There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

gibmiser , to lemmyshitpost in Germans: what genocide?
Gradually_Adjusting , to insanepeoplefacebook in This sovereign citizen has a Blue Lives Matter sticker on the same vessel with his sovcit license plates. avatar

It’s actually very coherent, and one of the frankest expressions of conservatism you’ll ever see; “Laws for thee, not for me”.

SkabySkalywag ,


Asafum ,

Seriously. This car screams conservative.

Performative worship of police is part of the conservative identity so they have to announce it to everyone. And the sovcit motive is usually “I want the benefits of society without paying for them.” Typical conservative selfishness.

wesker , (edited ) to lemmyshitpost in Derps of Tiktok avatar

Reminds me of that post where they were in awe of (I believe it was) Ozzy Osbourne, and hoped someone signed him.

EDIT: It was when Post Malone featured Ozzy on a track.

acockworkorange ,

I get that Google is shit, but c’mon…

MxM111 ,

Who is Google?

tacosanonymous ,

I think he did a song with Travis Scott.

GregorGizeh ,

Social media was a mistake

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

People have forgotten that the Internet is a repository of information, not just a broadcast medium.

SpaceNoodle ,

Not any more it ain’t

rwhitisissle ,

I’m waiting for the day Jimmy Wales gets fed up and sells Wikipedia to Amazon and every page has an Amazon link to “great products matching your interests.” Can we have internet 2.0 now? One without companies and just all the weird people from the first internet who made shitty webcomics and shared waaaaaay too much about their personal lives.

abbadon420 ,

Seems like you’re going to the wrong places then

ininewcrow , avatar

Now it feels more like a suppository

CaptainSpaceman ,

When I search for information, im just given Amazon and Temu results on how to buy useless shit

Where did all the information search engines go? Im tired of ecommerce search engines

MxM111 ,

They say on social media...

GregorGizeh ,

This barely qualifies. Lemmy is essentially a link aggregator with a comment section

krashmo , (edited )

Anytime it gets mentioned there’s always some neckbeard who defines anything on the internet as social media making that exact comment too. “Lemmy is social media hehehe” as if there’s no difference between this and and FB.

MxM111 ,

Just because it is different from Facebook, it does not make it non-social.

Cryophilia ,

Please just stop.

MxM111 ,

Never! It is my crusade to call Lemmy a social media!

TheFriar ,

But the point is, almost every page on the internet has a social aspect now. It’s all about engagement. Is NYT social media? They have arguments in the comment section under every article. Is healthline social media?

MxM111 ,

Good points. I would say those are examples of webpages with social media elements. I guess it is about focus of the website. NYT focus is news. Lemmy? Interaction between users. At least for me. I just can’t call lemmy a news aggregator.

TheFriar , (edited )

I see what you’re saying, but the term “social media” applying to just a section of a website doesn’t make sense—to me. Call it whatever you want!

I, someone who was the perfect age for every iteration of what I might call “first gen” social media (MySpace/xanga/live journal in middle school, Facebook in the middle/end of my high school career into college, Instagram in college and while I traveled), only see “social media” as personalized connection sites. Sites where you are exactly who you are, connecting with others, saying exactly who they are—basically creating a “social media self.”

THAT is social media to me. But these all pose interesting questions: is a blog social media? During xanga/live journal days, it was considered social media. Are dating sites social media? Is Chatroulette? Is Facebook messenger? If that is, is telegram?

If a site where you anonymously talk to other anonymous people on the internet is social media, I stand by what I said, everything would be “social media” these days. YouTube. Is that social media? It’s all messy, I grant you, but that’s why draw the lines where I do.

Your criteria seems different. But I, as a millennial that grew up with it, I see it as a persona-first platform where people sell themselves. Lemmy is interesting because they’re technically different sites/servers about specific things, linking with other sites/servers, where people discuss the topic of the community. The focus is the subject being discussed, not the subject speaking. Social media is subjective, I think that’s where I make the distinction.

MxM111 ,

Interesting. So, if a person is anonymous, then it is not social media in your mind?

beardown ,

Most NYT articles do not permit comments anymore.

TheFriar ,

My point remains. So many different outlets and sites have social elements.

MxM111 ,

And it has communities. Right?

GregorGizeh ,

Which are subscriptions to certain topics

Honytawk ,

Any media that allows you to be social is a social media.

Just because we use fake names doesn’t change much about it. We are all still discussing things like the social beings we are.

