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magnolia_mayhem , in gotdamn

He can’t even get the order right. The phrase is “[thing] and also water is wet.”

MacNCheezus , in Inclined plane rule avatar

Just turn around then?

bitfucker ,

The spiral is a black hole. Anyway you take it, it goes downwards.

MacNCheezus , avatar

That’s not how black holes work.

bitfucker ,

Depends on where you are. After the event horizon, the only place you can go is to the singularity (Schwarzschild Black Hole)

khannie , in CAM ON avatar

Sending this to my English brother in law in 3…2…1…

Letstakealook , in Make it stop.

Meanwhile, half of them are illiterate. The parents need to get themselves and their children off the internet.

PrivateNoob ,

Let’s start with you then.

Letstakealook ,

Done. I don’t have any children and am not using a device to occupy them.

In all seriousness, this outright angry reaction is really surprising. People should be angry that their children are illiterate, but I suppose if they were, the children wouldn’t be.

can ,

Using slang doesn’t mean they’re illiterate dawg

Letstakealook ,

I didn’t say or imply that. The spread of the slang is over media they consume because parents are using devices as babysitters. Them being illiterate means they’re illiterate, dawg.…/students-cant-read-education/

Butler ,

It’s a little sensational for the headline. 72% of fourth graders are reading below expected levels. And they are blaming decades old teaching tactics, which seems odd as you would expect a larger percentage of adults not to be able to read if this was truly the problem.

wizardbeard ,

What? The only thing with any definitiveness in what you linked is that 72% of teachers are using an outdated method for teaching early level reading skills (letter and word recognition).

As a secondary point, it says that teachers feel their kids can’t read anymore so the teachers have taken to tiktok about it.

There’s nothing there indicating high levels of illiteracy, or that they’ve been caused by an over use of devices as babysitters, dawg.

I think you need to brush up on your literacy.

It sure as hell isn’t a good thing, and it isn’t helping kids read or develop, but this is the same argument that’s as old as fucking time itself where older adults blame new technology for degeneration of the youth. People literally made the same complaint about radio dramas leading the youth astray.

The core of the issue is that it has become increasingly easy for parents to use technology to avoid properly taking care of their damn kids.

Letstakealook ,

I literally just pulled the first link by searching “childhood literacy US,” because I know many would be in denial. It really is hilarious how angry people are about this.

Sarmyth ,

Your unwillingness to read the link you post while asserting children are illiterate, is both tragic and funny.

And that you then act like everyone else is silly for countering you? Go find a bridge, troll.

Letstakealook ,

I’m not responsible for people having such an extreme emotional reaction to an offhand comment on a meme. I truly wasn’t ready for all this, and now I’m laughing at you all. I’m not sure what the hell is wrong with ya’ll, but it isn’t my problem.

Perfide ,

So you admit you did no actual research and just grabbed the first thing you found, and expect us to applaud you for it? GTFO

Letstakealook ,

I admit I did no ADDITIONAL research for a chat thread where people are irrationally angry over an offhand comment on a meme. I don’t keep research papers on my phone for all information I’ve ever been exposed to ready to go incase assholes on the internet are upset. I don’t expect you to “applaud me” for anything, I give zero fucks about you or your opinions. Any other questions?

Iapar ,

Why are you so defensive?

Letstakealook ,

You’re absolutely right!

SchmidtGenetics ,

Slang is actually a better way to communicate. You can communicate more, in a shorter amount of time, language is fluid, luddites gonna Luddite.

SadSadSatellite ,

As the population of people raised on the internet increases, you’ll see far more anger responses to the idea that being raised on the internet is bad for you.

Nobody wants to believe they might not have done it right.

That being said, kids generally do dumb things, and your initial comment seems a bit harsh for something as silly as rizz tag.

Letstakealook ,

There’s a correlation that these kids are spending hours of their time on the internet (that’s how this slang spreads to them) and the fact they can’t read. I don’t see how it’s harsh to point it out, I just think maybe it hit too close to home for some folks.

Killing_Spark ,

You just have a chain of unprovable assumptions there.

Kid’s use slang -> they must have picked it up on the internet -> many people are illiterate -> the parents of these specific kids are not raising them right

RecluseRamble ,

I don’t have any children

Who’d have thought?

TheDoozer ,

The amount of people with no kids that have strong opinions about how children should be raised is like the people with no uteruses that have strong feelings about abortion and pregnancy, or white college kids who have strong opinions about what words and phrases should be offensive to minorities. There’s nothing wrong with having an opinion, but the arrogance to think they have something to contribute to that conversation is exhausting.

pantyhosewimp ,

If everyone should learn to read, it would not only ruin writing but thinking as well.

some embittered philosopher probably

Sidhean ,

What a “damn kids these days” quote

bolexforsoup ,

I do not see the connection between kids using slang and illiteracy. I’m guessing you never use(d) any yourself?

