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ChonkyOwlbear , in When a real user uses the app

One of my favorite examples of the difficulty in idiot-proofing things comes from a national park ranger talking about the difficulty of designing a bear-proof garbage can. He said “There is considerable overlap between the smartest bears and the dumbest humans.”

Darkassassin07 , avatar

Lmao, yeah… You can make a can so secured a bear definitely won’t get in; but will people go to the effort to use it then?

Definitely some overlap there.

CanadaPlus ,

And I think that hits on the truth, which makes this less “iamverysmart”. It’s not that the tourists are dumb, it’s that they’re new and not willing to pay much attention to things like trash can design. 1% of a normal person’s attention presents a lot like a really dumb person.

ikidd , avatar

Is it 1%? Maybe when they first try to open it they’re distracted But when doesn’t open and now they’re concentrating on the problem and still fail, then we have to kinda own up to the fact that a lot of people aren’t smarter than a bear.

CanadaPlus ,

I think if they can score 100 on an IQ test, they can figure out any reasonable trash can eventually, assuming the moving parts are visible. Many people would rather just litter.

ikidd , avatar

Yah, that’s possible too. But I can’t say I’d figure anyone that litters is much smarter than a bear either.

Scrof ,

Stupidity is a moral flaw after all.

CanadaPlus , (edited )

Ecology (or just waste management) is even more complicated and boring than a garbage can.

It’s apathy all the way down.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

100 is the average, implying half the population is lower than that, but otherwise, sure

CanadaPlus , (edited )

Yup. The ranger did say “stupidest”, I guess, but I feel like at 70 or something you still know to pull on stuff in a few set ways until it moves.

Sotuanduso ,

And bears around 130 probably know that too.

CanadaPlus ,

That makes me wonder what designs they were considering. The ones I’ve seen use a sort of pinch motion under metal hood. Maybe the idea there is to require dexterous forelimbs, rather than any intellectual ability.

RustyShackleford , (edited ) avatar

100 is the average, implying half the population is lower than that

At the risk of pedantry, if 100 is the average (the mean), we’re saying “most people are at 100”. If it were the median, then we’re implying “100 is the middle score of those sampled”. A subtle, but important difference.

affiliate ,

i’m not really sure what IQ has to do with this. it was originally designed to measure people’s proficiency in school. it was not designed to be a general measure of intelligence. that was something that was co opted by eugenicists.

here’s a quote from Simon Bidet, the original creator of the IQ test, about his thoughts on the eugenicists using his test:

Finally, when Binet did become aware of the “foreign ideas being grafted on his instrument” he condemned those who with ‘brutal pessimism’ and ‘deplorable verdicts’ were promoting the concept of intelligence as a single, unitary construct.

you can read more about this stuff on his wikipedia page. (the quote is from wikipedia)

even to this day, there is quite a bit of doubt as to how accurately IQ measures “general intelligence”

CanadaPlus ,

I know. It’s a shorthand quantitative measure everyone’s familiar with, though, so it’s useful for communicating. Thanks for adding a disclaimer for me.

urist , avatar

I can’t believe this comment chain is this long and no one has pointed out that drunk and stoned humans are terrible at figuring stuff like this out.

You’re not planning for the dumbest human trying in earnest. You’re planning for humans who are tired, distracted and/or chemically altered. A 80 IQ person can figure out a weird trash can eventually if they are trying.

These comments (not just yours) feel misanthropic. I haven’t been to a campsite in ages so I don’t know what sort of trash can puzzlebox we’re talking about, but I work somewhere with alcohol so I can guess what the true issue is.

Hossenfeffer , avatar

I’d be pretty distracted by the bear waiting behind me for his go.

Fermion ,

A bear has time and motivation to keep trying over and over again to get into the garbage. People are generally much less determined to figure it out.

Carnelian ,

I used to see people charitably, much like you do, until very recently. After witnessing for myself people staring into the sun and injuring themselves after being repeatedly warned, I now realize there are a substantial number of people who simply have rocks clattering around inside their skulls instead of brains

ironhydroxide ,

Holy shit this. And not even “educated” people. Where I work is about half degree holding engineers… many of these engineers were seen outside staring at the partial eclipse Monday.

bane_killgrind ,

“Pfff I have a master’s degree I know what I’m doing”

TranscendentalEmpire ,

Sounds like your typical engineer. I passed fluid dynamics, I deserve to look at the big ball of plasma.

My eyes haven’t hurt this bad since studying for differential equations theory… Have I told you I’m an engineer?

Lath ,

What do you mean? Sun is blocked = no sun rays = not blinded when staring directly. The logic is sound! Just like in programming.

Xavienth ,

I mean, that is true when 100% blocked (totality)

xantoxis ,


  • Loading...
  • Carnelian ,

    Being able to see properly is also something they’ll never be able to do again, so, I hope that one second was “spiritual” enough for them lol

    xantoxis ,


  • Loading...
  • rtxn , (edited )

    Being able to see properly

    immediately go blind

    You’re immediately taking the argument to the extreme. You won’t immediately go blind, but it will damage your retina in ways you sometimes don’t notice because the brain compensates for it. It happened to my uncle when he was a welder, he had a second blind spot where he couldn’t see sharply, but it didn’t really affect his quality of life.

    SchmidtGenetics ,

    There’s a pretty big difference between temporary pain and permanent damage though.

    Unless you royally fuck up walking on coals you get some pain, fuck up a little and you just get some blisters.

    Rolder ,

    Glancing at the eclipse while it’s in totality is not going to give you permanent damage. Now if you stare at it until totality is over and the sun is on full blast again…

    affiliate ,

    playing russian roulette is not going to give you permanent damage every 5/6 times

    SchmidtGenetics ,

    Or if you’re not in the path of totality…. The risk just isn’t worth it.

    Let’s just not look up at the bright thing in the sky that can cause permanent damage at any given time.

    ChaoticNeutralCzech ,

    …and ignore one of the coolest things there is to see on the sky

    CileTheSane , avatar

    Or plan in advance and have some protection?

    ChaoticNeutralCzech ,

    Yes, get yourself eclipse glasses, a pinhole projector, a floppy disk, digital camera or whatever allows you to observe the eclipse safely – no phenomenon is worth risking your eyesight over. However, the consensus is that you can watch the sun flares without protection during totality. The totality lasted 0 to 4 minutes depending on your location.

