There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

undergroundoverground , to science_memes in Economics

Its okay, as I neoclassical economist, I know exactly how to fix this issue.

Tax breaks for the rich.

Ask me to solve any economic problem, I have the answers.

Asafum ,

No no no, it’s not an issue at all!

It’s Working As Intended* as in there’s a demand (guaranteed by schools) so we charge whatever the fuck we want! Supply is also high? Following supply and demand as theory is for chumps! Supply and demand theory is for us to use as we see fit and to ignore the aspects we don’t like!

undergroundoverground ,

I think you know as well as I do that your honesty and integrity in describing how people are being fucked over by this process excludes you from neoclassical economics. Its always easy to catch out the fakers.

I mean, how am I supposed to justify tax breaks for the rich with that?

Asafum ,

Damn, foiled again! :P

boatsnhos931 ,

My life is rich but I have no monies. Tax break? 🥹

undergroundoverground ,

So close: “tax breaks, for the rich.” If poor people stop paying tax too, whos going to pay to enforce enforce all the exploitation and wealth extraction done by the rich?

boatsnhos931 ,

God? Allah? Buddha?

undergroundoverground ,

Lol exactly, no one.

The first rule of colonisation is to make the colonised pay for their own colonisation.

boatsnhos931 ,

Were you trying to prove a point?

undergroundoverground ,

I definitely made one but it seems to have come across wrong or rude. That wasn’t my intention.

boatsnhos931 ,

I was playing with you the entire time and you really thought you knew something huh

undergroundoverground ,

Lol sure, as you can tell from my comments here, I was being deadly serious the whole time.

Youre the one who got all weird. Everyone else could tell I was joking around. I even let you know my intention wasn’t to be rude and that it seems to have been taken the wrong way.

You’re the problem here.

boatsnhos931 ,

Oh ok, so all your comments were just jokes and you don’t actually believe that? Who is everyone else? Did you take a poll? I don’t give two fucks about politeness, you’re a coward who’s scared of confrontation irl and apologize all the time for no reason. I like how you put lol after shit that’s not funny like some kind of nervous tic.

undergroundoverground , (edited )

They were half serious and an elaborate ruse. You see, I dont actually subscribe to neoclassical ideology. Crazy huh? Aren’t words wild?

All the people who understood what was going on and voted on it. Youre the only person who’s had a problem here and needed it all explained to you, in little bits. Just you, on your own.

As opposed to a big man who calls people a coward from safely behind their keyboard? Grow up.

No, i thought you had poor social skills and, as such, I couldn’t be bothered with you. I said what I though would make you go away. Although, it turns out you’re were even more bitter and poorly socialised than I thought you were which is really saying something.

Youre right about one thing at least, although you didn’t say it directly. Much like everyone else in your life I, should’ve just ignored you. I won’t make that mistake again. By all means, feel free to reply and scream into the void. It won’t be read.

boatsnhos931 ,

An elaborate ruse? In a couple replies? I think you have the same up votes as me girlfriend…I know it will be read by you…and that’s all that matters. Tricking you into engagement is what I want…and honestly I’m starting to get a little turned on…Do you want me to explain that to as well sweetie? How long did you reread and edit this response?

Thavron , to asklemmy in What does the world think of India? avatar

At a risk of downvote oblivion, this is what comes to mind to me. Keep in mind that this is just what I perceive about India through all the media I’ve consumed so it can come across as a bit prejudiced. I’m sure there’s more nuance.

The good:

  • Amazing food, rich culture
  • Seemingly big into tech.
  • Very colorful.
  • People seem generally friendly.

The bad:

  • So. Insanely. Chaotic.
  • Basic sanitation and infrastructure seem stuck a few decades ago.
  • Female emancipation is lacking as far as I can gather.
  • A lot of inequality in general.
  • The weather seems like hell to me.
  • Even though they’re big into tech, it comes across to me that the government and general population is still stuck in the mid 90’s regarding devices (pc’s etc, smartphones excluded).
Xanis ,

I feel combining this with @PerogiBoi likely creates a fairly accurate sense for the place.

