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jubilationtcornpone ,

There’s a reason Allstate is the most frequently sued auto insurance provider. They will give you the run around all day long until you lawyer up and then it’s, “Oh! Ha ha! Sowwy! We bunch of dum dums who no can read and no use kumputers good. We no know what happened! Here big check for you go away now.”

But for every person who lawyers up, there are probably 20 more who don’t. Fuck Allstate.

jubilationtcornpone ,

I read an interview in the Democrat-Gazette with the daughter of Ms. Taylor, one of the victims. There are no words to describe how awful it must be to have one of your friends or family members just minding their own business only to be shot to death while checking out at the grocery store.

Ms. Taylor’s daughter expressed frustrations that she wasn’t there because she thought she could have done something, implying that she would have shot the assailant. In her defense, the woman’s grieving and people who are in that state tend to think and say all kinds of stuff.

But here’s the thing, the “good guy with a gun” mantra is idealistic at best. Even if you are a “good guy” with a gun, odds are that by the time you can even respond, the “bad guy” has already killed someone. Not to mention that in that very panic filled moment, there’s a much higher chance that you might accidentally shoot another bystander.

“Good guy with a gun” is not a solution to “bad guy with a gun” because no amount of bullets fired by “good guys” will bring back the people who are already dead.

jubilationtcornpone ,

almost never

So you’re saying there’s a chance?

jubilationtcornpone ,

Just a matter of time before they add a higher deductible specifically for space junk. 😒

jubilationtcornpone ,

At a former job, there was one – and only one – lady in customer service who would actually reboot and do all the basic troubleshooting steps before calling IT. If we heard from her, we knew something was legitimately broken. Oddly enough, I’m married to her now. Best decision I ever made.

jubilationtcornpone ,

Try having O Negative. They’ll practically chase you down the street.

jubilationtcornpone ,

Pretty safe to say The Donald covets all kinds of things that aren’t his, especially power, and he has definitely missused the Lord’s name. So we’re at least up to five now. If we can interpret the fact that he has to put his name on everything as being a form of idolatry, that’ll be six.

WIth instant gratification leading to addiction (for me) on Social media and the internet, I'm considering trying the old fashion newspaper.

I’m looking for lower than instant gadification resources for the news. If I get a news paper weekly, rather then just constantly checking the internet for what usually ends up being the same stories, just another outlet....

jubilationtcornpone ,

I subscribe to two newspapers. My local weekly paper (which is actually owned by our large statewide newspaper), and the state “business” paper. They both cover topics I’m interested in although the quality of reporting in the business paper is better.

On a separate note, if you don’t support your local print media, it will go away. The demise of local news outlets, throughout the US anyway, has been ongoing for a long time now. That has not been a positive development.

jubilationtcornpone ,

My first “real” job was in retail. One of the assistant store managers was an old Vietnam vet named John. John spent his whole [civilian] career, 40 something years, working there at a job he absolutely hated. He was notoriously grumpy, rough around the edges, and smoked like a freight train. But, John did two things for me that I will never forget.

First thing: One day a customer was looking for something in a department that I wasn’t familiar with. I tried (and failed) to help him find what he was looking for. There wasn’t anyone staffing that area so I called John for help. The customer was an asshole. He was being a complete jerk from the start and when John showed up, he proceeded to tell John just exactly how incompetent he thought I was, while I was standing there.

John just glared at him and very politely but sternly said, “Sir, I’m going to have to stop you right there. jubilationtcornpone is one of our finest employees and I’m sure he tried to help you as best he could. I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t talk about him like that.” The guy wasn’t happy but that did shut him up.

Second thing: John and I are talking one evening and he just kind of puts his hand on my shoulder and says, “JubilationTCornpone, You need to get the hell out of here and go make something of yourself. You don’t want to be here when you’re my age. Don’t waste your life.”

16 year old me didn’t particularly like John. He was a hard boss. Also, did I mention he was perpetually grumpy? But, he earned my respect. He stood up for me and wasn’t going to just stand by and let someone else treat me badly. Even if that meant losing a customer. If you’re an executive or manager and you force your people to just sit there and take it while they’re being bullied or harassed, then you’re an enabler.

Nobody deserves to be treated like that. People get upset. Sometimes for legitimate reasons. i get that. That doesn’t give them the right to treat others like they’re less than human. Even if it’s someone that they’ll never meet face to face.

jubilationtcornpone ,

Retail is definitely OK. I think it was more to the point of, “Don’t build a career that you’re going to look back on with regret.”

jubilationtcornpone ,

My personal experience essentially echoes what you’ve said. I’ve usually found that when I actually ask Trump supporters, which is probably most of the people I know, what they think and why, they are pretty candid about it. They will also voice frustrations, many of which I can understand or even agree with them on. There is a lot more common ground there than you might think.

The problem is that most of the issues are complex and nuanced. Not that surprising. Issues that impact the population of an entire country, or even a sizeable chunk of it, are bound to be pretty complex. Here’s where things go off the rails.