    ApathyTree , (edited )

    Eclipses happen every year like clockwork (it basically is clockwork, but on a huge scale). Eclipse seasons are spring and fall, around the equinoxes. You could very easily fly to see a total eclipse every few years if you want to, because we know when they are going to happen and where will have totality - it’s very routine stuff. There’s literally nothing special at all about the one that just happened, except that a lot of people haven’t seen one before because it hasn’t happened -at that location- in a time.

    So no, absolutely not something you’ll never get a chance to see again, tho you won’t be able if you go blind like a fucking moron.

    Rolder ,

    Total eclipses aren’t rare, but them being in an accessible location and not just over some random place in the ocean is. I looked this up the other day, and any one particular location on Earth will see a total eclipse once every 350 years or so.

    ApathyTree ,

    Except they aren’t just visible from a single location, so almost every time they are over an accessible place on land. Not for the whole thing, sure, but visible all the same.

    This might be helpful for reference. It’s maps of where the next 50 years worth of total eclipses fall. The first one that isn’t really visible by people is 2039 in Antarctica. There’s a few like that. Other than that, there’s at least an island you could go to for it, and see one every few years. Eclipses being totally unavailable to view is actually far more rare than seeing one :)

    MonkeMischief ,

    This reminds me of that poster in my highschool chem lab:

    Same with shooting without eye/ear pro. I dunno about other folks but I use my eyes and ears a lot, and I’d hate to miss out on music and color the rest of my life because I thought I would have a transcendent experience blowing them out for a minute. 😬

    Carighan , avatar

    If I had someone run through hot coals I would scold them, sure. Much like for being angry about others not believing in zombie carpenters or letting quacks give their kids overpriced sugar pills. But that’s jot the context right now, is it?

    Xavienth ,

    The partial eclipse is nothing special. Any given location gets one every few years or so.

    Totality is the really neat and special thing, and it isn’t damaging to your eyes. (assuming you don’t pre-empt or overshoot the timing)

    Underwaterbob ,

    There was a solar eclipse when I was in grade six. One of my classmates was riding his bike home, and was stupidly looking at the eclipse, and got hit by a car. The irony.

    Carnelian ,

    Omg that’s so messed up but so incredible haha, was he okay after?

    Underwaterbob ,

    It was pretty bad. He missed a lot of school. I think he ended up repeating grade six. I never saw him much after that, but I did hear that he got married to another person I went to school with eventually, so presumably his life wasn’t ruined or anything.

    DdCno1 ,

    I'm curious if he was okay before.

    MrShankles ,

    So you’re somewhere between 18 and 58 than

    Sotuanduso ,

    Ladies and gentlemen, we gottem.

    ggppjj ,

    I genuinely had someone stop and ask me why you can’t see the moon during an eclipse because “it’s got light in it right”.

    They’re soon to replace our HR manager.

    ChaoticNeutralCzech ,

    A solar or lunar eclipse?

    ggppjj ,

    The solar eclipse from Monday.

    CanadaPlus , (edited )

    Answer: Light travels in straight lines (well, for this purpose) and the moon is roughly an opaque sphere. Maybe you could see it with earthshine, but I get the impression the corona is still much brighter.

    I’ve heard dumber.

    merc ,

    There was a listener question on a science podcast recently that asked about how the temperature changed on the moon during the recent solar eclipse.

    They almost got what a solar eclipse was, but not quite. During a solar eclipse, the moon gets between the sun and the earth, blocking the light getting to the earth and casting a shadow on the earth. The side of the moon facing the earth is completely dark because the thing that normally lights it up (the sun) is completely behind it. But, the back side of the moon is getting full sun and just as hot as normal.

    I think part of the problem with understanding all this is that the sun is just so insanely bright. Like, it’s a bit hard to believe that the full moon is so bright just because it’s reflecting sunlight. It’s also amazing that the “wandering stars” (planets) look like stars when they’re just blobs of rocks or gases that are reflecting the insanely bright light of the sun.

    It’s amazing if you think about it. Light comes out of the sun in every possible direction. A tiny fraction of it hits the surface of Mercury, and only some of that light is reflected back out. The light reflected from Mercury goes in almost every direction. A tiny fraction of it hits the earth. But, even with that indirect bounce, it’s bright enough to see with the naked eye.

    Clent ,

    Congratulations! You’ve leveled up in the game of life.

    DdCno1 ,

    I've seen people carelessly throw away their garbage right next to garbage bins, because they couldn't be bothered to get a little closer or aim.

    The bear has more determination, because it has an incentive to get to the tasty, high calorie food that doesn't require the energy expenditure of chasing it down and tearing it apart. Throwing away garbage into a designated container on the other hand is a chore that some people believe they can skip, because they are the sole protagonists in their own stupid little world.

    LazaroFilm , avatar

    Can you put your computer in a bear proof garbage can?

    ChonkyOwlbear ,

    You could, but who is worried a bear will use their computer?

    LazaroFilm , avatar

    The QA engineer obviously.

    amio , in Very clever...

    Funny, but unironically a pretty good idea.

    SatanicNotMessianic ,

    One of my first computer jobs was working in a student computer lab at my undergraduate university. This was back in the mid 90s-ish.

    We had three types of computers - windows machines running 3.1 or whatever was current then, Macs who would all do a Wild Eep together when they rebooted en masse, and Sun X Windows dumb terminals that were basically just (obviously) unix machines for all intents and purposes. This was back when there were basically like 5 websites total, and people still hadn’t heard of Mosaic.

    So everyone wanted the windows and Mac boxes, and only took the xterms when there was nothing else open. I was the primary support person for them since none of the other people wanted to learn Unix and I was the only CS major.

    The X boxes suffered from two main learning hurdles. One was that backspaces were incorrectly mapped into some escape key sequence, and the other is that it would drop you from (I think) pine into emacs as a mail editor as soon as you hit it. 90% of my time was telling people how to exit emacs. It was that, putting more paper into the printers, and teaching myself more programming than I was learning in classes.

    modeler ,

    My god that brought back memories. The first commands when sitting at a new terminal was always, always:

    stty sane

    stty erase ‘^H’

    It was well into the 2000s before Unix had useable defaults.

    lolcatnip ,

    God, I remember the backspace thing. I hope whoever allowed a computer to be shipped in that condition got fired.

    hazle ,

    Many experienced players and content creators offer tips, tricks, and tutorials on platforms like YouTube and Twitch. Learning from their experiences can help you improve PUBG name generator.

    some_guy , in Poor guy

    I laughed and my partner ask why. I told her it’s some really nerdy humor. She was fine not hearing the joke, but I loosely explained it anyway. She humored me anyway. She’s a good woman.