GregorGizeh ,

By that logic any comment section on a news site is social media. If any kind of interaction with other people while consuming some kind of content on the internet qualifies the term is meaningless

Danquebec ,

So an IRC chatroom is social media?

jelloeater85 , avatar

I’d say it’s a very pure form of social media. Like Mastodon.

captainlezbian ,

And if doing drugs has taught me anything pure and not psychologically affective are not synonymous, it just means you can properly dose and should be able to predict the effects.

felbane ,

🎶 where the Parthenon is 🎶

hemko ,

You better start believing in social medias, you’re in one

youngalfred ,

Or when the same thing happened with Paul McCartney collaborating with Rhianna on ‘FourFive seconds’ - apparently Paul was a new up and comer!

oatscoop ,

I’m fairly certain these people are trolling.

shani66 ,

If they aren’t I’m supporting climate change

Klear ,

Entering the war on climate on the side of humans. Wait…

rickyrigatoni ,

Doesn’t matter. It’s guaranteed to make multiple people I know mildly upset so I’m gonna show it to them.

Klear ,

Yes. That’s what trolling means.

rickyrigatoni ,

I’m attacking you with my mind.

orphiebaby ,

I can’t not read that without drawing it out. Like,

“I’m attacking you with my miiiiiiiiiind”

Viking_Hippie ,

They did the same thing with PAUL MCCARTNEY when he did something with Kanye West, 😂

CoolMatt ,

Wait, it’s like this is some sort of joke or circle jerk because two people made the exact same “who tf is…” comment, just with different names.

Patches ,

Who tf is CoolMatt

CoolMatt ,

This is why I love Patches for shining light on unknown artists

fl42v ,

Probably so. I mean, even though the b®ands he played at aren’t what I personally listen to, I’ve often heard his name here and there.

Akasazh , avatar

Tbh I wonder what happened pre Malone

wesker , avatar

Started hormalone therapy.

Viking_Hippie ,
macaroni1556 ,

This made my day

hemko , (edited )

Holy damn watched the live performance for “take what you want” for first time and first it’s a great song, but also I’m not sure I’ve ever seen happier person than Ozzy right there.

cookie_sabotage , to programmerhumor in eyes......

<span style="color:#323232;">public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour
</span><span style="color:#323232;">{
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    public bool EnableHighContrast;
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    public bool PlayerWon;
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    public float PlayerUnitsMoved;
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    public int PlayerDeathCount;
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    public float PlayerHealth;
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    public void PlayerTakeDamage(float damage)
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    {
</span><span style="color:#323232;">        PlayerHealth -= damage;
</span><span style="color:#323232;">        if (PlayerHealth < 0)
</span><span style="color:#323232;">        {
</span><span style="color:#323232;">            PlayerDieAndRespawn();
</span><span style="color:#323232;">        }
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    }
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    public void PlayerDieAndRespawn()
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    {
</span><span style="color:#323232;">        return;
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    }
</span><span style="color:#323232;">}

I couldn’t contain myself.

Sakychu ,

I called the takeDamage function and my player disappeared: send 'elp everything foobar

cookie_sabotage ,

Don’t worry! this issue will be fixed in the next patch. In the meantime just try not getting hit.

mac , avatar

The doctor prescribed “getting good”

wise , avatar

Should it be

<span style="color:#323232;">PlayerHealth <= 0


Otherwise the player could have 0 health and not die? I’m sleep deprived so forgive me if I’m wrong

bassomitron ,

You are correct.

wise , avatar

Counting this meme as my first FOSS contribution

SidewaysHighways ,

Holy shit I was there with you sir! With the zeros and stuff

vithigar ,

You are correct about it allowing you to have zero health and not die, but whether or not that’s the correct behavior will depend on the game. Off the top of my head I know that Street Fighter, some versions at least, let you cling to life at zero.

Randomocity ,

This won’t work if you can ever take more than 1 damage. If you were at 1 and received 2 damage you would become invincible. You’d want to do less than or equal to.

joshfaulkner ,

I know this is /c/Progammerhumor, but I wanted to pull on this thread a little bit for my own edification. I’m a Python guy and have been a while, but I’ve dabbled in other languages. The screenshot says “MonoBehaviour” which makes me assume this is mono or a .Net-like language (you know what happens when you assume).

If your player health is a float, would mono or .Net have an issue comparing the float with integer zero “0”? I mean, it seems like floating point precision may make it impossible for it to ever “equal” integer zero, but it also seems like the code isn’t accounting for that precision error.

Am I overthinking this?

herrvogel ,

Floating point errors are a product of how floating points work as a mathematical concept. So they’re independent of the programming language and can happen everywhere.

In this case though, I doubt it’s a critical issue. So the player “died” when they actually had 0.000000000027 hp left or whatever. Who cares? Do you need to be that precise?

TipRing ,

Hanging on with 1.70E-31 health.

Melobol ,

As a noob in unity and programming, my understanding is that MonoBehavior only means that this script has to be attached as a component to a game object to function. And has no other meaning - but correct me if I’m wrong please.

mryessir ,

Open up ticket first, please. Thanks Codemonkey.

Ironfacebuster ,

Too readable, please make each name a paragraph describing its function and how it relates to the other variables/functions around it

blarth ,

Yay, escaped the fight with 0 health!

