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wizardbeard ,

With NAT existing, I’m not sure there’s a significant reason to switch anymore.

Plus the “surprise” privacy and security benefits of just… not having every network connected device directly addressable by anyone else on the global network. The face of the internet and networking in general, plus the security and safety concerns around it, have changed dramatically since v6 was first created.

Switch Remake Of Yuji Horii's 'Hokkaido Serial Murder Case' Seems To Be Doing Well In Japan | Time Extension (

Top Spotlight: The Switch remake of Yuji Horii’s classic Hokkaido Serial Murder Case game appears to be making a significant impact on the Japanese market. Famitsu’s recent data reveals that this retro-nostalgic title has hit the top spot with 20,919 retail copies sold within one week after its global launch....

wizardbeard ,

Famicom Detective Club got a translation/remake for the switch. Might be that?

wizardbeard ,

At the end of every exchange, someone has to be left “holding the bag”. There’s no end state that doesn’t end up screwing over someone else so you can cash out.

Works about free software.

I am looking for works about free software or based on this philosophy, there are books like “Free software for a free society” and documentaries like “Linux code”, but I would like to know what other works there are related to free software and this philosophy, there are things like snow crash, which talks about the...

wizardbeard ,


Probably weirder than you’re looking for, but fun.

Constellation Energy plans to invest $1.6B to revive the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania and sell all the output to Microsoft for AI energy demands. (

Three Mile Island was the worst nuclear accident in US history. Was mainly caused by poor design of human feedback systems which caused operational confusion and lead to a catastrophic failure.

wizardbeard ,


Coal plants are the ones that produce radioactive smog. Nuclear plants just put off steam. The radioactive material doesn’t come into contact with the clean water loop that is used to spin the turbine and generate power unless something is catastrophically wrong.

The dangerous byproduct, spent fuel rods, are stored in pools buried deep, and radioactivity is drastically abetted by the spent rods being submerged in water.

Seriously, you anti nuclear people are like anti vaxxers. It’s very minimal reading to learn how this shit works so that you can have valid critique, but no, that’s too tough.

wizardbeard ,

A good chunk of the world is still stuck where the options are coal vs nuclear for base load coverage. Of course people are going to push for the safest option for large load needs.

We’re generations away from worldwide energy needs being met entirely by green renewables and battery banks. I’ll never be against expansion of those technologies, but nuclear is an important middle step that is far less dangerous than the most widely used technologies for meeting base load (coal).

Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

wizardbeard ,

Man, we could generate some good wind power with how fast those goalposts are moving!

wizardbeard ,

No, in fact. The nuclear lobby has been historically raw dogged by the malding fossil fuel and coal plant industries for decades. Up until recently, traditional power lobbies haven’t seen renewables as legitimate competition due to issues of scaling to meet demand, issues of location restricting where they can be built, etc.

We’ve had reactor designs ready to use the spent fuel you’re so damn concerned about for years now. Turns it into even less dangerous more spent fuel as more energy is pulled out of it (if you’ll excuse the incredibly simple summation). Incredibly efficient.

Fully researched. Risks, benefits, construction costs mapped out, maintenance costs mapped out, decomissioning costs mapped out, how long they’d be safe to run mapped out.

Every single time construction of a new plant comes up, there is a massive fucking push from the older “burn dangerous shit to pollute the air and generate power” industry to drum up fear again until the local community "not in my back yard"s hard enough to stop it.

Let me make it as explicit as possible: People like you, freaking out about hypotheticals surrounding nuclear power that they have never taken the time to understamd themselves, are a huge part of the reason why greener energy production is so slow to take off.

If green energy is so ready to take the fuck over and make nuclear obsolete, how in the absolute fuck do you explain what’s going on in Germany right now? Are they just too stupid to do things the right, safe, sustainable way that has no drawbacks at all? Or maybe, just maybe, there are still issues preventing reasonable widespread adoption of renewables, and the smog belchers want us at each other’s throats instead of at theirs?

Fucking hell. Let me know when you start accusing people of being bots or paid shills so I can just fucking block you already.

wizardbeard ,

Is bugmenot still a good source for shared creds, or are companies getting savvy to it yet?

wizardbeard ,

Open platforms

Care to share any of those? That would be quite helpful.

wizardbeard ,

Saved you a click.

It’s called Emerald Resprited. Has a Vanilla version with just the sprite changes, and a different version where all 386 are catchable and trainer rosters are adjusted to match up with each artist’s contributions.

