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Feathercrown , in meme019.jpg
tkk13909 ,

1000038541 approximately this bad

WaxedWookie ,
Tier1BuildABear , avatar
KpntAutismus ,
iAvicenna , avatar
friendlymessage ,
A_Toasty_Strudel , avatar
grapes , avatar
Oha ,
Fisch , avatar
drew_belloc , avatar
PoolloverNathan ,
jelloeater85 , avatar
key , in I'm trying to think of something more stupid than this but it's not easy...

It’s like someone explained the idea of a mailing list but they didn’t quite get it.

don , in Community note pointing out fake news once again 🫡

Do you find this helpful?


d00phy , in Piers Morgan gets owned

Isn’t “getting owned” basically this douche’s job?

some_guy , in Alec Baldwin charged for shooting;

How he can be tried for the duty of a prop person or the director who hired that person is beyond ludicrous. The man showed up to do a job. That job was not to keep the props safe. He was handed a tool and told it was ok to use. Fuck this system. Let him go about his life. I’m sure the trauma of having shot someone for real is enough to make him double-check for the rest of his life. That’s enough.

WhiskyTangoFoxtrot ,

Baldwin didn’t “show up to do a job.” He was a producer on the film, not just an actor.

aStonedSanta ,

Exactly. It happened on his set by his hand. Makes a bit more of a tough situation

nudnyekscentryk , (edited ) avatar

No it doesn’t. If I cut the brakes in your car and it causes you to run into someone, then it’s my fault, not yours.

Edit: you know who else could be found viable? The service person who checked the vehicle before you took it on the road and allowed it through despite nonfunctional breaks.

heckypecky ,

A gun’s purpose is to kill people, a car’s is not. The analogy is flawed.

Still, assuming you have mandatory regular inspections of cars in the US, imagine you are an experienced mechanic by profession. Someone lends you a car and says it’s safe but you know immediately this rustbucket hasn’t been to an inspection in decades. By experience and papers. But you drive in a public space anyways and kill someone due to a fault that would have been found during an inspection. It is 100% your fault.

As I understand it, following safety procedures would have prevented this death, in the same way nonfunctional brakes would certainly be found during service.

On a side note, as an electrician who has to sign documents that electrical devices are safe to use, if one of those devices kills someone and I can prove that I followed protocol during testing, I am in the clear. Following rules makes the difference between a tragic accident and negligence.

Menteros ,

A gun’s purpose is to kill people

Spoken like a true psychopath.

A gun’s purpose is to provide safety and utility to the bearer. “Killing people” that are attempting to harm you is called self-defense and is totally legal.

SuperSaiyanSwag ,

Producer is a broad term, there are many producers for a movie. He was likely just overseeing casting and other actor stuff.

Doorbook ,

“The trio behind the monitor began repositioning the camera to remove a shadow, and Baldwin began explaining to the crew how he planned to draw the firearm. He said, “So, I guess I’m gonna take this out, pull it, and go, ‘Bang!’” When he removed it from the holster, the revolver discharged a single time. Baldwin denied pulling the trigger of the gun, while ABC News described a later FBI report stating that the gun could only fire if the trigger was pulled. Halls was quoted by his attorney Lisa Torraco as saying that Baldwin did not pull the trigger, and that Baldwin’s finger was never within the trigger guard during the incident. When the gun fired, the projectile traveled towards the three behind the monitor. It struck Hutchins in the chest, traveled through her body, and then hit Souza in the shoulder. Script supervisor Mamie Mitchell called 9-1-1 at 1:46 p.m. PT and emergency crews appeared three minutes later. Footage of the incident was not recorded.”

"In August 2022, FBI forensic testing and investigation of the firearm determined the Pietta .45 Long Colt Single Action Army revolver could not have been fired without a trigger pull from a quarter cocked, half-cocked, or fully cocked hammer position. It was also determined that the internal components of the revolver were intact and functional which ruled out mechanical failure as a reason for an accidental discharge. Baldwin stated during a December 2021 interview for ABC News that “the trigger wasn’t pulled” and “I didn’t pull the trigger.”