Also good luck prohibiting kids from the internet lol clearly someone doesn’t have kids!

Letstakealook ,

Their parents give them devices so they don’t have to deal with them. That’s how this slang spreads to them. Do you think 6-10 year olds devoloped “mew?” It was grown ass “influencers” and it spread through media.

bolexforsoup , (edited )

You are aware that 6-10 year olds spend time around adults and other kids older than they are right? Did you never pick up anything from an older sibling or kid at your school?

My 4 year old has all sorts of isms and habits he learned from me and my wife, aka his parents. There are tons of explanations beyond “all slang is the result of parents too lazy to raise kids so they drop them in front of an iPad.”

We live in a society (seriously). We have communities. People spread language and customs every day between each other.

RecluseRamble ,

And slang didn’t exist before phones and the internet.

pancakes , avatar

The unhinged ramblings of a chronically online person.

Letstakealook ,

Uh uh

user224 , avatar
  1. Slang spreads offline as well
  2. The devices were TVs for a good while not too long ago
obinice , avatar

Do you mean half of the world’s children, or half of the children in your own, unspecified country?

Literacy in my country is over 80%, which is still too low in my opinion, but fast better than half, thankfully.

Letstakealook ,

Literacy, in my country, which is specified because it is the origin of the slang in the meme. You really thought you had a gotcha, there, didn’t you?

s_s ,

“Kids can’t read” is certainly a take. 😂

Zozano , (edited ) in gotdamn avatar

Twitter formatting sucks ass.

Reading order:

4th (first post)

2nd (second post down)

1st (third post down)

3rd (last post)

Tier1BuildABear , avatar

Or is it 3 2 4 1

at_an_angle ,

The formatting on Twitter is what kept me from using it.

Hadriscus ,

What ? No, it’s 3 2 4 1

If you’re talking chronological that is

LPodyssey07 ,

I don’t understand

spujb , (edited )


  • if you assign a number 1-4 from top to bottom, reading order is then the indices 3, 2, 4, 1
  • alternatively, if you assign 4, 2, 1, 3 to each element top to bottom, reading order is then 1, 2, 3, 4

different algorithms, same result. i had chatgpt help me out with some fancy ass notation for those interested:

ikidd , avatar

Instructions unclear, dick caught in semi-colon.

Zozano , (edited ) avatar
blind3rdeye ,

This diagram helps to show that you and Hadriscus agree on the order of the posts, but not on how to describe it. That’s pretty interesting to me.

  • 4, 2, 1, 3 – labeling the posts from top to bottom with which order they should then be read. So the first post is read forth, the second post is read second, etc.)
  • 3, 2, 4, 1 – listing the order that the posts should be read if they were understood to be labelled in 1-4 top-down. So we should read the third post first, the second post second, forth post third, …
Zozano , avatar

The fact that we have gotten this confused is all the evidence I need to change how this works.

Simplest solution is to change the layout from:

  1. Profile
  2. Attachments /screenshots / replies
  3. Text


  1. Attachments /screenshots / replies
  2. Text
  3. Profile
bitwaba ,

The fact that neither can agree on how to describe it yet agreeing on what is so wrong in the first place is just an additional data point on how stupid Twitter numbering is. I find that fascinating.

Hadriscus ,


You’re right

Fades ,

Exactly haha, they are both arguing the same point because they used different numbering scheme!

FozzyOsbourne , in Make it stop.

Don’t pretend you didn’t become obsessed with whatever cool new slang was flavour of the month when you were a child

sirico , avatar

No shot fellow cool kid

Plopp ,

I don’t remember getting any new slang as a kid.

db2 ,

That’s because to you it was just normal.

bolexforsoup ,

Just because you don’t remember it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. You had to learn it at some point. You weren’t born with a lexicon of slang that revealed itself when it suddenly became modern/relevant lol

Track_Shovel , avatar

Yeah, we just called people fags (sorry) or gay.

90s and early 00s were N O T LGBT friendly

bolexforsoup ,

Don’t forget how casual the r word was. Every comedy of the 90s and 2000s called somebody that. It’s still too commonly used but nothing like it was back then.

pyre ,

not to mention the casual use of the hard R. even Linus from LTT admitted to have dropped his fair share of hard Rs back then.