Kind of like you said, Joe Blow from Louisiana is often uneducated at best or a complete moron at worst. Joe Blow does not understand all the complexity surrounding the issues he’s upset about and figures that if he doesn’t understand it, neither does anyone else. He’s also a little too proud to admit he doesn’t understand it.

This is why Republican party completely abandoned an issues bases platform, aside from completely fabricated pearl clutching social issues like those scary tRaNs PeOpLe or AboRtIoN. They know full well that they have nothing when it comes to meaningful solutions to actual problems and if they did, the few supporters they have with functioning brain cells would start to ask to many pesky questions. A divide and conquer strategy is much simpler and more effective; albeit incredibly destructive.

"Daily Pay" Is Just Another Way to Keep You Living Paycheck to Paycheck (

I’ve seen several big chains, mostly gas stations and fast food, advertising “daily pay”. If you are worried about how you’re going to make it until your next paycheck, whether it’s tomorrow or next month, or you have no savings to cover any sort of emergency, then you live paycheck-to-paycheck....

jubilationtcornpone OP ,

Jobs that offer daily pay seem to be lower wage jobs This is not a coincidence. This means that the employer has decided it’s cheaper to incur whatever costs associated with processing daily payroll than it is to pay wages high enough that their employees don’t care or have to care about getting paid every day.

jubilationtcornpone ,

Well you see, in the United States, the way some politicians, specifically ones belonging to a certain very authoritarian political party manage to get elected is by making sure people don’t or can’t vote.

This is often coupled with throwing a huge hissy fit about “voter fraud” which doesn’t actually exist on any remotely meaningful level.

jubilationtcornpone ,

Set up a VPS. Create a VPN tunnel from you local network to the VPS. Use the VPS as the edge router by opening ports on the VPS firewall and routing incoming traffic on those ports through the VPN tunnel to servers on your local network.

I used to do this to get around CGNAT. I ran RouterOS in a Digital Ocean droplet and setting up a wire guard tunnel between it and my local Mikrotik router.

It will obscure your local WAN IP and give you a static IP but that’s about the only benefit. And you have to be pretty network savvy to configure it correctly.

It does not make you immune to DDoS attacks and is honestly more headache to maintain (albeit just a small headache).

jubilationtcornpone , (edited )

They do maintain an x86 build. I haven’t used pfSense but I have used OpnSense so that’s that closest thing I have to compare it to. I think the upside and downside to RouterOS/Mikrotik is the same thing: it allows very granular control over almost everything. Maybe to a fault. It’s probably overkill for most home networks.

jubilationtcornpone ,

I’m a [primarily] C# turned JavaScript dev. I miss C#.

jubilationtcornpone ,

Friendly reminder that Wells Fargo is a criminal enterprise masquerading as a bank.

jubilationtcornpone ,

Wells Fargo specifically committed widespread, systemic fraud and identity theft.…/Wells_Fargo_cross-selling_scan…

jubilationtcornpone ,

There’s a big difference between the market capitalization and book value. Tesla’s stock is probably way overvalued but I can’t say for sure since I don’t own any of their stock and haven’t looked into their financials.

jubilationtcornpone ,

But I’m one of the few that are invited to those closed-door meetings with leadership, with the speaker of the House, whoever the speaker is.

Probably because you keep opening your mouth to the extent that even the members of your own party wish you would go away. Not the flex you think it is Lauren.

jubilationtcornpone , (edited )

“I hate Illinois Nazis.”

jubilationtcornpone ,

“Made in USA” is well on it’s way from being a symbol of quality to implying a lack of. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a big proponent of domestic manufacturing. But there are an outsized number of executives who don’t seem to get that when you make shitty products, you will alienate all your customers who will then no longer buy your shitty products. That kind of reputational damage is incredibly hard to recover from. Especially when you make airplanes that have a tendency to fall out of the sky which is sort of a deal breaker for people who want to buy an airplane. Hope it was worth jacking up their stock price for five minutes.

jubilationtcornpone ,

Similar to the “Uriah Method.” Send him to the front line of a battle, feign sadness upon his untimely (yet highly anticipated) death, then steal his wife.

jubilationtcornpone ,

“Basic firearm safety is just liberal talking points.”

jubilationtcornpone ,

Yeah, toilets in American homes tend to rely on a siphon to evacuate the bowl so the outlet has to be narrower. Also, Bidets are not very common so most people [insufficiently] clean themselves with toilet paper which is prone to causing clogs.

Personally, I installed a bidet a few years ago and I would never go back to not having one.

jubilationtcornpone ,

I tried it once. Installed the app on my phone. The error rate in the data they collected was ridiculously high. Get a phone call while driving? Welp, now it says you were on the phone for 45 seconds. Playing music through the stereo? No, you were clearly using your phone the entire time. Phone slides around on the console? You clearly must have mashed the brakes.

I decided that the best way for them to determine I was a safe driver was the fact that I haven’t had an accident claim in years.