    Moc , (edited )

    I too think your partner is a good woman

    NoIWontPickaName ,

    I don't understand this partner thing.

    Idk why, it just bothers me to hear someone say that instead of girl/boyfriend or Significant Other.

    It just sounds so damn clinical.

    That said, I also choose this person's partner.

    Moc ,

    My fiancé asked me to start calling her partner because she was sick of being called girlfriend after 8 years

    Deebster , avatar

    When you get married you can call her your ex-girlfriend

    Moc ,

    Thanks I’m stealing this

    NoIWontPickaName ,

    Don't. They don't think it is as funny as we do.

    Been there, done that.

    can ,

    Some old nuts don’t like to hear that I’ve been living with my girlfriend for years.

    MajorHavoc ,

    Yeah. That’s another reason I try to help normalize terms like “partner”.

    It’s so much shorter to say than “fuck off, this is who I choose to spend my life with, the details are no one else’s business.”

    Maybe we could get an acronym though. That could help. FOTIWICTSMLW,TDANOEB

    Zagorath , avatar

    To me, partner seems so much less clinical than “significant other”.

    Partner is good because it says nothing about gender, which is good if your partner does not conform to a gender binary, but also just if you don’t want to reveal their gender either to prevent people being weirdos about it—like they often can online, especially if you say it’s your “girlfriend”—or to protect yourself if, for example, you’re in a same-sex relationship. But it also says nothing too specific about the status of your relationship. Are they your girlfriend? Fiancée? Wife? Something less conventional? If it’s not important to the story, why not leave that detail out?

    spauldo ,

    I had a partner when I opened a computer shop back in the day. Closest I’ve come to having sex with him was the time I saw his wife topless through the window.

    Significant Other is much more specific.

    RaivoKulli ,

    It’s also much weirder sounding. You know what sort of partner they mean from context (same as you know if someone means girlfriend girlfriend or a friend that is a girl)

    NoIWontPickaName ,

    Significant other checks all those boxes as well

    Zagorath , avatar

    Sure, but like I said, significant other feels a lot more clinical and cold than partner.

    MonkderZweite ,

    Because she’s a woman and not a girl? (don’t shoot me, im not english native. But Partnerin is the same)

    NoIWontPickaName ,

    In English we use girlfriend and boyfriend regardless of age.

    It's a weird quirk, but it's a quirky language.

    thebestaquaman ,

    Some languages - specifically Norwegian that I know of, don’t have separate words for “boyfriend” and “girlfriend”. In Norwegian we have the word “kjæreste” which can be directly translated to “dearest”. To me it always feels a little weird to use “boyfriend” or “girlfriend”, i guess the same could be true for other non-native english speakers.

    Anticorp ,

    Dearest is nice. I’m going to share that with my kjæreste.

    twistedcarbon ,

    I always use “type” for boyfriend or “dame” for girlfriend. It’s a dialect thing I guess.

    rikudou ,

    Yep, sounds weird for me as well. We have separate words for boyfriend and girlfriend, but those have a kinda deeper meaning*, using “girl” and “friend” to describe someone who’s really close to me is extremely weird. Like, the days she could be called a “girl” are in the past and calling her the same term as I call for example my work friends is just weird. So in my language I do use the equivalent of “boyfriend” and “girlfriend”, but almost never in English.

    • The word comes from a word for close friend and nowadays basically isn’t used to mean “friend” anymore. I mean, it still does, but no one uses it that way. And even then it signifies some deeper connection between people compared to our more common word for “friend”.
    scubbo ,

    Personally I (a straight person) use it in an attempt to normalize the term, so that people who want to conceal the gender of their partner have plausible deniability. If all straight people say “girlfriend/boyfriend”, then anyone saying “partner” is outed as “a non-straight person trying to conceal the fact”.

    EDIT: but also, it connotes a deeper level of trust, support, intimacy, etc. A “girlfriend” is some chick I fool around and have some fun with; a “partner” is someone with whom I’m building a life together.

    NoIWontPickaName ,

    I understand the gender thing that is why i added significant other in there

    MBM ,

    Significant other sounds so nuch more clinical to me. Language is weird

    AnarchistArtificer ,

    I’m bi, but my appearance is pretty queer coded such that cis-het people tend to read me as “unclear gay or just tech-nerd punk”. I’ve found that when I use the word partner, it can throw people off because they’re clearly fishing for my partner’s gender in a “I can’t tell whether this person is straight or gay” way. Most of the people I’ve dated have been men, but I do like the chaos energy of the confusion

    alan , avatar

    @NoIWontPickaName @scubbo As someone with a non-binary partner, thank you for your service

    MajorHavoc ,

    I do the same, and started for the same reasons.

    To me it feels like a simple enough courtesy.

    Though I’ll admit now that I also really appreciate the additional privacy provided by the habit, now that I have it.

    Gsus4 , (edited ) avatar

    It’s fine, we’re all “users” here with 0 or more “partners”. Partners are second degree users who occasionally are first degree users too.

    AnarchistArtificer ,

    I find it interesting to hear you say this, to me, partner feels like quite a warm term. I think probably because for me, I associate the word partner with a sort of “levelling up” of a relationship, where you’re not just two people dating, but two people in a partnership to help each other be the best they can be.

    I do agree that it feels clunky sometimes though. I was catching up with a friend recently who paused just before the word “partner” every time. I pointed it out and we laughed at the relatable awkwardness of not feeling like you have a correct word when “girlfriend” doesn’t fit. He said that partner didn’t feel right either, but it was the closest he could find.

    I don’t recall ever hearing significant other irl, though I do sometimes see it online as SO. To me, that feels more clunky than partner.

    MajorHavoc ,

    I use gender neutral terms for my partner when posting online because anyone who thinks they need to know my or their gender for our anonymous online interaction is probably someone who I would prefer not know that detail of my life.

