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cybersandwich ,

I switched the the snap package and it’s been rock solid and pain free the entire time.

I welcome any and all comments on why snap is Satan.

Microsoft in damage-control mode, says it will prioritize security over AI (

Microsoft is pivoting its company culture to make security a top priority, President Brad Smith testified to Congress on Thursday, promising that security will be “more important even than the company’s work on artificial intelligence.”...

cybersandwich ,

It’s pretty hilarious when people act like being open source means it’s “more secure”. It can be, but it’s absolutely not guaranteed. The xz debacle comes to mind.

There are tons of bugs in open source software. Linux has had its fair share.

cybersandwich , (edited )

It highlighted some pretty glaring weaknesses in OSS as well. Over worked maintainers, unvetted contributers, etc etc.

The XZ thing seems like we got “lucky” more than anything. But that type of attack may have been successful already or in progress elsewhere. It’s not like people are auditing every line of every open source tool/library. It takes really talented devs and researchers to truly audit code.

I mean, I certainly couldn’t do it for anything semi advanced, super clever, or obfuscated the way the XZ thing was.

But I agree, that the fact we could audit it at all is a plus. The flip side is: an unvetted bad actor was able to publish these changes because of the nature of open source. I’m not saying bad actors can’t weasel their way into Microsoft, but that’s a much higher bar in terms of vetting.

cybersandwich ,

It sounds like they need a little more oversight but if you read the article the cop was working around the safeguards and using real case #s and whatnot.

The audit caught him though which is a good thing. The not so great thing is that this was an audit to figure out their usage for re,doing licenses, and not a routine audit to check for…behavior like this.

The biggest issue I have with all of this is that he resigned before the merit board could make a determination…so what? That’s that? I’d imagine they can still make a determination.

cybersandwich ,

As much as I hate that prime added ads to a paid service (absolute horse shit), the way they’ve implemented it so far is one of the better methods. They’ll do a single ad at the beginning that’s like “this show is brought to you uninterrupted by Samsung”. Then no more ads until the next episode.

YouTube is trash with it.

cybersandwich ,

Of course you are getting downvoted, because you are right and not being a reactionary douche like your average lemmizen.

California socialite Rebecca Grossman sentenced to 15 to life for killing 2 kids in crosswalk (

A wealthy California woman who co-founded a burn center foundation in the Los Angeles area was sentenced to 15 years to life in prison Monday for the hit-and-run killings of two children while they were in a crosswalk more than three years ago....

cybersandwich ,

Yea probably. But she also ran because she was most likely drunk and she was speeding. So those parts might have also done her in too even if she stopped.

cybersandwich ,

He’s actually been surprisingly effective at governing. He’s low key been the best president we’ve had in decades.

cybersandwich ,

Because with the way we do our voting (first past the post), a vote for Stein is effectively a vote for Donald J Trump, Convicted Felon, adulterer, fraudster, sexual assaulter, etc, etc.

This election is NOT the election to get “principled” with your choice. The consequence of Trump getting another term is incredibly dire for the health of our country and democracy. The consequence of Biden winning is a shift back in the right direction. Jill Stein and other candidates will still be around in 4 years and you can vote for them then-- and she’ll lose then, but maybe, with another 4 years of Biden, we’ll have laws protecting womens choice, supreme court nominees that aren’t conservative lunatics, and forward thinking stability. So you vote 4 years from now we’ll be on more solid ground in the event you cause a Republican to win.

If you vote for her now, and Trump wins as a consequence, you might not ever get a chance to vote again. (only being a little dramatic).

cybersandwich ,

Buncha wet blankets on Lemmy. JFC.

I know there is a ton of hype around AI, but at least there is actually something there (unlike crypto).

This is the most exciting thing to happen with computing in a while and if you read Lemmy you’d think everything is bleak and hopeless.

There is so much opportunity to change the way we interact with computers and innovate.

cybersandwich ,


You think the current currency system is the cause of war?

Study finds 1/4 of bosses hoped Return to Office would make staff quit (

HR software biz BambooHR surveyed more than 1,500 employees, a third of whom work in HR. The findings suggest the return to office movement has been a poorly-executed failure, but one particular figure stands out - a quarter of executives and a fifth of HR professionals hoped RTO mandates would result in staff leaving....

cybersandwich ,

I know this is on the ‘work reform’ community so I understand most of the comments have that ‘bent’ to them. I appreciate that.