TheOakTree ,

Well if you have a “down but not dead” condition then yes, you could escape a fight with 0 health (assuming you have teammates/pawns that can save you).

andrew , avatar

This is floating point. We also need to know what happens when you escape with -0.

random9 , to lemmyshitpost in For those thinking of going back to reddit. Gaze upon this comment section and reconsider.

I think the fewer number of people, compared to reddit, on Lemmy combined with the fact that it’s not nearly as well known, plays a huge advantage to the quality of the comments. Not that there aren’t people like that here either, but I feel like the more popular a platform, is, the more it gets filled, proportionally, with people trying to make witty, shitty, pointless remarks that are often clickkbaity and avoid actual discussion, all in the interest of just getting more imaginary points.

Also the process of “enshitification” (not a term I made up, look it up if you hadn’t heard of it) has already started taking place on reddit due to its popularity.


I’m part of the problem. 85.4% of my comments are shit posts only I think are funny.

Thicc_Jamez ,

It’s not just you. There are dozens of us.



TropicalDingdong ,



kamenlady , avatar

I’m using this in my everyday life now

random9 ,

lol @ the exact percent

But no, I don’t think shitposts by themselves are actually the problem. I think the problem is when when there’s so many people dedicated to making shitposts that serious communities with serious discussions start getting overwhelmed with shitposts, and when there’s so many people who are only interested in shitposts that they upvote those shitposts to the top, often downvoting anyone who might offer a contrarian non-funny opinion.

or IDK, I’m mostly speculating based on personal experience.

morrowind , avatar

Yeah I love a good shitpost, but many redditors seem to have no sense of maturity about when to be serious vs silly. It would drive me insane to see like some news about a suicide bombing in Pakistan or something, and the only comment is some guy trying to make a pun.

Beefytootz ,

I think the problem is that reddit is suffering the same fate as Facebook. It’s no longer a niche Internet community, it’s been overrun by people who think it’s hip and in. It’s been taken over by people who speak some of the language, but don’t get the culture. No one knows when the narwhal baconed anymore. Lemmy is exhibiting the earlier stages of reddit. Small groups that are growing, plus a looooot of star trek fans sprinkled throughout.

Ilovethebomb ,

Are there people who think Facebook is hip?

zurohki ,

With its ageing user base, I’d say that it’s more like Facebook needs a hip replacement.

ThirdWorldOrder ,

Back when MySpace was a thing and you had to have a college email to register for Facebook

wizardbeard ,

No one knows when the narwhal baconed anymore

I just gagged. I get that it’s a big cultural touchstone of old reddit but I’m sorry, if a community could ever think that was midnightsomething anyone could say out in the real world to try and find other members without sounding like they’d been dropped on the head as a child, then there’s serious arguments that it was already past the point of no return.

No worries. I’ll just be over here with the real cool kids from old 4chan. Hiding our power levels, laughing at m00t wanting to be the little girl, and calling everyone [blank]f#gs. That was totally more respectable behavior by a community of well adjusted individuals.

Hell, even the whole 4chan v Reddit “rivalry” sort of shit is ancient history now.

No psuedonymous or anonymous public discussion space needs some specific “calling card” meme. Just let it be what it is.

Anyway, I believe what you’re describing was coined as “eternal summer” many many years ago.

Back in the earlier years of 4chan, in the summer time the site used to get flooded with a bunch of obviously new users who clearly had no familiarity with the how the existing community worked, in amounts that would often drown out discussions that would have thrived without the newcomers.

You could often trace significant downward trends in “quality” of a community to those mass influxes of new users every summer, usually assumed to be underaged children having nothing better to do with summer break.

At the time, 4chan was still insular enough (not the least due to the sheer vileness of the most popular boards) that any new users who stuck around after the summer would normally adapt to fit with the existing community when the rest of the new users from the summer left.

Eventually though, 4chan got large enough to start getting in the news more and more. Anonymous hackers were doing more shit drawing attention too. They took on fucking scientology. At some point, there was enough of a constant influx of new users who were either unable or unwilling to adapt to the existing community that the existing community started dissolving rapidly.

At that point, “summer” never ends. If you try to enforce previous “standards” then you’re fighting a neverending battle against hordes of people coming into what used to be “your space” where you knew how things worked, insisting that things work differently now (whether by repeated action or explicit statements). They’re coming in such numbers that you can’t out talk them. You can’t out pace their posting. You can’t “educate” them. Slowly everything just oozes into the same easily digestable sludge catering to the lowest common denominator of the constant influx of new users, who don’t give a singular shit about what worked to keep the space alive in the first place.

Welcome to Eternal Summer. Cut your addiction to the space, adapt to the new normal, or suffer forever. Makes for a lot of really really salty maladjusted shut-ins, and the same sort of exclusionary behavior that a lot of nerds had when shit like Halo 2 started making gaming more mainstream or Critical Role helped make D&D more popular.

There’s a lot to be gained from new blood in a previously insular community, but it often comes with a loss of identity. For 4chan, that wasn’t a huge loss, though I’d argue that the racism at least seemed more ironic in ancient times, to a stupid teenage me. Eventually, every community has a tipping point where “the old guard” can’t hold back the tide, and without sissyphean efforts what made the original community special will probably be lost. For better or worse.