    As a bonus, I provide some safety-in-normalcy for others who would actually get treated worse were there situation known.

    pythonoob ,

    God my wife would just stare at me and then go on with her previous conversation.

    dot20 ,


    jelloeater85 , avatar

    Same 😆

    victron , avatar

    My wife would just kiss me so I stfu

    lord_ryvan ,

    Same, and I don’t mind

    victron , avatar

    Me neither lol I know when I start nerding out and thank her for putting up with it

    KingJalopy ,

    She’s literally the person in this meme

    ParsnipWitch ,

    My boyfriend is completely technically illiterate haha. But he’s such a good boy otherwise

    cybermass ,

    Gotta keep that one around

    writeblankspace ,

    if only all my friends were like that

    They definitely tolerate my nerdiness, but they just don’t get it, even after an explanation.

    Poggervania , in Hacking in 1980 vs Hacking in 2024 avatar

    There’s some sort of cosmic irony that some hacking could legitimately just become social engineering AI chatbots to give you the password

    residentmarchant ,

    There’s no way the model has access to that information, though.

    Google’s important product must have proper scoped secret management, not just environment variables or similar.

    nothacking ,

    Still, things like content moderation and data analysis, this could totally be a problem.

    nomecks ,

    There’s no root login. It’s all containers.

    SpaceNoodle ,

    It’s containers all the way down!

    RealFknNito , avatar
    magic_lobster_party ,

    I deploy my docker containers in .mkv files.

    residentmarchant ,

    The containers still run an OS, have proprietary application code on them, and have memory that probably contains other user’s data in it. Not saying it’s likely, but containers don’t really fix much in the way of gaining privileged access to steal information.

    towerful ,

    That’s why it’s containers… in containers

    It’s like wearing 2 helmets. If 1 helmet is good, imagine the protection of 2 helmets!

    bobs_monkey ,

    What if those helmets are watermelon helmets

    Dyskolos ,

    Then two would still be better than one 😉

    PochoHipster ,

    So is running it on actual hardware basically rawdoggin?

    lemann ,

    Wow what an analogy lol

    dan , avatar

    The OS in a container is usually pretty barebones though. Great containers usually use distroless base images.

    Cysioland , avatar

    Ah, so there is something even more barebones than Alpine

    FrederikNJS ,

    Sure, there’s also the scratch image, which is entirely empty… So if your app is just a single statically linked binary, your entire container contents can be a single binary.

    The busybox image is also more barebones than alpine, but still has a couple of basic tools.

    Venat0r ,

    The containers will have a root login, but the ssh port won’t be open.


    I doubt they even have a root user. Just whatever system packagea are required baked into the image

    FrederikNJS ,

    Containers can be entirely without anything. Some containers only contain the binary that gets executed. But many containers do contain pretty much a full distribution, but I have yet to see a container with a password hash in its /etc/shadow file…

    So while the container has a root account, it doesn’t have any login at all, no password, no ssh key, nothing.

    SpaceNoodle ,

    It does if they uploaded it to github

    residentmarchant ,

    In that case, it’ll steal someone else’s secrets!

    Ziglin ,

    But you could get it to convince the admin to give you the password, without you having to do anything yourself.

    jubilationtcornpone ,

    It will not surprise me at all if this becomes a thing. Advanced social engineering relies on extracting little bits of information at a time in order to form a complete picture while not arousing suspicion. This is how really bad cases of identity theft work as well. The identity thief gets one piece of info and leverages that to get another and another and before you know it they’re at the DMV convincing someone to give them a drivers license with your name and their picture on it.

    They train AI models to screen for some types of fraud but at some point it seems like it could become an endless game of whack-a-mole.

    flashgnash ,

    While you can get information out of them pretty sure what that person meant was sensitive information would not have been included in the training data or prompt in the first place if anyone developing it had a functioning brain cell or two

    It doesn’t know the sensitive data to give away, though it can just make it up

    planetaryprotection , in Its been an interesting morning

    Randomly got a message from one of my reports asking what this “Mandatory Team Meeting” was on his calendar. I hadn’t been invited, but it was our whole company shutting down ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    residentmarchant ,

    Oof, how did it end up going?

    Juujian ,

    The company shut down.

    guyrocket , avatar

    But the company's not supposed to shut down.

    anonymoose , avatar

    Is that not typical?

    Nougat ,

    Of course it's not typical! Ordinarily, companies don't just shut down. I want to make very clear that this is not the normal state of affairs!

    SkaveRat ,

    So what’s the minimal employee requirements for a company?

    chemical_cutthroat , avatar

    Well, one, I suppose.

    Nougat ,

    Oh, I suppose ... one?

    TrustingZebra ,

    One employee?

    Isoprenoid ,

    Chance in a million

    -spam- , avatar

    That's not very typical, I'd like to make that point.

    bamboo ,

    To shreds you say? How are the investors holding up?

    deegeese ,

    To shreds, you say?

    AssPennies ,

    The front fell off.

    CaptKoala ,

    The front fell off?

    AssPennies ,

    Yeah that’s not very typical, I’d like to make that point.

    (The idea’s that the company tanked, just like this tanker did.)

    CaptKoala ,

    Still one of the greatest pieces of cinematics ever produced, and I’ll die on this hill.

    flying_monkies ,

    ¯*(ツ)*/¯\ you dropped this

    EnglishMobster ,

    Hey, that happened to me, too!

    I got scheduled for a mandatory meeting with 1 hour notice. During lunch.

    I asked my boss what it was. He didn’t know either. I joked that it was us being shut down.

    Sure enough, 1 hour later we were both writing LinkedIn recommendations and helping each other find jobs after it was announced that our whole studio was being shut down by corporate and myself plus all my coworkers were all now jobless.

    ChickenLadyLovesLife ,

    A former coworker of mine once learned that his company was shutting down because the office was raided by FBI agents who seized all the computers, servers and company documents. Everybody sat around in the empty office for a little while and then went home, and nobody ever got paid or heard from the company ever again. Even the tax documents at the end of the year didn’t get sent out.

    bitwolf ,

    What did he have to do without the tax documents?

    ChickenLadyLovesLife ,

    I don’t know exactly. There’s some process you go through with the IRS to find out what you were paid and how much was withheld in situations like this where the company just goes out of existence suddenly. The IRS has all that info anyway because companies withhold and submit the taxes (at least while they still exist).

    dtaylor84 ,

    Well, they’re supposed to, anyway.

    planetaryprotection ,

    I at least had the cathartic experience of being told “hey we need to shut down EVERYTHING before 7pm because that’s when the email will turn off, so log into every service you know we use and delete it all.” And then I spent the next couple hours clicking every delete button I could.

