There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

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MyTurtleSwimsUpsideDown , to science_memes in Noise

That explains why my fuzzy terrorist always wants to bite them.

ReputedlyDeplorable ,

Yes, if the plant is screaming at having its leaves torn, my little psychopath would absolutely be like “bite it harder!”

PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S , to nostupidquestions in Is this normal for girls or just a extreme edge case? (Serious question) avatar

Solution: simply cover your most phallic groceries with condoms, then dispose the condoms before eating.

Mothra , avatar

Yeah that lube in the condoms 👌 chef’s kiss

Lemminary ,

That’s why I buy the flavored ones. The strawberry-flavored side salad is absolutely yums!

I_Fart_Glitter , (edited )

English cucumbers come with their own condom, but it usually has rough seams :(

meco03211 ,

It’s called ribbed.

Junkers_Klunker ,

For her pleasure

gedaliyah , avatar


bizarroland , to asklemmy in What would happen if you spray a bucket with hydrophobic spray and put water in it?

Basically, the water would be held inside the bucket in the shape of the bucket without getting the bucket wet, because the hydrophobic coating would prevent the water from touching the bucket, however the water would still touch the hydrophobic coating, it just will not stick to the hydrophobic coating.

scrubbles , to asklemmy in What's an immediate turn off in a person? avatar

Being rude to service staff. Immediate indicator on who they are as a person. There is zero reason to ever be mad at someone making near minimum wage whose job it is to grab you a drink or check you out or something. It also shows that they’ve themselves never worked service, which is a rite of passage

tenchiken , (edited )

“Why should I tip?! I’m already paying for the service!”

Immediately leave without even telling them to take a cab.

Edit: 1, I am in the US, yes.

2: the wording sounded like it implied a behavior of a date while out dining. I was answering based on how I’d respond if a prospective mate treated underpaid US staff shitty.

EvilCartyen ,

Happens to be true in all modern western countries though, only the US seems unable to force companies to pay a livable minimum wage.

slacktoid , avatar

That is specifically a US problem.

Moonguide ,

Not necessarily. I’m not in the US, but we’ve imported a lot of their less savoury customs, and tipping culture is one of them. It is costumary to tip 18% where I’m from.


If I am ordering and picking up at a counter fuck tipping. If I’m actually being waited on then I’ll always tip if the service wasn’t dogshit.

jjjalljs ,

I tip in those situations because the $5 won’t make a difference to me, but might to them.

Like, if you’re broke, whatever. But some people are pulling in seven figures annually and still whine about a $5 tip.

weeeeum , to asklemmy in What is something people you encounter at your job say that makes you want to scream? (Job, person & quote)

Worked IT .

Everything is working

“Why do we even pay you guys ?”

Something is broken

“Why do we even pay you guys?”

pete_the_cat ,

I was gonna say “I worked desktop support for years…so pretty much everything” 😂

This is why I became a Linux admin.

cheesymoonshadow OP , avatar

I can’t imagine. Must be so aggravating.

superkret ,

We send out a monthly internal newsletter to management summarizing what we did that month in layman’s terms.
We also include info about major security breaches, hacks or system failures that affected other companies along with a short explanation about why it didn’t affect us.
It still goes over the head of management, but it gives them the feeling we’re smart, on top of things, and important.

whotookkarl , avatar

IT PR good managers do to sell the team and keep them off the block when layoffs happen because of say poor investment decisions like commercial real estate as that market plummets

jeena , to linux in Which CLI app/utility you wish there was a GUI for? avatar

For me it's the other way around I wish there would be better CLI support for GUI apps.

mfat OP ,

Any examples?

jeena , avatar
  1. Gimp to batch edit pictures in a script (I know about ImageMagick but still)
  2. Excel to change stuff in excel files quickly (I know about python modules but it's so complicated to use)
  3. Proprietary VPN software like Cisco AnyConnect, I want to automate the login when I boot, but they don't let me

Just from the top of my head.

SeeJayEmm , avatar

For Excel there is a PowerShell module called Import-Excel that I use all the time.

jeena , avatar

I see, nice, but I'm on Linux, so perhaps I need to run power shell there ^^

SeeJayEmm , avatar

I forgot where I was posting. (I use both win and Linux pretty heavily.) I have pwsh, let me see if import-excel works on linux and report back.

