There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

givesomefucks , to asklemmy in How to deal with living in a world with no future without being high 24/7?

Think globally, act locally

As said by Paulie Shore in his environmental documentary Biodome.

If everyone did that we’d be fine as a species, but not enough do. Don’t get so stressed out about the stuff we can’t change to not help change stuff you can.

Our brains don’t care about the scale, it’ll help if you do something no matter how small.

And that gives you the mental bandwidth to care about big shit again.

You have to moderate how many fucks you give or you’ll run out.

dohpaz42 , avatar

If I may, let me rephrase what givesomefucks said:

Do not focus on the “ bigger picture”; it’s not something that can be easily fixed by you. Instead, focus on smaller things within your bubble of life; e.g., been putting off the laundry? Go do it real quick. All of it: wash, dry, fold, and put away. Been meaning to clean your bathroom for a while? Do it. Wash the counters and the mirror; wipe the toilet down (even the back of the base).

If it helps, make a laundry list of things you need to get done or want to do (they don’t all have to be chores). This will help get them out of your head and organized in a way that you can tackle each b item easier. And while you don’t want to pressure yourself to get them all done “right now”, give yourself reasonable deadlines to help hold yourself accountable.

The idea is to build up these little wins; they feel good when they’re complete, and also enrich your life in some way at the same time. It will also help build up your confidence, as you’ll run out of simple stuff and start focusing on slightly more complex things.

flambonkscious ,

To add to this, I find it helpful to think about “what I’m doing today makes tomorrow easier” (or what can I do with these 15 minutes to smooth tomorrows hassles)

spankinspinach ,

This is the best advice I’ve adopted recently for exactly the same perception. Focus on your life, maybe do your best to have a positive impact on the things that worry you. Decrease your engagement with the news cycle - know what’s going on, but only as much as you can handle without it affecting your mental health.

Learn to trust that things will be ok, even if you’re not entirely convinced they will. It may not solve the problems, but your sanity matters too

Vanth , (edited ) to asklemmy in What is the dumbest reason to kill somebody? avatar


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  • BudgetBandit ,

    "Fetuses are babies too!“

    I bet 97% of people would scream in horror if a fetus would crawl towards them

    xmunk ,

    Brave of you to assume fetuses can crawl… in nearly all stages of development there are no developed locomotion muscles.

    user224 , avatar
    THE_ANTIHERO , avatar

    Ahhhh my eyes MY FUCKING EYES

    mojofrododojo ,

    just use your celibate eyes instead!

    CanadaPlus ,


    teawrecks ,

    All the more reason why it would be so unsettling.

    Funkytom467 , (edited ) avatar

    That’s not a good argument, nor true.

    A foetus is the stage after the embryo, when organogenesis is done meaning tissue and organs have formed, right up to the point of delivery.

    This means at delivery, a foetus becomes a baby by coming out, no other changes.

    So i wouldn’t really call that difference relevant in a moral debate. The stages of development or number of weeks is, but you can’t really distinguish the two without this specification.

    That’s why where i live we allow 14 weeks after the first absence of periods for example.

    Edit : i don’t know why i got downvoted, i’d love to hear why i’m wrong. Maybe just to be clear, i agree with abortion, just not this argument.

    CanadaPlus ,

    That’s an interesting point, and would make a dope video art exhibit. I’m not sure cuteness is quite philosophically sound as a way to measure personhood, though.

    Nemo , to asklemmy in What field do you work in, and how many digits of pi do you use?

    I’m a waitress, and pie is $12.50.

    dingus ,

    Damn that’s pricey

    FilterItOut ,

    Not if it’s a whole pie.

    That is a whole pie, right?

    Nemo ,

    Yes, but a small, 3-4 person one. Key lime though!

    Feathercrown ,

    Worth it

    Jtskywalker ,

    If that’s for a whole pie that’s dirt cheap. If that’s for a slice then that’s some expensive pie.

    BombOmOm , to nostupidquestions in What does Lemmy do better than Reddit? avatar

    Two things that come to mind:

    • Lemmy’s protocol is open, so anybody can make 3rd party apps to work with it. Third party Reddit apps used to be popular when Reddit had an open API, but Reddit destroyed that on purpose.
    • Because Lemmy isn’t run by a singular company, you don’t get the same restrictions. Reddit admins had a whole host of rules on what a sub could or could not contain. Many of which were heavy focused on making Reddit more advertiser friendly.
    austinngo OP ,

    Interesting, for point 2, I thought having restriction in subreddit make it harder to advertise?

    WidowsFavoriteSon ,

    Oh, there were plenty of ads. You just didn’t recognize them as such.

    snooggums , avatar

    The funniest part of killing 3rd party apps is they cut off a widely used method if collecting more commenting data from the average user. I guess they figured audience style interaction on the official app is worth more.

    pivot_root ,

    The official app purportedly has a shit ton of interaction tracking. I can’t find the link anymore, but somebody on HN even claimed what they wanted to track was so invasive that he walked out of a job interview for Reddit.

    What I can say for sure is that the new Reddit “shreddit” website is absolutely fucking full of tracking. I reverse engineered it for reasons, and every interaction with UI elements was reported back before the actual interaction was allowed to take place.

    They definitely gain more value out of user data from interaction tracking than they do from their comments.

    Fudoshin , avatar

    Tracking clicks on links with JS is pretty normal. I always implemented that with Google analytics for my e-commerce sites.

    It helps you track things like downloads of files, email links, exit links, etc.

    pivot_root ,

    As a former web dev, I know it’s normal industry standard stuff, but it’s really hard to give Reddit the benefit of the doubt here.

    Their tracking is completely ingrained in the webcomponent-based SPA itself, beyond what’s reasonable for anonymized analytics. Disabling cookies even broke loading content, despite being logged out.

    Fudoshin , avatar

    What did you used to program in?

    pivot_root ,

    In a professional capacity, it was React with TypeScript for front-end, Node for backend with Nginx to serve static assets. At the end of the day, it wasn’t really for me. I enjoy web dev for hobby projects, but working with it day after day ruined my intrinsic desire to keep doing it.

    Fudoshin , avatar

    Oooooh this is relevant to my interests!! After 20yrs doing web dev I crashed out of two jobs in 6 months completely hating coding. Can’t even bring myself to look at code nowadays.

    What did you go into after quitting web dev?