India is, well…despite their historical advances in medicine and continued strong cultural fascination with academia, at some point they became nothing but call centers, distribution points, and scam centers. There is certainly more to India, though when I think of hacking, I think of China and Russia. When I think of scams, unfortunately India is top of the list.

emergencyfood ,

Even though they’re big into tech, it comes across to me that the government and general population is still stuck in the mid 90’s regarding devices (pc’s etc, smartphones excluded).

India is big in software. Hardware has to be imported from China / Korea / Taiwan, and we have to pay them what they demand.

Nastybutler , to asklemmy in You have 15$. How would you spend it so that you'll be the happiest you can be for 15$ ?


motor_spirit ,

you gonna bang that shit or what

Head ,

Tell me you haven’t smoked without telling me you haven’t smoked

mino , avatar

Came to check how high this comment was. Ofcourse it’s the top comment.

darthelmet , to nostupidquestions in Don't you all get tired of the constant negativity?

I am tired of living in a world with all of these problems. Whether or not I have the luxury to ignore them is besides the point.

Thorny_Insight OP ,

Nobody is making the world a better place by paying daily attention to every possible thing that’s wrong with it.

Alice , avatar


motor_spirit ,

This sounds like the “don’t make everything political” rhetoric which is naively hilarious. If you’re encouraging moderation for the sake of mental well-being, sure - but that is just that, like many other things.

Information is a well; people will come and go. How much any one person consumes, like food and drink, is their choice regardless of consequence. You can argue diet, drugs, alcohol, entertainment, masturbation all the same.

Personally, I’d rather take on the mental burden of being informed over being as clueless as some. Ignorance leads to many problems, higher costs when you’re not much of a problem solver etc.

Alice , avatar


motor_spirit ,


  • Loading...
  • Alice , avatar

    Lame ass ‘comeback’


    lol 🍼🤣

    JoShmoe ,

    A counterpoint here, if people don’t talk about a problem, or in this case share, then the problem may go unresolved or intensify.

    Multiply that by how many problems affect masses of people.

    kakes ,

    Imo the problem is that social media is one of the worst possible places to foment political change, yet is by far the most popular.

    If people actually have a shit about this stuff, they’d be out campaigning for it, or helping people affected by it, instead of just clicking a button and patting themselves on the back.

    Not to say social media can’t bring change of course, but I mean, the people posting the most are pretty much by definition doing the least.

    darthelmet ,

    Part of the problem is the atomization of society. We’ve have vanishingly few truly public spaces to build the kind of connections with people necessary to form shared political causes. People spend most of their lives either:

    • In their private homes, suspicious of anyone who tries to interact with them there.
    • In private workplaces where management surveils employees and tries to stop organized activity.
    • In private businesses where you are only welcome as individual consumers.
    • Online on platforms that are privately owned and designed to manipulate behavior and social interactions towards interacting with more advertising. Controversy is only allowed to the extent that it gets more eyeballs on ads and doesn’t upset advertisers.

    Back when I was more involved in electoral politics, I found it extraordinarily difficult to reach out to people to organize them, either because they were in spaces where political campaigning wasn’t allowed or because they have become distrustful of strangers.

    It’s suffocating any kind of broader public consciousness and I don’t really know what to do about it.

    kakes , (edited )

    I completely agree that “third places” have been all but eradicated in favor of revenue-generating spaces. This trend alone has lead to the death of a lot of things, including a sense of community and local engagement. (Edit: Worth noting that I also agree with your point about atomization)

    I think it also has a lot to do with how abstracted we are from reality. We’ve built all these systems to replace actual face-to-face communities, and people would rather surround themselves in that than to expose themselves to the unpredictability of real life - for better and worse.

    It’s a hard sell to get people to reverse course because it’s so much more painless/numbing to engage with these systems. (Not to even mention AI promising to give every person their own personal Yes-Man.)

    kakes ,

    Seriously. I wonder how many of those doomers actually volunteer in their community, or are active in their local politics. If the answer was any more than “basically none,” I don’t think we would have most of these issues.

    Thorny_Insight OP ,

    It almost seems like people want to feel enraged. There’s a difference between activism and slacktivism. Complaining about things on social media has next to none effect on the real world. If one wants to make the world a better place, then choosing an issue and actually doings something concrete about it seems more productive.

    Cornelius_Wangenheim , (edited )

    The idea is that you spread the knowledge to others and occasionally do something about some of them, even if it’s only a small contribution.

    Alice , avatar

    You doing anything to change those problems ?