So he most likely lied about it. Maybe he was drunk or on drugs…

“On January 19, 2023, New Mexico First Judicial District Attorney Mary Carmack-Altwies said she would charge Baldwin and Gutierrez-Reed with two counts each of involuntary manslaughter. Halls agreed to plead guilty to negligent use of a deadly weapon, and received a suspended sentence and six months of probation.”

"On June 22, 2023, Gutierrez-Reed faced a second charge of tampering with evidence, in which the special prosecutors allege that she transferred “narcotics to another person with the intent to prevent the apprehension, prosecution or conviction of herself.” They later specify from a June 29 court filing that she attempted to conceal a small bag of cocaine the night of the fatal shooting after her initial police interview. On August 4, 2023, Gutierrez-Reed waived her right to a preliminary hearing to determine whether or not the criminal charges would stand, thus allowing the trial to move forward and on August 9, she pleaded not guilty to both charges. On August 21, a New Mexico judge scheduled her trial to run February 21 through March 6, 2024.”

There were drugs on set.

“On November 10, Rust gaffer Serge Svetnoy filed a lawsuit against the production for general negligence. A second lawsuit was filed on November 17 by script supervisor Mamie Mitchell, who says the script did not call for the discharging of a firearm. On January 23, 2022, Baldwin and other producers filed a memorandum that asked a California judge to dismiss the November 17, 2021 lawsuit by Mitchell. In November 2022, the court rejected a request to dismiss Mitchell’s lawsuit against Baldwin and his production company”

I didn’t know it is his own company as well…

Drivebyhaiku , (edited )

Umm. No. Sorry gunna pull my union card on this one since this is my Industry and while I am not an armorer or a props person I am emeshed in their understanding of property on a set as an On set dresser.

There is a legal duty of care held by everyone who handles a prop weapon. Furthermore there is a duty of care held by Producers on a show. Baldwin was not just an actor, he was a producer on Rust which means he had hiring and firing power.

Regularly this is how prop weapon safety works.

Prop weapons are only handled by an armorer who must maintain a full supervision of the weapon. It can never be used with live ammunition.

Loading can only ever take place by the props person (non union exception) or a designated armorer who must have an up to date licence.

Any mishandling of the weapon up to this stage leaves the armourer open to criminal liability. If someone steps in to this process at this stage they might take the lions share of liability. If an actor or someone who is not the props person charged with care of the weapon grabs it for instance without a hand off.

During the hand off of the weapon to an actor the props person does a last physical check of all the rounds in the weapon in sight of the actor. IF an actor accepts a weapon without doing this check then they are considered criminally negligent for any harm done with the weapon that would have been reasonably negated by this step. If the actor uses the weapon in a way that is unsafe after this check all liability is shoulded by the actor.

Following the weapon that killed on Rust it was used with live ammunition to shoot cans and abandoned on a cart. This makes the props person negligent by film safety practice. It was picked up by the 1st Assistant Director whom was not entitled to handle the weapon AT ALL which transfers some criminal negligence to him. The 1st AD handed the weapon to Baldwin and claimed it was a safe weapon WITHOUT performing the check. Anyone who saw this trade off on the set should have set off general alarm. But they didn’t. This could have had to do with power imbalances on set. You generally do not tell a Producer that they are doing something wrong unless you are either willing to trust the producer to be reasonable or baring that, are willing to lose your job. Wrongful termination suits are nigh nonexistent in film because chasing one might blacklist you from other productions.

The 1st AD is the main safety officer on set and Baldwin as an experienced actor would have been briefed on weapon safety protocols many times before. Having the 1st AD just hand you a weapon on set EVEN one that is an inert rubber replica would be an instant firing offence for the AD. Accepting the weapon without insisting on a check leaves the liability on the actor. They might have a lesser share depending on how experienced they might be. If they were ignorant of the protocol at the time then the production team would take that share liability for not properly enforcing safety on the set.

