There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

Lemisset , to asklemmy in What's some sex ed info you didn't know until embarrasingly late?

I learned in college (from my nurse girlfriend) that if a girl is taking antibiotics that it invalidates her birth control pills for the month and you need to use condoms until after her period.

Spread the word, brothers.

SnokenKeekaGuard OP , avatar

Holy shit didn’t know this. Thanks

BreadOven , (edited )

That’s not really true.

Sure it’s true for rifampicin and rifabutin (and maybe one more similar one). But those are used to treat TB.

All the standard ones you’d take are fine for birth control.

Edit: Thanks to some people who are more knowledgeable than me on the topic, there are some others, or secondary effects you should consider.

Moral of the story: if in doubt ALWAYS use more contraception. Best to be safe out there.

candybrie ,

According to Mayo Clinic, penicillin and amoxicillin also can make birth control less effective. But most other sources agree with you. I wonder if it’s relatively new information that those antibiotics don’t affect it or what.

SpiderShoeCult ,

It’s easier to tell people to just use a rubber when on antibiotics rathern than explain to them that it’s only for some unpronounceable substances for most of the population and have them memorize a list of substances for which it’s safe to go on as usual - azithromycin is safe, amoxicillin is not. They may sound fairly similar to a layman.

It’s because some substances (in this case, antibiotics) mess with the units in your body that process them and prepare them for excretion. They may inhibit or induce them, but these units process a whole load of other stuff. Including birth control, which can lead to less activity from the birth control pills because they’re inactivated quicker (in case of induction) or the biotransformation to the active form is slower (in case of inhibition, for prodrugs that are inactive as is, but have active metabolites, no idea if this is the case for birth control though).

A similar thing happens with alcohol, for example, which is why you should always be honest with exactly how much alcohol you drink or what other drugs you take when talking to an anaesthesiologist, or any doctor prescribing you any sort of medicine, lest you risk ineffective anaesthesia or treatment (the first one is worse imo).

BreadOven ,

100 % agreed. I was just being pedantic I guess. Sorry for that.

I really should have said ALWAYS use more contraception if you’re unsure about anything. Best to be safe.

Good thing about this is now I have some interesting things to read up on.

BreadOven ,

It may be? I found a few references from like 2019, but as someone else posted above, there’s a lot more to consider than just the antibiotic interfering with the birth control. Digestive tract things. Definitely take a look at the post I’m referring to.

But as I SHOULD have said in my original post, ALWAYS use more methods of contraception if you’re unsure. Best to be safe.

philpo ,

It has two components. While Rifampicin and Rifabutin (and Penicillin,Amoxi and a few others) are directly showing effects on the contraceptives drugs effects, there is another factor that shouldn’t be underestimated: ABs can and will cause digestive symptoms, fastening gastric passage and that alone is known to reduce the effectiveness of hormonal contraceptives countless times.

BreadOven ,

That is true. I didn’t think of it from that angle. I haven’t read too much into that. But now I will. Thanks for the info.

For the record, always use secondary contraception if you’re in doubt. I should have said that in my first post.

SnakeRattleNRoll ,

Hey, this explains my daughter’s birth, 13 years after the fact!

StartledStarling ,

That’s how my parents got pregnant with me! Thanks, antibiotics.

thawed_caveman ,

We talk a lot about lives saved by antibiotics but not about lives made by them lol

Keineanung ,

Oh wow, this really should be common knowledge. Thanks for enlightening me.

dactylotheca , to lemmyshitpost in These AI generated pics are becoming impossible to spot avatar

Ah, good idea putting the fire in the tent, that way the fire will stay warm

werefreeatlast ,

No, that’s fine. It’s the 👍 thumb! Look at it! It’s freakishly small but not ridiculously small.

db2 ,

Or the single Wolverine stick claw.

Hadriscus ,

that’s just a sardine, I think

blackn1ght ,

The hot air is also guaranteed to keep the tent up.

rtxn ,

If you put the whole ass campfire in the tent, it might fly away. Put the fire in the freezer overnight, then thaw it out in chunks when needed.

Alternatively, scrape some glue off your pizza and use it to stick the tent’s bottom to the ground.

blackn1ght ,

Great advice. I’ve sometimes woken up several fields over after the fire has been a bit ferocious. The screams of my family as we’ve flown over people’s houses has also caused some complaints.

morgunkorn OP , avatar

I always pack several tablets of dehydrated water with me so if I’m running out, I can just dissolve a couple to have something to drink or cook with

Comment105 ,

It also stores a lot of heat in the walls of the tent, which will keep the air inside from cooling down too much over the course of the night.

x4740N ,

I did not notice that, all I did was look at the image on autopilot

AuroraZzz , to nostupidquestions in If we can ban trans medical procedures, why haven't we banned circumcision?

Circumcisions should be banned because they are mutilating children’s genitals without consent. At least trans medical procedures have consent.

I think it’s just religious people being hypocrites again. Hard to convince delusional people of facts when they make up what they believe based on the circumstances. The decisions of religious cults shouldn’t have more power than the decisions of individual people. Completely crazy what this country is devolving into

Shirasho ,

There is scientific evidence that circumcision results in the area being cleaner and easier to maintain. I’m not denying it is child mutilation, but you also shouldn’t just sweep it under the rug as religious bullshittery.

wintermute_oregon ,

Not just cleaner but you are also less prone to certain infections. I am circumcised, but it was done as a child. Knowing what I know now, I am glad since it decreases the risk for certain cancers and infections.


I never had not have ever heard of anyone I know having infections or cancers because of a foreskin.

wintermute_oregon ,…/penile-cancer-and-circumci….

Some studies have suggested that circumcision may help prevent penile cancer.…/pac-20393550#:~:text=Circumc…

Decreased risk of urinary tract infections.

Decreased risk of penile cancer.

Decreased risk of sexually transmitted infections


Suggested. “However, this is unverified”

Okay mate.

wintermute_oregon ,

Suggested is my phrasing. The studies are pretty conclusive.


The first link says it’s unverified, and also says “suggest”, not your phrasing.

wintermute_oregon ,

Did you read the study?


Why should I read a whole study? It says it at the start so I don’t need to. Abstracts exist for a reason.


From the last link:

“In contrast, there was some evidence that circumcision in adulthood was associated with an increased risk of invasive penile cancer”

Yeah, great.

NewPerspective ,

You’re not on your home turf anymore. Even fewer people put up with your shit here.

wintermute_oregon ,

Nah I get it. People don’t like science.

NewPerspective ,

People don’t like you or your ideals.

wintermute_oregon ,

My ideas are cited science and facts. Go troll someone else.

NewPerspective ,

You prioritize rules and fake news over common decency and humanity and call it science.

wintermute_oregon ,

Since you consider mayo and medical journals fake news. I’m blocking you.

NewPerspective ,

You can’t hide from the truth.

uranibaba ,

He is making a great effort at it though.

Bytemeister ,

Technically, you can’t get foreskin cancer if you don’t have foreskin. Not sure if that is an acceptable reason to cut off part of a non-consenting infant’s genitals.

ferralcat ,

The vast vast vast majority of the worlds men have foreskins though.

Schadrach ,

I mean it does reduce the risk of penile cancer (for basically the same reason a mastectomy reduces the risk of breast cancer - less cells means less cells that can turn cancerous), but penile cancer is one of the more rare ones to begin with and the reduction is pretty small.

forrgott ,

Honestly such a weak argument. Having helped my uncircumcised son learn to keep himself clean, I can probably say this myth needs to be laid to rest already. It’s just not true.

Thwompthwomp ,

I dont get it either. However the American pediatric association and a couple others keep suggesting it’s “cleaner.” I think it’s based on some large global datasets and there are less STIs with circumcised penises? Even WHO recommends it. It seems like recommended people clean themselves would be much easier…

Maven , avatar

And if you shave your head, you don’t have to brush your hair.

BeepTheJeep ,
Silentiea ,

So, yeah. To paraphrase, “When reviewed by people without the same clear and obvious cultural bias, circumcision only conclusively provides an incredibly marginal benefit, with evidence lacking for other supposed (and still very marginal) benefits.”

livus , avatar

I'm sure there are many body parts we could amputate to help with maintenance.

doctortofu , avatar

Let me tell you about my revolutionary way to prevent athlete’s foot! Also, did you know you can prevent testicular cancer with one simple snip step?

Schadrach ,

Wouldn’t that require two snips?

humorlessrepost ,

“Root and stem” with one rubber band!

baggins ,

If god wanted my parents to cut part of my dick off why did she put it there in the first place? Are you saying god made a mistake?

frickineh ,

Maybe it was on purpose. The Abrahamic god is a sadist who apparently fucking loves killing and maiming people, so maybe he was like, “yoooo, you know what would be funny?” and then convinced a bunch of people they should cut part of their babies’ dicks off.

Grass ,

Wasn’t there also that weird ass bible tale where some dude brought another guy 200 foreskins so he could marry the guy’s daughter? If I don’t have one, at least nobody will kill me and take it from me to give to a potential father in law…

I still have to give the little fucker a good scrub to not stink though so the cleanliness thing has got to be bull.

frickineh ,

Yeah. I get that it’s supposed to represent how many enemies he killed, but why foreskins, Saul? Could’ve asked for a lot of other things besides dick skin. Like, idk, their weapons or something.

