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M500 , in proof

Once I got food delivered and it was all fucked up. Like not sealed and everything spilled all over everything else. Like soup soaking the ribs.

They asked for proof that it was in the garbage to make sure will not eat it.

I wasn’t going to anyway, but just to be an add I put it in a fresh trash bag and sent the picture.

I’d already sent a picture of how destroyed the meal was when it was delivered.

Anticorp ,

Pay us or starve!

jeffw , in A retro problem avatar

Pretty sure the little slit was so that you could use a flathead screwdriver. Had to do that a couple times

downpunxx ,

......... aaaaaand there goes the infinitesimally tiny nut inside the case

billgamesh ,

clatter click … oh no…

db2 ,

I learned not to do that with the system plugged in. Only lost one expansion slot somehow.

Grass ,

Then one side of the driver notch shears off

qprimed , (edited )

those slots were near useless.

edit to say: one trick was to use the blank expansion slot plates to gently break the vice like grip the screw had in the hex stand-off. the metal used on the cheap “digit remover” cases was sometimes soft enough to loosen the thumb screws via the driver slot without the thumb screw breaking.

still nearly useless though.

AngryCommieKender ,

We referred to those blank expansion slot metal pieces as “keys.” They were useful lockpicks.

200ok ,


jeffw , avatar

I mean, I could’ve been doing it wrong lol

kernelle , in Glad this is becoming a meme

“Publicly available data” - I wonder if that includes Disney’s catalogue? Or Nintendo’s IP? I think they are veeery selective about their “Publicly available data”, it also implies the only requirement for such training data is that it is publicly available, which almost every piece of media ever? How an AI model isn’t public domain by default baffles me.

Raykin ,

Great point.

Even_Adder ,

You should check out this article by Kit Walsh, a senior staff attorney at the EFF, and this one by Katherine Klosek, the director of information policy and federal relations at the Association of Research Libraries.

kernelle ,

Great articles, first is one of the best I’ve read about the implications of fair use. I argue that because of the broadness of human knowledge that is interpreted through these models, everyone is entitled to have unrestricted access to them (not the servers or algorithms used, the models). I’ll dub it “the library of the digital age” argument.

programmer_belch , avatar

The problem is that if copyrighted works are used, you could generate a copyrighted artwork that would be made into public domain, stripping its protection. I would love this approach, the problem is the lobbyists don’t agree with me.

kernelle ,

Not necessarily, if a model is public domain, there could still be a lot of proprietary elements used in interpreting that model and actually running it. If you own the hardware and generate something using AI, I’d say the copyright goes to you. You use AI as the brush to paint your painting and the painting belongs to you, but if a company allows you to use their canvas and their painting tools, it should go to them.

programmer_belch , avatar

I think that if I paint with my own brush a mario artwork that isn’t to Nintendo’s standart, they have the legal power to take it down from wherever I upload

kernelle ,

Really? Even if your artwork isn’t used in a commercial way?

programmer_belch , avatar

I’m really not in the know abput these things but I have seen free fangames taken down because they used copyrighted property even though the creators don’t receive a penny.

kernelle ,

I’ll compare it with the recent takedown of the Switch emulator Yuzu. It’s my understanding they actively solicited donations and piracy, both of which could be seen as commercial activities. Which in a project of that scale the latter was their downfall, meanwhile Ryujinx is still up and running. But we’ll see if that remains true.

Grimy ,

Copyrights and IP laws don’t only come into effect if profit is made. Fan products are usually tolerated by companies because it’s free advertising and fans get angry when it does get taken down.

When a fan product starts making money, it’s usually because it directly competes with the original IP and then they act. Even then, Etsy has thousands of shops with copyrighted content but the small profit loss doesnt justify the loss of reputation for the companies.

That being said, it’s the user who uploads it who is at fault and not the tool used to create it.

Ultimately, I think it’s the platforms that let users upload copyrighted content and celebrity likenesses that should be at fault. Take for example the Taylor Swift debacle. An image generator was used to create the images sure but twitter chose to let it float on their website for a whole day even though it was most likely reported in the first 5 minutes.

There’s also the fact that if we start demanding AI doesn’t use copyrighted content, it kills the open source scene and cements Google and Microsoft’s grip on our economy as we move towards an AI driven society.

kernelle ,

Oh yeah I was just showing an example! There is much more to it then just commercial, but it’s a very quick way get the attention of businesses. Whether it be direct or indirect.

programmer_belch , avatar

I think that if someone uploads mario doing warcrimes to twitter and it gets viral, there is no “I made it with my own brush” that can save you from Nintendo taking the artwork down.