Incredibly inconsistent quality of the sprites. Just take a quick scroll through their google doc. Actual artist work right next to obvious child scribbles.

wizardbeard ,

I have an Aunt who ruined her life with drug usage, so that pretty much ensured I had no interest. She had gone sober long before I was born, but her life was and is still a mess, unfortunately.

Sex talk didn’t happen until I had already bought my first pack of condoms and had used most of them. My parents seemed relieved to be able to avoid talking about it.

wizardbeard ,

How do you pronounce github? GIMP? GNU? GPU? Javascript?

Oh Geremy, it’s time to jo to the jocery store! We need some jrape gelly.

wizardbeard ,

Thank you for providing me all new ways to pronounce things in horribly cursed ways, magic internet man.

wizardbeard ,

Sigma Star Saga is an odd RPG game where the random encounters are short side scrolling shmup segments. I really enjoyed the amount of it that I played, but you can get screwed in some encounters as it gives you a random ship each time, and some are worse than others.

Capcom Producer Shuhei Matsumoto Wants New Marvel vs. Capcom Game, but It’s Up to the Fans | Retro Gaming News 24/7 (

Capcom producer, Shuhei Matsumoto, has shared his desire to develop a new entry in the beloved Marvel vs. Capcom series, expressing that it’s up to the fans’ support to bring this wish into reality....

wizardbeard ,

Oh fuck off with this shit Capcom. I hope no one has forgotten where all the fan support for Megaman Legends 3 got us.

Bastards couldn’t even be assed to release the already finished 3DS demo (which we know we in a decently playable state from videos they released).

Beyond my Megaman saltiness, I have a very hard time believing that fucking Marvel needs fan support to prove profitability. You just need to not make some bullshit microtransaction filled live service game like the ones that are repeatedly failing.

wizardbeard ,

Sidenote: you can override your flag on /pol/ to whatever you want. Most people leave it default/accurate, but it is not reliable.

OpenAI releases o1, its first model with ‘reasoning’ abilities (

For OpenAI, o1 represents a step toward its broader goal of human-like artificial intelligence. More practically, it does a better job at writing code and solving multistep problems than previous models. But it’s also more expensive and slower to use than GPT-4o. OpenAI is calling this release of o1 a “preview” to...

wizardbeard ,

So for those not familar with machine learning, which was the practical business use case for “AI” before LLMs took the world by storm, that is what they are describing as reinforcement learning. Both are valid terms for it.

It’s how you can make an AI that plays Mario Kart. You establish goals that grant points, stuff to avoid that loses points, and what actions it can take each “step”. Then you give it the first frame of a Mario Kart race, have it try literally every input it can put in that frame, then evaluate the change in points that results. You branch out from that collection of “frame 2s” and do the same thing again and again, checking more and more possible future states.

At some point you use certain rules to eliminate certain branches on this tree of potential future states, like discarding branches where it’s driving backwards. That way you can start opptimizing towards the options at any given time that get the most points im the end. Keep the amount of options being evaluated to an amount you can push through your hardware.

Eventually you try enough things enough times that you can pretty consistently use the data you gathered to make the best choice on any given frame.

The jank comes from how the points are configured. Like AI for a delivery robot could prioritize jumping off balconies if it prioritizes speed over self preservation.

Some of these pitfalls are easy to create rules around for training. Others are far more subtle and difficult to work around.

Some people in the video game TAS community (custom building a frame by frame list of the inputs needed to beat a game as fast as possible, human limits be damned) are already using this in limited capacities to automate testing approaches to particularly challenging sections of gameplay.

So it ends up coming down to complexity. Making an AI to play Pacman is relatively simple. There are only 4 options every step, the direction the joystick is held. So you have 4^n^ states to keep track of, where n is the number of steps forward you want to look.

Trying to do that with language, and arguing that you can get reliable results with any kind of consistency, is blowing smoke. They can’t even clearly state what outcomes they are optimizing for with their “reward” function. God only knows what edge cases they’ve overlooked.

My complete out of my ass guess is that they did some analysis on response to previous gpt output, tried to distinguish between positive and negative responses (or at least distinguish against responses indicating that it was incorrect). They then used that as some sort of positive/negative points heuristic.

People have been speculating for a while that you could do that, crank up the “randomness”, have it generate multiple responses behind the scenes and then pit those “pre-responses” against each other and use that criteria to choose the best option of the “pre-responses”. They could even A/B test the responses over multiple users, and use the user responses as further “positive/negative points” reinforcement to feed back into it in a giant loop.

Again, completely pulled from my ass. Take with a boulder of salt.

wizardbeard ,

OWS crumbled in ways right out of various leaked three letter agency guides to disrupting grass roots movements.

