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gaterush , in Behold the mighty Spheramid!

Seems like John was trying to… cut some corners

Pinklink ,

Seriously, that seems like what this poster is actually promoting. Whoever made it/put it up in the office wasn’t working particularly intelligent that day

tryptaminev ,

No no you see, that was a smart manager, who wants to promote a can do attitude and later justify why his actions were justified, even though the public prosecutor had just had the office raided.

praise_idleness , in Communist Filth/Capitalist Filth

A communist nation that can really provide all that is as realistic as capitalistic utopia.

Grayox OP , avatar

Yeah that’s called late stage Communism, which we have never achieved as humanity. Late stage Capitalism is currently pushing more and more folks into dangerous housing situations like the bottom right quadrant of this meme. Capitalism and Utopia are oxymorons while Communism and Utopia are synonymous.

praise_idleness ,

Communism and your concept of utopia are synonymous. Communism and utopia are not synonymous.

Grayox OP , avatar

Call me old fashion but no one living on the streets and having their basic needs met sounds pretty utopian to me.

MeowZedong , avatar

They don’t call you old fashioned for that, they call you tankie. It’s because they’re mad that you don’t buy the bullshit they push. Look at all the claims they make about the USSR here while providing no evidence or context for the situations they claim people were living in.

They compare apples to oranges when it’s communism they are criticizing and stick their fingers in their ears while screaming when it comes to criticizing crapitalism.

GrapesOfAss ,

Ah yes because there was no one living on the streets, yes because a propaganda told me that it must be true.

I guess killing literal millions of your own citizens is better than being homeless, huh?

xerazal ,

There were still people that lived in the streets in the USSR. Also, the housing the USSR provided wasn’t really that… great… I watch a Russian YouTuber (NFKRZ) who has talked about Soviet architecture in not just Russia, but other former USSR countries and shows that yes it’s good they were built, they weren’t very well built.

The USSR had many problems, and bureaucracy was a big problem. I never understood why tankies love the USSR so much when the USSR didn’t truly get rid of class. Those in the government lived like kings compared to the common man, who yes lived better than they had before but still not that well due to the bloated and mismanagement of the government.

Idk, the fact that they even had a centralized government like that seems like… the opposite of communism to me.

cecinestpasunbot , (edited )

I think what people don’t fully understand is that Marxism is meant to be scientific. That means that there will likely be many imperfect and failed attempts at building a socialist society before one comes along that is stable enough to outlast outside interference from capitalist states.

As such, most people I know who like the USSR are also it’s biggest critiques. Unfortunately, there is so much misinformation about the USSR that most discussions about it online are just about delineating truth from propaganda.

probablyaCat ,

Yeah those soviets sure got rid of the homeless problem. Can't be homeless when you were intentionally starved to death.

xor ,

The USSR and communism are separate things

Grayox OP , avatar

Slaps Table Thank You!!

onion ,

In what communist country was housing a problem?

SloganLessons , avatar

This is a trick question, the real answer is that there weren’t real communist countries

Guildo ,

That’s true.

DeLift ,

No true communists

TheSanSabaSongbird ,

It’s the final refuge for tankies. That and the old “social democracy only works by exploiting the global south” canard.

OurToothbrush ,

“social democracy only works by exploiting the global south” canard.

Yeah, I could see finding this unconvincing if you haven’t read theory, history, or were just cool with benefiting from imperialism

praise_idleness ,

I mean even in the case of USSR they had to wait for more than a decade to actually get a livable apartment, not to mention severe lack of infrastructure…

But of course, better than people just kicked out to the streets. But then again, less is not none. The housing situation definitely didn’t do USSR’s overall economic status any favor.

People at least had somewhere to go

that’s just moving the goal post, isn’t it?

drmoose ,

Soviet Union? It was uncommon for a family of 6 to live in a small apartment. You can even see it in old soviet movies where apartments would be separated by curtains (common comedy trope).

probablyaCat ,

I'm sure there were extra houses after all those people that starved to death.

Grayox OP , avatar

In Communist countries people starve to death because of famine, in Capitalist countries people also strave to death because of famine while still starving to death after famines are over because they cant afford groceries.

SilentStorms ,

Not a tankie, but the USSR had mostly solved this problem, despite all its other issues. There did exist some homelessness, but nowhere near the extent of current USA.

pelya ,

Sure, you could get a piece of land in Siberian tundra at any time, I would not call that housing.

Moving to a city was way more complicated than in capitalist US. You could not simply buy an apartment. You had to be allocated an apartment by the government. And you needed connections for that. Or bribes. Ideally both. If you think your local rabid Republicans do not care for little wage slave men, you never experienced USSR, it was like that but 100x worse.

Starglasses ,

Seems like you have to have strong connections through networking. Sounds familiar.

pelya ,

Yup. And networking would inevitably involve vodka. All major decisions would eventually involve vodka in USSR.

Grayox OP , avatar

One of Stalin’s failures almost any tankie won’t deny.

AngryCommieKender ,

Vodka had been linked to the Russian economy under multiple Czars. I’m not sure that Stalin could have separated the two even if he had wanted to. Admittedly it doesn’t appear that he wanted to.

I’m pretty sure that the USSR was screwed the moment that Lenin returned from exile in Germany, or when Wilson was elected. Take your pick.

The Menchaviks would have been a better government.

Grayox OP , avatar

I just find it ironic that Stalin was everything that the party worried about Trotsky becoming.

OurToothbrush ,

The mechaviks literally wanted to continue ww1 and have a psuedo democracy where the bourgeoisie were literally guaranteed a majority of seats, wtf are you talking about?

AngryCommieKender ,

I wasn’t aware of that. I was under the impression they were less extreme than the Bolsheviks, and didn’t want to execute everyone that wasn’t a hard core Bolshevik

OurToothbrush , (edited )

They were more extreme than the bolseviks but less extreme than the monarchists, they were just on the side of capitalists so were painted with a nicer brush by capitalist historians

AngryCommieKender ,

Gotcha, that explains why the sources I have read, showed them as favorable to the Menchaviks

juchenecromancer ,

Bro got his history lessons from OverSimplified

Stalins_Spoon ,

If you got a new job in a different city, they gave you a new flat, at least in Romania

Mercival ,

Well, I’m from a post-USSR country and a substantial part of this was the criminalization of homelessness. Can’t have homeless people, if you lock them up (be it in a prison or asylum).