Baldwin as a producer in the days leading up to the accident had shown signs of being negligent in other areas of production safety and the people hired into positions that were to enforce safety on set. People left the production citing the unsafe conditions in protest. He may not shoulder the full liability of criminal negligence but he ABSOLUTELY owns a chunk of it. Directors and Producers REGULARLY push the boundaries of crew safety when they think they can get away with it and the bigger the name the more likely these accidents are. Remembering WHY we have these safety protocols and the people injured or killed in the past is something that is well known in the industry. We remember those killed or permanently maimed by production negligence because there but for the grace of God go us. Everyone who has been in this industry more than a decade personally knows someone whose life was permanently impacted by a bigshot throwing their weight around because of the natural power imbalances on set. One of my Co-workers sustained a permanently debilitating brain injury last year for just this reason. You dice with some one else’s death you gotta pay up when you lose.

RootAccess ,

I enjoy having my mind changed by well-written, well-reasoned posts from people who are informed. Thank you.

Drivebyhaiku ,

Thank you for having your mind changed!

A lot of people fall into error regarding common sense safety on set…like I have heard people go on about how “brave” Lady Gaga was to throw her weight around to film her video in an actual thunderstorm because the outcome was “worth it” not realizing how many injuries, including potentially fatal injuries could have resulted on the crew. People tend to sympathize and uncritically digest what people they “know” and respect tell them versus the rest of us who are relatively faceless.

The particularly upsetting thing is I know people who have literally ruined people’s lives and not only are they still working but overall they don’t change. The presumption that someone actually feels bad and applies that later isn’t my experience. At some level they find ways to self justify that what they did was reasonable and then they just blindly trust that lightning won’t strike twice.

maryjayjay ,

Lemmy needs a Best Of so this could be posted to it

nudnyekscentryk , avatar

Your comment, if anything, proves it’s the AD who’s responsible

Drivebyhaiku ,

That’s not how liability works. It’s not a hot potato that stops with the first person in a chain of people who did wrong. Everyone who contributes to a catastrophe of broken rules essentially gets a slice of the consequence pie the only thing that changes is how big a slice of the overall pie you get.

Here’s what the situation says to me. You have a 1st AD and a Principle and senior Actor/ Producer who were breaking the most basic of rules. For context on a film set say a camera person sets a case of lenses on something I as a set dresser need to move. It is largely unacceptable for me to even touch that box until I have tried everything viable to hail the correct department to move it. If somebody tries to hand me something I am not supposed to be handed I go talk to their supervisor. Some things even if I have explicit permission to handle from a props person, like a gun, I am liable if I handle it anyway because there is no circumstances where me putting my hand on that item is acceptable. First rule on a set you learn day one “Don’t touch ANYTHING that belongs to someone outside your department”.

If this incredibly basic rule was SO flagrantly violated on so many levels by THE CHEIF SAFETY OFFICER ON SET that tells me that the safety problems and the culture of improper protocol were endemic on the set. This very obviously wasn’t one bad day of lax protocols. This was an unsafe set and an everyday unsafe crew culture. Lots of times you don’t get burned when something isn’t safe so people try their luck which is all fine and dandy until tragedy hits.

This AD had a previous incident where a gun he handled fired a live round went off on a set and just didn’t hit anybody. At that point people should have fucking hung drawn and quarted him and busted him back down to Trainee. He was a demonstratilably consistent danger to the crews he was on but Rust STILL HIRED him as their primary safety officer anyway.

When something goes this desperately wrong that pie gets so big there’s a slice for everyone. The other Producers on this show had a duty to hire people who do the job properly. The 1st AD is a major hire. Ist ADs arguably do more to protect production liability than a Director does and production has their eye on the pick. If something a director wants is unsafe it is a 1st AD who has veto power. They set the culture of the set to make provisions for safety. If you rent a peice of equipment that has a record of dangerously failure and one of your workers gets hurt by it you as an employer get burned. The same goes for personnel. The producers absolutely should find some liability pie on their plates too. Are they gunna get prison time? Probably not but they are still negligent and there are consequences that scale to fit.

nudnyekscentryk , avatar

Baldwin could very well be the armorer’s direct supervisor and father and it still would be her and the ADs fuck-up the gun shot a live round.