And I dont want to legitimize giant corporations doing shitty things to employees, so I hope it doesn’t come across as defending that behavior.

BUuuuuuttttt, I understand why and how this happens. Lets say hypothetically, you are in a big company or even a public sector/gov’t organization. You’ve moved to remote work across the board. That’s awesome!

Now imagine if you had a team that is struggling with competing priorities and limited resources. But you also have 3-4 people on that team that could have retired years ago, but they haven’t. Why? Because they can just fucking mail-it-in at home and do little or nothing. As a manager that’s overworked yourself, starting the “removal” paperwork process, especially on a public sector employee or an employee at a large company, is daunting. That can be a full-time job in and of itself. Now, multiply that x3 or 4 because you don’t just have one employee doing this. That’s going to be brutal.

What’s a much easier option? RTO. Is it a sure-fire way to get those 3 or 4 to retire? No, they might just come in and be lazy in the office, but there is a good chance that commute, parking expense, extra time away from their family is going to push them over the edge.

There are absolutely, without a doubt, people abusing remote work. RTO is a ‘lazy’ but semi-understandable way for managers to drive some of those bad apples away. At least in theory. The article suggests not all do.

From my own anecdotal evidence, when people started returning to office, the retirements went up and people moved around more. This freed up positions and let organizations, who were stagnate, grow and promote people.

The down side is: some of your top talent will leave if they get caught up in the RTO mandates.

cybersandwich ,

The article even states this is a thinly veiled ad for some other “method”.

The agile manifesto is fantastic. Scrum can work wonders as a means for providing a framework to hang “agile principles” onto.

Most organizations don’t do “scrum” well or quickly lose sight of the “why” behind it.

Companies are gonna company at the end of the day. Process + bureaucracy + buzzwords + ill-informed management + vendors promises + shit customers/product owners = late projects.

Agile done right, works. The benefit agile has over waterfall(the process it replaced in a lot of places), imo, is that it’s predicated on working software, responding to change and working collaboratively/iteratively.

Google was apprised of thousands of minor incidents between 2013 and 2019 that affected user privacy. (

404 Media noted that Google accidentally collected childrens’ voice data through the Gboard microphone, leaked carpool users’ trips and home addresses (Waze), collected license plate info from Street View, and made YouTube recommendations derived from deleted watch history....

cybersandwich ,

Yea, but they also do some great journalism and if you can, support them.

We don’t have many decent journos these days and they need to eat.

Normalize paying for things that add value to your life.

Also, it’s a bit ironic that people might be concerned about privacy but unwilling to pay for something. The alternative is usually privacy invasive ads/tracking/selling user data.

cybersandwich ,

Bots in the build up to the election here in the states?

cybersandwich ,

Thank you for posting the actual numbers. This article is pretty shitty imo. I read it just to see if they even included them (I guess, to their credit, at least they did that).

4,3,5 and 10(even though the govt is reporting 6) over the last 4 years.

So even assuming 10 is correct, using the “more than doubled” almost seems like journalistic malpractice. At best it’s click-bait garbage. Where was the “ICE sees 25% drop in in-custody deaths” article a few years ago?

Should we watch it to see if it’s a broader trend? Yea, probably. Is this necessarily indicative of anything nefarious? No.

There could be (and likely are) legitimate reasons for the increase that have nothing to do with “ICE bad”. Like maybe, people coming in already sick, maybe an older demographic, unvaccinated people, etc etc. or literally just random fucking chance.

cybersandwich ,

So basically, you just did more legwork than the journalist that published this article and there isn’t a big story here. Maybe if those 2 deaths come back “omg aliens killed them” we’d have a story.

cybersandwich ,

“in custody deaths” means deaths while under the supervision of ICE. That could be detained at an ICE facility or in a hospital “while being detained”.

If you got arrested by your local police for something and were in jail, but got sick so they send you to the hospital (with a cop escort usually)…then you died there. That counts as “in custody”.

So don’t conflate in-custody with “not being sent to hospitals”.

cybersandwich ,

It’s literally the Biden admin. They’ve made it a huge priority and followed through.

People knock Biden, but he’s been consistently doing this stuff across the government. It’s refreshing.

cybersandwich ,

This is pretty interesting. I wasn’t aware of the CA stuff ssh added tbh. That might be fine for my needs but I actually like the idea of recording my ssh sessions because I’ve definitely had to go look through a history file to see what I did to set something up.