    Ardyssian ,

    What about old.reddit; would that have tracking? If not it would explain why the new Reddit UI seems so slow on browser

    Nusm , avatar

    And for point one, I use Voyager, which was heavily inspired by Apollo for Reddit, so Voyager makes this place feel more like home.

    spamfajitas ,

    You can also use Voyager on Android! If you squint real hard, you can pretend Apollo finally released on a non-Apple device.

    SnotFlickerman , to technology in Why AI is every businesses' focus right now avatar

    Two words:

    Hype cycle.

    See: Bitcoin and Blockchain.

    Four years ago my sisters law firm was all in on Blockchain and now nobody there talks about it at all, as if it never happened… I remember laughing out loud when she said they were investing in blockchain tech.

    simple ,

    See: Bitcoin and Blockchain.

    Oh give me a break. Unlike crypto, AI actually does have a lot of uses and it makes sense for many industries to push for it so they don’t need to hire as many people or make their work more efficient. Customer support and language translation comes to mind.

    TheBlackLounge ,

    It’s not good enough yet and there’s no proof it ever will be, and at an acceptable cost. There isn’t even any clean data to train it on anymore. So much content today is gpt3 gibberish.

    thisbenzingring ,

    And how the AI’s fall apart when they use their own AI created mush as a data source. The clean data sources are protecting their accesses and so this bubble will burst, just like the others before it.

    elxeno ,


    rambaroo ,

    It has uses but every company in the industry is trying to shoehorn it into their products whether it makes any sense or not.

    lightnegative ,

    What are you talking about.

    Crypto exchanges are fantastic gambling platforms. Compared to traditional stocks you can make (or lose) money at a much faster rate

    Nomecks ,

    Let’s not forget jeans memes.

    gravitas_deficiency ,

    Also see: the dotcom bubble in the early naughties

    AFKBRBChocolate , to showerthoughts in Everyone makes incest jokes about Adam and Eve and their children but they never mention that there was another woman named Lilith (Adam's first wife) who would have added variance to the gene pool.

    Two things about that (overanalyzing your shower thought):

    1. Geneticists have what they call the “50/500 rule,” which basically means that you need at least 50 people to avoid inbreeding, and at least 500 to avoid genetic drift. So while three people are 50% better than two, it’s not going to come close to avoiding inbreeding.
    2. If you read up on Lilith, including your Wikipedia link, you’ll see her name only comes up once in the Bible, and it’s not as Adam’s wife. All the stuff about her comes from other things, including Babylonian and Mesopotamian writings, and lots of folklore from the middle ages. And at that, she’s sometimes Adam’s first wife, with different explanations about what happened to her that really in her not coming back to the garden, or she’s a demon. So there’s not much likelihood that she’s contributing to the gene pool.
    HerbalGamer , avatar
    1. Wasn’t Eve made from Adam’s rib and thus shares his DNA?
    AFKBRBChocolate ,

    Yeah, good point.

    gregorum ,

    would their kids be clones?

    Varyk ,

    No, the products of incest.

    Hemophilia and all that would be more likely, but no cool identical stuff going on

    eatham , avatar

    What is hemophilia?

    HerbalGamer , avatar

    A blood disease where your blood doesn’t clot basically.

    BlueWorld2007 , avatar


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  • starman2112 , (edited ) avatar

    It’s a disease where you don’t stop bleeding when you bleed. The name comes from Latin words for blood and love, like, your body just loves bleeding

    Lojcs ,

    Depends on the chromosomes, if adam had two identical ones for each the kids would be clones barring mutations.

    EtherWhack , avatar

    The chances are around 260k to 1. Factoring Eve’s lack of a second sex chromosome, (unless she has swyer syndrome) the equation would be 1/((22²+1)(23²))≈0.00039%

    Lojcs ,

    Seeing how we’re talking about religion and first man, I don’t think we’re limited by probability here.

    BTW so there are 30k people with identical chromosomes??

    EtherWhack , avatar

    As you mentioned it depends on chromosomal differences, I just provided the probability of it actually happening.

    And, yes. Barring any mutations or trait selectivity, if we all came from the same individual, there would be about 30k identical people of the 8.1b population.

    AFKBRBChocolate ,

    Hmmm, no, because which of your genes you pass down is still a bit random.

    Lucidlethargy ,

    Lol, I read this as “would their kids be bones?”

    starman2112 , avatar

    Lol only their mom is bones

    ebits21 , avatar

    That good ‘ol XX rib mmm

    CaptPretentious ,
    Fredselfish , avatar

    That one version. There actually two different versions of Adam and Eve.

    ripcord , avatar

    What are the two versions?

    Fredselfish , avatar

    One was they both created at same time and second version she created from one of his ribs.

    dylanTheDeveloper , avatar

    Idk I thought it was an Evangelion thing

    QueenB OP ,

    Good response!

    Varyk ,

    Awesome, I was showing up for the demon angle.

    towerful ,

    The only counterpoint i can see is that god is (honestly, at best WAS) infallible.
    So god made 2 perfect humans who cannot inbreed as there are no defective genes.
    At some point down the line, mutations came in and introduced possible genes that could combine/dominate to produce inbreeding.

    If we are accepting the premise of 2 original humans, why not 2 perfect original humans.
    If God made eve from adams rib, why not have them be genetically perfect.
    But Im sure there is some science i am missing where a huge genome analysis has shown that “perfect” genes have never or could not ever exist.

    And, tbh, this might as well be all science fiction based on a bunch of made up stories.

    CosmicTurtle ,

    If I remember my hermeneutics, the canon is that essentially, God had “blessed” early descendants of Adam and Eve, allowing their children to thrive.

    It wasn’t until after the flood I believe that incest becomes more of a theme in the Bible, implying that they shouldn’t have children.

    But it’s been years since I gave this any serious study so I may be remembering incorrectly.

    agent_flounder , avatar

    It all makes more sense when you consider these stories in their historical social context. They’re a compiled bundle of stories from various religious traditions that were kind of grafted together to form one monotheistic state religion to help unify the country. So you find stories from both north and south Judah for example, the two creation myths in Genesis. And you see the monotheistic god referred to by more than one moniker because they were originally different gods.

    avidamoeba , to technology in Is Framework actually "good" for the industry? avatar

    I think the Framework laptop is absolutely good for the industry. Many of your points attempt to diminish or omit the pros and emphasize the cons of things.

    E.g. ports. You don’t notice that the Framework ports also work with everything else that a dongle does. You also don’t notice that having modular ports provides extraordinary durability. Ports are often a thing that gets destroyed on laptops. Repairing often means a main board replacement. With a Framework, it’s $20 port card and 10 seconds of work.

