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Am I the only one preferring low quality media over high quality one?

I have a very slow Internet connection (5 Mbps down, and even less for upload). Given that, I always download movies at 720p, since they have low file size, which means I can download them more quickly. Also, I don’t notice much of a difference between 1080p and 720p. As for 4K, because I don’t have a screen that can display...

nintendiator ,

I’m totally fine with something like 540p or 480p, although I guess that’s because my preference is good ol’ TV shows that aired in the 90s or 00s over TV cable, so I’m fine with SDTV quality. And honestly, there’s not much sense in downloading all seasons of, say, Ally McBeal in 4K when you can download 8 full glorious 90s shows with their entire seasons in SDTV in the same space.

Even with “modern” stuff, I’ve seldom found a movie or TV show post 2012 that merits anything higher than 720p. I don’t get why don’t movie codecs get a multi-res options so that for example you can get the action scenes in 1080p, even 60fps if you want, but the melancholic scenes and the quiet drama scenes and the credits in 480p. Would save lots of space without losing quality where it matters.

nintendiator ,

Next on your road: charismatic megafauna!

nintendiator ,

It’s the kind that drives Conservation Efforts and Media Attention. So yeah, I guess they tend to be colorful.

nintendiator ,

Maybe filing a petition to raise an alternative service to Maybe something in the Fediverse, even!

nintendiator ,

Oh, you believe law is fair? You sound so cute.

nintendiator ,

That can easily be fixed at the source: as the author of the paper, you can just license it to be open if you want.

nintendiator ,

Honest question: why is a larger collider even needed? Just make the particles run more loops around your track.

nintendiator ,

Oh I guess “an active community for fanfiction of this specific TV show or videogame I like to enjoy” would be far too niche, right?

Fine, then I’ll say immersive teaching (using dioramas, doing experiments on the field, etc… for teaching classes), and alone / 2-people living lifehacks (in particular in this economy).

nintendiator ,

And “How much they are?” is a question. See? Question mark right there.

nintendiator ,

Descriptivistic nanomachines, son!

An Important Hypothetical - What Android Apps Do You Install?? (

You’re twelve years old on Thanksgiving at six thirty in the morning. You’ll be leaving for Grandma’s in about a half hour, and she’s lives a three hour drive away, going in one direction. You have nothing to prepare yourself on this journey, other than a tablet running Android Eleven. Beware, the speaker is broken and...

nintendiator ,

only half an hour

no information on the internet connection quality

Minetest I guess. Can’t trust that I can get Retroarch plus the cores and games I want on time, and it’s not worth the hassle for only 3 hrs drive.

Publishers are a cancer. Knowledge is meant to be shared, freely. (

The university should be the place demonstrating socioecological change, serving as a site of experimentation and praxis (see Dunlap et al., 2023). This, however, could not be further from the truth. Beside advancing technologies of digital, political and military control (Chatterjee & Maira, 2014), not to mention genetic...

nintendiator ,

only option is pay out of pocket

Or, ya know, self publish.

nintendiator ,

Doesn’t publishing come after getting your stuff reviewed by peers?

(But even if it’s done after, then self-publishing then makes it easier for peers to get your work to review it, which should increase overall quality)

nintendiator ,

That and the weird aversion to introducing new or useful keywords, or even extending the symbol set that doesn’t even use full ASCII.

nintendiator ,

Skill issue. Old version docs tend to offer you a redirect to more recent docs, and even then something sintactic like an “IN” operator is unlikely to change in form or structure between versions of a database engine.

nintendiator ,

Course I do. Why, do you need a link to the newest version of the joke?

nintendiator ,

They have a button to go to the latest version of the docs, but not to the equivalent page on the latest version

Oh yeah this is a PITA. Tho in that case it’s skill issue on their end.

nintendiator ,

Oh yeah that was a shitshow. I made a point to keep “master” in my repos and configurations because it’s the other meaning of master - one of the many others. Words are allowed to mean different things, ya know? If I’m drinking some coke I’m certainly not drugging myself (…I hope).

After all, the command to attach to a master is not “git slave”, it’s “git pull”.

nintendiator ,

Maybe you jest but now I’m seriously wondering why hasn’t this been proposed. It’s defo better than something like “disallow list”.

nintendiator ,

Hahahahaha lol, I wish it had gone unnoticed a bit more. Scamming techbros and cryptobros sounds cool.

nintendiator ,

Sure. Which other scientist who first designed Schrödinger’s Cat experiment should I refer to by name, then?

nintendiator ,

No need to even bring it to people’s attention. The guy is known among normies for a maybe virtual cat at best and not much else. That’s his contribution and importance to humanity and general audiences won’t need to recall anything else. Crying to bring to attention the whole pedophile thing outside of academia (or heck, even in academia, how does it even affect the experiment?) is pretty much self-defeating in that sense.

nintendiator ,

If successful it could

Wanna bet what capitalism is going to say about that?

nintendiator ,

Digimon: [day one] Oh this poor kitten,

[midseason] kitten evolves into buff lion anthro then dies on you.

nintendiator ,

Disregarding the fallacy in your opening, and calling things for what they are:

If a conditional basic income started today with the stipulation that I had to put 40 hrs/week towards making the world a better place or solving societal problems,

I would spend them by becoming a politician and implementing true Universal Basic Income.