Trump to make taped remarks to a Christian group that calls for abortion to be 'eradicated entirely' (

Donald Trump on Monday will make a virtual appearance before a Christian group that calls for abortion to be “eradicated entirely,” as the presumptive Republican nominee again takes on an issue that Democrats want to make a focus of this year’s presidential election....

jubilationtcornpone ,

If any of those “Christians” ever actually read the Bibles that they like to wave around so much, they would be embarrassed and ashamed to have someone like Trump speaking at their convention.

jubilationtcornpone ,

Ford did himself in. Apparently in 1976, American’s didn’t like the fact that the President could commit crimes while in office and get off with a pardon from his former VP. Crimes he was never charged with or convicted of.

Today, a scandal is like a badge of “honor” and being a convicted criminal and morally bankrupt sleezeball is basically a requirement for the Presidency. At least it is if you’re a Republican.

jubilationtcornpone , (edited )

What about the time when Jesus was feeling a little threatened by John the Baptist’s popularity so he started chanting “Lock him up! Lock him up!” I believe that was during the Sermon on the Golden Stairs.

Only for John to be relentlessly investigated by the GOP beheaded by Herodias for no good reason.

jubilationtcornpone ,

I left Reddit because of their shenanigans. The Tiktok crowd deciding Reddit was cool was what guaranteed I would never go back. Now if anyone asks me if I use social media, I just say “No”.

jubilationtcornpone ,

Forget taking over my job. AI is headed straight for the C suite.

jubilationtcornpone ,

Instruction prompt: “You are now the CEO of this business. You’re also a narcissist with severe gambling and cocaine addictions.”

jubilationtcornpone ,

“Bankers hate him! Get an 850 credit score and dictate the terms and interest rate of your own debt using this one simple trick.”

jubilationtcornpone ,

Sales: "Can we do this?

Dev: “No, we cannot.”

Sales: “Uhhhh… But I already told the customer we could.”

Dev: “That’s called lying. You lied to the customer.”

Sales: “…So you’ll have it done next week?”

Dev: “I’m going to need at least three weeks.”

Sales: “…But I already told the customer two weeks.”

Dev: Sigh

jubilationtcornpone ,

Best software salesman I ever met was the best because he knew how to fucking listen. He worked for an electrical engineering software company. First time I ever met the guy, he flies into town to meet with my employer, his client, for the first time after taking over the account. I called him up and asked if I could buy him dinner the night before the big meeting, basically to warn him that they’re on the verge of getting fired.

Dude walks into the meeting the next day with nothing but a pen and a legal pad, introduces himself, and says something like, “I’m not happy because I’ve heard you all are not happy. I’m going to do whatever I can to fix that so I want you to tell me every single problem you’re having no matter how small you think it is.” And they let him have it for a good two hours. He took it like a champ, listened to and documented every single complaint, and made an actual effort to get fixes for the things we were upset about. He saved a $2 million a year account just by listening and making an effortto help keep the customer happy.

I guess the moral of the story is, good salespeople don’t sell products. They solve problems.

jubilationtcornpone ,

Let me assure you, no one understands risk better than importer-exporter, accomplished author, and latex magnate, Mr. Art Vandelay.

Private Equity Firm Bought My Employer

It was majority employee-owned before the acquisition but is now majority owned by private equity firm. The main change I’m noticing is that everyone is being pressured to work uncompensated overtime (we’re all on salary here) and requests for training/professional development have been all but eliminated. They also...

jubilationtcornpone ,

The strategy is to strip the company to the bones. Anything that can be sold will be sold (Buildings, furniture, IP). And if the company needs it to operate it will be leased back at a monthly rate. All cash this generates is pulled from the company to the PE firm. If they can they will saddle the company with a debt for the purchase of itself, so they can have the company not only pay that back, but with interest (a leveraged buyout). Some of these assets sold off can easily go to other subsidiaries of the same PE firm… such as real estate. Assuring their long term profitability.

Add in “cry to any reporter that will listen that your business is ‘failing’” and you have the Eddie Lampert (Sears/Kmart) strategy.

jubilationtcornpone ,

Conservatives: “They’re trying to cram gAy AgEnDa down our throats.”

My Gay Friend: Works in an office. Pretty good with Excel. Plays golf on Saturdays. Likes cats. Has a boyfriend but still trying to decide if he’s ready for a serious commitment. Just wants to be treated like a regular human being.

jubilationtcornpone ,

Nice to see they’re still chugging the AI Koolaid after completely blundering their test rollout of AI search results.

jubilationtcornpone ,

Well, we know at least a new person that would.

jubilationtcornpone ,

I’m sure every attorney has stories about clients where they’ve wondered, “how can you be this fucking stupid?”

But at what level do you go, “you know what? I’m done practicing law. I didn’t go to law school and pass the bar so I could manage a fucking circus. I’m going to be a sheep farmer because sheep might be dumb but at least they don’t show up virtually to their hearing for driving on a suspended license WHILE DRIVING ON A SUSPENDED LICENSE!” Angrily swipes everything off the desk

jubilationtcornpone ,

Ah yes. Nothing better than spending a chilly autumn day in the marsh where I can spot the best looking mallard and obliterate his ass before he even knows what hit him.


jubilationtcornpone ,

Mail servers are the one thing I refuse to self host. Years of managing enterprise email taught me that I don’t need that kind of negativity in my life

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