Best not to get too attached to any emphemeral space or community, and learn to find new ones as you go along your life.

Seraphin , avatar

Anyway, I believe what you’re describing was coined as “eternal summer” many many years ago.

The same phenomenon was coined on Usenet many years before 4chan.

DarkDarkHouse , avatar

Wake me up, when September ends

Beefytootz ,

I think you’re absolutely right about the eternal summer. A new demographic of users takes over. The tourists move in. The shame of it is that as noted, it’s an inevitability for any social media, it’s just a matter of time.

EldritchFeminity ,

The tourists move in.

…Internet gentrification?

daltotron ,

I was going to maybe correct and add a little bit to this recollection by linking a comment I’d made a while back on the subject, but since lemmy can’t seem to dig up the post, I guess I’ll just kinda summarize.

Sometime a while back, after moot sold off the site, and it got bought out by the japanese dude that runs 2chan (apparently it’s also funded by toy company “good smile”), the administrative staff kind of got slowly replaced by a bunch of white supremacists who will selective moderate to kind of create their idealized “free speech” shrouded platform. Mod logs from them got leaked some time ago as evidence of this. I think it’s probable that some of those guys are funded by political activist groups in order to do it full time, after 4chan kind of showed it’s hand earlier on with the level of efficacy they could achieve with internet hacktivism, but that might be reading too much into things.

I mean, obviously 4chan also needs a large level of moderation, contrary to what people might think. It’s historically had some problems keeping up servers, because there would sometimes be CP floating around on the platform at any given time, and whatever company you’re renting your servers from, probably doesn’t want that shit on their servers. You also need a good filter against extremely large amounts of botposts, or large amounts of corporate spam, as well, which is really the case with any internet community. You can’t really survive without some form of content moderation.

It was always kind of less about the new users, then, who can pretty easily be distinguished and mocked/ignored/moderated away (the latter approach is always better), and it’s always been more about astroturfing, and who controls the switchboard, who’s in the positions of power. “Eternal Summer” is only really a problem when that kind of outstrips the moderation of their ability to properly sift through posts and moderate, at which point, you kind of have some other problems that are more practical, related to scaling up your operation.

User based gatekeeping need not apply, because there’s not really much the users can actually do to stem the tide, despite how much users like to squabble over the correct usages and origins of slang terms, surface level distinguishing characteristics, and in-group purity tests. How much people like to bitch about “board culture” and shit like that.

Internet communities are a collage, or a kind of, bacterial culture, that ends up reflecting their moderator’s lowest possible standards and sensibilities, I think.

Edit: oh, I should’ve also mentioned, that in many cases, there’s a financial incentive to let new users flood in almost completely unmoderated, because, even if it lowers content quality, it would be better to have lower content quality, but a larger userbase, than do anything that might possibly upset the userbase and drive them away. Oftentimes I think also that high quality content is a demarcation of a userbase that is not easily monetized, compared to low quality content, but that obviously reaches a kind of critical tipping point when the content quality gets so shit that corporate power brokers start to take notice and demand more control.

EdibleFriend , avatar

Hey, don’t be like that. I am sure a lot of people find your shitposts funny.

Not me. I looked.

Ilovethebomb ,

Not me. I looked

I actually had a chuckle at this one.

mp3 , avatar

At least there are dedicated spaces for that and most Lemmings are respecting that, if it doesn’t spill out too much to more serious communities then at least there isn’t too much noise to have a good discussion.

ininewcrow , avatar

Good for you … the road to recovering from being a bot is to first admit it

Macaroni_ninja , avatar

This should be a mug!

someguy3 ,

These have to be bots.

PP_BOY_ , avatar

This. So. Much. This.

Kalkaline , avatar

Yes! If I had money for goldz, I’d give it to you. Please accept this 🥈in it’s place.

Infynis , avatar

Most of the people that would have made good comments on Reddit moved to Lemmy as well

NightAuthor ,

Reddits is end stage enshitification

FMT99 ,

And now they’re going to train AI on that dataset. The intellectual equivalent of a diet consisting of nothing but chicken nuggets.

cooltrainer_frank ,

I feel like you’re gonna be able to tell if an AI was overly trained on reddit data.

Hey Chat XYZ– write me a prompt for my essay about George Washington

“More WashingDeezNuts! Gottem.

Came here to say this.

Edit: wow thanks for the gold kind stranger”

Thatuserguy ,

Also the process of “enshitification” has already started taking place on reddit due to its popularity.

