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Psychodelic ,

Good thing back in the day there were probably very few cult leaders…

Does anyone wonder about how the story of Jesus being plagiarized from the Egyptian myth of Horus affects the narrative about the Jesus that supposedly lived and died a century earlier? You know the one that happened to have incredibly important political value for the established leaders of the time?

No? Me either. Praise Horus!

Psychodelic ,

Seriously, what a shit article. The only thing interesting was the history about mothers rioting. That’s super badass

Apple Matches Worker Donations to IDF and Illegal Settlements, Employees Allege (

An open letter from Apple employees and shareholders demands the tech giant stop matching employee donations to organizations with ties to the Israeli military assault on the Gaza Strip and ongoing illegal settlement development in the West Bank....

Psychodelic ,

I’ve been wondering if my company would stop matching my donations going to Save The Children and Jewish Voice For Peace - the latter is apparently quite controversial. Anyone done some of their own research on them and have thoughts to share? I ultimately decided to send em 10 bux, but it’s possible there’s better causes/groups that help support Palestinians and advocate for a ceasefire and such

Psychodelic ,

Not sure if you’re mostly joking but TT has tons of long-form content as well. It’s one of the main reasons I don’t use it - all my recommendations are super interesting 7+ min videos (I think I get too anxious to open the app knowing it’s going to open up to some super in-depth breakdown on a very specific topic. It’s insane how good their algorithm is. It practically never misses

Psychodelic ,

Well how else would they make your post about themselves? I mean, would they even feel superior if they hadn’t bother to comment

Psychodelic ,

This is a great comment! I appreciate you mentioning your favorite form of content!

I’m going to go ahead and let OP know what my preferred format is so they can keep in mind in the future, as well

Psychodelic ,

Hey OP, thanks a lot for making this post! I appreciate you giving me an outlet for my mental illness the opportunity to let you, and any other users here, know that I actually really prefer graphic novels.

OP, would you kindly consider adapting the information presented in this video into a graphic novel (in color, of course) so I can consume the infoyou found interesting in my preferred format? Also, one of my cousins is deaf , so could you make a copy of the graphic novel in sign language, too?

I hope it’s as interesting as I imagine. I haven’t clicked on it yet since I don’t want to spoil anything in the graphic novel adaptation

Sorry. Just having fun. Some people on this site are legit interesting characters, to put it nicely

Psychodelic ,

I don’t think I understand your comment. Are you saying you think those men only let them go out because they expected them to get a good paying job and now they can’t? Or like because of the masseuse thing?

Psychodelic ,

I’m honestly not a fan of the government deciding which version of a religion is correct, and I’m even less into the gov enforcing targeted dress codes. It seems super authoritarian to me and I can’t really see how it could be a good thing.

I’d consider myself anti-theist but still, I don’t see how you can live in a free society and let the government have that power

That said, I’m open to learning how this could be a positive/negative and whether or not it would create a group of second class citizens.

Psychodelic ,

Ah, gotcha. Makes sense now. Thanks for the reply. I totally agree

Psychodelic ,

One difference is there was already value with having a gmail account. What’s the point of getting a Microsoft account? The only thing I can see is it makes settings set up/transfer easy between PCs and for reinstalls.

Except, if I’m reinstalling, I can’t imagine waiting to copy settings since one of those settings is probably causing a problem and I don’t want it to be automatically set for me. I also don’t use the Microsoft store so…

Does anyone else actually get value from their Microsoft account? If not, It just feels like it’s only purpose is giving them (more) access to your computer. Why would anyone want that?

Psychodelic ,

Would something like that only apply to store-bought PCs? Or could they somehow lock a motherboard you bought separately? Sorry, no idea how bootloaders work, despite unlocking em plenty of times on Android phones in the past

Psychodelic ,

I absolutely hate that. What’s wrong with just entering a key? They act like it’s difficult or they’re doing something truly impressive when it’s obvious they’re getting way more out of users having an account

Psychodelic ,

It doesn’t have to mean anything! It gets the people going

Psychodelic ,

Well fuckin’ teach me then!!

Lol. Seriously though, why do you feel so aggressively entitled to have others educate you? You’re clearly ignorant of the answers you’re looking for but you’re disrespecting others for your lack of knowledge. Idk, just something I noticed - your cross and whatnot

Psychodelic ,

I don’t think anyone called you a nazi; you’re assuming that.

You need to work on your ability to communicate effectively with others. I don’t think you yourself would react positively/the way you wish others would, if someone spoke/wrote to you that way. Literally no one owes you anything - even a response. A response from someone more knowledgeable than ourselves, especially on this platform, is generous and something to appreciate. If you’re ok with responses from people that don’t care about things like being respectful, carry on and ignore everything I said

Psychodelic ,

Fair enough. Stay angry, buddy. Happy learning

Psychodelic ,

Unpopular opinion (apparently): I value the overpriced, yet imo absolutely priceless, education I received when I was in college/at a university.