    You compare their parts situation to Apple’s by omitting the important fact that Framework’s parts, especially the wear and tear ones like coolers, keyboards and batteries are dirt cheap and easily available for purchase. I don’t know about you but I’ve replaced many ThinkPad batteries over the years and finding genuine ones is often a pain and they’re invariably very expensive. 2-3x more expensive than what a Framework battery is.

    Personally, I’ve already seen the benefits of the Framework model. I have a Framework 13 which I nastily dropped and bent as a result. One bottom cover order and replacement later it’s as good as new.

    I think the Framework model is absolutely positive for the industry, so long as it keeps working. If they go out of business in a year, or get sold to some profit maximizing group that disrupts the model, then yeah, at that point it may become a negative. In my opinion this is the risk for this company and this product model.

    NuXCOM_90Percent OP ,

    I guess I was warmer on the “ports” when I thought it was some proprietary or straight up PCI-E connector. Instead of just a USB-C port.

    Which I guess gets down to how solid those “rails” are for the 20 dollar dongles. Because if you break the inner C port, you are in the exact same mess.

    Which… gets back to it being hard to really figure out how much of this is “teething issues” versus “this is secretly kind of shitty?”. Because replaceable ports is GOOD. I would even be cool with the underlying USB-C as the interface port. But “I need to have an hdmi port on my laptop and will spend 20 dollars on a proprietary dongle” is stupid. As opposed to "I need to have an hdmi port on my latpop. This also works on my tablet and my steam deck and any other laptop because it is a 20 dollar dongle that has an HDMI port, 2 USB A ports, and does power pass through. Which, again, feels like Apple shittiness while also increasing e-waste.

    Which I think gets to where I am on a lot of the framework stuff. It sounds awesome but the implementation is REALLY straddling that line of “is this a teething issue or is this actually worse than what we currently have?”

    far_university1990 ,

    Because if you break the inner C port, you are in the exact same mess.

    Yes. But they also try to make sure that never happens. Cards are slotted and locked in solid (see new 16“ teardown by ifixit, the cards fly out after unlocking, needs some force). If you break it, they give repair shops full board view (under nda, because of intel) so can fix the port for cheap.

    "I need to have an hdmi port on my latpop. This also works on my tablet and my steam deck and any other laptop because it is a 20 dollar dongle that has an HDMI port, 2 USB A ports, and does power pass through.

    That is just a framework expansion card. Except 2 usb a port because physically does not fit.

    You can also not use their cards, get it with 4 usb c and buy dongles for everything. This is choice you might not have on other laptops.

    avidamoeba , avatar

    Seconding, the mounting rails are very strong. I have had the laptop fall from the desk with the ethernet card installed and a cable plugged in it. The ethernet cable, card and the card mounting mechanism took all the force from the fall. Nothing cracked, nothing detached, didn’t even get a network disconnect. They’re that strong.

    orclev ,

    The dongles are not proprietary. I’ve literally used my USB A module as a USB C to USB A adapter on a different laptop. The dimensions of the module are publicly available, nothing is stopping anyone from making their own. Before Framework offered their own Ethernet port module someone in the community actually manufactured their own using the 3D printing files that Framework provided.

    NuXCOM_90Percent OP ,

    “Proprietary” might be a bit too strong of a word. But considering the tight tolerances of the framework dongles (to minimize damage), I would actually be more worried about plugging that into a different device and damaging the ports that way.

    And I guess I still just think of that as a “trap”. Because the answer should not be “buy all your special dongles to customize your laptop” and more “usb c is fucking magic. Just get one dongle that gives all legacy ports you need”. Like, I am still INCREDIBLY wary of the data transfer so I have an old anker (irony) 20 buck dongle that I use on travel. But my old company made it a point to have a dedicated usb c dongle in every conference room and it was actually REALLY nice because you basically just plugged in your laptop and had a nice double display setup, keyboard, and mouse for every single meeting.

    AlternateRoute ,

    The point of the ports is so you don’t need to have an external dongle. They arnt really there to hot swap but provide the right port always there so they shrewdly shouldn’t wear out and usb is more than fast enough for almost any port type now. I would much rather have a laptop with an Ethernet port and a full size HDMI than one with a single USB c that forces me to also pack a chonky dongle. Would rather just pack the cables .

    NuXCOM_90Percent OP ,

    If you’re already packing the cables…

    And yeah. Fuck single usb c laptops. It is awesome that the 16 has 6 (?) usb c ports. I would probably say my sweet spot is closer to 4 but I am not going to complain.

    My point is more: Its a “feature” that is encouraging people to spend money to reduce the capabilities of their laptops, in a weird way. It creates more e-waste by having dongles that you generally wouldn’t want to use with any other device (RIP my old thinkpad usb port that got fucked up by needing a wifi dongle in it 24/7…) and ignores the actual solution that has existed for years and works REALLY well.

    falkerie71 , avatar

    I mean, with modularity you can pick your needs and make that choice yourself. Some people are willing to carry an extra dongle, and some prefer having the ports sit flush and nothing extra that they don’t need, up to you.

    mipadaitu ,

    I built my own module that fits in they’re short perfectly, because they published all the specs.

    Cost just a few bucks and it made my laptop do exactly what I wanted without anything extra sticking out the sides.

    orclev ,

    He also missed the marketplace that Framework is setting up for refurbished/used components as well as the discounted items they sell that failed QC due to visual defects like nicks and scratches. They very much are in this for the long haul and want to as much as possible try to create a desktop like market where you can assemble a “discount” machine out of older or used hardware. It’s just that it’s brand new so there isn’t much or any older or used hardware yet.

    For other examples of how they’re very much not like Apple, they’ve made the form factor and measurements of their port modules public and encouraged individuals and 3rd parties to produce their own modules. Unlike Apple there’s nothing proprietary there, it’s literally a USB-C plug. They’ve also talked about trying to get the motherboard form-factor made into a standard like mini-ITX so that 3rd parties could also make Framework compatible motherboards or cases. I don’t know where that process actually landed, but the fact that it was even considered is huge.

    NotBadAndYou , to piracy in Youtube has better anti-adblock now. Other than Invidious, any way around it? Purging and re-dowloading the ublock stuff didn't work

    I use FireFox + uBlock Origin, and never see ads. I did have to disable my other adblock/privacy extensions (DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials, PrivacyBadger, and Ghostery) for YouTube before its anti-adblock stopped complaining, but FF+uBO seems to work just fine with default filters enabled.

    capital ,

    Yep. 2nd part is important.