I started using reddit in 2011. Trust me when I say this isn’t a new trend. Reddit’s has been noticeably and actively getting shittier since at least 2015 as it continued to get more and more popular

Liz ,

Shitty changes Reddit made that I can name off the top of my head:

  • New Reddit
  • Reddit Live
  • Anything beyond Reddit gold (the concept of paying for Reddit gold was, by itself, not a terrible idea back when we thought Reddit was a decent company)
  • Instant chat feature, when DMs already existed
  • Pay for API
  • Fired their only popular employee, the AMA assistant

You could argue creating a comments section was also a dick move, but that was before my time and it’s fair to say Reddit never would have caught on without it.

They also populated the site with fake accounts in the early days to make it look more popular than it really was. I would be zero percent surprised to find out that they still had fake accounts floating around for purposes I don’t feel like speculating about.

Oh, and Spez edited people’s comments.

ThirdWorldOrder ,

Victoria was the one they fired aka /u/chooter

Paradachshund ,

I do hope that lemmy continues to grow into non-tech demographics. I’m somewhat into tech myself, but I also like a lot of other stuff and I miss that influence from reddit. Lemmy is VERY tech focused right now and we need some other voices in here.

Flumpkin ,

I think this is a huge problem with democracy as well. The larger a country, the worse democracy works. Any apparatus of power or wealth attracts parasites only interested in exploiting it. And the larger the lever, the more profit from manipulating it. And the larger the potential gain the more investment costs can you justify.

This isn’t necessarily an argument for “states rights” or federation though, with “divide and conquer” strategies you can copy and paste the same strategy to multiple instances. If there is monetary gain to be had, there will always be an unrelenting force trying to exploit it.

nevemsenki ,

Eh, am from a country with 9mil people, and this society simply doesn’t get democracy. So being smaller is hardly any indicator that democracy will work better.

Flumpkin ,

It’s certainly not a guarantee but I do think there is a “scalability problem” with democracy.

EldritchFeminity ,

There’s also a big issue of the sheer mass of comments in a post simply drowning out any chance of discussion because only the first few most upvoted ones will usually get seen, so people generally just respond to those to get any interaction on their comments. It’s why the frontpage stuff is always so much worse than smaller subs - because by the time people see it, there’s already 1,000+ comments there.

Furbag , to lemmyshitpost in And I will die on this hill.

The only thing I could think of with the whole “1000 Mozarts” comment is that there’s a very real chance that if the world Musk and Bezos envision came true, those Mozart level geniuses would be working in an Amazon fulfillment center or a Tesla assembly line, wasting their talents as a slave to capitalism.

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

That’s what they actually want anyway. Drones for their business ventures.

phorq ,

I was wondering what happened to the drone delivery Amazon promised… It all makes sense now…

theparadox ,

That’s actually something that’s likely already happening, assuming they manage to even achieve that.

I guarantee there are tons of potential geniuses born that are never afforded the chance to develop or even demonstrate their abilities… and when they do, aren’t recognized. Either because they are from the dirty poors and/or the Moneybags family can just leverage their resources to ensure their kids get the opportunity or recognition instead.

If you don’t believe in fairness or equality, the potential benefits to yourself by way of improvements to society from geniuses should motivate you.

I’m so tired of the pattern of a well balanced society flourishing and then a few selfish fuckwads hoard resources and starve their society back into a stagnant imbalanced fief.

BorgDrone , to memes in I have never understood that.

I live near a university that attracts quite a few international students/lecturers and I’ve often witnessed the exact opposite of this. You’re outside in the middle of summer, trying not to die of a heat stroke, when a obviously non-native person walks by wearing a winter coat and a hat.

RaoulDook ,

Yep I saw some Indians near Atlanta who were wearing big coats when it was just a hair below 70 F outdoors. I was out there loading stuff into my car in shorts and a T-shirt and they looked at me funny.

The opposite of that, that I also saw was my portly Eskimo friend, who was in shorts and a T-shirt in the actual winter time when I needed a big coat. He was like “You think this is cold?”

tastysnacks ,

Hawaii here. Our line is about 70 too. That’s when we wear socks with out slippers.

Webster ,

It was 50 last night when I took the dog for a walk. I was too lazy to put on socks, so it was in sweats with sandals and bare feet. Was surprisingly easier on the feet than I expected

aulin ,

I mean room temperature is 20 °C (68 °F) so wearing shorts and T-shirt should be the norm imo. If it isn’t colder outside than inside, why put on more clothes?

papabobolious ,

Wind is a factor too, also if it’s 20c inside imma be cold.

aulin ,

Wind is a factor too


also if it’s 20c inside imma be cold.

Seriously? I’ve seen people go to 18 °C on the thermostat but not above 20. Are you from a super hot place?

papabobolious ,

I’m from Sweden which I don’t consider super hot, but most people I come across would have their homes warmer than 20c. More like 23-25.

aulin ,

Believe it or not, I’m also from Sweden, and most people I know have it set to 19-20, and one guy 18. I’ve never seen 23(!) I can’t believe they’re native Swedes.

shalafi ,

Wife is a 98lb. Pilipino living in NW Florida.

72°: “Babe! It is so cold!”

She literally has no idea how to dress warmly. Trying to get the idea of layers into her head, but I’m failing so far.

