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derGottesknecht ,

Latex is no versioning tool but a textsetting language. It outputs perfectly formatted Documents after building and takes care of aranging images, quotes and all the tedious stuff so after setting up your template you only have to care about content. It works well with git.

Not like word where adding an image fucks the whole formatting.

derGottesknecht ,

I’m a softwaredev too, we use this for our manual. Its writen in markdown, which we convert with pandoc to latex. We can use git for versioning and merging and the manuals always look very nice.

derGottesknecht ,

You train neuronal networks with labeled data and those captchas are used to create the labels. Its not specified in the code what a bicycle is, but in the training data.

derGottesknecht ,

The user you replied to probably build his pc from parts and thus not paid indirectly to Microsoft.

derGottesknecht ,

He said he took pictures of old xp keys in second hand shops and upgraded them.

I’ve also never bought a windows license, i still use my education licenses after university a decade ago. I have not heard of pc parts with an OEM license attached, thats why I believe you can have used windows all your life without ever paying something to microsoft.

derGottesknecht ,

Can I dissmis you based on linking this channel with hardcore incel vibes?

derGottesknecht ,

All around there is a 100m spell. In cities that’s like everywhere .

Its out of sight, but at most 100m. So if you’re not visible where you smoke you’re fine.

you can’t have legal weed yet.

Online apothecary is a way but also growing before April has been retroactively legalized. So as long as the police can’t proof you imported it illegally it’s also fine.

The law is not perfect, but its the best possible outcome given the political realities and i think of it as dooropening with further reforms still coming.

derGottesknecht ,

Don’t talk to the police and you don’t have to lie. Only selling cannabis is illegal. They can only use you as witness against your dealer.

derGottesknecht ,

Why is the EDF in so much debt if they can produce so mich cheap energy?

derGottesknecht ,

Russian arms sales dropped to sixth place after the invasion.

derGottesknecht ,

Yeah, thats why I said sales dropped.

A Filipino villager is nailed to a cross for the 35th time on Good Friday to pray for world peace (

A Filipino villager has been nailed to a wooden cross for the 35th time to reenact Jesus Christ’s suffering in a brutal Good Friday tradition he said he would devote to pray for peace in Ukraine, Gaza and the disputed South China Sea....

derGottesknecht ,

Yeah, moved the goalpost from starting a riot to confiscating money and goods.

derGottesknecht ,

Nah, one side demonstrated over and over that they’re not interested in a good faith discussion and won’t compromise. After the x-th debate with climate change deniers the media should stop giving them attention.

derGottesknecht ,

Its a wrong analogy. We have limited resources and investment in renewables are faster and more efficient. Every dollar spent on nuclear doesn’t go in renewables, so its better to focus the effort.

derGottesknecht ,

And the funny thing is, the russian nuclear submarines are based in murmansk, which land resupply route could be cut by a finish advance anywhere along the border. So, russia really has to protect this border in case of a conflict with nato.

derGottesknecht ,

They are not going that fast. Don’t know where those numbers are from… ebikes are limited to 25km/h to be considered a bicycle.

derGottesknecht ,

Decompression uses the cpu, so you loose performance if you compress textures.

derGottesknecht ,

I was referring to the hard drive, not the download. I think loading times increases if you have the textures compressed.

derGottesknecht ,

Yes, but the first comment asked why games are so huge o the harddrive.

derGottesknecht ,

she was just speculating on government corruption

That “just” is doing a lot of heavy lifting. Shes namedropping Rothschilds and talking about satellites which beam focused light down to earth. So while she never directly said “jewish space lasers” it is at least heavily implied by her.

derGottesknecht ,

God should stop willing a shitty world then.

derGottesknecht ,

Did you know that 3xs as many people are killed with knives than ALL rifles combined each year? And 2Xs as many via hands and feet(unarmed)? And that only around 50-100 people a year are killed with the AR-15 platform, this includes the police who kill 1k of us on average a year.

Did you conveniently forget handguns in your examples? The statistic shows that firearms are the most used tool for homicides by a huge margin.

Guns: 7936 Unspecified Firearms: 5704 Knives: 1630 Hands, Fists, Feet…: 665 Rifles: 541 …

Also >50% of all suicides are commited via firearms

And we still haven’t talked about all the accidents with guns…

The USA have several big fucking problems and firearms are a huge one.

derGottesknecht ,

Nope because everyone seems to want to ban the scary black rifle first. It’s why AWBs are constantly brought up.

The discussion was clearly about firearms.

Congrats for providing the info…I don’t know what you are getting at with this. It’s literally what I said it was.

I added some context, mainly the fucking insane amount of handgun deaths. Btw, how many rifles do you think are in the unspecified Firearms category?

No shit? Really? It’s like we have an issue with suicide and not guns

You have ton of problema and they are compounding. Easy access to guns leads to many impulsive suicides. Usa has a mental health AND an gun problem.