    The way I solved this was to leave my regular browser setup alone, make a new Firefox profile just for YouTube, install ONLY ublock origin, and create a shortcut to that profile on my desktop.

    Now I only use that profile for YouTube. I haven’t seen one ad since this thing started.

    Mongostein ,

    I did the same for Facebook

    JackGreenEarth ,

    Firefox has profiles?

    nintendiator ,

    Always has been.

    See about:profiles and the –profile ${directory} switch.

    Bear_with_a_hammer ,

    I used AdGuard and never seen it, even when they rolled it out.

    WallEx ,

    Huh I still have these addons active, and it still works with pihole, ublock and Firefox …

    umbrella , avatar

    these privacy extensions all overlap anyway.

    uuhhhhmmmm , to asklemmy in How would you feel if Beehaw left the Fediverse?

    You’ve already defederated and, so I don’t care

    sorghum , (edited ) avatar

    Came to say much of the same. If “be nice” is a guiding principal, defederation with a bogus reason then never refederating is a thing I’d like to see gone from the fediverse.

    So don’t let the door hit ya on the way out

    Kiwi ,

    That’s where I’m at. They left the fediverse when they took the approach of aggressive defederation with everyone else. Them fully leaving is insignificant now

    drunkensailor , (edited ) to piracy in I just deleted my entire library and redownloaded it. avatar

    Now just watching uTorrent slowly download them all. Hopefully my VPN keeps the eyes off of me…

    1. qbittorrent is better in many many ways compared to utorrent and hasa very similar interface. qbit is open-source, utorrent isn’t. qbit doesn’t have ads or malware, utorrent has or has had both many times. qbit allows you to bind to a specific network interface (e.g. you VPN connection instead of regular ethernet one) which offer better protection if your vpn drops. feel free to do your own research here or elsewhere on the web if you doubt any of my points.
    2. if your VPN is a free one, that wont protect you at all. those guys will squeal and turn over server logs with ip address at the drop of a hat. Even a lot of paid-for VPNs are shitty lying bastards. So picking a good vpn can be challenging there are probably posts here covering recommendations but generally you want ones that have either been taken to court and were unable to provide logs OR ones that have been audited by a respected 3rd party firm that can confirm they are truly a “no log VPN”. I can recommend PIA, NordVPN, and Mullvad as some ones that are highly unlikely to turn over any logs (bc they don’t have them) but there are others and doing your own research isn’t a bad thing. The site does an article once a year or so that covers a few of the more popular VPNs and different aspects of thier privacy but they don’t declare a “best vpn”, just rate them on varius privacy and security aspects.
    3. Even if you have a good VPN, check that you aren’t leaking your real IP via dns lookups: or
    4. Check that you torrent client set up not to leak: search for ‘torrent ip leak test’ and do one of the torrent ip leak tests. hasone of these if you scroll down on the page; look for “Torrent Address detection” and click “Activate” button and it will give a magnet link to start test with
    5. additionally, you can set up a “vpn killswitch” to prevent traffic from going over regular internet if you vpn drops. If you using qbit, this probably isn’t strictly required but many people here like to have this as an additional safety. i can’t really provide details on this bc the process varies widely. A lot of VPN client apps have this feature built in. But even if they don’t, you can set something like this up in most firewalls but exact steps will vary depending on OS (Windows/Linux/Mac) and which firewall you are using (or I guess whether or not you even have one installed).
    Greyfoxsolid OP ,

    Excellent info. Thank you!

    SkyezOpen ,

    Any setup required? I tried it out and my speeds were in the tens of megabits max. Pretty sure nothing was capped in settings.

    drunkensailor , (edited ) avatar

    Maybe? Been awhile since I’ve messed with my setup and while I don’t like slow, I prioritize security over speed so my settings might not be what you want anyway. so I’d recommend just looking up a guide; it is an extremely popular torrent client and there should be tons of guides out there. Or if you not sure which guide to use, just create a new post here - lot of people use it and probably have set it up from scratch more recently than me. I know some people say to open ports on the router but i’ve never liked the idea (I view it as less secure) but some people swear by it.

    I can recommend that you test the following:

    • make sure you are using a VPN server that isn’t too far away. If you were in say San Franciso and selecting a VPN in New York or Europe, your speeds will be less than if you selected one in Seattle or Los Angeles
    • do a speed test off your vpn vs on it (e.g. ALL VPNs will be slower than regular non-VPN due to the encryption and having less hops. But you can see how much difference it makes when you switch servers and if you have more than one VPN service, then you can find servers in the same city for both and compare which service is faster.
    • If your VPN has a modified WireGuard service (PIA and Nord both do IIRC), then that should be faster. I say modified bc the unaltered Wireguard spec has a privacy red flags so if you have a VPN service that offers it, make sure you read up or at least skim some reviews and whatnot to make sure they handled those issues that in a way that doesn’t leave your identity exposed. PIA and Nord both did that (I think Nord’s was called something else not actually WG but idr).
    • make sure you do your testing on popular torrents - but if it is anything you could get in trouble for, then you should do all the leak tests I mentioned above FIRST. Only mentioning, bc I had a friend that was testing his shit on some obscure thing he was looking for and saying it was slow but when i helped him configure his settings, we tested with something popular (i think whatever the current hottest show was) and he was actually getting a lot better speeds than he thought.

    edit: just searched on dbzer0 and wasn’t seeing much on this. I did find a reddit post and a makeuseof guide that both mention stuff about improving speed. For the reddit one, I think the patched exe they are talking about is likely a dev build and since that was from a few years ago, whatever fix is probably already merged in and no longer needed. will compare the other settings vs mine and post back

    edit2: are are the differences i have from the guide:

    • makeuseof has (Tools > Options > Speed) “Upload and download rate limits are set to infinity by default, and it’s recommended not to tinker with these limits. Most often, users limit the upload rate to save bandwidth and get faster download rates, but the torrent client’s choking mechanism compromises download rates when upload rates are limited, making the download process much slower.” - on mine, i had infinite down and was restricting upload. But I kind of think MUO’s advice is better and increased my upload amount. Mine was 100 KiB/s, now 1000 KiB/s. Only reason I don’t put it on infinite is I am on a capped internet and tend to leave my downloaded stuff around for sharing so I want to avoid uploads consuming too much of my monthly bandwidth and I don’t leave my client running 24/7 so not sure how reliable bandwidth settings are.
    • makeuseof has (Tools > Options > BitTorrent) "In the dropdown menu next to Encryption mode, select Allow Encryption. " but on mine I have it as “required Encryption” - probably this would make mine slower than the suggestion tho
    • Tools > Options > Connection settings I have “TCP and uTP” (same as MUO) but that old reddit thread was recommending only TCP.
    • MUO has (Tools > Options > Connections) : "Ensure the box beside Use UPnP / NAT-PMP port forwarding from my router is checked. " - as I mentioned, I don’t do port forwarding so I leave mine unchecked but there is probably a speed hit for this.
    • There was also something about "Don’t download multiple torrent files at the same time. This will then allocate all available bandwidth to downloading a single file, resulting in a faster download. " - I generally ignore this but there IS some truth to it. I have had hundreds of things queued before and gotten awful speeds. I recommend just not going overboard with how many you are running at once.
    • Tools > Options > Advanced: Find the network interface and select the one that corresponds with your VPN. If you aren’t sure, for most Windows users you can connect to VPN then find from command line using ipconfig /all and look for something that is NOT disconnected and probably has TAP-Windows Adapter Vx if using OpenVPN-Protocol (most VPNs) but might be different for wireguard. For Linux users, to show network interfaces run ip -4 -o -br addr - usually in linux ethernet interfaces start with an E and wifi interfaces start with a W, lo is localhost, and 99% of the time the vpn interface will be named tun0 if you are using a VPN with OpenVPN-protocol (most of them) but might be something different for wireguard or if you have customized things.
    solitude , (edited )

    you can set up a “vpn killswitch” … A lot of VPN client apps have this feature built in.

    Most quality VPNs will have a killswitch built in and enabled automatically, with nothing to setup, but they are notoriously unreliable and can fail. The key term people want to search for is “bind.” You want to bind qBit to your VPN. If your VPN isn’t working, qBit doesn’t have a connection. Most decent, privacy first, “no log” VPNs (Mullvad, Proton, AirVPN, iVPN, etc.) will provide instructions on binding. This is above and beyond their built-in killswitch.

    I can recommend PIA, NordVPN

    I’m not saying you shouldn’t recommend these, or that people shouldn’t use them, but IMO, people should at least be warned to search for the following, so they can make an informed decision:

    1. “kape technologies malware” (Kape owns Private Internet Access, which is why I switched to Mullvad years ago when Kape bought PIA)
    2. “nordvpn data breach”
    drunkensailor , avatar

    Most quality VPNs will have a killswitch built in and enabled automatically, with nothing to setup, but they are notoriously unreliable and can fail.

    Fair. I do all of my setup manually these days (networkmanager on linux, openvpn client app on the rare occasion i’m on windows, not a mac guy so no clue there). I implement one using a firewall but that is more complex than most people want. Still, as long as it is done in addition to the qbit network interface bind, then it’s not bad to also set a VPN killswitch.

    The key term people want to search for is “bind.” You want to bind qBit to your VPN.

    Agreed. This is what I was referencing in the first bullet about network interface

    I’m not saying you shouldn’t recommend these, or that people shouldn’t use them, but IMO, people should at least be warned to search for the following, so they can make an informed decision:

    1 - Fair points. TBH, I had my doubts about that initially but have been with them the whole time (before and after kape acquisition). FWIW, I have not seen any change in PIA service quality. In fact, I have seen them add Wireguard support and release all of the code as FOSS (see here). I agree that Kape did some sketchy shit in the past but from what I have seen over the last several years, they are not doing anything sketchy in the VPN/technology sector part of their business (aside from maybe advertising which I consider to be separate). I don’t even really think about Kape anymore tbh. If they were ratting me out, I would have had enough dcma notices to start a bonfire with by now.

    2 - I had not been aware of that. I haven’t used them in a few years. Any sort of data breach definitely sounds bad but since I haven’t reviewed the details, I don’t want to jump to any conclusions either.

    I like Mullvad from a tech and privacy standpoint but IMO they are a bit on the expensive side compared to some of the other options. Nord and PIA you can usually get multiyear deals on periodically and that can drastically lower the overall cost ($80 for a 3yr VPN plan = monthly about 2.22 USD/2.04 euro vs 5 euro/month for mullvad). Not saying price is the be-all-end-all or that Mullvad is unaffordable but it is going to be a consideration for many, especially people that already don’t want to shell out for a paid VPN over the free ones. With that in mind, I think there is still value in PIA (and possibly Nord - I haven’t reviewed the details of what exactly was breached - e.g. vpn service vs blog server vs etc, what data was exposed, what steps they took to address, etc). There are many other no-logs vpn options besides Nord, PIA, and Mullvad out there, I just don’t have any personal experience with them.

    solitude , (edited )

    I should have also mentioned that I otherwise thought your initial post was good.

    then it’s not bad to also set a VPN killswitch

    At least with Mullvad (and I imagine the other three I mentioned), there is nothing to set. It’s already there in the app, and automatically enabled after install. The only thing that can be done is to turn it off.

    This is what I was referencing in the first bullet about network interface

    Understood. I was just providing the specific term (“bind” or “binding”), used by VPN companies & users, for anyone else who wants to search for instructions on properly connecting qBit to their VPN.

    I agree that Kape did some sketchy shit in the past

    It’s not my place to fault or criticize you or anyone else for choosing to go with Kape/PIA (or Nord). I just think people should at least know of their past. For me, there is zero chance of me returning to PIA. Someone tells me the girl I’m interested in cheated on their past boyfriend, or tried to somehow spy on or sabotage him? Zero chance I’m getting involved. Too many other good/better options available. My brother has had no issues dating cheaters. To each their own. None of my business why others make the choices they do.

    Any sort of data breach definitely sounds bad but since I haven’t reviewed the details

    It’s not necessarily that they had a data breach, it’s how they handled the situation that many people found troubling.

