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joemo ,

I saw something on YouTube about pulling a shot of espresso and then adding ice and I think a little water and using the steam wand on this mix. You end up with a nitro coffee like drink. Might have to try it.

joemo ,

How are these cases any different from any trading card that you can go to the store and buy packs of? Are those also unregulated gambling?

joemo ,

No one buys baseball cards for the informational side of it. They buy them as a collectors item. The same as these skins. The only difference is that one is digital and one is physical.

Sports cards have been around for ages and no one gave a shit. People care about the loot boxes in games because it’s easy for a kid to get their parents credit card and rack up a ton of charges.

joemo ,

So those cards have been around forever, and no one complained about them.

People care about these loot boxes because it’s easy for a young kid to get their parents credit card and rack up a ton of charges because they see a cool skin and don’t realize that ultra rare or 1/1000 chance to drop means that they won’t get t without spending a ton of money.

By definition gambling can be defined as playing games of chance for money. Well they aren’t going to win money, their reward is a collectable item.

Or to take risky action in hope of desired result. I don’t really see how this fits that definition either. There’s no risky action.

I would prefer if there were no loot boxes because I’d rather know what I’m getting, but people are focusing on the wrong thing here.

joemo ,

So the issue isn’t the loot boxes and gambling to get items, it’s the resale? That’s a different issue.

Also it’s not “cash”, you can only spend that money back into steam.

joemo , (edited )

Should we also have a ban on all sports memorabilia then? It’s a gamble for me to go to my local team and have the players sign things and then at some point in the future it could be worth a ton of money?

Would this conversation be any different if they sold the cards for what they think the expected value is? Then you’d have people complaining about how they’re charging hundreds for a card and that’s not fair because little Timmy can’t afford it.

Edit: those tumblers that people drink out of have “rarer” colors and designs, better ban those two because of gambling.

I hope someday we'll find a way to pirated a car (

In the end, the KIA car company made its cars into subscription models, I really hate this because in the end the car we buy with our own money doesn’t feel like it belongs to us. Should we finally buy an old school car ? so as not to be affected by this subscription models or is there a way to crack the software installed in...

joemo ,

So there’s two different “remote” actions. One would be using a key fob and the other through an app. I sincerely hope that the unlock/lock, start/stop through the key fob is always free and these charges are for some sort of app. However 150 yearly seems quite expensive unless there’s some neat features that aren’t in the screenshot.

joemo ,

I have had an Encore for a few years now, and it has handled everything from French press to espresso. I’ve been very happy with it, and instead of spending an upgrade there I was able to buy an espresso machine and get into that side of coffee.

joemo ,

If you don’t want to buy a new grinder, you could try running the coffee through a coffee filter afterwards. So you grind the beans, let it soak for however long, and then run the coffee through a coffee filter. I use a Chemex to make coffee sometimes, so I use that but anything will work. I’ve put a filter in a funnel and used that.

This will catch the sediment, in my experience it has taken a while to filter through.

joemo ,

Same. I have been spraying some water in the coffee beans before grinding, about 0.5-1g (two sprays from a water bottle) prior to grinding and have had no issues.

If you have build up in the chute, you can try tapping the grinder prior to removing the container.

joemo ,

Just look whenever you have the time. If you have to take a call or an interview during your work hours, just say you have an appointment. You don’t need to give any more information than that.

If you work in office, try to schedule things during your lunch.

joemo ,

Ok, now try to do the things that trucks are typically used for in your geo metro. Towing, transporting construction tools and materials, etc.

I’m not defending Elon because I think the truck looks dumb and is over priced, but you gotta compare apples to apples.

joemo ,

You’re still not comparing apples to apples. The people who actually need something like this (not this specifically because we both agree it’s bad) would not be using it to tow just a small trailer. I agree the cyber truck is bad but the comparison still makes no sense.

If you believe them, Tesla says the cyber truck can have a 2500lb payload and tow 11000 lbs. That’s a whole different ballgame than your geo metro which officially doesn’t even have a towing capacity.

Some people actually use trucks for their intended purposes instead of a status symbol.

joemo ,

I like how many years ago, the limitations to programming was the hardware. This led to programmers needing to be creative with their solutions. Maybe they should find better ways to train their AI…

joemo ,

This is my biggest issue with AI. ChatGPT is a nice party trick, but how do you ensure the results are correct?

I used to hate having to show my work when I was younger. But as I have gotten older, I realized the result isn’t as important as how you got there.

People who order "a decaff coffee with an extra shot" - why?

All our coffee is served with two shots by default. We’re not some fancy coffee shop, just a motorway service station that makes coffee to go. We have some regulars who order a decaff with an extra shot. I explain thats going to have three shots total, and they’re happy with it....

joemo ,

You can make espresso with decaf coffee beans.

