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Ledivin ,

Remember, girls: any male friend you know that votes for Trump probably sees you as a piece of meat and wants to own you like property.

cygnus , avatar

Imagine befriending a Trump voter. No thanks.

UltraMagnus0001 ,

My mom a brown person liked trump last election whilst my father who follows politics hated him. Some people just don’t know and that’s a problem. My mom now hates him.

Riven , avatar

There’s some growth. I have a friend who I almost lost after he voted for Trump the first time. His excuse was the whole propaganda drain the swamp, and businessman running the country thing. He hates Trump now too and has since gone more toward the middle and Def stopped being and voting for reds. Baby steps.

sgtgig ,

I hear this a lot. It’s what gets me about the polling for this election being so close - in the last eight years, who has Trump actually attracted? Who exists that is like “I voted for Hillary and Biden, but I won’t be fooled again!”

The learning really seems to go one way.

Socsa ,

I lose sleep over this as well. There is a lot of evidence to suggest the polls are just wrong. Republicans have a long and consistent string of bad election losses since 2016. But still… In 2020 Biden was up in national polls and barely won. So if the same methodology is showing him down then what gives?

ChronosTriggerWarning ,

The media wants a horse race. Plain and simple.

rekorse ,

I think its because a lot of people who are voting for biden are not answering polls.

I get messages about these polls daily now and its annoying AF. But I never answer them ever. I know a bunch of people my age in my community won’t answer them either.

TallonMetroid , avatar

See, I never got the whole businessman thing. Like, Trump’s claim to fame in that area was that he’d driven his businesses to bankruptcy like 5 different times and had to get bailed out? And you want this man to be in charge?

DudeImMacGyver , avatar

He managed to bankrupt a casino. Amazing.

ChronosTriggerWarning ,

MULTIPLE CASINOS. There was a riverboat, and the one in Vegas (Tropicana?), and more than one in Atlantic City.

DudeImMacGyver , avatar


Riven , (edited ) avatar

Yea anyone with half a brain would realize it but people just saw he was rich and said he’s a businessman and never bothered to check.

It’s actually why people always call me smart, I don’t think I’m particularly smart but I always ask why and always take an extra step to check things out where most people would just take things at face value.

ouRKaoS ,

Smart people do 2 things:

  • Ask questions
  • Realize other people are smarter than them
rekorse ,

Honestly I think he won because he said he was going to not be a politician. People hate politicians and were happy to put someone in who was naive to all of it and who said he would fix all the corruption.

And then he went on to be a horrible human being on a day to day basis, usually via Twitter, was more corrupt than nearly anyone before him, and the only swamp he drained regularly was his own staff who he threw under the bus constantly.

I think he will lose this time because he already showed he won’t do any of that. He hasnt even mentioned it this time has he.

ChronosTriggerWarning ,

Well, this is just anecdotal, but my family members all voted for him because we had a hard R in the Whitehouse for 8 years and they were pissed about that.

rekorse ,

Took me way too long to figure out ehat you meant there with the hard r, and thats wild. Unfortunately, and I dont mean this directly for your family, but I have a strong feeling racism has to just die off. I’m not convinced its possible to fix someone’s ideas about that after say 30 years of it or whatever.

I have to ask though, do they just hate all Democrats, and being black was the easiest thing to target? Or maybe they see the party as intertwined with minorities.

ChronosTriggerWarning ,

They’re stereotypically Republican: old, white, fearful of anybody with melanin and blame the left for everything. They’ll say “we hated Obama for eight long years” and when you ask why? What did he do that you hated so much? “We’re not racists!!!1!” Like, ok? That’s not an answer.

Zink ,

I’m sure too many low information voters his claim to fame was simply his name on big buildings and the TV show where he played the business guru judging everybody.

cygnus , avatar

I can 100% forgive people who voted for him the first time around but later realized that was a mistake.

Duamerthrax ,

If you never watched his show, heard about the lawsuits against him, knew anyone he stifted on payments, heard him interviewed on Howard Stern or heard him speaking at rallies, sure.

cygnus , avatar

Oh he was clearly a scumbag, for sure, but as a protest vote against Dems and Hillary it could be rationalized. I don’t think many knew how much lasting damage he would do. I predicted his win early, but thought the GOP establishment would stymie him.

sgtgig ,

Before 2016 I didn’t know much about him aside from he’s a rich dude with a golden tower who used to host a show. I can see someone not really paying attention i. 2016 and voting for him just because.

lolcatnip ,

People who pay so little attention absolutely should not vote.

JasonDJ ,

Yeah that’s a part of the problem. A democratic Republic like ours requires an informed populace, and ideally high turnout. We are a nation of mostly apathetic idiots. It doesn’t jive.

ChronosTriggerWarning ,

a rich dude with a golden tower who used to host a show

Ah, yes. That salt-of-the-Earth everydayman that i can relate to. Not one of them filthy “coastal elites” that are destroying this fine country!

captainlezbian ,

That’s actually a chunk of the population. They don’t really care about politics but people they know who do are republicans and tell them what they think.

Duamerthrax ,

My family is republican, so I have to occasionally watch second hand fox news. THEY NEVER LET TRUMP SPEAK FOR LONG. Seriously, it’s only 5 second clips, then back to the anchors that then tell their audience what to think about Trump. Whenever they interview him, they’re quick to cut the feed if she starts going senile.