This example also works with a fanart of a celebrity in a sexual context without any AI use.

programmer_belch , avatar

In my opinion making AI stop taking copyrighted content can only be enforced by making all AI development open source, datasets and models included. This is the way to loosen the control bigmonopolies like Google and Microsoft have over it.

the_artic_one ,

Yes, fanart is almost certainly copyright infringement unless the copyright holder grants a license. Many companies have an official license for non-commercial fanart and generally nobody cares about it but if someone really wanted to they could absolutely file takedown requests against all fanart of their work.

Natanael ,

The existing legal precedence in most places is that most use of ML doesn’t count as human expression and doesn’t have copyright protection. You have to have significant control over the creation of the output to have copyright (the easiest workaround is simply manually modifying the ML output and then only releasing the modified version)

kernelle ,

The existing legal precedence

I know that’s how law works, but there is no precedent for AI at this scale and will only get worse. What if AI gains full sentience? Are they a legally recognised person? Do they have rights and do they not own the copyright themselves? All very good questions with no precedent in law.

Natanael ,

The law says human creative expression

kernelle ,

At what point does human creative expression become a sentient being?

jaybone ,

If you rent a brush to paint with, is the painting not yours? If you rent a musical instrument to record an original song with, is the song not yours?

kernelle ,

Exactly! When you pay for a service you own the copyright, like having a photoshop license. I meant in other situations where it’s free or provided as research tools to engineers under a company.

rotopenguin , avatar

Read the fine print on that agreement

redcalcium ,

There is a rumor that OpenAI downloaded the entirety of LibGen to train their AI models. No definite proof yet, but it seems very likely.…

100_kg_90_de_belin ,

“It just like me fr fr” (cit.)

irish_link , in Are we the baddies?

I disagree. Most Americans know we are the fire nation/empire from Star Wars.

Well at least most people I know.

LNRDrone ,

So…sure we are the baddies, but it’s OK because America?

NocturnalMorning ,

Don’t think that’s what OP meant.

pyrflie ,

OP wants a fairy tail.

40K is just worst case Grimms.

NocturnalMorning ,

Don’t know how you got that from one statement.

Rakonat ,

Enlightened 40Kism, we know we are the bad guys, cause there are no good guys, just worse villians.

original_reader ,

What is 40Kism?

Revan343 ,

In Warhammer 40K, the Imperium of Man are awful, but they’re the ‘good guys’ because they’re human, any every other species is even more awful and would wipe humanity out given the chance

DragonTypeWyvern ,

That is what new players/readers are told, sure.

rambling_lunatic , (edited )

Tau wouldn’t and doesn’t exterminate. On the other hand they may or may not brainwash their populace.

emergencyfood ,


DragonTypeWyvern ,

Space Dawi

Most of the independent human systems doing just fine without the Imperium tyvm


Some Necrons, maaaaybe. It’s hard to tell with them sometimes.

Hrud mostly seem to just want to be left alone.

A lot of aliens just chilling

Fun Fact: the Imperium doesn’t actually span most of the galaxy. Nor do they really “control” the area around their systems.

Because of how FTL works in 40k, some areas just aren’t accessible to them. There’s a full on insectoid empire called the Q’orl near Terra that they didn’t have access to or know about until the Warp currents shifted.

And apparently their technology is even enough to be a potential threat… And the Imperium learned this when they immediately tried to kill them, obviously

Rakonat ,

Ah yes you can join our ‘Greater Good’ if you volunteer to be our slaves and castrate yourself. Also if you change your mind and try to leave we’ll kill you.

emergencyfood ,

But less bad than the imperium, no?

alcoholicorn ,

Yes, that is the justification most Americans use; western chauvinism tells them that no matter how bad they are, the other places are worse. How many times on Lemmy do you see people say “America bad, but China or Russia or Iran would be worse (therefore we’re justified in facilitating massive bloodshed)?”

starman2112 , avatar

I’ve seen the former part of that sentiment on here, but I haven’t seen anyone use it as justification to go to war

alcoholicorn ,

It’s used to justify bombing Yemen, support the genocide in Palestine, escalating the proxy war against Russia, and starting one against China.

You can get a social democrat to acknowledge that every conflict America has supported since WWII has made make the world worse, and they’ll still insist that this time, it’s different.

And half of lemmy are worse than that.