SeeJayEmm , (edited ) avatar

Appears to work as well as it does on windows. I guess the only downside is learning powershell if you have no previous experience with it.


yetAnotherUser ,

If you don’t want to use PowerShell in Linux, there’s also nushell, which is another (non-POSIX) shell that can process Excel files

nmtake ,
  1. Gimp to batch edit pictures in a script (I know about ImageMagick but still)

It seems to exist:

sparr ,

There are many things you can do in the GIMP gui that can’t be done programmatically :(

delirious_owl , avatar

This is one reason I love FreeCAD. Everything done in the GUI is just a python call

Lydia_K , avatar

Check out openconnect to connect to anyconnect VPNs

jeena , avatar

I did, doesn't work with our company setup with 2FA.

ik5pvx ,

What kind of prompt does your company 2FA provide? Using openconnect with networkmangler, I get a pop up to input my pin+totp. I haven’t done the script way in the last few years, but the connection script is plain shell and I was able to handle the 2FA from there too

jeena , avatar

It's some time ago I dug deeper on what was happening, but openconnect was getting a different response from the server than it expected and it just failed because of that.

ik5pvx ,

For anyconnect: openconnect works perfectly, either as standalone script or via networkmangler.

rescue_toaster ,

pavucontrol. I switch between usb headset and my external speakers all the time. Continually going to this gui is kind of annoying.

mranderson17 ,

I use a little oneliner with tofi (rofi/wofi would also work) to select the current output and avoid pavucontrol. It’s mapped to a sway binding but would probably work in any wm/de:

<span style="color:#323232;">pactl set-default-sink $(pactl list short sinks |awk '{print $2}' |tofi $tofi_args)

I’m using pipewire so the functionality of pactl is actually provided through pipewire-pulse I think

rescue_toaster ,

Does set-default-sink change an already current stream? Or do you need move-sink-input.

I’ve looked at the manpages but was a bit overwhelmed and didn’t try to make my own script. Your solution gives me motivation to do so. I also use sway and pipewire. Though I use fuzzel for my launcher.

mranderson17 ,

Yeah, it changes without skipping a beat for me in pipewire, even in things like zoom/teams.

oo1 ,

I love programs like freecad despite the really hard/unintuitive gui. 95% of all the modelling i need to do (as an amateur) can be done easily in a python script.

The finishing touches like adding filets and chamfers are the annoying part were gui is easier, due to the way edges are referenced.

Likewise at work, we have to produce a lot of regular reports in excel. All done via python / sql.

notabot ,

It’s been years since I had to admin Windows servers, but I was quite impressed with the number of MS products where the install and configuration tools would output the Powershell commands to carry out the changes you’d asked for. It made it quite a lot easier to automate. I’d love to see that paradigm catch on more widely, with the GUI and CLI having the same functionality and the GUI giving you the commands to run.

Petter1 ,

I like gui file browser with integrated console window that prints all the commands you trigger by using gui as well.

joeldebruijn ,

This, but for a Fireshot like tool. Screenshot and pdf of webpages in their entirety by scrolling while shotting. In bulk, with CLI.

refalo ,

Do you have a legitimate use-case for this?

joeldebruijn ,

Dont know if it’s illegitimate otherwise 😉

But my user story is like this:

I want to preserve and archive information I used because it’s a reflection of the things I did, learned and studied throughout life.

Then my use case are:

  • Orientation about “events”: places to visit on daytrips or holidays (musea, nature, parks, campsites) and looking for practical information and background as well.
  • Gather a “dossier”: info to help make a decision (buying expensive things, how to do home improvement etc)
  • Building a personal knowledge database: interesting articles and blogs.

My current workflow:

  • Browse
  • Bookmark extensively
  • Download pdf or other content (maps, routes, images) when provided.
  • Open bookmarks.
  • Fireshot every webpage to pdf and png
  • Save everything with a consequent filename (YYYYMMDD - Source - Title)

I would like to automate the last 3 steps of my workflow.

joeldebruijn ,

It’s also the use cases supported by Linkwarden:

refalo ,

Does this support sites that lazy load content as you scroll?

joeldebruijn ,

Not sure, search on “screenshot lazy load Fireshot” or “screenshot lazy load Linkwarden” does not turn up anything conclusive.

Do you have an example?

refalo ,…/21075

This one doesn’t actually seem to load new network requests, but the way the scrolling works seems to break any other screenshot application I’ve tried.

joeldebruijn ,

Can confirm, tested it with Signal forum, also discourse. Fireshot stops at the end of the current loaded messages (20 of 94) and doesnt scroll further by itself.

cerement , to programmer_humor in The team that pushed yesterday's Crowdstrike update has been identified. avatar
lordnikon ,


ZeroCool OP ,

Nice username.

radicalautonomy , avatar

I thought you was black, man?

magic_lobster_party , to memes in No PS3 backwards compatibility

It is hard. PS3 has incredibly specialized hardware. Even game developers had trouble making games for it at the time because it’s so arcane.

bolexforsoup ,

Yes it is hard, and that was their damn fault. I can’t believe they expected developers to have to program which processors take which loads with such granularity. Unbelievably stupid.

someguy3 ,

Was the idea to improve performance?

