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Kiernian ,

I think you mis-spelled “biased”.


Kiernian ,

Seriously. ^That’s the important bit.

I would be shocked if that was on any of the judge’s minds, but it’s the primary concern in cases of domestic abuse.

Domestic abuser plus gun owner is the “my boyfriend choked me during sex without my consent” red flag for upcoming potential future death.

it’s not a guarantee, but it’ statistically waaaaaay more likely to end that way.

Kiernian ,

I thought it said “Grimes” and it was making a joke about how ugly and comical the cybertruck looks.



Kiernian ,

Me too!

Kiernian ,

But they’re almost all using it STUPIDLY, aren’t they?

How many people who purport to have Bitcoin actually hold their own private key?

Kiernian ,

Safe deposit box?

Everyone who has one, I hope.

It’s called a Bitcoin “wallet”, too. If someone else is holding yours, it’s not your money.

Kiernian ,

Back twenty years ago when I first started seeing “SMH” it was “So. Much. Hate.”

As in “I really dislike that.”

As in “So, everybody unanimously said they want sheet cake for office birthdays and management decided to double down on the day old donuts again anyway? So Much Hate.”

Kiernian ,

I think it was the original meaning when it was brand new and still very niche.

Part of me wonders if it made it onto one of those “Parents! Know these abbreviations!” memes where they purposely list the acronyms incorrectly (LOL–Lots of Love) and then got more popular that way.

A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back (

It’s a nightmare scenario for Microsoft. The headlining feature of its new Copilot+ PC initiative, which is supposed to drive millions of PC sales over the next couple of years, is under significant fire for being what many say is a major breach of privacy and security on Windows. That feature in question is Windows Recall, a...

Kiernian ,

Thank you for your service to this thread.

Kiernian ,

(strike)Frank from IT(/strike)the cleaning crew

I jest, but I’ve seen more facilities maintenance teams cause power issues than IT teams.

Kiernian , (edited )

To say nothing of how much cabling is covered by plastic.








Kiernian ,

What do you use now?

I work in IT and between the Advent of “agile” methodologies meaning lots of documentation is out of date as soon as it’s approved for release and AI results more likely to be invented instead of regurgitated from forum posts, it’s getting progressively more difficult to find relevant answers to weird one-off questions than it used to be. This would be less of a problem if everything was open source and we could just look at the code but most of the vendors corporate America uses don’t ascribe to that set of values, because “Mah intellectual properties” and stuff.

Couple that with tech sector cuts and outsourcing of vendor support and things are getting hairy in ways AI can’t do anything about.

Kiernian ,

This is also why there’s such a a prevalence of flashing warning banners, fake pseudobluescreens, and other scary shit disguised in chrome notifications.

The notifications in chrome are as close to on by default as you can get and with the right code snippets you can make it look like the FBI locked down your workstation and you need to call them.

Firefox should start hardening against this behavior now because popularity gets targeted even more specifically.

Make it an end user safety feature.

Force every notification to have

“This is a notification from a website that you elected to receive by allowing notifications. You can disable these notifications here”

with a link to the setting on the frame of of every one, no fullscreen allowed, no flashing, double-check and prohibit the words FBI, CIA, NSA, TSA, IRS, Social Security, Microsoft, etc.

Kiernian ,

“WebUSB is a JavaScript application programming interface specification for securely providing access to USB devices from web applications”

Holy Hannah, NO!!!

Might as well allow a website to direct write to your hard drive unprompted again.

Does noone see how BAD this stuff is?

Stop creating attack vectors with glowing neon signs on them.

Is Arcanum worth playing?

I played a little of it when I first got it, but then I heard that it’s better to patch it. So I joined the discord for it and figured I’d look into that later. Well later turned into years, eventually I left the discord server to make space for other servers and never did wind up going back to Arcanum....

Kiernian ,

I never beat it, but tlI enjoyed what I did play of it enough that if I could find my copy I might give it another go.

Kiernian ,

What’s the discord address?

Kiernian ,

That link apparently expired or something, but I tracked down another that seems to work.

My guess is you’re looking for this:

Or possibly this:…/4

Kiernian ,

I re-read your post with a little more understanding once I’d seen the discord.

Multiverse is apparently a mod.…/arcanum-multiverse-edition.114150/…

Kiernian ,

For anyone else wondering, it’s

r/sysadmin and the size of this community

So I have been a part of this community for a while and it seems pretty quiet. I know Lemmy is not as big as Reddit so this community will always be much smaller but I kind of miss the activity on r/sysadmin. Infinity for Reddit still works for view only so I have been scrolling though posts on Reddit as some of the stories and...

Kiernian ,

Except for the -sysadmin IRC channel. Gibby’s always shilling his “fart in a jar” NFT.