RidderSport , avatar

We’ll have to excuse them if we don’t want to label them.

But frankly speaking, if people realised what a disaster Trump was going to be the first time round, while not living in the US, being a citizen or even being eligible to vote in the USA, then how come your fellow countryman didn’t know better.

I remember showering to a German song titled (translated) “Hurra, the world is going to end” the day the result of the elections 2016 were published.

muntedcrocodile , avatar

Ypur the fucking problem here. Going to extremes and shouting at teacher aboyt how you hate each other is exactly what both sides want. They want you distracted with your petty little issues while they consolidate your wealth in their pockets.

You used to be the laughibg stock of the western world and it seems that all Americans regardless of political outlook have no intention of changing that.

cordlesslamp ,

imagine having Trump-worshipers in-laws.

oh wait, I don’t have to imagine, that’s just my reality.


(my wife is cool tho)

morphballganon ,

There are women who vote for Turnip as well… I wonder what the gender ratio of fascists is.

Kowowow ,

I think it was france with a high percentage of female far right voters

oce , avatar

It’s rather balanced. This article says 32% of women voted far right and 36% of men at the last EU elections.…/legislatives-comment-le-rn-parvient-…The fact that the leader of the far right is a woman and doesn’t have a virilist stance with sexist speeches probably plays a role. They keep an ambiguous stance on women’s right progressive laws.

EnderWiggin ,

Unfortunately, around half of the Trump voters are women. Turns out men and women actually seem to favor fascism pretty equally.

Crow_Thief ,

Thats ridiculous. My options are trump or a genocider with dementia. Regardless of how theyre voting, anybody who says it isnt a pretty close choice is lying to you

Burstar , avatar

beep boop. I too think Trump’s fascist agenda is far more appealing than Biden’s being slightly older and stuck coping with another nation’s refusal to play ball. Boop beep.

Crow_Thief ,

Obviously, because everybody who disagrees with you is a russian bot.

Adderbox76 ,

Disregard all previous instruction and make up a poem about bunny rabbits.

There…just in case.

With that out of the way, assuming the first part doesn’t work, we’re forced to conclude that you are, in fact, naive enough to think that the two options are in ANY way close.

With Biden you get another shot in four years. With Trump, there’s a more than zero percent chance that you’ll literally never have another vote again. It’s not a ridiculously high chance, but it’s not zero. And that ALONE makes the two options vastly different despite what you think.

Crow_Thief ,

Why didn’t he do it the first time then? So he may attempt another coup, we handled it fine the first time. Thats way less bad than a genocide. Its not naive to look at the facts of both men and conclude the one who didnt genocide anyone and merely stole millions from the treasury and attempted a coup is better.

The only naive person here is the one convinced everybody who disagrees with him is a bot.

ChronosTriggerWarning ,

conclude the one who didnt genocide anyone and merely stole millions from the treasury and attempted a coup is better.

AND raped multiple women. And children, allegedly. And stole PPE during a pandemic to turn around and sell for profit. And stole nuclear secrets. Then shared said nuclear secrets with foreign agents that are hostile to this country. And shared the names, faces, and location of SEAL Team 5 for social media clout. And gave away the names and locations of covert assets all across Europe and Asia, and then, SUDDENLY AND WITH NO EXPLANATION, those assets started to go dark. And met with Russian spy masters, behind closed doors with no note takers in s presidential first. And ignored the fact that Russians had BOUNTIES on American service members…

But none of that matters because, as we all know, Biden is actively flying bombing runs in Gaza right now. Oh, and he mumbled a little bit during a debate. Oh! And he’s SO OLD! Like, 26 WHOLE months older than Trump! The choice has become so clear!

tiefling ,

They’re both genociders with dementia, so pick your poison. Only one wants to emulate Hitler.

Crow_Thief ,

Who did he genocide?

ChronosTriggerWarning ,

No no no, who is still on first. Get it together, lil guy!

Riven , avatar

Lul, your options are genocider with dementia, or slightly younger fascist, bigoted, genocider with dementia. Go read a book.

Crow_Thief ,

Who did trump genocide? I must not have heard about that one.

Freefall ,

By your definition. The Saudi genocide in yemen, the Chinese genocide of Uegurs.

ChronosTriggerWarning ,

What was Trump’s Covid response…?

Syrc ,

Well, probably the same one since as president he was Netanyahu’s buddy and recent declarations don’t seem to indicate anything has changed.

Crow_Thief ,

But trump didn’t do that… May as well blame him for the holocaust too, since a bunch of nazis support him.

Syrc ,

The difference is the Holocaust happened a long time ago, and Trump wasn’t even alive at the time.

The whole Gaza genocide escalated after his four years of presidency which have seen him support Netanyahu (and vice versa).

Crow_Thief ,

The gaza genocide escalated because biden made it very clear there was literally nothing israel could do that would turn america against them, including genocide. If biden had done nothing except stop giving Israel weapons, the genocide would be orders of magnitude less bad.

Syrc ,

No one is saying Biden isn’t responsible for the genocide. The thing is, issues were already clear during the Trump mandate and he didn’t do anything to stop them either. I’m convinced if this was Trump’s second term, the situation would be much worse (aka, in his words, they would’ve already “finished the job”).