Then again, just about anyone, who did not conform to the party’s message got locked up. Getting your place bugged at the slightest hint you might be up to something disagreeable and all that good stuff. The secret police could disappear and or beat you up without any real justification.

I hate late-stage capitalism as much as you, but coming from a country that’s been through this, I am extremely reluctant to give the rotten and frankly repugnant USSR regime any credit.

Klear ,

The real communist solution to homelessness was to put them in jails. True story.

Grayox OP , avatar
probablyaCat ,

Woohoo both systems suck. You can actually believe that just because one system is bad, what is considered the opposite is also bad. Marx was not some omniscient doctor manhattan. He had some ideas. Some were good critiques on capitalist culture. Others were fantasy that do not function in the real world.

Grayox OP , avatar

Notice how the folks arguing in favor of Communism have sources and receipts, while the folks arguing against it have done nothing but regurgitated Capitalist propaganda. Also note folks who are opposed to Communism and Marx’s philosophy are always forced to admit that it only works on paper, because his logic is irrefutable if you address it with a modicum of intellectual honesty…

Waluigis_Talking_Buttplug ,

You link stuff, but ignore the actual accounts of human beings who fucking lived it.

Grayox OP , avatar

Bruh, almost every old person I’ve heard talk about Communism that lived under it talks about it fondly. Lmao

Waluigis_Talking_Buttplug ,

Doubt that very much, liar

Grayox OP , avatar

Bruh there is a reason Putin is framing his imperialist ideations as a revival of the USSR. Also I’ve watched a shit ton of bald and bankrupt videos where all the old people he talks to go on and on about how times were better under the Soviet governments. Facts dont care about your feelings

andrew_bidlaw ,

You know, it’s a universal thing. That’s what MAGA is about, that’s what Hitler pushed. Glorifying distant past no one really remembers, reinventing it, it’s fucked up, especially if it’s promoted via selective parts of it. You can’t use political stunts as a proof of anything. They sell you dreams because they can’t show something real, they can’t show important systemic improvements. In times of fuck ups, they show you that billboard, shining so bright it’s blinding, while bread prices climb 2-3x to what they were a decade ago. And people indulge in that constructed feeling of it being better before, while government can do whatever they want.

Stalins_Spoon ,

If you had free healthcare, education, housing, and a stable job in the USSR, watching it all evaporate is bound to draw up some nostalgia

AdmiralShat ,

Yeah if any of that actually happened, but it didn’t.

SailorMoss ,

Ok, how about people currently living through communism? 83% of Chinese people believe they live in a democracy, more than in the US. Chinese citizens are on average around 4 times wealthier than their parents. Millennials are the first generation in US history to be poorer than their parents. Most of the wealth in the US is held by boomers who lived through the tail end of new deal social democracy.

Do you also disregard these accounts by people who are currently living through communism? Or will you move the goal post again?

TheSanSabaSongbird ,

There is a reason, it’s just not the one you think. Hint; it’s about empire, not communism.

cecinestpasunbot ,

Things got much worse for most citizens of the USSR after it collapsed and state industry was privatized. Life expectancy dropped pretty severely. It shouldn’t be surpassing that anyone who suffered under that economic collapse would tell you the USSR was better.

Historical_General ,

Why are you so aggressive man?

Mercival ,

I have a whole fucking family, who lived through the USSR. Not a single one of them misses it. Being spied on every step you take, my grandma has the “you never know who’s watching” mentality to this day.

That’s not to say they don’t hate the current regime, but it’s nothing compared to the absolute atrocities of the USSR’s secret police.

juchenecromancer ,

A family of nazis/slaveowners is one that deserves to be spied on

Mercival ,

Ex-fucking-cuse me?

probablyaCat ,
Waluigis_Talking_Buttplug ,

Yeah but some guy I once met had a grandpa who lived in Europe for a year, he said Russia was great

Grayox OP , (edited ) avatar
GrapesOfAss ,

Dude this is pure what aboutism

You’re claiming communism is so great and when presented with links you just go “WELL WHAT ABOUT ALL THIS HUH” and then completely ignore the above. It’s ridiculous. Actual text book definition of what about ism. Seriously stop and think for yourself for two seconds without restarting to this tribal shit slinging mentality.

Yeah, capitalism is bad, we live in it, we can see that happening around us, but you’re eating literal propaganda about communism and ignoring actual verifiable evidence. This isn’t a capitalism vs communism debate, there are more than two fucking systems you smooth brain chud

Grayox OP , avatar

So what’s your solution? And what verifiable evidence are you talking about?

Omega_Haxors ,

Love how all your sources are NATOpedia and all their sources are actual sources.

OurToothbrush ,

The holodomor narrative surrounding the ussr wide famine of 32-33 was literal nazi propaganda from open nazi collaborators and was used as a justification for the mass murder of jews in Eastern Europe during the holocaust.

It was debunked in the literal 1930s in the US and now it re-emerges like a zombie during an era where fascism is on the rise. Even anticommunist academics like Applebaum, Davies, and Conquest say it wasn’t a genocide.

probablyaCat ,

What a crock of shit. Practically every historian says it was caused by soviet policy. The only debate that occurs if whether it was due to stupidity or intentional genocide.





I could keep going. Gonna tell me how the Holocaust was a lie too?

OurToothbrush , (edited )

Literally none of your sources definitively claim it was a genocide except the university of Minnesota one which cites Davies and Applebaum who later says it wasn’t.

Also lol, you use Wikipedia, a random university of Minnesota webpage, KellogInsight, and I dont even know where you got your last source but it literally cites Wheatcroft and Davies amongst others who do not argue it was a genocide after examining the soviet archives.

Gonna tell me how the Holocaust was a lie too?

No, the holocaust is a well documented historical fact, unlike the holodomor. The soviet wide famine of 1932 and 33 is a well documented historical fact, it is also not considered a genocide by mainstream anticommunist historians, who argue to what extent soviet policies and which policies worsened the famine.

Also ironic that you ask “do you also deny the holocaust” given the holodomor myth was used as justification to kill Jewish people during the holocaust and was later used as justification for collaboration with the holocaust.

Here is a well respected Jewish historian and activist on it:

SaakoPaahtaa ,

Wow the lengths commies go to deny actual genocide.

