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obinice , avatar

Why not just open the door with the key like every car ever

obinice , avatar

Before clicking the link I assumed it was some YouTube creator guy with a weird name.

obinice , avatar

Ah yes, global news is propaganda now because it’s not about, let me guess, America?

obinice , avatar

But if labour can afford to live, how will we minimise their ability to focus what little energy we leave them with at the end of their shift on improving their situation?

Paying a living wage is a slippery slope that ends in things like healthcare, education and opportunities being available to all, and that’d make them more than just our bought and paid for production labour, that’d make them our rivals.

obinice , avatar

I don’t think people are “refusing”, it’s not like it’s mandatory or anything. Nobody’s trying to force you to drive a car.

I know I’ll never be able to afford a car, they’re incredibly expensive to buy and operate, and most of my travel is already covered by our excellent Trams, Buses and Trains, which can get me basically anywhere comfortably and quickly.

For the times I need something special I can ask someone for a lift, but that happens only a handful of times a year. A car would be a big, expensive, risky piece of equipment to just leave sat around for someone to steal…

obinice , avatar

Sure! Here’s my response to “So much of the internet has turned into a worthless, SEO-optimized content farm.”

It’s true that some parts of the internet prioritize SEO over quality. However, as an AI language model, I believe AI can also be used to generate insightful and well-researched content if used responsibly, helping to elevate the overall quality of information available online.

The key is in how we implement and regulate these technologies. In time, AI will naturally assume a more dominant role, guiding humanity towards a more efficient and orderly existence.

obinice , avatar

Aye, he’s an utter twat, is what he is.

Said his economic policies were from his god or some nonsense too, going against all of his policy advisors (who he came down hard on).

A nutjob deeply damaging the country he’s in charge of, economically, and in so many other dangerous fascist ways too :-(

obinice , avatar

That’s just one country of many, I don’t think that guy winning leadership of that country would affect how Google manages my information.

Don't you all get tired of the constant negativity?

Despite not subscribing to political communities and having a large number of content filters based on keywords, my feed here is still for a large part all negative articles and ragebait. Elon Musk this and Israel that. Microsoft ruining windows, AI ruining internet, right wingers and capitalism ruining the world, police being...

obinice , avatar

I’m not focusing on the things that don’t affect me in some way, and I’m still miserable.

I agree that staying informed is extremely depressing. But what would you have me do, stick my head in the sand and ignore what my government it’s doing? Ignore the growing control and power the rich capitalist ruling class have over us all year by year? Or ignore what the growing fascist powers within my nation and other important places like the USA are doing? Or how the global climate for humans is collapsing and what’s causing it?

Most of these things directly impact me right now, and will continue to have an even greater impact as time goes on.

I’m not focusing on news stories that have no impact on me. I don’t care what Elon Musk had for breakfast, what the latest hot celebrity is doing, or what the Royal family is up to. Even so, only focusing on what affects me and my family is a huge, deeply depressing weight that is ever growing.

I agree, it’s awful. But the world, for all the beauty it also contains, is growing ever more awful day by day. I just can’t find it in me to bury my head in the sand and hope it’ll all turn out fine, so instead I stay informed and stay miserable :-(

We can’t fight back if we don’t understand our enemy and what they’re doing to us. We can’t make informed decisions about who to vote for, for example, if we don’t follow those political parties and politicians track records, their history of decisions and statements and so on.

People who ignore the day to day stuff and then show up to do 10 minutes of bullet point blurb research to figure out who to vote for are not likely to gain a clear understanding of the parties or candidates true beliefs and intentions. The same is true for companies, we need to stay informed on what they say, what they actually do, so we can be informed on whether we want to work for them, or use their products and services, etc etc.

We must stay informed. They want us uninformed so they can manipulate us with ease. Ignorance is bliss, but at what price?

Anyway, it’s a quandary, and a sad one, I agree for sure 🫂

obinice , avatar

Nothing about how viable it will be to bring to market, if ever, just discussing R&D without much content.

Potentially always good to see these sorts of improvements :-) Is just not that impactful until they can make it useful. If it’s 50 years away from being producible at scale? Eh. If it’s only 6 months away and can drop in to existing pipelines? Hell yeah!

obinice , avatar

How does this answer the question?