Decoy321 ,

Can confirm, layers don’t exist in some cultures. It’s either tank top or parka. No in between.

TheGiantKorean , avatar

See this in Dubai. 70F outside and several people were bundled up.

SlopppyEngineer ,

All over Asia every time the temperature in the evening goes from scorching to bearable for me, everybody there starts pulling out sweaters and jackets.

nixcamic ,

That was me, I live in the tropics near the mountains where you can go from 42⁰ at crazy humidity near sea level to 15⁰ up around 2000m in about an hour’s drive. I lived near sea level and when we were kids we’d meet halfway with friends who lived in the mountains. They’d be running around in just swimsuits and I’d be sitting on the side wearing 3 layers.

ParsnipWitch ,

When I visit friends in northern Germany they also run around like it’s summer when it’s close to winter cold for me.

I had a friend jump into the North Sea to rescue a beer crate we put into the water for staying ice cold that swam away. While I was freezing on two blankets near the fire in a coat.

That beer was also too cold. None of their behaviour made any sense.

papertowels ,

The thought of warming up beer to make it more drinkable disturbs me

uis , avatar

How cold is air?

Makeshift ,

This is me. I have had people say I make them sweat by looking at me when I wear a sweater in 75F just because it’s not yet hot enough to make me take it off.

MrJameGumb , to memes in Please, not again. avatar

He’s already said he’s basically going to be 10 times worse if he gets reelected. I’m not sure why the people who support him think that’s a good thing. For a party that claims to love “freedom” they sure seem desperate to elect a fascist dictator

someguy3 ,

Freedom for me, chains for you. They don’t actually care about real freedom.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

They are sure the Leopard will never eat their face.

bobs_monkey ,

Yup. They think Daddy Trump is going lock up all the liberals and create a facist conservative paradise.

KrummsHairyBalls ,

You’d think after he didn’t pardon the people in person that stormed the Capitol they’d smarten up. If that didn’t open their eyes, nothing will.

OsrsNeedsF2P ,

Why didn’t he pardon everyone who committed crimes for him? Is there a good reason?

SheDiceToday ,

He didn’t want the folks who would pay him to suddenly believe they didn’t have to pay, or be ticked off that they were having to pay (remember, rich folks can get snippy). I can’t remember the number that was floated, but it wasn’t cheap.

KrummsHairyBalls ,

Because he doesn’t care about anyone but himself. If you gave that dude an organ he’d ghost you.

OsrsNeedsF2P ,

Right, but if he wants people to break the law for him, pardoning everyone who does makes sense

KrummsHairyBalls ,

Why? They did it without the pardoning, and he walked away with his hands “clean” by not acknowledging what they did.

Personally I think it’s funny seeing these people get time in prison, screaming for Trump to acknowledge them and pardon them lol.

MrJameGumb , (edited ) avatar

He believes they are supposed to go to jail for him to prove their loyalty. He really thinks he’s a mob boss or something

guckfoogle ,

Fascism is a president trying to take away constitutional rights like genocide Joe is with the second amendment and limiting gun rights. Trump has already said he won’t get involved in any foreign conflicts, which is far better than funding Israels genocide.

Just ask yourself who you’re going to have more rights under Trump or Biden, then you’ll see who the fascist dictator is.

MrJameGumb , avatar

It’s Trump. He’s essentially already said he wants to be a dictator. He’s started calling his opponents “vermin”, he’s stated on the record that he’s going to deploy the army on day 1 of his reelection to suppress any dissenters.

It’s not subtle

He’s going to destroy America so he can keep being the center of attention and make it illegal to disagree with him

guckfoogle ,

There’s a certain document called the constitution that gives Americans the right to assemble and to free speech that not even the president can fuck with.

Are you more scared of a fascist president who’s intent on limiting your natural rights or trump because he said a scary word like vermin.

You’re honestly following too much left wing media, a more balanced approach to how you consume news will open your eyes up to what factors you need to consider before voting next year.

Stumblinbear , avatar

My balanced sources say Biden has so far been significantly better than Trump ever was

MrJameGumb , avatar

following too much left wing media

I’m referring to things that Donald Trump has actually said openly on camera. It’s literally all he talks about. It has nothing to do with who’s reporting it, these are the actual words Trump has said.

I’m not particularly a leftist, I consider myself to be a centrist. I don’t particularly love Joe Biden. That doesn’t mean I’m going to go out and vote for a cartoon super villain though

Kase ,

Are you more scared of a fascist president who’s intent on limiting your natural rights or trump because he said a scary word like vermin.

For funsies, in the same statement (iirc), trump said their “sad, miserable existence will be crushed.” But you’re right, nothing to worry about /s

Honytawk ,

Haha, you think presidents can’t change constitutional laws.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Wait… so the Constitution will stop Trump from enacting his fascist agenda but it won’t stop Biden from taking away The Precious?

