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mojofrododojo , to lemmyshitpost in Veggietales Facts

might be right, might be wrong, but I’ll be fucked if I take my news from a bunch of christofascist vegetables.


LodeMike OP ,

They don’t have arms so they can’t self-pleasure (it is a “sin”)

prettybunnys ,

Which means they can only pleasure each other.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

mojofrododojo ,

yeah they’re left with mouths, vaginas and anuses AS GOD INTENDED VEG TO BE lol

Sotuanduso ,

Are we using christofascist as a way to call Christianity fascist now, or did I miss some fascist messaging in VeggieTales?

mojofrododojo ,

why not both?

Sotuanduso ,

Well, if you wanna call the religion evil, you do you I guess, but at least be accurate about it. The Bible doesn’t condone fascism (in fact, much of the point of the New Testament is that laws are not the way to save people,) so using christofascist as a term to refer to Christianity in general is diluting the definition of fascism. If you wanna use that term to refer to the people who use Christian branding as an excuse to push fascist laws, that’s fine, just don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

All it condones is slavery, incest, murder, the divine right to rule and a theocratic state, and the genocide of all non-Jewish people in Israel. Not fashy at all.

Sotuanduso ,

Slavery: Not condoned, not condemned, just regulated. See here for details. But that’s a fair argument to make.

Incest: Only condoned in the early generations of humanity when it was necessary, directly condemned afterwards. I guess I can see how you’d be confused if you heard about it secondhand, but any familiarity with the cases in question ought to show this. Incest in and of itself (discounting other problems like rape and pedophilia it tends to coincide with) is a problem primarily because it leads to a higher incidence of genetic defects, and there were no genetic defects in the first batch of humans as God created them perfectly.

Murder: Obviously against the ten commandments. I don’t know what you’re talking about. Is it the death penalty? Are you trying to gish gallop me? I don’t mind answering your points, but I’d appreciate it if you be more specific so I don’t have to guess what you’re referring to in order to address it.

Divine right: In the strictest sense, that God gives authorities their right to rule, sure, but they’re not above accountability like divine right typically says. The Bible says to follow the laws of men only where they do not conflict with the laws of God.

Genocide: That’s a tricky one, where the Israelites were to wipe out the Canaanites. I don’t have a good answer for it. What I do know is that God’s judgment is righteous, and that this one case is not justification for genocides at human convenience (though non-Christians might interpret it that way, including but not limited to a certain state. I’m not defending them.)

Also, just so we’re clear, incest is gross, but it’s not fascist.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

If that helps you sleep at night.

You might want to read the actual Biblical text of the “Ten” Commandments. They aren’t what Sunday School told you they were.

Sotuanduso ,

Exodus 20:2-17? Deuteronomy 5:6-21? They’re exactly what Sunday School told me they were (and what I’ve found through reading the Bible on my own,) and there are exactly 10. Is there supposed to be some kind of gotcha there? “You shall not murder” is written there plain as day. What are you trying to say?

Are you trying to draw attention to the fact that God’s judgment is fearsome? Because that’s a thing, God is both fearsome and forgiving. His wrath is justified because His judgment is unerring, while we shouldn’t pass judgment because we are flawed. His forgiveness is offered because He doesn’t want to see us go to Hell, while many do anyways because they don’t accept it.

I guess a lot of people try to sugercoat the Bible and downplay God’s judgment because it’s not fun to tell people hard truths, but that’s not a fair portrayal, and it can lead to crises of faith when people have an image of a super chill pacifist God and then read about things like Noah’s ark.

mojofrododojo ,

I guess I can see how you’d be confused if you heard about it secondhand

pffft endorsed in the bible is a funny way to put ‘secondhand’ lol

mojofrododojo ,

you do you I guess

thank you, I will.

Avatar_of_Self ,


Confirmed, VeggieTales is anti-2A.

solsangraal , to lemmyshitpost in Veggietales Facts

depends on perspective. if you’re a billionaire, it’s right on track.