Seeing exactly what I did and what the terminal output would be pretty huge.

cybersandwich ,

Where are these docs? No one ever links to them or says where you can find them

My friend didn't have a great experience with Linux

I have been daily driving Linux for over two years now and I have switched distros many times. So, when my friend bought a new laptop, I convinced him to install Linux Mint on it. I asked him if he wanted to dual boot, he said no because it would fill up all his storage. We installed Linux Mint. The other day, he wanted to play...

cybersandwich ,

You know what makes my Linux distribution perfect? My windows partition that I can switch to quickly.

cybersandwich ,

I had the same experience. Ecosia and ddg just didn’t give great results.

Kagi is the one that replaced Google for me. It’s pretty incredible.

Yes it’s paid. Yes it’s worth it. No, not everyone is emotionally ready to pay for search.

cybersandwich ,

Alt-f4 is a hotkey built-in to the latest windows patch that disables all non-microsoft trackers.

cybersandwich ,

It’s pretty common across most orgs really. Google just seems to have perfected it. Which might actually mean they’ll kill it soon!

cybersandwich ,

Lemmy is gonna lemmy.

There isn’t any evidence that they used her voice for the “Sky” voice model. Actually, there is evidence that they paid a voice actress to model that specific actress’s voice.

That actress sounds similar to Scarlett, but it isn’t Scarlett’s voice. Is that illegal? No. Is it grounds for a suit? maybe. Will Scarlett win? Maybe.

Let’s put it another way. If you wanted to record an audio book, but you wanted the voice actor to have certain qualities that you think would help your book sell. You think Scarlett has all of those qualities, so you ask her if she would record it for you. She declines.

Well shit, that sucks. But wait! She’s not the only person with those vocal qualities. I am sure you can find someone else with very similar qualities. So you hire another voice actress that has all of those–which coincidentally and very understandable sounds a lot like Scarlett. But it isn’t Scarlett.

Everyone wants to say “big corp bad!” here, but if they truly didn’t use Scarlett’s voice and didn’t do any sort of manipulation to make it sound more like Scarlett, then why CANT they do it. I get that Scarlett is upset, but she’s basically mad that someone sounds like her–and decided to work for OpenAI.

If I wanted James Earl Jones to read my eulogy, but he isn’t available or is unwilling. Why couldn’t I get someone to sound like him to read it? Why should he be able to sue me for using a voice actor that sounds similar to him?

cybersandwich ,

It’d really be great if journalists even attempted “educating” readers or providing meaningful context. But then again, would it get this kind of traction?

The interesting story here is that interest rates are raised to SLOW spending and encourage saving. The interest rates spiked to CURB inflation. It has worked, despite most journalists seeming keenness for it not to, for the most part. If consumers and businesses reduce their spending due to higher costs of borrowing, this will bring down prices over time, aligning with the Fed’s inflation targets.

No one explains this to the average person, ever. Ironically, the story here should be consumers are spending money even when saving it should be incentivized because they can’t afford not to… because of profiteering by large companies, grocery chains, etc as well as stagnate wages for the past few decades. This means that inflation will creep up faster than it should because of demand-driven inflation. This makes the problem worse for low-income earners.

It seems to me that THAT type of inflation might require less of an “interest rate adjustment fix”, and more of a wage adjustment fix. Even potentially a regulatory fix to go after price gougers.

Do companies store facial and voice recognition data from the thousands of hours of zoom/teams calls that their employees use?

I heard a person call into a show the other day, voice only, and talk about some poor working conditions at a factory. Made me think about how it would probably be so easy for nefarious bosses to be able to identify that person through voice recognition SW with all of the data that comes from us looking directly into cameras and...

cybersandwich ,

Yea, a lot of companies and even govt agencies have policies against recording meetings except for special circumstances. Edit: to clarify they have policies against employees initiating recordings (let alone automatically recording anything by default)

Once you have it, it’s a record. Now you have to keep it and treat it like one.

cybersandwich ,

completed an approximately 90-minute holding pattern before safely returning to and landing in Makassar.

Lol wtf!? I get that it was past the point of no return and had to commit to take off but a 90 min wait to land again seems insane.

cybersandwich ,

Or raped someone. .how the fuck is this more prison time than much more serious crimes.