She was hired for the sole purpose of making sure all guns on set are handled safely and she simply failed: the shooting is her fault and I’m sure despite all of us getting riled up in the comments this in fact will be the final verdict

Drivebyhaiku ,

It’s true it’s ultimately a matter for the courts to figure out. But I will tell you that I know what sets like these are like. I worked a lot of them back when I was new and I know rhe type. The assumption of remorse is bullshit. There are plenty of big shots who coerce people into getting debilitatingly hurt in my industry and after they feign a period of remorse it is right back to business as usual.

Baldwin deserves his lumps. He had to have been a greenhorn on his first day on set and a fucking king of idiots besides to not know better. If public opinion won’t hold him to account because they buy his bullshit victim card act I hope he sees consequences in court.

nudnyekscentryk , avatar

I couldn’t give less shits about him in particular, because being non-american I have never heard of him before I saw this particular meme on Lemmy.

I just wish to believe at least in the justice system in the US. I’m still skeptical about the Rittenhouse verdict but if the fucking armourer isn’t found guilty and Baldwin is instead, then this just confirms your system is broken.

Nobsi , avatar

No lol, this is the same thing as saying “the gun seller is responsible for the school shooting”

nudnyekscentryk , avatar

No it’s not, stop playing dumb. A gun seller’s job is to sell guns. Even if a potential school shooter buys one, the gun seller has done their job. Who failed perhaps is the person who issued a gun license to a potential school shooter, but then you can make a case of whether potential school shooters can be detected before the act.

An armorer’s job is to make sure guns on set are handled safely. A revolver which was under her supervision has not been handled safely, and as far as we know it was her and precisely her mistake that left the live bullet inside the barrel, therefore she failed at her job and is culpable for the death. This in no way compares to a gun seller.

sxan , avatar

TIL that being an actor requires a law degree if you don’t want to potentially end up in jail.

Drivebyhaiku ,

Nope, all actors need to know is “Don’t take a gun from anyone but a props person and make sure they open the chamber, remove and check each round in the chamber while you watch.”

It’s like one or two more steps complicated than telling a young child “don’t take medicine from anyone but a parent”.

moon ,

Damn this should be a best of Lemmy post if we have a community for that

some_guy ,

This is new info to me (producer). Thanks for enlightening me.

Drivebyhaiku , (edited )

The instinct is to react to something like this as a potential trolling move but… You could be sincere. I can’t say my brushes with Producers has given me much faith in their understanding of interdepartmental property management. Kind of makes sense since the general attitude I’ve noted regarding most potential Producer caused property damages from people at my level is “if they want to ruin the equipment we’ve rented they are the ones paying for it in the first place.”

I don’t tend to think of our industry as being very grounded. I have had production designers, directors and decorators ask for things that are quite frankly impossible by the easily observable laws of physics with no idea about how absurd they sound… But it’s something of a career limiting move to frame their request as being astronomically dumb when suggesting the potential complications. The “Emporer has no Clothes” effect is alive in film. But when you look at things from an outside legal perspective you have employers and employees and the chain of responsibilities to maintain a safe work environment. Most of the time the actual nuts and bolts work is the domain of the PM to mitigate potential damage to the overall investment.

I think union film work is in part generally pretty well inoculated against the majority of criminal negligence cases by the culture of highly regimented structure… And endemic jadedness at the bottom. A newbie will light themselves on fire to keep production warm but that isn’t good for production or the newbie so it’s unofficial job of the seniors in lateral positions and the boss directly above to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Most of the time it seems like the creative captains and financiers of the ship keep their eye firmly on what they want to creativity achieve and rhen the bosses below look at their first job as being to impress. We play very risky political game with our own supervisors if we call foul. Put a call into an IATSE steward about a safety concern that makes a boss look bad and they will give you the straight rule as best they can apply it to your complaint but they also give you a caution that just because the rules are there to protect your safety doesn’t mean that you as a laborer won’t have your career harmed for standing your ground.