Schadrach ,

Because you could buy or steal their weapons, but there’s only one way you’re going to end up with a piece of their dick. Also means you don’t get to count enemies who were Jews.

Bytemeister ,

I don’t think cleanliness is an excuse for lopping off part of a non-consenting infant.

It would be a lot easier to clean your head if you didn’t have any ears. Should we cut those off of babies too?

fine_sandy_bottom ,

It’s not really about the evidence though.

45 years ago my parents genuinely thought they were doing the right thing by asking the Dr to circumcise me.

They weren’t great at critical thinking and have made numerous poor decisions in their lives as a result of vibe-based reasoning.

You can say I was “mutilated” if you like, but I don’t feel like a victim.

My parents also supported my education, where I learned to be skeptical, and challenge my preconceptions.

As a result, I didn’t have my son circumcised.

nokturne213 ,

Where is this evidence?

_number8_ ,

it’d be easier to brush your teeth if you didn’t have any teeth

Eyck_of_denesle ,

Does your teeth develop phimosis?

akakunai ,

No. But, if they were to I reckon if I’d have the dentist look at them and decide what to do then…rather than rip 'em all out preemptively.

Eyck_of_denesle ,

Well one is done precautionary as it doesn’t have any big life altering side effects while removing all your teeth does. I understand your enthusiasm but a little medical knowledge wouldn’t hurt no one. It’s also more difficult to get circ done after growing up.

Schadrach ,

Well one is done precautionary as it doesn’t have any big life altering side effects

I mean, reduced sensation, higher rates of some kinds of sexual difficulty later in life, and like anything that causes pain and stress to a neonate there are signs that it can have long term psychological effects.

Eyck_of_denesle ,

You would only notice it if you get it done after growing up. I don’t understand the logic here. Have you been circumcised?

pinchcramp , avatar

Many men lose sensation over the course of their life. Circumcised men seem to be affected by this much more severeley (anecdotal experience).

I’m in my mid thirties, circumcised at birth, and feel virtually nothing on my glans. Any form of intimacy that involves my dick is more of a chore than anything else. And no, the problem is not that I wank too often or have some unhealthy porn consumption (pretty much non-existent).

Do you think it’s okay to burn a clitoris if the girl hasn’t had sex before? Can we blind babies because they will never know what they have lost?

Can we violate anyone’s bodily autonomy as long as they will not remember what life was like before the violation?

Cethin ,

Most cultures in the world don’t circumcise and it doesn’t cause much issue. It’s only the US where it became so common, because the wacko Kellogg had enough money to push his weird ideas, and somehow people still follow it. You should follow his other “preventative” ideas if you think circumcision is such a great idea.

Here’s a good video to get more ideas from.

Silentiea ,

Trans surgical procedures have some of the best outcomes of any major procedures. they are performed on consenting individuals who are always well informed and at or very near adulthood, and only after many other interventions have been ongoing. People who receive these interventions show incredibly low rates of regret (compare for example the percent of people who regret knee replacements or probably circumcisions), and enjoy increased happiness and satisfaction by almost any metric.

Basically every major medical organization in the world (and certainly in America) agrees these interventions are medically useful and should be performed. While there are doctors who dissent, they are in the vast minority and almost never actually work with any trans people, but rather insist all the doctors who do work with trans people must be wrong. It’s not a controversy in the medical world, just the political one.

ad_on_is , avatar

Then we shall ban dentists too. They never had my consent to touch my teeth.

A_Very_Big_Fan ,

How many healthy and functional teeth have you had inconsensually removed from your skull by a dentist?

humorlessrepost ,

Did they remove your perfectly healthy canines because a bronze-age book said dogs are unclean? If not, get the fuck out of here with your infant penis mutilation apologetics.

RampageDon , to asklemmy in What would happen if caffeine was made illegal?

Pharma companies would already have a caffeine equivalent that would be only slightly different in structure so it would circumvent the law. It would then be sold at exorbitant prices and people would still pay even with the side effect of sometimes you eat someone’s face. Of course they would then sell you something else to stop the side effects. You would also have the caffeine purists who would start their own speak easies and organized crime. People “abiding by the law” would start calling the purist, plants, since that is where caffeine is coming from, while the synthetic caffeine users would be called zombies for the obvious face eating reasons. This whole thing would cause even greater divides between already split countries leading to all out war. WWIII plants vs zombies.

Skoobie , avatar

This comment was amazing to come across and I look forward to the film adaptation.

RampageDon ,

Haha thanks. Wrote it drinking my morning cup of coffee.

triclops6 ,

I did a spit take when I read this

(of my coffee)

sounddrill ,


Erk ,

Well, pack it in folks, Lemmy has peaked. It’s not getting better than this from here on.

Amir , avatar

Thanks, the punchline was worth it.

Romanmir , to piracy in I just deleted my entire library and redownloaded it. avatar

You re-downloaded your media to get better quality files.

I re-downloaded my media because I misconfigured Radarr.

We are not the same.

Romanmir , avatar

Also, pro-tip: When configuring Radarr (or Sonarr for that matter), be sure to define a recycle bin.

I woke up the next morning with all my media wiped. That was in June/July. I’m still recovering.

Flanhare ,

Jesus what did you do?

Romanmir , avatar

I had Radarr pointed to the “Movie” folder, then I changed it to the “Media” folder thinking that that would somehow be “better”.

Whoosh It was all gone the next time I looked, because it couldn’t find entries for whatever it came across, I guess. I ended up having to re-design the whole environment from pretty much scratch. The good news was that since I had “imported” my library initially, I had references to most of the stuff I lost.

yum13241 ,

That’s just bad program design.

Romanmir , avatar

My own take on it is that it’s, hmm, not really bad design, just unforgiving.

When you see that you’re about to make more than X number of changes, Stop… verify with the user, then move forward.

lauha , to memes in Checkmate
  1. Friend makes a company named say “Morgan defence ltd” and you sing an NDA with your friend not to talk about your 2 year beer holiday on the beach.
  2. Company checks our your story. Friend’s company looks like a typical defence industry shell company with no history of anything.
  3. Job
dutchkimble ,

You can skip that and say I was defense consultant with an NDA and cannot disclose which organisation I worked for

InfiniWheel ,

“But you are an English major”

Colonel_Panic_ ,

“Yes, I had to correspond with other engineers and English was used in all communications.”

Empricorn ,

It was in fact the major form of communication!

KISSmyOSFeddit ,

Some of the people I communicated with were Majors.

zalgotext ,

“Please stop asking questions, for both your safety and mine”

dutchkimble ,

I cannot confirm nor deny my rank

Telodzrum ,

I wrote copy for marketing collateral and technical copy for manuals.

Aeri , avatar

“And you’re trying to get a job at an arby’s?”

ryannathans ,

Fraud (y)

WereCat ,

It’s not fraud. Singing is normal.

BearGun ,

How is it fraud? No lies are told, not even implied. It would just be the company making assumptions.

magic_lobster_party , to asklemmy in What UI design trend do you hate the most?

Saying “1 week ago” or “1 month ago” instead of just saying the date. Dude, I want to know if this happened in August or September.

fubo ,

Both are useful, but at different times to different users. It should be easy to toggle between relative and absolute expressions of time.

Godnroc ,

The first email was sent on 1/1 but I haven’t heard any update in a month.

AeroLemming ,

Yeah, I can see that this comment was made 15 hours ago. I don’t want to be given the date and time and have to do the math.

magic_lobster_party ,

I think “15 hours ago” is fine. That one is quite precise. Showing date as “1 year ago” is not helpful. It could be anything between 2021-10-06 and 2022-10-05. It’s a huge span. In that time Ukraine got invaded and the Queen died.

AeroLemming ,

That makes sense to me. Maybe it should measure up to 48 hours, up to 8 weeks, and up to 24 months.

SorteKanin , avatar

FYI if you’re using the standard lemmy UI, you can hover over (or long press on phone) the “15 hours ago” to get the precise timestamp.

AeroLemming ,

That’s pretty neat. I’m using Boost, though.

clearleaf ,

I think the reverse of that is the exact perfect behaviour for a timestamp. Otherwise the timestamps are useless in a screenshot or any archive that can’t display the hover text.

rambaroo ,

Tooltips don’t help mobile users.

SorteKanin , avatar

Why not? As I just said you can long press on phone to show the timestamp.

Segnis ,

I like them as long as they let you tap it to get the actual timestamp. If they’re being used to obfuscate the actual time, it’s just annoying

dan , avatar

It’s a well-accepted (but not always followed) unwritten UI design rule that if you show a relative timestamp like “two weeks ago”, it should show the exact timestamp on hover, plus an affordance for non-mouse usage (mobile, people that use keyboard navigation, etc) such as being able to tap/click it.

camr_on , avatar

The fact that venmo does this shit when I’m trying to see what date I paid for something is absolutely infuriating

ediculous ,

Actually not seeing that issue in Venmo. Are you looking in your transaction list?

camr_on , avatar

I think in the transactions list on mobile it shows date always, but I tend to look when I’m reviewing my transactions every week on my PC, and I couldn’t find the transactions view there

Thavron , avatar

If you group by time in Windows, it has “a long time ago”…

raubarno ,

…in a galaxy far away…

AeroLemming ,

I’ve seen this in my Downloads folder. So weird haha.