Bytemeister ,

…escalating the proxy war against Russia…

So, comrade, how much of Ukraine should surrender for about 6 years of “peace” with Russia?

alcoholicorn ,

The portions of Ukraine that Western Ukraine was shelling before the invasion.

The lines have hardly moved in a year, despite thousands more dead and millions more displaced. Every bomb we send is a bad day for someone, statistically mostly civilians. To send more bombs is to sacrifice more people, for the same geopolitical outcome.

OurToothbrush ,

I for one wouldn’t have used unrest as a chance to do a coup. But if I did, I wouldn’t have planned who to install in what positions over an unsecure line.

And so, Ukraine would have stayed a democracy that is more economically aligned with Russia, and Russia wouldn’t have invaded.

I for one, wouldn’t have spent 40 years trying to overthrow a proletarian democracy, eventually succeeding in sponsoring a coup.

So Ukraine and Russia wouldn’t be right wing nationalist nations and would instead be part of a progressive federation.

TokenBoomer ,

The path where America is not in control and making the decisions for the rest of the world doesn’t even enter the liberalist mind. The inability to imagine an alternative world order is heavily ingrained and maintained by fear of “the other.”

starman2112 , avatar

More like “we are the baddies, but the incredibly wealthy own the country and they want war, and none of us have to balls to start lopping off heads”

Arcturus , (edited )

incredibly wealthy own the country

I wish people just said “the capitalist class”…

Makes it more obvious what the problem is and What Is To Be Done (working class revolution and overthrow).

irish_link ,

No, not okay. The monkey puppet reaction.

We are not shocked to learn we are the bad guys. I never said it’s okay, I just disagree with the reaction meme to indicate we didn’t know it.

Not sure where you pulled “it’s okay because America” from my statement but no need to jump to conclusions and put words in peoples mouth.

metaldream ,

He pulled it from nowhere because tankies are incapable of nuance, especially if you hold an even mildly dissenting opinion. You’re either with them or against them, there is no in-between. It’s ironic how much they share in common with actual fascists.

AnarchoBolshevik ,


altima_neo , avatar

You forgot the important part

“And they’re proud of it”

It’s crazy how military families are so into being in the military, out how proud they are of being Marines, etc. They’re literally doing the governments dirty work.

Harbinger01173430 ,

The question is: why would they be proud of being marines?

I mean, marines are the cannon fodder in every alien invasion movie, so, with that knowledge, that military branch is composed of useless moving targets.

conditional_soup ,

Propaganda. Lots and lots and lots of propaganda.

Harbinger01173430 ,

Propaganda about being the first line to get sacrificed in every alien invasion? Lol

conditional_soup ,

I don’t know if you’ve lived in rural America, but I have, and the fast track to quasi-celebrity status out there is to join the Marines or get KIAd. Americans have been heavily propagandized about making the great and noble sacrifice to “defend the country”.

Harbinger01173430 ,

I live in south americA

conditional_soup ,

Yeah, the US, particularly rural US, has been propagandized an absolutely ridiculous amount. Being seen to sacrifice or die for the empire is seen as a glorious thing both in and for your community.

whotookkarl , avatar

Self sacrifice for family/church/country is a big part of their hero’s journey narrative.

irish_link ,

Very true.

bennieandthez , avatar

Bootlickers gonna bootlick

Bytemeister ,

I think we’re more like the Alliance from Firefly.

Most people are just trying to go about their day-to-day, and the war and major imperialism was done a long time ago. Now there are a few in the government who keep doing evil shit, but for the most part it’s a big useless bureaucracy.

OurToothbrush ,

the war and major imperialism was done a long time ago.

This is literally a myth that papers over their current warmongering and imperialism

metaldream ,

That people don’t know about because it isn’t covered in the media unless you actively look for that info. So it might as well have happened a long time ago

Zehzin , avatar

Most people you know seem a lot more aware than the average American in my experience

tatterdemalion , avatar

I thought the Empire in Star Wars was supposed to be Germany. They literally both have “stormtroopers.”

irish_link ,

Originally i would agree but i am referencing how things are today as that’s what the meme is referencing.

If you asked Americans today if they are the rebels or the empire the folks I know concede that we are the empire. We are the ones going into other peoples home towns with military occupation.

tatterdemalion , avatar

Fair. I was mostly thinking about it from the perspective of what the writers had intended at the time.

FilthyShrooms , in Bring em back

These sound like classes in a weird jrpg

hakunawazo ,

Joint role play experts group?