AProfessional ,

Yes, when used properly it did out perform the competition.

bolexforsoup ,

Yes but the modest improvement in output over the 360 was clearly not worth it

AndrasKrigare ,

It is, and it does provide improved performance at the expense of complexity. Both India and the US Air Force actually used clusters of PS3s to create supercomputers. has some more details as well

cm0002 ,

Nah, that’s still a bunch of bull, they designed it and have all the documentation. They know all of its functionality, hidden or otherwise, it’s “undocumented” functions, it’s quirk’s, the very ins and outs of it. They probably still have original designers on staff. They have far more knowledge and experience of their own design than any game developers.

And yet RPCS3, an open source PS3 emulator based on reverse engineered research is able to achieve decent playability on most games.

Not to mention, they’re a multi-billion dollar company, don’t make excuses for them.

dgbbad ,

Most of the games I’ve played on RPCS3 look way better and run much smoother than how they did on the console itself. And no long wait times to load into the console OS save menuz saving was nearly instant. So good.

CaptainBlagbird , avatar

They probably have a bunch of developers like me: Dafuq did I do yesterday? 😵‍💫

bruhduh , avatar

Recent crowdstrike problem be like

mukt , avatar

Not to mention, they’re a multi-billion dollar company, don’t make excuses for them.

They pay someone handsomely to make excuses for them.

UltraGiGaGigantic ,

For profit corporations should not be trusted to preserve out culture. They would happily delete everything it if made then 1 dollar

Gork ,

I’ve worked at companies where the documentation was either non-existent, not digitized, or very poor in quality. Add 10+ years to that when nobody is left at the company who worked on the original project and it can cause this exact level of frustration.

magic_lobster_party ,

AFAIK, the documentation isn’t the main problem. I’m pretty sure PS3 is quite well understood.

The problem is how to translate the code to a typical X86 architecture. PS3’s uses a very different architecture with a big focus on their own special way on doing parallelism. It’s not an easy translation, and it must be done at great speed.

The work on RPCS3 incredible, but it took them more than a decade of optimizations to get where they are now. Wii U emulation got figured out relatively quickly in comparison, even if it uses similar specs to PS3.

jaaake ,

Having worked (as a designer, not an engineer) on a PS3 launch tile, this post also aligns with my understanding.

SkunkWorkz ,

The Wii U was just a souped up Wii so of course the emulation scene had a Wii U emulator in no time.

semperverus , avatar

Just rewrite it in haskell (or Fold)! Problem solved :)

Buddahriffic ,

There can be a lot of subtle changes going from one uarch to another.

Eg, C/C++ for x64 and ARM both use a coprocessor register to store the pointer to thread-local storage. On x64, you can offset that address and read it from memory as an atomic operation. On ARM, you need to first load it into a core register, then you can read the address with offset from memory. This makes accessing thread-local memory on ARM more complicated to do in a thread safe manner than on x64 because you need to be sure you don’t get pre-empted between those two instructions or one thread can end up with another’s thread-local memory pointer. Some details might be off, it’s been a while since I dealt with this issue. I think there was another thing that had to line up perfectly for the bug to happen (like have it happen during a user-mode context switch).

And that’s an example for two more similar uarchs. I’m not familiar with cell but I understand it to be a lot more different than x64 vs ARM. Sure, they’ve got all the documentation and probably still even have the collective expertise such that everything is known by at least someone without needing to look it up, but those individuals might not have that same understanding on the x64 side of things to see the pitfalls before running into them.

And even once they experience various bugs, they still need to be debugged to figure out what’s going on, and there’s potential that the solution isn’t even possible in the paradigm used to design whatever go-between system they were currently working on.

They are both Turing complete, so there is a 1:1 functional equivalence between them (ie, anything one can do, the other can). But it doesn’t mean both will be able to do it as fast as the other. An obvious example of this is desktops with 2024 hardware and desktops with 1990 hardware also have that 1:1 functional equivalence, but the more recent machines run circles around the older ones.

cm0002 ,

That’s all understandable, for a startup or young company. But this is Sony a multi-billion dollar electronics company with many MANY released devices and software projects under its belt.

If they had taken things seriously, invested the proper funding and pulled the appropriate personnel they would have no problems getting something out that can beat RPCS3 in a year tops.

They tried to just slap something together as (what someone around here commented a while back) a minimum value add product and shove it out the door. Any claims of “It’s just too hard” they try to make is nothing but cover AFAIC now that people are starting to call them out on it

Buddahriffic ,

“It’s too hard” really means “we don’t think the benefit we’d gain is worth the resources and effort it would take to get there”.