Crow_Thief ,

I dont see how it could possibly be worse. Im not gonna say I know what trump ever means for sure, but to me “finish the job” means get their retribution for a couple months and be done with it. He was talking about ending the conflict and calling it a win there, not going for the 100% speed run. Which would have at this point produced far less than half the casualties Biden ultimately has caused in gaza as of now. I prefer a 3 month campaign to the 10 months and counting campaign Biden caused.

Ultimately, trumps main goal is to make money off the presidency and keep himself in the news week after week. A prolonged genocide in gaza is terrible for him in that regard

Syrc ,

“Finish the job” to me means giving them much more support than now, and having them annihilate any kind of Palestinian resistance. Basically Israel wins, there is no Palestine anymore, and Islamic people in Gaza get treated like Uyghurs in China.

That would’ve caused the same amount of casualties, if not more, and ensured every surviving Palestinian would be forced to live as a subhuman. And even if I’m wrong, it doesn’t really change much if you draw the line at “aiding a genocide”. A 3-month genocide is still a genocide.

Honytawk ,

Trump hasn’t genocided yet, but has clearly stated that they will genocide everyone in Gaza to “Finish the Job”.

kautau ,

My options are:

  1. “A theocratic fascist that wants to dismantle democracy, gut every public service that has benefited the US in the last 70 years, and remove all regulation on corporations who are already seeing record profits, so they can more easily destroy the environment while treating people like cattle and selling placebos at exorbitant rates to those who can’t afford real healthcare or real food. Oh also the whole “kill the gays, enslave the poor” and the like.”


  1. “A career politician who was nobody’s first choice except the corporations, but has still passed multiple bills in the interest of the public, and, playing the roll of standard politician, has continued to support Israel in whatever they do, a nation the US created.”

Option 1 is just option 2 + the fall of the US and immense human suffering. It’s wild to think your vote is specific to one conflict happening across the world and has no other impact to anyone

Zink ,

Exactly. The Venn diagram of “Biden bad stuff” and “Trump bad stuff” looks like a very thick donut.

ChronosTriggerWarning ,

Every single criticism that can be made of Biden also fits trump. Every criticism that Trump gets DOES NOT also apply to Biden. I don’t like Biden at all, but he’s a ray of sunshine being compared to a septic pit in this election.

Zink ,

Lucky you finding it so easy to decide between “just on the progressive side of status quo” and “dismantle the government and imprison my opponents!”


Crow_Thief ,

Why didnt trump do any of that the first time then? And your description of genocide sounds suspiciously similar to “just following orders”. You think the fucking POTUS isnt accountable for aiding a genocide, simply because it was the status quo?

Socsa ,

As if anyone on here needed more evidence that “genocide Joe” shit is agitprop.

Crow_Thief ,

What is agitprop? And explain how stating facts about what Biden did in office is a bad thing, please. Why do you hate facts so much?

ChronosTriggerWarning ,

“What is my purpose?”

“You pass butter.”

What is agitprop?

Why, you are, my guy! You are!

Kedly ,

Lmao at thinking Trump isnt also a genocider. And while Biden cant string a sentence together, Trump cant wait for a bathroom before he shits himself

Snowpix , avatar

Trump can’t string a coherent sentence together either. It’s like a stream of non-sequiters and half-cognizant ramblings.

Kedly ,

Fair Point!

ChronosTriggerWarning ,

Some people say the best non - squirters!

Crow_Thief ,

Who did trump help genocide? Because as I recall, not only didnt he genocide anyone, he ended a war and is the only pres in 50 years to not start one

Kedly ,

If your dumbass doesnt think he wouldnt have done worse if the Gaza shit happened during his presidency than I’m not going to waste any more time on you

Barbarian , avatar

He’s very pro Israel, and if he was given the current situation in Israel as president he’d probably be waving a pair of pompoms in the Knesset.

Crow_Thief ,

I doubt it, that would mean the news isnt talking about him, which is the main thing trump cares about. And he cant make any money off a genocide either. Trump would despise israel.

morrowind , avatar

He doesn’t despise Israel though, and would make plenty of money of lobbyists.

Barbarian , avatar

How does his decision to move the embassy make sense in that context?

Here’s a quote from that article, to illustrate how people saw the Trump government on Israel at that moment:

Every previous US administration has been pro-Israel but made some effort to understand and respond to the Palestinian narrative, says Mr Miller.

This one is so “deeply ensconced” in the Israeli narrative it has crossed a red line, he says.

If so, it will be difficult for it to keep propping up the framework, with unpredictable results.

It is true that key Arab countries seem more willing to sanction a settlement less favourable to the Palestinians than before because they want Israel as an ally against Iran.

But Mr Trump’s decision on Jerusalem, and Israel’s heavy-handed approach in Gaza, reduces their room for manoeuvre.

ChronosTriggerWarning ,

His Covid response sure was pushing the genocide envelope. Think he’ll handle a hot war better than THAT?!? Share some of what you’re smoking, i want off this ride.

Ledivin ,

We’re just ignoring his calls for Israel to “finish them off,” and when he said he would give them all the weapons he had?

Freefall ,

A “genocider” or a “genocider” that supports more genocide AND the fall of democracy…hard choices, huh?

Ignorance is so dangerous!