Would you teach your kids how to pirate?

My gf and I have had discussions about teaching morals to kids. In that vein, I asked myself, would I teach piracy to my kids? Yes, it’s technically illegal and carries inherent risks. But so does teenage sex carry the risks of teenage pregnancy, and so we have an obligation to children to teach them how to practice safe sex....

nintendiator ,

From an ethical standpoint, in the modern world, not teaching your children how to pirate is being an irresponsible parent. Not just because the “download stuff for free” aspect of piracy, but because piracy is associated to a number of moral and ethical decisions and tenets that also form important ideologies. Getting ready access to information, and being capable to redistribute information, for example, is a key element to anti-fascism ideologies which is why eg.: punk places an emphasis on radio. Being able to fight your own fights instead of only trading on the currency (digital or otherwise) other people impose on you is a core element of both digital and physical sovereignty, which is one of the reasons why stuff like KYC laws or banning of sex workers in economic operations have to be fought against.

If you're selected for jury duty (US), should you give up your anonymous social media accounts?

I have old Facebook and Twitter accounts, maybe some others. I’m old so there’s a MySpace account out there. But I’ve mostly been using reddit the last decade or so, and have migrated to Lemmy. Now, Lemmy is the only social media i use. Recent news got me thinking about this question.

nintendiator ,

Not an American, but if a lawyer / whatever during jury selection insist on trying to pry open one of your social accounts, couldn’t you stop them on their tracks simply citing the First Amendment (plus maybe the Fourth or whichever is “can’t be forced to give testoimony against yourself”)? Forcing someone to reveal information that might make them persecutable by the government on the grounds of the government may not like their speech sounds like literal application of the 1st here.

nintendiator ,

Wow this is tremendously informative for me as a Non American, yeah. Thanks! in particular explaining how the Fifth works.

There should be a way to give directly to the developers

I realize that, after all this time, I have never payed for my all-time favorite games I grew up playing (Fallout 3 & Skyrim). I can pay for it, but I really do not want to pay the money to the Bethesda’s marketing team, CEO, and whoever bullshit middle man who wants a cut of that. I want to give directly to the team that made...

nintendiator ,

If there was a way to do that, i’d be more happily inclined to spend my money on a decade year old game.

True. And this falls squarely on their responsibility. If they set up a Patreon or Kofi something, for example, and make it known, then we can support them directly.

Or they could just publish the information required to do a cash mail / wire transfer. But I don’t know how the fees would work for that with small donations.

nintendiator ,

I’ve seen nothing in the requirements that say that the designated person has to be reachable. If I had to set a fediverse instance of something, I’d just set the mailer inbox to /dev/null or smth to save storage. Or just subject the corpos to the same treatment they subject normal citizens,

Dear sender. Your request has been added to our queue for review - might not want a malintentioned party get through safety procedures, wouldn’t we? We know you understand us better than anyone. You may get a reply in a period from 48 to 72 days, our staff is very busy but we certainly have you in our hearts. God bless America, Heil Trump, and we’ll make the free software communists build the wall and pay for it! Cheers.

nintendiator ,

I’m talking about exhausting the corpo and damaging their imag

All you’ll be exhausting is an AI. They’re using AIs now to write the DMCA requests, which actually does lead me to wonder if such takedown requests are even legal (an AI can’t, to my knowledge, legally represent the interests of a legal person). But the point is, if you’re thinking of “exhausting a corpo” you’re thinking it wrong.

nintendiator ,

Because you are not exhausting parts that actually get exhausted, nor that can actually get a harm to reputation in their industry due to association to the corpo. If you want to go after a corpo, you go after the employees, the physical facilities (they cost money and time to rebuild / migrate) and, if possible, the jobhunters.

nintendiator ,

That and the Gnome devs carry a lot of anti-consumer opinions and practices in particular since Gnome 3. Must be something to do with the Microsoft influence from around that time.

nintendiator ,

But hey, if you don’t like it, just don’t use it. It’s that easy.

Not when you are forced into it because it’s made a dependency of something you use.

nintendiator ,

Oh no I do when it comes to that. The problem’s (usually) not there.

