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Catoblepas ,

TIL click beetle is a real group of beetles and not just something we called them where I grew up.

Catoblepas ,

Kids vaping is often a mental health problem, not a criminal problem. Nicotine is used by people with untreated mental illness to self medicate, and as long as you have kids without adequate access to mental health care you’re going to have kids vaping. From what I can find something like 1/3rd of people who need mental health services in Canada haven’t got the care they needed in the past year. That’s a lot of kids.

Criminalizing selling but not possession is a very basic way of preventing the criminalization of addiction. Throwing a kid with untreated or badly controlled ADHD into juvie, or fining them, or whatever punishment you’re imagining here, is basically the worst way to deal with addiction.

Because I’m sure someone will misconstrue this as me saying it’s okay for kids to vape: it’s not, that’s why they need mental health services, even if it’s ‘only’ for addiction. Criminalizing them doesn’t help them.

Catoblepas ,

You aren’t in their heads and you have no idea why they’re vaping. If every teen in Germany smokes (doubtful), proportionally teens who have a mental illness will smoke more and be more likely to become addicted, not only because they’re smoking more but because of the brain chemistry at work leading them to smoke to begin with. Self medication isn’t an exaggeration, nicotine acts similarly to MAOIs. It’s a shitty medication substitute.

Catoblepas ,

Yeah, but they don’t pay you in beer now, so I’d call it a wash.

Catoblepas ,

It’s probably for bomb sniffing dogs, I’ve seen those at JFK and LAX along with those signs in the past. Like right near the cordoned off walkway they have set up for them to walk near everyone in line.

Catoblepas ,

AFAIK they don’t use those in airports, at least not in the domestic flight area. I could see it being used at customs or something, although I think even in customs they usually have dogs sniffing for agricultural concerns like plants and seeds rather than drugs. The dogs you see near security theater checkpoints screening areas are all bomb sniffing dogs AFAIK.

I was explaining to my daughter about the differences between Gimp and Photoshop and saw that Adobe had a page that claimed to compare the two. It never compares the two. It barely mentions Gimp. (

I expected ridiculous propaganda from Adobe, but they give absolutely no reasons why Photoshop is better than Gimp and list a bunch of things that Gimp can do too....

Catoblepas ,

Software design really needs to take a leaf out of game design’s book and let you change key binds. I suspect the only reason they don’t is because it would make troubleshooting more complicated.

Catoblepas ,

The area and time I grew up in had zero non-English classes until high school! Literally just skipping the most beneficial periods of language learning. It was only required that we take 1 year of a foreign language to graduate, and that’s not really enough time to be proficient (or it wasn’t the way we were taught, anyway).

I’ve been casually learning Spanish for the past few years, and doing it on your own as an adult without paying for courses is hard, especially if your native language is in a different language family. I can definitely understand why people who emerge from the school system monolingual just stay that way.

Catoblepas ,

I’d call the fire department to ask them to come out and make sure that there’s not anything slow burning that’s hidden in the walls. Be sure to mention two separate smoke detectors have been going off. Even if that’s not what it is they’ll be fine with coming out to check.

Why not serve fried chicken on Juneteenth? How is it different from serving corned beef on St. Patrick’s day? (

Disclaimer: I am not trolling, I am an autistic person who doesn’t understand so many social nuances. Also I am from New Hampshire (97% white), so I just don’t have any close African-American friends that I am willing to risk asking such a loaded question.

Catoblepas ,

Historically fried chicken and watermelon are stereotypical foods associated with black Americans as part of minstrel shows, which were usually performed in blackface, and other racist portrayals of black people. Watermelon in particular was turned into a negative racial stereotype because growing watermelon was one way that emancipated slaves could be financially independent.

Fried chicken has been associated with enslaved black people since before the Civil War, because chickens were the only livestock they were allowed to keep. Well into the 20th century there were also white-owned restaurants and brands that drew on these stereotypical images over the protests of black people.

At best it is very ignorant of the history of racism in the US to have a fried chicken and watermelon special on Juneteenth, because the thought process is just black people holiday = fried chicken and watermelon. At worst it’s just signaling to other racists, which is definitely not an unviable business strategy in some parts of the US.

Catoblepas ,

“Look at this thumb!”

Okay, let’s pretend it’s a thumb and not some kind of concretion. Why does it have more nails at the base of the thumb?? What fuckin anatomy is going on there? This relies entirely on you glancing at it for half a second on Facebook and seeing the right trigger words to not look at it any harder.

Catoblepas ,

I’m not a Calvinist, you’re not going to be able to convince me that giving myself heat exhaustion will fix climate change. Come after my AC in the 40+ C heat after private jets have been outlawed.

Catoblepas ,

This month, Walmart became the latest retailer to announce it’s replacing the price stickers in its aisles with electronic shelf labels. The new labels allow employees to change prices as often as every ten seconds.