MissJinx , avatar

Priest Hunter lol

demonen , in How often had I overlooked women's contributions ? avatar

It occurs to me that the solution might be to start referring to men as “wermen” again, and revert “men” to it’s gender neutral roots. That also means we can have a bunch of other prefixes for other genders.

Languages are fun.


just lean all the way in and call us vermin

Ultraviolet ,

That’s also where the “were” prefix in werewolf comes from.

bob_lemon ,

Does that mean female werewolves should be called wowolves? (Or even better, woowolves)

Ultraviolet ,

Wifwolves, unfortunately.

kibiz0r ,
huf ,

lol what the fuck, yeah right, ancient germanic word “man” derives from latin… whoever drew this didnt bother to open up the dictionary once…

kibiz0r ,


I’m not an entomologist.

blawsybogsy ,

“Entomology (from Ancient Greek entomon ‘insect’, and -logia ‘study’)[1] is the scientific study of insects, a branch of zoology. In the past the term insect was less specific, and historically the definition of entomology would also include the study of animals in other arthropod groups, such as arachnids, myriapods, and crustaceans. This wider meaning may still be encountered in informal use.”

huf ,

pff nah, entomologists are experts at entoming people. you know, like putting them in a tom underground. dead. like that cara loft lady.

blawsybogsy ,

i need to branch out with my sources

milicent_bystandr ,
hessenjunge ,

Scholars seem to agree it stems from Proto-Indo-European, so Latin is not the source.

robotica , in [OC] Anyone else insist on using the generic name for all meds?

ITT: Americans who can’t fathom generic medicine names

Tylenol isn’t the medicine, paracetamol is. I love having grown up in a European country which mandates pharmacies to very clearly inform you, not just in some fuck ass place, but repeat to you 3 times, that there is a cheaper generic version which does the same thing.

wyrmroot ,

This is probably the worst example to choose, because in the US the generic name is acetaminophen. This is a case where the brand name actually unites understanding of a drug whose chemical name differs by location.

That being said, I still agree with the spirit, let’s stick to referring to the drug and not the brand.

robotica ,

Touché, though I love knowing names like paracetamol or acetaminophen, ibuprofen, diclofenac, acetylsalicylic acid etc.

I can’t come up with many names because I don’t remember every single drug, but when I see a drug, I always read the chemical, never the brand, and I’m glad for my country and my parents for that.

TheRealKuni ,

I particularly like knowing acetylsalicylic acid because knowing that name helps you understand why really old bottles of Aspirin smell like vinegar: the acetic acid and the salicylic acid have begun to separate, and acetic acid is the active ingredient in vinegar!

DillyDaily ,

This is a case where the brand name actually unites understanding of a drug whose chemical name differs by location.

Except we don’t have Tylenol in most countries where it’s called paracetamol.

We have Panadol, Panamax, Calpol, Herron and Hedanol.

If it wasn’t for ER, Scrubs, Greys Anatomy and a bunch of other American media, I’d have no idea that Tylenol and acetaminophen are the same thing as Panadol and paracetamol.

Standard Tylenol and standard Panadol are different dosages too. Regular strength Tylenol is 325mg, standard Panadol (and every other paracetamol brand I’ve seen for adults) is 500mg, which is the “extra strength” of Tylenol.

TheRealKuni ,

Standard Tylenol and standard Panadol are different dosages too. Regular strength Tylenol is 325mg, standard Panadol (and every other paracetamol brand I’ve seen for adults) is 500mg, which is the “extra strength” of Tylenol.

We have enough liver problems in the US without pushing more acetaminophen/paracetamol on people. 😅

JudahBenHur ,

do you know why theres no aspirin in the jungle?

cause parrots eat em all

rmuk ,

Y’see, I would have said “parrots ate 'em all”. It still works.

JudahBenHur ,

do you pronounce it ceet or cet in the actual drug name

robotica ,

I know it as “ceet”, but my language pronounces that part as “tset”.

JudahBenHur ,



robotica ,

Lithuanian, you got it right! Though you could’ve guessed any Slavic language too, so it’s weird you picked Lithuanian

JudahBenHur ,

it is weird- I mean I also picked portugese and that had nothing to do with anything

cazssiew ,

In France there are plenty of people who ask for Dafalgan or neurofen but have no idea what paracetamol or ibuprofen are.

robotica ,

Yeah, there are clueless people everywhere, but I’m still glad that it’s easy to get generic medicine.