    GardenVarietyAnxiety ,

    It’s a valid question, yet you get downvoted…

    Alice , avatar


  • Loading...
  • fubbernuckin ,

    I can tell

    Anticorp ,

    Doesn’t align with the hive mind.

    darthelmet ,

    Admittedly not much anymore. It’s hard organizing people in the face of systemic opposition under the best of circumstances, but I’m also incredibly unhealthy. Socially awkward and anxious is only the tip of the iceberg of the personal problems I have that make it hard for me to engage in real life activism anymore. I’ve tried, but it’s not really something I can do at the moment. I can barely do anything at the moment for that matter.

    That said, there is some small value in trying to convince others to think about these problems and develop class consciousness. I’m not claiming it’s much and it’s stressful/depressing knowing I’m not doing more, but at least I’m not trying to get people to stick their heads in the sand. I’m not actively making things worse.

    Alice , avatar

    You don’t like ‘owe’ me an explanation of your personal ect ect I can empathize. We all literally have shit going on in our lives myself included so I get that shit is just fucking really tough sometimes. Life is not always the way we want it and we face challenges everyday.

    But that is just the very reality though for the entire human race. No one is exempt from that. Challenges go hand in hand with life in general.

    Don’t make excuses. Take ownership.

    You don’t need to ‘gather’ a group of people to do x y and z. You don’t and can’t force/entice/convince/ whatever anyone to what you think needs to be done.

    That’s up to you and you only. You start by setting an example not making excuses.

    darthelmet ,

    Agreed that it’s something I need to overcome. But I still think collective action is the only way forward. Half our problems stem from everyone acting as individuals divorced from community.

    GamingChairModel , to nostupidquestions in Why Didn't Democrats Do More When They Controlled Both Houses of Legislature, The White House, and The Supreme Court During Obama's First Term?

    I disagree with your premise. The 111th Congress got a lot done. Here’s a list of major legislation.

    • Lily Ledbetter Act made it easier to recover for employment discrimination, and explicitly overruled a Supreme Court case making it harder to recover back pay.
    • The ARRA was a huge relief bill for the financial crisis, one of the largest bills of all time.
    • The Credit CARD Act changed a bunch of consumer protection for credit card borrowers.
    • Dodd Frank was groundbreaking, the biggest financial reform bill since probably the Great Depression, and created the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau, probably one of the most important pro-consumer agencies in the federal government today.
    • School lunch reforms (why the right now hates Michelle Obama)
    • Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP or SCHIP): healthcare coverage, independent of Obamacare, for all children under 18.
    • Obamacare itself, which also includes comprehensive student loan reform too.

    That’s a big accomplishment list for 2 years, plus some smaller accomplishments like some tobacco reform, some other reforms relating to different agencies and programs.

    Plus that doesn’t include the administrative regulations and decisions the administrative agencies passed (things like Net Neutrality), even though those generally only last as long as the next president would want to keep them (see, again, Net Neutrality).

    PhlubbaDubba ,

    Not to mention he got that all done with a majority that was actually “guaranteed” to be able to do stuff for all of a few weeks, during which his senate majority actively sabotaged Obamacare from being a public option healthcare act, because fuckin Manchincrats just have to be the singularly most determined to be killjoy assholes on the face of the entire fucking planet

    thallamabond ,

    Joe Lieberman was his name, while he did not act alone, I’ll always remember he took the public option from us.

    Also he founded No Labels, the “Unity” party that does not have a platform, but does have billionaire donors

    Dark_Arc , avatar

    Not to mention this was the first 2 years, the years an administration is typically least effective.

    If Biden gets years 4-6 with a democrat majority in the house and senate it will be a big deal.

    lung , avatar

    Yeah they can do big genocides. Nah jk, there’s always bipartisan support for that

    Psychodelic ,

    Does this recent vote affect your opinion at all?

    lung , avatar

    Not really, like I said, bipartisan support. Biden/Blinken just did an emergency act move to send them a ton of funding and weapons. Both parties are at the whims of the military-industrial complex because America is objectively the weapon dealer of the whole world. Even Russia uses American parts in their missiles (despite half assed attempts to prevent that). All of American economics benefits from this situation. And I mean, that’s after we already have been fuckin up the middle east for decades, with countless atrocities

    Psychodelic ,

    Sure but the house was clearly divided. That’s data that conflicts with your main premise, no?

    enbyecho ,

    The feet stampers need to stamp their feet. They need to be angry. It doesn’t matter why.