I’d love to see it get another try, with how news sources have become far more decentralized. Less opportunity for major news orgs to kill the momentum.

Full disclosure, the destruction of OWS is pretty much the one thing I allow myself to go “full tinfoil hat” over.

wizardbeard ,

Thank you. I’m getting quite tired of people posting the most fucking obvious takes about problems in the US, then going “why haven’t americans fixed this? are they stupid?”, when we have exceedingly small control over the actions of our shitass policy makers.

It’s some real “everyone is dumb except for me” energy.

wizardbeard ,

What happens if my brother gets banned for cheating while playing my game?

If a family member gets banned for cheating while playing your copy of a game, you (the game owner) will also be banned in that game. Other family members are not impacted.

I love that they worded it as the age old ban appeal reason. Always someone’s brother on their account breaking the rules.

Rough going, but it’s better than having cheaters just make a rotation of child accounts they can hide behind.

wizardbeard , (edited )

That assumes that anyone can reliably be a single issue voter their whole life, and that people somehow only have to live in the reality they voted for instead of the reality of whichever politicians actually won.

It’s a very beguiling idea to simply blame the current problems of the world on negligence or a lack of effort by those who came before you. On strictly personal failings. It’s also incredibly short sighted to do so, and often leads to repeated mistakes.

Inb4 “then they should have tried harder to convince their friends/family! They should have protested! They should have stormed the capital in violent revolution!” Keep moving the goalposts so long as you can keep blaming the previous generations.

It’s a classic trap in business for newly hired managers: Come into a new to you situation, pick out the obvious as hell problems, insist upon the most logically simple solution. Ignore the history, company politics, confounding variables, and end up making the situation worse because you never understood how things got so bad to begin with.

In complicated situations, it is a trap to think that the obvious solution just hasn’t been tried or investigated because no one as smart as you has been involved yet.

Now blame where blame is absolutely due. There’s plenty to go around.

That said, very little of what the powers that be do is truly new. Blaming the older generations eliminates an opportunity for us all to learn from the past, identify patterns in history, and just makes it that much easier to keep us all oppressed.

A big takeaway I’ve found from elderly family members is that you absolutely cannot rely on inflation increasing at a standard pace. A fortune saved up 25+ years ago does not go anywhere as far as it used to.

Anyway, to try and cut my ramble short: We can sit around feeling smug about some perverted idea of “what goes around comes around”, or we can try to learn from the knowledge aand mistakes of previous generations.

We’ll all be old one day.

wizardbeard , (edited )

You’ve missed my point entirely.

Blame absolutely is fair, but people can’t vote on just the best options for SS alone, ignoring everything else. Also, as seen in recent presidential races (cough cough 2016), you can have a massive contigent of voter will just effectively erased by very thin margins or technicalities. On top of all that, voters can’t directly effect what the policy makers actually do in office.

My point is, it’s not useful to blame such a wide and diverse swath of people. Painting with such wide brush strokes only serves to create an us vs them situation that distracts from the actual policy makers, lobbyists, and news media complex with far more direct influence over all of this. Most of those people are boomers, but all boomers are not part of those groups.

The shortsightedness is thinking that new generations are the first people to go “Hey, maybe we need to pay into SS for enough money to be there. Maybe we shouldn’t waste money on proxy wars on false pretenses.” plenty of Boomers were shouting this from the rooftops as this shit was happening. Your objections and concerns are not new.

Basically, please stop talking about boomers as some singular homogenous entity. Please stop thinking that the situation we now find ourselves in is caused by some sort of lack of sense from older generations instead of politicians doing what is best for them at the expense of the general populace. Please stop blaming the average populace from before your time for the choices made by politicians.

Trump should be a burning hot example that politicians actions and the peoples’ will are often very disconnected.

We do have to find a way to fix this. Taking time to dunk on people just as downtrodden as us is wasted effort that could be put towards trying to fix things.

Google Search will take you ‘Wayback’ with links to the Internet Archive | With Google’s cached results gone, embedded Internet Archive links in search may be the next best thing (

This collaboration with Google underscores the importance of web archiving and expands the reach of the Wayback Machine, making it even easier for users to access and explore archived content....

wizardbeard ,

I would hope, but I’ve been burned enough to not assume big companies are doing things the sensible way.

Games industry layoffs not the result of corporate greed and those affected should "drive an Uber", says ex-Sony president (

Ex-Sony Computer Entertainment Europe president Chris Deering does not believe recent layoffs across the games industry have been a result of corporate greed. Instead, workers who have lost their jobs should “drive an Uber” or “go to the beach for a year” until employment settles....

wizardbeard ,

It’s amazing how incentives at high levels can absolutely twist someone.

