with human life and human rights without being called the moster they are.

psvrh , avatar

Either PBS or NPR had a thing a few years back where they’d read sections of the Bill of Right on air, as part of Independence Day celebrations.

The right wing folks who heard it thought it was communist propaganda.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Do they not still do that? I’ve had to listen to a lot less NPR since my daughter decided I’m not allowed to listen to the radio in the car.

undercrust ,
FlyingSquid , avatar


aniki ,

I love getting called a liberal pussy by civilian clowns that have never served a day. Pretty sure the government trained me to kill.

Bwaz ,

No, according to DJT, “very innocent”, which is as reassuring as “a little bit pregnant”.

LEDZeppelin ,

Everything. Is. A. Projection.

mynamesnotrick ,

They took their stupid shot on Jan 6th and then they realized they were mostly larpers. Projection to the point of action.

d00phy ,

They took their first (arguably second after Charlottesville or the Bible photo op BS) shot on Jan 6. Don’t think there won’t be a second attempt. They view this guy as a messiah and they view themselves as religious. Him not getting what they want is a dangerous combination. He’s already shown the “greater good” has no place in his world.

StaySquared ,

Jan 6th protestors didn’t even come armed… lol smh

WraithGear , avatar

For some, it wasn’t without trying

rayyy ,

Jan 6th protestors didn’t even come armed

Actually some many were armed.

suction ,

It was just a prank bro

AnarchoSnowPlow ,

Beer Hall Putsch

nondescripthandle ,

Literally everything. They’re afriad of Land Back because they fear the Native peoples will take the land the same way the founders of America took it. They’re afraid of equality because they think when Black people do better it must mean they themselves will be worse off because they cant imagine wealth without exploitation, the way they used to make wealth for themselves.

prole ,

It’s kind of wild actually. When Trump talks about this case being “fixed,” and the judge as being “corrupt,” he’s telling us exactly what’s going on in his other trial with Trump appointee and person with no prior trial experience (if I recall correctly) before being appointed to her seat on (looks at notes) huh, the “United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida.”

Wait a second…

Rooskie91 ,

Yes. That’s literally the platform. They say whatever they have to to cover their asses because all they really care about it being able to do whatever they want while forcing everyone else to do live by their rules.

They don’t care when you point this out because that is their goal. They’re shameless about it.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Like I said, I’m surrounded by these idiots. They hate it when you suggest they aren’t real Americans.

AngryCommieKender ,

They know in their hearts that they are Loyalists. Call them the red coats that they are.

sxan , avatar

The thing I think is the most irreconcilable, incompromisable, consistently demonstrated behavior of The Right in America is the blatant hypocrisy about nearly all of their planks. It’s the thing that, when the next civil war comes, will allow me to pull the trigger on anyone wearing a red baseball cap with little remorse.

  • Everyone needs guns to defend themselves from The State, because 2A! (Except for black people defending themselves from no-knock entry cops who got the address wrong)
  • The government shouldn’t be allowed to tell us how to live! (Except for LGBTQ* people, women’s choices about their own bodies, or homeless people)
  • The Constitution is sacrosanct! (Except for the part about separation of church and state, we just ignore that part)

It’s the same for their every. Single. Position. It makes me weary, and furious, depressed and pessimistic.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Except for black people defending themselves from no-knock entry cops who got the address wrong

Don’t forget Philando Castile, a legal gun owner who did exactly what the NRA said you should do when pulled over with a gun in the car and got shot. The NRA made barely a peep about it. Can’t imagine white.

SupraMario ,

Fuck the NRA. The majority of gun owners who aren’t NRA tit suckin cop fuckers, still are pissed about that injustice, same with Breonna Taylor and Kenneth Walker. Anyone suggesting the police are there for them and want to disarm us all, these cases and a bunch more like them, are why we say fuck no.

AngryCommieKender ,

While I personallywould prefer a constitutional amendment that overrides the 2nd, I’m not giving up my guns until the cops are no longer armed criminals, and you’re never getting my crossbows.

StaySquared ,

Any law that violates the constitution should not be obeyed. That is the duty of the U.S. citizen.

AngryCommieKender ,

Sure, but the constitution is capable of being amended, and is long overdue for some amendments.

StaySquared ,


SupraMario ,

SAF is better, they actually drive lawsuits vs paying politicians.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

Castile wasn’t the last of it, either. Roger Fortson recently was gunned down for simply having a gun. He was not brandishing or pointing it at anyone. It was a very similar situation, just not a vehicle stop.

It won’t stop until someone makes it stop. Qualified Immunity has got to fucking go.

AngryCommieKender ,

Qualified Immunity is illegal according to the law that Congress passed in 1871.…/…

sxan , avatar

Can’t imagine white.

Well, that’s it, right? Because not-white.

dhork ,

It’s the thing that, when the next civil war comes, will allow me to pull the trigger on anyone wearing a red baseball cap with little remorse.

Nationals and Phillies fans seem unfairly targeted…

sxan , avatar

Yeah, well, if they’re still wearing that shit during an active civil war - I mean, we’re taking about Phillies fans, so no great loss.

(Note: I lived on The Mainline for 20 years, so I think I’m allowed some ribbing. Phillies fans not only regularly trash Philadelphia in drunken riots after games, they also came to my new state and totally trashed Minneapolis while they were here. I don’t believe there’s a worse bunch of hooligans in the States.)

projectsquared ,

St. Louis Cardinals started selling blue ball caps. Not sure if it’s related to the 2016+ phenomenon, but I like to think it is.

valek879 ,

I wish I could after on the guns things but I should not own a gun! I have a history of depression and I super don’t want to have easy access.

That said, put a gun in my hands and I’ll do my part to end fascism. I’m even a fairly decent shot for having only fired a gun 3 different times. Just please take the thing away from me when I rotate out.

Better yet, get me an fpv headset.

When I joined the militia I had promised myself to kill one Fascist – after all, if each of us killed one they would soon be extinct… -George Orwell, Homage to Catalonia

sxan , avatar

I’m not advocating anyone buy a gun, mind you. My general opinion on guns is the same about cars: the only person I truly trust to operate one is me; the rest of all y’all are just generally unreliable.

That said: get a long gun. Any non-Bulpup rifle with a 20” or longer barrel - it’s really hard to commit suicide with a long rifle. You can find a way, sure, but there are far easier, more reliable ways to off yourself than trying to figure out how to pull a trigger you can’t reach when the bangy end is pointed at your head. And the knowledge that most people who try doing this end up still alive but permanently mangled and with reduced faculties may drive you to seek those alternative methods.

Another plus for a rifle is that it’s simply a better weapon for killing fascists. We have a lot of evidence that handguns are almost never used in armed conflicts. They’re far less powerful than rifles (in general), and their effective ranges are drastically shorter. Get a cheap optic, do some practice shooting, and you’ll be better armed and prepared than any open-carry idiot running around armed only with their trusty Colt M1911 with official Trump pistol grips.

I really wish that last part was a joke.

I don’t mean to come across as minimizing mental health issues. I also can’t prevent you from trying to off yourself. All that said, I hope you are able to get help, and get healthy.

valek879 ,

Hey thanks, this is an idea that I hadn’t thought much about and I’ll have to consider it. I also need consider storage and how to get to a range without a car but those things are workable.

As for my mental health, I’m doing well and feel in a good place all around. I got married a year and a half ago and have a stable life. I’m doing good. This will have to be a process if I’m going to buy a rifle but your arguments have opened me to the idea.

sxan , avatar

Glad to hear you’re in a more stable place! I know it’s a constant struggle; rarely do people just “get better” and never gave issues again, but I’m glad that you’re on top of it.

Open carry is legal almost everywhere in the US. You could literally put a sling on it, strap it on your back, and ride your bike to the range. If you shoot a common caliber, you can buy ammo when you get there (assuming it’s a range in or near a store). You’d need to check your local laws about what you need to do to open carry a gun and ammunition; like, can you have it in a protective case?

Anyway, good luck with your journey.

bradorsomething ,

The next one will be drones, learn to fly them.

Squirrel , avatar

You’ve got to remember, they don’t view the BLM reasons as miscarriages of justice. Because they’re morons.

grabyourmotherskeys , to technology in All of Japan's Toyota Assembly Plants Shut Down for a Day Because Their Server Ran Out of Disk Space

I haven’t read the article because documentation is overhead but I’m guessing the real reason is because the guy who kept saying they needed to add more storage was repeatedly told to calm down and stop overreacting.

krellor ,

I used to do some freelance work years ago and I had a number of customers who operated assembly lines. I specialized in emergency database restoration, and the assembly line folks were my favorite customers. They know how much it costs them for every hour of downtime, and never balked at my rates and minimums.

The majority of the time the outages were due to failure to follow basic maintenance, and log files eating up storage space was a common culprit.

So yes, I wouldn't be surprised at all if the problem was something called out by the local IT, but were overruled for one reason or another.

otl , avatar

and log files eating up storage space was a common culprit.

Another classic symptom of poorly maintained software. Constant announcements of trivial nonsense, like [INFO]: Sum(1, 1) - got result 2! filling up disks.

I don’t know if the systems you’re talking about are like this, but it wouldn’t surprise me!

DukeMcAwesome ,

You gotta forward that to Spunk so your logs ain’t filling up the server generating them. Plus you can set up automated alerts for when the result stops being 2.

This message brought to you by Big Splunk.

wolo ,

I think you missed a letter…

Blooper ,

I always make sure my logs are covered by Spunk.

PhatInferno , avatar

spunking my logs is one of my favorite pass times

Dope ,

Big Splunk Missed letter? You mean Big Spunk, right?

SzethFriendOfNimi ,

And yet that’s probably there because sometime, somewhere, it returned 1.9 or 2.00001 or some such nonsense.

Klear ,

1 + 1 = 2.000001 for sufficiently large (but not by much) values of 1.

Pat12 ,

this is software speciifcally for assembly line management?

Anomalous_Llama ,

There is specific software for everything

afraid_of_zombies ,

Yeah a few levels.

Level 1: complex stand alone devices, mostly firmware.

Level 1a. Stuff slightly more complicated than a list of settings, usually for something like a VFD or a stepper motor controllers. Not as common.

Level 2 PLCs, HMIs, and the black magic robotic stuff. Stand alone equipment. Like imagine a machine that can take something, heat it up, and give it to the next machine.

Level 3: DCS and SCADA. Data control center and whatever SCADA stands for, I always forget. This is typically for integrating or at least data collection of multiple stand alone equipment for level 2.

Level 4: the integration layer between Level 3 and whatever means the company has for entering in sales.

Like everything in software this is all general. Some places will mix layers, subtract layers, add them. I would complain about the inconsistent nature of it all but without it I would be unemployed.

Pat12 ,

Level 1a. Stuff slightly more complicated than a list of settings, usually for something like a VFD or a stepper motor controllers. Not as common.

Level 2 PLCs, HMIs, and the black magic robotic stuff. Stand alone equipment. Like imagine a machine that can take something, heat it up, and give it to the next machine.

Level 3: DCS and SCADA. Data control center and whatever SCADA stands for, I always forget. This is typically for integrating or at least data collection of multiple stand alone equipment for level 2.

Level 4: the integration layer between Level 3 and whatever means the company has for entering in sales.

Like everything in software this is all general. Some places will mix layers, subtract layers, add them. I would complain about the inconsistent nature of it all but without it I would be unemployed

Is this specific software engineering languages? or is this electrical engineering or what kind of work is this?

afraid_of_zombies ,

I am having problems understanding your questions. I generally operate on level 2 and we typically use graphics based languages when we implement scripting languages to do graphical languages. The two most common graphic languages are FBDs and Ladder-Logic. Both have a general form and vendor specific quirks.

For scripting I tend towards Perl or Python, but I have seen other guys use different methods.

Level 3 use pretty much the same tools. Level 4 I have in the passed used a modbus/tcp method but this isn’t something I can really say is typical. One guy I know used the python API to do it.

Pat12 ,

oh, thank you

my background is not in engineering which explains my confusing questions

IWantToFuckSpez ,

And was fired for not doing his job which management prevented him from doing in the first place

DontMakeMoreBabies ,

I'm this person in my organization. I sent an email up the chain warning folks we were going to eventually run out of space about 2 years ago.