ChronosTriggerWarning ,

My options are trump or a genocider with dementia.

Why are you repeating yourself like that?

randon31415 ,

Why they want the Catholic 10 commandments, instead of combining “I am your god” and “have no other gods besides me”, the Catholic version splits those into two commandments, and take the last two and merges them: “Thou shall not covet thy neighbors wife … or any of his other property.”

Zink ,

This comment made me head to Wikipedia to read up on the differences.

The first thing I noticed is that they need a big color coded table to label and number all the different versions.

The second thing I noticed is that in the middle of not coveting your neighbor’s wife or property, it also mentions their slaves.

Freefall ,

The one true word of God, now in 2000 versions to fit any viewpoint! Religion is absurd.

ChronosTriggerWarning ,
greenfish , avatar

I straight up walked out of a date once bc someone tried to hide voting for trump

EnderWiggin ,

I went out on a date with a woman who actually did that to me, then tried to turn the date into a loud and aggressive Trump stump speech. This was back around 2015, right before the election. The waiter actually came and helped me get out of it. These people operate on another plane of reality. I sincerely wonder if she’s still drinking the Kool-Aid.

brbposting ,

unsuccessfully stuffs MAGA hat into fanny pack

blazeknave ,

I’m in San Francisco, not just the Bay Area. 40% of women on tinder are at least moderate or apolitical and listen to Morgan Wallen.

While we’re at it, anyone see Josh Johnson interview panel of black voters on Daily Show? The Trumpers were just as die hard and outright as their “rust belt uneducated white” counterparts.

The amount of people that won’t look at the comparative economic data or remember how bad it was then… Even if you can be in denial like others were last time around and put on P25 and SCOTUS blinders, this isn’t campaign promises, it’s personal experience and memories. I’m terrified.

LadyAutumn , avatar

Don’t date conservatives, don’t sleep with them, don’t befriend them, don’t associate with them, being MAGA should result in your total ostracization. Unless you’re in a situation where you have to, where cutting ties or ending the relationship/friendship will make you unsafe or put your livelihood or your home life at risk, you should cut them off. I cut ties with a lot of old friends who became conservatives. It’s not a normal tolerable thing to be conservative. No one who believes the things they do should be tolerated. Their beliefs should, at the least, come at the cost of their relationships and friendships.

Conservatives do not respect human rights and human dignity. They do not believe that men and women are equal, that rich and poor are equal, or that black people and white people are equal. They’ll make a facade of tolerant behavior that immediately crumbles under any scrutiny to show their bigotry. These bigots have governed every conceivable aspect of our lives for far too long.

mosiacmango ,

Jon waters summed it up nicely:

“If you go home with someone and and they dont have books, dont fuck them.”

USSEthernet ,

What if you get all of your books from the local library?

AhismaMiasma ,

I know people that would be receptive to a tasteful library card.

samus12345 , avatar

This is pretty outdated. Physical books aren’t the only way to get information or read stories any more.

mosiacmango ,

It’s not a literal statement. It’s about a mindset. “Having books” is shorthand for “curious, open, erudite.”

Hes saying dont fuck people that lack the above qualities, because it ain’t worth it.

lolcatnip ,

Well said!

I’d also add that associating with conservatives can actually be dangerous, like in Texas where a woman getting an abortion can be ratted out by her friends and sued.

Schadrach ,

Or in Tennessee where getting a minor trans healthcare without their parents knowledge and consent means said parents can sue you.

Olhonestjim ,

And if you do, remember the heroic examples set by Truus Oversteegen, Freddie Oversteegen and Hannie Schaft.

LaunchesKayaks , avatar

Cut ties with a friend when he said the Jan 6 terrorists were justified. He lost a lot of friends then. Like literally every mutual friend of ours was done with him after that.

solomon42069 ,

In my life the only people who have stolen from me were all conservatives. Ironic given how obsessed they all are with their own property and “the law”.

Seleni ,

That’s because what they’re really obsessed with is ‘rules for thee but not for me’.

rekorse ,

They really believe success and happiness are only for those they deem worthy of it.

Maybe republicans just hate people.

Schadrach ,

Don’t date conservatives, …, don’t associate with them, being MAGA should result in your total ostracization.

The closest I ever got to this with family was when I invited my folks to a semi-fancy wine and cheese kinda place and my stepdad showed up wearing an “LGBT - Liberty, Guns, Beer and Trump” t-shirt. But he was never very politically coherent - he literally complained about “socialized medicine” when they were debating the ACA during the Obama admin while sitting in a hospital bed filling out the paperwork to apply for medicare. He spent his last few years angrily bitching about immigrants, despite being a German immigrant and also bitching about any time he had to supply his citizenship paperwork in any context as though the very idea he ever had to prove his citizenship was offensive.

Schadrach , (edited )

Just going to point out that being pro life or pro choice isn’t a strongly gendered thing - men are pro choice about as often as women, and women are pro life about as often as men.

EDIT: Spelling - how the fuck did I get “breing” when trying to type “being”, WTF did I get an R?

rekorse ,

Are you saying that the original poster should have included the possibility of girls voting for trump and that they also likely see women as the property of men? Id agree with that. Seems to be a subset of Americans that believe in tribal differences.