It’s honestly unbelievable (to me) how much people in the US look down on learning and getting an education

Psychodelic ,

Ngl, I did not actually expand the picture to see the caption. I just saw the main image about knowledge. Post-docs absolutely get fucked and I do feel bad for them.

I quit one year into my PhD because I was miserable in grad school. I have to assume most post-docs have some crazy resilience or some kind of mental issue/trauma that keeps them going and going. I guess that’s probably true for most people but post-docs do some seriously hard mental work and basically get shafted the entire time (at least in the US).

Psychodelic ,

I figured it’s due to using a vpn or ad blocker or something

Psychodelic ,

That is an excellent lesson to teach your kids /s

Jk, kinda. I don’t have kids (so totally easy for me to say) but I know of that one poem/saying that goes, I taught my daughter not to stand out and be obedient so she wouldn’t struggle against the fascists. Now, I realize I should’ve taught her to be herself and stand out, as that is what this world needs now more than ever… don’t remember exactly but it was something like that, I also don’t remember where I heard it

Psychodelic ,

It’s one of my favorite things to teach white friends and (extended) family when they say they don’t care about being called cracker, or are “never offended” by words

“Oh, you’re right. I don’t really like that!” - my cousin in law. lol. The look on her face was honestly priceless

Psychodelic ,

Uhh, did I say it was bad somewhere? I don’t think I even stated my opinion about it. lol. Wtf u talking bout?

It’s usually white people that say it’s not bad/offensive and/or that everyone should be allowed to say whatever they want or they’re just words, don’t get so offended, etc.

I’m just teaching my white friends and fam their own history. Personally, I think it’s worse and more offensive that they don’t know or care about the atrocities their ancestors committed than the modern use of the word cracker. That said, it’s offensive like seeing a piece of trash on the street - it won’t ruin my day or anything but I’m well aware it’s stll trashy

Psychodelic ,

Idk about less than human; moreso, we just see them/each other through a racial lens - one rooted in our respective culture(s) and understanding of history (which is itself usually heavily-written/influenced by earlier European culture/historians).

That said, most Americans tend to use racism as a synonym for prejudice (as opposed to the academic definition of racism; i.e. an “organized system of race-based” prejudice). To probe this line of thought, I’ve recently started asking people whether they would consider a black American (wo)man growing up in 1845 (pre-Civil war) or in ~1930 (peak KKK membership; ~5 million Americans) racist for their likely negative views of the average white American. I’ve yet to get an answer, which is a bit of a bummer. Personally, I think most people realize it would be silly to call a black American slave racist for being prejudiced of their fellow white American citizens who they know only as brutal slave owners/traders. (Did y’all know pirates would use African slaves to launder money since they had a stable monetary value?)

Sorry, if it’s a bit of a tangent. I find this stuff super interesting. Highly recommend “Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?” by Beverly Tatum and the doc “Exterminate All the Brutes” on HBO to anyone interested. Then come and chat with me about your thoughts! No one I know cares about this kind of stuff. It’s all rap battles and dumb culture war crap, but I digress (further)

Psychodelic ,

But prejudice has always been bad. It’s just that racism, especially the racism that resulted from centuries of chattel slavery, is worse. It’s a lot worse. It’s something that can be studied through multiple lenses/fields, politics (colonization, authoritarianism), psychology (identity formation, PTSD), law (red-lining, jim crow, mass incarceration) economics (no business loans from banks, racist hiring practices), philosophy (justice, freedom, epistemology), sociology, anthropology, etc.

People don’t really fear being called a slur on the street as much as they fear being seen as less than human by our society and shared institutions.

Psychodelic ,

I just listened to this, it’s actually a bit before your timestamp, but based on the context of the conversation there having, it seems like they’re talking about actually seeing the dead Palestinian kids. When she says “them” it seems to me like she’s saying we’ve now actually seen decapitated kids, whereas as before we only had hearsay

Psychodelic ,

How about instead, we make it way harder to get a license and then just let thr good drivers go as fast as they want (exaggerating, thinking more like those euro highways)?

There’ll be less cars on the road and good drivers can stop being annoyed by all the slow, confused, sleepy drivers

1,000 Harvard Students Walk Out of Commencement to Support 13 Seniors Barred from Graduation over Gaza (

More than a thousand Harvard students walked out of their commencement ceremony yesterday to support 13 undergraduates who were barred from graduating after they participated in the Gaza solidarity encampment in Harvard Yard....

Psychodelic ,

K, and how is that relevant?

In your mind, all these students were “Palestine protestsers” that hate Biden? Can you help us out here? Do you have a full thought you’d like to complete, or are you just scared and angry?

To everyone else, how did people learn absolutely nothing about politics, or even basic communication during the last 8 damn years? Yelling and nagging at people, even if you’re right, will always come off as being an insufferable, annoying asshole to anyone that doesn’t already agree with you and isn’t interested in something you’ve immediately felt the need to put down because you think you already know what’s important

There’s plenty of good books out there for anyone interested in learning how to communicate with others, especially those you disagree with - I recommend You’re Not Listening or I’m Just Saying as good starting points

Psychodelic ,

There’s plenty of good books out there for anyone interested in learning how to communicate with others, especially those you disagree with - I recommend You’re Not Listening or I’m Just Saying as good starting points

[✓] I’m not a robot

Psychodelic ,

It’s definitely better than naming it after the people they killed that used to live there

Psychodelic ,

Is it really? Or do you just not like attending live events?