    BackpackCat OP ,

    Thanks for this info. I always kinda felt like I must be missing something. That is a significant amount of stuff to get done especially in the face of the insane amount of filibustering the Republicans did during this time that others pointed out. I mean I still wish more was done but it gives me hope that if we can somehow weather the storm of fascists that some good legislation can be passed in the future even in the face of opposition.

    macrocarpa , to nostupidquestions in Why are male social workers so different?

    I spent a bit of time going through your post history to get an understanding of your background

    In short I think your life experiences mean you’ve lost all trust in men. Not just your direct experiences but what you’ve observed in others.

    As a result you enter each interaction assuming the worst. Every male social worker you engage with will confirm this pattern because that’s what you’re looking for. The - ah fuck here we go again - feeling.

    For them, and I don’t expect you to have empathy for them, this is what they live - the outcomes of other mens behaviours. But - they were there and they tried. That is something.

    You have changed quite a lot of your original post.

    littlebluespark , avatar

    Thank you for this clarity. I hope the upvotes here aid your comment in maintaining visibility so that others, along with OP, can find the healing in such honesty.

    xmunk , to nostupidquestions in When did breasts become a thing that needed to be concealed in public and why?

    Victorian England is responsible for most of our annoying modesty rules. As to why… I’m not certain, they were just fucking prudes.

    FunkyMonk ,

    When your wealth system is nothing but cruel unfairness you always need somewhere else to point a finger, that somewhere was boobs.

    Madrigal ,

    Today it’s immigrants and trans people.

    Immersive_Matthew ,

    Well said.

    Isoprenoid ,

    Victorian England is responsible for most of our annoying modesty rules.

    Yeah, it’s why people still avoid showing any skin at all, why women still wear corsets, and why we still wear ridiculously large hats.

    And then we just never changed from then.

    Silentiea ,

    Hey, man, don’t shit on my corsets and hats.

    disguy_ovahea , (edited )

    Women have been covering their breasts for modesty for ~5,000 years, not 150. Used as a means of identifying which women are “respectable” and which women are “publicly available” to men, upper class women in ancient Mesopotamia were made to wear veils that were wrapped loosely over their hair and fell to their waists, but poorer women were not allowed, and faced harsh punishments if they dared to wear them.

    FuglyDuck , avatar

    modesty codes have predated Victorian England by a vast margin.

    in fact… by some standards, VE was positively hedonistic. there are cultures where a woman seen un-escorted by her husband would be murdered for it. can you imagine what would have happened if the iranian girls protesting a hijab instead decided to flash people? those laws predates victorian england by quite a lot.

    xmunk ,

    Sure, but modern puritanicalism can mostly be drawn back to Victorian England.

    FuglyDuck , avatar

    in the US; sure. but the “need” to cover up… is common across most of Eurasia and predates England, never mind victorian england.

    every culture has some question of modesty- showing different things might be considered immodest. IIRC, in certain parts of Africa it’s calves that were considered the sexy bits. Which… caused friction when a woman missionary was lecturing on modesty. She was, of course, showing calves. and made sure to give the women t shirts (which promptly came back the next day with holes cut in because they got in the way of breastfeeding.) (it was then also explained that the men were all there because… sexy calves.)

    empireOfLove2 , to piracy in Help with wheelchair software avatar

    literal predatory behavior against society’s most vulnerable members. God, disgusting.

    Calling out this company that produces the e-motion, Alber GmbH. FUCK them.

    xmunk , to asklemmy in What is the most lemmy thing about lemmy?

    The repost bots syncing vapid content from Reddit.

    “Lemmy isn’t Reddit” but here are hundreds of communities that have no engagement outside of a bot mirroring Reddit content.

    juliebean ,


    kind of a stretch to call those communities, when it’s just a bot talking to itself.

    Pyro ,

    I just blocked all of them when they started spamming my feed.

    EdibleFriend , avatar

    I love when it’s a post where OP on Reddit was asking some kind of question.

    folkrav ,

    I’ve honestly yet to see or feel those. I however exclusively browse my subscriptions feed, so I guess I filtered most of them out by my community choices?

