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letsgo ,

“fictional AI CP” isn’t a thing. AI is trained on existing data. It does not create new stuff. If you want AI to generate CP then you have to train it on CP.

letsgo ,

Same way I’d explain a sciency-type person who doesn’t know the difference between there, their and they’re.

letsgo ,

I had the misfortune to have to share an office with a bunch of sales morons. I can recommend Bose idiot-cancelling headphones. What a bunch of selfish noisy fuckwombles.

letsgo ,

OK so next time you’ve done your work for the day, try going home early. Do let us know how it goes.

You aren’t paid by the hour as long as it suits the company. As soon as it suits you, you’re damn well going to sit there until 5pm staring at the ceiling if you have to, THEN you can go home.

letsgo ,

This whale is near. That country is far away.

letsgo ,

Heh, I wonder how the ml tankies are spinning this one and what browser they’re going to use instead of Nazifox or whatever stupid name they’re using for it now.

AMD has preemptively dropped support for Windows 10 on its new Ryzen AI 300 Series chips (

In another attempt to convince us that “AI PCs” are somehow fundamentally different from the PCs we’re already using, AMD has officially dropped support for Windows 10 from its new AMD Ryzen AI 300 Series platform. This can be observed by glancing at the official AMD Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 specs page, which now only lists...

letsgo ,

How does a CPU drop support for an OS? Seems the wrong way round to me. Is there a Windows 10 specific way of loading 5 into the accumulator or something?

letsgo ,

Tennis, because in a pinch they can double up as snow shoes.

letsgo ,

I know someone who insists LOL means “lots of love”.

His text “My mother-in-law died last night LOL” still fails to parse.

A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back (

It’s a nightmare scenario for Microsoft. The headlining feature of its new Copilot+ PC initiative, which is supposed to drive millions of PC sales over the next couple of years, is under significant fire for being what many say is a major breach of privacy and security on Windows. That feature in question is Windows Recall, a...

letsgo ,

I doubt the majority of MS users need to tail a log file. And of those of us that do, how many don’t know that Notepad++ does it?

letsgo ,

“This is my first IT job, I’ve only been working here 3 months”

Then you need to learn this lesson quickly: YOU ARE NOT THE BOSS. The Boss is the Boss. Not you. You make your concerns known to him then you leave it at that.

“I’m considering talking directly to the owners about this issue” Yeah, going over his head is really going to go down well /s. As you have proven you are hard of learning, let me state clearly: it won’t, that was sarcasm. The owners will see you’ve gone over your boss’s head and when he says “I’ve had enough of this jerk, let’s get someone else in” they’ll be hard pressed to disagree with him.

“my boss’s refusal puts our operations at risk” Your boss already knows this. Especially as you keep banging on about it. What you’re doing here is heading for an unceremonious out-kicking. Your boss also knows a lot more about the business than you do. If he’s keeping that machine on Win7 then he probably has some good reasons to do so.

“I want to ensure I handle this professionally” No you don’t. You want to force your boss to do what you think he should do. If you were being professional you’d state your concerns, in email if necessary, then move on.

“I definitely feel like I’m going to be used as a scapegoat” That’s why you put your concerns in an email (ONLY to your boss, nobody else. Or maybe a sympathetic team member). This creates a paper trail so that if and when they come knocking on your door saying “Why did you let this happen! You’re fired!” you can point to that email which proves you did everything you could. (Which they won’t by the way. You’re an idiot newb three months into your first job. You don’t have any responsibility yet. So this isn’t on you.)

“I’m also planning on seeking employment elsewhere” It doesn’t matter where you work while you have this attitude. Newsflash kiddo: you’re the asshole here. You’re a newb three months into your first job. No matter what you think you know, you don’t know anything. Instead of trying to dictate to others what you think they should do, try to learn why they’re doing it differently from what you expect. Maybe you have to find somewhere else now; that boat may have already sailed. Maybe if you approach your boss saying something like “er, sorry I was an asshole, I thought I knew more than I do, can we start over and I want to learn from you” (but obvs phrase it better than that) then MAYBE you stand a chance of getting through your first year.