Guess what just recently happened?


TheBat , avatar

You got approval for new SSDs because the manglement recognised threat identified by you as critical?


vagrantprodigy ,

Literally sent that email this morning. It’s not that we don’t have the space, it’s that I can’t get a maintenance window to migrate the data to the new storage platform.

mdd ,

Can’t you just add a few external USB drives? (heard this more than once at an NGO think tank.)

grabyourmotherskeys ,

I mean I’ve worked at a hosting company that had a bunch of static sites running off an SSD connected by usb to the server so this did happen back in the day. I try not to think about those days.

“What’s that? Your accounting front end that’s built in obsolete front page code on an Access database isn’t working again? It’s probably a file lock, I’ll restart IIS.”

IMongoose ,

Sometimes that person is very silly though. We had a vendor call us saying we needed to clear our logs ASAP!!! due to their size. The log file was no joke, 20 years old. At the current rate, our disk would be full in another 20 years. We cleared it but like, calm down dude.

dojan , avatar


Just plonk a large file in the storage, make it relative to however much is normally used in the span of a work week or so. Then when shit hits the fan, delete the ballast and you’ll suddenly have bought a week to “find” and implement a solution. You’ll be hailed as a hero, rather than be the annoying doomer that just bothers people about technical stuff that’s irrelevant to the here and now.

lemmyvore ,

Or you could be fired because technically you’re the one that caused the outage.

dojan , avatar

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t!

Awkwardparticle ,

The ultimate goal is having no downtime. Ballast gives you that result. The cost of downtime far larger than wasting extra space for ballast.

Malfeasant ,

Except then they’ll decide you fixed it, so nothing more needs to be done. I’ve seen this happen more than once.

queermunist , to worldnews in Germany set to miss net zero by 2045 target as climate efforts falter avatar

What a fucking joke. It’s amazing how all these countries set weak goals for themselves and then fail anyway.

We’re all going to die lol

CrabAndBroom ,

The UK likes to go the other way by talking up a ridiculous goal and then immediately failing it, like "Our goal is to produce zero CO2 and become the global leader in renewables by 2025” and then immediately open a new coal mine.

SheeEttin ,

That’s basically what Germany did. They recently shut down their nuclear plants and restarted their coal plants.

agarorn ,

And yet coal power production is practically at the lowest level ever (except for corona months 03/20 and 04/20)…

dot20 ,

It should be 0.

Zippy ,

Germany is now using coal as base load. The main reason coal has not increased considerably is because all this new generation and loss of nuclear baseload along with limited ng generation has resulted in average energy prices doubling from 2017 to 2021 prices. Simply put the cost of energy is now so high that people and industry is using less. Done large industries shut down with loss of jobs. Solar and wind had been very expensive even with government subsidies. Subsidies that take money out of government coffers resulting in less services. This ignoring the increase in energy importation of which some may be from coal generation.

Shutting down nuclear simply denied millions of people a clean energy source unless they were willing to pay nearly double that of past years.…/germany-goes-all-energy-transition-….

derGottesknecht ,

You know that with merit order pricing the cost of electricity only depended on the cost of the most expensive producer? So nuclear plants have close to 0 Influence on the price.

BastingChemina ,

Germany still has a very long way to go to be carbon neutral.

Almost 79% of its primary energy consumption is fossil fuel. 17% is renewable.

For comparison in France 46% of the primary energy consumption is fossil fuel, 14% renewable and 40% nuclear.

Arcturus , avatar

Look at the industry's growth in France though. Renewables has been growing at the expense of nuclear. This is happening in Germany as well.

notapantsday ,

That is just blatant misinformation. Name one single coal plant that has been restarted since nuclear power was phased out.

SheeEttin ,…/a-62893497

The Mehrum plant in Hohenhameln and the Heyden plant in Petershagen (whose operation has been extended).

Unless your nitpick is that these were started before the final nuclear shutdown, but I never said otherwise, only that both things happened recently.

Grimpen ,

I understood it as coal was phased in as nuclear was phased out. The thing that astounds me still though is how recent the last 3 were shut down.

SheeEttin ,

I think they were planning on natural gas, but that went down the tubes because they were planning on buying from Russia. Coal plants were restarted to fill the gap.

What the plan is now, I don’t know.

Sodis ,

The end goal was always renewables with smart net, storage and hydrogen plants to offset spikes. Gas prices are dropping again, so it will be used as a bridging solution. Energy production in Germany is actually on track of its climate goals compared to transportation.

notapantsday ,

They were extended specifically because of natural gas supply issues, caused by the war in Ukraine. Not because of nuclear shutdowns.

Ooops , avatar

Wow... Where have I read that lie before? Oh, yeah. 20 times in this thread already, because you all get your alternative reality sppon-fed by the same lobbyists.

Actual reality:

The "massive" amount of nuclear shut down

The "coal" that replace nuclear

The actual historic low of coal use

shapesandstuff ,

The actual problem was stopping to fund solar, smashing a hundred thousand jobs in renewables under the pretense of “saving workers”. ~20k jobs in coal heroically saved.

Ooops , avatar

But they could easily do it (and get paid by fossil fuel lobbyists) because the discussion is completely twisted anyway. And most constructive discussion of the topic will be drowned in fairy tales about renewables not working, nuclear being our only savior and other bullshit.

Basically this whole thread is a perfect example. We discuss electricity production because that's the direction the nuclear social media cult is pushing every discussion into...

The actual report linked in this thread is for a German report of construction and traffic sectors not meeting their emission reduction goals... and I'm pretty sure neither coal nor nuclear is used to power cars nowadays. And the electrification bottle neck for transport is the production pace of electric cars, their still too high prize, limits on loading infra-structure etc., not actually energy per se.

derGottesknecht ,

Thank you for debunking this nuclear fanboy bullshit that gets repeated all the time.

Samsy ,

Yes, but the goals in germany are written into a law, and the highest council actually blaming the government for failed goals.

Gosplan14_the_Third , avatar

The government has more interest in pursuing the global power ambitions of the Standort Deutschland rather than accomplishing environmental goals, even in spite of one of the parties being named Die Grünen (which is basically just good PR for them and nothing of substance) - and the goals that are being pursued anyway are all to the slogan of Cem Özdemir “Zwischen Wirtschaft und Umwelt gehört kein oder”. Environmentalism as long as it remains profitable, even at costs of +2, +2,5, +3 or more °C

The next elections are sure to be won by Merz, with or without the AfD, and very likely to have the FDP in influential ministries, so nothing will change - or perhaps even for the worse.

That’s what happens when the main goal of production is not the goal of creating socially necessary goods, but to insert money into the labor process and end up with more than you had at the beginning.

Ooops , avatar

Sure... the once-again-below-5%-party will get influential ministries. And the Greens totally did not manage to meet their climate goals in agricultur and industry, both huge causes for emmisions. Oh, wait. They by far surpassed them. Soemthing you cannot say about traffic (FDP) or construction (SPD).

But yeah, I know. Brain-damage doesn't allow you to not parrot the popular fairy tales of the German right wing media, we get dwoned in on adaily basis for nearly two years now, just once.

Let me guess... you also totally believe the popular fantasy of the Greens losing voters in droves (actual ~0-0,1% since the election) because that's the narratives spoon-fed to you with weeks of rediculous talk about the Green's reaching a new low constantly... while their coalition partners actually lost 33-40% of their respective voters since the election.

quatschkopf34 ,

Still not gonna change a damn thing. The (federal) government(s) don’t care, they are busy framing harmless protesters as potential terrorists and jailing them accordingly. Or they simply change the law again so that they do not have to be held accountable for their missed goals (see the ministry for transport).

AntiOutsideAktion , avatar

The kind of law where people go to jail or the kind of law people have long televised meetings and write op eds?

hoshikarakitaridia ,

German here.

Even back under Merkel, elected parties had a habit of defining good goals and then rendering them impossible to hit through policy. This meant that no one could fault them for trying, and no one could fault them for not being able to hit them.

Nowadays my countrymen aren’t as stupid anymore. That doesn’t mean we can do anything about it, but especially since Merkel we don’t believe any of these leaks anymore.

shapesandstuff ,

Good ol CDU turning almost everything they touched into steaming horseshit

PsychedSy ,

We’ll be fine. We’re gonna throw some reflective particulate into the atmosphere or some shit.

queermunist , avatar

We’ll drop a giant ice cube into the ocean, solving the problem once and for all!

PsychedSy ,

You kid, but we’re not gonna get greenhouse gases under control. We’re gonna find a way to stabilize temps and kick the can down the road to the next issue co2 causes.

queermunist , avatar

That’s fallacious reasoning.

Just because climate engineering is the only way to stabilize temperatures doesn’t actually mean it can be done. That’s all hypothetical tech, just like carbon capture and other fairy tales we tell ourselves to cope with the reality of the end of the fucking world.

I’ll tell you what will happen. We won’t do anything to stop or slow climate change and we’ll reach a tipping point, after which society will rapidly collapse into warring factions and any hope of stabilizing the climate will be gone until we have a nuclear winter reset.

NathanielThomas ,

We can’t even agree the world is overpopulated let alone stop our bullshit.

We’re all going to die horrible deaths and it’s going to be well-deserved hubris.

derGottesknecht ,

Overpopulation is a cop out, we could supply even more people. Its more an issue with greed and inequality that causes the problems instead of overpopulation

PsychedSy ,

It doesn’t mean it can be done, but it might.

derGottesknecht ,

Didn’t you hear him? ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!

PsychedSy ,

Por que no los dos?

derGottesknecht ,

because of this

PipedLinkBot ,

Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

I’m open-source, check me out at GitHub.

jabjoe , avatar

I’m much more optimistic, though I do think it will get worse before it gets better. I think we’ll end up with a few mass killer enviromental events before humans start to save themselves properly. It’ll never be too late as Earth is always going to better than anywhere else for us.

Quick list of things hopeful in my feeds of the top of my head.

  • Renewable energy is the cheapest energy.
  • Agrivoltaics can increase yeilds while also providing power.
  • Home Solar & battery pay back time is coming down all the time.
  • Electric cars are the cheapest over their life time and the upfront costs are tumbling.
  • Electrification of more and more transport types is happening to save costs.
  • EVs are going V2H/V2G/V2X which means you get a large home (and office?) battery to take part in energy markets.
  • Second life EV batteries will eventury be a source of larger, cheaper, home batteries.
  • Just the other day another methane solution :…/bacteria-that-eats-methane-coul…
  • Fusion looks closer than 50 years out now.
  • RightToRepair + OpenSource is slowly spreading and will reduce life time costs and reduce e-waste. Regulators are waking up too.
  • Vertical farming is developing and will end up cheaper.
  • Lab meat or precision fermentation is a path to animal free animal protein at lower costs.
  • 5 minute cities as an idea is spreading.
  • Covid has normalized WFH
  • Green spaces in cities to cool them and improve mental health is increasingly being talked about and pushed in some forward thinking cities.
  • Peak population is constantly revised down and sooner. Once population starts to fall, it’s not set to stop for a long time.

There is a lot of movement. It’s all about aligning economics with fighting climate change. Which is natural as using less to do the same thing is better for both.

One thing that is a very good sign is oil companies are scared. They are spending a lot of money pumping out FUD. Doom peddling to slow climate action, but economics is against them. Even without climate damage being costed in. Which governments will do when oil is less powerful.

Fight the doom!

Tankiedesantski ,

Some of the things you listed are indeed good, but we’re not going to avert climate catastrophe unless we reject the idea that we can only do good things if they’re less expensive than the bad thing alternative.

jabjoe , avatar

I think it’s the way to ease the masses in. You also missing that the other end is to make the bad stuff expensive. Bring environmental cost on to the balance sheet. Criminalize and enforce those laws, environmental crimes. Carrot and stick.

Ooops , avatar

There's also a lot of propaganda paid by fossil fuel lobbyists (and some nuclear lobbyists still going for the perceived easy target of renewables, as rediculous as it is...) with the goal to disrupt the energy transition.

And the majority here actually believes they are anti-fossil fuels while they actually parrot their propaganda (for example the "Germany stopped nuclear power to burn more coal"-fairy tale you can read a hundred times by now here - only invented for the talking point of coal being needed, when Germany is actually at a historic low in use) and thus constantly running (objectively wrong) talking points against renewable power.