    Deebster , avatar

    Some people are insane/brave enough to regularly view all/new. The bottom of the barrel must be broad and terrible.

    eatham , avatar

    I blocked the lemmit bot so I don’t see those, but still mainly view subscriptions

    zeekaran ,

    Not enough content to not use all.

    AlligatorBlizzard ,

    Yeah, but all/new? If I go to all, it’s all/ top day. All/new is before the mods can deal with the truly awful stuff.

    JohnWorks ,

    Agreed, in reddit I just browsed my subs and found some new ones every so often. In lemmy I browse all and block communities I’m not interested in.

    Annoyed_Crabby ,

    It’s awesome they keep it to just a few bot, blocking it will clean the hell up your feed.

    robocall , avatar

    I never knew the joys of spaghetti hentai until I saw a reposting bot on Lemmy. RIP spaghetti hentai bot. I’m not sure why it died.

    Delphia ,

    Lets be real, the comment section of some of the meme communities is best left behind.

    Zagorath , avatar

    Block dude. Lemmy has supported users blocking instances for months. Or block @bot, because Lemmy has supported blocking users for even longer.

    Delphia ,

    I have one account I blocked it on and one I didnt.

    Its useful for dumbscrolling.

    HerbalGamer , avatar

    Lemmy has supported users blocking instances for months.

    Depends on your instance; mine only switched last thursday.

    Passerby6497 ,

    Same, and I still haven’t figured out where to go to block instances instead of individual communities

    kratoz29 ,

    Wait, the Reddit bot still works?

    How so if Reddit changed (dumbed down) their API?

    Anyway, I blocked that bot since long ago hah

    bionicjoey , to asklemmy in If hemroids are common and can openly bleed, and people poop with hemroids, how do people not get infected buttholes all the time?

    I recall this question coming up on Reddit with some regularity (no pun intended). The typical answer I saw was something like “your rectum has a really strong immune system”

    Nomecks ,

    Rectum? Damn near killed um

    ivanafterall , avatar

    They hate us cuz they anus.

    intensely_human ,

    Butt, butt what?

    We don’t love them holes

    bionicjoey ,

    Rectum? I hardly knew 'em

    imaqtpie , avatar

    This line never fails to make me chuckle

    glibg10b ,

    Reddit tier comment

    philo ,

    Mine is weekend, that’s why I only get sick during the week.

    Pirky , avatar

    That’s what I remember reading, too. I think that particular area gets its own lymph node system or something like that. Similar to how our head and neck have their own dedicated system.
    Those areas are prone to bacteria, so they get beefed up protections.

    Contramuffin ,

    Something kinda like that. They’re called Peyer’s Patches, and they’re like a base of operations for immune cells. They not only gather there, but they also scout out the bacteria present by reaching through the intestinal lining and pulling some of the stuff through.

    Also, a lot of bacteria in our guts aren’t really trying to get into our system. The intestinal epithelium produces mucus to prevent bacteria from getting close to the intestinal lining, and most bacteria are pretty chill with that

    herrcaptain ,

    Damn, it’s gotta suck to be born an immune cell and get assigned to work out of the butthole for your short life.

    Contramuffin ,

    It suck to be an immune cell in general. Many disease-causing bacteria have evolved ways to subvert and kill immune cells in spectacular ways. And immune cells generally just have pretty short lifespans to begin with

    ColeSloth ,

    Yep. I recall the same thing. More immune system stuff hangs out around your butthole all ready to woop some ass.

    amzd , to piracy in Can I use my Nintendo Switch in 20 years from now?

    A steam deck can run all the games those two can and it runs Linux which means it will probably never be obsolete

    flora_explora ,

    Second that. It is a bit of a hassle to get all the games and to access them on the deck, but once you set that up, it runs great and you also are much less limited :)

    amzd ,

    The hassle is “search Pirate Bay for the game > download it into your games folder” after initial setup of emulators using emudeck

    CorrodedCranium , avatar

    I would still steer clear of the Pirate Bay but depending on what you are looking for there’s likely a repacker or site that has what you need. FitGirl for example has some Switch games bundled with the keys that you need for Ryujinx. If you just needs ROMs I’d recommend checking out the /r/ROMs megathread.