“If it’s hot outside, we can raise the price of water and ice cream. If there’s something that’s close to the expiration date, we can lower the price — that’s the good news,” said Phil Lempert, a grocery industry analyst.

Jesus, I can’t imagine just coming out and saying this like it’s not fucking deranged to charge people more for WATER during a heat wave.

Also, the first time the price of something rises in the 5 minutes it takes for me to get my shopping done and get to the checkout, I’m taking a shit on the floor.

Catoblepas ,

The year is 2047. Individually tracked pricing algorithms determine prices for each customer. I am the local water man, who everyone pays a small fee to go buy clean water, because my high volume of purchases means I get a slight discount. In only 34 more years I can pay off my 8th grade education and start thinking about a down payment on a double sleeping pod.

Catoblepas ,

This is basically Ballmasterz 9009, if you like weird adult cartoons (made by the same guy that did Superjail).

Catoblepas ,

MiniMinuteMan did a bit where he just juggled while talking about the sponsor and you know what, it fucking worked on me. Jangle those keys for me.

Catoblepas ,

AFAIK .ml doesn’t automatically block comments from other instances containing slurs, they only automatically block slurs from being posted by their own users.

Catoblepas ,

What I love is that when Van Leeuwenhoek first saw microorganisms in his microscope he named them “animalcules”, as in animal + molecule. Isn’t that freakin cute?

Catoblepas ,

Heads up, you replied to the wrong thread (I assume)

Catoblepas ,

I think it’s time to accept 737 Maxes are just cursed and scrap them for parts.

Catoblepas ,

Jayzus, imagine the square footage of coca plants it would take to get that yield.

Catoblepas ,

There was a family that was victim to a hate crime as well, not just the perpetrator. If this happened to me I would feel awful if the general response was to ignore what happened.

Catoblepas ,

Fuck it, seize most of his future earnings too. He took a giant shit on every opportunity he had to back down and stop being a libelous, vile stain on humanity and has clearly learned nothing.

Catoblepas ,

It’s always a self report with these people. They would do a race war at the drop of a hat, so naturally the people they look down on (and ironically characterize as more violent) must be just as ready to do the same.

Catoblepas ,

The average American consumes something like 40 lbs of cheese a year per the USDA. I can’t tell you how much a gallon of cheese weighs but it seems like it’s a fair bit more than 2 lbs each.

Catoblepas ,

Who could have foreseen that laying off a shit ton of people and working the remaining people into the ground (often under threat of deportation due to visas) would result in costly errors??

-business genius Elon Musk, apparently

Catoblepas ,

So he’s ineligible to run for president as he’s not a natural born citizen, but this made me wonder, are there any laws on who can be VP? What if they’re further down the line of succession, like Speaker of the House or president pro tem. of the Senate? What happens if, through the line of succession, someone who is ineligible to run still becomes president?

Catoblepas ,

The most surprising thing here to me is that someone was buying a 737 Max 3 months ago.

Catoblepas ,

La La Land. Musicals are already on thin ice, but a musical about some arrogant, self obsessed people complaining about how hard it is trying to be (and ultimately succeeding in being) successful?? UGH. Shut it all down.

Catoblepas ,

Nonstick made with PFAS (like Teflon and most pans that have a dark cooking surface) all contain forever chemicals and none of them will have the nonstick coating last long term. The PFAS in it has to go somewhere, and that somewhere is either in your food or the local wastewater when you wash it. (You better hope you’re not making it airborne, anyway)

There are some types of pans, like ceramic, aluminum, and carbon steel pans, that are marketed as nonstick but don’t contain PFAS. Each have advantages and disadvantages, the YouTube channel Prudent Reviews has a pretty good video here about it.

If you want to avoid PFAS and aren’t sure if something you’re wanting to buy contains it, check the manufacturer site for compliance with California AB1200, which requires them to disclose whether or not an items is manufactured with PFAS. Usually it’s on a separate page, sometimes it just says “state compliance” or something like that at the bottom.

Personally I use stainless steel, which isn’t nonstick at all and has a learning curve, but that shit will last forever and you can abuse the fuck out of it.

Catoblepas ,

I haven’t watched any of his other videos to be honest, that one was just helpful for me when deciding whether I should try carbon steel or ceramic pans instead of stainless steel.

Catoblepas ,

School: if it wasn’t a Macintosh Plus it was something like it. We were given very little time with it and had to go to a special computer room to use them so I don’t remember a lot of specifics about it, beyond the school tech guy having to painstakingly load each program we wanted to use manually from a floppy

Home: Windows 3.1. I don’t think we got the internet until Windows 95, though

Catoblepas ,

It’s usually something setting off memories of childhood abuse and tossing me into fight/flight/freeze mode. The “why” isn’t really the trigger itself so much as my brain having issues with hypervigilance.