Holzkohlen ,

He’s going to exchange love letters with Kim Jong Un again, isn’t he?

ghost_of_faso2 , avatar

Better than the warhawk us establishment continuing the forever war

UnspecificGravity ,

Trump hasn’t said the truth about one thing his entire life.

100_kg_90_de_belin ,

The great constitutional rights of living in a country where schools have to debate whether to run active shooter drills.

TALL421 , avatar

There is no debate, they do run them.

And I want to be perfectly clear and say THEY SHOULDN’T NEED THEM. OH MY GOD IT HURTS.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Man, even disregarding the whole gun control debate Trump isn’t pro-gun, the suckers just believe what they want to about him.

FlyingSquid , avatar…/376097-trump-take-the-guns-first-go…

But sure, Biden is the anti-second amendment guy. People like the person above are just fools.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

“Noo that’s different he means black people!” - that guy, probably

_dev_null , avatar

That was Reagan as CA governor when he cracked down with gun laws due to Black Panthers protesting while armed.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Ok. I will. This is Biden’s plan, right?

Weird, because that article talks a lot about Trump.

rchive ,

In fairness, it’s not Trump’s plan, either, it’s Heritage’s. They’re doing it for Trump, but I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if Trump has never even heard of it. Lol

TheSanSabaSongbird ,

He’s had meetings with Heritage on how to implement the plan. They are already in the process of lining up his appointees so that they can hit the ground running. You are badly misinformed as to how far this has already gone.

rchive ,

With Trump him sitting in meetings still doesn’t mean he’s heard of it. Lol.

Anyway, I’m just saying Heritage is the mastermind, not Trump.

Buttons , avatar

Trivia question: Which politician has proposed “suspending the constitution” in recent years?

Hint: It’s the same politician that said "take the guns first, go through due process second.”

Another hint: Trump said both those things.

HipHoboHarold ,

I will have more rights under Biden. There’s more to rights than guns. Like as a gay man if I lose my right to exist, that’s a bit harsher than my right to own something.

100_kg_90_de_belin ,

They love the freedom to own slaves and stuff like that

Honytawk ,

Hey, as long as they can stick it to the libs

rchive ,

There are several different groups supporting him for different reasons. The biggest, I’d argue, is the slightly right very populist. They’re not into fascism per se, they just want a wrecking ball like Trump to go in and break apart the elite institutions they blame for all the problems and see no other way of influencing. There certainly are supporters who are encroaching on fascism territory. Then there’s long time Republicans who have flipped on a bunch of issues to try to get support from these people Trump activated.

Zron , to lemmyshitpost in Free trial has expired

Be far more cruel to give all blind people eyesight for 3 years.

Just enough time to get used to it, enjoy it, maybe get a drivers license or start a career.

Then one day, it goes away again without explanation.

Lightsong ,

Also enough time for equipments and resources get thrown out.

mack7400 ,

Yeah, 30 seconds would just make most blind people barf and shut their eyes until it went away, since their brains haven’t learned to properly process the video.

frokie ,

Installing the codecs definitely take longer than 30s

HW07 ,

Probably don’t have hardware decoding configured yet either.

NightAuthor ,

I think that’s probably a really good analogy, from what I’ve learned about eye sight.

Ziglin ,

But most blind people haven’t been blind for ever, most slowly lost their vision to my knowledge.

umbraroze , to programmerhumor in I love it when I have to scream at a computer avatar

Technically, SQL is case-insensitive.

Practically, you want to capitalise the commands anyway.

It gives your code some gravitas. Always remember that when you're writing SQL statements you're speaking Ancient Words of Power.

Does that JavaScript framework that got invented 2 weeks ago by some snot-nosed kid need Words of Power? No. Does the database that has been chugging on for decades upon decades need Words of Power? Yes. Words of Power and all the due respect.

manny_stillwagon ,

I’m going to print this out and frame it on the wall of my office.

hakunawazo ,

Reminds me a bit of Skyrim. You are… the query-born.

Nahdahar ,

SeLEct uSERnaMe frOm usERs WhErE fiRStnAmE = ‘John’;

ramjambamalam , (edited )


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  • AnarchistArtificer , (edited )

    My God, that’s hilarious, thank you for sharing it. I enjoyed “I am like the Statue of Liberty: I accept everyone, even the wretched and the huddled and people who enjoy Haskell.”

    ramjambamalam ,

    Whoops, I accidentally deleted my comment. Here’s the link again for posterity:…/1311_05-08_mickens.pdf

    Emu , to mildlyinfuriating in This avatar

    I got downvoted here because I asked why the front page is basically 50+% about Reddit. I'm so sick of hearing about reddit here, can't users make their own content or are we just going to discuss reddit for years? so pathetic

    Airport_Bar ,

    To be fair, it’s like therapy for a breakup, and we all know who the ex is.

    BURN ,

    It’s like shared group therapy for a whole lot of people who had the same abusive ex

    plain_and_simply ,

    And unfortunately there are fresh breakups every day. So for some it’s been a while but others it’s been 24 hours.