    Petter1 ,

    Playing Nintendo first party games on Nintendo consoles is superior for many Nintendo first party games lover. It is just as it was when one was small 😄 that’s why right now, I go for 3ds.

    amzd ,

    Exact same game;
    Switch: 30fps
    Steam deck: 60fps

    How is the switch superior?

    MyFairJulia , avatar

    There is a single aspect in which the Switch remains superior: Simplicity. Sure, you could take the time once to set up Yuzu and your Switch games and be rewarded with superior performance.

    But the technically less experienced user might be put off by the fact that you can‘t just plonk in the game and play it. That‘s however not exclusive to the Switch.

    I tried downloading Switch games from uuuuh… rather bespoke sites and they had a rather uuuuh… curious idea of what ads you could throw into the users face. Vivaldi‘s integrated adblocker simply couldn‘t handle those sites. That discouraged me from downloading games for now. Luckily MIG-Dumper is there to save the day and allow me to back up my games to later play them in Yuzu.

    CorrodedCranium , avatar

    Is the Steam Deck emulating Switch games that much better? I’ve been thinking about setting up a few but I wasn’t sure if I would see a lot of performance dips with more demanding games.

    Petter1 ,

    Yes, many games run smoother and better on the deck, it just is very big and heavy achieving this.

    mnemonicmonkeys ,

    Honestly, emulation is pretty nice and you can backup your saves without a subscription, unlike with Switch.

    Petter1 ,

    I talking modded Nintendo hardware, because it is the hardware style that the games are designed for, talking form factor and input devices. Especially in handheld mode, on the TV, it does not matter on what the game runs, at least for me

    Facebones ,

    It’s pretty repair friendly as well.

    narc0tic_bird ,

    The battery is a notable exemption from this (as is the display), which is also the most likely to fail multiple times over a span of 20 years. It’s certainly doable, just not as simple as swapping out the thumb sticks for example.

    MyFairJulia , avatar

    Isn‘t the battery simply mounted with sticky tape and thanks to the case being screwed in still fessibly replaceable by the user?

    narc0tic_bird ,

    Check this iFixit guide:…/149070

    It’s listed as “Difficult” and “2-4 hours”.

    In comparison, the iPhone 15 Pro battery replacement guide is listed as “Moderate” and “1-2 hours”.

    One of the problems with the Deck’s battery is that it’s glued in place so well you have to heat up the adhesive, and applying heat close to a battery is something you have to be quite careful about.

    umbrella , avatar

    sticky tape is the bane of battery repair.

    you gotta destroy it to remove it sometimes.

    Shadow , to nostupidquestions in Why is living with your parents considered a bad thing? avatar

    Implication is that you’re incapable of being self sufficient.

    Too broke to move out, your parents still cook for you / do your laundry, can’t bring a girl home without your parents hearing you get it on, etc.

    inb4_FoundTheVegan , avatar

    Implication is that you’re incapable of being self sufficient.

    Holdover stereotype from when living on your own with a service job was realistically doable. Which just flat out is not the case in most cities now.

    Although not wanting your parents hear you bang is totally fair.

    Shadow , avatar

    Agreed. I think this is more of a late 90s / early 2000s thing. It’s become more acceptable today for sure, especially if you’re going to university or something.

    _number8_ , to piracy in How does Usenet content not immediately get DMCA'd into oblivion?

    why is the DMCA the one fucking law that actually gets enforced at a high rate when there are literally billions of things more important that we could spend money on

    grue ,

    Because violating the DMCA is copyright infringement, and § 501 (b) of the Copyright Act gives copyright holders a private right of action to file a civil lawsuit to enforce it. Copyright holders tend to be motivated in a way that the State very often isn’t.

    Diplomjodler ,

    Because the corporations that benefit from this law can afford to buy lots of politicians.

    Whirlybird ,

    Because it’s simple. The company that owns the content does a DMCA claim and they either remove it or get sued. Removing it is simple and largely automated.