We’re all just day calls. We don’t have to be fired. Our bosses just don’t have to hire us back for the next show and the people at the top never need to know.

BallShapedMan , in Ketchup alignment avatar
blanketswithsmallpox ,

… That’s what he said. Chaotic evil. Aren’t all of them near that age?

BallShapedMan , avatar

Lol pretty much

tigeruppercut ,

Warms my heart to see there are still places with old arcade games hanging around. Do kids even want to play stuff like centipede or is it there for the parents??

BallShapedMan , avatar

About always kids. My kids played the hell out of them when they were young there.

trackcharlie , in Venus by Tuesday

You can’t use logic with these people, they’ll try to burn you for being a witch.

LWD , (edited )


  • Loading...
  • CADmonkey ,

    I thought that was called sealioning?

    I’m afraid I don’t have a wall of links to support my argument.

    e8d79 , in How the rest of the world sees the US and Royal Navy avatar
    0x4E4F OP , avatar

    I don’t get it… than again, I’m not from the US.

    0110010001100010 , in No soap. It makes the children too slippery. avatar

    Yes officer, this post right here.

    tiramichu , in Wonderful holiday scents

    The sixth, here-unnamed candle is “Sesame Seed Bun” for anyone else who can count and was wondering.

    anytimesoon ,

    This wasn’t just a meme? These candles are real???

    Thalfon ,

    After Jones Soda did the six-pack of Thanksgiving dinner themed sodas (including Turkey & Gravy), this kind of thing just doesn’t surprise me any more. I guess it’s meant as more of a novelty thing than something people would actually use in seriousness.

    AlligatorBlizzard ,

    Didn’t they also do a cranberry sauce flavored soda in that pack? I bet a cranberry soda would be pretty good.

    TragicNotCute , avatar

    It is, but we’re three years too late.

    5wim ,

    I came to the comments just for this, thank you.

    Famko , in How to keep a man

    Do you keep him in prison?

    vivadanang ,

    or a hospital… ugh

    Funkytom467 , avatar

    The basement evidently.

    NegativeLookBehind , avatar

    In a hole you dug, while wearing someone else’s face.

    Introversion ,

    It eats the chicken or else it gets the hose again.

    MxM111 , in Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.

    Do young people not using phone numbers for this today??? Those pre-date e-mails for many, many years…

    KISSmyOS ,

    No they use Instagram.

    SpaceNoodle ,


    BeMoreCareful ,

    Or Snapchat, or some other young people thing

    SeekPie ,


    Slovene ,


    WhiskyTangoFoxtrot ,


    Stimulant7261 ,


    rambling_lunatic ,


    Stimulant7261 ,

    RTTY; baby, what frequency can I find you on?

    KISSmyOS ,


    CluelessDude ,


    GuyDudeman , avatar

    But Instagram is so much less efficient than just texting.

    KISSmyOS ,

    Is it? It allows both to check out each other out a bit before committing to a date.

    GuyDudeman , avatar

    ??? Who said anything about dating?

    jubilationtcornpone ,

    The communication dynamics of kids are weird. Weirder than I remember anyway. My teenager knows other kids who literally will not talk to you if you’re not on Snapchat or Instagram. For whatever reason they simply refuse to text.

    My kid spends an absurd amount of time taking pictures of half her face to send snaps with.

    I think if you don’t want to text or call me, then you don’t want to talk to me that bad.

    LemmysMum ,

    Communication has become reactive instead of proactive.

    jubilationtcornpone ,

    I’ve never heard it put that way before but I think you might be on to something.

    stebo02 , avatar

    what exactly do you mean by that? isn’t communication always about reacting to each other?

    CoolBeance , avatar

    Holy shit you’re right. I feel like I just grew a brain cell

    DagonPie , avatar

    Ive chatted with people before who exclusively talked on snapchat even after getting their number. Its strange to me. Ive since deleted snapchat and have texted a couple of these people with no response. Im getting too old.