Deebster , avatar

Online it’s even more annoying (to me, anyway), because we have the time element specifically for this kind of thing and no-one bothers to use it.

AlexWIWA ,

God I hate any attempt to make the computer personable. Like windows saying “Hi. We’re setting some things up for you”

mitchell ,

I’ve been ranting about this for years. Microsoft word used to be like would you like to save this document? OK or Cancel. And now it’s like Wanna save? Sure or nah

FOH with that Microsoft, you’re not my friend

AlexWIWA ,

Windows 12 will be like “want me to scribble these bits for you, bro? On God? Bet, cap”

Stop, Windows! We’re not friends, you’re not even an AI 🙃

DogMuffins ,

It’s just a trend though, maybe it will go back the other way…

request for user authorization to write to hard drive: approve / deny

TAG , avatar

Google’s chat programs (Hangouts and Texting) are the worst at this. Not only do they put fuzzy timestamps to messages (5 minutes ago, 1 hour ago) they group messages together. Bring back chat clients that had an exact time stamp on every message.

cor315 ,

Very annoying for screen shots. You’ll see a tweeter post on reddit or here that says 1 week ago but of course it’s a repost and was actually 2 years ago.

gaydarless ,

I’m thinking of Jira right now. October 1 rolls around and a comment from yesterday is suddenly “last month”. Very often not helpful. I just want to see when it was made!

donut4ever , to showerthoughts in I feel like Fediverse users are nicer to each other and more generous with upvotes than reddit. avatar

Also, those upvotes and downvotes don’t mean shit here

MegadethRulz ,

This is one thing I’ve been trying to figure out, I keep hearing this a lot. What exactly is different with the upvotes and downvotes? Do they not bury comments and posts or something? Serious question just trying to be informed

Whirlybird , (edited )

At least in the app I’m using there is no cumulative score for your upvotes/downvotes, so people don’t care about it.

Also comments don’t seem to get hidden due to downvotes thankfully. That was always a stupid system.

Tbh I wish that the comment voting system didn’t exist, or that to downvote you had to write a legit reason why, and everyone could see the votes and reasons. Shit reasons would take away your ability to downvote temporarily, extending further the more you do it. Too many people just use it as a disagree button.

MegadethRulz ,

I agree with the dislike button thing. I’m using wefwef so it’s basically an Apollo clone so I can see my cumulative stats so I guess to me they mean something. I guess everywhere has its own system so it’s a side effect of decentralized community.

Edit: removed a word

Cyyy ,

but… do most people actually care? i stopped caring about my cumulative amount after a specific amount (currently i’m at 319.056 Post-Karma, 91.827 comment karma). its just too much too care anymore for me. if it goes down or up… i don’t really feel it anymore or even care. i think the whole cumulative score of votes isn’t really fullfilling anything purposefull.

how do you feel about such a cumulative score? does it triggers dopamine for you? for me it is “meh”, so i’m interested in how other people experience this.

MegadethRulz ,

Doesn’t matter much to me as far as high score type fulfillment fluff but as someone who likes stats and something to reference information about where I’m at is interesting at least and appreciated for the sake of being knowing. I always love video games that had a full stat page on the options like gta

FartsWithAnAccent , avatar

The only thing a bunch of karma did was let you join some private subs but they weren’t really all that great usually

Rai ,

It’s a tale as old as time:

you do something and number go up? Dopamine

you do something and number go down? nopeamine

Cyyy ,

if you get too much of something fun, it stops being fun after a while. same as with drugs… after a while, the same dosis isn’t having the same high anymore as the first time.

Rai ,

Very true. Moderation and responsible use with drugs is key.

Number go up will never stop feeling good hahaha

scottywh ,

Comments weren’t originally hidden due to downvotes on Reddit either… That’s a relatively recent change and it sucks.

I don’t really take issue with downvotes being used as a disagree button as a general rule but I can also see room to improve the system someho, too.

Whirlybird ,

As long as they never add any “punishment” for being downvotes then I guess it doesn’t matter. On Reddit downvotes we’re used to reinforce the echo chamber and to essentially silence differing opinions.

Tag365 , avatar

Wait, posts showed both upvote and downvote rates at one point and they didn’t collapse by default if they got too many downvotes until recently?

scottywh ,

They never showed both total up and downvotes individually like some Lemmy clients do… Only the sum of the two.

But, they didn’t used to collapse regardless of the sum going negative.

Cyyy , (edited )

Also comments don’t seem to get hidden due to downvotes thankfully. That was always a stupid system.

i hate this so much about reddit. a lot of users abuse this system so much to hide your comments so nobody sees them anymore… they just vanish because usually users don’t click unhide.

even if you are nice in the comment and are in the right… if someone dislikes your comment they can pull out their twink accounts and downvote it. and if a comment is at around -3 to -4 or similiar, most users just click downvote without actually reading it… because “others have downvoted that comment so it has to be right. downvote click

its just so toxic on reddit…

nieceandtows ,

Doesn’t even have to be downvoted heavily. If you bash the admins/powermods, your comment gets magically collapsed, even if it’s near the top. I don’t know how that happens.

Cyyy ,

admins and mods working for reddit (the paid ones) have “tools” to do such things. thats also how /u/spez manipulated user comments who said fuck spez etc. - also how they manipulate /r/place currently. they just paint a huge black square or checkerboard over images they dislike.

Whirlybird ,

Yeh I had this happen to my comment once, but it wasn’t even abusing the mods or anything, it was just not the circle jerk reply the mod wanted. It was one of the most upvoted comments on a post, and all of a sudden it was gone from the top. Lo and behold it was now collapsed down the bottom with a huge positive score. Absolute joke.

zeppo , avatar

Some mods basically thought their job amounted to having a power downvote… they’d banish comments they just didn’t agree with, not abusive, but just something they didn’t like and control the conversation that way. That’s one thing if it’s really their sub, but pretty lame if it’s something like /r/Portland and you’re not allowed to disagree with whatever the mods think on a topic, or even discuss other viewpoints.

zeppo , (edited ) avatar

Yep, reddit works with upvote and downvote bandwagons. Often (though not always) the first votes on a comment or post determine how the whole thing will go, especially with the self-reinforcing sorting. I noticed what you said about downvotes too, that if someone has an slightly hard to interpret, ambiguous or sarcastic post, once a few people downvoted it, other people will assume it’s a “bad” post and be more likely to down it themselves. Also you can post the same comment on similar threads in the same sub 2 days apart and the results might be wildly different depending on timing, placement, or just who saw it first.

Cyyy , (edited )

i’m around 12 years on reddit, and votes & how good a post or comments gets welcomed by the communitys on reddit feels kinda random to me.

you can post like you said the same thing at random times, and it will be either welcomed or punished to hell. i had times where i tried to find out if time & timezones have something to do with, but even when trying to post on specific times this didn’t changed much.

after all this years, i decided for myself posting on reddit is like a dice. you roll and either win or fail.

edit: sorry for the horrible english by the way. my motherlanguage isn’t english so i often have still issues with finding the right words for things :/

Rai ,

Ah, very Reddit of you to type a comment eloquently and then apologize for your English!

(I say this in jest! First-language English speakers would use apologies to pad out their fake AITA stories. Also your writing is totally fine!)

linearchaos , avatar

Ooh ooh I like that a lot to downvote you must reply.

Whirlybird ,

I think it would almost instantly solve a lot of the issue with the system tbh. Making people not only have to justify their downvotes, but have those justifications be visible means that their bullshit and brigading would be seen and called out/dealt with.

linearchaos , avatar

That’s actually another thing I’ve seen here, if you do get brigated there’s a pretty good chance people will come by and balance you back out . And read it once you had a couple people shove you on a box nobody ever saw you to come take you back out.

rikudou ,

Well, I downvoted you because I disagree. Who’s on the committee to decide if this is a shit reason? Also, which committee decided that downvotes are not for disagreement?

Whirlybird , (edited )

Well the rules on Reddit specifically say that the downvote button isn’t a disagree button. Haven’t even looked at the rules on them here tbh, I assume it’s different per instance.

Mods could decide which were shit, but the good thing would be that even if the mods were shit at least everyone could see who was downvoting in bad faith. It would also showcase shitty mods.

rikudou ,

Seems people agree with me, given that I’m downvoted with no explanation! Which is extra ironic.

So, care to explain why the downvotes, folks?

Whirlybird ,

It’s not a disagree button.

rikudou ,

Funny, considering you used it like one.

Whirlybird ,

No I didn’t. I used it to downvote something that’s wrong.

Synchrome , (edited ) avatar


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  • Rai ,

    Do you mind naming the forum? I like that idea.

    I’ve been on some forums you could recognize people with “You did good, have a number” buttons, but having to justify a “you did poorly” is a great concept to me.