I’ve been to so many shows I can’t even imagine letting a shitty corporation stand in the way of something I enjoy so much.

Psychodelic ,

Shit, sorry I asked. Not sure how in the world that was offensive to y’all

Psychodelic ,

Thanks for the response. I appreciate it. I don’t necessarily agree with your POV, obviously, but I do sincerely appreciate the explanation.

That said, if you think that was neutral, you need a bit of work on your communication skills. Most people would just tell someone speaking to them like that to fuck off. I began writing a reply but I don’t really think it makes sense to continue the dialogue. I doubt you really care what I think anyway, and that’s totally fine. We can agree to disagree.

Psychodelic ,

Oh damn! I had no idea how expensive sync is (or that you could tag)! That’s nuts.

Thanks for paying! Someone has to :D

Psychodelic ,

I honestly care about high income inequality and campaign finance reform. Can we talk about those instead of what you care about?

No, this is actually a really effective way of communicating with other people and convincing them what I have to say is worth listening to. This absolutely does not alienate people or make me come off as an insensitive bot that doesn’t know hot treat people like humans before I unload my personal interests on them

Free Palestine, btw! 🍉

Psychodelic ,

What a fuckin clown! A very mentally ill, and demonstrably stupid clown

That said, I love that his last name is White. You really can’t make this shit up

Psychodelic ,

Mad disrespect to you as well, though I appreciate the response

That said, I think it’s relevant since he supports the political party that heavily pushes white supremacist ideology and is heavily supported by white supremacists. No, I don’t think I’m being racist (based on either the academic or layman definition) by making light of the coincidence of his surname and his support for a party that advocates for white supremacy.

Now you answer just one question for me: Do you think the average Black man living in the US in say 1845 (pre-Civil War) or 1930 (just after the KKK reached its peak membership of ~5 million) was racist due to their likely negative views of the average White American, the policies they supported and the prevalence of White domestic terrorists that were not investigated/charged/convicted?

Answer honestly. Let’s chat about it; I’m super curious to read your answer

Psychodelic ,

This seems nuts. Is this not an insane opinion? You want entire dog breeds to go extinct? What are your thoughts on that one governor lady? lol

Psychodelic ,

Yeah they’re here too. I think there’s a huge overlap in the demographics of reddit, this site, and really the entire Internet - white American dudes over ~35 . I’ve learned a lot about these people this demographic during my time on the web (mainly from places like reddit)

Psychodelic ,

Idk why you think I’m upset. I’m more shocked than anything.

I would think most people tend to support conservation of different animals and whatnot, except for maybe mosquitoes (and even then I’d be hesitant). It’s also blowing my mind that you’re heavily upvoted. I had no idea some of y’all thought this way.

That said, I’m just going to assume I don’t fully understand what you’re saying since it seems so batshit crazy to me. It’s clear this isn’t really an honest, open dialogue anyway, and that’s totally fine

Psychodelic ,

Thanks for sharing your POV. It’s definitely the first time I’ve heard something that radical about dogs, which are basically the most beloved living thing in the US, but I can somewhat understand where you’re coming from.

I’d definitely support making it more difficult to own a dog, but mostly because many of the dog owners I’ve met are borderline abusive to their pets (I’m mainly thinking of neglect here). I don’t think I could ever support a ban on entire breeds. That’s where it starts to seem crazy to me. Make it a felony to own a dog that bites someone or something but don’t make it a felony to simply own the dog. We don’t even have such laws for people that own guns or swords and surely those lead to more deaths/injuries than dogs.

Psychodelic ,

I wish I had your self-confidence! It would maybe help me get laid 😵

Psychodelic ,

My parents never took me to these places, so I always felt like I missed out. Now they’re all way too expensive to justify but it doesn’t really feel like I missed out on much. McDonald’s is the weirdest one. I used to think everyone hated it, until way later when I realized, nope. It was just my dad that hated it and made it so we couldn’t have it. He wouldn’t even drink Coke

Psychodelic ,

lol. That’s an overly-generous way to look at it.

If only those were the only ways he forced everyone in his family to agree to support his personal preferences

For the lessons you’re maybe thinking of, I’d give credit to my mom. She wouldn’t let us have things like chef boyardee (had to look up the spelling. lol) because she’d say it wasn’t as real but then would instead make legit pasta with store-bought ingredients. Whereas my dad would just prefer Burger King instead of McDonald’s for some reason. Dude just hated things that were popular and happened to be right a couple of times. Bonus points if kids really wanted something he didn’t care for - then he happily rubbed our faces in how we were dumb for wanting what everyone else wanted.

All said, they were immigrants so advertising def had to hit different for them

Psychodelic ,

lol. It’d actually be kinda disrespectful if it wasn’t clear you’ve never met a struggling American in your life

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