    K8s clusters? Delete. Prod DB? Delete. Prod DB backups? Delete. S3 buckets? Delete. Cloudflare account? Delete.

    It was actually kinda fun.

    Agent641 ,

    This sounds therapeautic

    Adramis ,

    Hilarious that one of your reports got invited to the company shutting down meeting but you didn’t, F

    mesamunefire ,

    Bitwise industries did that to us but it was an optional meeting. Like a kick to the gut.

    Worst part is they stole our 401ks.

    robotrash ,

    Random team meeting on the first Friday after I got hired. “Telltale has lost it’s funding and everyone is being let go”. Fun week.

    flumph , in Names avatar

    These people don’t even read their own literature. The Catholic church’s ban on alchemy is about falsely claiming something is a valuable metal in order to pay for debts. It has nothing to do with the occult – the ban was because it’s a sin to lie / cheat / steal. A saint is even on record saying that alchemical gold is ok if the end if product is real gold.

    With that context, of course God doesn’t give a shit if you use SQLAlchemy as long as you aren’t using it to defraud people. If you were defrauding people, it wouldn’t matter what tool you used.


    bh11235 ,

    Now of course one could make some damning argument about the state of the tech industry in practice, resulting in one of those bell curve memes with “using SQLalchemy is a sin” on both far sides and “noooo it’s just a name it’s fine there’s no fraud involved” in the middle

    0x4E4F ,

    If you were defrauding people, it wouldn’t matter what tool you used.

    Stays silent while coding the JezuzLovezU worm…

    starman2112 , avatar

    Jesus, he knows me, and he knows I’m right

    _dev_null , avatar

    Jesus us my…

    Tolookah ,


    Naich , avatar

    I'm shocked that a person who thinks the name of a piece of software can harm them doesn't understand their own religion.

    Adalast ,

    I mean, these are the same people who won’t watch Big Bang Theory because the title is heretical, or believe that playing Magic the Gathering or Pokemon TCG are literally summoning demons and spirits into the world, or who believe that playing D&D is doing the same. Rationality is not exactly their strong suit.

    UrPartnerInCrime ,

    I mean they did ‘read a book’ and it became the real world to them

    Adalast ,

    Lol, yeah, that is exactly how The Bible works for them.

    ogoflowgo ,

    Yeah they should not watch Big Bang theory for the same reasons as the rest of us. …Because of the shitty writing.

    Socsa ,

    God would have to exist to give any shits at all

    MonkderZweite ,

    Well, god generally doesn’t give a shit at all if he exists, so there’s that.

    MyFairJulia , avatar

    And here i thought they banned alchemy because they learned from a copper trader.

    IphtashuFitz , in do as i say...

    Many years ago I had to try to debug a memory manager written by a really talented software engineer, with an interesting take on naming things…

    • He referred to blocks of memory as “cookies”.
    • He had a temporary variable named “handy” because it was handy to have around.
    • He had a second temporary variable that referenced the first one that he called “son_of_handy”.
    • If corruption was detected in a block of memory then it would set the flag “shit_cookie_corrupt”.
    • If too many cookies were corrupt then the system would halt by calling the function “oh_shit_oh_shit_oh_shit”.
    gratux , avatar

    proposal to rename exit() to oh_shit_oh_shit_oh_shit()

    tslnox ,


    vrighter ,


    KIM_JONG ,

    In the 90s there was a Redhat distro called Cartman.

    z500 , avatar

    Red Hat 6.1, that was my first Linux distro.

    Getallen ,


    ajmaxwell , avatar

    I like him already

    dhtseany ,

    To be honest I’d like to see his resume, kinda wanna hire him

    IphtashuFitz ,

    That was close to 30 years ago - a DOS memory manager written prior to Windows 3.0. He’s likely retired now…

    markstos ,


    iHUNTcriminals ,

    Sounds like my type of guy.

    drew_belloc , avatar

    I will keep this legacy alive within my code

    Wakmrow ,

    Okay yeah but I know what all those variables do

    justJanne , in Totally logical and expected functionality

    Badly shielded USB3 causes RF leaks at 2.4GHz. use 5Ghz WiFi or better shielded devices.

    ArbiterXero ,

    This is the answer.

    Some early wifi routers with USB ports on them had the same issue.

    maxprime ,

    I’ve seen this exact problem on other laptops. Not saying it’s okay, but it’s not exactly an Apple only problem. It’s a “let’s cram everything into this single port and hope it doesn’t interfere with anything” problem.

    justJanne ,

    Better laptops tend to put the wifi antenna in the display, so it’s far away from the USB ports when in use. Obviously that’s not compatible with ultra thin laptops.

    maxprime ,

    But if the antenna passes the usb port then it doesn’t really matter.

    A friend of mine had a $2500 gaming laptop that couldn’t use WiFi when he used an external display. He ended up having to use two separate dongles, one for DisplayPort and another for Ethernet. It worked, but was pretty dumb. In the end, though, I was happy that at least he was using a wired connection.

    ArbiterXero ,

    Ideally it passes by shielded. Or better yet, shield both.

    fuckwit_mcbumcrumble ,

    All laptops have their wireless antennas in the lid of the laptops. MacBooks included.

    The amount of RF generated by some devices is insane.

    llii ,

    It’s also a common problem with 2.4 GHz Zigbee USB sticks. It’s recommended to connect them to a longer usb cable.

    ArbiterXero ,

    That’s an interesting one….

    bamboo ,

    Add the Logitech unifying receiver to this list. It cuts out constantly with the dock model most people use at my work, and I have to put it on a dongle or extension cable to fix it.

    Kusimulkku ,

    What an amazing screwup

    Sleepkever ,

    Charging from the left side isn’t all that either, some macbook pro models actually become slower due to thermal throttling because charging from the left creates heat closer to the CPU. Resulting in a significant CPU slowdown.

    FlatFootFox , in Died from reading this avatar

    The two hardest problems in computer science are cache invalidation, naming things, and off by one errors.

    user224 , in Frontend vs backend avatar

    A highly compatible design with no ads, unnecessary images, videos, animations, scripts that goes straight to point delivering you exactly the information you need and nothing else? Something that’s easily accessible even with old feature phones allowing older people to get information easily?
    Simply something that loads instantly and just works?

    Who would want that?

    jungekatz ,

    Did not get the joke did you ?