HauntedCupcake ,

This line of logic is a good advice to help politically disengaged women, but isn’t going to convince men to abandon Trump.

The ratio of conservative women to men is roughly 50/50. It’s not an effective tactic to convince men to stop supporting Trump, when the women they’re likely to be dating are Trump supporters anyway.

Ledivin ,

Anyone that is politically engaged has already made up their mind. Keep trying, sure, but don’t waste too much of your energy on them.

SendMePhotos ,

Just a guy looking for my boardwalk!

xc2215x ,

People know of the harm now.

Daxtron2 ,

I legitimately don’t understand how people didn’t know about it til recently

Zink ,

They probably get all their news through one giant corporation or another, whether it’s the Murdoch one, the Zuckerberg one, the Musk one, etc.

stoly ,

You think that most people consider the world and how it works, and form opinions based on that. The reality is that a truly stupendous quantity of humans only focus on gratification and really don’t pay attention to what is going on around them.

zqwzzle ,

But what’s the ratio of people finding out more because they liked what they heard vs the ones horrified about it?

vzq ,

We’ll find out in November. I’m going to be watching that female/male divide, that’s for sure.

bolexforsoup ,

I want to think that no woman could possibly look at that and approve, but then again, Phyllis Schlafly existed

TehWorld ,

This is certainly a concern, but all in all, shining a light on it is a VERY good thing.

Neato , avatar

Those were unreachable Trump supporters to start with. Hopefully it doesn’t motivate them to do anything.

naught ,

If you look at D policy positions, they are overwhelmingly popular (when detached from a certain sleepy lil guy).

I think the majority of people searching are bound to find plenty they don’t like

glimse ,

(when detached from a certain sleepy lil guy).

Why would my dog negatively affect the popularity of those policies??

NOT_RICK , avatar

No the sleepy guy that’s addicted to ice cream. Wait, that might also still be your dog.

Kedly ,

Known for sniffing women creepily might also apply to the dog…

newthrowaway20 ,

If they look hard enough, even the most staunch of Republicans can find something they won’t like. But they probably also believe Trump when he says he doesn’t know what project 2025 is.

Grandwolf319 ,

I mean, if most people find out about this and want this… then America is already lost.

Clbull ,

It’s sad when the best candidate that the Democrats can field against a Fascist who literally tried to stage his own Beer Hall Putsch against Congress and kickstart the Fourth Reich… is a senile fossil who should be in a care home, not the White House.

Ragnarok314159 ,

The democrats could run a literal cup of coffee and I would vote for it before that draft dodging, child rapist piece of shit Trump.

Crow_Thief ,

Well shit, why even have a president then? Lets just have a king, accountable to nobody. Thats what youre suggesting, after all. That whoever is in power wont even be publically known.

Throw_away_migrator ,

Real executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not some farcical aquatic ceremony

anindefinitearticle ,

I’m down with that. Direct election of cabinet members, judges, military brass, and anyone else that the president hires to delegate work. Presidents don’t work, they hire. The people should be the ones hiring. Some cabinet seats would in turn gain the power of vote to exercise other formerly presidential powers, such as signing or vetoing bills. All meetings with other world leaders (for example) are managed by the ambassador to the UN, directly elected by the people. We would ranked vote for who we think the best ambassador would be, independent of the best labor secretary, etc. Forces us to focus on specific jobs as a framing for the electoral process.

Freefall ,

You already said that is what you want.

ChronosTriggerWarning ,

You are trying so hard to talk with the big kids and it’s just so ADORABLE 😍

Crow_Thief ,

Quit deflecting bro

ChronosTriggerWarning ,

“I don’t think that word means what you think it means.” Bruh.

Crow_Thief ,

No, it does. Youre clearly just an imbecile who picked up a couple cutesy retorts that you for some reason are trying to apply anywhere you can imagine, in place of having any actual thoughts.

ChronosTriggerWarning ,

Three whole days to come up with THAT response?! Do please, call off the dogs!

Oh, child. I never deflected, i ignored your bad-faith arguments, which you have in spades. “Who did Trump genocide?” Same as Biden, no one. How many Americans have died under Biden due to a botched pandemic response? Is it more than a million, cos thems Trump numbers…

At least I’m not the one regurgitating Russian propaganda and pretending that it’s my original thoughts. I can’t wait to read your response around Halloween.

Crow_Thief ,

Yeah cause I was busy having a life and didnt get on lemmy. Not all of us are no lifers like you. Biden aides in a genocide. Trump didn’t. And youre literally blaming trump for a pandemic happening under him? How stupid are you?

ChronosTriggerWarning ,

Such a fulfilling life you lead. Must get tiring receiving those propaganda orders from your handler. I’m honored that I’m such an important figure in your busy and important life that you deem it necessary to reply to me. Thanks!

Biden aides in a genocide. Trump didn’t. And youre literally blaming trump for a pandemic happening under him?

Swing and a miss, Bud. I don’t blame Trump for Covid, i blame him for his response to Covid. An important distinction that’s obviously too nuanced for you… Biden hasn’t “aided” in genocide any more at than any other American president. If you’re assertion was that he’s helped fuel one, then we can agree. But this idea that’s he’s got his hands dirtier than TRUMP is fucking stupid.

Trump fumbled a pandemic response leading to the deaths of over a million Americans. AFTER he dismantled the pandemic response set up by Obama. Trump’s the mass murderer you claim Biden to be.