LordWiggle , avatar

That’s what the French and Russian aristocrat’s thought right before the French and Russian revolutions.

randint , to lemmyshitpost in Ive bought two avatar

Assuming that the 80-pound (36.3 kg) stainless steel block is a solid cube, its side length would only be 16.6 cm (6.5 inches). (The density of the most common stainless steel (304) is 7930 kg/m^3.) Not nearly as big as the picture suggests. Still, it seems like it would be an awesome addition to my kitchen.

dejected_warp_core ,

Considering the downward trend of quality in home appliances, it makes even more sense that it’s not even solid metal.

randint , avatar

Well it does make more sense for it to be filled with something else, but then I wouldn’t want to buy it. One can dream…

dejected_warp_core ,

Maybe it’s filled with the same stuff as Happy Fun Ball?

randint , avatar

Happy Fun Ball

That ball seems dangerous af

HootinNHollerin ,

Nor stainless just a thin film

Evotech ,

Didn’t say that it’s solid

LouNeko ,

It’s a polymer shell filled with sand and stainless steel cover on 5 sides.

PenisWenisGenius ,

It’s just not solid metal. These things are overpriced pieces of shit. I know because I used to have one. Anytime there’s a “chip shortage” these things are always marked up to be 2x as expensive too.

I think in this day and age the best way to waste counter space is to use newspaper and dirty dishes like our great grandparents used to do.

YoFrodo , to lemmyshitpost in Which one of you?

“Meme Page Admin” would never be notable enough for a wiki, don’t fool yourselves

woelkchen , avatar

“Meme Page Admin” would never be notable enough for a wiki, don’t fool yourselves

Wait, why am I putting all that work into !formuladank then?

Donkter ,

That question is a walk you and Jesus have to take alone buddy.

kamenlady , avatar

Alone or together?

rob_t_firefly , avatar

Something something one set of footprints.

danc4498 , to lemmyshitpost in American healthcare be like

I like this comparison cause miracle whip sucks. Also, I’m going to Duke’s Mayo Clinic every time.

Tenthrow , avatar

We prefer Blue Plate General

Assman , avatar

Kewpie mayo is where it’s at

Cobrachicken ,

Kewpie hits the dish soap very hard with me.

Swedneck , avatar

unless you live in japan/china i cannot fathom regularly buying that, not only is it shipped halfway across the world, you have no clue what the ingredients and manufacturing is like, and to top it off it comes wrapped in a fucking plastic bag as if the shipping wasn’t terrible enough for the environment…

Especially when it’s mayo, something you can make with eggs, oil, some spices, and an immersion blender!

JusticeForPorygon , avatar

It’s fucking crazy how many people either prefer miracle whip or think it tastes the same as mayo. Like what kind of mayonnaise are you eating?

danc4498 ,

Might be a genetic thing. Like some people think avocados taste like dish soap. I think miracle whip tastes rotten.

can ,

Pretty sure that’s cilantro you’re thinking of

danc4498 ,

You’re right. I know somebody that is allergic to avocados, so I mixed those up.

JusticeForPorygon , avatar

I don’t think avocados have any flavor at all

angrystego ,

They kind of taste like butter to me. It’s a mild flavour, but nice.

Leviathan ,

I find they have a faint botanical/vegetal perfume and a buttery flavor.

JusticeForPorygon , avatar

I suppose that explains the popularity of avocado toast

altima_neo , avatar

It has such a nasty sweet taste that I can’t stand.

Though I haven’t tried it since I was a teenager. I don’t intend in trying it again.

Zehzin , to lemmyshitpost in Satan’s gonna catch himself a black eye avatar
finley ,

This version from the gospel of John is far more interesting than the others, what with all the whipping.

And not just any whip: Jesus made it from a leather thong from his own sandal, switches (small, thin branches) from a nearby tree, and broken pieces of pottery on the ground! That’s a very nasty whip!

cm0002 ,

AND he’s using it against merchants/elites/the rich, this is the version of Jesus I can get behind!

can ,

No one ever talks about the type of Jesus I could get behind.

PlasticExistence ,

Is it the one with amazing abs?

ummthatguy , (edited ) avatar

So you’re saying it’s part chankla? Formidable indeed.

pseudo , to lemmyshitpost in Problem solved avatar

I wonder is it something specific to the USA or in other countries people are obseessing over nit having them in the lawn?
I’m in France and every though WE are far from having wild urban meadow or meadow at all, I’ve never heard of people and HOA complaining about dandelion before learning nolawn mouvement on the internet.