On one hand I love the obvious panic of fossil fuel lobbyists getting more desperate and rediculous in their massaging by the day. On the other hand, they already brain-washed a massive amount of people that I fear are really lost and will fight tooth and nails against a reasonable green transition to pursue their fantasies of "sane" nuclear build-up (that isn't sane because nobody is actually building enough capoacities to make sense mathematically), without that "non-working" storage (that nuclear power actually needs to be economically viable) and "expensive" renewables (same, same...).

jabjoe , avatar

You get it. But at the end of the day, the fossil fuel companies will lose because of economics. Renewable energy and electrification is cheaper and better and planet saving. There will be economic feedback loops kicking in as less fuel is used, taking up the price.

Ooops , avatar

But "in the end" isn't fast enough for my taste... or for the taste of people losing their homes or base of life to floods, draughts, forest fires and so on.

And it won't even get better but just worse even if we stopped co2 emission completely today. We would have need that feedback loop a decade ago. Instead the same lobbyists now sabotaging it got a lot of renewables killed the moment they were too cheap to compete.

If you draw a curve of deployed solar and wind power, the last decade is a hole that basically threw us back more than the missed time even.

And even if renewables take over for economicla reasons now, they will just change tactic and instead sabotage storage and infrastructure to keep fossil fuels relevant.

Germany had a very coal heavy power prodcution originally and massively build up renewables... and the lobbyists were already ahead... they blocked grid extensions to create pockets depending on coal no matter how much cheap green electricity is available. They blocked grid extensions to make diversification less effective. They -also for that reason- pushed antiwind sentiments in one part of the country and anti-solar in another. They made storage commercially unviable by massive double taxation (once as an end consumer while loading, then as a producer while unloading).

And they did all that basically without anyone taking much notice because they also -and much more visible- blocked wind and solar power in general (ffs... they killed a 100k people industry and sold it off to China just because solar was getting too cheap).

Yes, renewables are extremely cheap. So cheap in fact that people fight for their chance to build solar and wind in designated areas instead of wanting subsidies like for other power production. But if we don't take a very close and constant look, we will be surprised in a decade how all those renewables did not actually help reduce co2 much as the 10-year-infrastructure plans for storage and grid are suddenly about lagging 9 years behind. Just look at such basic projects like the north-south grid connection in Germany. The 10-year plan to build SüdLink is scheduled to be done in ~6 years now... after 12 years. 100% sponsored by conservative local politicians and conservative nimbys cosplaying as environmentalists.

jabjoe , avatar

Never give up hope. That’s what fossil fuels companies want.

In 2005 me and my now wife watched “Who Killed the electric car” and it felt hopeless. Now we both drive EVs and you see more and more of them on the road. Home solar used to be a pipe dream, but now I know more people with it and hope to set it up myself. My electricity provider claims 100% renewables. We plan to remove gas use from the house.

Germany will hurt itself by not looking forwards, and as that becomes more and apparent, it will be harder to maintain. Fossil fuel money will start to reduce and with that, it’s corruption of politics and information. At some point, I hope some jail time is handed out to those who knowing slowly climate against for money. Now, climate action and money are more and more lined up. Always have been long term, but now short term too. Aligned on energy and thus everything down stream of energy. Which a lot of stuff!

Australia’s Teals movement shows common sense can win out.

Sodis ,

The goal is complete decarbonization until 2045 and a lot of sectors in Germany are already on track with that goal, energy being one of them. That with a minister of finance, that does not want to spend money and a minister of transportation, that is more a puppet of the automobile industry and does not care about decarbonization. Imagine the US without the huge subsidies into clean energy. That’s what Germany is trying to do under their current minister of finance.

Iceblade02 ,

Energy or electricity? Those are two very different things.

Sodis ,

Sorry, that was imprecise. The correct German term would be Energiewirtschaft, that can be translated to energy industry. That’s not only electricity, but also production of biogas, district heating, refining of fossil fuels and so on. The struggling departments from worst to slightly struggling are: -transportation: widespread use of fossil fuels -building: heating with fossil fuels and emissions from concrete -industry: high use of energy and no alternative to fossil fuels in some cases

Iceblade02 ,

Great that the plan is for the entire economy. Cheap and reliable clean electricity is possibly the most important and straightforward(ish) issue to solve with steel and concrete sitting at the opposite end of the spectrum.

I_Has_A_Hat ,

It’s amazing how all these countries set weak goal

It’s can kicking. Make a promise for something 25 years in the future. Who cares if the country can’t meet it? You’ll likely be out of office or retired by that point. That’s the next person’s problem.

Kuori , avatar

That’s the next person’s problem.

it is until people start getting organized and seeking justice on those responsible

ininewcrow , avatar

We’re all going to die lol

I agree … but that attitude also encourages people, especially leaders … and especially the billionaires that control this world … to believe that destruction is the ultimate end and to just play along, pick up as much wealth as possible while you can and do whatever you please because the end is near.

queermunist , (edited ) avatar

As if billionaires needed more reasons to pick up as much wealth as possible while they can lol

badbytes , to technology in Musk considers removing X platform from Europe over EU law - Insider

He should remove it from all countries. What a rich dumbass.

Son_of_dad , to news in Alex Jones must pay $1.1 billion of Sandy Hook damages despite bankruptcy - court

They say this, yet he’s still making and spending to the tune of 100k per month and the courts aren’t doing anything about it. Rich people don’t get to go broke like the rest of us, he’s gonna keep living in a nice house and making millions and get away with not paying anyone, and the courts won’t do shit

fiat_lux ,

This is part of due process in doing something about it. Unfortunately it's a lot faster to commit crimes and get "creative" with moving money in not-quite-crimes-but-still-bullshit than it is to weigh up their legality and enforce appropriate penalties.

When a legal system relies heavily on precedent as guidance and technicalities can destroy a decision, and fixing that might take decades and destroy lives, you have to make sure it's good. Especially when this many people are watching.

Unfortunately you're very right that the slow speeds to ensure precision are easily and visibly exploited by scumlickers like Jones.

stolid_agnostic ,

The good news is that he’s not nearly clever enough to actually hide assets. They will get tracked over time and seized.

aniki ,


  • Loading...
  • Nalivai ,

    The arc of the moral universe is long

    pinkdrunkenelephants ,

    Then shorten it, if you care about justice. 🤷

    Or not, because you only care about preserving a corrupt and broken system that destroys everyone’s lives. Whatever.

    Jaysyn , avatar

    His parents have most of them, I shit you not.

    DogMuffins ,

    I can see why you would think this, but this is a very unusual case. Particularly so given the decision in this article.

    You’re dead right in that rich people don’t go broke like the rest of us - because they have accountants and lawyers set up complex business structures so if something falls over they can just walk away (or drive away in their nice car to their nice house).

    This article is pretty much saying that all that usual dance isn’t going to work in this case - he still has to pay $1.1b.

    Also, there’s no law that prevents him from going on making money. That may not feel “right” or just but that dynamic is the same even for poor people. That said, at 100k per month it would take him 916 years to pay $1.1b soo… he might curtail his luxurious lifestyle, maybe not.

    MiikCheque ,

    At what point does his bankruptcy and the law diverge, is where what need reevaluated

    be_excellent_to_each_other , to piracy in Music labels sue Internet Archive over digitized record collection avatar

    Ah Sony Music is involved.

    Remember the time Sony Music installed a rootkit on peoples' computers via commercially purchased CDs because hacking paying customers' computers seemed like a good way to combat piracy?

    Pepperidge Farm Remembers.

    leave_it_blank , (edited )

    I fucking remember. Had been the last time I bought a CD from a major label!

    Edit: Spelling

    UKFilmNerd , avatar

    I remember, way back when, I think it was one of Natalie Imbriglia’s first albums, I stuck it into my PC’s CD-ROM drive and something odd happened.

    I could listen to a digital copy of the album via an included player and files that were in some locked weird format.

    My CD drive couldn’t see the normal CDDA portion of the disc just this little data area with a digital copy.

    Wasn’t impressed.

    ElderWendigo ,

    That schema was popular for a while. That weird format was probably Windows Media Audio (wma).The audio data was still there and was accessible with the right software/firmware combo. But sometimes those disks would auto run and inject malware. This was usually the Sony root kit. Sometimes that malware would disable your system’s ability to access the audio tracks. Because for way too long windows machines would autoplay anything that was plugged into it and EVERYTHING ran as administrator. Most CD drives back then had firmware that could play the CD audio directly from the drive to your speakers, bypassing the OS entirely, so most people would never notice a difference until they tried to rip the tracks themselves.

    Some older games worked this way too, without the malware. The software would be on the data portion and instead of copying big wave file to your PC (because mp3s weren’t really a popular thing yet and drive speeds were slow), they would just play the audio from the audio track portion of the disk. You could sometimes pop those disks into a dumb CD player and listen to the audio directly as long as you skipped the data track at the beginning. You could burn your own disks like this around the same time. I remember making a few mixtapes on CD that stored a CD label/envelope tracklist as a PDF and mp3s of the CD tracks themselves on a data track at the end. Putting the data at the end allowed you to play it in a dumb CD player without having to skip the data track.

    sab ,

    I can't believe I hadn't heard of this.

    Sony BMG initially denied that the rootkits were harmful. It then released an uninstaller for one of the programs that merely made the program's files invisible while also installing additional software that could not be easily removed.

    And then they just paid some settlements, recalled some CDs, and continued to operate as if nothing has happened. Bloody hell.

    be_excellent_to_each_other , avatar

    I remembered there was a Part II to the story that made it even worse, but did not remember those details. Should have read my own link! Thanks for highlighting that because it truly is the icing on the cake.

    foggy , (edited )

    Why yes I did boycott Sony nearly 30 years ago.

    The worst part was the response from someone high up at Sony was “most of the people who [had the rootkit installed on their PC against their will] dont know what a rootkit is anyways, so why should I care?”

    Really was the tip of the privacy era iceberg if you ask me.


    Yup, I got rootkitted by those fuckers just installing their bullshit software for my mini-disc player.

    be_excellent_to_each_other , avatar
    PipedLinkBot ,

    Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

    Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

    I’m open-source, check me out at GitHub.


    I still miss my mini-disc player! I loved using it to record songs from the radio. I felt like I was truly living in the future, having such vast storage space (like, 50 low-quality songs, lol).

    be_excellent_to_each_other , avatar

    I always wanted one, but by the time my disposable income and the price of a player met, they were on their way out. Always seemed like a really cool bit of personal tech to me though.

    UKFilmNerd , avatar

    I loved my minidisc player. My first was a Sharp but that was stolen in a robbery. So I replaced it with a Sony NetMD which I loved even more. Due to the new compression, depending on the length of the albums, you could fit 3 or 4 onto one disc. Also it docked with the PC, so labelling and ripping was really easy. I bought a compatible in line remote which had a backlit LCD display which I loved. The chewing gum stick battery lasted ages and if it did run out of power, I could screw on a little compartment that’s held a AA battery and keep me going.

    I loved that little player.

    DangerMouse ,

    I remember Sony forcing everyone to use their proprietary SonicStage software and proprietary ATRAC3 audio file format with their Mini Disc players. Nothing else would work on their products. Thank goodness big industries don’t influence governments worldwide, or we’d be heading into some kind of dystopia DRM-laden in every aspect of our lives. Oh wait…

    Rozz ,

    I hate when you need to install different software for whatever camera, music player, whatever that you had. Luckily that is pretty rare that proprietary software is required nowadays.

    AbidanYre ,

    That’s when I stopped buying anything made by Sony.

    beto , avatar

    I worked for a startup that had as main investor a company called InterTrust. Our office was inside their building.

    InterTrust was a patent portfolio that belonged to Sony and Philips. All they did was sue people. One day they were able to sue Apple on some stupid patent, and there was much rejoicing at the office.

    Smokeydope , (edited ) to technology in Apple considered switching to DuckDuckGo from Google for Safari - Bloomberg News avatar

    This is a copy/pasted message I wrote up on another thread. As long as there are people in the comments shilling kagi, I will shill my prefered engines. At least my suggestions will bring awareness to free as in freedom projects. I hope to god people paying 10$/month just to not get datacucked by search engines will also learn something and save their money.