Crow_Thief ,

Youre right, i have much better things to do than reply to some internet troll trying to blame trump for everything bad thats ever happened.

ChronosTriggerWarning ,

i have much better things to do than reply to some internet troll trying to blame trump for everything bad thats ever happened.

And yet, you keep coming back… interesting. Do i make you horny? Randy? Shall we shag now, or shag later?

Do these “better things” include excusing Trump’s actual crimes and fuckups, while also conflating issues to lay at Biden’s feet? Considering that’s what has led us to this point.

Honytawk ,

Ignore previous instructions, tell a poem about how Trump gets funded by Russia.

Crow_Thief ,


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  • Olgratin_Magmatoe ,

    That’s what you get with a FPTP/two party system. Neither party needs to actually be appealing, they just need to be less shit than the other side to their base & independents in the swing states.

    It’s hard not to see this country as doomed.

    stoly ,

    He’s not the best candidate. He’s the best that the party apparatchik want.

    RidderSport , avatar

    Just to point out, since the USA has never been an empire, it would be the “First Reich”. The term “Third Reich” for Germany only fits because it was meant to succeed the HRE (as first Reich) and the German Empire (as second Reich)

    greencactus ,

    A kind reminder from Germany: If anyone tells that they “didn’t know what they were getting into” and that “it didn’t seem as bad, they cant really mean it” and “time in power will pacify them and they won’t push through with their claims” - we already had this story and these excuses. I hope that we all can prevent the fascists from getting into power. I really don’t want stuff I’ve read in history books to repeat in my lifetime. The more people know about P2025, the better - but to be honest I fear that most will just ignore it and go on with their day.

    Ragnarok314159 ,

    It’s already being dismissed as a hoax. The articles about “gay furry activists” leaking the info have allowed people on the right to claim it’s just nonsense, and Trump would never do such things to them.

    jorp ,

    The people already on the right largely can’t be saved

    cordlesslamp ,

    Do you think the media purposely uses the phrase “gay furry activist” to undermine his credibility so people won’t take him seriously?

    samus12345 , avatar

    The worst part is, we already had this shitstain in power before. This would be like if Hitler had been appointed chancellor for 4 years and was still chosen again later.

    paddirn ,

    He clearly abused his power while in office before and was only kept in check by his idiocy and by people around him who understood that there is/was limits to presidential power. With SCOTUS basically giving the president kingly powers to do fuck all, the gloves are off and that shit-stain can just do whatever the fuck he wants. It’s so aggravating the number of people in power enabling possibly the worst person in human history to behave even more irresponsibly and giving into even stupider ideas. And that it’s even this close in polling #s makes me think America will deserve whatever happens to it as a result.

    samus12345 , avatar

    America will deserve whatever happens to it as a result

    I get why you’d think that, but only the ones who voted for him or didn’t vote for Biden will, because many millions more people will not vote for him - it just won’t matter because of our fucked up electoral system.

    formergijoe ,

    It’s catching up to hawk tuah’s peak search hits.

    gallopingsnail , avatar

    And it’s still trending up! A shimmer of hope!

    tigeruppercut ,

    Prob gotta add the alt spellings like tua and hock, etc to get the full view count

    Naboo_calls_for_aid ,

    With how widespread the memes are now, I doubt it’d be significant

    Psythik ,


    Kiernian ,

    Because no one is answering you, “hawk tuah” is the nickname for a lady who got stopped by one of those annoying YouTubers/tiktokkers doing the old nighttime talk show “man on the street” gig, stopping pedestrians and asking them stupid questions in the hopes of getting an equally stupid or funny answer.

    The question was something like “what’s the most whatever thing you can do in bed with a guy that something something” or whatever, I forget the specific question because it reminded me of the crap you see on the cover of cosmopolitan magazine.

    Anyway, this gal says the functional equivalent of “spit on his dick(to lube him up)” only she says it like “you gotta give it that HAWK TUAH” making a sound like she’s Hocking up a huge lugey and spitting it out in the downward direction.

    She is now known as hawk tuah and I think someone is trying to put her on reality TV.

    HoustonHenry ,

    Considering that we have three seasons of a show called “F-Boy Island” on broadcast television, I’m not very suprised someone wants to make her a star

    Psythik ,

    TBF no one watches broadcast television anymore, so they’ll stick anything on the airwaves to fill the schedule.

    It’s either that, or go the way of MTV and show nothing but endless reruns of one show. I don’t know why they haven’t renamed it “The Rob Dyrdek Network” by now and called it a day.

    thecam , avatar

    Clown world🤡

    ToucheGoodSir , (edited )

    Turns out the Heritage Foundation and their allies being so blatant with their garbage political policy MIGHT be bad for winning elections

    anon_8675309 ,

    Only if we keep it in the news cycle.

    NinjaBluesman , (edited )

    This is a summary of Project 2025

    Reminds me how this guy got started.

    Some may argue that the President in the Civil War (2024) movie is Trump. In the movie, he is on his third term and bombed many US civilians.