GiddyGap ,

Definitely a thing in the US. People spend lots of money to have chemicals poured onto their lawns every year, summer and winter, to keep the weeds away. All of those chemicals have to go somewhere. Probably the groundwater and streams and other bodies of water. Not good.

pseudo , avatar

I know people who mowed down carefully their lawn and spray them with presticide but they never had a issue with having dandelions, daisies and other common grass flowers, they are usually considered part of the lawn.

sirico , avatar

It’s a weird culture a lot of emphasis on freedom and protecting your home but then you just “ok then” when the local busy body comes around. It’s your land get them told

myrrh ,

…HOAs hire management companies; management companies issue citations, collect fines, file liens, and foreclose your property…

sirico , avatar

*land of the free

myrrh ,

*free to exploit capital

Malfeasant ,

They can’t initiate foreclosure anymore, since around 2005 or thereabouts… But they can still file a lien, and collect on it if foreclosure happens.

myrrh ,

…depends upon the jurisdition: in my state, HOAs can foreclose for unpaid assessments but not for fines…

Malfeasant ,

I was told it was federal, but I don’t keep up with that stuff anymore, I’ve been HOA free for the last 9 years…

AnUnusualRelic , avatar

I too had never heard of the insane hatred on the poor dandelions before stumbling upon it online.

They should just eat more salad if it’s such a problem.

letsgo ,

Clearly someone who’s never accidentally tasted dandelion milk.

JasonDJ ,

Totally a USA thing. Dandelions and Clover are seen as undesirable to our eugenicized monoculture lawns.

The terrible part is the clover and dandelions and these other early season flowers “weeds” are a very important part of a bees diet.

MintyAnt ,

I love your line of thinking. Lawns don’t feed the ecosystem, flowers do! But here in the US dandelions and clover are not a critical part of their diet. Native plants are the critical part of their diet - e.g. Native maple trees that bloom first!

Dandelions are native to Europe

Clover is native to Eurasia

They are far from the worst weeds, i wouldn’t go eradicating them like you should invasive plants (I leave both in my lawn anyways). But if we are looking to support our bees and ecosystem, then we should be re wilding our yard and growing native plants

In New England there’s a lot of neat spring ephemerals too (select from additional attributes)

JasonDJ ,

Thank you. My understanding was since these were among the first flowers to come up in the spring, they are one of the few plentiful sources of food.

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

I stole this meme from somewhere else so I really don’t know anything about the backstory, so it could have been a grumpy neighbor for all I know.

EunieIsTheBus , to science_memes in It is very therapeutic to garden, though.

Is probably true. However, one should question their world view if they measure everything as a minimization problem with respect to cost efficience and yield.

enbyecho ,

if they measure everything as a minimization problem with respect to cost efficience and yield.

Well to be fair, that 3rd home in the Hamptons and a bigger yacht are not going to pay for themselves.

Donkter ,

I think it’s less about ruthless efficiency and more about which system will enable even the poorest in society to have nutritious food.

Swedneck , avatar

as if this system has done so…

nxdefiant ,

250 years ago people would rent pineapples for parties as status symbols because they cost $8000.

Nowadays the most expensive pineapple you can get is barely $400.

That’s progress

stiephel ,

If it helps, I could sell you a pineapple for more than that.

nxdefiant ,

I’ll have to see what my social status raising fruit budget looks like.

Donkter ,

No you couldn’t, they would never buy an 8000$ pineapple today because he could get one down the street for a couple bucks.

Shardikprime ,

Is that Canadian toonies?

Donkter ,

Not saying anything about the system, just about which farming method has the most potential to equitably distribute resources.

MonkeMischief ,

I get what you mean. Our system produces a ridiculous amount of quantity, which should be great! But in the context of where it’s firmly placed within existing socioeconomics, stupid things happen like “destroying all the product to keep the value from crashing” and the “distribution problem” that feeding the poor isn’t profitable.

Maybe industrial agriculture wouldn’t be so terrible if food production for the human race didn’t operate on the same metrics as handbags or funkopops. =\

Donkter ,

I agree that commodifying food, especially locking nutrition behind class walls is barbaric. I also get that the current iteration of industrial farming is scary (don’t get me wrong, it sucks shit) and that “small scale farming solutions just haven’t been tried!” but clearly small scale farming is a long term fantasy that would take many decades of work and public acceptance, not even to mention the process of decommodifying the agriculture industry. All I’m saying is that if I’m playing in the same space, the method that would be the most environmentally friendly and efficient (not in an economic sense) is large scale industrial farms.

MonkeMischief ,

The other concern I have about small-scale farming I had, arose because I had this notion about “What if we could eliminate food deserts that are literally in the desert through household hydroponics?”