    Most of my downvotes here and on Reddit are “irrelevant and basically spam comment”, far more rare here than Reddit. Here I’ve scarcely seen a


    On Reddit, I downvoted 80% of the comments I saw, they were all “this” or “I wish I cud giv u AWARD” or “play stupid games” or vapid bullshit like that. Bonus points for the tenth person to comment the same response to a thread because they didn’t bother to read any comments before screeching their “I AM CLEVER FOR RECOGNISE MY REFERENCE” to the void.

    zeppo , avatar

    It would be nice to not have drive by downvotes, though I don’t always have the energy to explain or reply to someone. About the shit reasons though… how is that determined? Do we have to uh, vote on the reasons too?

    TurboDiesel , avatar

    See, I don’t see a problem with using it as a disagree button, especially since the count is useless on Lemmy. My client (Jerboa) does give a cumulative score, but again, in the absence of The Algorithm™️ it’s just notational. Sometimes a shit take is just a shit take, and it’s not worth fighting with trolls. Downvote and move on.

    I will say I 100% agree that I like that the up/down ratio doesn’t auto-hide a comment. It was too easy to manipulate the system on Reddit, and sometimes a (genuinely) unpopular opinion was insightful.

    Though. I really would like to know who that one user is that seems to just downvote everything. I think almost everything I’ve seen lately on Lemmy seems to have exactly one downvote. I like to imagine there’s just one super angry dude like NO on everything.

    Rivalarrival ,

    There was a time when Reddit showed not just the sum of upvotes and downvotes, but the counts of both. The best comments were always the ones with hundreds of both up and down.

    Then they hid that, and you needed to use RES to resurrect the downvotes. Then they removed the separate downvote count entirely, replacing it with the controversial tag. Problem is that the flag didn’t differentiate between 5/3 (+2) and 5000/4998 (+2).

    That was the end of Reddiquette, and the beginning of Reddit’s decline into mediocrity.

    Z4rK ,

    Do we know their reasoning behind replacing it with the tag?

    Rai ,

    They started inflating upvotes for sponsored content, about six years ago? It’s around when /popular/ became a thing. Posts with +1000 suddenly had +7000 or more.

    Z4rK ,

    Could an instance on Lemmy go commercial and try to do something similar? Let’s say .world continues to outgrow the others and in a year or two it’s time for them to capitalize on their size.

    I guess at some point some instances will go “rogue” in one or more ways and it will be interesting challenges to the fediverse to deal with it.

    Rai ,

    Honestly I have no idea! Can instances fake numbers like Reddit did? I mean, they could use a bunch of bit accounts to fake upvoting and downvoting I suppose, but it’s all public info here instead of all being hidden.

    Drunemeton , avatar

    I like up vote only.

    DrQuint , (edited )

    I wish the system existed as is but was 100% hidden except for the OP.

    It’s cool to know that a topic got a hundred thousand upvotes and was the highlight of the day.

    But there’s literally no reason to know if someone is currently being brigaded or boosted, it just preempts and primes what judgement they receive. Remove that, and ragedownvotes are gone as people who do it will exercise no power and no influence.

    Lemmy already has another improvement: We can see who’s downvoting you. Every downvote is public and comes with names. So if you personally brigaded, you can go to the admin with evidence and those people will get their vote rights removed, or will get outright banned. But I still think that’s not enough. The “this person has a bad score, I’ll downvote then” is bad and should really not be a thing, I wish we just removed it.

    ezmack ,

    The chapo fork just got rid of downvotes entirely

    blanketswithsmallpox , avatar

    Sorta yeah. Comments seem to mostly be sorted by new to old. Upvotes do matter... But not as much as 'Boosting' does to push content to your frontpage.

    Why everyone just doesn't hit boost is beyond me but eh. It feels like boost is meant for those especially relevant and nice posts you definitely want others to see vs casually clicking.

    scottywh ,

    New is definitely the default comment sort that I’ve seen at least using Jerboa with…

    I’ve never seen this boost option you’re talking about though…

    I see now that you’re on kbin so I wonder if that option only exists there.

    renrenPDX ,

    I believe Boost is a Kbin thing.

    SinningStromgald ,

    While third party apps do track total up votes there is no “karma”. So unlike Reddit having 60bajilliondie points means nothing to anyone but you. Don’t even think I can see someone else’s points.

    scottywh ,

    You could with certain apps… Someone shared someone else’s tally in comments on a post yesterday… Can’t remember which app it was though.

    Catoblepas ,

    Voyager is one I assume, because I can see your scores on your user page.

    chunkystyles ,

    When I click your name, Voyager shows me you have 415 comment points.

    scottywh ,


    I’ve only played with it a tiny tiny bit so far

    CheshireSnake , avatar

    It fluctuates. I’m back on 18 according to Connect. It’s not reliabke enough to be used fir a karma system, which is good imho.

    everythingsucks ,

    From my new user experience it seems like active comments get placed higher regardless of upvoted. i.e. comments that are still being commented on or new ones.

    MegadethRulz ,

    I like that system actually. Sometimes an unpopular opinion on Reddit would get downvoted and buried but it sparked an interesting discussion where the rest of the thread would be quality content. I like seeing some heavily downvoted comments sometimes and hiding that isn’t necessary. I feel like the user should have control over what way they get their feed and how upvotes and downvotes effect that.

    scottywh ,

    There’s sort options for comment order.

    scottywh ,

    They didn’t really mean shit on Reddit either except to the high score obsessed and people who intended to sell their account to be used by bots and scammers.

    donut4ever , avatar

    I thought people couldn’t post anymore if they hit negative karma on Reddit. Also, some other aspects of their account are affected, so I’ve heard.

    Synchrome , avatar


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  • donut4ever , avatar

    Yeah, fuck that. I hardly ever go there anymore. Most of my time is here

    Synchrome , avatar


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  • donut4ever , avatar

    Fuck spez. Cheers 🍻

    scottywh ,

    I was unaware of that if so… I’ve only ever had 2 reddit accounts… One that’s about to be 15 years old and one that’s a year and a half old or so and neither ever had negative karma as a whole…

    cupcakezealot , avatar

    And downvotes especially don’t mean anything since they aren’t even enabled on :)

    donut4ever , avatar

    That’s amazing. Fuck those virtual internet points

    FartsWithAnAccent , avatar

    What if I told you they didn’t mean shit over there either?

    donut4ever , avatar

    They certainly did to a lot of people to the point they were afraid to state their opinions so they don’t get downvoted

    Edit: I just noticed your username 😂 fucking epic.

    DrMango ,

    I get what you’re saying - that we don’t have a “karma” score associated with our username - but the votes do drive what people see first when they view a particular community or the “front page” so they do matter.

    donut4ever , avatar

    To an extent, but people won’t be put on timeout if they went into negative.

    egeres , avatar

    At least for now, maybe in the future lemmy starts to integrate instance-based plugins (or god know what) that makes more use of up/down votes

    DrQuint ,

    They never did, but here there no persistent score gamifying it.

    donut4ever , avatar

    Good, we don’t need them here so people aren’t afraid to state their opinions.

    Thorny_Thicket ,

    I don’t really feel like they meant shit on reddit either. As far as I know high karma doesn’t give you any additional benefits but perhaps bragging rights if it’s something one is proud of.

    donut4ever , avatar

    I felt like it made some people feel like elites or something. Some folks took them so seriously that they don’t even reply to anyone. I also felt like karma limited some people’s freedom to express what they felt because they’re afraid of being “downvoted to oblivion”.

    Empricorn ,

    Come on, they didn’t mean shit over at The Bad Place either… Sure, there’s extreme examples of accounts racking up crazy amounts of karma, and being able to sell them, but… If you’re not using bots, that still means 99.9% of people didn’t profit in any way from upvotes…

    simple , to fediverse in Origins of the Name "Lemmy" avatar

    The origin of the name is actually told in Lemmy’s GitHub page, it’s not just the Motorhead singer and Lemmings:

    Why’s it called Lemmy?

    So basically the name came from an amalgam of things the lead dev liked.

    Dnn ,

    Why are speculations voted higher than this accurate answer? Link to the Github page for everyone to check:

    Patariki ,

    Yes i realy miss an option to sort comment by votes as default. I hope that gets implemented at some point.

    _haha_oh_wow_ , avatar

    The koopa is named after the lead singer from Motorhead IIRC

    shnizmuffin , avatar

    My favorite part is that Lemmy Koopa was also named after mister Kilmister.

    Beliriel ,

    Lemmy was basically God in the metal scene.

    stuffandthings ,

    Thank you. I saw a comment claiming it was named after the butt gerbil from South Park. I am relieved to know that it is not.

    Orionza OP , avatar

    I was wondering how from Koopa. I only knew of Bowser. I’ve never seen Lemmy Koopa. Thanks for that.

    scrubbles , to programmer_humor in Start ups when that VC funding kicks in avatar

    and god help you if you ever use any of them, obviously you have time to play games you don’t have enough work to do. It’s all for show.

    I remember a Meta recruiter reached out to me. We had a couple of talks, and then on one of them I asked “So how’s the work life balance”

    Oh it’s great! We have a 24/7 cafeteria here, so if you ever need a snack it’s always available. We have sleeping pods, so you can easily sleep, and even 24/7 laundry services, so it’s all around a very relaxing place.