    BudFactory ,

    No u

    raltoid ,

    Are you trying to make a joke? Or did you not get that the comment you replied to is also a joke?

    calavera ,

    Do we use whoosh here on lemmy or that is something from the past?

    CallumWells ,

    c/whoosh ?

    Norgur ,


    Dasnap , avatar

    Frontend: “Come on, this needs at least some flair. This isn’t the 90s.”

    Throws React at it

    doppelgangmember ,

    Get outta of here !


    residentmarchant ,

    React ugh, everybody is using NextJs these da- …oh, what’s that? We’ve moved on already?

    vox , avatar

    yeah, just css is enough.
    you don’t need js unless you need to fetch data dynamically.
    you can do all of your animations, dropdowns and transitions in css.
    like this menu i made. no js in sight.

    also fully accessible and you can tab right into it without clicking enter or whatever
    (and respects prefers-reduced-motion)

    the_of_and_a_to ,


  • Loading...
  • ErwinLottemann ,

    basic responsiveness to support most devices

    Dude, that is the mother of responiveness. It literally supports all the devices.

    MentalFS ,
    tetha , avatar

    Entirely true.

    I’m currently working on a little project that’s interesting to me (a low-spoiler walkthrough system for adventure games) and after a lot of back and forth, I decided to cut all of JS out of the picture. Just get rid of all of it, and do good old 90s server-side rendered HTML with modern CSS placed on top of it.

    And that’s, honestly, a joy. The first draft of a page looks like the first screenshot, then you add some semantic classes to the html and throw some simple CSS at it and it looks acceptably neat. And I could get rid of so much janky toolchain I just fail to understand.

    chorkpop ,

    No one who is going to pay you wants that. All they care about is user engagement.

    themoonisacheese , in 50 million rendered polygons vs one spicy 4.2MB boi avatar

    Maybe it’s time we invent JPUs (json processing units) to equalize the playing field.

    seaQueue OP , avatar

    The best I can do is an ML model running on an NPU that parses JSON in subtly wrong and impossible to debug ways

    AeroLemming ,

    You need to make sure to remove excess whitespace from the JSON to speed up parsing. Have an AI read the JSON as plaintext and convert it to a handwriting-style image, then another one to use OCR to convert it back to text. Trailing whitespace will be removed.

    knorke3 ,

    Did you know? By indiscriminately removing every 3rd letter, you can ethically decrease input size by up to 33%!

    Aceticon ,

    Just make it a LJM (Large JSON Model) capable of predicting the next JSON token from the previous JSON tokens and you would have massive savings in file storagre and network traffic from not having to store and transmit full JSON documents all in exchange for an “acceptable” error rate.

    seaQueue OP , avatar

    Hardware accelerated JSON Markov chain operations when?

    theterrasque ,

    So you’re saying it’s already feature complete with most json libraries out there?

    ApeNo1 ,

    JSON and the Argonaut RISC processors

    NigelFrobisher ,

    Latest Nvidia co-processor can perform 60 million curly brace instructions a second.

    ICastFist , avatar

    Finally, something to process “databases” that ditched excel for json!

    JackbyDev ,

    60 million CLOPS? No way!

    0x0 ,

    Until then, we have simdjson

    xmunk , in when google bought datasets from reddit

    If you legitimately got this search result - please fucking reach out to your local suicide hot line and make them aware. Google needs to be absolutely sued into the fucking ground for mistakes like these that are

    1. Google trying to make a teensy bit more money
    2. Absolutely will push at least a few people over the line into committing suicide.

    We must hold companies responsible for bullshit their AI produces.

    sukhmel ,

    This seems to not be real (yet) though.

    xmunk ,

    Is this not real? I’ve done some Googling diligence and it’s been inconclusive - I’d really like to know as there are starry eyed sales people who keep pushing strong for integrating customer facing AI and I’ve been looking for a concrete example of it fucking up that’d leave us really liable. This and the “add glue to cheese” are both excellent examples that I haven’t been able to verify the veracity of.

    chicken ,

    I’m not sure how you’d tell unless there is some reputable source that claims they saw this search result themselves, or you found it yourself. Making a fake is as easy as inspect element -> edit -> screenshot.

    sukhmel ,

    Stupid actions in adding unsanitized AI output to search results are real, those very specific memetic searches leading to single Reddit comment seem to not be real

    Catoblepas ,

    This is from the account that spread the image originally:

    Alternate Bluesky link with screencaps (must be logged in):…/3ktarh3vgde2b

    xmunk ,

    Thank you, internet sleuth!

    Eheran ,

    Just so others do not need to click etc: they found out it was faked and apologize for spreading fake news.

    brbposting ,

    I gotchu on the cheese

    My comment - relied on another user’s modified prompt to avoid Google’s incredibly hasty fix

    RogueBanana ,

    And another point to notice is I doubt any llm would say “one reddit user suggests”.

    30p87 ,
    • Be depressed
    • Want to commit suicide
    • Google it
    • Gets this result
    • Remembers comment
    • Sues
    • Gets thousands of dollars
    • Depression cured (maybe)
    moody ,

    Lots of dead famous rich people show that money does not cure depression.

    lemmynparty ,

    Not for everyone, but it would help a lot of people who have depression that was caused primarily by financial stress, working in a job/career that they aren’t passionate about, etc…

    nickwitha_k ,

    Money doesn’t buy happiness but it can help someone who is struggling to meet their basic needs not get stuck in a depressive state. Plus, it can be used in exchange for goods and services that show efficacy against depression.

    Emmie ,

    What kind of good and services?

    nickwitha_k ,

    Everyone’s brains are different. For some SSRIs might work. For others, SNRIs. While there are claims of cocaine and prostitutes being helpful for some, that’s not really scientifically proven and there the significant health and imprisonment risks. There is, however, strong evidence for certain psychedelics.

    TL;DR - Drugs might be helpful for some.

    xmunk ,

    The sibling comment said drugs which may be effective for some people but I’d actually just highlight “leisure” being able to afford to explore when your mind takes you is a luxury that pays off massively for your mental health. I have wanderlust and I’m a programmer, sometimes my legs want to move and, with my understanding boss, I can go out into the world and walk along the beaches or through the forest while I ponder problems… this is a huge boon for my mental health and is something most employees can’t afford due to monetary stresses and toxic employers.

    gwen ,

    well at least you’d be suicidal with money!

    siriusmart OP , avatar

    i pulled the image from a meme channel, so i dont know if its real or not, but at the same time, this below does look like a legit response

    xantoxis ,

    Leaving my chicken for 10 minutes near a window on a warm summer day and then digging in

    frunch ,

    It’s like sushi… kinda

    Instigate ,

    …does the chicken’s power level need to be over 9000 in order to be safe to eat?

    redcalcium ,

    So you can put raw chicken meat inside your armpit and it’s done? Sounds legit.