I wonder if they make their coffee more like an Americano, so you do a shot (or two, or three) or espresso and then add some hot water. This takes the traditional espresso shot, which is more concentrated, and changes it to a more drip/filter style taste.

joemo ,

The more moves I see like this, the more I wonder how anyone in corporate finance has a job.

joemo ,

Any spray bottle will do. If you don’t have one, you can probably just add a few drops of water (turn the faucet on very low or find another method to do so) and then swirl the beans around to distribute the water.

I forget if James Hoffman mentions a specific amount, but I typically go for like 0.5g when I add the water to my beans.

joemo ,

Gotta love corporate greed.

If you are displaying ads to the user, the ads should pay for their access. If a user is paying for access to a service, they shouldn’t see ads.

joemo ,

😭 Sad to see it end, but I think it’s time. The last few seasons just didn’t measure up to me. I still watched them, but there was just something off.

Loving Shorsey though. Joked with my buddy that we should get a skids spinoff. More Gae and maybe Devon 😂. There’s so many other storylines to explore.

Thanks for the great seasons, hoping it goes out with a bang!

joemo ,

I wish removing a song from my Discover weekly or similar lists actually worked. I swear I remove the same song from that playlist for months and it still shows up.

joemo ,

There’s no way this is true. I can literally think of similar code as what’s in GTA V, I have never opened the link. Does that open me up to a law suit? That’s crazy.

joemo ,

I definitely see a shift where I live in the US (Northeast). We used to get snow that stuck in November and it carried us through to March or April. Now we will get some flurries but nothing really sticks until January. The overall length remains the same, but it seems shifted by a month or two

joemo ,

It seems like people aren’t reading the article and just downvoting.

So here’s another snippet from the article which shows you the kid needs serious help:

Kurtaj leaked 90 videos of GTA VI gameplay footage last September while out on bail for hacking Nvidia and British telecom provider BT / EE. Although he stayed at a hotel under police protection during this time, Kurtaj still managed to carry out an attack on Rockstar Games by using the room’s included Amazon Fire Stick and a “newly purchased smart phone, keyboard and mouse,” according to a separate BBC report. Kurtaj was arrested for the final time following the incident.

Like come on man, how many chances is enough? If there’s no real consequences for people’s actions, they just do whatever they please. Actions have consequences.

joemo ,

So laws only apply if they affect people or companies you care about? Interesting.

joemo ,

They advocate for rdt over wdt as the most important? Interesting.

Wdt, for others in this thread, is a Weiss Distribution Tool. This is using a tool with some thin, flexible needles to break up the coffee after placing it in the portafilter.

I feel like if you do wdt without rdt, you’re fine. If you do rdt without wdt, you’re missing out.

joemo ,

That’s the most frustrating part. I don’t mind watching limited ads. I get you gotta pay for your shit somehow. But don’t give me 30 minute ads, and don’t haphazardly place the ads in the video so there’s no transition from an important part of the video to your ad.

I typically use an adblocker but for some uses (smart TV) I’m too lazy to set up a workaround. It doesn’t bother me that much.

YouTube warns it might make your viewing experience worse if you don't turn off your ad-blocker (

YouTube warns it might make your viewing experience worse if you don’t turn off your ad-blocker::YouTube has been cracking down on people using ad blockers. Now, a spokesperson says that using ad blockers could lead to “suboptimal viewing.”

joemo ,

So I’m a little lazy and have to watch ads when I watch YouTube on my TV. I don’t care enough to fix this.

Anyways, I don’t mind the short ads. I get it, you gotta pay for your stuff somehow. What I don’t get is these ads that can stretch on for 10, 15, even 150 minutes. I think I had a 3 hour ad at one point. It’s insane. You should have to opt in to these ads that are longer than say 30 seconds.

joemo ,

I think the main difference is the time scale for their responsibilities.

For your average worker, they generally have daily tasks or responsibilities. Your c-levels generally “solve” the larger problems. The timeline for those isn’t daily but probably quarterly or longer. This would allow them to take on another role because of how the deadlines work.

Not saying it’s right, but just trying to explain it.

joemo , (edited )

While I generally agree with giving people shit for taking up multiple spots, this one isn’t that bad. He’s just over the line. You see some people who park in the middle of those four spots.

joemo ,

I mean I’m giving the guy the benefit of the doubt here. He’s practically on the line to the right and slightly over on the back. Oh no! Burn the witch! I’ve seen people in small cars park worse.

Sounds like you just hate trucks, and that’s ok.

joemo ,

Ah ok, I get this. But I took the tone of the post as “fuck this guy for taking up four spots”.