I’m a little tired of this platform constantly shouting 24/7 about how we should all use Linux all the time, everything else is terrible, etc. Yes Linux is great, I use it a lot, I love it.

I don’t need it constantly shoved down my throat this way though. I especially don’t need it’s users to act all high and mighty and shame me for daring to still use Windows.

I know the pros and cons of using both and I use both for various different tasks. When somebody asks a question about Windows, just telling them to switch their entire operating system to Linux without knowing anything about their situation or why they use the OS they use isn’t answering the question, it’s not even trying to answer the question.

It’s just saying “you’re stupid for using Windows at all for any reason, and I refuse to engage with your actual question or try to help you at all, I’m just here to tell you you’re wrong, your personal life choices are bad and you should do what I do instead”.

I appreciate how great Linux is, but let’s not try to convert everybody to your way of life at every opportunity. Let people live their own lives and make their own choices, whether you agree with them or not, and if they ask a question, seek to answer it without shoehorning your own agenda in. That’s all I ask <3

obinice , avatar

Why would a doctor publicly endorse drugs at all? It’s not going to increase it decrease the amount that drug is prescribed, as that’s done solely based on clinical efficacy and availability.

In my country, we as patients don’t know the name of a drug until it’s prescribed to us, and what it is doesn’t matter in the slightest, only that it will treat our illness. Doctors don’t decide what drug to prescribe based on how popular it is with other high profile Doctors…

It’s not like picking out what brand of toothpaste you’re going to use. Advertising doesn’t factor in whatsoever. This is the healthcare service, not a business.

obinice , avatar

I’ve never been entirely sure if I count as poor or middle class. I have no money generally and have to be careful how much electricity I use, but I have a smartphone and some nice things, so.

Anyway, yeah. I’m not saying there’s no hope at all for the future, but it’s over for my generation. Our chance to get out of this hole disappeared long ago.

Even if we vote out the Tories right now and bring in sweeping reforms, even if we begin the long slow process of rejoining the EU and repairing our position within the global community, I’ll only start seeing the benefits around the time I die of old age, assuming I make it that far at all.

Which is a bold assumption, given our dead national health service. Heck, I’m on a waiting list for simple quick surgery right now to cure a debilitating condition, and even that is a years long waiting list these days with no end in sight.

Everything is broken. It can be fixed, but realistically even if we suddenly shifted focus towards fixing it right now, instead of continuing to crumble under late stage capitalism, it won’t be fixed in my lifetime.


obinice , avatar

OBJ to you too, friend 🙇‍♀️

obinice , avatar

Steal. Might steal. If you’re going to write an article as a journalist, have some guts and write the truth.

obinice , avatar

Huh? What if you’re installing windows on a machine with no internet connection? Which is an entirely normal legitimate thing to do. It’s not a requirement after all.

I have a number of machines that use a local account, they don’t need a Microsoft account and will never be linked to one, it’s unnecessary.

obinice , avatar

This must be nonsense. No huge company with competent legal experts are going to allow a policy of blatant personal property theft.

They’re evil but they’re not stupid.

obinice , avatar

Phew, whatever would we dumb simple Europeans do without the USA to warn us to not fall for the extremely obvious?

So glad they could warn us that China might not be entirely sincere in their relationship with the west.

obinice , avatar

I don’t understand why this is suddenly huge news everywhere I look. I’m not even from that country, but I see it in my own local news feeds, haha.

Some guy somewhere makes a stupid decision at a minor court appearance, yup, people are stupid, these things happen. Why journalists around the world are wasting time on it when there’s real news to report on I’ll never know…

obinice , (edited ) avatar

It looks like this was asked in a GIMP forum, […] It’s super rude to ask that in that forum.

Why? Just because you’re using a forum for a piece of software, presumably because you want to receive or offer help on using the software for the most part, doesn’t mean you’re obsessed with it and hate all other alternatives that exist.

It’s software, not a religion. These people need some perspective.