Catoblepas ,

Agreed, it took a decent chunk of therapy for me to figure out that a lot of times I was reversing cause and effect. I’m not anxious about xyz because of whatever rationalization I came up with, it’s literally just my body dumping adrenaline and my brain looking for an explanation for why.

No right wing wave in Finland as Left Alliance take record result in EU elections (

Finland’s results in the European election bucked a continent-wide trend of rising support for parties on the outer fringe of right-wing politics, with the Left Alliance and the National Coalition winning big at the expense of the nationalist Finns Party....

Catoblepas ,

Seems like it would be a great quip when someone’s being an ass. “Go rake a forest.”

Catoblepas ,

Porn “addiction” is a misnomer because it doesn’t have much in common with drug addiction, gambling addiction, etc. Porn “addicts”, when you show them images of porn, do not have brain responses like those of addicts who are shown images of whatever they’re addicted to.

But what is a great predictor for whether or not someone will self report being a porn addict is shame. Gay men in particular are significantly more likely than straight men in general to say they’re addicted to porn. So are straight men with a heavily religious background.

Which isn’t to say that people who report porn addictions aren’t really suffering, it’s just not the same as an actual addiction and is instead the result of living in a culture telling you that your normal sexual desires are wrong.

Catoblepas ,

The feeling of chasing that high, which scientists can show physical evidence of through brain imaging, isn’t present in people who self report porn addiction. What they’re calling addiction is frequently just enjoying masturbation, which they feel shame about, and that any amount is too much. If what people are self reporting as porn addiction neurologically doesn’t behave as an addiction, then therapies for addiction are not going to be evidence based treatments.

The people you’re talking about with cum jars often don’t even see their behavior as a problem, much less labeling themselves addicts. The overlap of the circles of people who masturbate in public and those that call themselves porn addicts is near zero. Calling all of that porn addiction is basically lumping all problematic sexual behavior together with people who think they’re part of that group because they look at porn and masturbate.

The professionals that treat porn addiction are also for the most part members of religious organizations that promote religious based solutions, which also doesn’t really offer much evidence against the idea that porn “addiction” is religious based shame.

The porn industry itself being exploitative of the workers is a completely different conversation than someone being “addicted” to porn.

I get that anyone who says they have a porn addiction isn’t having a good time. But we can’t ignore that there is a huge industry of religious quackery that is more than happy to take your money and tell you that you’re oh so sick, just as your shame and guilt tell you.

Catoblepas ,

I’m sorry, I guess I don’t understand why you’re talking about addictions and how that relates to dopamine in your first comment if you’re not talking about porn addiction. I’m not using quotes around porn addiction to directly quote you, I’m using them because I don’t believe porn addiction is a real thing.

Catoblepas ,

If your problem is specifically me using the word porn when you’re talking about masturbation more generally, with or without porn, does it help to add the context that “porn addiction” is used interchangeably by these groups with “masturbation addiction”? I’m not really sure where this is breaking down.

Catoblepas ,

Dude, I’ve tried engaging with you politely on this and elaborating on each thing I was saying. If you’re married to the idea of masturbation addiction being real despite the scientific evidence for it being incredibly weak and the “treatment” being bankrolled by religious groups, knock yourself out.

Catoblepas ,

Lmao, I’m at a stage of my life and on the types of medications that would make wanting to masturbate a lot a welcome change.

Masturbation (in private obviously) is a neutral act. Anyone trying to characterize it as inherently good or bad is suspect. Anyone trying to sell you a cure for something mainstream society tells you is shameful, doubly so.

Catoblepas ,

I’ve said my piece, you just seem to want to be mad. Peace. ✌️

Catoblepas ,

There could be any number of things causing you to feel like that. Depression, burn out (very common in people on the spectrum), vitamin deficiencies, thyroid problems… our bodies are kind of like really crappy cars that just show a check engine light for every problem, except with feeling tired. The only way to rule out any physical problems is to get blood work done.

Catoblepas ,

Sometimes I like to hype myself up and do a really loud pep talking coach type voice in my head for this.

Also very high energy affirming stuff. ‘I am here! This is my body! I choose when and how to use it!’

Yeah, it’s silly, but if it works it works.

Catoblepas ,

Whaaat, an app created to enforce sexist norms regarding who counts as a woman did just that?? 😲

Washington man arrested after fatally shooting teen who had BB gun (

Myers, who says he’s a licensed security guard, was sitting in his car Wednesday to conduct “overwatch” while his son trains because “he has seen numerous crimes occur” in the parking lot, according to the probable cause statement....

Catoblepas ,

God knows how long this fucking freak has been itching to kill someone. He thought being a security guard would get him the cop treatment for murdering someone in broad daylight.

Catoblepas ,

If you stop paying your car or home loan it gets repossessed, people with bad money management still have incentives to pay those on time.

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