We all know communism is an ideology strictly for the uneducated and violent, why try so hard to make it seem like something else? The countless sexual and ethnic minorities murdered by communism due to its inherent hateful nature is something only the nazis on the other end of the fascism-spectrum rivaled.

OurToothbrush ,

The lengths liberals will to go to buy into fascist atrocity propaganda that was used as justification for the mass slaughter of Jewish people by nazis and nazi collaborators

The countless sexual and ethnic minorities murdered by communism due to its inherent hateful nature is something only the nazis on the other end of the fascism-spectrum rivaled.

You’re literally doing fascist propaganda. Here is a liberal Jewish holocaust historian and activist writing on it:

SaakoPaahtaa ,

Fascists kill minorities, wow, who would’ve thought. It’s amazing how many commies pretend to label themselves as anti racist and pro trans rights, yet just so happen to advocate for an ideology based on murdering people on the basis of their ethnicity and sexual/gender orientation. Coincidence don’t you think?

OurToothbrush ,

Communist countries have historically been less violent to minorities than bourgeois democracies.

Also read the fucking Jewish holocaust scholar’s writing and absorb it for a second.

SaakoPaahtaa ,

Communist countries have historically been less violent to minorities than bourgeois democracies.

This is simply not true. Every communist regime in history has started off with a systematic slaughter of minorities.

OurToothbrush ,

Started off? Which minority was slaughtered in Cuba? What about Korea? How about Afghanistan? China? Vietnam? The USSR? I mean at the start. The USSR did do some legitimately bad things to minorities (particularly German, polish, and Korean) in the lead up to and during ww2) but that was later on and those paled in comparison to the crimes of their capitalist contemporaries.

I think you’re talking out your ass.

SaakoPaahtaa ,

Please read upon actual history before pretending to know any of it. Every nation you mentioned slaughtered their minorities, it is intrinsic to the ideology, a core foundation. Communism without unchecked violence, aggression and ethnic cleansing isn’t communism.

Also loving the token Whataboutism™ at the end, sign of a true tankie lmao, y-y-yes all communist nations have cleaned off their trans folk b-b-but there are some liberal nations too that did it, even though liberalism is the only ideology that has the capability to support a non-violent society lmao get fucked transphobe.

OurToothbrush , (edited )

Please read upon actual history before pretending to know any of it.

Could you give me a recommendation on history books that go over the slaughter of minorities in Cuba, Vietnam, and Korea then? Since you know so much about it.

Oh, that is what I thought. Have you considered actually talking to Cubans, either people who live there or cuban immigrants who arent aggrieved about their grandpa’s plantation?

Communism without unchecked violence, aggression and ethnic cleansing isn’t communism.

Fuck I gotta tell my local commune that they aren’t really communist

Also loving the token Whataboutism™

Fallacy fallacy. If we are judging ideologies on how many atrocities they commit, you have to judge them against other ideologies.

even though liberalism is the only ideology that has the capability to support a non-violent society

Lol 20 million people die a year of starvation or lack of clean water under liberal hegemony.

The archetypal liberal state shoots thousands of black men a year, and creates conditions that mean 40 percent of homeless youth are lgbt. It has the largest prison system in history, and has killed millions of civilians in wars of aggression over the last 20 years. You’re projecting the crimes of capitalism onto communism, consider criticizing communism for what it actually did wrong.

praise_idleness ,

No one is going to deny that making perpetual motion device is good. How are you going to do that?

Do you have source and receipts for real life communism solving housing problem? Not being better than capitalism. Solving. Being better than capitalism is kinda low bar you know. There are plenty of other things that real life capitalism does better than real life communism, hence communism failure. No one is going to show up with receipts and sources because obvious.

You show us tents as a capitalist solution. That’s not a capitalist solution. That’s the problem itself. You’re misleading.

because his logic is irrefutable if you address it with a modicum of intellectual honesty…

Can you at least try to sound less douche about things?

Grayox OP , avatar

The joke is that Capitalism DOES NOT have a solution to homelessness because there is zero profit motive to solve it. And facts dont care about your feelngs, you cant refute Marx’s philosophy while being intellectual honest. Capitalist Economists study Das Kapital because Marx was so fucking spot on.

praise_idleness ,

Yes, that’s why there is no pure capitalist country anywhere.

you cant refute Marx’s philosophy while being intellectual honest.

Why are you keep doing this? I said I don’t disagree with Marx. It’d be nice if communism can happen. Facts don’t care about your feelings either and all the shitty attemps of communism failed due to human being shitty. If you have to kill off people to keep the ideology, only to fail after about few decades, it has some reality problems.

And again, I cannot stress this enough, can you please stop sounding like a 16 year old kid who just read few paragraphs of Marx going iamverysmart about it?

cecinestpasunbot ,

The existence of state run social services and regulations does not mean a country is not fully capitalist if you’re using Marx’s understanding of what capitalism is. Additionally I think there is a misconception that communism depends on altruistic behavior. It really doesn’t.

WhiteHawk ,

No need to refute Marx, reality has already proven time and time again that communism doesn’t work in practice.

Btw your argument only applies to “pure” capitalism, without any government interference. Homelessness is not really an issue in many European countries.

Grayox OP , avatar

You mean the reality where every 1st world nation on the planet did everything in their power to keep Communism from working. Bahahaha

WhiteHawk ,

Didn’t take much to stop a system dreamed up by idealists and idiots from working. The very concept is flawed.

cecinestpasunbot , (edited )

Tell me you haven’t read Marx without telling me you haven’t read Marx.

Seriously though, Marx is like the guy you go read if you want a ruthless critique of idealism. I’d go so far as to say it’s the reason his theories became so popular in the first place.

WhiteHawk ,

Who cared about Marx? He wrote a book. He didn’t lead a country. Nobody cares about theories when they don’t hold up in practice. And they never have.

cecinestpasunbot ,

You’re right, nobody has ever cared about Marx. No communist revolutionaries anywhere have ever called themselves Marxists. If they did, then their projects must have surely collapsed by now. That’s because Marx was very clear that his political theories were not made to be adaptable or revisable based on new information and changing conditions. No, that would be far too scientific for someone we can agree was clearly an idealist.

yogthos , avatar

It’s funny how upset it makes people when you point out the elephant in the room.