Cyth ,

I don’t think it being hard is really the issue. Sony is a billion dollar multi-national corporation and they don’t get any benefit of the doubt whatsoever. Is it hard? Maybe it is, but maybe they should have thought of what they were going to do in the future when they were designing this. As was pointed out elsewhere, volunteers making an open source emulator are managing it so Sony not wanting to, or being unable to, isn’t an excuse.

Rhynoplaz , to memes in my type

Am I the only one that appreciates those people? I actually might be one of those people myself, the jury’s still out.

I have a coworker that LOVES math, and he dumps topology and set theories on me all the time. I don’t know what half of it means, but I find the concepts very interesting.

flamingo_pinyata ,

When did we as a society decide that being passionate about something is a bad thing.
Sure sometimes I’m not in the mood of listening to an infodump, but I appreciate that someone cares enough to want to share it with me.

general_kitten ,

I as someone who is bad at coming up with things to talk about Those kinds of people are so fun to talk with as i don’t have to constantly worry about what to talk about next.

dephyre , to asklemmy in What life hack is so simple yet so effective, you're shocked more people don't know about it? avatar

Just how much cheaper and longer lasting keeping thing like rice, dried beans and flour can be. It’s amazing to me that no matter how empty my cupboards/fridge is I can always make fresh tortillas, refried beans, and rice in like an hour.

CanadaPlus , (edited )

Yes. And you can get all kinds of crap canned. The only thing I’ve found you can’t really replace is crunchy greens.

I’m not surprised people don’t know after decades of cold supply chain, but it’s a thing.

DeltaTangoLima , avatar

My wife’s Italian. Replace your items with always having a bottle of sauce and a packet of pasta in the cupboard, and there’s always a meal to be had no matter how empty the fridge is.

rustyfish , avatar

My GF is Italian too. One of the most important things I learned from her is literally this. Also, as long as you have any kind of vegetables in your house, you are always one step away from a pasta sauce.

DeltaTangoLima , avatar

100% For us, a passata, an onion, and some garlic is the minimum needed.

Probably helps that the FIL delivers us boxes of homemade passata all the time - we never have less than a dozen bottles on our storage shelves in the garage. But even if we were to ever run out, a couple of store-bought bottles in the pantry is our fallback option.

Rai ,

Amen to that. But I can’t do jar/bottled sauce so if I want easy noodles, it’s cook noodles, leave some pasta water after draining, throw in some butter at the end to make it thicc, then serve topped with olive oil/red pepper flakes/salt/pepper/parmigiano Reggiano (all things I make sure I always have in stock always)

I also keep a stack of cans of San Marzano tomatoes to make a red sauce any time I want, but that takes a couple hours instead of 20 minutes.

ThisIsNotHim , avatar

There are good sauces you can make from canned tomatoes in 20 minutes (depending on your prep speed).

My go tos are Putanesca & Vodka sauce, but there’s a lot more you can do. Mark Bittman’s How to Cook Everything has a simple recipe and then a big list of variants, most of which can be done in 20 minutes.

Rai ,

Noted, thank you! I have a specific sauce I like to make, and I like it best simmered for a couple hours in a Dutch oven hahaha

DeltaTangoLima , avatar

Most of the sauce we use is home made. My FIL makes it every year and always gives us boxes of it. Way better than shop bought sauce.

gravitas_deficiency , (edited ) to nostupidquestions in What is the actual point of a bra?

Edit: context: a big part of it is weight support.

I’ve got a childhood friend who got a reduction because she had back problems after she went through puberty, and it basically led to her having chronic pain for a while in college. She’s WAY happier at a C-cup than whatever size she had before.

Edit: curious what the downvotes are for. This is absolutely a real thing. Downvoting me for sharing a thing that real people actually struggle with isn’t going to make them struggle with it less. And on the hunch that the downvotes are dudes: if you have a female partner, or a female friend who you can ask these sorts of things to, ask them to confirm that it is real, and they will be happy to.

ByteOnBikes ,

People down voting you? Do they not realize this is a serious medical condition and does create back pain?

Horny porn brain mfers who don’t know how women’s bodies work.


Upvoted, friend. And happy your friend is doing better and is happier, but if a C is her happy place, how big were they? That sounds sucky

volvoxvsmarla ,

Friendly reminder that C cup has no meaning without a band size.

Reyali ,

Someone already mentioned that cup size has no meaning without band size, but also want to help dispel the myth that D is a “huge” size.

The rule of thumb is that your cup size is the difference between the size of your rib cage and the size around your chest. Then it’s 1” per cup, with caveats and adjustments, but we’re talking basics.

