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It's best to judge people by their actions more than their words, but on social media, you only see people's words.

I know this sounds pretentious (which is quite ironic), but this is something I’ve noticed about the internet. You never read about what someone does, only what they say. You hear politicians claim that they’ll fix the economy, or celebrities make speeches about what they feel like, or what “message” a fictional movie...

Any observation can be turned into an interesting question.

I frequently post in AskLemmy so I think about questions a lot. For example, I was thinking about this in the shower and I was thinking “I really like this handmade soap. It’s much better than the usual stuff we get” and then I came up with a related question: “What is something that you would rather buy handmade instead...

Mastering Essay Writing for Academic Excellence

Essay writing is a crucial skill for students aiming to excel in their academic pursuits. It involves more than just compiling words into paragraphs; it is an art that requires critical thinking, analysis, and the ability to articulate thoughts clearly. Whether you are writing an argumentative essay, a research paper, or a...

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