Rather than discuss or investigate the situations that lead to these hire/fire cycles, potentially find a better way, they accept it as inevitable and build off of that.

They get to take the lazy route and still have room to internally satisfy their withered conscience that they are somehow “doing good” by making vague attempts to offset the shit situation, rather than trying to eliminate said situation entirely.

Fucking hell why does this explain so much of the bullshit I am dealing with at work right now?

wizardbeard ,

Please get yourself an actual IT team. This is basic conditional access policy configuration for an Azure tennant.

Microsoft has learning materials available on this. It’s part of their free Azure Admin online learning courses.

wizardbeard ,

Don’t worry, Google’s own Messages app does the same thing as iMessage, but using a different (and on paper more open) standard that isn’t compatible with iMessage (yet, I think the EU is forcing Apple’s hand).

The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates (

Those claiming AI training on copyrighted works is “theft” misunderstand key aspects of copyright law and AI technology. Copyright protects specific expressions of ideas, not the ideas themselves. When AI systems ingest copyrighted works, they’re extracting general patterns and concepts - the “Bob Dylan-ness” or...

wizardbeard ,

Sorry buddy, but that capitalistic framework is where we all have to exist for the forseeable future.

Giving corporations more power is not going to help us end that.

wizardbeard ,

Regretting doing a nude scene is humanizing. Making your regret someone else’s problem is just shitty all around.

wizardbeard ,

Ehhhhh… that’s a pretty shit take. Any site that allows uploads of files “allows” uploads of CSAM? See how that breaks down immediately?

wizardbeard ,

I feel like that’s a stretch, and there’s some important things to consider here.

People are weird, and can fetishize all sorts of shit. There’s no reasonable way to control say, someone jerking off to pictures of hand models. Or to stop someone shlicking it to your shlubby beer gut at the beach photos you put up on social media if that’s their thing (and I know a woman who’s thing was “straight bears” for a long time).

But no one has any agency or ability to prevent that. No one has any agency to prevent any random person passing them on the street and then later using that memory plus imagination as cranking fuel.

For the sake of every individual’s personal sanity, I think it’s important that each and every one of us understand and accept that. Existing in the world is naturally giving up a certain amount of control. This is part of it, as disgusting as it is.

This is even more the case when you put content out there. Whether through acting in film or other media, creating artwork, posting pictures, etc. Creating content in the current age of the internet is inherently ceding ownership and control over it. The moment it hits the public space, you cannot control what is done with it, and the sooner people can learn to accept that, the better off I think we all will be.

I understand that feeling of violation to learn that someone has used you purely as an object for arousal.

abuseMultiple times an ex manually stimulated me to physical arousal and used me as a human dildo. At the time I convinced myself I was into it, because I was a guy. I wasn’t, and while my trauma is relatively minor, it exists.

That said, there is nuance. This content was not edited, it was merely taken out of the original context. Are we going to prevent news from doing this to prevent using content in ways unintended and unanticipated by the original creators?

“I’ll know misuse when I see it” is not a sustainable method for evaluating misuse at scale.

“If it’s clearly being used for erotic purposes” likewise doesn’t work, as defining that line isn’t straightforward. Do we ban reposts of bikini shots?

This isn’t something that was created for private use that was leaked. It was content made for public consption. Being disgusted with how the public chooses to consume it is your right, but there’s no way to control that.

Again, I entirely sympathize with the women experiencing this. Being used in this manner is dehumanizing.

But there’s no stopping it. Best to accept as best you can and ignore it.

wizardbeard ,

Huh, what makes this a use case in favor of case sensitive file names? How does git use this feature?

wizardbeard , (edited )

PowerShell variable names and function names are not case sensitive.

I understand the conventions of using capitalization of those names having specific meanings in regards to things like constants, but the overwhelming majority of us all use IDEs now with autocomplete.

Personally, I prefer to use prefixes anyway to denote that info. Works better with segmenting stuff for autocomplete, and has less overhead of deriving non-explicit meaning from stuff like formatting or capitalization choices.

On top of that, you really shouldn’t be using variables with the same name but different capitalization in the same sections of code anyway. “Did I mean to use $AGE, $Age, or $age here?” God forbid someone come through to enforce standards or something and fuck that all up.

wizardbeard ,

How is this a shitpost? There are plenty of better communities for this stuff.

wizardbeard ,

Smarttube is a third party youtube app for streaming sticks with built in sponsorblock and ad blocking. Installable without rooting, but it’s not on the play store.