So in reality a C cup is a 3” difference between ribcage and breasts. That’s pretty modest. However in media, it’s often played up that DD is your Playboy model size, but those are more likely to be a G cup or larger, at least if they were sized correctly.

RBWells ,

Yeah I am a certified member of the itty bitty committee and am currently in a perfectly fit 34D, and my measurements would put me in 32DD.

Those letters just don’t really mean anything without the band size. Nobody, literally nobody, would look at me and think “D cup”.

Bras really need more than two measurements. I need the band of a 32-34, the wire diameter dimensions of a 34D and the volume of what I think of as a 34 B. I can find this in particular models of bras but it would be nice to have it on the label.

ThatWeirdGuy1001 , (edited ) avatar

Probably because it does nothing to answer the question and the only relating component is that you’re talking about boobs.

Hawk ,

My favourite part of threaded platforms is the arbitrary and tangential discourse

ThatWeirdGuy1001 , avatar

I wouldn’t have brought it up if they hadn’t asked 🤷‍♂️

gravitas_deficiency ,

I intended on tying that into weight support, but I suppose that wasn’t terribly clear

Sweetpeaches69 ,



xorollo ,

Ackushually it’s Boob/s

AnUnusualRelic , avatar

I had a gf like that. It made total sense to me even though I never saw her before the reduction. She was quite happy with it as well.

tiredofsametab ,

You should probably tie it back into the actual question that OP had since I'm not sure everyone would make the connection between bras and what you wrote. I assume the other downvoters just hate the idea of a boob reduction.

SidewaysHighways , to asklemmy in what would be a funny thing to teach my 5 y/o niece?

Flicking your cheek just right to make the water drop noise

BippinThatBop ,


rockSlayer ,

OP, do this one

DessertStorms , avatar

This is evil

donkey makes popping noise

(not exactly the same noise but can be used to the same effect)

tiefling ,

Or making the mouth pop effect with your thumb

br3d , to science_memes in Humans didn't invent agriculture

Makes total sense: who’s working for whom? Is wheat making an effort to till the soil and find fertiliser to help us grow, or is it the other way round?

ThatWeirdGuy1001 , avatar

This is like the question I’ve always asked about getting sick.

Do you produce extra mucous because your body is trying to get rid of what’s making you sick or does the illness make you produce more mucous in order to spread more easily?

name_NULL111653 ,

Idk about the mucous, but a fever is definitely an attempt at killing whatever foreign pathogen is there. Hopefully a pathologist or doctor can help us here.

br3d ,

I suspect the serious answer is that we produce mucus and sneezing as a natural response to microbes, and that’s the environment within which microbes have evolved to take advantage of the mucus and sneezing

danc4498 ,

Survival of the fittest does not work with intent.

AnarchistArtificer ,

It does if I kill loads of stuff

jpeps ,

Pretty sure this is exactly correct. I read the Kurzgesagt book Immune recently and it was a fascinating view into how our bodies are really the result of ancient warfare, with constant oneupmanship between us and the environment.

Steve ,

Evolution is a loop of random mutations that get reproduced if they randomly happen to give the organism better odds at reproduction.

Some germ gets a little better at spreading via mucous, so it gets to reproduce more because humans make mucous when they get sick

CobblerScholar ,

Mucus is one of the bodies innate methods of protection, same with vomiting, same with crying same with sweating. The body knows something is wrong so it kicks the production of those into overdrive to hopefully force whatever was in it out. Its why we start sweating, salivating and sometimes vomit when we eat super spicy peppers despite the fruit being room temp amd full of water

barsoap ,

And here we have a typical specimen exhibiting capitalist realism: Observe how the subject is analysing everything they come across on a “who works for who” basis, projecting human modes of production onto the universe. Applying it, even in vain, this reductive universality ensures that they will never think beyond it and, not thinking beyond it, not question either working for a capitalist or being a capitalist who is worked for, thereby in either case working for capitalism, a form of human cooperation in which happiness, well-being, yes even human connection (that necessitating eye-level communication) is traded for hastened advancement of the economy to achieve post-scarcity.

skulblaka , avatar

9 points out of 10, very good. Except that capitalism doesn’t want to ever achieve post-scarcity. They’re a dog chasing a car, without scarcity and demand their profit streams dry up.

barsoap ,

Hence why post-scarcity is the natural death point of capitalism.

Your question is essentially the same as Freudians arguing among themselves about the existence of a death drive: How could it possibly benefit the individual? If it can’t in some way benefit the individual, how can it be a drive? How does it mesh with the pleasure principle? The answer is simple: It doesn’t benefit the individual. In certain circumstances it benefits the genome, that’s why us seed-pods can, in certain circumstances, enter states in which it is pleasurable.