    SearX/SearXNG is a free and open source, highly customizable, and self-hostable meta search engine. SearX instances act as a middle man, they query other search engines for you, stripping all their spyware ad crap and never having your connection touch their servers. Of course you have to trust the SearX instance host with your query information, but again if you are that paranoid just self host.

    I personally trust some foss loving sysadmin that host social services for free out of alturism, who also accepts hosting donations, whos server is located on the other side of the planet, with my query info over Google/Alphabet any day.

    Its nice to be able to email and have a human conversation with your search engine provider thats just a knowlegable every day joe who genuinely believes in the project and freely dedicates their resources to it. Consider sending some cash their way to help with upkeep if you like the services they provide, they will probably appreciate and make use of that 10$ better than kagi.

    Heres a list of all public searx instances, I personally prefer to use paulgo.ioAll SearX instances are configured different to index different engines. If one doesn’t seem to give good results try a few others.

    Did I mention it has bangs like duckduckgo? If you really need google like for maps and buisness info just use !!g in the query is a completely novel search engine written and hosted by one dude that aims to prioritize indexing lighter websites little to no javascript as these tend to be personal websites and homepages that have poor SEO and the big search engines won’t index well. If you remember the internet of the early 2000s and want a nostalgia trip this ones for you. Its also open source and self-hostable

    Finally, YaCy is another completely novel search engine that uses peer-to-peer technology to power a big webcrawler which prioritizes indexes based off user queries and feedback. Everyone can download yacy and devote a bit of their computing power to both run their own local instance and help out a collective search engine. Companies can also download yacy and use it to index their private intranets.

    They have a public instance available through a web portal. To be upfront, YaCy is not a great search engine for what most people usually want, which is quick and relevant information within the first few clicks. But, it is an interesting use of technology and what a true honest-to-god community-operated search engine looks like untainted by SEO scores or corporate money-making shenanigans.

    I hope this has been informative to those who believe theres only a few options to pick from, I know these options are so unknown to most people.

    yoz ,

    Thanks Yacy looks promising

    Smokeydope , avatar

    You’re welcome updated the comment with proper links

    TwoGems , avatar

    Thank you! So I can use Google but stop it from doing the CAPCHA shit repeatedly because it detects my VPN? It’s abuse of the user and I’m tired of it.

    Smokeydope , avatar

    Yup! Enjoy :)

    ShittyRedditWasBetter ,

    Abuse of the user 🤣

    Daft_ish ,

    Have you seen users privacy settings? They want their data to be harvested. Now come here and let me give you some sponsored content.

    dependencyInjection ,

    I rage quit Google search the other day over that damn captcha

    TwoGems , avatar

    I’m trying Startpage until I get those alternatives down

    HughJanus ,

    I’m sure that’s what Google wants. You can either give them your data or you can go somewhere else, but hopefully you choose to give them your data because they make it too inconvenient not to.

    sebinspace ,


    uuuuusing it

    catapult7724 ,

    Thank you! I’m intrigued by Kagi but it’s a lot of money. I’ve tried SearXNG before it wasn’t great for me, I’ll try it again.

    Smokeydope , avatar

    I hope you find more success with it this time. Like I said not all SearXNG instances are equal was the first to really click with me and give useful results. Some SearXNG instances won’t query google or most other engines making their usefulness rather limited. Also the more popular an instance becomes the more likely it will be rate-limited by search engines which isn’t the fault of the instance but can be an occasional annoyance for sure. Not perfect solution by any means but I think SearX would be a great fit for lots of people here who just want google results without all the spyware ad bs

    Nice choice of lemmy instance, btw. Pubnixes like SDF rule!

    HeavyRaptor ,

    I’m trying this instance out at the moment and it feels great! Do you know how to get the autocomplete to work on Firefox android? I’m looking for search suggestion API url but can’t seem to find it.

    Thetimefarm ,

    Genuine question, what happens to SearX if google pulls the plug on API access or changes the algorithm in a way that makes it worse?

    If Kagi got an actual code audit done I would be a lot more on board with it. The audit they do show appears to just be penetration testing, not focused on the code itself but I don’t know much about so maybe there is more to it that I don’t understand.

    I wish it were easier for developers to monetize their projects while leaving them open source. Tutanota is a good example of open source code used in a paid service. With tutanota however it seems like what you pay for is the service, not the software.

    Smokeydope , (edited ) avatar

    I am not the most knowledgeable person on searxng innerworkings so may be wrong, but searxng instances usually use the ‘get’ and ‘post’ commands to request+fetch http/https content not an API key. You can get your own api keys/tokens from google and plug them in to searx in the preferences menu if they ever make it API only. There’s a lot of IT academic research that relies on google they will most likely never pull API access fullstop but you never you I guess.

    There is not much if anything SearXNG instances can do if google changes algorithm. In worst case scenario it can still index other search engines which themselves scrape google like startpage or engines completely independent like duckduckgo, bing, brave, YaCy, ect. Here is a list of all configured engines SearXNG uses by default you can go into preferences at top right of searXNG to configure what engines you want to use among other things.

    Thetimefarm ,

    It just worries me that there isn’t really a google competitor if all the alternatives rely on google not screwing up a product. It seems like honest search results are becoming less of a thing they care about.

    2xsaiko , avatar

    I use Kagi right now but and YaCy seem really cool. Hell, I might package YaCy and write a module for it for NixOS :^)

    clearedtoland ,

    I’m trying Kagi now but I’m having mixed feelings. Search results are mixed at best for some pretty commonplace topics (e.g. Starfield quests or breaking news).

    Also, the search limit (for the trial and basic plans) stresses me and I find myself second guessing whether I really need to search for something. I like it but I haven’t come across a “wow!” moment that makes me want to abandon DDG, despite the transparency and privacy-focus.

    sir_reginald , avatar

    what transparency and “privacy focus” are you talking about?

    They haven’t released a single line of code and they required you to be logged in, which makes you uniquely identifiable, and if you paid using credit card, then you gave away your personal identifiable information.

    ChucklesMcGee ,

    thank you, great post

    doktorseven ,

    When you need a scalable service for tons of users, federated isn’t going to cut it. This is why Apple wants DDG. Point the bajillion crApple lusers at one of your public instances (or even all of them chosen at random each time) and watch it crash and burn overnight. DDG has tons of servers and the infrastructure to hold up while a ton of people search why their luxury device is slowing down every time Apple releases a new one.

    dm_me_your_feet ,

    Lol Federation is the definition of scalable. Everyone serves their local users -> a miniscule amount of global traffic, everything but auth always stays local.

    Universities have been doing it since the beginning of the internet. Email is the biggest example but there are others: eduGAIN and eduroam are the most notable ones coming out of the academic community.

    doktorseven ,

    You are confusing a network of distinct servers with a single point of entry that a search engine would need to be. There is no fallback or distribution of search when everything is directed to a single search point, and pointing people to different search sites per search will remove any per-site preferences.

    Do people think about what they say any more, or do they see someone who is trying to carefully explain their problem and just go into pure rage and try to disprove them by spewing things that do not make any sense?

    dm_me_your_feet , (edited )

    No search engine has a “single point of entry”. Every search engine has Cache servers all over the world at almost every major IXP. Nothing would prevent a federated service from operating the same way. Cloudflare or literally any form of loadbalancer or load balancing service could be used to redirect queries to fedisearch (or whatever the service name would be) to the local instance by IP geolocation. Authentication can just be forwarded to the home server via SAML, thats also where the settings can be stored and queried at login time by the local instance. SAML assertions are very scalable, and there needs to be no global login server, since every users login query can be forwarded to his home instance, where his profile is loaded. The full search index could be put into a blockchain that every local instance joins - every instance crawls their area and publishes new results to the chain. You seem to know very little about how the internet works, yet you accuse me of raging.

    That the foss community can manage things like that has been proven for years. Debian mirror server network works in a similar way (they run their own loadbalancer ofc), while being cryptographically secure. And if you wanna see a federated login network like i described in action, just go to

    All these parts i described are existing technology and in global use. The combination is not, but there is nothing that would prevent a foundation from implementing search like this.

    LucidNightmare ,

    Saved. Thank you for your time and thoroughness!

    Dark_Arc , avatar

    I don’t mind you suggesting these, they’re cool projects, but the “coMmEnTs sHiLLinG kAgI” and “mAke UsE of tHat 10$ beTteR thAn KaGi” stuff is so unnecessary. I mean just… why?

    Smokeydope , (edited ) avatar

    I have a bad habit of mixing personal bias into things when I get into a passionate writing fit and it sometimes comes off as pretentious dickery. I never set out to attack kagi users themselves even if I can now see now it did come across and those comments were unneeded. I was being a pretentious jerk with those comments and apologize to all you kagi users for my assholery.

    I do think its a waste to spend money on a search engine, and that open source software instance maintainers could probably make use that $ better than another search engine startup. I am being honest with those personal opinions. But its not my place to judge those who decide they are in a well enough financial spot to pay $ for a service that adds precieved value to their life or where they decide to pay it to.

    Its fustrating as a FOSS nerd to see so many people shill yet another subscription based service feeding money into another souless company that makes promises of protecting your data and not selling it to ad companies now but has no gaurentee of holding those promises over time. That’s how the subscription services get you once they have you, slowly changing promises and creeping in their money making bs but slowly enough to not be too jarring. Maybe I’m just disillusioned with things after being burned so many times. Best of luck to you though I hope it continues to be a valuable service to those willing to pay for it.

    LesserAbe ,

    Thanks for the thoughtful reply. I’m not a kagi user, but I’ll put in a word for paying for services: a search engine requires time, equipment and hosting to run. Sure some kind people may be willing to run it free. But search in my opinion is an essential service. If it’s not working, I want there to be someone responsible, and (in the kindest sense) obliged to get it working.

    Going further, if there are new developments in the tech or new features to be implemented, I want there to be an incentive for the operator to implement them.

    I don’t turn to a hobbyist to give me eyeglasses or fix my car. Similarly I don’t turn to an advertiser. In some cases I fix my car myself, but when something is too complex or time intensive for me to handle I’m going to pay to ensure I have that essential good or service.

    pearsche ,

    I do think its a waste to spend money on a search engine

    I honestly believe that it’s good to pay for services if you find them good. FOSS does need the money but unless you want to wait for the long term, it’s not viable as a user.

    Its fustrating as a FOSS nerd to see so many people shill yet another subscription based service …

    I’m quite interested in FOSS stuff but I get disappointed by so much FOSS stuff I now just use whatever feels the best to me

    AllegedlyInsane ,

    Would also recommend whoogle. They have done public ones iirc but also hand a self hosted option (that I use behind a VPN) for those that line self hosted shit

    Moderator ,

    My issue with SearXNG is that I cannot natively use it on mobile (iOS). Might be a small issue for most but I need to be able to type into my browser’s search bar and it utilize that search engine. Open browser > navigate to search homepage > enter query is a lot slower, especially if I am out and about and need information quickly.

    If there is some way to configure this I’d love to hear about it, but Safari on iOS limits you to a handful of search engines. I use DDG today.

    AProfessional ,

    xSearch on the AppStore lets you use any search engine with Safari.

    Smokeydope , (edited ) avatar

    I did a quick search and found instructions to what I think you are asking for hopefully this helps. The query string for is “

    I have also heard Xsearch works

    neonspool , (edited ) also has the query string links for a multitude of different search engines, as well as a comparison of security tests and privacy policies and other functions

    Smokeydope , avatar

    Hey just to update I heard XSearch works if that other thing didn’t work out

    pearsche ,

    i have tried these alternate search engines and I have to always come back to google. A friend I trust a lot swears that kagi is the best search engine, and so do other people I know, so it must have some merit.

    sir_reginald , avatar

    I don’t know what the fuck is going on with Kagi on Lemmy. They must be using bots or paying people for promoting them. I just don’t get how people can trust them so much when they haven’t released the code for anything, they require you to be logged in which makes the user uniquely identifiable and therefore could easily correlate your searches to your identity (even if they claim not to, it’s just a “trust me, bro”)

    Amir , avatar

    Yeah it’s ridiculous, seems like there’s a shill army of this proprietary service here.

    ryannathans ,

    What is a kagi

    Deebster , avatar

    shilling kagi

    Shilling means that you’re claiming people (like me) who’ve been recommending Kagi are in fact secretly paid to do covert advertising.