[Sympathetic mode on.]

We all have to learn this stuff and it takes time. Your boss also knows this, and remembers when he was an overenthusiastic hothead. So while all the above might seem harsh, especially the YTA bit, hopefully it’ll cause a course correction (which is my intent here) and you’ll be back on track to a successful career in IT. This position may still be salvageable but you need to go in on Monday understanding clearly that it might not be, and that it is your fault. And maybe you need to be fired a few times before this sinks in. Good luck.

letsgo ,

I disagree. That’s a consultant-style answer. OP is an idiot newb three months into his first job with zero responsibility, and not in any position to “serve notice” or have any meaningful “professional opinion”.

letsgo ,

Why would you demand metric everything and not metric time?

letsgo ,

We even like combining them in one thing. Tyres are measured using inches for one dimension and millimetres for the other two.

letsgo ,

Next time you’re driving somewhere, just pick a pedal and push it to see if it has the desired effect. If you go faster that’s the gas. If you go slower that’s the brake. If neither of them do anything try switching the engine on. You might need to fiddle with the gearstick as well, one of them makes you go backwards, the others are forwards. Just experiment and you’ll figure it out.

Preferably well away from any othe traffic.

letsgo ,

Well it’s only Windows that’s complaining it can’t install Windows 11 on my Windows 10 laptop. I’m not mothballing perfectly good hardware just because Microsoft is having a tantrum.

letsgo ,

Clearly someone who’s never accidentally tasted dandelion milk.

letsgo ,

That’s some badass ass assessment.

letsgo ,

It’s a single example that disproves the hypothesis “science and religion must always oppose”. Only one example is needed, in the same way that the Riemann hypothesis only needs a single zero off the critical line to prove it’s false.

letsgo ,

Oh I don’t know. Healthy people, kept healthy by science, live longer, earn more, tithe more; some even get to reverse tithe (where they keep 10% and give the rest away).

letsgo ,

Well let’s have a look at the Tory track record of implementing things effectively. How about Boris’s oven ready deal? Seems he didn’t have one. Was he lying? Or did he have one that he thought the EU would accept until they laughed him out of the room? How’s the Rwanda plan going? How much has it cost so far? How many flights have left? Hmm.

letsgo ,

Because back when the only way to listen to new music was to buy it, then find out a load of it was absolute tripe, then not be able to take it back.

So fuck 'em. I download first, then if I like it I buy it. There’s quite a few CDs on my shelf that I first pirated. And no CDs that are full of lame filler shite.

letsgo ,

British Christian here, with an engineering degree. I think knowledge is a good thing. But it’s not the only thing; faith is important too. Balancing the two can be tricky because we always want more “why?” and God isn’t always going to answer that. But He is good, infinitely good, there is no evil in Him, and He has promised to be with us forever. There are times when you just have to switch your analytics off and trust, and find the peace within “I don’t know.”

letsgo ,

Copilot gives a four step solution then finishes with “glue is not the answer”.

letsgo ,

Then there’s the recent wussification of horses, from wild western horses that’d charge around carrying gun toting hoodlums of all sorts, to the present day where they clop slowly along the road where you have to pass wide and slow on the offchance that you’ll totally freak them out.

Even military horses aren’t much better. A pile of bricks fell over in London a few weeks ago and a bunch of guards’ horses threw their riders and galloped across the city in blind panic. I bet the ones that carry those dual timps are taking the right piss out of them back at the stables.

letsgo ,

Setup for one of those elf on a shelf gags?

letsgo ,

I think it’d be the “like this” option.

letsgo ,

No but it has a bearing on it. If a trans woman is a woman that was born in a male body, and said trans woman finds herself falling for another woman (trans or otherwise), then surely she is a lesbian, as opposed to if she identified with her body which would make for a heterosexual relationship.