The problem mostly lies with distro packagers. They often ignore the “this dependency is optional” part and make the dependency mandatory. Back in the day Fedora was terrible at packaging new stuff (trying to remove PulseAudio would also try to remove Libreoffice, for example), nowadays it seems it’s Debian’s turn at the horribad packaging wheel. So in order to “use an alternative”, which would actually be the exact same software I’m already using except correctly compiled and packaged, I’d have to jump distros.

One notorious example is NetworkManager, which in Debian requires systemd for some weird-ass reason even tho you can run a correct Debian system without systemd. The Antix people compile it correctly, with systemd as optional / shim’d, but that means having to add Antix’s repo to Debian to use NetworkManager in Debian.

Have you ever encountered a joke edit of a movie while sailing the high seas?

I have been thinking about the Cerveza Crista edit of Star Wars: A New Hope that sporadically splices in beer ads and the Toy Story 3 edit alternate ending where they fall into the incinerator and it made me wonder if people have come across these kind of joke versions, in full, in the wild....

nintendiator ,

Not sure if joke but I once found a The The Matrix Matrix (the The Matrix movie but entirely visualized as Matrix code) torrent.

nintendiator ,

Word, Rust shills are the most annoying and shitting of the programming language zealots I’ve seen since the Java Enterprise shilling of the early 200xs. WHat’s worse, their memes aren’t even good, unlike the JS memes.

nintendiator ,

But the problem is if piracy become too big, the corporation s will no longer have enough incentive to make the product/servixe at all,

Then let it not be corporations who create. In the end, it is artists who create. People were pretty fine create things in the 1050s, after or before the Arbitrary Christian Epoch, without big corpos around.

nintendiator ,

It is dangerous when the population of pirates to increase, because this will cause things and create domino effects which will put us at nash equilibrium due to more regulation of piracy and a crackdown of piracy,

Nuh-uh. DRM and draconian laws were already being passed own without piracy, or when piracy was at a low. This also falls into the fallacy that DRM and laws on that line are exclusively the result of piracy - they are not, they come from military / corporate authoritarianism, see for example the effects of 9/11 (the US one, not the Chilean one, although they do also are related in this respect).

tl;dr: Everyone benefits if more people pirate.

nintendiator ,

If morality is tied to law,

How cute how innocent you are.

nintendiator ,

Devil’s advocate: “If you copy it, the [original] owner doesn’t lose anything…”

They loose the right to distribute it or not distribute it to who they choose.

They already lost that right when they gave their product over to a licensor or distributor. Especially more in some industries such as book publishing.

nintendiator ,

Self-hosters are also subject to DMCA. Failure to comply runs the risk of being sued.

Not if the self-hoster is self-hosting out of DMCA jurisdiction. Also, not if the self-hoster can not be found (say, redirect your mailer to /dev/null).

nintendiator ,

In fact, files end up corrupted,

Backup often and check the backups.

data is improperly transferred

Backup often.

hard drives fail

Backup often.

formats change

Use an open format. For extra sure, make sure it doesn’t carry DRM.

work simply vanishes.

Uuuuh don’t be corrupt?

Like, really, it’s not like one’s asking too much.

nintendiator ,

A friend has a corollary for that: “Don’t attribute to stupidity when it can be attributed to capitalism”.

nintendiator ,

Not that it’s not but, with the prices of tech, what is the “profit” here? At least around where I live, $5 gets you a only barely-decent USB stick.

nintendiator ,

Eh, I’ve always felt these solutions are complementary, or supplementary, rather than a “versus”. Each one, in particular cases, covers gaps the others can’t cover. The only one that’s unneeded is Snap.

For example, I like Flatpak. I like that I can get software from an authorized hub, much like with a package manager. I like that the releases of the apps in the hub are mostly well documented.

But no matter how nice Flatpak seems to be, its overreliance on “portals” and “buses” and “seals” comes associated with trying to over-engineerize my system too much for its own good. Every app I have ever tried on Flatpak, for example, doesn’t support audio, apparently because I have the godly, eternal, battle-tested ALSA and not the manchild’s crap that is PulseAudio. But since apparently PulseAudio is the GNome / Microsoft approved way to do audio on Linux, I’m supposed expected to have it. What’s next? systemd-flatpakd?

OTOH, I picked up the AppImage for Freetube and not only do I get audio but it loads and runs noticeably faster than the Flatpak version. And since it’s an official release I know where can I trustably get an update from. Literally no downsides!

But I sure as hell am not going to go for an AppImage for an app from which I expect more integration with my desktop activity, such as say a code editor or an advanced image / model viewer. Not if I can help it. Because I am going to be expecting to be able to stuff like drag and drop, have a correct tray icon, etc.

So that means I have to keep an eye on both solutions.

Hey, at least I’m avoiding Snap!

Now if there’s an AppImage for Steam somewhere… maybe…

nintendiator ,

But their choices do impact other projects. I may not use Gnome, but the choices made on theming (or lack of) , for example, now also effect XFCE.

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