    Nord and PIA you can usually get multiyear deals

    Same with this. I don’t fault you for trying to save some money. Everyone has their own situation to deal with, and I’ve been “there” before. For me, I’m not rich or a boomer, but I’m old enough now and have enough disposable income that I make decisions that work for my privacy and reliability requirements. I see something that cheap now and I ask myself, “why is that so cheap?” It could still be a good product, but I know enough to at least ask the question & research. I also don’t pay for long term, multi-year deals anymore (I had about six months remaining on my PIA deal when I “noped” out of being a part of Kape’s acquisition), but I still try not to be an idiot and just give away money either. As an example, I buy the Mullvad gift card, with a scratch-off code from Amazon, $29/6mo ($4.83/mo) or $57/12mo ($4.75/mo). No euro exchange rate or transactions fees, etc. My preference is to incentivize my favorite companies to stay in business, providing the service and continual upgrades that I want and expect, like the following:


    When people talk about “zero logs,” I’m not aware of anything better than having everything run through RAM. Going out to lunch/dinner or watching a movie is roughly $10 to $20/person these days. I’ll happily pay a couple extra bucks a month for a VPN with this kind of privacy and continual upgrade in service, or from the other three I mentioned (and I believe Mullvad is still even the least expensive of the four). No criticism from me on your choices though.

    EnderofGames ,

    I have qBit bound to my VPN (Nord), but it basically stops every few minutes. So I had to stop and use killswitch.

    This, I think, is actually an issue with qBit. But maybe it only ever happens to me.

    drunkensailor , (edited ) avatar

    every few minutes is a lot. havent been on nord for a few years but even when i was on them i dont remember getting drops that frequently. i suspect it is likely not an issue with qbit as many others use it without running into drops like that - including myself.

    probably an issue with either nord or your isp. if you are on wifi, there are also some routeres with known issues when it comes to dropping wifi signal - but there’s too many different models and firmware versions to really guess this accurately without detailed info (and sometimes it only happens in specific versions of firmware on specific routers).

    i get occasional drops on PIA but its usually after running for something like 3-7 days straight. i’m not using the official pia client app but instead download manual ovpn file configurations from pia and import them into generic client. under windows, you need the openvpn free community client for this. under linux, you can import them into networkmanager. iirc, nord has manual ovpn files too but they make you select a specific server and download 1 config file at a time.

    alternately, if you setup wireguard that might also work better but haven’t tested myself

    EnderofGames ,

    I used Nord proxies when I still used uTorrent, never had issues. I’m definitely hardwired, and my isp is shit, don’t get me wrong, but the only change I can see is qBit and proxies. I tried every server they had available, and the issue just stops when I don’t use their proxies. Maybe I should try proxies from some other service, but I’m not really in a place to shop around… and I don’t know that free vpn services have proxies that you can try.

    I also say “stops every few minutes”, I should clarify, it stops and doesn’t resume. I have to close qbit and reopen.

    I don’t know enough about ovpn or wireguard to know how that would help me… Is that not a VPN/tunneling that you have to have both sides to use? So I would go to a server that has another VPN running on anyways?

    drunkensailor , (edited ) avatar

    I don’t know enough about ovpn or wireguard to know how that would help me…

    OpenVPN and Wireguard are different protocols that VPN providers can use. Technically, there are also groups and client apps of the same name for both too. I think there are other protocols too (pretty sure there’s one called IPsec and maybe some others) but OpenVPN and Wireguard are 2 of the most common. Wireguard is newer and generally is regarded as faster than OpenVPN protocol but there are some privacy issues with it if using the unmodified version. Some VPN companies use a modified version of WG that address those issues (Nord and PIA). But since customers can’t inspect the server configs, I would definitely recommend only using VPN companies that have undergone a third party audit to confirm that they keep no logs and have a server configuration without privacy issues (off my head: PIA, Nord, Mullvad, expressvpn, surfshark, cyberghost).

    Is that not a VPN/tunneling that you have to have both sides to use?

    Yes, if your VPN provider doesn’t have servers configured with Wireguard, then you can’t use it. And even if they do, it probably won’t be all the servers so you need to choose one with it. So if say your provider was Nord. Nord calls their modified WG as “NordLynx”.

    If you wanted to connect to Nord’s WG (aka NordLynx) servers, AFAIK you have to use the official Nord client app. Some providers might release a WG config file that you could use to manually set it up but last time I checked Nord only offers manual config files for OpenVPN (here’s an old reddit thread basically saying the same thing). This is annoying if you are trying to have a setup where you can switch between multiple providers and protocols easily (like me) or in places where you can’t install client software (like routers) but probably not a big deal to most users connecting from a computer/tablet/phone/etc.

    For PIA, it is similar although they don’t rename their Wireguard as something else. But again, they don’t provide manual WG configs and you have to use their official app to use it. However, they do have some github repos and more technical users can run some scripts to generate temporary manual configs (my understanding is that unlike the OpenVPN manual configs, these will eventually expire and you will need to rerun the scripts again at some later time).

    I used Nord proxies when I still used uTorrent, never had issues. I’m definitely hardwired, and my isp is shit, don’t get me wrong, but the only change I can see is qBit and proxies. I tried every server they had available, and the issue just stops when I don’t use their proxies. Maybe I should try proxies from some other service, but I’m not really in a place to shop around… and I don’t know that free vpn services have proxies that you can try.

    Not sure. Hard to debug without concrete details and I’m probably not the best for that anyway. Could be proxies; I connect to vpn servers but not via socks proxies so not sure how those are different speed wise.

    If not that, could be qbit settings or version (several years ago some various builds of qbit could be hit or miss but I thought that was more or less done with nowadays). If you are interested in working it out, my recommendation would be to take some screenshots of qbit settings. Then create a post asking about improving qbit speeds and also list a) who the vpn provider is - nord or whatever you use now, b) how you are connecting - nord app or proxy url etc, c) if you are testing with same torrent in each, then what kind of approx numbers you are seeing in qbit and what you expect based on network test. That would probaby be enough info for folks to help you get it sorted and would be a good resource for anybody else having similar troubles.

    CmdrShepard ,

    NordVPN also doesn’t have port forwarding so you’re unlikely to be able to seed anything back. This’ll get you banned from private trackers and goes against the whole concept of torrenting.

    solitude ,

    Yeah, Mullvad stopped offering Port Forwarding as well, along with iVPN (I think) and some others. I believe AirVPN is the recommended VPN which still has PF (I may have iVPN and Air mixed up). I understand one of the reasons why they stopped supporting PF (it allowed sick f*cks to share illegal child content with others), but it also pretty much destroyed my ability to find and complete a download of old/er files that I normally didn’t have a problem with, and, like you mentioned, I could no longer seed back. It’s the sole reason why I started using usenet. I could have tried one of the other VPNs I mentioned (Proton & Air, which I believe both have PF) but I chose to stick with Mullvad and add usenet instead, which I’ve really liked.