    Faresh ,

    If you have a fever.

    Valmond ,

    Slight fever.

    milicent_bystandr , (edited )

    I have read elsewhere that it was faked.

    (Edit: meaning the original, with the golden gate bridge)

    Klear ,

    Turns out AI is about as bad at verifying sources as Lemmy users.

    Seudo ,

    Should Reddit or quora be liable if Google used a link instead? Ai doesn’t need to work 100% of the time. It just needs to be better than what we are using.

    xmunk ,

    What you’re focused on is actually the DMCA safe harbor provision.

    If Reddit says, “We have a platform and some dumbass said to snort granulated sugar” it’s different from Google saying, “You should snort granulated sugar.”

    Seudo , (edited )

    That’s… not relevant to my point at all.

    Make it apple employees in store and Microsoft forums. If humans give bad advice 10% of the time and Ai (or any technological replacement) makes mistakes 1% of the time, you can’t point to that 1% as a gotcha.

    xmunk ,

    You’re shifting the goal posts though - prior to AI being an expert reference on the internet was expensive and dangerous, since you could potentially be held liable - as such a lot of topic areas simply lacked expert reference sources. Google has declared itself an expert reference in every topic utilizing Gemini - it isn’t, this will end badly for them.

    dysprosium ,

    what are you whining about? Hallucination is inherently part of LLM as of today. Anything out of this should not be trusted with certainty. But employing it will have more benefits than just shadowing it for everyone. Take it as an unfinished project, so ignore the results if you like. Seriously, it’s physically possible to actually ignore the generative results.

    “Absolutely sued” my ass

    xmunk ,

    I absolutely agree and I consider LLM results to be “neat” but never trusted - if I think I should bake spaghetti squash at 350 I might ask an LLM and only find real advice if our suggested temperatures vary.

    But some people have wholly bought into the “it’s a magic knowledge box” bullshit - you’ll see opinions here on lemmy that generative AI can make novel creations that indicate true creativity… you’ll see opinions from C-level folks that LLMs can replace CS wholesale who are chomping at the bit to downsize call centers. Companies need to be careful about deceiving these users and those that feed into the mysticism really need to be stopped.

    dysprosium ,

    you’ll see opinions here on lemmy that generative AI can make novel creations that indicate true creativity…

    Yeah I’m not jumping that bandwagon yet, but I think no one is able to determine either side of that. It makes terrific art, so it’s not out the realm of impossibility. The only sensible stance we can take right now, is none, and just wait and see whether AI art can hold up in the long run.

    Taking any serious stance right now a priori would be illogical. I don’t understand the fuss people make it out to be. Yes, artists will suffer financially and will therefore limit their time investment and advancements in art, but sacrificing or halting the development of AI for them is also not a possibility. So yes, artists are fucked right now, but there is nothing we can do about that right now. Hopefully, some UBI, but that’s not here now.

    But yes, companies deceiving and not warning about the hallucinations of AI, is bad. But it’s not their fault people believe stupid shit because they have always believed and will always believe stupid shit.

    kromem ,

    It’s faked.

    Hotzilla , (edited ) in Shiiieeettt.......

    They did it once by mixing meters and feets, and crashed the Mars lander.

    Edit: looked it up, wasn’t actually meters vs feet, but newton-seconds vs some American eagles per gun unit for force

    infinitepcg ,

    it happened again with the Intuitive Machines lander that landed on the moon last week

    pennomi ,

    The Intuitive Machines lander issue was that no one disarmed the safety switch on the laser guidance system. (No, really!) Luckily NASA had a backup system installed that ended up working better anyway.

    infinitepcg ,

    Pretty much the hardware version of && false

    threelonmusketeers ,

    that ended up working better anyway

    Not sure if it ended up working better, as it landed with nonzero horizontal velocity. Though I suppose we’ll never know how well the original system would have performed…

    MooseLad ,

    Hopefully, the transition to metric is soon and I can stop reading this same joke every week.

    nul ,

    It’s guns per eagle, get it right. What would eagles per gun even be?

    blazeknave ,

    Step clap step step clap

    Potatos_are_not_friends ,
    Tier1BuildABear , avatar

    A gun that shoots eagles, obviously

    Sombyr ,

    We don’t shoot eagles in America, we shoot turkeys. Just as Benjamin Franklin intended.

    c0mbatbag3l , avatar

    Pound-seconds, I believe. Good ol’ LM giving imperial numbers to NASA.

    Jumuta ,

    it’s an orbiter not a lander

    threelonmusketeers ,

    It was intended to be an orbiter.

    unwarlikeExtortion ,

    Ended up a missile

    The_Ferry ,

    Peger the term high velocity lander

    Jumuta ,

    rods from god

    gregorum , in GitHub Copilot will respect your privacy!

    lmao… when you give an LLM unlimited power and an ill-defined role, it assumes the position of a shitty project manager, of course

    stevedidwhat_infosec ,

    It’s learning capabilities are clearly unrivaled

    I kinda feel like GPT is if you skipped college and just went with the apprenticeship strategy but it’s apprenticeship was with Reddit posts

    Good enough but every now and then has some wildly inaccurate shit sprinkled in just enough to make you question the integrity of the whole thing.

    LLMs (unless implemented with general knowledge AI) will never be accurate or more than a novelty toy. It’s close to being iRobot but right now it’s just an abacus. The future won’t be about one model, it’ll be about orchestration of models or the development of model ecosystems to make a better overall symphony as the product/tool

    brbposting ,

    LLMs (unless implemented with general knowledge AI) will never be accurate or more than a novelty toy.

    I see Bing horribly confabulate all the time (and sometimes subsequently gaslight).

    Thus I was surprised at last month’s Klarna news:

    Wonder what’s going on behind the scenes.

    JCreazy ,

    If the AI works then fantastic. It’s inevitable so it’s going to get used by companies but the issue is companies using it without understanding what it does or what it’s capable of doing.

    brbposting ,

    without understanding

    Or without caring too eh?