Grayox OP , avatar


Waluigis_Talking_Buttplug ,

As someone who has been homeless before, I’ve never been arrested for it.

Klear ,

So what? America is a shithole, that’s nothing new.

bennieandthez , avatar

Typical projection 😂

RQG , in ‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens avatar

As an outsider it seems absolutely weird that the US as a country seems to have accepted people getting shot by other regular people daily as normal.

UltraMagnus0001 ,

Oprah Winfrey once said, everybody gets a gun, you get a gun, you get a gun, we all get a gun.

OprahsedCreature ,


Chetzemoka ,

Actual regular people haven’t accepted it as normal. Fascists in our country continue to hamstring any efforts to fix the situation because they want the rest of us to keep being reminded that the fascists can and will murder us at will. Standard issue stochastic terrorism.

rjs001 , avatar

What efforts have genuinely been made that wouldn’t have resulted in strengthening of the police over the average person and the working class?

Chetzemoka ,

Oh right, cause you totally have the power to use a gun against a corrupt cop under our current laws lmao. Just another delusional use

rjs001 , avatar

Because a machete is more effective? Historically the best ways to defeat the oppressor has been purposefully using obsolete weapons.

gizmonicus ,

As an American, I think the moment I said “which one” when asked if I had heard about the mass shooting in wherever it was I can’t even remember now, that was when I realized how fucked our gun policies are.

Uniquitous ,

What else is there to do but accept it? It isn’t like our politicians have the will to do anything about it. Peaceful protest falls on deaf ears. The gun crazies would gladly die in a blaze of glory rather than be disarmed. The country is awash in guns and ammunition. So please do tell, oh wise outsider, what the hell a normal person is supposed to do about it?

RQG , avatar

Peaceful protests? There are less peaceful protests for gun control than shootings. Maybe start there.

But I agree the US seems beyond screwed in that regard. NRA is too powerful, the two party system is stuck on the far right and society is divided into extremist views by propaganda and social media.

So maybe leave the country? That’s what I’d do I think.

Uniquitous ,

There are fewer protests these days because people are catching on that they don’t accomplish dick. As to leaving, people have families. Not just their immediate family but think aunts, uncles, cousins. It’s not trivial to leave all that behind and move somewhere where you know no one and have no support structure, and maybe you don’t even speak the language. And to even consider it, you’ve got to have the time and money to expend on moving, and your destination country has to agree to let you in. It’s not a simple undertaking.

RQG , (edited ) avatar

It’s not simple at all, I absolutely agree. And leaving family behind sucks. On the other hand I know several people who left Europe and moved to Australia and Canada for example. It can work even though it won’t be easy for everyone involved. But if the alternative is having my kids get shot at school I’d still try. Plus all the social security that’s missing in the US would probably make other countries more attractive to me too.

Uniquitous ,

That’s fair. I’d probably be a lot more motivated to leave if I had kids to think about.

rjs001 , avatar

The alternative of having your kids shot is incredibly rare. If you wanted to complain about danger for your kids in the US, I would critique the crazy danger of cars and driving here rather than these absolutely rare school shootings

Malfeasant ,

Thisthisthis. I have kids, I’m not at all worried about them getting shot, sure it’s “possible” but it’s just so improbable that it’s not something I even think about. But holy shit, the way people drive in my neighborhood, I’ll be a nervous wreck when my kids start walking or biking to the park by themselves…

rjs001 , avatar

And pray tell, what would so called gun control do besides strength the oppressor cops? The people would lose any power they have if the corrupt cops were the only ones with weapons.

sadie_sorceress ,

My kids’ school recently had an active shooter drill like we used to do fire drills when I was a kid. They said they all had hiding spots to go to and they thought it was pretty scary. They’re in elementary school. It’s definitely not normal that instead of doing something about the guns we have to teach kids to hide from gunmen because that’s just a legit possibility now.

Stumblinbear , avatar

I had those a decade+ ago when I was in school

jaschen ,

My friend’s daughter is in elementary school and an active shooter came into the school. Nobody died, but later he bought her a bulletproof backpack designed for AR-15 rounds (223). But the backpack was so heavy she couldn’t carry books in it. So instead he opted for handgun rounds protection, which isn’t ideal but it’s something.

bennieandthez , avatar

Solidarity is not part of the common sense of the people of US.

TheSanSabaSongbird ,

You shouldn’t be surprised. It’s caused by the same bad actors who are responsible for most of the ways in which the US is an outlier vs its so-called peer democracies.

Dubious_Fart , in Lemmy might, MIGHT have a small bias towards the left

I think you will find any place thats well moderated and cracks down on bigotry and hatespeech will skew left.

Weird how that is, huh?

pythonoob ,

Well spoken, dubious fart.

drekly , in Priorities!

Oh no my $20 for a lifetime purchase of removing ads from an app I’ve enjoyed using for like a decade. 🥱

kenbw2 ,

I think the point of the post is ain’t nobody donating $20 to the Lemmy platform or host or other apps

mp3 , avatar

My instance doesn’t take donations at the moment. I’ll definitely contribute once there’s something.

DmMacniel ,

same as well.

9point6 ,

I’m signed up the patreon for mine, they’re gonna get more than $20 over time

grte ,

My instance shut down donos because they were bringing in way more than they needed and are sitting on years of server costs at current usage. I was donating when they were open, though.

Coehl , avatar

You’re awesome

ShustOne ,

This meme implies that Sync is taking all the donations though. The people donating to Sync didn’t stop donating to Lemmy to do so

gkd , avatar

Yea this is the thing I keep saying. Who cares about if you’re paying $20 for an app if that’s what you want to do. Just remember to help out the instances who are running things to make that app work. I think a lot of people realize this and that’s great, but I’m sure some people also don’t. So, instead of circlejerking about Sync being $20, it would have been better for make one or two posts days ago with that reminder and leave it be. Instead, we see the circlejerk continuing days later.

grrgyle ,

I agree. Although I was surprised that my insurance rejected all forms of donation. It’s pretty small, though.

ethLabsAlpha ,

A new platform like Lemmy needs to establish trust and reliability for a certain time period before it can expect people to give back something. Something that the Sync developer has established already for a decade now.

Assuming that Lemmy continues to flourish well, I will be perfectly happy to donate to Lemmy, in fact I’m quite sure that in the long run I’ll donate a lot more to Lemmy than the one time purchase cost of Sync.