MindTraveller ,

Plus there was a lot of n*rcissist thrown around back then

Ookami38 ,

Ok now THAT’S a weird one to censor.

Plopp ,

Yeah unless that n is the n-word I don’t get the censoring.

MindTraveller ,

I censored it because it’s a bad word. A slur against people with disabilities.

Kusimulkku ,

What’s the r-word?

deadbeef79000 ,


Kusimulkku ,

Oh. I know it’s not a nice word but didn’t think it was bad enough to include on the same level as the n-word. Times do change I guess

deadbeef79000 ,

It’s a weird one. “Retard” is a technical term, jargon. It became a perjorative term.

Unlike the n-word that was always a pejorative.

WillFord27 ,

Companies 12 hours after June ends

Kusimulkku ,


next day

“So you fags wanna buy our products or what”

BakerBagel ,

We had a couple weeks calling people “F.A.G.s’ and “M.A.G.s” for 'female ass grabber” and “male ass grabber”. As in someone how grabd a females ass or or a male ass. I have no idea how the teachers were able to do anything about that with a straight face.

dan , avatar


This is what we called cigarettes in Australia.

FozzyOsbourne ,

Same in Britain. Damn homophobia ruining perfectly good slang!

bobs_monkey ,

What I remember from the 90/00s: sinch, hella, coolio, jam (going), spaz, poser, chillax, bitchin, burn, noob, booyah, aight, duh, phat, sup, stoked, jiggy, harsh, buzz kill

There’s a shitton more, but that’s what I got off the top of my head

TheDoozer ,

Yes to all except jiggy. I feel like that was just Will Smith trying to make Fetch happen.

MindTraveller ,

He was streets ahead!

wavebeam , avatar

Idk, I got like all the jiggy’s before beating gruntilda

FozzyOsbourne ,

Don’t casually throw “spaz” in there with a load of inoffensive stuff!

NikkiDimes ,

You were learning slang along with everything else. At that age, it doesn’t stand out against everything else the same way it does when you’re older.

brandocorp ,

I think this is true, but I also grew up without Internet or social media so maybe things were more regional as opposed to this larger shared culture those things have enabled. So that may be part of it?

NikkiDimes ,

As someone who grew up in rural Canada, I feel that. We always felt a decade out of date on fads and slang lol.

systemglitch ,

80s had a ton.

gdog05 ,

You have a point, but when I was a kid we at least made sure the slang came from black people first. I don’t think anything good can come from white kids out there making up words.

flat , avatar


pancakes , avatar


feedum_sneedson ,


RIPandTERROR , avatar
brbposting ,

LOL who’s that

NikkiDimes ,

You forgot the /s right?

gdog05 ,

I kind of figured it was implied but eh. Some things don’t land.

Sidhean ,

Yeah, well. World is full of racists. Can hardly even make fun of 'em without being mistaken for one, now.

This reminded me of the month ‘wigga’ was every fucking one’s favorite word at my very-nearly-all-white school. Nothing good, indeed.

bolexforsoup ,

Watching millennials/gen x pick on Gen Z for the same behaviors we all had gets old doesn’t it?

candybrie ,

And the kids playing tag are likely not even gen z but gen alpha. No one can even pick on the right generation.

slaacaa ,

Fr, no cap

Pat_Riot , avatar

True dat

Icalasari ,

I did not, for I was a loser who didn't know slang

Notyou ,
Mrderisant ,

Dude practically became a verbal tick

some_guy , in gotdamn

Well played. Now let’s have the fundy tell us how water covered the earth and drowned everybody but then the world was repopulated. Wait… is there some incest required for that to be true? OH NO!

xenoclast ,

He’s into that too. Don’t you worry

MrShankles ,

A little incest, a little beastiality; but who’s counting? I guess not the ones who believe that… because, ya know… they can’t count.


KevonLooney ,

Noah is a Babylonian “deluge myth”. Judaism didn’t even exist until 1,000 years later:

It tells of how Enki, speaking through a reed wall,[v] warns the hero Atra-Hasis (‘extremely wise’) of Enlil’s plan to destroy mankind by flood, telling the hero to dismantle his house (perhaps to provide a construction site) and build a boat to escape

The worship of Yahweh alone began at the earliest with prophet Elijah in the 9th century BCE

This means that originally the flood was caused by one god and mankind was saved by another. That’s a better explanation than “God was angry but bipolar, so he saved one family and killed everyone else.”