And all-encompassing and all-powerful, indeed, religious, as capitalism may seem right now it, too, is a seed pod. It does not have to will its abolishment to bring about the material conditions abolishing it.

Of course there’s also nothing speaking against it not making things unduly nasty for us. But that’s mere politics, not fate.

MindTraveller ,

All realism is bullshit

setsneedtofeed , avatar

Fool. Allow me to show you truth:

barsoap ,

Eris help us, the zoomers are here with lame humour.

MindTraveller ,

That’s not humour, it’s postmodern political theory.

Have you read any postmodern theory? Check out cyborg feminism.

barsoap ,

Have you tried not being a cabbage?

MindTraveller ,

Sorry, I’m not hip to all this gen z slang. Can you explain?

barsoap ,

Gen Z my sides that’s pre-boomer stuff. You’re like 100-200 years behind the curve on absurdism and you’re not even doing it well.

MindTraveller ,

Sorry, I don’t understand old people slang, can you explain?

barsoap ,

No. Consult your pineal gland.

MindTraveller ,

My pineal gland says you’re being annoying on purpose

barsoap ,

That observation is true, false, meaningless, and meaningful.

trolololol ,

Class war: wheat vs humanity

Don’t even get me started on cats.

mojofrododojo ,

I suspect cats.…/9756-toxoplasmosis

one of the many reasons to keep your cats indoors.

Fizz , to asklemmy in What else can be done to defeat Trump in November other than just telling people "vote"? avatar

Push back on the “both sides are the same” rhetoric. There is a massive group of “people” who are trying to argue that because Biden is old he is as bad as Trump and not worth voting for.

mozz , avatar

Haven't you read their messaging? They are just perfectly innocent Democrat supporters who are super concerned about Biden's chances in the election. Also they talk about Cornel West sometimes. For some reason they are not concerned about his chances in the election; they just really like what he has to say, and they're going to vote for him. Flawless.

disguy_ovahea ,

They each served one term. Just compare their actions.

Biden rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement, revoked the Keystone Pipeline permit, created a 13 million acre federal petroleum reserve for Alaskan wildlife, greatly increased oil site lease cost, signed $7B in solar subsidies, invested $66B in passenger rail, enacted the Inflation Reduction act to support clean energy, increased energy efficiency standards on cars, appliances, and industry, created new permitting rules to streamline transmission lines, leveraged the NLRB for an FTC ruling that eliminated non-compete agreements, capped credit card late fees, reduced or outlawed junk fees in several industries, forgave billions in student debt from predatory loans, created the CHIPS Act to improve reliance on domestic technology, reenacted Net Neutrality, repealed Title 42, ended the Muslim Ban, reinstated the law prohibiting Israeli settlement on Palestinian territory, signed the Equality Act for LGBTQ+ rights, restored gay rights to beneficiaries, pardoned thousands of gay veterans from being convicted based on their sexual orientation, reenacted trans care anti-discrimination law, signed the Respect for Marriage Act, enabled unspecified gender on US Passports, rejoined WHO, banned medical debt from credit reports, currently rescheduling marijuana, is actively reducing drug costs with the American Rescue Plan Act…

Trump repealed 112 climate regulations, left the Paris Climate Agreement, disbanded the pandemic response team stalling national pandemic response, left the WHO, repealed trans care anti-discrimination law, repealed gay rights to beneficiaries, enacted Title 42 and the Muslim ban, repealed the law prohibiting Israeli settlements on Palestinian territory, repealed Net Neutrality, provided tax cuts to the wealthy that further widened our already exploitative wealth inequality, increased tariffs on goods costing the consumers, seated the conservatives in SCOTUS that repealed Roe v. Wade…

frauddogg , avatar

Never let it be forgotten that Roe v. Wade was struck down during a Democrat administration.

And that klansman-adjacent segregationist will never be forgiven for the '94 Crime Bill; beyond that, he still hasn’t ended the 1033 Program, hasn’t ended the reckless militarization of lynch-mob police, hasn’t pardoned the 61 political prisoners in Atlanta facing federal RICO charges for protesting Genocide Joe’s pet project Cop Cities. He ain’t our ally, no matter how many little puff pieces of legislation he pushes of the lapdogs, bootlickers, and nepo-babies that do nothing to rectify the shit-sorry state of Amerika’s material conditions.