    HelloHotel , avatar

    If you are ready to move on, mess with your blocklist to remove reddit, see you first pioneer! As to venture out myself, if you find anything cool, mention me

    laxe ,

    Reddit was the same way after the Digg migration. Everyone was talking about Digg for a while. Over time, Digg mentions became more and more rare.

    TheImpressiveX , to lemmyshitpost in Somehow USB disks are still the easiest and most reliable way avatar

    Randall Munroe shows us how it’s done:

    Every time you email a file to yourself so you can pull it up on your friend’s laptop, Tim Berners-Lee sheds a single tear.

    IronKrill ,

    Sad that this XKCD from 2011 is still just as accurate today…

    anivia ,

    Not quite, we now have options like wormhole that make it pretty simple

    tatterdemalion , avatar

    Only because IPv6 and self-hosting are not mainstream yet. But if it were commonplace for everyone’s home to have something as simple as a public file server or SSH server, then this problem would be trivialized.

    dan , avatar

    Opera tried to make self-hosting mainstream back in 2009 with Opera Unite, but regular people just weren’t interested. It was a web server built in to the browser, which had a few apps like a whiteboard, a way to write notes, file transfers, etc.

    Also, IPv6 is already mainstream in some countries. In the USA, several of the mobile networks are IPv6-only, using 464XLAT to allow connections to legacy IPv4-only servers. Comcast/Xfinity was also the first ISP to roll out IPv6 at a wide scale, and the majority of their customers had IPv6 connectivity way back in 2014 or so.

    Globally, around 50% of traffic to Google and 60% of traffic to Facebook are using IPv6.

    Eheran ,

    Just send it over telegram. Even Whatsapp allows that size I assume.

    IronKrill ,

    For sure, let me just make an account, install the app, find and add them- wait, he drove over with a USB? Jokes aside, thanks for the recommendation, but it’s not any simpler than the 2011 solutions if you haven’t set it up already.

    Eheran ,

    Who is not already using Telegram and/or Whatsapp?

    IronKrill ,

    No one I have met in Canada has ever asked to message over telegram or whatsapp.

    Eheran ,

    Ah right, you are using the Apple thing over there?

    xavier666 ,

    HCTP: Hypercar Transfer Protocol. Someone make an RFC

    CarlosCheddar , to linuxmemes in Confound you, WSUS!

    I fixed this by deleting Windows.

    MajorHavoc ,

    Yeah. This crap was the last straw for me to stop dual booting.

    nexussapphire ,

    There’s always a virtual machine if you need it for work.

    slazer2au , to mildlyinfuriating in Windows just changed my desktop wallpaper and re-added the search bar without my permission after an update

    Well yea, you turned off the windows search/Cortana/Bing bar, but now it’s called copilot/recall bar which you haven’t turned off yet.


    mypasswordis1234 OP , avatar

    Soon I won’t have to anymore. This is the last Windows virtual machine I have that sometimes I have to use 😀

    ProfessorProteus , avatar

    I have a virtual machine with WinXP and one with 98, for when I’m feeling nostalgic :)

    Sorry to hear you have to use Windows… I’m still stuck on 10 but I’ve been enjoying the hell out of Mint Xfce and I’ll complete the move soon enough!

    BubbleMonkey ,

    How would one go about setting up a win 98 at this point? Do you need an ISO of it already, or can you find that somewhere for that specific use?

    I ask because I have a game that I want to play for nostalgia reasons (it’s a kids game from waaay back, but I remember it fondly, and I bet I’d do a touch better now) but I can’t get it to play in any compatibility mode or anything. It just flat refuses to launch.

    ProfessorProteus , avatar

    You can find plenty of ISO files on I’m not sure about the legality of it, so I’ll say I don’t condone doing it, etc. But some of them have been there for several years, so I think MS doesn’t care.

    Just be careful about clinking links in the user comments. People have been known to post shady links and moderation seems to be lacking, from what I’ve seen.

    Good luck getting your game to run! Oh, and long live!

    turbowafflz ,

    For operating systems is easier to find things in and has way faster download speeds

    ProfessorProteus , avatar

    This is really cool, thanks for sharing!

    Tyoda ,

    At some point M$ allowed the free download of something called “Windows XP Mode for Windows 7”. It was some virtual machine or something. What matters is that it’s possible to extract an XP ISO from this, which I have successfully used to spin up a virtual machine! It still complains about a license key, though.

    The reason I mention this is that this is still available on, and it’s signed by M$, so you know it’s legit. I don’t know if other ISOs available have such a receipt of authenticity. Probably, but I never cared enough to check, especially since I grabbed this from the official website while it was available.

    possiblylinux127 ,

    Have you tried React OS?

    ricdeh , to lemmyshitpost in Later, losers avatar

    lmao this is too good, I would laugh but I’ll be too busy (because I’ll be meeting a girl, not that you are really going to understand)

    MissJinx , avatar


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