    Supermariofan67 ,

    It’s civil lawsuits by corporations, not state prosecution

    pelletbucket ,

    it’s not generally law enforcement enforcing it, it’s the copyright holders threatening civil action against things like internet service providers, who in turn will cut off your internet or some such. they have a lot of money, so they get law enforcement to do their bidding when they want, but the majority of DMCA action is civil action. this is, my very uneducated opinion looking from the outside

    onoira , to showerthoughts in It's almost impossible to deny being an alcoholic without sounding like an alcoholic avatar

    I was diagnosed with anorexia because I was 5 kg ‘underweight’ and answered ‘no’ when asked if I had an eating disorder. Answering ‘no’ was apparently the justification for the diagnosis. It’s still on my file 10 years later, despite now being ‘over-weight’ and always having had nominal blood test results. Conveniently, denying you have anorexia is a symptom, and so is asking to have the diagnosis removed, I guess.

    This has completely blocked me from receiving medication and treatment, because any physical or pyschological ailment I seek help for gets blamed on ‘my anorexia’ and I’m referred to psychotherapy.

    Twofacetony , (edited )

    I believe you when you say you’re not anorexic, or ever had anorexia, but as a 43 year old man, who is 185cm tall, my healthy range is 63-86 kilos.

    I am 82 kilos give or take a meal, and if I lost 15 kilos I would be very, very slender, and that would still keep me well in the “healthy” range.

    What I’m saying is the healthy range, to me at least, should be taken with a pinch of salt, and it’s shithouse that your diagnosis has vexed you for over ten years.

    intensely_human ,

    That is so fucked up. I hate the lack of self awareness the medical field has with regard to the impossible situations it puts some patients in.

    FrostMyProstate ,

    I’m in a similar situation with a bipolar diagnosis. I was diagnosed after speaking with a sketchy psychologist for 20 minutes at best. Apparently thinking you don’t have bipolar disorder is a symptom of bipolar disorder.

    Even after working with two other psychologists for well over a year and both diagnosing me with PTSD and that diagnosis perfectly matching my experience, not a single doctor will put that on my medical record. They won’t refer me to appropriate treatment. They won’t change my medication and tell me it works instead of asking.

    I’ve been trying to get this fixed since 2008, but I just get shut down immediately after bringing it up. I’m barely getting by due to very poor mental health and everything just keeps getting worse.

    gr0nr ,

    Have you talked to a medical malpractice lawyer about your original diagnosis? Most will do an initial consult for free and work on contingency. In this rock-paper-scissor world lawyer beats doctor.

    lseif ,

    same with autism (in a social sense not medical).

    stoy , (edited ) to nostupidquestions in What does it look like for a YouTube creator when the audience uses something like NewPipe or Freetube?


    I have compled the data from today! It is in a comment ot this comment!


    I may be able to help…

    While I am definately not a youtuber, I do have a few random videos on my channel, here is a test video from when I bought my Sigma 100-400mm telezoom lens for my Lumix S5.

    Give it a few views with different frontends and I’ll check the stats later this evening…

    Note however that no videos I have on my channel is monetized, which might skew the data, but it us the best I can offer:


    I will shortly head to work, but so far the most interesting stat I have seen today is this:

    Even with this limited stats you can clearly see that some of the external frontends are listed as “Other Youtube Features”

    I’ll get back with more stats after work, or when I see that they have compiled, I will try and get all data I can, I may not be able to enterpret it, but I will do my best to post when I have.

    diegantobass , avatar

    Invidious from France

    stoy ,

    I have posted a follow up!

    orvorn ,

    LibreTube from New York

    stoy ,

    I have posted a follow up!

    cybersandwich ,

    +1 regular YouTube app mobile

    stoy ,

    I have posted a follow up!

    gaael ,

    +1 Newpipe frome France

    stoy ,

    I have posted a follow up!

    loaExMachina ,

    +1 NewPipe from France

    stoy ,

    I have posted a follow up!

    Zagorath , avatar

    +1 Regular YouTube desktop from Australia, with the tracking part of the URL removed.

    stoy ,

    I have posted a follow up!

    can ,

    Vanced Canada

    stoy ,

    I have posted a follow up!

    antonim ,

    one view with NewPipe

    stoy ,

    I have posted a follow up!

    majortomm ,

    +1 YouTube Premium view from the US

    stoy ,

    I have posted a follow up!

    codapine ,

    +1 Libretube, android 14, UK (VPN) originating in California

    stoy ,

    I have posted a follow up!

    otter ,

    How are views calculated? I think I remember that you need to watch X% of a video for it to register as a view, so some of the comments here may be off

    stoy ,

    I have unfortunately no idea, it would make sense to classify a view as watching a minimum of 50% of the video, but tjat is probably too easy…

    Mothra OP , avatar

    Okay! +1 NewPipe, might add that I started the vid about an hour ago, got interrupted by a phone call and only now I finished it. The views jumped from 9 to 24 by the time I returned to watch.