Iamdanno ,

I agree. As an immigrant from reddit, I have noticed a lot of server instability. It doesn’t give me a warm fuzzy feeling about the future of Lemmy.

ArmokGoB ,

Just like the lifetime purchase I made for Sync for Reddit, right?

drekly ,

I mean, take that up with Reddit. Hopefully, lemmy doesn’t somehow stop people from using apps.

Besides I’m happy to pay for the development costs of him porting the entire thing to use lemmy instead super fast, whilst being really responsive to any issues and questions. Of the 5 apps on my phone, sync feels the best to me so I’m cool supporting it.

Jackcooper ,

Sir that’s not your $20, that’s ops money to decide what you do with it

Cjwii ,

Here take the last of my reddit gold 🪙

STUPIDVIPGUY , in Is this what people think about Tor browser?

personally I don’t care if google knows about my femboy hentai I just don’t want it popping up in my search whenever i type “f”

Lunachocken ,

Press f to pay respects…wait what’s that…

shalafi ,

Back in 2002 my manager was hosting his own little site on his home webserver. Shared it with all of us, and the company’s managers who were our sole source of income.

“So Jay, the Google search widget is pretty cool, but when I stary to type “a”, “Angelina Jolie porn” comes in the results. Who all you share this with?”

“Oh shit! Are you fucking serious?!”

Gonzako ,

What about: fornicating men in a feminine fashion

Th3D3k0y ,

I’ll suggest the same thing I always suggest:

Pick a favorite browser to use for every day

Pick least favorite browser for porn Set up least favorite browser to remove cache, cookies, history, everything on close

That way you can safely F without search suggestions

flashgnash ,

Or you could just use private mode, profiles, sandboxed browser etc

30p87 ,

At least e621 isn’t an obvious name

incompetentboob , in Do yourself a favor

Coleslaw is fucking awesome you godless piece of shit.

Track_Shovel OP ,

I can tell a lot about you from that statement.

You like pineapple on pizza.

You once played seven minutes in heaven…with your cousin

You know two facts about ducks, and they are both wrong.

incompetentboob ,

Are you a wizard? How did you know? It’s like you peered into my soul.

Track_Shovel OP ,

Yes, but that’s not a wand in my pocket.

saltesc ,

I hope it’s not a dick. Why all these people that keep a dick in their pocket?

jballs , avatar

A duck’s quack does not echo. A duck weighs the same as a witch.

Tyfud ,

That’s just one fact though. I’m pretty sure they debunked the no echo bit.

mindbleach ,

All we know is, he’s incompetentboob.

southsamurai , avatar

Wait, isn’t seven minutes with your cousin in the dark the definition of heaven?

Also. What duck?

SeeMinusMinus , avatar

Everyone here seems to either really like coleslaw or completely hate it. I am on team coleslaw yum: the only correct option.

TheFriar ,

Fuck coleslaw.

Raw cabbage or nothing. Hget your mayo off my cabbage.

JoYo , avatar

you can make coleslaw with salt and vinegar. if youre not salting your veggies then you might be a rabbit.

Sombyr , avatar
Gestrid ,

That’s an oddly specific video, and I enjoyed every second of it. XD

magnetosphere , in What the hell is going on at Wikipedia? avatar

I was curious about this, so I went looking. It isn’t vandalism, and no, you can’t find this on the calzone page, which is what I checked first. It’s on the -ussy page, which is about LGBT slang.

For those of you who are wondering, here’s the citation: 1. Squires, Bethy (January 26, 2022). "We Asked Linguists Why People Are Adding -Ussy to Every Word". Vulture. Retrieved January 13, 2023.

henfredemars ,

Thank you for saving me the effort to do which I’m too lazy to do myself.

agamemnonymous , avatar

American Dialect Society’s 2022 Word of the Year

ZILtoid1991 , avatar

I propose a new term, "autussy", which means "autistic pussy".

akariii ,

I don’t know why I first thought of autum pussy

ZILtoid1991 , avatar

Lucky for you, the term "autistic girl autumn" does exist.

tryagain ,

Autistic queefing

Frozengyro ,

Why are weussy adding it? Cause it’s funny AF!

MossyFeathers , in just wait, it could get worse....

Remember when Y2K was going to potentially end the world, but it didn’t thanks to experts working 'round the clock?

Remember when corporations turned around and got pissy because Y2K was successfully avoided, claiming that it was all a big hoax?

Remember how it’s now taught in some places that Y2K was a hoax and you can’t trust experts?

No wonder the world struggled with COVID.

FuntyMcCraiger ,

It cost like half a trillion dollars to avert the issues of Y2K. A lot of people don’t realize how much of an issue it was.

bobs_monkey ,

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. I can see the same thing happening with climate change; say we successfully avert it, you’ll have all the lunatics on saying, “see?? There was nothing to worry about, we stressed and struggled for nothing!!1!”

unconsciousvoidling ,

Oh you know they will. It’s a guarantee… and I hope that winds up being the case because the alternative is a nightmare come true.

thorbot ,

It’s been the reality for many years my friend

Scrof ,

That’s the one thing we can’t avert, only adapt to and mitigate. The time to avert was half a century earlier.

gamermanh , avatar

Literally already done with the hole in the ozone layer

irmoz , (edited )

It’s too late to wish for that. We’ve already emitted too much, and didn’t slow enough in time to avert catastrophic climate change. We will likely live through it, but we’ll suffer. And those in poorer, hotter countries will die en masse. Wars will likely happen as refugees flee countries now made inhospitable. Fascism will rise as richer countries, more able to weather the storms, become insular and focus on domestic issues to the detriment of the aforementioned refugees. Perhaps revolutions will happen. Extreme heatwaves, hurricanes, tsunamis, will threaten coastal and tropical cities, and island nations in particular, but even cooler countries will be stricken with fatal heatwaves, just less often.

None of this is “if” we miss some target. We already missed it. It is already set in stone. We can only do our best to ensure it doesn’t get even worse than that. That’s still not the worst possible outcome.