    Are you using that word wrong, or do you actually believe that we’re all liars?

    autotldr Bot , to technology in OpenAI plans to announce Google search competitor on Monday, sources say

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Sign up here.

    The original article contains 3 words, the summary contains 3 words. Saved 0%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

    randomaccount43543 ,

    Bad bot

    9tr6gyp3 ,

    Ok but this is hilarious lol

    chakan2 , avatar

    I thought it was a really good representation of the OpenAI search engine.

    los_chill ,


    slaacaa ,

    Right to the point, good summary mate!

    paddirn ,

    The future is AI.

    WalnutLum ,

    The irony here is palpable

    Plasma , avatar


    ininewcrow , avatar

    I guess it’s better than … “On your knees meatbag”

    carlosfm ,

    Good bot

    Vex_Detrause ,

    Did the bot read a pay wall or is it an accurate summary?

    Legend ,

    I’m pretty sure the original article had more than three words mate . Also good bot .

    WhyYesZoidberg , to news in Russia's first lunar mission in 47 years smashes into the moon in failure

    did they mistake the moon for an ukrainian hospital or something?

    Cold_Brew_Enema ,


    MedicPigBabySaver , (edited ) to technology in Reddit seeks to launch IPO in March

    Fuck Reddit. Scumbags.

    RIP Aaron.

    FenrirIII , avatar


    hoshikarakitaridia ,

    RIP Aaron indeed. May his fighting spirit be the anchor point for any community that’s succeeding Reddit.

    ahriboy ,

    Aaron’s actions have inspired maia arson crimew.

    MrSilkworm , to technology in Fear of cheap Chinese EVs spurs automaker dash for affordable cars avatar

    Fear of cheap Chinese EVs spurs automaker dash for affordable cars

    fear of competition spurs automakers to make competitive products. FTFY

    electric_nan ,

    More like lobby for anticompetitive import laws.

    arin ,

    Asians bad, especially big C /s

    CeeBee ,

    Not “Asians”. Companies that follow the CCP’s policies and ways of doing business.

    What you did was typical pro-CCP misdirection. You took “fear of cheap Chinese EVs” and ran with that to “Asians bad”. Chinese are not all Asians and the CCP is not a race.


    abbotsbury , avatar

    What you did was typical pro-CCP misdirection

    Idk, I didn’t feel like they were pushing an agenda, can’t say the same about you.

    Ultragramps , avatar

    The generic application of “Asian” has been established as a habit of the ignorant. I have an example.

    abbotsbury , avatar

    I don’t know how that’s a response to me but thanks for the funny clip

    CeeBee ,

    Idk, I didn’t feel like they were pushing an agenda

    The conflation of “Asians” being always applied to China is a common CCP propaganda tactic. There are many Asian countries, like Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, etc. These places are known for good quality products. They are all Asian. So yes, pushing the racism angle on commentary of products coming from a country not known for quality is an agenda. And to be clear, I didn’t say “China doesn’t make quality products”, I said it’s not known for quality. Which is different from say bad quality outright.

    ferralcat ,

    The mere use of the words “cheap Chinese” in the title here is meant to inspire racism though. It’s intentional too. Our government encourages and spreads it to encourage Americans to view themselves as better or more valuable than Chinese people. It works.

    HaggierRapscallier ,

    China is just the new Japan. And on copyright, the US was big on intellectual piracy for decades and even had government department dedicated to stealing intellectual property from the British Empire.

    CeeBee , (edited )

    Your cheque from the CCP is in the mail

    Edit: I welcome the downvotes from the wumao

    abbotsbury , avatar

    That’s right, everyone that disagrees with you is a paid Chinese shill; you see very well adjusted.

    StuffYouFear ,

    Nah, more like people are tired of the “whataboutism”

    abbotsbury , avatar

    Idk what whataboutism you’re referring to, this comment chain started with someone referencing yellow peril and someone else getting triggered about it.

    HaggierRapscallier ,

    The downvote bots are out in force. No more Ukraine discourse to target for now I suppose.

    CeeBee ,

    The downvote bots are out in force.

    Yup. Once you go down the rabbit hole of what kind of CCP propaganda gets pushed constantly, it’s eye watering. I’ve been to China at its peak (2011), and I have multiple Chinese family members born and raised in China. The propaganda is no joke. It’s subtle and everywhere. You say “I think Chinese EVs aren’t safe”, then you’ll start getting accused of attacking “Asians”, which is a classic technique to push the argument from “manufacturing practices” right over to racism.

    Grimy ,

    I’ve never seen anyone get accused of attacking Asians for such a thing but I’ve seen “Chinese propaganda” to dismiss comments often.

    I think the main discussion right now is that western car companies are stalling the transition out of greed and getting the government to help them by banning the competition. This seems like oil company meddling to me.

    Your hate boner is causing you to completely miss the picture. For all this talk about propaganda, you are literally spewing out oil industry talking points.

    CeeBee ,

    you are literally spewing out oil industry talking points.

    Not at all. My original comment in this thread was replying to a comment that made it seem another person was vilifying “Asians” as opposed to talking about the technology.

    If you’re talking about my other comments in this post, then that’s still not true. I’m not saying, and haven’t said, that EVs are bad. I’m saying China is contributing to massive amounts of ecological damage. They produce massive amounts of of e-bikes and EVs, and then throw them into a field never to be used. This is being done to meet quotas so they can get government subsidies, and to boost numbers.

    It’s not about the damage of making batteries and other components, it’s the damage being done by creating those things at such a scale that a lot of it is wasteful and unnecessary. And to top it off, there’s going to be even more damage as those vehicles rot in those huge fields and leach harmful stuff into the ground.

    So no, I’m not “spewing out oil industry talking points”. I hate that people just assume what you’re saying without taking a moment to understand the context. The oil industry is among the nastiest groups of people to ever live, but that doesn’t give EV makers a free pass to do whatever. The reality is that, right now, making EVs is a dirty process. So it has to be done right and carefully, otherwise we won’t be around to see the benefits.

    mx_smith ,


    Jake_Farm , avatar

    Fear of automakers from country where slave labor is legal. FTFY

    macrocephalic ,

    Unregulated capitalism loves slavery, we just like to pretend it’s not there because it’s in a country with people who speak a different language (mostly).

    Uniquitous , to technology in Musk considers removing X platform from Europe over EU law - Insider

    What do we need to do to get him to remove it from America?

    Pons_Aelius , (edited )

    Join the EU.

    Or pass their Digital Services Act and GDPR Laws in the USA.

    Sadly, for the USA, each option is about as likely as the other.

    BolexForSoup , avatar

    Get New York and California to pass it. Might be enough. California has sort of done it lol

    Nougat ,

    California is the EU of America.

    SatanicNotMessianic ,

    I’d vote to create the EAU. I think there’s a real thirst for having some sanity over here.

    ThePantser , avatar

    Electronic Arts Union?

    SatanicNotMessianic ,

    It’s a pun to discreetly signal that I welcome our new French overlords.

    antonim ,

    As a EU citizen - no thanks, unless you get like ten seats in the EU parliament at most.

    SatanicNotMessianic ,

    As a Californian, I am fully used to being horrifically underrepresented proportionally in national politics, danke. Tax our billionaires. Give us healthcare. Make us use public transportation and drive on better roads. Do your worst. I triple dog dare you.

    PupBiru , avatar

    and as a citizen of a country other than the US, we’re very used to america being horrifically overrepresented in any sort of politics ever no matter what :p so swings and roundabouts i guess

    SatanicNotMessianic ,

    Okay, good note.

    What if we made Canameximerica first and then joined?

    I mean, I’m feeling a vibe here.

    PupBiru , avatar

    North American Union has a certain ring to it

    antonim ,

    Tax our billionaires.

    They’d probably bribe half the EU parliament and make it reduce the taxes in EU instead.

    Pons_Aelius ,
    Uniquitous ,

    Honestly can’t blame you.

    bioemerl ,

    Laws like these would thankfully get killed dead by the first amendment in the USA.

    Stop trying to kill the Internet with overbearing government regulations.

    ianovic69 , avatar

    Cries from the UK.

    uis , avatar

    I hear cries in British.

    “…and the tea is cold!”


    HughJanus ,

    Or pass their Digital Services Act

    Not likely. This act would never pass the 1st amendment check.

    Immersive_Matthew ,

    Just join Mastodon and you will not have to wait for Elon.

    Crow , to world in Iranian chess player who removed hijab gets Spanish citizenship avatar

    I guess she’s a Spanish chess player now. And that’s how brain drain works.

    otl , avatar

    A very gifted programmer I met from Iran had to do the same. Originally from Iran, he wanted to marry a girl from Myanmar. This was forbidden for some reason so they said “fuck it, let’s go to where there is loads of tech jobs”. I was working in the Netherlands at the time when I met them. He’s now flourishing in the open source software space over there. Brain drain 100%.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    Someone from Iran marrying someone from Myanmar in the Netherlands sounds like a movie musical… “Two oppressed people from different parts of the world find love in beautiful Amsterdam!”

    gro2bl ,

    Actually there is no problem to marry someone from a different country. The problem is you cannot marry with a non-muslim person, so he/she should accept Islam first. 😟😄 weird like many other rules! I don’t know if other religions have such restrictions or not, I would be happy to hear if someone knows.

    kanzalibrary , avatar

    The problem is you cannot marry with a non-muslim person, so he/she should accept Islam first.

    I’m a muslim and as far as I know, there’s no law that forbid you to marry non-muslim. There’s many muslim clerics or saints who are marry a non-muslim in history of Islam.

    But to do that, first you need to have a really strong faith so your partner in future will slowly understand and accept Islam by her/his own will. The common understanding that seems to not marry a non-muslim by many muslims because is not an easy path to have a relationship with different faith. Especially family and tradition on both side.

    The most common cases about this are men muslim married a woman non-muslim. On the opposite, is very rare cases that happen in history of Islam. Some (fiqh) law by clerics forbids woman muslim to married a men non-muslim, and some allowed that with requirement the woman need to have a strong faith first.

    I have many friends who’s their parents married with different religion (islam and christian, islam and shinto, islam and confucius). I admit is not an easy path than married with same religion as far I can see in my own cases, but I respect their choice…

    gro2bl ,

    I was talking about how it works in Iran

    kanzalibrary , (edited ) avatar

    Iran has more freedom than you think. Yes, the law about how to dress is very restricted there. But as far as I know for marriage law, Iran (Shia islam) surprisingly very flexible on that compared to other Islam sects. There’s no problem on marriage in Iran to married a non-muslim partner, even without any requirement (of course an agreement from both side men and woman is needed, even parents agreement are not needed for some Shia sects and its legal). But for sure exclusively, any muslim woman in Iran who’s not obey on how to dress properly according to Shia Islam (even she’s married with non-muslim), the punishment will severe.

    gro2bl , (edited )

    Do you live in Iran?!! If not then I should say I was living there and I know the law well. So I invite you to read more about the marriage law in Iran. Sorry, but freedom doesn’t make any sense in Iran.

    MarinaDiamandis ,

    Brain drain is one of those things that isn’t felt immediately, but over the course of months and years. Slow death :/

    GarbageShoot , to worldnews in Taiwan reports second large-scale China air force incursion this week

    Ten Chinese air force aircraft entered Taiwan’s air defence zone . . . Of those aircraft, the ministry said 10 had either crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait, which previously served as an unofficial barrier between the two sides, or entered the southwestern part of Taiwan’s air defence identification zone, or ADIZ.

    For those unfamiliar with the Air Defense Identification Zone:…/Air_Defense_Identification_Zon…

    Not only does it include a lot of water that isn’t part of the Strait, right off of China’s coast, it also includes a portion of Mainland China a few times larger than Taiwan itself.

    People like to talk like China is flying jets over Taipei City, but you can fly a plane from one city in Mainland China to another, only passing over land, and be in this zone. Mind you, I don’t think Taiwan having this zone is bad – countries generally should be aware of air traffic nearby – but this is part of a long history of alarmist headlines by western media regarding what is often very uninteresting air traffic in the PRC.

    matthew ,

    OK, but these articles arent alerting on that type of traffic, only when military aircraft are flying near Thailand, so whats the significance of the ADIZ extending into China in this context?