Maybe I’m a little annoyed at other posts and choosing a weird hill to die on with this one.

joemo ,

I think people used social media (Reddit, Twitter even Instagram) as a replacement. As those started going to shit, people probably migrated back to rss

joemo ,

I hear everyone singing the AeroPress praises, and while I like mine I actually much prefer my Chemex. I like the taste a little more, those Chemex filters are great.

But anyways, can’t go wrong with either. Then you get them hooked on an expensive hobby 😂

joemo ,

Transactions are the safe way of doing it.

You can also return * to see the changes, or add specific fields.

Like for example:

Begin; Update users Set first_name=‘John’ Where first_name=‘john’ Returning *;

Then your Rollback; Or Commit;

So you’d see all rows you just updated. You can get fancy and do a self join and see the original and updated data if you want. I like to run an identifying query first, so I know hey I should see 87 rows updated or whatever.

Haven’t had any issues with table locks with this, but we use Postgres. YMMV.

joemo ,

So in your mind what Trump did was better?

If you want to teach the Democrats a lesson, do it earlier. The presidential election isn’t the time nor place to play games - as we saw with Trump setting the country back years.

joemo ,

Your presidential elections are like the last step in the process. If you want to make real change, you need to start from the bottom up. You can’t just say (not saying you do this) “oh shit there’s a presidential election this year? And I dislike the Democrats candidate? Time to vote for a third party candidate to show them!”

It’s kind of like baking a cake I guess. If you just jump in at the end and taste the cake, well you’re stuck with what it is. "Oh I wish this was a chocolate cake instead of vanilla. I’m not going to eat this cake. I’m going to eat this other cake ", well you should have gotten involved earlier and who knows what’s in that other cake, it could have those disgusting flavored jelly beans in it.

I do agree that not voting leads to problems.

Consumers are paying more than ever for streaming TV each month and analysts say there’s no reason for the companies to stop raising prices (

Consumers are paying more than ever for streaming TV each month and analysts say there’s no reason for the companies to stop raising prices::Finding new subscribers in a saturated streaming video market isn’t easy. And with legacy media companies desperate to recoup revenue declines in their linear TV businesses, the cost of...

joemo ,

There’s a scene in Fight Club about how auto companies approach recalls, and a similar method is applied for these price hikes. The company predicts how many people will leave or change plans or whatever with their changes and they price it out so that they end up making more money.

And for a small example let’s say you have two customers paying $10/month for a service. If the price increases by $11, and one customer leaves, you are now making $21/month from the service.

Now it’s not as simple as that in the real world, but that’s the general idea.

The issue here is that even if a vocal minority leave these streaming services, or social media there’s still a large amount of people putting up with their shit.

The vanishing of the small high-end smartphone (

Manufacturers don’t make displays under 6 inches available for purchase, with special cases (such as the iPhone Mini) being made under exclusive contracts. The best lead they have so far is to try to use displays designed for the front part of a foldable phone, but they’re yet to strike an agreement....

joemo ,

While I like having the options and agree it’s pretty shitty to remove those features, how do you use up all your storage? I upgraded to 256GB and am no where near filling it.

I’ve seen people argue they need to store a ton of media, but I’d argue you don’t need to keep a backup of everything in your phone. Rotate media out after you watched it or whatever.

joemo ,

So you’re telling me if a perfect phone existed but did not have removable storage, you wouldn’t get it?

You can just transfer those things. This doesn’t make any sense to me, I’m sorry.

I would rather have any of the features that are part of the non-removeable storage, which I’m guessing is related to better water/dust resistance and a larger battery or other internals which I would use every day.

joemo ,

But then the bigger battery has to power a bigger screen 🤔

joemo ,

The product people who determine this shit need to be fired. If I had to guess, they’re over there planning this in Macs and shit. Force them to use their product and that will help resolve these dumb issues.

joemo ,

I don’t understand. What do you expect out of a company that distributes nationally? The US has a population of 330+ million. That’s a lot of mouths to feed.

joemo ,

Read whatever is in the bathroom, like we used to do! It’s how I learned about TSS.

I am pouring one out to this little champ. Stripping HDCP and letting me... archive streaming services from 2016-2023 RIP (

What killed it, well after reviewing some PS4 gameplay I noticed that it was having audio issues, like it would allow some sounds but not all. It was almost as if it was receiving a 5.1 audio output but was missing the centre channel. Even though the PS4 was set to stereo....

joemo ,


I also waited out the release of some games that launched on the Epic store first. I begrudgingly bought them on Steam, and I hope enough others did to discourage other companies from doing that in the future.

joemo , (edited )

Here’s some.more music for your loss:

joemo ,

Updated thanks!

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