Sternout ,

Damn we made the air breathable, the rivers clean and the animals happy for no reason

someguy3 ,

2 digit years can’t melt mainframe computers. (/s)

kryptonianCodeMonkey ,

Same thing with the hole in the Ozone layer. People think it was never a problem because we don’t hear about it anymore, not realizing the issue has been mitigated and is recovering as we took concerted efforts to understand the cause and fix it before it became a disastrous situation.

Fun fact, pandemics can be addressed in a similar manner. With plenty of resources and scientific collaboration, potential pandemics can be identified, risks and remedies can be researched, and then policies can be put into place to prevent them from rising to the level of a pandemic in the first place. The problem is that people generally don’t see that a pandemic was prevented, only when they fail to be prevented. Also preventing them takes money, and requires policies that can temporarily negatively affect economies. Those things are mortal sins to conservatives and libertarians. So they dismantle programs that already exist or cut their funding to make them as useless as they believe them to be. Then the worst happens and they get to point at the program that failed and use that to justify never spending money on it again. Yaaaaaaaaay!

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

The reason Y2K wasn't a big deal was through the efforts of software developers and the only recognition they got was the movie Office Space.

rockSlayer ,

Tbf every kid entering the workforce should have to watch office space and handed a red card for the IWW

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

Fuckin' A

Whelks_chance ,

And their choice of an office printer to go ham on

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

And a red Swingline stapler

idiomaddict ,

Office space is great, to be fair

dingus , avatar

Are you ready to go through it again soon?

The year 2038 problem (also known as Y2038, Y2K38, Y2K38 superbug or the Epochalypse) is a time formatting bug in computer systems that represent times after the time 03:14:07 UTC on 19 January 2038.

The problem exists in systems which measure Unix time – the number of seconds elapsed since the Unix epoch (00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970) – and store it in a signed 32-bit integer. The data type is only capable of representing integers between −(231) and 231 − 1, meaning the latest time that can be properly encoded is 231 − 1 seconds after epoch (03:14:07 UTC on 19 January 2038). Attempting to increment to the following second (03:14:08) will cause the integer to overflow, setting its value to −(231) which systems will interpret as 231 seconds before epoch (20:45:52 UTC on 13 December 1901). The problem is similar in nature to the year 2000 problem.

A lot of old PC hardware simply couldn’t scale to modern needs. On the plus side, things like virtualization and 64-bit architecture are helping solve issues like this.

papelitofeliz ,

I’ll just take a sabbatical on 2037

drcobaltjedi ,

We actually recently lived through some of the work arounds for Y2K causing issues again. Look up the Y2020 issue. A lot of the fixes for Y2K only pushed the problem out 20 years.

Appoxo , avatar

Afaik the Nintendo3DS also had 2038 as it’s max calendar year.

shalafi ,

Imma need a source on that one.

MossyFeathers ,

On which part? When it comes to Y2K being a real problem, my dad was working at PepsiCo at the time. He had to spend a lot of time and effort upgrading or replacing a lot of their systems because they would have stopped working and/or had major database issues if the time bug hadn’t been fixed. On top of that, a lot of backend systems were (and probably still are) designed to be running 24/7. The result is that it can take a while to get systems back online if one of them goes down unexpectedly. If all of the systems had gone down at the same time, it would have likely resulted in a catastrophic failure that could have bankrupted the company.

From the standpoint of corporations spreading misinformation about Y2K, I don’t have any concrete specifics, however my dad’s mentioned that his manager afterwards had warned the team he was on that there were grumblings from upper management and executives about Y2K preparations being a waste of money. Afaik nothing ever came of it inside the company (or if it did, it didn’t effect my dad), but it seems odd how easily the “Y2K was a hoax” conspiracy theory took off (I’m almost certain I’ve read a few articles about CEOs spreading misinformation about it shortly after the event, however I haven’t been able to find anything with a quick Google search).

As for Y2K being taught as a hoax… look around you. How many people do you think believe it was a hoax? Whenever I hear about it come up, it’s people ridiculing the “doomsday cult” that was pushing for corporate and government entities to fix the bug and how unnecessary it supposedly was. Someone is teaching them that, whether it’s formal education or informally via peers or the internet.

shalafi ,

I worked Y2K mitigation. Remember it well! But I’ve never read a single article or comment scoffing at the notion.

Sure, at the time people laughed it off, but 20-years later I feel our disaster prevention efforts are well understood.

LOL, we must run in different circles.

Lepsea ,

Working as an engineer in a corporation is weird. Do your job so well that it all works seamlessly? The “management” will ask you what you are doing because there’s no problem to fix so no pay raise. You have to work bare minimum so everything can break so this “management” people know that you’re “working”

Spudwart ,

If we don’t obliterate ourselves by 2032, then I highly suspect nothing will be done about the 32bit rollover time issue as it becomes politicized, nothing will get fixed and literally the solution is to add another 32 bits in front of the existing 32 bits.

Jeredin , in You’ll be back…

Honestly, that’s fine - Lemmy is now a known alternative and best of all, has time to grow more naturally and be better situated for the next eventual migration (I’m a Reddit migrant myself).

Polydextrous ,

Not to mention, I spend way less time mindlessly browsing lemmy—Reddit was like a compulsion. To the point that, when I knew I was leaving July, I was actually getting worried about my ability to do so. I never want to feel that way about another app. I get on lemmy, I browse around for a bit, but I don’t feel the utter need to keep scrolling. Some stuff interests me, some doesn’t…but the stuff that doesn’t is usually relevant to someone in my life. So I send it to them, and sometimes these are people I don’t typically talk to regularly.

All in all, lemmy has been a net positive in my life. I still get the app I can scroll when I’m looking to kill time, I can still write about stuff I care about, I can interact with other people…it’s the perfect balance for me. I don’t need that “everything all the time” shit. In fact, I’ve been trying to pull away from that entirely baseless desire in my life, which is nothing but a capitalist mindset. We don’t need everything. I don’t want to think I want everything.

SubArcticTundra , avatar

Lemmy still has the natural limit of content being posted to the platform at a slower rate than you browse them.

Polydextrous ,

Oh, that’s not my experience. Every time I log in I’m seeing new content. I’m seeing a few of the posts from my previous log on, but I’m never logging on and seeing only the same shit.

SubArcticTundra , avatar

Oh interesting, I kept seeing the same stuff so I had to change my sort on All to Top(6hrs). I open the app quite frequently though so we might be different

Polydextrous ,

Yeah, I feel like I open mine twice, maybe three times/day.