MrShankles ,

I see that I have failed at being funny. I’ll try to be better next time

djvinniev77 ,

Lolz I laughed and upvoted u

thefrankring , in gotdamn avatar

I wish Lake Superior would empregnate me.

sparkle ,

Why would you wish that

thefrankring , avatar

Cuz I’m so wet.

clot27 , avatar

lake junior

problematicPanther , in Stay Mad, Tankies avatar

I’ll vote for biden unless he drops out and a more progressive candidate presents itself, in which case I won’t vote biden.

Wogi ,

I’m normally critical of Biden but this is one of the few times I’ll say it. Biden staying in the race is the best thing he can do.

It doesn’t matter when he drops out at this point, the time to do that was 8 months ago. If he drops out now and there’s an open convention, democrats lose in November. If he drops out after the convention, and the DNC chooses a different candidate to replace him, Democrats lose in November.

The last time anything similar happened, there were riots outside the DNC in Chicago and Hubert Humphrey safely handed the office to Richard Nixon.

Fun fact, Hilary Clinton attended the protests.

answersplease77 , in Take a gander at this

identify as tomboy lesbian woman who was born biologically a male so you get to keep your lifestyle, your wife, and your cock.

sparkle ,

can i get two cocks

Shardikprime OP ,

One cook is too expensive, wages for two require exceptional qualifications

Vinny_93 , in Happy Canada Day!

Peace oot

BackOnMyBS , in Or Germans on the Ryanair flight from Frankfurt Hahn to Mallorca avatar

Am American. Can someone explain the meaning of the departure and destination cities?

Nfamwap ,

One is a colossal shit hole. The other is a colossal shit hole in the sun.

ElmarsonTheThird ,

Contains overdramatization and slight exaggerations

Cheapest flights possible to the cheapest “vacation” island possible. Vacation as in

  • drinking until you can’t even pronounce "hi"
  • habitual disturbance of locals and other guests
  • being fleeced by club owners and everyone else because you have “tourist” stamped on your forehead
  • sleeping off the night by the pool and pre-game from midday to evening
  • only eating (and drinking) the same stuff as at home, because fuck other cultures who don’t know how to make a kebab/Schnitzel/…
  • coming back after 10 days of daze, hangovers and (optional) all-inclusive buffets

Did I forget something?

BruceTwarzen ,

I saw this documentary like 20 years ago about a camping spot on Mallorca or around Mallorca. It was just for german tourists, they had little supermarket with only german goods, every employee there spoke or was german. It was absolutely bizzare to me. Most people they interviewed never left the camping place. Everyone they asked why they like it so much there was that it’s just like home. Motherfucker stay at home, what are you doing?

ElmarsonTheThird ,

I know the type. It’s probably a more aged variant or evolution ot the more party-prone stereotypes.

carotte , in Happy Canada Day!


yea you better be when you notice what you’re celebrating!…/why-you-shouldnt-be…

moistclump , in Make it stop.

How would one rizz someone else? Basically, what is rizzing?

The_Picard_Maneuver OP , avatar

Outside of tag (I guess), it’s like chatting someone up.

moistclump ,

So to unfreeze them they’d have to like, “How you doin?”

deadbeef79000 ,

Joey Tribbiani entered the chat

pelletbucket ,

rizzing is effectively flirting with someone. and I don’t mean like “it has the effect of flirting” I mean you flirt with someone, and it’s being effective.

Duranie ,

Aka abbreviated “charisma.”

pelletbucket ,

rizz is charisma. you can have all the rizz in the world and still fail to “rizz someone up” if they’re not interested

conversely, you can have absolutely no charisma and successfully rizz someone right up

maxinstuff , avatar

absolutely no charisma and successfully rizz someone up

That’s my strategy - rizz’m with the tizm.

foofiepie ,

TIL. Huh. Thanks! Now it makes sense.

ThisIsAManWhoKnowsHowToGling , avatar

Don’t ask the children, they don’t know either

Shkshkshk , avatar


bandwidthcrisis ,

And is “mew” just making a cat noise or something more?

SomeGuy69 , avatar

A technique attributed to a British orthodontist named Mike Mew that involves putting pressure on the roof of your mouth with your tongue to try and change the shape of your face by moving your maxilla up and forwards with the lateral pressure of your tongue. This fits into the broader looksmax approach to self-modification in the name of love and romance.

Stacy “Yh Chad has some nice ass jaw now. He’s been mewing for 6 months now”

MindTraveller ,

I love how alt right chuds are making themselves sound like trans catgirls these days

shit_of_ass , avatar

you do it so you can mog

bandwidthcrisis ,

As in “moggy”?

So it’s cats all the way down.

eran_morad , in Make it stop.


TheDoozer ,

Like… tables?

deadbeef79000 ,

Or like bussy?

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