    I’m going to give it another view without interruption now, same NewPipe

    stoy ,

    I have posted a follow up!

    Mothra OP , avatar

    And adding to my previous comment, +1 on NewPipe uninterrupted and +1 from Freetube. All Australia if that’s of any use

    Edit: my first watch was feom clicking your link, the second was from NewPipe history, and the third was searching directly on Freetube, no link

    stoy ,

    I have posted a follow up!

    illi , (edited )

    Interesting… another user tested the views when I asked in Piped community about the same thing a while back and no views were added to his video.

    Anyway, +1 view from LibreTube (Piped). Thanks for doing this!

    stoy ,

    I have posted a follow up!

    em2 , avatar

    +1 YouTube Revanced, Android 13, USA

    stoy ,

    I have posted a follow up!

    deafboy , avatar

    +1 NewPipe

    stoy ,

    I have posted a follow up!

    Chee_Koala ,


    stoy ,

    I have posted a follow up!

    maiskanzler ,

    +1 NewPipe Germany

    stoy ,

    I have posted a follow up!

    stoy ,

    Right, I am back you numbercrunching crumbnunchers!

    This is what I see when I go into Youtube Studio and look at the analytics tab:

    Weirdly, the viewcount is completely different in the three highlighted areas, I don’t really know what that means, but perhaps someone else can explain it?

    Anyway, on to the video specific analytics:

    Again, differing viewcounts, so it is probably just something I am missing… Here we see that a majority of watches comes from “Other YouTube features” and “External”.

    Let’s see if we can see something more on the next pages:

    Here it only shows 19 views, I wonder if that is completed views… I clearly know way too little about YouTube to get a proper conslusion so far…

    But let’s keep going!

    Ok, more “Other YouTube features” stats, but clicking on that give no further data, “External” however…

    There we are my Lemmys! (Lemmings?)

    From the links it looks like we can make a qualified guess about some of the mobile apps in use in this thread, interesting, but not that useful in this case…

    The Geography tab either has not processed completely, or there is too little data to make a determination, it just shows a “Total” value, with no added data.

    Same goes to the Cities tab, which makes sense…

    There is not enough demographic data to graph the ages or genders of the viewers, makes sense…

    The Date tab hold no interesting data.

    None of all 19 viewers are subscribed to me, good, I only upload occasionally, some train videos, some minecraft/ut2004 videos, and other random crap…

    On to device type!

    Most of the 19 viewers, watched on a mobile phone, but I have no data about what kind, I thought the frontends might pretend to be a mobile app for the yt API, but there is not enought data to determine that.

    Youtube Product tab, does not hold the key, it hold no usefull unformation in this case.

    The Playback location tells me that all 19 views was done on the Youtube watch page, probably meaning directly on Youtube.

    Operating Systems!

    The majority of viewers watched on Android, then iOS, then one on Windows, nothing more to see here.

    Noone used subtitles, and I would have been quite confused is someone had, since the video doesn’t have them…

    Video info language, shows no relevant data, neither does “Translation use”, Endscreen Element type, Card Type, Card, Sharing Service, Player Type, Remixes of this Video or “New and Returning viewers”

    So from what I can see, the stats that I can access doesn’t include views from other frontends, though I probably don’t have access to all stats since I don’t monetize.

    Rentlar ,

    Very interesting to see! Thanks for compiling these.

    stoy ,

    You are very wellcome, it was an interesting question, and I am happy to help, even if I was unable to answer the big question.

    thegiddystitcher , avatar

    Weirdly, the viewcount is completely different in the three highlighted areas, I don’t really know what that means, but perhaps someone else can explain it?

    I know it’s not really important but just in case anyone’s curious. The bottom right is showing the video’s all-time views (43). The top left is showing the video’s views over the last 48 hours (34). And the main graph in the middle of the screen is usually on a delay, so is probably not counting today’s views yet hence the (19).

    Mothra OP , avatar

    Thanks for this follow up and for sharing! That was interesting

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