LetMeEatCake , in AMD has been taking so many W's, they're just giving them away

GPU prices being affordable is definitely not a priority of AMD’s. They price everything to be barely competitive with the Nvidia equivalent. 10-15% cheaper for comparable raster performance but far worse RT performance and no DLSS.

Which is odd because back when AMD was in a similar performance deficit on the CPU front (Zen 1, Zen+, and Zen 2), AMD had absolutely no qualms or (public) reservations about pricing their CPUs where they needed to be. They were the value kings on that front, which is exactly what they needed to be at the time. They need that with GPUs and just refuse to go there. They follow Nvidia’s pricing lead.

dingus , avatar

Corporations are not our friends. 🤷‍♂️

LetMeEatCake ,

I agree, it’s just strange from a business perspective too. Obviously the people in charge of AMD feel that this is the correct course of action, but they’ve been losing ground for years and years in the GPU space. At least as an outside observer this approach is not serving them well for GPU. Pricing more aggressively today will hurt their margins temporarily but with such a mindshare dominated market they need to start to grow their marketshare early. They need people to use their shit and realize it’s fine. They did it with CPUs…

justsomeguy345 ,

something many people overlook is how intertwined nvidia, intel and amd are. not only does the personnel routinely switch between those companies but they also have the same top share holders. there’s no natural competition between them. it’s like a choreograhped light saber fight where all of them are swinging but none seem to have any intention to hit flesh. a show to make sure nobody says the m word.

tryagain ,


Serinus ,

They’re cycling out the old curse words. The Carlin ones are now fine. The new list is:

  • Monopoly
  • Union
  • Rights
  • Child labor
the_post_of_tom_joad ,

Put em all together and we’re getting “murc’d”

bassomitron , (edited )

100%. Outside of brand loyalty, I just simply don’t see any reason to buy AMD’s higher tier GPUs over Nvidia right now. And that’s coming from a long, long time AMD fan.

Sure, their raster performance is comparable at times, but almost never actually beats out similar tiers from Nvidia. And regardless, DLSS virtually nullifies that, especially since the vast majority of games for the last 4 years or so now support it. So I genuinely don’t understand AMD trying to price similarly to Nvidia. Their high end cards are inferior in almost every objective metric that matters to the majority of users, yet still ask for $1k for their flagship GPU.

Sorry for the tangent, I just wish AMD would focus on their core demographic of users. They have phenomenal CPUs and middling GPUs, so target your demographics accordingly, i.e. good value budget and mid-tier GPUs. They had that market segment on complete lockdown during the RX 580 era, I wish they’d return to that. Hell, they figured it out with their console APUs. PS5/XSX are crazy good value. Maybe their next generation will shift that way in their PC segment.

LetMeEatCake ,

It’s especially egregious with high end GPUs. Anyone paying >$500 for a GPU is someone that wants to enable ray tracing, let alone at a $1000. I don’t get what AMD is thinking at these price points.

FSR being an open feature is great in many ways but long-term its hardware agnostic approach is harming AMD. They need hardware accelerated upscaling like Nvidia and even Intel. Give it some stupid name similar name (Enhanced FSR or whatever) and make it use the same software hooks so that both versions can run off the same game functions (similar to what Intel did with XeSS).

ruination ,

AMD still has better Linux support for now, which is about 90% of the reason I went with them for now.

5redie8 ,

If you’re running Linux there’s only one option

Jerrimu2 ,

I have zen 2 and the apu is good enough for me, high end shit is always ridiculous.

InputZero ,

Say it loud and say it proud, cooperations are no one’s friend!

eldenlord ,

not to mention except north america, in almost all countries amd gpu is always $100 more expensive than nvidia counterpart making it just non sense to buy any amd card unless you are just a fanboy

dannoffs , in What do you choose? avatar

RadioShack, and it’s not even close.

bblkargonaut ,

Can we do radio shack from the 80s early 90s over the cellphone retailer they turned into before death.

al177 ,

Just before they flatlined, they started stocking more modern hobbyist stuff. Arduinos, shields, Parallax Propeller, and Vex, but stupid expensive.

JeSuisUnHombre ,

As someone who tinkers with electronics, hard agree

Legendsofanus ,

I was born in 2001, what is RadioShack?

JeSuisUnHombre ,

As a kid, it was where you got all the coolest remote controlled cars and helicopters (pre drones). As an electronics tinkerer, they had drawers full of components and other parts for all electronic needs.

TimeSquirrel , avatar

The same old 555 timers, opamps, and LED PCB xmas trees they've been selling for 30 years are nice but...there's much more interesting shit now and they didnt seem to catch on to that until the very end when they suddenly rushed out all the Arduino shit.

Around here, Micro Center replaced Radio Shack for my component impulse buy needs, and they even have Adafruit and Sparkfun stuff, and several aisles of a variety of other hobby electronics stuff. It's RadioShack x100.

Polydextrous ,

I mean…it kinda makes the most sense to bring Jesus back.

  • Still none of us would leave the house to rent movies if blockbuster came back.
  • None of us have shopped at toys r us since were had our own money to spend, so toys r us wold exist to us all the same way it does now: a fond memory.
  • RadioShack…I mean, would anyone not buy their shit online if that happened? Nah. Also, not to mention, fuck corporations and chain stores and consumerism.

And if you bring Jesus back…he’s a socialist pacifist Jew that might have a chance of setting the worst America has to offer right on their misguided opinions. We need more powerful anarcho-socialists, especially powerful ones—and I mean, literally powerful. He is purportedly magic. Boom. Goodbye capitalism.

No question. Bring Jesus back. And Conan.

dannoffs , avatar

I mean, if we’re bringing like Bible Jesus back, I’d agree. But if we were to bring back the actual Jesus, he’d probably just be some religious lefty with a podcast and no one would care.

I’m not sure how a socialist jew half way around the world from me is going to help me find a specific value capacitor that I need immediately to fix an AV reciever I just picked up from goodwill.

rickywithanm ,

He does make a good point. As much as I like online ordering, being able to go to a store and get what I need the same day is something else

Confused_Emus ,

I love living just a short drive from a MicroCenter.