    LemmyKnowsBest ,

    It’s just funny because people who prefer to communicate through email seem more geriatric than people who prefer to communicate by phone

    rambaroo ,

    For real this just makes the 23 year old seem inept. I don’t get this meme

    Pavidus , in The only thing keeping us Millennials going at this point

    We did one of these in elementary school. One day while I was back in my hometown, I remembered it and decided to swing by the school to see if they ever did anything with it.

    The school was bulldozed.

    Kiwi_Girl , avatar

    They put the school rubble in the ground for people to discover in 50 years.

    rmuk ,

    It’s the gift that won’t stop giving: asbestos.

    oillut , in What happens now?

    How’s that even happen?

    Breezy ,

    My guess is a card charge-back?

    Venat0r ,

    Or maybe the payment initially went through to pending status but then another purchase went through first and put them over thier credit limit or debit card balance.

    I would’ve expected the steam transaction to be reversed and the game removed from your library rather than showing a negative balance though, but maybe it was for a microtransaction or something.

    Sky_Lobster , in It's dangerous to go alone. Take this.

    The penny is OP. Flip a coin, get a heads, buy the most expensive lottery ticket at the gas station. Wait 2 weeks, repeat. Infinite money glitch

    spicytuna62 OP , avatar

    I was trying to avoid “cool item give big money” because that’s exactly what I did when I posted the idea on Reddit. It was a set of dice that would give the winning lottery numbers and then scatter like the Dragon Balls. And then guess what half of everyone chose. At least the penny can be used for things other than gambling. Idk maybe something like that should be a single use item to balance things out.

    WaxedWookie ,

    It’s functionally a wish every 4 weeks, and you know if you’ll succeed or not before you attempt whatever it is.

    Win the lottery, invent time travel, learn to fly, solve world hunger, conquer the universe, create the other artifacts…

    Flughoernchen ,

    I’m not sure that’s how it works. You could do anything that day, but it’s not a learning matter. You still wouldn’t know how to fly a plane the next day if you didn’t learn. Same with inventing. You could invent a time machine but for once you’d need to know when it’s finished and functional and second you probably wouldn’t know how it works, how to repair and replicate it, maybe not even how to use it.

    Robust_Mirror ,

    I mean I guess it depends how strictly you take it. If literally everything works out in your favour, and you set out to build it, you’ll know you’re done when you don’t feel inclined to do anything further because it worked out.

    As far as using/repairs etc, you obviously wouldn’t attempt to do so during times the coin is not in effect, you’d just wait till the next heads. When you attempt to use it, it will work out.

    But even that can be potentially mitigated somewhat. You could say, set out to write a manual that even a child could understand for example.

    I think the best path though would be to use it to make money, then once you have effectively unlimited funds, create companies aimed towards goals you want to achieve, and use the 12 hours to set out to hire the best, smartest and most loyal people in the world. You’ll be able to pay them whatever they need. Any time they get stuck, you can use the 12 hours to guide them.

    12 hours every ~4 weeks might not seem like much, but if you use that time to set everything up well and prepare for the 12 hours, you’ll get a lot done in that time. The only issue is people at your companies trying to work out why the super rich super genius that was able to start all these things only comes into work to help every couple of months.

    You’d probably want to come across as super eccentric or something as well.

    WaxedWookie ,

    Sure - invent a time machine that any idiot only you can use without any special knowledge - interface is date here, push button or similar.

    If it breaks? Wait 14 days on average.

    When you can do anything, the only limit is your imagination. You’re god with a cooldown, and even the cooldown quickly becomes trivial.

    …You’d succeed at trying to commit something to memory permanently.

    …You’d succeed at creating and moving to a perfect universe (or reshaping this one) in the space of 5 minutes.

    Corkyskog ,

    Your thinking too small. With the glasses you can just talk your way into being a ceo and be a billionaire in a few years. Have fun talking to the lottery commission when I am sipping brandy with people I hate.

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