What was it y’all slandered that imperial sheepdog Bernie for? Your boy Brandon might as well have renamed a post office for all the good he’s doing the subjects-of-empire. I don’t give the first fuck about the lapdogs of imperialism getting their scraps, where the fuck is the equality and actual liberation that doesn’t require tapdancing like a minstrel for genocidal settlers?

sweng ,

Never let it be forgotten that Roe v. Wade was struck down during a Democrat administration

Ok, but what does that have to do with said denocrat administration? What say did they have in the matter? What could they have done to change the outcome?

frauddogg , (edited ) avatar

If you absolutely had to stay loyal to the Democrat party for some reason, he could’ve packed the courts like the democrats that call themselves “progressive” were telling him to do from day one of his administration, which said “progressives” were told it was ‘bad form’. Hell, Democrats have been using Roe v. Wade and similar protective legislation for women as carrots to dangle in front of the electorate ever since the Drone King; remember how the Violence Against Women act was supposed to be one of that minstrel’s priorities during his first hundred days, only for it to become “no longer a priority” after he got his seat?

But the correct answer would have been to divest from the party. To have made it clear that literal fucking genocide is the red line of any actual human with an actually-international slate of morals. To walk away, and make them earn your support– which you and those like you will never do, because you’re spineless dogs waiting for the next table scraps to fall from the genocider’s plate.

You, and everyone like you chose wrong; in unforgivable ways. I eagerly await your society’s collapse, me and the rest of the subjects-of-empire y’all tread on day-in, and day-out.

sweng ,

I’m not even american, so I’m not sure what you arw on about right now. All I asked was how Roe v. Wade being repealed was Biden’s fault, and the answer apparently is that he did not pack the court.

frauddogg , (edited ) avatar

All I asked was how Roe v. Wade being repealed was Biden’s fault, and the answer apparently is that he did not pack the court.

Didn’t pursue codification into law in his first hundred days just like the Drone King failed to do so with the Violence against Women Act; didn’t make use of the fact that the Constitution makes no limits on how many supreme court justices can exist on the bench at one time while he had an iron clad majority at the start of his administration, and now has the TEMERITY to use it as one of the new cudgels for this election cycle. “Oh, we’ll definitely codify it into law THIS time” yeah sure that’s what was said about VAWA.

I spit on him, I spit on everybody who runs interference for him, I spit on everybody who bears his water. The reason genocide comes up is because THAT IS WHAT HE IS. With his arming and tacit support of Israel, he is the same kind of genocidal trash Netanyahu and the rest of the IDF are; and that fact actually matters more to me than Amerikans and the health and well-being of such. The fact that the people who still want me to see them as my countrymen have accepted genocide as a negotiable disgusts me so goddamn much that I don’t even see anyone who does so as human anymore.

And because you’re out here running interference for that cracker, I see you no different. Give a fuck where you come from; if you’re ‘not’ Amerikan, fuck are you running your mouth like one? Keep your mark ass out the process.

sweng ,

Didn’t pursue codification into law in his first hundred days j

As (again) a non-american, doesn’t that require both chambers to support the legislation?

frauddogg , (edited ) avatar

To a degree. There would’ve been ways to force it while he still had at least one majority; but what it boils down to for me is ‘don’t say you’re going to do some shit if you’re never going to actually do it.’ This is why even if he wasn’t enslaving my people by the pigload, even if he wasn’t letting PDs extrajudically murder us at our workplaces, in these streets, and even in our homes, I’d still never support him.

He’s the same kind of liar Drone King Barry was; except even Barry didn’t have a pre-presidential history of locking up Black folk, eulogizing klansmen, and erecting Cop Cities during his administration to upkeep and intensify the inherent fascism of this country.

sweng ,

But isn’t it obvious that if a presidential candidate promises some legislation, that it is contingent on the legislative branch?

frauddogg , avatar

Maybe if you’ve got all the principle of a used car salesman. Where I’m from, writing checks your ass can’t cash results in your ass getting bounced, regardless of the circumstances you were writing it under. I don’t make allotments for rich old white men like that.

pr06lefs ,

Striking down Roe v Wade was not an act of the Democrat administration. It was struck down by a Republican supreme court.

frauddogg , (edited ) avatar

A republican supreme court he could have simply packed. I thought he had enough moderates to forcibly bump up the number of justices, what’s good? Don’t have all that backup that you tell us you have? At that point the court wouldn’t have been republican-controlled; but I guess the democrat party makes more money losing than they do shaking off their martyr complex and actually putting in work for the people that got them elected.

But y’know, the Democrat party’s genocide-enablers and the Toms that mislead for them keep telling us they don’t need the actual left in this country. You made your bed; now fuckin die in it.

pr06lefs ,

I don’t think Manchin and Sinema would go for court packing. And I’d count on zero republicans to vote with that. Who exactly are these moderates you were thinking of?

frauddogg , (edited ) avatar

Every single peckerwood that persecuted the squad, all those genocide-enablers Biden would’ve rather worked with to ship ammo, weapons, and assorted materiel to an illegitimate supremacist state, y’know, those so-called “moderates”. What’s good, you-- [gasp] didn’t have the support you thought you did? Color me shocked.