    Trainguyrom ,

    This is the value I see in AI is letting human agents work way faster. An AI which is trained on your previous human-managed tickets and suggests the right queue, status and response but still allows the human agents to ultimately approve or rewrite the AI response before sending would save a mountain of work for any kind of queue work and chat support work

    Kidplayer_666 ,

    I bet that 75% of support requests are people who didn’t read the FAQ, and if you can get humans not doing that, it’s much better for both

    theneverfox ,

    People just don’t get it… LLMs are unreliable, casual, and easily distracted/incepted.

    They’re also fucking magic.

    That’s the starting point - those are the traits of the technology. So what is it useful for?

    You said drafting basically - and yeah, absolutely. Solid use case.

    Here’s the biggest one right now, IMO - education. An occasionally unreliable tutor is actually better than a perfect one - it makes you pay attention. Hook it into docs or a search through unstructured comments? It can rephrase for you, dumb it down or just present it casually. It can generate examples, and even tie concepts together thematically

    Text generation - this is niche for “proper” usage, but very useful. I’m making a game, I want an arbitrarily large number of quest chains with dialogue. We’re talking every city in the US (for now), I don’t need high quality or perfect accuracy - I need to take a procedurally generated quest and fluff it up with some dialogue.

    Assistants - if you take your news feed or morning brief (or most anything else), they can present the information in a more human way. It can curate, summarize, or even make a feed interactive with conversation. They can even do fantastic transcriptions and pretty good image recognition to handle all sorts of media

    There’s plenty more, but here’s the thing - none of those are particularly economically valuable. Valuable at an individual/human level, but not something people are willing to pay for.

    The tech is far from useless… Even in it’s current state, running on minimal hardware, it can do all sorts of formerly impossible things.

    It’s just being sold as what they want it to be, not what it is

    blazeknave ,

    I laughed my ass off at this! So well put!

    Today, my last 3 messages to Gemini were all pretty much: “cool! We’re agreed on the framework and tone etc in which you’ll communicate this thing to me. Now please, create the fucking thing already”

    PM_Your_Nudes_Please , in We've come a long way baby

    I feel like we’re regressing back to the Netscape Navigator/Internet Explorer browser war days, when browsers were openly and intentionally breaking functionality on competing sites.

    TropicalDingdong ,

    griD OP ,

    You’re right. It does have the same energy to it, doesn’t it? But of course, it also feels like that kind of regression permeates nearly every layer of society now, which is really sad. We should get angry before it’s too late.

    SnotFlickerman , (edited ) avatar

    Some of us have been fucking furious for over two decades now and it hasn’t done shit except increase our blood pressure and having all the dumb fucking dimwits around us acting like we’re crazy for being upset at how absolutely fucked things are.

    I’ve been angry since my early twenties. I’m in my forties now and I’m still angry but guess what I’m fucking tired. Which is what the people in charge want, of course. They want us so broken by this system that we give up on fighting back because it’s hard to fight back when you’ve been diagnosed with a fucking disease that will bankrupt you financially.

    They have us right where they want us, and most people are too toothlessly uneducated to even fucking know it’s going on and get so so upset when you get angry for good fucking reasons. “Please calm down” bullshit from motherfuckers enabling the shit streaming down our fucking faces. It’s fucking lunacy.

    Detheroth ,

    We live in a beautiful Corpocracy and you will fucking love it, god damn it!! Drink the Disney to distract and calm your weary mind. Consume more and you will feel alive again. Promise! Ignore the crimes of the corporations, without those you wouldn’t have The New Thing you adore and you wouldn’t be yearning for The Next Thing! You NEED The Next New Thing.

    Its fucking sickening. I’m in my early 30s and it feels hopeless. Surely the masses can see the sheer manipulation and control that governments and corporations have over us. Why aren’t more people irate that They are raping the Earth to line Their pockets, fucking Us over in the process?

    Everyone has been polarised into an “Us vs Them” mindset. Keep us divided and channeling our collective rage at each other, lest we actually find power in our overwhelming numbers. It hurts.

    hackris ,

    Everyone has been polarised into an “Us vs Them” mindset. Keep us divided and channeling our collective rage at each other, lest we actually find power in our overwhelming numbers. It hurts.

    I’m ready to get downvoted, but this is exactly the reason I’m incredibly sceptical about any conflicts going on, including wars. I just think the possibility of the “two sides” working together just to polarize society is too goddamn high. But of course, as soon as you bring a subject like this into a discussion, you immediately get bombarded with the “you are against my idea so you’re an extremist” kind of vocabulary… For example: “Omg you’re pro-russian” - meanwhile I volunteer to help Ukrainian people, but I guess I love Russia when I do that. Shit’s wild…

    locuester ,

    It’s domestic as well. Red vs Blue is just a distraction and you can’t point this out because nearly everyone is divided along those lines to the point of ignoring getting fucked up the ass.

    pimeys , avatar

    Divide and conquer…

    JoeBigelow , avatar

    I think Roosterteeth did a better job than just “a distraction”.

    Let’s give them some credit

    rhizophonic ,

    opportunists would gather around a piece of shit if it benefited them

    jackpot , avatar

    theres a marxist term for the last paragraph, whats the word for it?

    Karius ,

    Alienation maybe? I’d just describe it as divide and conquer which is a pretty common Marxist description of capital’s political strategy

    jackpot , avatar

    nope, it’s about how the bourgeouis make the proletariat fight each other rather than them

    PreviouslyAmused ,

    I haven’t really seen my exact situation & frustration put so perfectly.

    I know it’s exhausting, but just reading this helps remind me that I’m not alone.

    So just know, you’re not alone.

    JoeBigelow , avatar

    There are at least 3 of us

    ZeroMmX ,


    Anticorp ,

    Also pushing pop-ups everywhere, except this time they’re part of the site and we can’t easily block them.

    SpaceCadet , avatar

    javascript was a mistake

    Synthead ,


    marcos ,

    Worse. We are directly headed for the Novel Messenger vs. Lotus Notes times.

    Only the things you brought from your connector supplier will work.

    modifier ,

    This comment brought the word GROUPWISE thundering back from the depths of my lower consciousness, where I had worked so hard to relegate it.

    evanuggetpi ,

    Lotus Notes. NEVER AGAIN.

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