Apple crushes creativity and its reputation in new iPad ad (

The ad itself depicted a mechanical crusher destroying artifacts of human creativity. A trumpet, guitar, sculpture, piano, drawing board, paints, a metronome, several analog cameras, a turntable, and hi-fi equipment were among the much-loved items yielding to the machine’s unstoppable force.

Kiernian ,

Yeah, I’m no marketing guru, but I feel their actual point would have been better conveyed by a pile of all of the things the iPad replaced slowly gathering dust, spider webs, and eventually archaeologists.

Kiernian ,

And while it hurts now, it’s REALLY going to hurt when large swaths of useful answers that don’t exist anywhere else are gone and there’s nothing replacing them.

Noone writes hundreds of pages of documentation for their stuff anymore. Without the collected knowledge learned from experience there, what do we have?

Unless we have source code to read, very little.

I’m still feeling the pain of google search results sucking combined with most of the large coding forums being gone and reddit slowly going to garbage. Stack Overflow was the last bastion of collected knowledge of it’s type… and it’s not like it was 25 years ago where we still had phonebook-sized manuals for almost all major software because agile has killed the concept of exhaustive definitive documentation for a given version of something.

I used to sorta roll my eyes at people shouting about federating everything, but at this point I’m scared and agreeing with them.

Kiernian ,

I don’t think it matters which way the blunt goes as long as nobody’s bogarting.

I could be wrong though, I’ve never actually partaken, just hung out.

Kiernian ,

To quote david rovics- “coke is the drink of the death squads.”


Coca cola supposedly hired the AUC.

Kiernian ,

There’s no way Microsoft would purposefully disable VPNs from working

No, but they’ve done it accidentally before.

One time a few years ago it broke all LT2P VPN’s unless you removed a specific KB########.

IIRC, six months later there was still no fix.

I think it’s been fixed now, though.

Kiernian ,

60,000 Guinea pigs

you leave my end users out of this. It’s not their fault the higher ups chose a crappy software vendor

Tech brands are forcing AI into your gadgets—whether you asked for it or not (

Earlier this year, Microsoft added a new key to Windows keyboards for the first time since 1994. Before the news dropped, your mind might’ve raced with the possibilities and potential usefulness of a new addition. However, the button ended up being a Copilot launcher button that doesn’t even work in an innovative way....

Kiernian ,

They forced cloud on us so they could do the same nickel-and-dime billing that webhosts used for cpu cycles/ram/storage…

…because it’s lucrative as hell when taken to a grand scale.

But there are sometimes side benefits for us.

I, for one, am over the moon levels of happy that I will never spend another weekend patching Exchange servers.

Kiernian ,

Once old.reddit dies I’ll never go back

I’m the same way, but that’s because I find the text formatting, comment layout, and page framing to be almost completely unreadable without it.

My ten year old monitor is at a nice 1980x1020 and when I view a post on base reddit, it crams the post into the middle of the screen, displays one or two comments below it, and then displays… other posts? Or something? It’s mind-boggling, difficult to sort out what’s what, and I can’t figure out who’s needs are being met with a layout like that.

When I click on a post, I want to see the whole post, laid out across the majority of my screen real estate, and I want all of the comments visible beneath the post, with multiple comment sorting options.

I just realized what I’m basically asking for is a forum layout.

You know, that thing that worked for decades.

I’m putting up with Lemmy even though I have a few minor gripes (mostly related to sorting and search) because the community is part of what’s important to me, but the main reason I stick around anywhere is the ability to read content I’m interested in. When the on page formatting of that content sucks, I quit reading it.

I quit subscribing to newspaper websites (and ultimately quit visiting them for news entirely) when the on page advertising squeezed out the actual journalism. I could adblock, but the formatting is still a disaster and barely resembles a news article if you print it out and hold it up to a newspaper, so screw that noise.

I’m sometimes willing to be okay with being “the product” when it’s my choice and I know what I’m trading for it and judge the value of what I’m getting in return to be acceptable.

When I do that, though, and major changes I don’t like get made to what I’m “getting out of it” with no way for me to go back to what I did like, it’s a rug pull and a breach of trust.

For all of the market analysis everyone is supposedly doing, you’d think at least ONE major player would figure out that noone likes it when their routine grinds to a screeching halt because someone decided to move the user interface around and now nobody can find anything.

Kiernian ,

I have yet to run into a single company who’s AP/AR departments aren’t either overworked, inept, or both.

A lot of this hinges on how sloppy and mistake prone banks are, how all of the overworked/inept AP/AR departments have to work with the AP/AR departments of other outfits who are in the same boat, how ridiculous credit card companies are with their “expense account” offerings, and how too many vendors think “we’ll just keep charging them and hope they don’t notice” is a valid business model.