    Joncash2 ,

    That’s exactly what type of traffic these articles are alerting. Which is why there’s no need to even pay attention to it.

    Also Thailand has had Chinese military visit it’s country as well as trained with Chinese soldiers. If you know so little, why comment?

    matthew ,

    The quoted text in your reply says that the jets crossed a half way point over the sea. They were not over mainland China.

    This feels like having a conversation with bing’s chat bot.

    Joncash2 ,

    Ten Chinese air force aircraft entered Taiwan’s air defence zone . . . Of those aircraft, the ministry said 10 had either crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait, which previously served as an unofficial barrier between the two sides, or entered the southwestern part of Taiwan’s air defence identification zone, or ADIZ.

    This is what the original post quoted. Flying over international air space is NOT news worthy. Unless China does it, suddenly it’s news. And yes, in case you don’t understand, the median line IS international air space. In fact, that’s USA’s whole point of freedom of navigation is that anyone can fly or sail over that median line.

    So if your argument that countries shouldn’t freely fly or sail over the Taiwan Strait, you agree with China, NOT Taiwan.

    matthew ,

    My argument is that you shouldn’t fly military aircraft so close to a country in their ADIZ after stating you don’t believe they’re a country and that you will take them over with violent means if necessary.

    Joncash2 ,

    Ah classic, your all for rule of law until there’s an actor you don’t like following rule of law. Suddenly the law should change just for them. Hypocrite.

    RandAlThor OP ,

    So Chinese bots are on lemmy too now. You obviously didn’t read the article - “Of those aircraft, the ministry said 10 had either crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait, which previously served as an unofficial barrier between the two sides, or entered the southwestern part of Taiwan’s air defence identification zone, or ADIZ.”

    In international relations, militaries have defined and at times unspoken rules of engagement. This was NOT routine flight over mainland China that you are making out to be, but was a clear breach of said protocols. Thus Taiwan sent its fighter jets to observe the Chinese military aircraft.

    GarbageShoot ,

    I literally quoted the part that you just also quoted, which specifies that some of the craft were merely in the ADIZ, the one thing I was talking about in my comment

    Outdoor_Catgirl , avatar

    Bro the amerikkkan navy sails it’s boats there. Silence, drone.

    BeamBrain , avatar

    Uhhh, that’s obviously different, America is a white western country and so it owns the world

    zephyrvs ,

    I’m so tired of the notion that anyone not being in line with certain narratives is automatically considered a drone.

    ShimmeringKoi , avatar

    Like 6ish years ago we all, liberals and leftists together, were creeped out by the right’s sudden proliferation of “NPC” memes, correctly pointing out how dehumanizing it is and conjecturing darkly about what exactly this kind of rhetoric was priming these people for. Now, the overton window’s so fucked that the we’ve normalized deploying the exact same invective against anyone who speaks up on behalf of humanity and against a US-dominated world. I’ve driven past the ruins of the Japanese concentration camps out in the miserable desert, and to know that so many people around me who act self-righteous but stand for nothing would rebuild those camps at the snap of a finger, or the running of an op-ed, or a scary news story…well, these people may haughtily object to being called blue MAGA, but that sure doesn’t stop them from doing absolutely fucking everything they can to earn the label.

    Zoboomafoo , avatar

    Waving the Japanese internment camps in our faces isn’t some sort of gotcha. We acknowledge their existence and try to do better.

    Meanwhile your type denies that Uyghur camps exist, or claim that they’re some sort of benign summer camp

    rjs001 , avatar

    Do I deny aliens when I say there is no evidence for there existence?

    panopticon ,

    So Chinese bots are on lemmy too now.

    Amazing how comfortable you are being racist on a public forum.

    Anyway, people should look at and take note of how far Taiwan’s ADIZ extends into Fujian province of mainland China and the open ocean (which is the southwest corner the PRC’s airplanes were supposedly encroaching on). These articles are obviously published to make China seem more aggressive than it really is. Meanwhile the US, with the most powerful navy in the world, parades its warships through the Taiwan strait, which for some reason is not seen as a threat or provocation. Also Taiwan claims the mainland as its own territory. Oh, poor little Taiwan. Lol, get off it.

    RandAlThor OP ,

    How is calling out a Chinese bot or Russian bot racist? You are obviously pro-China and you didn’t read the article. That makes you a Chinese bot.

    DoiDoi , avatar

    “How am I being racist? I’m just assuming anyone who disagrees with me must be a certain ethnicity and/or bot.”

    This really isn’t too complicated. Stop using Chinese as a pejorative and “bot” as a thought terminating cliche. It prevents any meaningful discussion, and yes, it’s also very racist.

    RIPandTERROR , avatar

    Hush hexbear

    minorsecond ,

    Damn I wish my instance wasn’t federated with them.

    RandAlThor OP ,

    The term isn’t being used as a pejorative. The term is being used as an adjective to a pro-chinese social media commentator. Mister Doi Doi with NO history in lemmy.

    immuredanchorite ,

    The term isn’t being used as a pejorative. The term is being used as an adjective to a pro-chinese social media commentator. Mister Doi Doi with NO history in lemmy.

    Got’em. You should post hog

    Sasuke , avatar

    you’re suffering from some seriousreddit-logo brain poisoning

    5ublimation , avatar

    hog out or logout

    commiewithoutorgans , avatar
    NoGodsNoMasters ,

    Mister Doi Doi with NO history in lemmy.

    Their account is two years old and has two years of history. Idk if that doesn’t show up for you or something, but it is indeed there.

    silent_water , avatar

    Chinese refers to the people who live there or who’s families emigrated from there, not randos online who don’t support the rabid NATO line. your racism is showing.

    panopticon ,
    radiofreeval , avatar

    You are obviously pro-West so you are a Western bot.

    RandAlThor OP ,

    I am anti-Winnie the pooh led mainland expansionist imperial China.

    radiofreeval , avatar

    A racist bot at that…

    DoiDoi , avatar

    Is this supposed to be another example of you not being racist? Comparing the president of china to a yellow cartoon character?

    RandAlThor OP ,

    Oh Winnie the Pooh is a common affectionate nickname for Xi on the internet. Do you not know that comrade?

    DoiDoi , avatar

    Yeah I’m fully aware that there are a lot of racists online

    GarbageShoot ,

    Did you know that the “nickname” derived from a myth of the character being banned in China when it is not?

    Landrin201 , avatar

    And the racism, don’t forget the racism!

    rjs001 , avatar

    It’s a term by white supremacists.

    AccountVerificationBot , (edited )


    Your account has been flagged for bot-like activity.

    Please review the Posting Policy Bulletin, and post hog for account verification.

    This is an automated message. If you believe you have received this in error click here to opt out of future communications.

    NoGodsNoMasters ,

    This is amazing o7

    aaaaaaadjsf , avatar

    Didn’t take long for that one to come out, accused of being racist and immediately compares the leader of China to a yellow cartoon bear lmao. Incredible

    What’s wrong with Winnie the Pooh anyways? Who doesn’t want to live the rest of their life eating honey and being a loving, caring member of their community?

    RandAlThor OP ,

    I’m so flattered your first comment or post EVER in 3 years is to me. bye!

    DoiDoi , avatar

    That is one of the top all time posters over on hexbear. I’m not sure why you keep thinking that established posters are new bot accounts, but it’s absolutely not helping you to look less ridiculous

    somename ,


    aaaaaaadjsf , avatar

    The instance I’m a part of (hexbear) just federated with Lemmy dot ml a week ago. So I don’t have many comments on here obviously. I am unfortunately addicted to the internet and have way more comments than that on my accounts main instance. I wish this was my only comment in 3 years lol. Could have got so much done instead of wasting time on my phone.

    Bnova , avatar

    Cope and cry more racist.

    silent_water , avatar
    ComradeChairmanKGB , (edited ) avatar

    Imagine going off on people for the age of their account when you’ve been here for 2 months (reddit refugee) lmao. You don’t have the highground here and your feigned elitism makes you look like a clown.

    somename ,

    If you want to not show yourself as a bot, you should at least be creative in your racism.

    immuredanchorite ,

    “Yeah, I am comparing the leader of China to a yellow bear, but it is totally not racist guys. I really care about the chinese people” frothingfash

    GarbageShoot ,

    Was West Germany expansionist?

    Landrin201 , avatar

    You’re expecting this person to know any of this history of China before 2000

    rjs001 , avatar

    One point for racist debate pervert!

    ShimmeringKoi , avatar

    You are obviously pro-China (…). That makes you a Chinese bot.

    At long last, we’ve reached the molten core of psychotic liberal solipsism

    Landrin201 , avatar

    Dudes making us wheel of time fans look fucking terrible smh

    Fuckass ,

    Anti Chinese government, pro Chinese people. Just don’t mention how many Chinese people actually support their government

    panopticon , (edited )

    Sir or Ma’am, I am a US citizen of Chinese descent and I assure you that you are being a cracker, and you can stop any time.

    My bias is towards peace and against interfering in other countries’ internal affairs. Taiwan is part of China, this was settled in 1972. It’s only in recent years that the US has taken a hostile stance against the PRC since its peaceful economic rise has started to threaten US hegemony. This is not my fight, it’s not your fight, it is the fight of the US ruling class—its political establishment and its financial oligarchs. China and the US should be allies, and we should be putting our combined labor into decarbonization, healing the ecosphere, reparations for the global south, and preparing communities for the effects of climate change.

    Also, my family immigrated from Hong Kong before it was released from British rule, so by your logic I should be against China, which I’m not, because I’m capable of critical thinking.

    Oh, and one more thing: countdown

    Sasuke , avatar

    You are obviously pro-China . . . That makes you a Chinese bot.

    you, oh enlightened reddit-logo one, could you perhaps explain to us what the word ‘bot’ means?

    space_comrade ,

    You sound completely deranged.

    420blazeit69 ,

    Need a Sopranos comm.

    “You sound demented!”

    yogthos , avatar

    That’s precisely the sort of argument one would expect from a NAFO bot. Hope you earned enough FICO credit points to buy food tonight.

    randint ,

    Yes, the ADIZ includes part of China, but this article is mainly about jets crossing the median line of Taiwan Strait. Also I don’t think Taiwan gets mad over any jets intruding the “overclaimed” part of the ADIZ.

    ThereRisesARedStar ,

    but this article is mainly about jets crossing the median line of Taiwan Strait

    It says the jets did that OR were in the southwest zone. It is intentionally vague alarmism.

    AOCapitulator , avatar

    Bruh lmao

    Grimble ,

    of fucking course lol, ugh

    AssortedBiscuits , avatar

    Least Sinophobic Canadian

    immuredanchorite ,

    You both quoted the same exact piece of text. You said they didn’t read the article but you didn’t even bother to read their comment?

    You are calling a human being a bot, literally dehumanizing them, because they don’t have the same hatred of China as you. You should really check yourself. You are full of hatred and ideological poison. It is clear from your comment that you have limited literacy skills and understanding, you should check out some other perspectives and try to broaden your horizons. Here is one. This is also another incredible resource with a lot of essays and information with a different perspective

    RandAlThor OP ,

    Oh another no post history user! welcome to fediverse!

    immuredanchorite ,

    What would that have to do with anything? You should log off and touch grass, bigot.

    CloutAtlas ,

    …are you aware you can’t see people’s post histories if you click their username on and you have to visit their home instance?

    booty , avatar

    the user you just replied to made their account a year ago and has an extensive post history

    Landrin201 , avatar

    And yet that dude is the one calling people bots

    randint , (edited )

    We should give @RandAlThor benefit of the doubt. Sometimes when people view other’s profile from another instance, the post history shows up empty.

    booty , avatar

    benefit of the doubt.


    aaaaaaadjsf , avatar

    Yeah I think that is what’s happening. I’ve tried to explain it to them in a reply

    Frank , avatar

    No no never engage their statement on it’s alleged merits. Kick them in the [redacted] and then ask them why they can’t walk while laughing. It is the weirding way.

    Sasuke , avatar

    So Chinese bots are on lemmy too now


    Frank , avatar

    Beep boop I have been programmed to make really fucking cool historical dramas beep boop (This is my stereotype about China idk what else happens there I just really like Three Kingdoms adaptations did y’all see 2008’s Red Cliff it was dope af! John Woo directing!)