HamBrick ,

Lucky. The closest one to me is at least a state away

Bene7rddso ,

Lucky. The closest one to me is at least an ocean away

Polydextrous ,

I mean…you could still do that. There are just more advanced electronics stores. Just because they’re not called RadioShack doesn’t mean you can’t still got to a store.

explodicle ,

[Incoming text message] Cast your eyes to the other side of the car, my child. That discarded television contains the capacitor you need at the end of the spotted blue and white cable.

Gormadt , avatar

Not to mention the absolute melt down that would happen with the worst of Americans if he came back the same race he was when he died.

Oh man the amount of evangelical Christians in America who think Jesus was white is way too damn high.

Polydextrous ,

The amount of evangelical Christian’s in America who think Jesus was white is way too damn high.

You mean…100%?

kool_newt ,

Conan the O’Brien?

MasterBlaster ,

You didn’t read revelations, did you? When he comes back… Let’s just say it’s going to be a rough ride.

new_acct_who_dis ,

We’re already in for a rough ride. Seeing “Christians” get what’s coming to them would be so worth it

MasterBlaster ,

While the irony of the distraction of most of them along with the rest of us would be briefly enjoyable, I wouldn’t wish it on anybody.

I am irked by the fact that some of them are actively seeking to trigger a real Armageddon, though. That group should be handled with extreme prejudice.

PunnyName ,

Like we aren’t prepped for that…

Potatos_are_not_friends OP , in It happens...

Btw this is a parody account

Zachariah , avatar

But is it though?

OsaErisXero ,

For parody it would have to be untrue, yes?

pingveno ,
FiskFisk33 ,

not necessarily

Hildegarde ,

It says (parody) in the name.

This is twitter, because elon lacks reading comprehension, so the rules require parody to be clearly marked.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Musk says he has Asperger’s, so that’d be fair if he also wasn’t a liar.

winterayars ,

…it didn’t even register with me until i read this comment. I didn’t even realize something was amiss. FML.

Aurenkin , in Nintendo doing the smarting

Wait what, there is a Nintendo switch emulator out there called Yuzu? Thanks Nintendo!

BlueSquid0741 ,

Not anymore

Aurenkin ,

Looks like it’s still available through a mirror.

akatsukilevi , avatar

Imma just put this here, totally unrelated thing
Also, in a totally unrelated note, y'all should check out this project, I find it really cool

MrVilliam ,

It’d be pretty great if an entire generation referred to this phenomenon as the Nintendo Yuzu Effect instead of the Streisand Effect. Or maybe the YouTube Adblock Effect? These companies keep accidentally telling everybody about shit that is relatively unknown yet universally desired in order to not have to pay exploitative prices. Even early Switch games are still fucking impossible to find for less than their launch price. And actually, now that I think about it, the MSRP of the Switch itself still hasn’t dropped either. It costs just as much today as it did 7 goddamn years ago to legally buy a Switch, BotW, and Mario Odyssey. Nintendo’s greed is the reason Switch piracy was ever big enough to be worth chasing, and now chasing it will cause an even bigger boom in it. Well, that and their shitty controllers. I don’t blame anybody for wanting to play BotW with an Xbox controller on their last-gen PC.

ItsAFake ,

Nah keep it Streisand effect, as that’s where the term originated, if we changed phrases every single time a company did this, we’d be changing it every hour.

MrVilliam ,

True, but nobody born after 9/11 knows who the fuck Barbra Streisand even is, so they definitely don’t know the story.

Viking_Hippie ,

Maybe they know this banger and think she’s a song? 🤷

garbagebagel ,

Lol people born after 9/11 were <9 when this song came out.

Viking_Hippie ,

Fair, but they still could have heard it on the radio while their parents were driving them to hockey practice or welding seminars or whatever 9yos did back then 🤷

ItsAFake ,

Yeah, but no one knows who Bob is and we keep calling him people’s uncles.

fishos , avatar

Which adds to the point: even though no one knows who she is anymore or about her giant beachfront mansion she tried to have removed from the Internet, her name lives on in infamy

MrVilliam ,

Damn. Nevermind, you just appealed to my petty side. I can clearly see now that I was wrong haha.

fishos , avatar

Historians will look back one day and be like “this woman was so renowned for her terribleness, we can trace the entymology of this modern word back to her name”.

HerbalGamer , avatar

If gameboy games are anything to go by, prices almost never drop. I remember getting a GBA game for 20 euros back when the Nintendo SD was already ending its end of life.

RootBeerGuy , avatar

There is a copy/fork of it already called nuzu

Viking_Hippie ,

And if they kill that, it’s miizu. Then wezu. Then nouzu.

DoucheBagMcSwag ,

It’s not the distribution that they wanted to stop. It was future updates

MentalEdge , avatar

Yeah that’s not gonna stop either.

PiratePanPan , avatar

Turns out it was just a 14 year old who cloned everything and hadn’t commited any code to GitHub in the past year. Suyu is the new wave now.

BolexForSoup , avatar

It’s getting pulled down basically everywhere so you’re going to have to find some smaller communities or individuals to get your hands on it now. That’s the real annoying part here lol

ivanafterall , avatar

That's my Nintendo, always forcing me out of my comfort zone to discover cool, niche new communities to enhance my piracy know-how! Thanks, Nintendo!

zeluko ,

The code itself is not illegal, so hosting it is fine.
Just dont encourage piracy, like at all. No linking, no support, and certainly not patching for games which didnt come out yet and offering these fixes early for payment.

akatsukilevi , avatar

Yeah, there's totally not Mirrors around with the original source code that got pulled, and the entire internet having collectively archived it before Yuzu itself pulled the plug
Also it was the only Switch emulator in existence, there totally isn't another emulator going around
Also you totally should not follow what I said here, y'know, emulation is wrong after all according to Nintendo

FrankTheHealer , in Racismed

Yeah so somebody grew up in a racist household that prioritized Protestant ideals about work and success. And then that person moved to Silicon Valley with Daddy’s money and worked there during its bommiest years. Then went on to pump money into electric cars and rockets.

This all came to a screeching halt during Covid when all of a sudden, he had to not prioritize profits and success but rather the health and safety of his employees and others.

This sent him down a rabbit hole on Twitter where suddenly he felt accepted by all the Trump crowd. Now he’s stuck there and slides further right each day.

This guy is now the wealthiest person on the planet.

Fuck Elon.

BaronDoggystyleVonWoof ,

Perfect summary

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