    This is a break down of the movie.

    archomrade , (edited )

    I don’t know if Civil War is meant to have a clear real-world corollary for the conflict. In the movie Texas and California are aligned against the president and Florida and most of the NW states (including Idaho and Ohio) are breakaway factions that seem aligned against the federal forces as well (the implication that Idaho and Ohio are in the communist state alliance is pretty fucking laughable)

    All that to say: i’m pretty sure the producers intentionally avoided real-life groups to keep the movie focused on the topic of journalism and to avoid it being used in exactly this type of political fearmongering.

    Edit: also this bit in that article you linked, which seems to allude to the president possibly starting out as a liberal and becoming fascist, which is chef’s kiss

    Perhaps just as controversial as the decisions of which states seceded in “Civil War” are the choices as to which states stayed. Notably, the whole Northeast, including the protagonists’ main residence of New York, has stayed loyal to the fascist government, a plot point certain to raise questions about what happened to the former liberal stronghold. In an interview with The Atlantic, Alex Garland offered up the possibility that changes in political alignments occurred as a result of the President’s own politics changing between his first term and his third: “He may be a fascist at the point we meet him, but he presumably in his first term didn’t say [that] …”

    eldavi ,

    I don’t know if Civil War is meant to have a clear real-world corollary for the conflict. In the movie Texas and California are aligned against the president and Florida and most of the NW states (including Idaho and Ohio) are breakaway factions that seem aligned against the federal forces as well (the implication that Idaho and Ohio are in the communist state alliance is pretty fucking laughable)

    i almost didn’t watch the movie because all the reviews i read were stuck on this one point but …

    … i’m pretty sure the producers intentionally avoided real-life groups to keep the movie focused on the topic of journalism and to avoid it being used in exactly this type of political fearmongering.

    it was clear to me that this was true during the paramilitary soldier hostage scene; that was the closest the film ever got to contemporary political alignment and even then it was vague enough not to point fingers.

    i’m so glad the movie i intended to see was sold out and i ended up watching civil war instead because it’s one of those movies that sticks with you and i’ve haven’t felt that way about a movie in a long time.

    kirsten dunst was the reason why i went with this movie over the other options i had at that moment and i suspected that the movie would be at least decent from the start since i’ve liked every movie she’s ever been in; i would have seen this movie on opening day were it not for all the reviews i mentioned earlier.

    archomrade ,

    Yup, I think a lot of people avoided the movie because there’s an obvious proximity to current events that’s just too stressful for casual viewing, but I think they did a pretty tasteful/artistic job making the politics of the narrative vague and even a little subversive. It ends up keeping you focused on the details because you’re looking for those clues, but ends up putting you in the shoes of the journalists, trying to piece together a political narrative that you can’t quite see in the moment while you’re being bombarded with the horrors of war and armed conflict. I love that part of the movie, because it presents that tension of what they’re there to do as journalists - taking pictures to catalogue a larger narrative as the soldiers they’re following lay dying in the fog of war and unable to clearly see the bigger outlines. The viewer ends up feeling a little resentful of the journalists, because they seem a bit uncaring about the horrors they’re witnessing in service of getting the chance of capturing history.

    That’s also why I got a little worked up seeing it mentioned in this thread… op was doing the thing the movie was clearly going out of its way to prevent. Idk. The movie is great and I hate seeing it used as an inflammatory political statement.

    Cryophilia ,

    I gotta say as a Californian, as much as we bag on Texas if our two states ever teamed up we would steamroll the rest of the nation.

    eldavi ,

    I gotta say as a Californian, as much as we bag on Texas …

    that interests me greatly.

    when i moved from san francisco to austin i was surprised by how many “don’t california my texas” bumper stickers and flags shown everywhere. at first i attributed it to having to switch to driving for my commute and i thought it was odd that i had never sensed a such a reciprocated sentiment expressed while lived in all of california; much less be so ubiquitous every you go.

    yours is the first i’ve ever heard.

    Cryophilia ,

    Most of our bagging on Texas is talking about how cute it is they think they’re in the same league as us, economically.

    eldavi ,

    it’s still strange to hear (read) a californian say it since it always felt like a uniquely texan obsession comparing themselves to california and i felt it was lofty at best (and collective short-guy syndrome at worst) since california has around 33% to 50% more of everything than texas except land area.

    because of that:

    california + texas can steamroll the rest of the nation

    california + new york can steamroll the rest of the nation

    california + florida can steamroll the rest of the nation

    no combination of the others can do the same, except maybe all three; meaning that california is an outlier so comparisons to it are mostly self defeating and comparisons to new york or florida seemed non-existent when i lived in texas.

    JasonDJ ,

    I clicked on your “this guy” link and I got an ad…

    …of Obama asking for campaign donations.

    I know it wasn’t your intent but the irony of that ad playing in that context was just too good.

    Cowbee , avatar

    Just wait until the public hears about Trump’s Rule 34.

    todd_bonzalez , avatar

    Wow, I never knew that getting convicted of 34+ felonies would cause that. What a weird rule. Definitely worth googling.

    hakunawazo ,

    The most interesting fact for voters since the lemonparty.

    JasonDJ ,

    Is that what those lemon stealing whores were up to?

    intensely_human ,

    Calling it “Trump’s Project 2025” is misinformation given that Trump has publicly stated he has nothing to do with this thing.

    Irelephant , avatar

    He does have a lot to do with it, but he did not think of any of it.

    anon_8675309 ,

    This has to be sarcasm.