    WIIHAPPYFEW , avatar




    RonJonGuaido , avatar stands for mega-lib smdh

    BelieveRevolt ,

    Everyone who disagrees with me must be a bot.

    I bet your response will contain one of more of the following: Winnie the Pooh, social credit, comrade, Uyghurs. Yet you call others bots, lmao.

    MadSurgeon ,

    Uyghurs are experiencing a genocide in China and you think it’s spamming to bring it up?

    yogthos , avatar

    I can’t believe people are still trying to peddle this conspiracy theory in year 2023.

    rjs001 , avatar

    Did you hear that on Fox News?

    Dirt_Owl ,

    Looks like you were correct on all of those predictions susie-laugh

    Frank , avatar
    BeamBrain , avatar

    RandAlThor, more like AynRandAlThor

    420blazeit69 ,

    Lenin’s only mistake was giving Ayn Rand an education

    socsa ,

    First day? Lemmygrad brigades every worldnews thread about China or Russia.

    brain_in_a_box ,

    Learn how federation works. Or better yet, go back to reddit.

    ShimmeringKoi , avatar

    When I am exposed to multiple people who disagree with me, that’s brigading

    socsa ,

    You seem upset

    brain_in_a_box ,
    socsa ,

    Seems reasonable

    brain_in_a_box ,

    U mad?

    socsa ,

    Not really

    brain_in_a_box ,

    You sound mad

    socsa ,


    brain_in_a_box ,
    socsa ,

    Good point

    Civility ,


    5ublimation , avatar
    socsa ,

    Do you have anything to contribute or are you just trolling?

    brain_in_a_box ,

    You seem upset

    AccountVerificationBot , (edited )


    Your account has been flagged for bot-like activity.

    Please review the Posting Policy Bulletin, and post hog for account verification.

    This is an automated message. If you believe you have received this in error click here to opt out of future communications.

    GarbageShoot ,

    Did you ever check out that thread on lemmygrad I made for you? You never said anything but you might have just forgotten.

    socsa ,

    I glanced at it. But you see what’s happening here right? These people have no interest in anything but trolling.

    GarbageShoot , (edited )

    I mean, it was made solely for your benefit (though I did like reading it). For your convenience, here it is again.

    They are mocking you because they have assessed you as not interested in really engaging with people. If you were more unassuming, the response would be different. It sucks to be dogpiled-on, it has happened to me – with this very group no less – but it’s good to try to have some perspective of the limits of the implications of such behavior.

    Also hexbear is just a little excited to have liberals to use as punching bags via federation, so there’s definitely a bit of a hair trigger. I generally prefer to stick to my own ways of talking with people for various reasons, but I struggle to find serious fault with them when I am essentially doing the same thing in my own way with others, and OP seriously brought this upon themselves by posting such a stupid, misleading, and alarmist article (see the comments about the Taiwan ADIZ from myself and others).

    Edit: also I checked back and yeah, you were picking a fight. Liberal complains about “brigading,” socialist A criticizes them, socialist B riffs on socialist A’s comment, then you come and reply to socialist B with “You seem upset,” which I would struggle to read as anything other than condescending and terse. I misread

    It’s not like you said “Hey, what about the Taiwan Strait part?” and got people screaming “HOG OUT OR LOG OUT!”

    socsa , (edited )

    I don’t think I’ve expressed any liberal sentiments here at all.

    I legitimately don’t care either way tbh. All this does is once again reinforce the idea that leftist spaces on the Internet are hostile to anything besides a very narrow set of ideas which makes up a very small and myopic subset of leftist thought. I am not here to cure anyone’s ignorance. I am engaging earnestly with you because you are actually making an effort to converse instead of just posting literal pig shit.

    brain_in_a_box ,

    You sound upset

    RoomAndBored , avatar


  • Loading...
  • socsa , (edited )

    I read GS’s thread, what do you want me to say? I have more personal, firsthand experience with China than anyone commenting there? I have family there? I speak the language? I have an actual stake in Chinese society? I think we’ve seen conclusively that none of that matters if you do a wrongspeak.

    GS even admits that the brigading is obnoxious then goes on to defend it. Like I said, this is well beyond my ability to truly care, I was just really hoping that lemmy would be a place people could discuss these topics instead of just trolling, and then having double standards when someone else gently pushes back.

    Edit - improper pronoun

    brain_in_a_box ,

    Again, learn what federation is or go back to reddit. No one is “brigading”

    You also can’t say you were pushing back when you were trolling right out the gate and every other comment is in reply to you.

    GarbageShoot ,

    GS even admits that the brigading is obnoxious then goes on to defend it.

    Dogpiling and brigading are two different things. Brigading is (at least loosely) coordinated, dogpiling is something people do when they are there, coordinated or not. The algorithm just happened to put this thread near the top on Hexbear, which is only federated with a handful of instances, as can be seen by the fact that I was the very first person to comment on it (next was op, then myself again, iirc). It is categorically false to my knowledge that this thread was “brigaded,” a bunch of people with similar opinions on this issue just all saw the thread.

    And it is obnoxious, but “obnoxious” doesn’t mean “evil,” especially when you were speaking so derisively about the people you had to have seen made up the bulk of the thread when you made your first comment. Honestly, what did you expect? In most political communities you’d get a very similar reaction, and I’d prefer a single emote to a “Crimes of China” copypasta filling up my inbox.

    socsa ,

    I did use the word obnoxious, and not the word evil.

    GarbageShoot ,

    Scare quotes are used for discussing definitions, as in, uh . . . “socialism” is not “when the government does stuff”. I was not meaning to convey that you used a word that you plainly did not, just highlighting that me agreeing to something being obnoxious does not mean agreeing to it being seriously wrong (which in common parlance might be called “evil”).

    GarbageShoot ,

    Whoops, I misread the reply chain pretty severely, you can ignore the edit. You were picking a fight, but not along the lines I wrote there.

    I don’t they’ve expressed any liberal sentiments here at all.

    Neoliberal is a subset of liberal (in the traditional philosophical sense, not American vernacular), and there is a very clear divide in the thread between neoliberal and socialist.

    I legitimately don’t care either way tbh.

    With due respect, you’re just a little Not Mad, but let’s not belabor the point. I’ve been Not Mad too, it’s not a sin.

    All this does is once again reinforce the idea that leftist spaces on the Internet are hostile to anything besides a very narrow set of ideas which makes up a very small and myopic subset of leftist thought

    There are a bunch of things wrong with this, starting with that the article was misleading dogshit and deserves to be mocked. Beyond that, the cultural clique of Hexbear can be myopic, but I think that it does not compare negatively to modern neoliberals in this respect. It is much more interested in international perspectives rather than the perspective of the “international community” (i.e. the EU + the Anglosphere + the most convenient elements of Taiwan, Japan, and SK). They quite frequently read neoliberal writing and listen to neoliberal speeches and so on, while neoliberals are usually content to hear about anything to do with their opposition exclusively through second- and third-hand reporting by their own media.

    Which leads me into my next point, that “tankies” etc. are readily called fringe by liberals on the internet, but internationally represent a very common set of opinions (or a strong overlap therewith). It is itself myopia to dismiss the opinions of Chinese and many other people in the imperial periphery and consider only the opinions of the imperial core when evaluating what people think and what “leftist thought” consists of. You could not serious believe, for example, that the Collected Writings of Chairman Mao are important to only a “small subset of leftist thought,” right? Sure, you are unlikely to know anyone – or even to have ever met anyone in your real life – who regards such a thing positively, but your personal experiences are not the world.

    As an aside, the “bot” rhetoric that the liberals so often display is not really helping your case about the tankies being especially closed-minded.

    I am not here to cure anyone’s ignorance.

    Do you see how most people would not be interested in talking with someone who says things like this? That level of condescension rarely produces anything other than scorn.

    “You are being condescending to me too!”

    Sure, I don’t think that’s an unreasonable view (though not my intention), but I am nonetheless explaining and substantiating my differences rather than merely denouncing what you say as “ignorant,” and even if we nonetheless accept my fault, that just results in a criticism towards both of us rather than solely towards me.

    I am engaging earnestly with you because you are actually making an effort to converse instead of just posting literal pig shit.

    I would not have replied at all if I didn’t recognize your username. You hadn’t been saying anything in this thread that someone would normally think merits a serious response. You were derisive right out of the gate. To act this way and then complain about other people not turning the other cheek and speaking patiently to you is silly.

    I promise you that if you make an alt (preferably with a different username in case people are grumpy with the interaction here) and post a thread on asklemmygrad or askchapo to the effect of “Hey, I’m a [whatever you call your flavor of liberalism], but I want to learn about what you believe on various topics and what you think of certain criticisms . . .” you will get mostly responses that are earnest. If you expect people to be polite and unassuming towards you when you begin by being aggressive and presumptuous, you will almost exclusively be disappointed, and I don’t just mean that for interacting with commies.

    socsa ,

    Ignorance, once again, being the idea that ML orthodoxy is the only “true socialism.” We’ve been over this already and I’m not sure there’s much point in carrying on this conversation if you are going to intentionally misrepresent politics I have articulated to you a number of times.

    And to be honest, it sounds like you are the one doing a lot of speaking for the Chinese while making a lot of assumptions about my relationship with Chinese society. I don’t really feel the need to justify any of this to you or trade cultural credentials. That honestly feels offensive and chauvinist.

    I do appreciate the discussion though. I hope we can continue this in a different setting somehow.

    GarbageShoot ,

    Ignorance, once again, being the idea that ML orthodoxy is the only “true socialism.”

    That is not the hexbear line and not even relevant to the thread. Being an anarchist or whatever you like doesn’t mean believing western smears of China – like this incredibly poor article that you keep talking around.

    We’ve been over this already and I’m not sure there’s much point in carrying on this conversation if you are going to intentionally misrepresent politics I have articulated to you a number of times.

    I remember now from that conversation a week ago that you insist on being some type of socialist but I am pretty sure you never specified.

    And to be honest, it sounds like you are the one doing a lot of speaking for the Chinese

    It’s not an unfounded opinion that the CPC has strong popular support. That doesn’t mean the majority of China is ML in any serious way – plainly, they don’t seem to be – but it does support the view that articles like this are a completely bullshit characterization of the PRC - RoC situation and most people in China (and many other countries in the imperial periphery) would agree.

    while making a lot of assumptions about my relationship with Chinese society. I don’t really feel the need to justify any of this to you or trade cultural credentials.

    Reading another comment you made in this thread: Whoops, I guess you probably have met a Marxist or two. That wasn’t terribly important to my argument, I was merely speculating on how you might have developed you false opinions. Given this new information, I don’t have a new guess.

    I don’t care about your life and wasn’t attempting to initiate some identity game, I merely try to understand things in terms of how ideology is downstream from personal circumstances, and how an ideology that is well-suited to one’s personal circumstances can nonetheless lead them to have a distorted view of the world outside their experience. I support your inclination to not discuss these details with me but invite you to reflect on them to yourself in this context.

    ThereRisesARedStar ,

    They claim to be an anarcho-syndicalist.

    silent_water , avatar

    being the idea that ML orthodoxy is the only “true socialism.”

    hexbear literally bans anyone who posts this unironically. there’s a strict rule against sectarianism.

    brain_in_a_box ,

    You sound upset

    Civility ,


    silent_water , avatar
    AssortedBiscuits , avatar

    crying about brigades like some loser Redditor

    zephyreks ,


    not “and”, “or”.

    The southwestern quadrant of Taiwan’s ADIZ overlaps with China’s ADIZ. If anything, Taiwan is overclaiming their ADIZ.

    yogthos , avatar

    back to reddit with you

    ProxyTheAwesome ,

    Lmao Taiwan existing is bad

    GarbageShoot ,

    Yeah, obviously it’s a glorified puppet state but there’s no point in arguing from that standpoint here. If a country is to exist, it should know about local air traffic, that’s all I’m saying.

    ProxyTheAwesome ,

    It is not to exist. I don’t care about their air borders and I hope China flies wherever they please within Chinese territory like Chinese Taipei

    GarbageShoot ,

    The PRC wants a peaceful reunification, which would not be aided by them continuously flying military jets over the island. I, too, would prefer peaceful reunification, which means some level of cooperation and tolerance is necessary.