These scams work on companies because messing up the amount on a check and it not clearing is only MARGINAL stupidity compared to the day-to-day operations they deal with. If the scammers spell the company name right, they’re one up on most accounts payable departments.

Kiernian ,

Lotta key parties in your neck of the woods?

‘What do you mean, the tower is gone?’: thieves steal 200ft structure from Alabama radio station | Alabama (

‘What do you mean, the tower is gone?’: thieves steal 200ft structure from Alabama radio station | Alabama::Small radio station forced to go silent after ‘unbelievable’ theft of giant tower, which would cost over $100,000 to replace

Kiernian ,

It would set a horrible precedent.

I don’t know the exact frequency specifics, but I know the FCC is super particular about any broadcast over a certain power on most wavelengths.

I imagine this is yet another instance where “mostly works” is in fact somewhat problematic in one way or another.

Kiernian ,

Except the overall hiring demand IS down and it has been since December.

You know it’s bad when across the globe, IT systems administrators aren’t even getting hit up by RECRUITERS.

In the U.S. at least, it’s been a continually “in demand” field since we recovered from the U.S. housing market crash of '08-'09… right up until before the New Year.

Now I’m hearing the same thing from people in the field worldwide and that is that there’s been an uncharacteristic hiring stall in a historically consistent field of IT infrastructure.

The same is supposedly true in other portions of infrastructure as well, likely because companies still view infrastructure as a cost center instead of a force multiplier.

It remains to be seen if the hiring silence will extend to full stack devs/programmers if this heavy layoff follow the leader garbage goes on much longer, but if it hits “revenue generator” departments, I’m afraid we’ll start to see other companies tech stacks failing like Twitter’s current functionality has.

Kiernian ,

I don’t think he can actually put that much together to appeal it.

Especially not since Habba kept saying “no objection” to all of the evidence the prosecution put in.

She just kept saying “Yup! That’s totally acceptable and we’ll agree it should be considered!”

Kiernian ,

Again, no court would uphold that Texas is being invaded.

Which is good because if we classify border-crossing migrants as “invaders” then not only does that mean really bad things for them, it means Abbott was funneling invaders further inside our borders by paying to bus them to denver or fly them to chicago or whatever else.

It’s pretty clear he didn’t think the treasonous implications of this particular initiative through very well.

Kiernian ,

The problem here is that all of the registration information that is listed for a number (OCN, LATA, etc) allows them to track back what TYPE of number it is based on what ILEC/CLEC it’s registered with and how it’s registered.

This means when I put my google voice number into some things, they can come back and yell that it’s not a mobile phone, or that it’s a virtual number, or whatever and disallow it.

Kiernian ,

They weren’t, which is why the SEC updated 17 CFR Parts 229, 232, 239, 240, and 249.

As of December 18th of last year, publicly traded companies are now required to disclose breaches. (soz, material cybersecurity incidents).

Prior to that, they could …basically… just effectively sweep everything under the rug “like it never happened” minus a little handwaving and paper shuffling and nobody would find out about it until the information got sold and went public.

I’ll have to go looking but I would be SERIOUSLY surprised if the disclosures apply to credit card companies (the MOST breached, historically) because I’m not sure what exactly qualifies someone as an asset-backed issuer, but it’s at least a really good step for the REST of things.

Kiernian ,

…when the bishops blessed the blueshirts down in galway…

Kiernian ,

Every time some boneheaded CEO follows the whims of these billionaire types, the press should start running articles as though the company’s days are numbered.

“More sudden layoffs! Is Google worried about its own long term prospects?” … “Google’s stance has changed from cutting edge innovation and growth to shoring up its flagship products in the hopes it can weather the storm. Battening down the hatches is the order of the day, and anything not deemed ship shape is left to flounder until it sinks.” Cite that most companies only cut staff like that when they’re looking to artificially inflate their valuation for some reason. Question if the impact of any recent bad moves are worse than expected.

The press should circle layoff-prone companies like sharks until they stop listening to stupid advice.

Make them stop and THINK about what they’re doing first. Teach the people in charge how to recognize when they’re being manipulated.

We give CEO’s entirely too much leeway to do incredibly dumb shit.

Carly Fiorina, John Roth, Frank Dunn, Mike Zafirovski, I don’t know if John Riccitiello is it at fault for the unity debacle, but he should have been able to stop it, John Wendell Thompson, Bob Allen, Kenneth Lay, John Sculley, Stephen Elop (How the fuck do you destroy NOKIA?!?!), Martin Shkreli, Carol Bartz, Leo Apotheker, the list is ENDLESS.

C levels have too much power to make RADICAL decisions and the fact that boards of directors are broken-record-skipping on the words “short term profit” is what keeps causing it to happen.