It sounded like such an awesome idea. Federated food! What a revolution!

But I also found out there’s a ton that can go very wrong when you have no idea where food came from or how it is grown.

It’s also my experienced opinion that a not-small percentage of the human population in this metropolis range from clinically insane to dangerously ignorant.

Industrial farming sucks in a lot of ways, but I’m also glad the (horribly underfunded) FDA and USDA exists.

Perhaps pushes for education in this field could go a long way? It seems outside of farming communities, food production is very much thought of as “farmers’ work.” and not much else.

Welt ,

Borlaug’s green revolution of the mid-20th century did lead to a rapid reduction in famines across Asia and Africa…

starman2112 , (edited ) avatar

I mean. It has? Even the poorest of the poor eat better than they did a couple hundred years ago

MsPenguinette , to lemmyshitpost in Seems legit

If it actually drives, I’d pay a few hundred just for the fun of making cyber truck shitposts

db2 ,

That untempered glass windshield seems like a bad plan though.

MsPenguinette ,

Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!

db2 ,
beebarfbadger ,

Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree horse.

beebarfbadger ,

A Tesla product not optimised for everyday use? Unpossible!

bionicjoey , to mildlyinfuriating in US Senator Bernie Sander's Newest Video is Unavailable in the USA

IDK who this Bernie Sander guy is, but he sounds like an antisemite /j

too_high_for_this ,

He’s really Bernese Anders, a Swiss Nazi sleeper agent

knorke3 , to memes in The gamer meme (completed edition)

bonus points if you pirate, play through the game, and then buy it only if you enjoyed it

Coasting0942 ,

Just like Jesus did for the bakers and fishermen……wait

PhreakyByNature ,

Nice try winRAR / mIRC

KpntAutismus ,

which is what happened with frostpunk for me. i made it through the main story once, and bought it and the DLCs at full price. 5 years after it came out.

Fiivemacs ,

I do this all the time.

I call it full version demos.

I test the games because most of the time it’s buggy shit, or AAA games. Few gems here and there and I will pay for them when I know they are good. The 2 hour refund which isn’t enough imo…games are designed to be trash after the 2 hours tbh…or at least don’t show the trash until after the 2 hour mark.

There has been a few times where I even had to refund after purchasing because the ‘totally legit edition’ actually worked, whereas the DRM filled trash didn’t.

runswithjedi , to lemmyshitpost in Your mom coming home after having brunch at the pancake house


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  • MacNCheezus OP , (edited ) avatar

    Nice kek

    TBH I haven’t seen him in a long time and I kinda miss him; would be nice to catch up.

    You are so thoughtful 🥲

    cyborgbabyman , avatar

    Here they come to ship the rooster

    Moof_Kenubi ,

    You know he ain’t gonna fly

    PotjiePig , to lemmyshitpost in Don't allow others to consume you...

    day day

    PetteriSkaffari ,

    A good day day day.

    bruhduh , to lemmyshitpost in Facial Recognition avatar
    Pringles , to greentext in Anon has a question

    I did that once, I was staying at a family as an exchange student and immediately forced to help with chores. Now, they ran a large creche from that house so there were a lot of different chores and being on dishes could mean slaving away in the kitchen for well over an hour.

    Anyway, I didn’t know shit about how to properly dispose of oil and in the first or second week poured a large pan of oil down the drain. It ended up ruining some stuff and they had a hefty repair bill. I may be cynical, but I never gave a damn about it as they were basically using me as free labor anyway. Helping with household chores = ok. Helping clean up the gigantic daily mess of those shitty kids in your shitty creche = not ok

    brbposting ,

    Alternative form of crèche.


    was it penguins or bats?

    Flax_vert ,

    You’re looking at the wrong definition. It was very clearly a re-enactment of the birth and incarnation of our Lord through our Lady

    sigmaklimgrindset ,

    Isn’t a crèche that thing Lae’zel kept yapping on about in Baldur’s Gate?

    bane_killgrind ,

    Yes because githyanki are egg laying bat faced people

    sigmaklimgrindset ,

    …wow…how did I not make that connection.

    Proof that my brain is smoother than that Githyanki egg I accidentally destroyed.

    Zoboomafoo ,

    I gave mine to the friendly lady out front. I’m sure it turned out well

    bane_killgrind ,

    It’s ok! The writers could have picked something irrelevant, you just got unlucky.

    psud ,

    Yes, you go there and steal an egg

    Linnce ,
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