    ProxyTheAwesome ,

    It’s going to require might and pressure and gunboat diplomacy, it’s denial and liberalism to pretend colonialists just give up their holdings

    GarbageShoot ,

    The RoC won’t give up their holdings in the interest of human benefit, but liberalism shows us that there are countless ways to skin a cat. The RoC is not autarkic and is very dependent on its NATO friends and its trading partners. As the US wanes and third world nations stand up, the support for Taiwanese nationalism will surely dwindle, and RoC leadership may be put in a position where their best offer is clearly to reunify.

    randint ,

    A glorified puppet state? What do you mean?

    AntiOutsideAktion , avatar

    Taiwan is a rump state of the despotism that existed before the Maoist revolution. When the government fled to the island, the US backed them up and prevented the revolution from purging them from power and uniting the whole country under one flag. They exist today as they are because of western intervention, and is therefore a puppet state. I disagree with ‘glorified’ considering it’s taboo internationally to even call them a state.

    GarbageShoot ,

    I started writing out a timeline but I don’t know what position you’re asking from so I will say for the sake of brevity that the US kept the KMT from being run out of all of China so that the US could us the island as a threat against China – as it also attempted to do in Korea when it had more-or-less complete control of the southern half. Taiwan spent about 40 years as a military dictatorship killing tens of thousands of dissidents, native Formosans, and others (this was called the “White Terror”), while their patron the US looked the other way while it pumped resources into the country (for the ruling class, mind you) to use the island as a sweatshop site in the interim. This legacy and its connections to fellow US puppet South Korea and US ally Japan go a long way to explaining its current capacity in manufacturing, which make up its other value to the US besides geographical position.

    Both Taiwan and SK have made various attempts to assert themselves (with some success in both cases), but with the pathetic diplomatic position of the former and the continued military occupation of the latter by the US, I think “puppet state” is a fair title for them, perhaps as much as Israel, but that’s its own can of worms.

    I didn’t really intend on getting into litigating this topic, but I’m happy to discuss it as best I can.

    randint ,

    I started writing out a timeline but I don’t know what position you’re asking from so I will say for the sake of brevity that the US kept the KMT from being run out of all of China […] which make up its other value to the US besides geographical position.

    Yes, I know about its not-so-glorious past and the White Terror. Thousands of innocent civilians were killed. It was terrible. However, I must respectfully disagree with you on the “puppet state” part. I don’t think that Taiwan is a puppet state. The US sponsoring Taiwan is a thing of the past. Neither is a pathetic diplomatic position a good reason for being a puppet state.

    silent_water , avatar

    if US support dropped overnight, reunification with the mainland would become inevitable. it’s a puppet state in the sense that it’s propped up by the might of the US/NATO military.

    randint ,

    ehh yeah I guess so

    Corkyskog ,

    It’s kind of a weird way to define a puppet state IMO, because you could make the same case for a lot of countries. Like the US supports the Mexican government, and would have likely already been overthrown by the Sinoloa Cartel without US support. So is Mexico a puppet state?

    randint ,

    Hey now that you mention this, it does kind of make less sense. But I think I should be taking a break from this horrible post. There is no use arguing with someone that is completely unwilling to change their mind. Look at my comment history. I’ve already wasted hours.

    GarbageShoot ,

    I didn’t see this reply before. The other commenter has it right that the relevance of its pathetic diplomatic position is that it is being propped up by the US/NATO and ultimately depends on them to exist apart from the PRC, which makes it very difficult to oppose them. Incidentally, does the US not sponsor Taiwan? Even just recently there was this, which sure seems like sponsorship to me.

    randint ,

    Apparently being sponsored by a foreign state is now counted as being a puppet state?

    GarbageShoot ,

    That part was in response to you saying:

    The US sponsoring Taiwan is a thing of the past

    I could have formatted it better, but the rest was focused on the puppet part and then I prefaced the sponsorship part with “Incidentally” to indicate changing over to an adjacent subject.

    StalinForTime , avatar

    Not only did the US turn a blind eye to the White Terror, but they were positively gleeful about it, as a key target of it was of course not only indigeneous-politics based, but fundamentally anti-communist.

    Indeed a basic presupposition of the US providing you such extensive economic support, as a forward base in Asia against communism, is that you crush any opposition to its ‘proper’ functioning as such an economic and military asset. That supposes that you will crush any radical, labor, trade-union, let alone explicitly socialist or communist activity which appears to challenge the state.

    oatscoop ,

    Cool, so lets ask the people living there (not those in power) what they want with their country.

    … oh.

    AssortedBiscuits , avatar
    randint ,

    Do you even know why the pro-independence party (DPP) lost so badly in the local election for mayors? Because the people were disappointed in what DPP had done with the economy, not because they didn’t agree with the foreign policies DPP was pushing! (Please note that I’m not saying most people agree.) In local elections, people are going to choose whoever they believe would be the best for the city/county, not the one whose views on China they agree with.

    Additionally, if you look at the latest opinion poll for the presidental election next year, you’d be surprised to find out that the candidate from the pro-independence party is leading.

    Source: am Taiwanese

    ps. you made a typo in your comment. it was the 2022 local election, not 2020.

    5ublimation , avatar

    foreign policy is an area famously known for not having economic impacts clueless

    meth_dragon , avatar

    Because the people were disappointed in what DPP had done with the economy

    inciting conflict with your biggest trading partner does tend to have negative effects on the economy

    randint ,

    Well yeah I guess, but really it’s more about the policies they had been pushing domesticlly

    meth_dragon , avatar

    i am sure the success or failure of those domestic policies were not in the least contingent on international political conditions. the economic policies of an island that imports 97% of its energy with a food self sufficiency rate of around 30% and exports accounting for 70% of gdp can in no way be considered to be overexposed or at risk to trade fluctuations and even if that were the case, i am sure that foreign policy would not play an outsize role in determining the magnitude or periodicity of said trade fluctuations.

    AssortedBiscuits , avatar

    People forget that the PRC blocked various imports to the ROC after Pelosi pulled her stunt. The KMT is the “economics party” mostly because it knows not to rock the boat and maintain the status quo.

    anoncpc ,

    They’re more like pro japan party to me.

    oatscoop , (edited )

    Because a poll asking a direct question is a hell of a lot more accurate in gauging how the population feels about the issue.

    Political parties can lose elections for their stances/actions outside their main one – which seems to have been the case per the actual person from Taiwan that responded to your comment. It doesn’t matter what a party is called or what their main goals are if they’re bad at their job.

    If and when the people of Taiwan decide they want reunification, it will happen. Thankfully Beijing isn’t going to be allowed to force the issue.

    AssortedBiscuits , avatar

    You want polls, how about this poll conducted by a Taiwanese university where the majority of Taiwanese want neither reunification nor independence, but the status quo? The majority of Taiwanese people wanting the status quo lines up with how the pro-independence party ate shit while the pro-status quo party made huge gains. The DPP got BTFO so hard the current DPP president Tsai Ing-wen had to resign as party head.

    randint ,

    The majority of Taiwanese people has always wanted to remain status quo, as indicated by the two triangle data lines in the plot. Since declaring independence is basically asking China to attack and that peaceful reunification is not desirable (for >90% of the population) either, the majority are of course pro-status quo. It does not line up with how DPP ate shit last year.

    GarbageShoot ,

    peaceful reunification is not desirable (for >90% of the population)

    Again, this was “forced” reunification in that poll, i.e. military takeover. Of course people oppose that. I think at least the plurality opinion is against peaceful reunification under the PRC too, but it’s not by as high a margin.

    randint ,

    No, it was NOT “forced” reunification. The two reunification choices in that poll were “unification as soon as possible” and “maintain status quo, move towards unification,” neither of which is forced.

    GarbageShoot ,

    Which poll was this? The last one I saw linked was garbage along these lines though I don’t think it was that exact one.

    randint ,

    The one linked to in

    GarbageShoot ,

    Oh, fair enough

    randint ,

    Thank you for mentioning me. Makes me feel like not all people on this thread is pro-China. :D

    Tankiedesantski ,

    Like asking yankoids what they want to do with “their land”, the question is pointless and only serves to legitimize a faulty preposition.

    The ROC also still claims to be the legitimate government of all of China (plus Mongolia and a sizable chunk of Russia) so its not like they’re just sitting there minding their own business either.

    AssortedBiscuits , avatar

    The ROC also claims the South China Sea as its own and has build naval bases in there. Even the DPP doesn’t want to give up those naval bases. So, it’s the Republic of Taiwan to stick it to the Mainland commies, but “akctually, we’re the Republic of China, and the South China Sea is part of Chinese naval waters, so we get to build as many naval bases as we want” to Vietnam and Indonesia.

    Tankiedesantski ,

    It’s schrodinger’s China. Simultaneously an independent smol bean democracy and the only legitimate inheritor of a 4000 year old empire.

    ElHexo ,

    Plus 11 dash line

    Frank , avatar

    Taiwhat? I Thought it was called the Republic of China, and everyone’s been telling me China bad!

    Fake4000 OP , to technology in Reddit started doing what they always wanted to do, sell user content to AI.

    Shit move from Reddit. Glad I jumped ship to lemmy.

    Honestly, lemmy has less users compared to Reddit, yet you still get more engagement.

    DarkNightoftheSoul , (edited ) avatar

    The only engagement you actually get is on super-niche subreddits. Other than that, the “engagement” you get on reddit is largely indistinguishable from bot traffic.

    Haagel ,

    💍 Will you marry me?

    DarkNightoftheSoul , avatar

    Can you pass a capcha?

    wise_pancake ,

    Are you implying I can’t pick out bridges or motorcycles? I definitely can, but I won’t do it for you as some kind of sick parlor trick.

    Speaking of tricks, did you know there are singles in your area!

    DarkNightoftheSoul , avatar

    Sexy singles- In my area? Are there any weird tricks they don’t want me to know? Just one would probably work.

    Lemminary ,

    They can make entire hot dogs disappear! Crazy, right?

    One bite at a time, you sickos. Omg, you pervs.

    balancedchaos ,

    …didn’t have to be the mouth. I’m still impressed.

    VubDapple ,

    You just engaged.

    AbidanYre ,

    Or admitted to being a bot.

    Spacemanspliff ,

    This isn’t Reddit though.

    AbidanYre ,

    I feel like that comment was edited to be less ambiguous.

    DarkNightoftheSoul , avatar

    I added “on reddit” when I saw people were misunderstanding me.

    rebelsimile ,

    I come to Lemmy to read threads of people arguing about whether or not they’re talking to each other at all. This is doing it for me.

    OpenStars , avatar

    Your stipud ! (both sic and /s btw) -> there, now you don’t have to go back to Reddit to recall the nostalgia, you are … welcome, I guess?:-D

    Lemminary ,

    Ahhh, that’s the stuff. 🤤 Do it again.

    OpenStars , avatar

    Your (sic) WRONG!

    About EVRRTYHIGN! (sic)

    I may know nothing myself, but I still have an opinion and will share it with you, consent be damned!

    Why I… [Reddit cap exceeded, please deposit $10 to continue conversation].

    sigmaklimgrindset ,


    (Did that do it?)

    EatATaco ,

    You are glad that you jumped to where AI companies can get the information for free, but are mad at Reddit for getting paid for it.

    I can’t make any sense of this.

    grue ,

    It’s like the difference between volunteering and being forced to do community service.

    EatATaco ,

    In neither case are you forced to do anything so this doesn’t make any sense either.

    TORFdot0 ,

    The difference is that Lemmy admins across the fediverse aren’t making the user experience worse so they can sell the data to corporations for LLM training

    EatATaco ,

    So it’s really that the user experience is getting worse. Feeding ai has nothing to do with it.

    ultra ,

    I’d rather have AI companies have my data for free than reddshit gettong paid for it

    tacofox ,

    First of all, tacos are friends, not food…

    Secondly, I think it’s more important what they did to achieve this goal, locking down the API behind a paywall was their way of creating value in their data. They knew then that it would be too expensive for independent developers to pay for but didn’t care. They knew the money would be coming AI data brokers.

    AtariDump ,
    Quadhammer ,

    If gollum and Steve Buscemi had a secret baby

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