Almost like when your party repeatedly, routinely disavows the only part of the nation’s political system that thinks forward, you lose your chances for everything from legislation to re-election!

pr06lefs ,

Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to? I’m saying those moderates don’t exist, that that support doesn’t exist for packing the court. You’re blaming me for saying they do exist, and that the support for packing the court wasn’t there when I said it was? But I didn’t fucking say that support was there dumbass.

frauddogg , (edited ) avatar

I don’t accept that tone from genocidal fascist waterbearers; don’t try again.

pr06lefs ,

Again making up views of your opponents so you can go off on childish edgy rants.

frauddogg , avatar
pr06lefs ,

Lol is that all you got? Still looking for that list of moderates who stand ready to expand the supreme court.

LarkinDePark ,

You forgot the genocide.

frauddogg , avatar

They didn’t ‘forget’ the genocide; they think all that small paltry shit for the imperialist lapdogs papers over genocide.

LarkinDePark ,

He’s a literal Nazi judging by his comment history. No wonder he supports an American presidential candidate.

frauddogg , avatar

As the crowd grew, a few protesters began spray painting a statue and throwing smoke bombs, obviously discrediting to the cause

Oh, he’s one of those peckerwoods. “You only get to protest in ways that don’t draw attention and DON’T YOU DARE think about damaging property”-assed hook-assed treathounds

LarkinDePark ,

The “Russian are orcs” and “no Nazis in Ukraine” type. Even calls himself a Nazi in his name.

frauddogg , avatar

Oh you were talking about that one. Even more disgusting frankly

intensely_human ,

And the re-opening of mechanized trench warfare in Eastern Europe

Taalnazi , (edited )

Those are great and work well if you want to convince people who are leaning Biden, but if you want to convince Trump leaners, you might tweak the wordings a little. No need to mention the dangerous parts of anti-women’s rights stuff (ie. wanting to forbid abortion, thereby making women’s deaths much more likely), because that won’t convince them. The language they understand of “climate” is not “good measures”, but “I’m getting taxed and now I can’t pay my bills”. You need to speak in terms of fear, because that is what they are: afraid. Speak of fear, that the person who makes their bills higher, is actually Trump. Don’t do so by directly starting with how Trump is bad. Instead, say, interesting you vote for him, question, question more, push, but not too far… and then once you got them hooked, question them by fears. Then don’t tell them what the answer is (unless if they ask or seem to want one), but let them think. Let them figure it out. This will have a better effect.

“Biden respects the Constitution, because he let Hunter be trialed. Biden criticised the new rule. This whereas Trump called the Constitutional courts, who were IN HIS favour, into question. With the new rule, Biden could assassinate Trump. Trump could assassinate YOU. And he’d get away with it. Under Trump’s judges, the President gets power to affect YOUR life. Do you think any president should be able to infringe on your personal life?”

And to (very religious) Christians and (xenophobes); “As Christians, it is our Duty to be Good Neighbours. Then the Word will spread better. But can we be good neighbours, if we deny people being neighbours in the first place? If we drive out native people from their homeland? If you are a Servant of God, should you then not choose to let Palestinians have their own state, without being colonised by foreigners? Only then will the Palestinian refugees stop protesting with violence, and go back to their homelands. This is not a matter of what I think, but of what a Good Christian should see: injustice done upon us, injustice done upon them, injustice upon us all. Let us thus gather together.”

Granted, I’m not familiar with all what happens in the USA, but perhaps those also help.

disguy_ovahea ,

You’re right. This won’t convince a Trump voter to vote for Biden. They dismiss anything from “liberal news” which is every outlet besides the far-right. It’s been my experience that talking to a Trump supporter is kicking water uphill.

I wrote that to do what Biden’s campaign is failing to do, speak to all of his accomplishments next to Trump’s “accomplishments,” in hopes of informing the discouraged, disengaged, and disenfranchised.

intensely_human ,

What news source did your Trump people reject when you tried to show it to them?

disguy_ovahea ,

Any. For example, my sister is locked in. She calls everything that doesn’t come from Fox, OAN, or Truth “corrupt liberal media.”

MeowZedong , avatar


Care to share what you meant by this?

ksynwa , avatar

Cannot fathom caring about a blatant genocide so they have labelled everyone who does a bot

SatansMaggotyCumFart , to lemmyshitpost in Live your best life

Cauliflower is delicious in all those forms and if you can’t handle that, eat it however you want.

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