And you are deep in denial.

derGottesknecht ,

O…you don’t know what the AWB is do you?

Assault weapons ban. I just don’t know what this has to do with a discussion about way to many firearm deaths and mass shootings. It would be a step, but unless you also regulate handguns its not enough.

Just as a reminder, this comment by another user sparked your rant about rifles:

I think having less guns in the hand of people would mean there’s less gun crime.

So thats why I added the context of handguns.

In fact this “shooting” still is showing no mass shooting motivation and these two juveniles and the others not caught used handguns.

What are you referring to?

Again, care to go check out Japan?

Conservative Society, huge conformity pressure, stigma on mental problems and more factors lead to a high suicide rate. But without access to a quick and easy way to end your life it’s harder to kill yourself.

Sounds like you are since you can’t be bothered to actually give a fuck to understand what I’ve been writing up in this thread.

Yeah, you are the only one in this thread who understands it.

derGottesknecht ,


derGottesknecht ,

Is it though? 560Mil is like 5 F35 jets

derGottesknecht ,

The sun is a fusion reactor which is sustaining a reaction for millions of years already. Iter is a concept which tries to emulate this

derGottesknecht ,

Nuclear Reactors have a certain Limit on Powercycles. While you can power up an down with up to 10%/min that puts a huge amount of stress on all parts which leads to cracks and leaks. So you can’t actually replace the flexibility of gas powerplants with nuclear, because the risk associated with leaks is so much worse.

derGottesknecht ,

The reliability issue of regenerative energy can be lessend with better grids, because somwhere is always wind or sun. And then adding different storage technologies like battery, pressurised air or thermal storage should get us to a reliable power supply without emissions in the next decades.

derGottesknecht ,

They are not a developer anymore. They are just a game store/directory.

CSGO 2 would like a word with you

New Breakthrough in Energy Storage – MIT Engineers Create Supercapacitor out of Ancient Materials (

New Breakthrough in Energy Storage – MIT Engineers Create Supercapacitor out of Ancient Materials::Constructed from cement, carbon black, and water, the device holds the potential to offer affordable and scalable energy storage for renewable energy sources. Two of humanity’s most ubiquitous historical materials, cement and...

derGottesknecht ,

Iceland has so much renewables with water and geothermal, they can use it however they want.

derGottesknecht ,

The reality is that renewable energy is unpredictable and best suited to flexible generation. Please do not misunderstand me, I fully support the development of all renewable technologies. However, when we wean ourselves of fossil fuels, we will need new baseload power plants. Nuclear is currently the best option to provide stable baseload generation.

Do you have a source for this?

Because grids already deal with changing demand and if the generation is geographically distributed this issue could probably be solved with less storage than electrc cars are using. See this paper

derGottesknecht ,

Here a paper on the base load.

Also solar panels power amortization time is around a year, depending on cell chemistry, production and installation location.

derGottesknecht ,
  1. Uranium.

And thats about it.

derGottesknecht ,

Are you hallucinating? What part of your comments do you think was ignored?

Because it certainly seems like you got your ass handed to you in this thread by someone who had the knowledge and could back it up with sources.

And your general framing of the issue, ommitance of the stong uptick in new renewables after the new government took power pisses me off as a german.

derGottesknecht ,

Thank you for debunking this nuclear fanboy bullshit that gets repeated all the time.

derGottesknecht ,

You know that with merit order pricing the cost of electricity only depended on the cost of the most expensive producer? So nuclear plants have close to 0 Influence on the price.

derGottesknecht ,

Didn’t you hear him? ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!

derGottesknecht ,

Overpopulation is a cop out, we could supply even more people. Its more an issue with greed and inequality that causes the problems instead of overpopulation

derGottesknecht ,

because of this

derGottesknecht ,

Nah, not really. They want to change from party tourism, which is concentrated on one small area to a more distributed culture tourism. Those tourist spend twice as much and not only in the big clubs but on small shops all around the island. So they have a plan and it makes sense.

derGottesknecht ,

Spain is in the EU, so no visa necessary for tourists.

derGottesknecht ,

Nothing in this article said anything about the police in question being corrupt of abusive of their power.

It said US Police…

derGottesknecht ,

Niclear has high investment cost and very low production cost which incentivises runnig at max output for as long as possible. This might block out renewables from the grid if their production cost is higher and make it less profitable to build them. So its really not a Symbiosis between nuclear and regenerative

derGottesknecht ,

What do you mean with 100% Storage?

you would need a LOT of transmission capability that is not currently available

can be build faster and cheaper than nuclear, doesn’t need fuel and needs to be build anyway. We get the cheapest, strongest and least dangerous grid if we invest in more renewables, storage and better transmission. And that’s something we can get done fast and start harvesting the profits in a few years.

derGottesknecht ,

High voltage dc transmission lines already exist and are already in use .

This is build faster and with fewer risks than nuclear.

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