    Uhhh yeah man. I’m not some kid fresh out of college. I own a home, and I’m very aware of my work time vs my personal time. Hard pass all around. Kids, if the company sounds too good to be true, there’s an ulterior motive. Those things sound super great… but they’re of course all meant to keep you working around the clock, meeting deadlines. The companies aren’t “hip” or “cool”, it’s all to attract you, and then work you to the bone. A strict 40 hour work week is better than foosball anyday.

    I know I’m preaching to the choir but for the people interviewing for their first software gig - well maybe one of them will read this.

    _sideffect ,

    I agree with work life balance, but working at meta for 2-3 years for $300k might be worth the sacrifice

    scrubbles , avatar

    If I were a kid right out of college, I’d honestly consider it. The key is truly knowing what you’re getting into. Companies gobble up those kids out of college because they’re naiive, and they want to prove themselves. MAANG knows that and take advantage of it. As long as you’re aware of that going into it, and plan to use them too, then go for it. Just don’t plan to be a lifer, know that they don’t care about you going in.

    Skullgrid , avatar


    deadname the pricks, you’re already doing it for google. it’s facebook

    key ,

    MAAAN would be a much better acronym though

    boydster , avatar

    That’s just, like, your opinion…

    sukhmel ,


    Zink ,

    I was thinking MAANA

    ICastFist , avatar

    Get in with the full idea of being a parasite, doing the barest minimum work possible while getting friendly with higher ups. It’s not like doing a good job there would be better for the customers/end users anyway

    100_kg_90_de_belin ,

    MAANG sounds like a Superman’s villain

    bandwidthcrisis ,

    I thought that it became MANGA when it changed from FAANG?

    Nougat ,

    My soul is worth more than that, and I don't even have one.

    cm0002 ,

    $300k might be worth the sacrifice

    Right? I realistically just need 150k/yr to be stable in my area, I could chuck the other 150k/yr into savings and quit after 3 years with 450k in the bank

    fruitycoder ,

    If I rember right google had an AI driving division that had huge cash incentives based on performance metrics that essentially crashed and burned because they hit targets so fast that main time retired for life in like a year or two

    100_kg_90_de_belin ,

    3 years can be a very long time, though.

    MonkderDritte ,

    The hell? I live two years for 100k CHF. Lucerne, Switzerland, flat in the historic, more expensive part.

    owenfromcanada , avatar

    My office has two ping pong tables. They’re literally roped off with caution tape, and nobody is allowed to use them. I wish I were kidding.

    CanadaPlus ,

    Jesus, it’s like a cargo cult.

    Also, happy cake day. Death to Reddit.

    SomeGuy69 ,

    Make a photo. Great meme potential

    SurpriZe ,


    owenfromcanada , avatar

    I wish I could, but cameras are restricted :/

    SurpriZe ,

    Strange, not even a quick one?

    GissaMittJobb ,

    Those things sound super great… but they’re of course all meant to keep you working around the clock, meeting deadlines.

    This is not going to be universally true at all big tech-companies. There are places with perfectly reasonable WLB on top of huge salaries and fantastic perks.

    These places are usually big enough that you’re going to see extremes on both ends within the same company - some departments with huge deadline pressure cultures, and some with highly relaxed work settings. It can be a bit of a gamble.

    Karyoplasma ,

    The companies aren’t “hip” or “cool”

    I believe the industry term is “agile”.

    Obi , avatar

    Nah that just means they can’t plan for shit and are constantly fighting fires.

    Midnitte ,

    fast paced environment

    CanadaPlus ,

    They’re looking for a volume icon ninja-pirate-wizard, who takes no prisoners. They work hard and play hard so get ready for your boss to be overly demanding and drunk.

    sukhmel ,
    where_am_i ,

    Would you rather spend 40h a week in a dull environment exchanging your time and mental focus for money or spend 50h in a fun and relaxed environment working on something interesting, but also having great nutrition available and with a laundry, so no more household chores for you?

    To me #1 seems like you’re stuck exchanging the best of yourself for some paycheck. #2 sounds more like fun, but also gets you your paycheck.

    If you’re at a point in your life where all you want from your job, office and colleagues is to see as little as possible of that and get as much money as you could, you need to make some serious changes.

    scrubbles , avatar

    No, I have a home, a great family, and I cherish my hobbies and free time. I work to live, I don’t live to work.

    A job will let you go the minute they need to. Your family will be with you for life, and it’s much more important.

    where_am_i ,

    You’re wasting the majority of your life. In order to enjoy the minority part. Nothing to be proud of, even less so is it justifying to be so toxic about people who do enjoy their jobs.

    scrubbles , avatar

    Why would I call it wasting? It’s funding the worthwhile part of my life, and it does a great job at it. I’ve been on several vacations already this year. I get to live where I want to. I have a great family that I love spending time with. To allow that I have firm limits with my job of 40 hours a week, then I go home. I enjoy several hours every night with them, and on weekends we usually go out and do something fun.

    You keep trying to convince me I’m not happy, and I assure you I’m very happy with my lifestyle. If other people want to work more, more power to them. I don’t understand it, but I guess do what you enjoy. I don’t enjoy working - I enjoy my personal time. So I found a job that pays me well, respects my time, and every day promptly at 4 I clock off, and I enjoy my evening. Whatever work there is will be ready for me at 8am.

    There are always things that get in the way, sometimes I need to work the occasional night, there’s a deadline, I’ve missed a few weekends - but I always take the time off the following week to make up for it. Your younger years are gone in a blip, these times become memories quickly. I have many fond memories of trips, time with loved ones, friends, and even coworkers. You know what I don’t remember? Projects, deadlines, and meetings.

    overcast5348 ,

    Did you just call “family” the “minor part of life”‽ Or am I misunderstanding you?

    timbuck2themoon ,

    My god, #1 a million times over.

    fruitycoder ,

    #3 spend 30-50 hours a week working on projects you find interesting working from home so you do laundry or make a sand which on a break.

    Sometimes even cook a b8gger meal during training and such

    That said, I never want to work a bullshit job, I know people who’ve ridden them out to retirement and I would rather just be homeless than that.

    where_am_i ,

    you might prefer a lonely isolated lifestyle, or your social environment being only your wife, kids and your suburban neighbors. But that’s absolutely not the case for most people who gladly socialize at work and prefer to have a great environment there. You all collectively shitting on it and praising work from home only shows that lemmy is a club of extreme introverts.

    fruitycoder ,

    We have get togethers and go to conferences to have that.

    I get that not everyone is the same though. Hell I’ve gone over to friends to work like the lab parties we had too, which I’m sure is an anomaly.

    CanadaPlus , (edited )

    I think it’s a matter of taste. OP has a great home life, so maybe they’d prefer the 40 hour gig. The 50 hour gig sounds better to me personally, ASSUMING IT’S ACTUALLY INTERESTING and not in a how-do-we-crush-souls-better way.

    There’s nothing wrong with doing hard, unpleasant work so you can live outside of it. Does anybody actually enjoy pulling out a leaky sewer stack?

    100_kg_90_de_belin ,

    In the end, I don’t care what lifestyle my job can afford if I don’t have the time to enjoy it.

    Head , (edited )

    We’ve got free local artisan coffee, organic fruit, mineral water, and beer. We turn the kitchen table into a ping pong table with a net after lunch for however long people want to use it and people do. At 17:00 everyone’s got a beer on their desk and by 18:00 the doors are locked and the lights are out. One Thursday a month the table is used for beer pong after work and we play card games like Exploding Kittens. Idk I like it here.

    Not everywhere sucks. I’ve never worked an hour over my full-time requirements (ever), I get unlimited sick leave and no one shames me for missing a week as long as I call in properly. 31 Vacation days and company parties are nice too, plus paid travel time and nice hotel rooms. Also I’ve never made more money in my life and we’re all getting extra bonuses to cover the unexpected inflation.

    Oh and I can work from home four days a week if I want to. Gotta come in that one day, but it’s a fifteen minute walk from my house so that’s just fine for me. I come in on Tuesdays because that’s when the company orders lunch for everyone (just one day a week but still cool).

    MindTraveller ,

    Exploding Kittens is boring. Secret Hitler is a much better party game

    sukhmel ,

    I envy you a bit. On the other hand, I have conditions that are at least okay, so I probably wouldn’t trade places because that’d be a lot of hassle searching for a nice place like yours and then trying to get into it

    Just a little detail, is your company in the USA, in the EU, or elsewhere?

    Head ,


    SpaceCadet , avatar

    At 17:00 everyone’s got a beer on their desk and by 18:00 the doors are locked and the lights are out. One Thursday a month the table is used for beer pong after work and we play card games like Exploding Kittens.