To be fair, you cannot force people to buy generic, let people make their own, though preferably informed, decisions.

pearsaltchocolatebar , in Schrödinger's USB-C, you only know if it supports what you want after you plug it in

Gotta love troubleshooting your data connection before you realize you grabbed a power only cable.

Anticorp ,

Such things should not be allowed to exist.

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

No, there’s a good reason for them to exist, but they should be marked as such.

Anticorp ,

What’s the reason? A slightly cheaper cable where data isn’t needed?

Sparkega ,

Eliminates a malicious threat vector. Gives you piece of mind to charge your devices without worry that what you connect to is going to interact with your device.

InformalTrifle ,

*Peace of mind

Sparkega ,

I’ll give you a piece of my mind.

Just kidding. Thanks for the correction

InformalTrifle ,

Your funny 🙂

evranch ,

You finally described a reason for these otherwise frustrating cables to exist! Though I like the other suggested method better, a charge-only adapter that you apply to the end of a full featured cable.

eyeon ,

it’s also safer when wanting to charge from untrusted chargers, though you can still get an adapter to block the data pins or just bring your own wall charger/battery when traveling

flashgnash ,

I think power only cables should exist because they are significantly cheaper, but they should have some kind of marking to differentiate them enforced by the standard

Zamundaaa ,

They are afaik not allowed to exist with USB C. And except for some very few very sketchy manufacturers, it’s also luckily not a thing in practice.

TexMexBazooka , in Flux pricing

Fast food restaurants have lost the plot and violated their balance of fast/cheap/Meh. Now it’s fastish/over priced/meh and below

There’s a McDonald’s near me. I’ll never spend less than $20 there on a full meal, or I leave hungry. Unless I get just an Al a carte McGriddle or something.

There’s a cash only breakfast place across the street. A huge chicken friend steak with gravy and potatoes, corn, hash browns, pancakes… mmm…. $10.

Soulfulginger ,

I feel like Jimmy johns and chick fil a are the only truly fast restaurants anymore. For JJ you do have to go inside, but they often make your sandwich and complete payment in less than a minute, maybe 5 minutes max.

Meanwhile I’ve been to other drive throughs where even with very few people in line, it somehow takes 10/15 mins to get your meal. Plus, it’s often incorrectly made and expensive

explodicle ,

Chick fil a is homophobic; that might be keeping demand lower than it would be otherwise.

Rhynoplaz ,

There are plenty of other mediocre chicken sandwiches that don’t come with a side of hatred.

lightnsfw ,

The one by my work always has people lined up down the block around lunch time and still 10x faster than the BK next door and they don’t fuck my order up every other visit.

samus12345 , avatar

It’s still damn popular here in gay-loving California, anyway, and has no problem hiring gay people besides. The people who own the chain suck, but that doesn’t mean all the individual restaurants do.

explodicle ,

Hey I’m in California too! ✋️🌞🤚 But people around here do not universally love gay people as much as the rest of America thinks - as you know, a disturbingly large percentage of us are bigots. They don’t care who profits.

samus12345 , avatar

Yeah, it varies wildly depending on the area. Like anywhere else, rural areas tend to be full of bigots.

TexMexBazooka ,

I mean it’s an overtly Christian organization

Soulfulginger ,

I dont agree with their views, but I really dont think it’s affecting their demand as much as you think. Lines are always insanely long - they just move them through very efficiently. By taking orders/payment as soon as you enter the line and knowing which car to give the food to when you get close to the window, the line never stops moving

explodicle ,

How much do I think demand would otherwise be?

dangblingus ,

It was due to the Celebrity Chef “everyone has to be a professional chef” era that we’re coming out of. People didn’t want to change their eating habits, but they wanted to feel fancy like rich British food man on TV, so they started demanding gourmet experiences from restaurants that had no business attempting to offer gourmet experiences. Everybody fancied themselves a foodie without actually trying to go out to nice places.

TexMexBazooka ,

All about the moola

samus12345 , avatar

But places still serve the same crap from what I’ve seen. Is it just the prices that are “gourmet”?

Wogi ,

Nobody is demanding a fancy meal from McDonald’s.

The fast food industry went all in on a bet about 20-30 years ago, and now they’re starting to cash in.

They wanted to get people dependant on eating their crap every single day. They view not just each other as competition, but the concept of you cooking for yourself as direct competition for their crap. They want you sitting in their drive through 3 meals a day. They don’t want you to even consider using your own kitchen.