Just look up how to sideload apps on your stick and get going. You don’t need root.

wizardbeard ,

It used to. Used to be the #1 most visited website worldwide for many years.

Day 47 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots (

The game is Sea of Thieves. Me and a friend did a Skeleton Camp, and after getting the treasure from the room in the screenshot above (worth 20k), we were attacked by these guys who rammed us. They sank our ship before we could get back on, so i spawned the ship back in, raced to pick up my friend. Then i sailed past the...

wizardbeard ,

Cheating in a multiplayer game is a shitty move, regardless of motivation.

They released safer seas (pvp-less servers) if you don’t want to be hassled.

If child voices bug you (squeakers), go to the options, mute voice chat from non-crewmates. Turn on auto captions for voice chat if you’re worried about missing something or them sneaking up on you because you can’t hear them.

What quality do you associate 'stupid' within someone? (

Mine is the volume of their voice. If all that they can do is just talk too loudly with no reason for it and don't control the volume of their voice. That to me is a sign that you're a stupid fuck. Because people think the louder they are, the more righteous and attention seeking they are. Than it is to just listen, digest and...

wizardbeard ,

Blanket elitism about atheism, or rather blatant anti-theism, is one of mine.

wizardbeard ,

Very frustrating, especially when the book itself has a lot of fairly direct “this is symbolism/allegory/not to be interpreted literally” statements within.

RuneScape is increasing their membership price by 50%, and Reddit is trying to censor it

Runescape is jacking up their subscription prices next month, going from like 12 bucks to 14 bucks a month. The increases range from 20% to 56% in price depending on currency. Players are PISSED about it especially since the company got bought out by some investment firm earlier this year, and they see it as a shameless cash...

wizardbeard ,

The model hasn’t changed, but as development of new content has continued, 95% of new content is subscription only.

That said, I can’t speak for Runescape “proper” aka Runescape 3, the current “main” version. I’ve heard a lot of concerning things about all sorts of mobile game style predatory shit going on there.

I’ve only played Runescape 2, now called “Old School Runescape”, which is a fork of the game from (I think) 2006.

Essentially, right around that time they completely overhauled combat, stat progression, and a bunch of other stuff, and called it Runescape 3. A lot of people didn’t like the changes and started hosting custom servers from before the changes.

Eventually they made an official version, called it Old School Runescape, and have been developing it side by side with “normal” Runescape since.

Old School isn’t predatory in my opinion. Outside of occasional “leagues” on special servers with specific challenges applied, there’s no FOMO. The f2p game has plenty of content enjoyable on its own. The subscription just unlocks a mountain of more content, including alternative ways to level up through early game. Technically you can advance faster with a subscription, but that’s due to having more options to turn into an over optimized plan, not some shit exp multiplier or something.

wizardbeard ,

OSRS players are too busy trying to optimize everything down to the game tick.

Researchers find SQL injection to bypass airport TSA security checks (

Researchers Ian Carroll and Sam Curry discovered the vulnerability in FlyCASS, a third-party web-based service that some airlines use to manage the Known Crewmember (KCM) program and the Cockpit Access Security System (CASS). KCM is a Transportation Security Administration (TSA) initiative that allows pilots and flight...

wizardbeard ,

modern frameworks

Bold assumption they’re using anything remotely modern.

wizardbeard ,

It’s a benefit to trading companies by allowing them to make marginal monetary gains off the minor stock price fluctations as they occur. Once you pay for the setup it’s largely automatic passive income, at least until something happens and you have to mess with the algorithm.

“Free” money, no matter how relatively small, will always be attractive to a certain segment.

There’s also the “power”/elitism aspect as this revenue stream isn’t accessible to the average joe.

Edit: I’m not saying these are particularly good reasons, but the people with the money make the rules. It benefits them in the form of more money, so there you go.

wizardbeard ,

Neat, sounds kind of like the Game Center CX/Retro Game Challenge Nintendo DS games. In-game “famicom” games that release over time with different challenges to beat, in-game magazines with previews reviews and cheats. Lots of good fun.

Use the delocalization/undub patch for the first one and the fan translation for the second one.

wizardbeard ,

While I can see how that idea works incredibly well with the themes of the game, and I don’t think the game was ever going to get a traditionally satisfying conclusion… there’s a lot of cut content lying around in the files, on top of the “phantom episode” stuff from the collector’s disk that was included in the special edition that documents the work in progress next chapter they had to cut.

Hideous Kojambles is a great auteur, but they idea that all of that was just a front to further emphasize the themes doesn’t ring true to me.

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