Or maybe we just throw out the whole idea of orientation altogether, (a) because stuff like the above is just too confusing, especially when extrapolated from this simple case into more complex identities and attractions, and (b) nobody cares anyway now that all orientations are considered equal.

letsgo ,

An interesting observation from another source: since being straight and white is now the worst thing ever and we, especially the males, are now responsible for absolutely everything that goes wrong anywhere in the universe and everyone hates us for that, any kid unfortunate enough to find themselves in that predicament is going to identify as just about anything else in order to retain some degree of popularity.

letsgo ,

It sank into the ocean after Putin pressed the wrong button.

letsgo ,

How do they know they’re women?

letsgo ,

Some trans men have boobs; calling them women is the worst crime imaginable: misgendering.

letsgo ,

Maybe they could be called AIgorithms instead of Algorithms.

letsgo ,

So where you come from, you welcome no races, no religions, no countries of origin, no sexual orientations, no genders; you don’t stand with them and they’re not safe, and the restrooms are a complete free for all?

letsgo ,

Also by claiming “developing nation”, which is up to the nation to decide for themselves instead of having someone else decide for them, the planet’s second largest economy gets to claim WTO rules that the recipient (country) pays delivery. That’s why you can buy something from China for $1.50 and yet it costs $150 to send it back if it doesn’t work.

letsgo ,

A transparent ad centred on your mouse cursor.

letsgo ,

That’s not a real operator. You’ve put a space in “i–” and removed the space in “-- >”. The statement is “while i-- is greater than zero”. Inventing an unnecessary “goes to” operator just confuses beginners and adds something else to think about while debugging.

And yes I have seen beginners try to use <-- and --<. Just stop it.

letsgo ,

If they have value to the company then how about sharing the costs of commuting? A 50-50 split seems reasonable to me. The company gets the value of those conversations, and the plebs get some help with all that fuel they now have to buy, at ridiculous prices due to high oil prices.

letsgo ,

Hmm I smell another “DeCSS” coming along…

letsgo ,

That’s a great plan! Do be sure to let us all know how it goes.

letsgo ,

It’s nice that the bottom right one helps you practice your maths. “Exit 164 Miles” is just so boring.

letsgo ,

Sure but if you’re doing rooty stuff all day then sudo you’re sudo not sudo going sudo to sudo type sudo sudo sudo every sudo fucking sudo time sudo you sudo want sudo to sudo do sudo something. And yeah it sudo caches it for sudo a bit but sudo it’s still too sudo much.

letsgo ,

A programmer’s pet peeve is someone who says “why can’t you just…”.

But the fundamental problem with your plan, assuming it’s possible at all - it’s been said that if the brain were simple enough for us to understand then we’d be too simple to understand it - is that you’re going to want to make your AI at least as smart as someone who’s 30-40 years old, which by definition would take 30-40 years.

letsgo ,

I’m UK too. As I see it your options are one or more of:

  1. ignore the incident without comment and don’t give him the satisfaction of upsetting you;
  2. block him so he can’t do it again. If he needs your number for other reasons then he gave up that right when he sent you that disgusting stuff; now he needs other routes, which you can block as needed;
  3. raise the issue with your team leader or manager advising that you just want it to stop, you don’t want disciplinary action taken against him, but if he’s a repeat offender then the company might take it further anyway (which would be appropriate and correct);
  4. DO NOT go to HR. They are not your friend or ally. They are there to protect the company and it’s just as likely you’ll be terminated as him. HR is a last resort, if you can’t get any satisfaction from management, and you keep suffering this kind of abuse (because that’s what it is; I’m not exaggerating), only then go to HR and even then only after notifying everyone concerned - the bully/bullies and your manager - that’s what you’re going to do.

If this cockwomble gets fired because of sending that video to you, you have nothing to be ashamed of. It’s his own stupidity that got him there, not you “grassing him up” or whatever other cockney nonsense you might have knocking around inside your noggin. You don’t owe that wanknugget anything, especially after he sent you stuff you explicitly said you didn’t want to see.

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