    CmdrShepard ,

    Yes I was actually sad to leave Mullvad, and the developer was pretty cool about giving refunds, so I’d definitely go back if things changed in the future.

    AirVPN does have port forwarding and is what I wound up switching to. So far, everything is working fine and there are a decent number of servers available.

    solitude ,

    Glad that worked out with AirVPN, they’re the main alternative to Mullvad that I was considering back then. I may still try them in the future. Yeah, I was shocked that Mullvad was so cool about handing out refunds. I’ve read about many other VPNs that wouldn’t consider that. I guess with Mullvad being the official rebranded Mozilla VPN they can afford to let some people go and still have a smile about it.

    Blue_Morpho ,

    Is this new in the past few months? I was using mulvad with qbitorrent a few months ago and it was uploading.

    solitude , (edited )

    I can’t recall when it actually stopped working (maybe around 3 months ago?), but here is the announcement:

    Fairly soon after they removed PF, I searched for a show that was less than a year from release, rated over 80% on TMDB & over 8.0 on IMDB, and pretty popular. I couldn’t complete a full season of it on any one format (720p, 1080p, x264, x265). Probably around 10 incomplete versions in qBit. Never ran into something that bad before, on a somewhat recent show. Started using usenet and had my files within an hour or so, in the format I wanted. I understand and support their decision, but it was a very good feature to have. If your looking for new material, PF won’t affect you. I’ve read people suggest Tailscale as a way to supplement Mullvad (if you’re running a server and want to remotely access it), but I know little about it.

    Blue_Morpho ,

    That was lucky timing for me! I was updating all my media around June.

    rambos ,

    You can download and upload with no port forwarding. For some torrents you might not find peers, but whats even worse you will seed less

    Holyhandgrenade , avatar

    You didn’t even mention QBittorrent’s best feature: it has a search engine that searches across lots of different torrent sites, so you don’t need to check each one!

    overzeetop , avatar

    Wait, really? I’m going to have to go check next time I log into my torrenting box.

    Holyhandgrenade , (edited ) avatar

    IIRC you have to enable it separately, but it’s not very difficult to do. Just google it if you run into trouble

    drunkensailor , avatar

    I agree that that is a very nice feature. So are the rss feeds.

    But to me “best” is anything that makes it easier to avoid getting caught so the network interface binding is still my favorite 😉

    deweydecibel ,

    If only qbittorrent hadn’t had that idiotic redesign that made it look like a fisherprice toy.

    odium ,
    drunkensailor , avatar

    not really sure what you mean (maybe i didnt notice or it was before i started using it?) but to each their own I guess?

    all-knight-party , to nostupidquestions in Are phone notification LEDs still a thing? avatar

    I think it just got sort of replaced by the "always on display" as Android calls it, where the screen is "off" but still displays the system clock and any notification icons received. For me, it's accomplished the same thing while being more specific than the LED

    Magister , avatar

    True, OLED have the always on screen, but a lot of phones (mainly low/middle range) don’t have OLED and have no LED notification :-/ I remember I found this very useful on my old zenfone/nokia (my latest cell is OLED)

    evatronic ,

    It’s also worth noting that most phones these days always have at least one item in the “notification” bar at some point. Like, right now I’ve got two apps taking up a slot, and Google’s weather thing up there, and that’s a normal day.

    The LED would always be on.

    user224 , avatar

    I am pretty sure you can exclude permanent notifications.

    all-knight-party , avatar

    I use third party apps to disable permanent icons, for me it's the alarm. I always have repeating alarms on, so the icon is pointless, I disabled it in the app settings. I'd like for a first party way to do that, but oh well

    r00ty Admin ,
    r00ty avatar

    Nah. They used to flash different colours for different events, and you could filter what created an LED event. Even with the OLED screen, leaving the notification/clock on all day drains the battery noticeably more than having it disabled. I find it better to only have that on at night when charging. Not to mention you didn't need to look at the screen. You'd see the flashing light and know there's something to check.

    But, what they COULD do is simulate a series of LEDs properly with OLED. That should in theory take a similar amount of power (for the screen at least) as a real LED. But, I suspect driving part of the screen would require the screen controller active. I suspect the older phones with LEDs had some separate low power driver storing the most recent events from when the phone last "woke up" using minimal power for the flashing LEDs.

    So, in all it genuinely is a missing feature that has no equivalent in modern phones.

    Balex ,

    Maybe older models were a lot less efficient with always on display, but I just checked for my Pixel 8 Pro and the ambient display was <1% battery usage.

    r00ty Admin ,
    r00ty avatar

    Don't think an S20+ is that old. I turned it on full time just after I posted that last comment, just on the edge of the screen. Low brightness. 3.5% of the battery use in 5 hours.

    fuckwit_mcbumcrumble ,

    Those would never show up in the notification LEDs. Only temporary stuff like you’ve gotten a text would.

    somedaysoon , avatar

    That’s not true, it didn’t work that way. You could set it for individual notifications and even have custom colors. I would have it orange for K9 emails and green for text messages and red for a missed call… it was extremely versatile and much better than screen always on which I always disable on my phones because it looks bad and is a distraction in my opinion and it uses more battery.

    redballooon , (edited ) to fediverse in and has been banned in China

    The great misunderstanding of hard left leaning western folks is that neither Russia nor China are socialist or communist.

    Just like their hard right leaning counterparts they’re stuck in a mindset from the first half of the past century.

    bloubz ,

    Pro politolog here

    antonim ,

    They don’t really believe Russia is socialist to any degree, they just support it because it (supposedly) opposes the western hegemony, USA/NATO, etc.

    Basically the same logic as that of pro-Russian right-wingers.

    wick ,

    I had a bunch of hexbear and ml’s tell me russian war crimes in Berlin were “Nazi myths”. Apparently the Nazis had more influence over the world of historical academia after they lost than Russia.

    Also other allied war crimes did happen and weren’t Nazi myths.

    WaxedWookie ,

    Supporters of autocratic state capitalist regimes like China and Russia also aren’t left-leaning.

    WhiteHawk ,

    They are, they’re just ignorant

    redballooon ,

    Idk, just last week I overheard a report of an old communist whose life wishes were to visit Vietnam, Kuba and Russia.

    WaxedWookie ,


    Klear ,

    Not truly sctosmen either.

    WaxedWookie ,

    What part of “authoritarian state capitalism” is left wing to you?

    Klear ,

    I don’t know. I’m not a fucking tankie. They are masters at cognitive dissonance.