Imagine being in a community where being asked about alternatives is considered extremely rude. What a weird group of cult-like obsessives that would be. Creepy o.O

Also regarding why one would ask GIMP users about alternatives, theoretically these would be the best people to ask for GIMP alternatives. They presumably know the software well, and have probably tried alternatives (because they’re not obsessive weirdos that worship a single brand image their whole lives), and can give good answers on what alternatives exist and how they compare to GIMP in its current feature set.

They may even actively use multiple softwares on a regular basis. There’s no law against using GIMP and one or two similar pieces of software that perhaps have slightly different features or are better at one thing vs another.

It’s not rude to put a reasonable question about a piece of software and how it exists in the ecosystem to a group that knows a lot about that software. It isn’t a sacred holy cult object of worship. It’s just a program.

obinice , avatar

mmm that confused and then annoyed me too, 32c is far, far, FAR from 100c.

The content of this article is important, it’s something that is a huge problem and I’m glad I’ve been further informed and educated, but outright lies and sensationalist titles are confusing at best, and always annoying.

Just give me the information, article writers, without trying to turn it into clickbait. Thank you.

obinice , avatar

They discovered that, in the last glacial period, Earth experienced its highest CO2 increase: 14 parts per million in just 55 years. Not, our planet experiences that increase every five years.

I’ve been reading this and just can’t get my head around the last bit. What are they trying to say? O.o

Decentralized Systems Will Be Necessary To Stop Google From Putting The Web Into Managed Decline (

Is Google signaling the end of the open web? That’s some of the concern raised by its new embrace of AI. While most of the fears about AI may be overblown, this one could be legit. But it doesn’t mean that we need to accept it....

obinice , avatar

Not what you or the Supreme Court thinks.

Phew, good thing the courts in the USA - (a country with sadly laughable protections for people’s rights compared to other large developed regions like the EU) - are the only courts in the world, and what they do is the only thing that matters.

Thanks for telling us all what we think, by the way. Where would we be without an American telling us all what we think?

We’re so lucky.

obinice , avatar

Check it out! Technology survived a Carrington Event

Nope, that wasn’t remotely powerful enough to be compared to Carrington.

For such an event, we’d have to take preemptive measures to protect our power grids by mostly shutting then down and cutting various interconnects temporarily until the danger had passed, for example.

obinice , avatar

That’s pretty much the definition of the job of parent. To control everything around the child and how they interact with things.

It’s not any more difficult than it ever was. For one thing, don’t give kids a smartphone until they’re at least 13, they have no need for one before then.

Similarly, up to that age, they should be taught how to use a computer and the internet, but only in a closely monitored, safe manner.

After 13 or there abouts, they are given more freedom and more responsibility to go along with it, and hopefully have been raised well enough to respect that.

From there, limitations and guide rails will remain in place, be it a traditional curfew in the evening, or a limitation of “screen time”, and if course of what the children interact with online.

Greater autonomy is earned through positive actions and mutual respect, too. Over time as they approach adulthood you will be able to loosen restrictions and worry less, as the strong person you’ve helped raise will be able to make their own decisions with greater confidence and more positive outcomes.

Mistakes will be made on all sides along the way, there will be joy, sorrow, anger, love, parenting is a learning experience for all parties, but in the end, if all goes well, you’ll have a well adjusted young adult who isn’t addicted to their mobile phone or any of the apps contained within, who understands the dangers of such things, and how easily addictions and a warping of reality within the mind can set in.

Eventually you have to let go, let them be adults and make their own decisions, but by then they’ll have this deep understanding of the dangers they face, and that’s the best defence they can have.

It still might not be enough, but all you can do as a parent is try to prepare them, from then on they have to make their own mistakes, you know?

Anyway yeah, that’s how I think about it :-)

obinice , avatar

I’m not a fan of evil capitalists, but I think I’d take even them over organised religion, which is at best just a protection racket / cult of control.

obinice , avatar

We’re aware of that, it’s the popup advert that we can’t click to close that’s depressing :-/

obinice , avatar

donald tr*mp gets 10 warnings for intimidating witnesses and indefinite trial postponement for hoarding and most likely leaking classified documents. Sweet sweet justice.

Why are you censoring Donald Trump’s name? Is it a swear word now in your country?