    I’d rather go home at 17:00 and do all those things with my real friends, or you know, spend some quality time with my partner.

    silasmariner ,

    Plenty of my real friends are people I used to work with back before I was married and stopped getting as much out of this sort of culture… There doesn’t need to be some hard line here - just because you work with people doesn’t mean you can’t be friends

    Head ,

    Well we gotta get in out 40 hours. Not more. We just start later.

    scrubbles , avatar

    That sounds like a great gig! Great office life, and a ton of PTO (for American standards). Although I will say, I’ve been in small startups. The beer and alcohol is fun - but the startups grow. It’s all fun until someone who doesn’t drink joins, or someone develops a problem. Keep an eye on those two issues, about 3 of the 4 startups I’ve been at one of those has happened.

    flamingo_pinyata ,

    Wow you’re lucky. I’ve always wanted a job like that.

    And for a while I had something similar but unfortunately rotten. We had a ping pong table, afterwork parties, no overtime, lunch, even a swimming pool. And we could use all of it.

    However we were seriously underpaid, I got an 80% raise just by saying hello in another company. No remote work without any reason at all (most of my team was in other countries). And awful decision making by upper management.

    Made me cynical if something like it is even possible. Glad to hear it is.

    dejected_warp_core ,

    Company: Provides amenities and services that would (technically) allow a person to live on premises. Pays you enough to retire early if you didn’t have to bother with rent or a mortgage.

    Also company: “We can’t hire you without a permanent residential address.”

    I also worked at multiple places that had fully decked out break-rooms: free food, game consoles, VR, and 60-inch TVs. Everyone was afraid to use them for fear of looking like they were screwing around. Except the interns. They used the hell out of that stuff.

    Squirrel , avatar

    My wife’s job has all of those amenities, too! Well, it didn’t at first, but she’s been 100% WFH since covid. She’s got an office with a window, cats in the workplace, lunch is brought to her straight from the kitchen, and she can even take breaks to go on walks with her family during the day.

    Potatos_are_not_friends ,

    I know I’m preaching to the choir but for the people interviewing for their first software gig

    First software gig? In this market, take whatever to get experience imo.

    But that second/third/etc job? Culture, then salary, then everything else. Last interview I went to bragged about giving everyone brand new sneakers yet pay $25k less than average.

    scrubbles , avatar
    experbia , avatar

    explain how!

    scrubbles , avatar

    Money can be exchanged for goods and services

    experbia , avatar

    aww, goods and services… I wanted money.

    morrowind , avatar

    Who does laundry at work?

    scrubbles , avatar

    Implication was that you stayed there overnight, and didn’t have to worry about needing clean clothes

    AnneBonny , to nostupidquestions in What is a discreet way of waking myself?

    I can’t imagine that you can get out of bed without waking your wife if your smartwatch vibrating wakes her up.

    otter ,

    Depends where the arm is I think. When it vibrates under the pillow you’re using, it can sound very loud

    AnneBonny ,

    I assume that OP isn’t sleeping with the wrist wearing the watch underneath the pillow their wife has her head on.

    Pulling your arm from under a pillow someone is using seems very likely to disturb them and wake them. You’re not doing that, OP, right?

    ChexMax ,

    Idk, my husband can sneak out of bed, but his phone vibrating in the bed wakes me. Even if it’s just a little zzt to indicate a text has come in. I guess it’s one of the noises I’m “listening for”?

    AnneBonny ,

    Well, I’m sure you’re right.

    apfelwoiSchoppen , to technology in How many of you actually use the headphone jack on your phone? avatar

    People like having choice, it was never about saving space in phones. I like my wired bose headphones that I’ve had for 15 years and will likely last at least 15 more. Those wireless ones are the definition of planned obsolescence.

    dustyData ,

    Exactly this. It is about choice. I have a wireless phone and use a wireless headphones because my big wired headphones were too bulky for commute anyways. I still like to use my nice headphones at the computer. The experience is nicer. But despite having the top of the line wireless headphones for the phone, I can see how they are not gonna last the whole phone’s life. The phone isn’t any slimmer anyway, but it’s allegedly water proof.

    MrScottyTay ,

    You can get waterproof headphone jacks, just like how usb ports are now waterproof even without the sealed flaps we used to have to deal with. Even back then the headphone jacks didn’t go under a flap because they were fine as is.

    dustyData ,

    I know, but it’s part of the BS they use to sell the removal.

    Thorny_Insight ,

    Samsung XCover 6 Pro has a IP68 rating despite having a headphone jack and removable battery.

    yamanii , avatar

    Yep, this was always a lie, my old Moto G3 was full water proof, went to the pool with it in my pocket several times, and it had a headphone jack.

    Tanoh ,

    Also bluetooth fucking sucks for lack of a better phrase.

    9/10 times it connects fine, but then every now and then it just refuses. “What? No I don’t exist” and then you have to either restart bluetooth and/or the device, and then it magically works again.

    Also, I quite often get stuttering with it. Not sure if it is my phone or headphones or both at fault, but I would like having an audio jack when I am sitting at the desk

    HactaiMiju ,

    People like having choices. Bring hdmi ports to phones.

    Tlaloc_Temporal ,

    C to HDMI doesn’t sound that bad, so just have 3-5 USB-C ports on the phone.

    SpookyUnderwear ,

    Around 2011 or so, certain Android models had mini hdmi. I even bought a mini hdmi to hdmi cable. I believe screen mirroring became common and killed it because I didn’t see it on phones after a couple of years.

    Catoblepas ,

    Do Bose headphones not have issues with the plastic foam padding around the ears/top of the head crumbling into a million bits, or are they just easier to repair? Or is there something I’m supposed to be doing to prevent this that nobody ever told me about?

    I’m so reluctant to spend much money on headphones because this keeps happening to me with less expensive brands (but still not like $20 or anything).

    varsock ,

    People like having choice, it was never about saving space in phones.

    If you look at which company (apple) and the time of removal of headphone jack (around the time their wireless buds were announced), you’ll notice they removed choice so the consumer can only buy more expensive wireless buds, or many many dongles.

    The “save space” is an absolute lie. The international (EU, Asia, etc) version of the iPhone has a dedicated SIM card tray. The US model? No tray, just a freakin placeholder where the international version has the SIM tray. Yes, there is a volume of space that can fit 2 headphone jacks on the US iPhone that is just empty.

    Look at this iFixit video where they call apple out on it. The placeholder is huge. at ~1:17+

    Cevilia , to nostupidquestions in What would be the problem if Threads federated with Lemmy&co in the future? avatar

    There is a known strategy called EEE (Embrace, extend, and extinguish).

    First, they embrace the open web. Millions of people who never would’ve joined the Fediverse (and, probably, don’t even know what the Fediverse is) flock to Threads and start to interact with us.

    Then, they extend the open web, adding features to Threads that aren’t compatible with our servers. People on Threads don’t understand what’s wrong with our server (even though it’s Threads that’s the source of incompatibility).

    Finally, they decide they’re “having trouble maintaining compatibility with third party servers” and start to break off from us, leaving us with no way to interact with our new friends. Unless, of course, we make a free Threads account…

    Google Talk is perhaps the most relevant example of this. Here’s more details.

    Redecco ,

    That’s a great article, thanks for sharing

    yesdogishere ,

    Anything from meta or threads or instagram needs to be permabanned from our network. ban them NOW.

    Swictor ,

    Sound to me like the worst case scenario is that some of the users gained in the debacle is also lost afterwards. Why would the users that joined the fediverse with a purpose leave for threads in the breakup?

    NotAPenguin ,

    leaving us with no way to interact with our new friends.

    digehode ,

    The EEE strategy would lead to the big corporate entity being the way most people interact. New users would go there instead of other platforms to engage. In time, a lot of the users and content would be on the corporate platform because it’s the one that has the most reach, marketing, etc. so defederation would be a big hit.

    r00ty Admin ,
    r00ty avatar

    And you don't need to look too far to see it now. The majority of people posting on the threadiverse come from lemmy. world and Why? Because they were already the established "big instances" and they went there.

    The average user will just go to wherever is the biggest and that will be threads. And when they have the majority of new take up and most people on the other side have the majority of their contacts inside the threads world, then they don't need us any more.

    This is just the way a corporation operates. Source: I work at a multinational corporation.

    jcg ,

    Yeah *already" consists of an order of magnitude more users than the next instance to it. Imagine if the admins had shareholders to please who suddenly start asking “why are you giving away all these ActivityPub activities for free???”

    IronDonkey ,

    I can’t speak for anyone but myself.

    I am not attached to the fediverse. The federated aspect is, to me, interesting from a technical standpoint, but irrelevant to my decision to be here. I’m also not particularly attached to foss principles.

    I came here because I got annoyed at reddit. I’ll continue to poke around here exactly as long as it’s entertaining/informative. That purpose is not contradicted by leaving here for threads (it’d have to be a reddit clone instead of a Twitter clone to pique my interest at all, but leaving that aside).

    So if, over the next few years, more and more of the content that I was interacting with was coming from threads, then threads split off, it’s reasonably likely that I’d want to continue interacting with threads. And if the majority of the stuff I was interested in was on threads, I probably wouldn’t bother coming back here.

    A reasonable reaction to that is “don’t let the door hit you on the way out”, and that’s fine. But what could conceivably happen is that something like threads uses what has been built here to gain ground, then starts leeching away communities. They start moving to Facebook servers because Facebook has butt tons of money so the servers are stable, and besides, everyone else can still get there from other instances. Then Facebook starts adding incompatible features, which motivates more migration to their instances, and so on and so on, then there’s a split.