    WaxedWookie ,

    If they’re definitionally wrong, why call “no true Scotsman”?

    lulztard ,

    To feel smart. Funnily enough, socialism really has it pretty hard trying to get off the ground. The US coups another nation every five years to install some corrupt dictator that’s more than willing to sell out his nation to US interests in exhchange for power. So being hunted down and utterly corrupted by the worlds biggest terrorist nation, calling socialism “never truly tried” is kiiiiiiiiiind of correct. There is a lot of social policies in Europe and those worl pretty well, though US interests and their bootlickers erode those, too.

    ninchuka ,

    Depends which hard left, I know hard/far left people who hate them

    mnoram ,

    I think I’m confused. I haven’t seen any left leaning people support Russia or China. It’s right leaning people that support them. What am I missing? Also I’ve never seen any left leaning people say Russia and China are actually socialist or communist since the 80s or 90s. I’ve seen right leaning people claim that lefties believe that but never any examples in real life.

    qaz ,

    Left and right is not a defined group, it’s a name and any group can pretend/think they belong to it.

    ZombiFrancis ,

    The most support for China is basic materialist analysis: they’ve heavily invested in housing, high speed rail, electric car infrastructure, and green energy. Coincidentally: all rather related.

    But that is generally the support associated with China: a materialist analysis, usually, if not always, regarding infrastructure.

    Krafting , to linux in Most of us hate Microsoft, and yet many of us use VSCode avatar

    Yet most project uses GitHub too you know…

    flashgnash OP ,

    True but GitHub wasn’t always Microsoft and at least in my experience moving between git providers is a pain

    aleq , avatar

    How is it a pain? You just change the origin on your existing project, and new projects you just use the new one to start with.

    intensely_human ,

    You gotta change the origin on every deployment you have. Update environment vars, reconfigure tools. You have to port all your PRs over somehow. Your issues. Your documentation. All the access keys. Etc.

    Prunebutt ,

    With Gitlab embracing activitypub, at least the issues can bei easily migrated now/soon.

    hunger , avatar

    Are they embracing activity pub? I read it is just one guy in the community working in it.

    And the vast majority of users are on GitHub, looking for code on there. Having activity pub on other forges will not change that big time:-(

    Prunebutt ,

    Ony saw this vid about it:

    Yeah, github is currently the big cheese. But other forges are still out there and are being used. And since git is an open format, the infrastructure is (a bit) more resilient towards enshittyfication.

    hunger , avatar

    Oh, the repository are easy to move.

    The bug reports, PRs, wikis, CI/CD are stuck in github though. There is a huge lock in.

    Roshakk ,

    The pain is with the migration of a ci/cd template to another

    OsrsNeedsF2P ,

    This one is a bigger issue. One of the projects I used to contribute to moved to Gitlab, and saw a significant decrease in organic contributors. GitHub simply has more users, better SEO, and a better ecosystem

    MigratingtoLemmy ,

    Personally, I’d like for everything to be on Codeberg or something but I guess that’s far away.

    Meho_Nohome , to asklemmy in people that use reddit repost bots- are you okay? why do you suck? avatar

    I’ve been wondering why people have been reposting Reddit posts on Lemmy. If I wanted Reddit posts, I’d go on Reddit.

    TexMexBazooka OP ,

    As covered in the title, it’s because they suck

    otter ,

    You could just… block the things you don’t want to see?

    JimmyBigSausage ,


  • Loading...
  • otter ,

    Try it from desktop, or a different app. A lot of these apps and frontends are new and buggy

    xigoi , avatar

    Then that’s the app’s fault, not the bots’.

    JimmyBigSausage ,


  • Loading...
  • russjr08 , avatar

    Assuming they’re tagged appropriately by the person who setup the account, you can also just disable seeing bot content in your account settings.

    RavuAlHemio ,

    I assume many people migrated to Lemmy because they wanted a Reddit without spez.

    MorrisonMotel6 ,

    Honestly, that’s why I’m here. I do like the decentralized/non-corporate model though

    bunkyprewster ,

    I don’t think you suck.

    guts ,

    Reddit without astroturf, toxic redditor and farm bots.

    XbSuper ,

    I don’t even care about that. I just can’t use their app, it’s garbage.

    joemo ,

    People left reddit because the reddit company sucks and they don’t want to support it, not just spez.

    But people still want to see a bunch of content. There’s really no alternative to Reddit and Twitter because even if you can mimic their ideas, you won’t be able to magically copy the user base and therefore the content generation. It took YEARS for those platforms to get to where they are.

    Be the change you want to see, post more OC!

    RotatingParts , to asklemmy in What UI design trend do you hate the most?

    When marking something to copy and paste. You start marking the text and drag to the right. If you drag too far to the right, your highlighting goes away and everything to the left of where you started becomes highlighted. Why would anybody ever want that behaviour? It is exactly the opposite of what you are trying to do.

    stepanzak ,

    I also hate this, but I wouldn’t call that an UI trend. It’s caused by the browser and it’s rather a bad UX I think.

    dan ,

    The browser implements the text selection behaviour, but how infuriating it is depends on how convoluted your page construction is.

    On a simple page with no floats, overlaid elements, negative margins, absolute positioning, hidden stuff, and other css layout tomfoolery, it’s perfectly predictable. It’s only when designers do designer things does it start to break down.

    dan , avatar

    floats, overlaid elements, negative margins, absolute positioning

    A lot of these techniques aren’t really used any more. We’re old lol. Modern web design uses CSS grid, or at least Flexbox. I haven’t seen a float or absolute positioning in years.

    dan ,

    I know, but those techniques are more likely to cause selection weirdness than flexbox/etc, which is why I mention them specifically.

    stepanzak ,

    Yeah, I just feel like most of the people are comment little bit different kind of things then OP intended to ask for.

    Z3k3 ,

    A variation of this that drives me nuts at work

    Trying to highlight part of a url it decides nope you getvall or nothing.

    cheery_coffee ,

    On mobile when you do finally highlight from the right part, but then it scrolls at either 18 pixels per minute or 1000 characters a second.

    Who the hell designed that, URLs are structured, you only ever want to copy between the slashes and url parameters.

    Myro ,

    Oh yeah. Or trying to highlight something including text further down, you want to scroll it a little bit and suddenly it accelerates and you highlighted the wohle page.

    clearleaf ,

    This is one of those things that came out of the gate sucking massively and nothing was ever done to improve it. We might be in our 60s some day still fumbling around trying to copy some text.

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