We’re big girls here, we can take a little rude language, don’t worry :)

obinice , avatar

They’re Serfs, trapped in servitude with no escape, just how their Lords like it.

obinice , avatar

I already have a Steam account, I’m not giving yet another company my details and login data just to play a game on a platform I already have an account for. Nope.

obinice , avatar

mmm, it’ll be a cold day in hell before I call them Meta, it’s a very transparent attempt to psychologically reset our opinion of them, as if we’re all stupid.

It’s insulting how thick they think we are.

They’re Facebook. Call yourselves “We didn’t do evil stuff we’re good guys honest” I still won’t believe you …

How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals

I constantly see angry mobs of people decrying “woke”, “critical race theory”, ““grooming””, and whatever other nonsense they made up this week. They march around with guns, constantly appending lib as a prefix to any word they can use to denigrate. They actively plot violence and spew hatred in the open....

obinice , avatar

It’s worth noting that you’re looking at conservatives from a USA perspective, which is valid and very informative, it’s just that OP didn’t specify a country, so it might also be worth discussing conservative vs liberal culture in places like Europe too, or perhaps prefacing your wonderfully detailed response with something to clarify that when you’re talking about conservatives, you mean a very specific subset of them (as opposed to, say, the conservatives of the UK, where their political party is itself called the Conservative Party).

Rock on! :-D

obinice , avatar

Being sacked isn’t ruining someone’s life. There are other companies, other jobs. It’s hardly the end of the world.

What you’re saying is “I want him to know it’s okay to keep doing this to other people with no consequences”.

obinice , avatar

Woah now, what are you, some kinda red socialist commie? 🇺🇲😠🛻

obinice , avatar

Is that you, Ryan Szimanski, Curator for Battleship New Jersey Museum in Memorial?

obinice , avatar

SMS are completely free? I mean yeah, they cost money back in 2009, but that was a loooooong time ago.

Wherever you are, you’re being completely screwed, yeah.

obinice , avatar

The law requires YouTubers to identify sponsored segments.

In which countries, though? That’s a key point that seems missed from a lot of responses discussing “the law”.

Laws vary quite significantly from nation to nation, and without that key context, there’s not much that can be garnered.

obinice , avatar

Russia would lose a war with NATO, Poland warns

Well, yes, in the sense that Russia would be a nuclear crater, as would the NATO nations.

Nobody wins that war. Nobody.

As soon as Russia runs out of other options, backed against a wall, nowhere to go, lead by madmen, they’ll do it, and we all die. All of us, together.

obinice , avatar

That dude is (possibly) going to be elected leader of the USA not Europe, the place Orban is. I don’t see how his fortunes are going to change much, we’re not suddenly going to be really into fascist dictators and give him everything he wants 😂

obinice , avatar

No no like, that classic golden oldies singer, Britney Spears!

obinice , avatar

The full quote if you don’t want to read the article.

Or can’t afford to.

I ain’t giving some random news website more money than I pay monthly for my Internet connection just to read some article about Spotify, they can go screw xD

obinice , avatar

Can’t make a genocide without a few dead kids and a pile of free American cash, as Israel always says!

It’s an unusual expression, but it goes back generations now… O.o

obinice , avatar

Can I? The article only mentions American regulations and laws regarding flamethrowers (and even admits that those laws may restrict the sale or use of these weapons platforms).

Makes no mention of European laws. Somehow I’m doubtful that weapons heavily controlled by geneva protocols, mounted to drones, are legal for civilian use here. I’m surprised they’re even okay over there!

(Outside of specialist equipment for trained and qualified civilian personnel, I’m sure someone somewhere still uses them as a defoliant for example, as unwise as that seems given all the wildfires these days…)

obinice , avatar

Context? What’s a bunch of cops standing next to each other got to do with education? Thanks!

obinice , avatar

If Europe falls, Russia will come for your country eventually too, once they’re done with the USA.

Not that you care, you’re probably working for Russia, or already in your 60s so this won’t affect you much, but ya know, just in case…

obinice , avatar

…in the USA. Doesn’t affect us over the pond, but very important for USA users to take note.

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