    Now Facebook’s threads has devoured your communities, taken your users, and so taken your content, mostly just to jumpstart it’s own growth. To get what they are familiar with, people like myself stay on/move to Facebook, leaving the fediverse to rebuild the communities that it built in the first place, out of the people who care more about foss principles. While appearing to external observers like an inferior clone off the Facebook threads thing, to add insult to injury.

    So the issue is that you wouldn’t lose just the new stuff from Facebook, but a fair bit of the preexisting stuff that sided with Facebook after the split out of convenience. What you’d keep are the people who stick it out out of loyalty to foss or federated or some other principle - and that may not be enough to carry on the level of content that’s desired, even with the fediverse’s “size isn’t everything” philosophy.

    Of course, it’s possible that either a) none of that would happen even if there were federation with Facebook and everything would be fine forever, or b) all of that would happen even without federation with Facebook, just without the intermediate stage where there’s interaction. But the above seems to be the concern, and it’s not without merit (both because of past examples and, well, because I know I personally wouldn’t stay if the content were more appealing somewhere else and I don’t think I’m unique).

    Personally, I think that with Twitter reeling at the moment, all the Facebook version has to do is be similar enough to be familiar, have good performance, and be easy to use to have a shot at that nabbing that part of the market (including users from the fediverse) - interoperability with mastodon or not. But predicting the future is rather difficult, so it’s hard to say.

    GunnarRunnar , (edited )

    There's also users that potentially could join other instances but because of some exclusive feature Threads has, they choose it. So basically rest of the instances are bleeding users to Threads.

    Gointhefridge ,

    Great article. It’s pretty obvious to me now that the Fediverse should have room to grow on it’s own naturally. It’s probably in the best interest to block any massive corporate entity from joining in and swallowing it whole.

    It’s interesting seeing how fast it’s already growing due to mega corporate incompetence, and I think the sheer desire to escape that landscape is driving growth now and we should nurture that as long as possible.

    okiokbar ,

    XMPP wouldn’t be around even if Google never interacted with it. It died because that category of product died.

    CoolBeance , avatar

    Wow, this is crucial reading. Previously I was basing my dislike for Threads federation because Meta but this has refined my overall stand greatly. Thanks for this.

    r00ty Admin ,
    r00ty avatar

    This part:

    Email protocols: Microsoft supported POP3, IMAP, and SMTP email protocols in their Microsoft Outlook email client. At the same time, they developed their own email protocol, MAPI, which has since been documented but is largely unused by third parties. Microsoft has announced that they would end support for basic authentication access to Exchange Online APIs for Office 365 customers, which disables most use of IMAP or POP3 and requires significant upgrades to applications in order to continue to use those protocols;[23] some customers have responded by simply shutting off older protocols.

    From the EEE wikipedia page has given me PTSD.

    I was required to implement this (IMAP with OAuth2) "simple change" but for a server backend service that checked an inbox to perform certain actions. That was certainly fun. In the end the solution wasn't that difficult, but finding it and working it into legacy code...

    qeqpep , (edited )

    The less innovation (avatars!), the harder it seems to justify the breakoff. 'd seek opinion of ActivityPub dev, is it easy to break the twitter era stuff by adding (what?) new feature

    red ,

    The XMPP stories/comparisons are such bullshit, imho.

    Sure, both Google and Facebook both used XMPP for a while (even at the same time, so you could message someone from Google on Facebook), but XMPP was an unpopular niche protocol before that and it’s still the same today. I used to be an uber (foss) nerd at the time but even for me the appeal was close to zero - although I’ve tried it several times.

    I’ve also literally never heard of anyone signing up for Google or Facebook due to their alleged XMPP 3E strategy. Google Mail was already the most popular and most hyped mail provider and Facebook was at its height as the defacto quasi-monopolist social network as well - everyone who was willing to sign up with them had already long done so.

    (Funnily enough, the Cisco in-house messaging and video calling solution we use at my work, through which we also receive landline calls, is still running on XMPP to this day, so I sorta became a XMPP user after all…except I haven’t started this software in 10 months because fuck landline calls and we have better alternatives for chatting.)

    faltuuser ,

    You are absolutely right. Really getting tired of that one post about how to destroy the Fediverse. XMPP and lemmy/kbin comparison are not equivalent. XMPP didn’t have enough users to sustain themselves in the first place. Also google tried the same with AMP and failed.

    ShittyKopper ,

    (Funnily enough, the Cisco in-house messaging and video calling solution we use at my work, through which we also receive landline calls, is still running on XMPP to this day, so I sorta became a XMPP user after all…except I haven’t started this software in 10 months because fuck landline calls and we have better alternatives for chatting.)

    XMPP is still chugging along on the backends of stuff like that. I’m not sure but I think WhatsApp has some XMPP in it still.

    The most ironic one though is Jitsi, which is what Matrix uses/used (until they started working on Element Calls) to do video calls.

    red ,

    Yup, and I guess XMPP is fine for Cisco’s solution or Jitsi. But XMPP has always be used in a rather centralized way, the feature to talk to users on other services was always niche. And this centralized way has survived, where XMPP is used among users on the same server. Which is alright, but don’t tell me Google/Facebook killed XMPP.

    kbity , to nostupidquestions in Why is there such a large amount of communist and transgender related posts on the Fediverse compared to other platforms? avatar

    The Fediverse is home to a lot of young, tech-minded people distrustful of major corporations. The younger generations are more likely to come out as transgender due to greater awareness and acceptance of gender identity and dysphoria, and a decentralised, open platform is naturally going to appeal to communists, syndicalists and other left-wingers who don't want some billionaire buying the next website they get comfortable on. And funnily enough, there are a surprising number of trans people in the tech sector, to the point where trans-flag socks have become a meme among programmers.

    nodsocket OP ,

    This seems like the most straightforward answer. But it doesn’t explain why people on the right haven’t come to the fediverse in proportional numbers. I know a lot of right leaning Libertarian communities, and for some reason they like cryptocurrency and FOSS but not the fediverse.

    xapr ,

    There are right-wing instances of Mastodon (gab, truth, and others), not to mention many Pleroma ones, as well as Lemmy (exploding heads, and probably others). It’s just that they get quickly defederated by everyone else for various valid reasons (usually hate and abuse, sometimes even child porn), so you don’t get to interact with them much. They just get stuck in their own bubble.

    Shit , avatar

    Does SDF not defederate anyone?

    xapr ,

    Going by, it seems that not yet. I haven’t run into any issues though, and have never seen a post from or noticed anyone from exploding heads, thankfully.

    Shit , avatar

    Yeah I was going to ask do you see a bunch of spam from them in the new feed? The admin guy posts so much stuff with 0 engagement it’s weird.

    Just found it interesting the SDF seems like the most federated instance on here weird.

    xapr ,

    I haven’t seen any yet.

    Interesting, thanks.

    megsmagik ,

    From this link it seems that almost no one is blocking exploding heads… and I just found out that my instance isn’t even blocking truth social 😨

    Shit , avatar

    I don’t think Pravda(truth) is federated is it?

    megsmagik ,

    I know Gab is not federated, idk about Truth Social but maybe you’re right and that’s why isn’t even listed with the other blocked instances

    Derproid ,

    Isn’t this just a good indicator that there might not be a need to defederate? If they aren’t causing problems for your users than it doesn’t seem right to defed preemptively.

    megsmagik ,

    Yeah I thought that some people was asking to defederate but not from my instance, it was from beehaw iirc… I agree that if they are not spamming or trolling there’s no need to defederate, but some users don’t like their “if it’s not openly racist/transphobic it’s allowed because free speech”

    binchicken , avatar

    I’m also on SDF. Can confirm that while we’re still federated with exploding-heads, I never see their content in my feeds. Ever.

    Shit , avatar

    Interesting. I wonder if the main community they spam in are just banned and not the instance. I got so much spam from one user who posted like several things an hour all day with no engagement on any posts when I would sort by new before we defederated. It was weird.

    4am , avatar

    If no one on that instance subscribed to a community, doesn’t it not show up in your all feed? Maybe just no one on that instance subscribes to any explodingheads communities.

    adespoton ,

    I think this is the key. There’s no need to defederate if nobody’s subscribing to their content in the first place on your instance.

    Seeing a flood of content you dislike on your instance from another instance means there’s at least one person on your instance subscribing to it.

    karmiclychee ,


    Maybe they just don’t have the actual numbers you’d expect from their outsized presence in the discourse, when they’re not being protected, or facilitated, or actively promoted by engagement algorithms or the individuals who own the other platforms.

    (I’m pretty sure this is the case, but I’m too lazy to get sources just this minute)

    TheFriendlyDickhead ,

    And they have very few supporters here. If you allways get screemed at by everybody if you say anything you probably loose interest in posting. On those big platforms there are allways people who support you in what you say.