Their food is designed to trigger an addictive response. The food is cheap too produce, and really not very appealing to even look at. And yet, drive by any random McDonald’s at 1030 am and it will be 4 cars deep in the drive through.

Now that an entire generation and their kids are hooked, they can raise the prices until people can just barely afford it.

Anticorp ,

There’s a McDonald’s near me. I’ll never spend less than $20 there on a full meal

Which means you should never spend more than $0 there. They’ll just keep raising the prices for as long as you’ll pay them.

TexMexBazooka ,


medgremlin ,

Sounds like some damn good reasons to go to the locally-owned restaurant and try to ensure that they get to stay in business. It always sucks when the mom-and-pop/family-owned local places go out of business because people just go to the chains all the time.

TexMexBazooka ,

They’re always poppin

medgremlin ,

That’s good to hear. I always like seeing local folks doing well in their own communities more than any chain.

shuzuko , in Let's see them Lemmy.
Okokimup , avatar

Cute cat obvs, but I also like your carpet.

BonesOfTheMoon OP ,

An invitation to get bitten all to hell haha.

Badeendje , in They shot a slamdunk really well! avatar

This is hilarious, the sitting president trolling the troll king and his minions.

anarchrist ,

Listen, fat

MentalEdge , (edited ) in Give some love avatar

Don’t be fooled, they just want to mooch a lunch off you cuz they spent their allowance on instruments!

fastandcurious OP , avatar

We are just accepting donations for our divine presence 😇

eltimablo ,

Look, if the frontman would just loosen the purse strings a little bit, I could afford to buy a much better bass while I continue to starve.

RootBeerGuy , in There is no trolley avatar

*too (didn’t make the meme, too European for that too)

Moxvallix , avatar

i love cooking in a europan

stebo02 , avatar

Europe is just as bad tho, the only trolleys we have are fucking expensive.

PatMustard ,

All the trolleys I encounter cost a quid but you get it back when you’re done with your shopping

Dirk , in I'm too afraid to ask avatar
greenmike OP ,

I use imgflip but I had watermarks which is why I have to screenshot the image and then crop it and that is the hard part. It’s very time consuming to crop an image on grapheneos with image toolbox

bleistift2 ,

I have no clue what grapheneos is, but if it won’t run GIMP, then it’s a shitty OS.

angel ,

It doesn’t run GIMP because it’s an OS for mobile phones…

hakunawazo ,

Just use then, it even works on my mobile phone.

FQQD , avatar

Every mobile operating system is shitty, confirmed

bleistift2 ,

That wasn’t what I intended to say, but I’m not disagreeing with that either.

tkk13909 ,

It’s literally modified Android. Maybe do a little research before you comment.

greenmike OP ,

It actually can run gimp. You can find krita on fdroid. It’s just not optimized for it.

FQQD , avatar

Honestly, just leave the watermark. Imgflips watermark isnt THAT annoying and most viewers just filter it out.

KingJalopy ,

I literally give no fucks if there’s a watermark on a meme. Like, none at all.

thatsTheCatch ,

Cheat code for Imgflip that removes the watermark:

When the meme is created, don’t click “Generate image.” Instead, right click on the preview image and copy to clipboard. When you paste, it will retain the added text but not add the watermark

greenmike OP ,

Does not work for me on mobile

9point6 ,

If cropping a screenshot takes you any longer than 5-10 seconds after taking it, you need to look at an alternative approach, because whatever you’re currently doing ain’t it.

greenmike OP ,

Thanks. Yes, cropping takes very long

_haha_oh_wow_ , in Or some cheap plastic from Amazon Marketplace... avatar

I like the first one better, the second picture is just gross.

A_Very_Big_Fan ,

Never understood why people found that look attractive. Even I did find it attractive, there’s still that layer of insecurity that comes with putting so much money and effort into looking borderline inhuman that just puts a bad taste in my mouth

TranscendentalEmpire ,

I’m guessing people with body dysmorphia are more prone to ignore/indulge other people’s body dysmorphia?

A_Very_Big_Fan ,

It did cross my mind that it could be a dysmorphia thing, and I can kind of relate as someone who’s transitioning… But honestly even as someone who plans to alter their body for the sake of looking more feminine this just isn’t appealing to me at all.

But there’s plenty of people who want/are attracted to that look, so I’m just like “it’s not for me but you do you girl”

_haha_oh_wow_ , avatar

They look like weird sausages cosplaying as humans.

Imgonnatrythis ,

I think he looks kinda gross in both

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