The billionaires and other CEO’s are on Ron Vachris’ ass every time there’s a group call because he keeps making them look bad, but he’s proven that his way is SUSTAINABLE.

It’s time to nudge things back into healthier directions.

Kiernian ,

Okay, can someone explain THIS giant load of seeming bullshit to me?

In 2023, the U.S. economy vastly outperformed expectations. A widely predicted recession never happened. Many economists (though not me) argued that getting inflation down would require years of high unemployment; instead, we’ve experienced immaculate disinflation, rapidly falling inflation at no visible cost.

By every marker that matters to the POPULACE (costs of food, shelter, energy for shelter, cars, gas for cars, and medical insurance (required)) inflation has gone WAY THE HELL UP, shows no signs of abating, and jobs (in the tech sector at least) are taking a dive. Wages are not keeping pace with costs of living, and people I knew who were on the low end of “rich” are now starting to be as scared as the upper middle class.

Everyone keeps saying the economy is fricking awesome, but rent is astronomical, groceries are bonkers, gas prices are still at “I DID THIS” sticker stupidity levels, few people can get a home, used cars are going for 5 to 10 times what they’re worth, and everyone I know around the country is running a much tighter ship than they were during COVID LOCKDOWN.

All of these “new jobs” we keep hearing about are just a small percentage of positions vacated by layoffs. Companies let tons of people go in one fell swoop and hire new people for 1/10th to 1/5th of the positions at lower wages with worse “total compensation” packages.

The recruiters have COMPLETELY stopped hitting up myself and my employed friends. Not a single fricking “you look like a great blahblahblah” for almost a month when it was previously multiple hits a day.

As far as I can tell, we’re IN a recession, we’re just calling it a recovery for some reason.

Kiernian ,

Household economics are both micro AND macro.

The handwaving that typically occurs when people try to throw a layer of obfuscation into economic conversations is both disingenuous and counterproductive to actual fruitful discussion about the current state of things.

You might as well just say “money is wealth” or “what’s good for the goose”.

The reality is we’ve been chasing a short run fallacy for a really, really long time now and there’s more and more in the way of misrepresented statistics in order to keep everyone from examining all of the indirect consequences.

Kiernian ,

For most people, these are harmless and just a part of getting older. You’ll get used to them.

I’ve had these since I was in preschool.

They’re far less pronounced (almost entirely absent, really) now in my 40’s than they were throughout my single digit years, but I still see them once in a great while

Kiernian ,

Yeah, so they changed it so it defaults to the “new” way where quotes and -UnwantedTerm don’t function the way they used to, but when you fill out the search box, hit “Google Search”, and it fails to perform the way you want it to, once you’re on the results page, go to “Tools” click on “All Results” and change it to “Verbatim”.

Kiernian ,

I was actually impressed when I took a bus across state lines in the U.S. recently.

Someone was complaining about the charger on their seat not working.

Turns out that the driver has full control of the power to the USB ports on the bus and can turn them off and on at will… and they apparently they turn them off BY DEFAULT.

If someone WERE to figure out a way to get from the USB port in the seats to the CAN Bus on the vehicle itself, having a hard-wired physical switch that cuts power/signal to the ports is potentially a fairly effective security measure as long as there’s not a memory buffer you can compromise and run stuff from.

Kiernian ,

That would be the SMART way to do things, yes.

One can hope.

Kiernian ,

“That guy from Alias”

You said that and I was all “Oh cool! Is he getting a lot of roles, I’d better go look!”

Turns out I was thinking of Kevin Weisman, who I haven’t seen in anything since Runaways.

Kiernian ,

The way I heard it, it wasn’t so much that the site itself was one wing or the other, it’s just the site that people were getting recruited FROM to eventually BECOME right wing… operatives?

I’m not completely certain which domestic or foreign group is responsible for hiring all of them, but it’s clearly deliberate positioning of less-than-successful actors/models into noisemaking/visibility roles.

They must be paying well because at least one of those people used to ostensibly be a liberal.

Outside of eliminating all PAC-type “contribution” organizations, all shell company sorts of situations AND forcing all pundits to disclose their financing like a publicly traded corporation has to, we’re not going to stop bad money from funding horrible behaviour.

It sure would be interesting to get a few of the worst of these folks hauled into court for the handful of harmful statements they’re making that constitute actual crimes and get their funding exposed, though.

Kiernian ,

If they make one of them look and speak like Morbo the Annihilator, I might actually watch.

Like, with the anti-human sentiment and everything.

First Anchor: And today, a local law firm files the first lawsuit in a series over a deadly salmonella outbreak linked to cantaloupe.

Morbo: Next time, we will put the salmonella in more than just the canteloupe.

or maybe:

Morbo: Canteloupe tonight, Bridegroom has the runs!

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