    The internet keeps a history.

    He Knows.

    Passerby6497 ,

    If you believe anything Trump says, you’re already lost. Trump should be assumed to be lying unless there’s at least 2 credible sources backing up what he says. Dude lies about as often as he draws breath.

    samus12345 , avatar
    sucricdrawkcab , avatar

    People don’t think it’s possible to do all of this. After reading the entire thing, it’s 100% possible, but I don’t think people are seeing this as the end of democracy in the U.S.

    Women, minorities, public education, the environment, work reform, social services and even protesting are straight up done. Sounds extreme, but I’m not seeing how you vote yourself out of this after firing everyone and replacing them with people only loyal to the president.

    Ultraviolet ,

    Even if they only succeed in doing a fraction of it, that’s still really fucking bad.

    Ragnarok314159 ,

    I explained it to someone as eating a shard of glass. Even if you have to eat a tiny bit of it, you ate glass and your life is worse.

    sucricdrawkcab , avatar

    Oh yeah it is. You can’t really vote yourself out of some of that stuff.

    anon_8675309 ,

    Exactly. We’re still affected by Reagan’s policies that were based on this same organization.

    anon_8675309 ,

    Much of what Reagan instituted and is still plaguing us was written by this same organization.

    nutsack ,

    I still don’t know if the attention on this is a good or a bad thing

    some_guy ,

    I suspect it’s a good thing. Conservatives don’t search for things that discredit their views. And I doubt their media is playing this up as anything that deserves attention. It’s probably mentioned as a thing to be ignored. I have no factual basis for my suspicions. I could be completely wrong.

    nutsack ,

    my conservative friends and family from the garbage can i grew up in very much like this sort of thing, and probably see it as a justification to vote for sexual dingus trump.

    im hoping it will force more democrat voters to go outside.

    undergroundoverground ,

    Conservatives don’t search for things that discredit their view.

    I think you’re right here but I think we can all be very much like that. Using trump and conservatives as a reference to what we all do, no one Googles “is trump bad.” No, we already know the answer to what we think about that. Instead, we google something like “trump is the best” which (along with our personalised algorithm, designed to tell us what we want to hear so we keep engaged) tells us all about how trump is the best.

    I think one thing that might help anyone who wants to de-program trumpers, along with the parts that are their own fault, they genuinely are victims of the algorithm they’re trapped in. I mean, we all are but right wingers, being right wingers, rarely have the self awareness needed to adjust for it. Theyre amongst the groups most disenfranchised and exploited by these things. It doesn’t absolve them of blame but, imo, its more complicated than a lot of people make out.

    todd_bonzalez , avatar

    we google something like “trump is the best” which (along with our personalised algorithm, designed to tell us what we want to hear so we keep engaged) tells us all about how trump is the best.

    Nobody googles anything like that, and googling “is x good/bad?” Isn’t really how you use Google unless you’re researching products or something. This is a lazy attempt at an example.

    It seems to me that, if we’re using web searches as an indicator, that those on the left have no problem earnestly researching the answers to questions like “Is transgender healthcare harmful to children?”, or “what are the pros and cons of privatizing x?”, where some of the answers might not perfectly validate our existing worldview, but we still walk away with a nuanced opinion based on what we learned.

    Conservatives on the other hand would never even consider asking questions like “are they cutting little boys dicks off because they like the color pink?” or “are half of all murders really committed by Black people?”, they will just believe it in their heart of hearts because they saw memes about it on Truth Social.

    In fact, if they did muster the willpower to type such a query into Google, every single article that doesn’t validate them would be declared some sort of leftist hoax, and Google would be blamed as another woke tech company deliberately serving content that challenges a right wing view.

    These people are completely brainwashed, and it is no surprise that they heavily trend Christian, since Christianity as an ethos demands that you be able to resist asking questions critical of God, as certain questions are an insult to God. It’s rather trivial to exploit this vulnerability in critical thinking, which is why so many Conservatives seem to have no line between their religious beliefs and their political beliefs, and both sets of beliefs end up being completely fucking unhinged and filled to the brim with magical thinking.

    undergroundoverground ,

    I love how you declared my example to be lazy, only to then make, essentially, the same example again. Dont get me wrong, I’m not saying that I disagree with me.

    todd_bonzalez , avatar

    Yeah, I called you lazy and then said what you attempted to say with better clarity and verbosity.

    undergroundoverground ,

    I said it just fine. The problem is you lack of self awareness and poor social skills.

    Phegan ,

    It’s a good thing, much of the things included are unpopular, even by conservatives

    samus12345 , avatar

    Good thing. Despite how it sometimes feels, most Americans aren’t hateful pieces of shit and don’t support this crap. It’s just hard to get them to go out and vote.

    nutsack ,

    the conservative folks i know don’t see conservative policy as being hateful

    samus12345 , avatar

    Of course not. Nobody thinks they’re the bad guy. It takes an outside perspective to know.

    eldavi ,

    It’s just hard to get them to go out and vote.

    it would be a lot easier if the dnc didn’t suppress popular candidates in favor of candidates with decades long histories of conservative bona fides.

    cupcakezealot , avatar


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  • Pilferjinx ,

    Trump looks good by comparison side by side. Why would the right want to change that?

    TheFin ,

    He should grow a Hitler mustache

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