Presumably they can claw back some of the money too

cybersandwich , (edited )

And green. All associated with the more popular variants pfsense, opnsense, truenas, and freebsd.

Data truly is beautiful

cybersandwich ,

No way. I just switched to a Mac at work And I love the lack of integration with OneDrive, 365, etc. office on Mac is better because it hasn’t been made worse yet like the windows versions.

cybersandwich ,

I can’t tell if ops joke is “intentionally confusing buffers with registers” and everyone is playing along or if people aren’t making the distinction between the two in this thread.

Which is ironic and humorous…potentially by accident.

cybersandwich ,

So you are telling me your food bill is $2-3k/mo ??

Wtf are you buying?

cybersandwich ,

Ngl, just had a kid and I spend less on food because we don’t go out as often. It’s more of a hassle. And when we do go out we don’t get drinks or at least one of us doesn’t because we can’t take cabs with a baby.

Even with the multiple kid argument, there are economies of scale. You could almost make an argument that it’s more justifiable to eat out when you are single since most recipes seem scoped for a family and you might waste more food if you aren’t diligent about leftovers

Best Graphic card for Linux Gaming (

Are they some graphic card benchmark for linux environment ? From my windows experience, drivers are important, and often underestimate. My linux gaming experience is very bad, lots of my game are unstable, and others use a lot more resources than with windows. However, when I ask people, some of them have no issue at all, even...

cybersandwich ,

Unless it’s the newest of new Nvidia GTX cards, it’s generally a wash.

You tradeoff issues from one to the other.

I had a 3070ti that I “upgraded” to a 6900xt and I kind of regretted it. I fell for the AMD is king on Linux hype.

Nvidia is way better than people let on and AMD isn’t nearly as great as people let on.

That’s my two cents.

cybersandwich ,

I use vimwiki and wrote a bash script that pulls all of the Todo items from across my wiki and puts them in a single file with TODO and IN PROGRESS sections.

I have a keybind that pulls up the list and runs the script to refresh it.

It’s not linked to any calendar though. I keep my to-do list and calendar separate.

I use Gmail and have that calendar for my personal stuff. At work I am forced to use outlook.

cybersandwich ,

That’s exactly what they were aiming for. It was their hail Mary because they know they don’t have an actual defense

cybersandwich ,

That’s the way it works. It’s a risk management and mitigation strategy for companies. You hiring contractors and offload the liability.

From what I understand, and IANAL(with the best of em) we’d have to change the laws to go after companies for their contractor’s liability/negligence.

I think you’d be able to go after Perdue or seaboard if you could prove they were grossly negligence or derelict or knowingly hired this contractorbecause they used kids.

But they can play that legal “plausible deniability” card otherwise.

After Raids, NYPD Denied Student Protesters Water and Food in Jail (

Students arrested during the police crackdown on protests at universities in New York City last week were denied water and food for 16 hours, according to two faculty members at Columbia University’s Barnard College who collected reports from students who were inside....

cybersandwich ,

Yea and even the holding cells have those. Usually behind a half wall where it’s not really private but its sorta blocking your business.

Those sink/toilet combos are what had Dems claiming migrants were “drinking out of toilets”.

cybersandwich ,


I see this thread got brigaded by down voters.

cybersandwich ,

If it makes you feel any better I am very much a Democrat. So it was a little bit of criticizing “my own team” so to speak.

But I can see how it reads in hindsight. Haha I sound like my grandpa at Thanksgiving.

cybersandwich ,


Paying for search aligns incentives better than free search.

It’s also the best results from a search engine I’ve had in a decade.

cybersandwich ,

Now now now. We can do both thank you very much.

cybersandwich ,

That’s why my windows partition is still in regular use. I play apex legends. It used to play flawlessly on pop is but over a year ago at this point it started screwing up.

I’d usually be able to get it working after a while, but when I have 30-45 minutes or maybe an hour at most to game, I don’t want to spend all of it “fixing”. I’d rather restart into windows and be playing in a minute.

cybersandwich ,

The second Trump starts losing favor with his voters or ability to fundraise the party will drop him super hard and fast.

If he loses again, AND the Republicans get mopped down the ballot, you’ll start seeing people drop him or hang him out to dry like rats fleeing a sinking ship

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