    Rez9x ,

    I am here and a big supporter of OSS, but many would call me right wing. I support living your life how you want privately and acknowledging different identities and sexualities, because if you aren’t flaunting it, how would I even know? But I also feel that sex, intimacy, etc should be private and should not be something discussed or displayed so openly, regardless of orientation, so many would label me as conservative.

    milkjug , avatar

    You (and probably I) are going to get downvotes for this, but this is as reasonable a take as I’ve seen from any “conservative” so far. As long as you’re not actively promoting legislation to curtail or ban consenting adults from privately expressing their love for others in the ways they feel most comfortable. I hope you’re not against gender-affirmation therapies.

    paenusbreth ,

    The issue I have with this is that publicly expressing their love for others is an extremely natural and normal thing to do. Talking openly about your opposite-gender spouse, kissing or holding hands with your partner, going out for a nice date - whatever. These are all totally normal things which people won’t blink at when a heterosexual couple is doing it, yet LGBT people can still be discriminated against for these behaviours. That’s not even getting into trans or gender-non-conforming people, who can be discriminated against simply for existing and presenting the way they do.

    I don’t just want to ensure that LGBT people are free from explicit legislative discrimination. I want them to be free from social discrimination as well. Social consequences for being publicly gay are not acceptable, even if people aren’t in favour of more open forms of discrimination.

    beefteeth ,

    As long as your definition of keeping those things private includes heterosexual couples holding hands, giving each other a kiss, or showing off their pregnancy or kids.

    kbity , avatar

    They already have alt-tech, which had kind of a headstart on the Fediverse.

    dustyData ,

    But they have. It’s just they are so hateful and annoying that sooner than later they get banned or defederated. So they drop out of the face of the activity pub. Since no single entity can use an algo to force their views onto all users (ads or suggestion algos) they never resurface.

    And of course crypto bros hate the fediverse, it doesn’t let them force their ponzi schemes with ads or SEOed posts. And most people here were initially pretty tech savvy individuals, almost all actively hostile against nfts and altcoins. As for Foss, they only like that the software is free, the freedom ideology is just lip service for them, they don’t actually believe. Case in point, Oracle. Foss? Free for me but not for thee.

    MaxVerstappen ,

    You don’t have to be a right wing extremist to be libertarian (small L).

    moitoi ,

    People on the right don’t see the issue with neoliberalism. They are mostly fine with all the ads based system and corporate making billions out of the datas. Neoliberalism tend towards fascism with time. They will prefer fascism to redistribute profits to the workers.

    The fediverse is a different point of view. You can defederate if it goes wrong with an instance what makes the profits by ad revenue impossible or too small. The big corps don’t have a huge interest in these platform without profits. People on the right will follow these corps and the platforms affiliated.

    On the left, people will federate. I recommend to have a good read about the fondation of the unions in the 19th century. People of the diversity will historically be on the left rather than on the right. Again, for the profits, the neoliberals will prefer to oppress you as a minority for the profits than to have social and societal consideration for you.

    You ends with the people of the left coming to the fediverse and the right on corps social media.

    eldavi ,

    i think that’s why the fediverse is doomed to perpetual obscurity. my reddit-refugee addictions have taught me that only reddit has the content that i like and that i need to learn how to appreciate stuff i don’t like to get my fix; i wonder how people get started on furry stuff. lol

    rbos , (edited ) avatar

    I’d argue the ‘young’ though. Polls I’ve seen, seem to show a huge 30-40 demographic.

    MaxVerstappen ,

    Ya, most young people I know that are not in tech are terrible with tech. They have only experienced EZmode and need shit put on a silver platter.

    ptz , (edited ) to fediverse in tankie censorship problem avatar

    I’m not sure if there’s a solution here, but I’d like to urge people to avoid hosted communities in favor of communities on more reasonable instances.

    Did that months ago; defederated completely when they turned into Lemmygrad-lite. At first I missed some more active FOSS communities, but since then, others on different instances have become more active. has a lot of communities that overlap with some of the bigger FOSS ones on .ml so maybe check out what they’ve got.

    If there’s a community that only exists there, be the change you want to see: create it somewhere else, nurture it, and give it time to grow. You’re not the only one making this complaint about .ml, and you probably won’t be the last.

    Related: I genuinely feel that ml being the official or at least de-facto flagship instance is turning people away.

    Edit: Oh yeah. Didn’t recognize your username at first, but I was looking at the modlog the other day from my LW account, and saw a bunch of individual community bans from Dessalines and wondered what was up. Figured it was something exactly like this, and it was. Thanks for sharing.

    Blaze , avatar

    If there’s a community that only exists there, be the change you want to see: create it somewhere else and give it time to grow. You’re not the only one making this complaint about .ml, and you probably wont’ be the last.

    Maybe we should open a thread on !fedigrow about this

    ptz , avatar

    TIL that community existed. thanks!

    Blaze , avatar

    What? I thought I pinged you there a while ago! Anyway, have a look, there should be some topics you might find interesting

    ptz , avatar

    May have been my LW account? I mostly use it for my mod role, but I’ll switch to it sometimes and browse all there to look for new communities I might like. Perhaps it was that account and I only interacted from there? (My memory is terrible these days 😆)

    Blaze , avatar

    I don’t remember, you’ll see a post with a lot of pings, one of your accounts should be there 😄

    ptz , avatar

    Did you ping in the post body or comments? I learned a month or two ago from someone that mentions only generate a notification if they’re in the comments.

    Blaze , avatar

    I made sure to ping in the comment for this reason. Actually now I’m curious, let me have a look

    ptz , avatar

    I got the one you just sent, but it was after I had resolved the community locally (and subscribed). Perhaps the mentions don’t work if they’re to a community the other person’s instance doesn’t know about?

    Blaze , avatar

    To be honest I might have forgotten to ping you actually (maybe because you were less active for a bit and I basically mentioned people when I saw their posts in All?) but at least now it is solved!

    victorz , has a lot of communities

    Is there a way to search for/browse communities on a single instance?

    ptz , avatar

    You can in Tesseract, but AFAIK, that’s the only UI that lets you browse remote instances. Otherwise, you gotta go to it directly, browse communities, and copy/paste the URL into your instance and search for it.

    boredtortoise , (edited )

    Is it possible to see who is behind a mod action? I’ve figured something like world news on ml has some compromised fascist actors as mods but if it’s the main creator doing this then that’s crazy

    ptz , avatar

    There’s an instance level setting to hide moderator names from unauthenticated and/or non-mod users. They probably have that enabled. Those actions federate, though, so the mod names won’t be hidden if viewed from an instance that doesn’t hide the mod names.

    TropicalDingdong ,

    Happy cakeday.

    ptz , avatar

    Shit, so it is (depending on tiemzone) lol Thanks!

    SorteKanin , avatar

    It is actually tomorrow but there’s a bug that causes the cake symbol to appear a day early in the default UI, because 2024 is a leap year.

    ptz , avatar

    Ah, gotcha. Without doing the math, I assumed it was basing it on UTC or something.

    imaqtpie , avatar

    Haha thank you for the info, I have been quite confused about this. At first I thought it was because it was already tomorrow in Australia, but then I checked a world clock and it wasn’t even close 😅

    PugJesus ,

    Related: I genuinely feel that ml being the official or at least de-facto flagship instance is turning people away.

    I had actually considered Lemmy before The Great Reddit Exodus. turned me off from that.

    Now we have Kbin (you can make it, my love!) and, and I feel much better.

    atocci ,

    Kbin, please come back to me

    OpenStars , avatar

    I… don’t think is going to make it. Even if it comes back, too much trust has been lost. Ernst should have stuck to just working on his coding project, not also administering his own instance, b/c that carries with it a certain level of “always-on” responsibility - e.g. I have unfortunately had to block lately, b/c nearly all (>>99%) of the spam that I currently see on the Fediverse was coming from the communities on it. Since I blocked it, I think I’ve seen like 1 single spam post for the past month.

    So is turning people away too, for different reasons.

    Mbin seems healthy though?:-)

    cloudless ,

    I want to use Mbin, but all Mbin instances are federated with tankie instances, including hexbear.

    And Mbin doesn’t make it easy to see user/community instance.

    OpenStars , avatar

    I gave up on the Kbin/Mbin style entirely - it sounds nice to Federate with both Lemmy and Mastodon, but I don’t like the interface.

    Can you not do personal user instance blocks like you can in Lemmy as of v0.19.3 half a year ago? That would be an absolute deal breaker for me too. On though it was not an issue bc they were defederated at the instance level.

    BarbecueCowboy ,

    I really want Kbin to succeed, but Ernest seems to see the project as something he checks on once every few months and then ignores, but he still seems to want to be the only one who gets to make decisions. I get that he has stuff going on in his life, but the solution to all these problem starts with communicating and working with the community, not disappearing for months at a time and refusing to work with the people who try to help him. You just can’t have a successful project with an approach like that.

    Nothing4You ,

    It should be noted that the (visibility of) community bans are a result of better enforcement of site bans in 0.19.4, which for now is implemented by sending out community bans for local communities when a user gets instance banned:

    Prior to this, when a user got instance banned from .ml, they were also implicitly banned from .ml communities, but this was only known to the instance they were banned on. As a result, users were still able to post, comment, and vote on those communities, but it would be visible only on that user’s instance, not federated anywhere else. Visibility of this ban was exclusively on the banning instance’s modlog.

    fyi @SpaceCadet

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