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TheDoozer ,

The corruption of those courtesy cards. For which he got retaliated against. And that he brought a lawsuit over, which brings the corruption to light.

I’d say that’s fighting corruption from the inside.

TheDoozer ,

Does anybody know what this said?! I’m having the same problem!

Edit: nevermind, I figured it out.

Trump Says He's Done Debating: 'THERE WILL BE NO THIRD DEBATE!' (

When a prizefighter loses a fight, the first words out of his mouth are, “I WANT A REMATCH.” Polls clearly show that I won the Debate against Comrade Kamala Harris, the Democrats’ Radical Left Candidate, on Tuesday night, and she immediately called for a Second Debate. She and Crooked Joe have destroyed our Country, with...

TheDoozer ,

“Oh, I’m sorry, is that distracting you?”

TheDoozer ,

I think you’re missing the point. Bringing in difficult to obtain weapons as part of the conversation muddies the conversation about controlling the currently ubiquitous weapons being used.

As an analogy, let’s say someone blows something up and hurts people, using dynamite or homemade explosive using gun powder:

“Anyone who has access to the dynamite and RPGs and C-4 should be held responsible for what’s done with it!”

“Wait, there was an RPG or C4? I’m pretty sure outside the military it’s pretty difficult to get ahold of either of those. They’re already heavily regulated.”

“What difference does it make? They’re explosives used to blow things up and kill people.”

“Right, but, again, those are heavily regulated, while what happened was with dynamite, which is not.”

“OH! So it’s OKAY since the dynamite is not as regulated!”

“No, it’s just a different conversation about RPGs and C4.”

“Only if you have an agenda!”


“Anyone who purchases dynamite should be responsible for what happens to it, unless they can show they’ve properly secured it and didn’t give access to it to someone they shouldn’t.”

“Agreed, dynamite and gunpowder explosives are common and not as regulated as they should be.”

TheDoozer ,

I once had a female coworker who was complaining about how she had walked in on a male coworker using the single-occupancy bathroom (peeing, his back was turned to the door), that him not locking the door was somehow inappropriate of him.

Somebody put a poll up on a white board with the scenario, with question “who behaved inappropriately” with the choices “the person entering the bathroom without knocking” “the person using the bathroom without locking it” “they are both wrong” and “we’re all adults here, get the fuck over it.”

The tallies were overwhelmingly in the “get the fuck over it” column. But I feel the poll was missing something important: the door had a tendency when locked to stick and leave the person locked inside. We were in a quick-response duty status (as in running to the aircraft), so the person already in should absolutely not have locked it (he was the runner).

You see a closed door to a room (of relative privacy) that might be occupied, you knock. Simple as.

TheDoozer ,

Also, telling a depressed person their answer is to exercise is like telling a homeless person that they just need to get a job. The not having a home prevents the getting a job. If they had the ability to find a job, they wouldn’t be homeless (except obviously the people who don’t make enough from their job to support themselves, but that’s a whole different issue that shouldn’t exist).

So even if someone does have the time, getting the depression under control may be necessary before the exercise seems like a reasonable possibility.

TheDoozer ,

What do you mean? That’s just Mrs. Crawley with Mr. Crowley, the strange man who is friends with the bookshop owner. Weird seeing him without his sunglasses though.

Even if your parents weren't truly bad, what was the most narcissistic/narcissist-esque trait or thing they ever did?

As someone with good parents, I get very demoralized hearing about how ungodly awful most peoples’ parents were. It’s so ubiquitous that I almost (almost but not quite) subscribe to the philosophy my friends have where they hold that children should (literally) be raised “by the village” rather than by two parents, which...

TheDoozer ,

My parents were wonderful, so I have no real complaints, but my father had a weird quirk. Tools, equipment, whatever that he had interest and purchased himself were “his.” I mean, obviously, but he would use the possessive when referring to those things.

“You have to prime my lawnmower first before you try to start it.” “Go and get my ladder.” Never the ladder, always my ladder. I never questioned it (because I didn’t care), but when I was a teenager I started noticing it and it was odd. Like he was establishing that the lawn mower or the ladder or whatever didn’t belong to the household, they were his. And nothing seemed to get him worked up more than a neighbor borrowing something and taking more than a day or so to return it.

TheDoozer ,

So I get that most people assume these “converts” are full of shit and living a lie, and they’re actually gay, and blah blah blah.

I’m sure many of them are, but I’d guess a lot of them are bisexual, and lacking any real empathy, they assume all gay men can just choose to only go for women, like they did. They still want dick (and sometimes go get it anyway), but are okay with marrying a woman and having kids, and trying to ignore the part of them that wants men. They think of it as “resisting temptation” the same way a straight man resists the temptation of women other than his wife.

TheDoozer ,

Look, I completely agree with the general sentiment, but if you conflate the current illegal theft of agreed-upon and earned wages with what workers deserve to be paid, it doesn’t help the latter argument, it just confuses the former.

This type of thing is “defund the police” all over again, where the intention is to transfer funds from the police to social services specialized in situations the police shouldn’t be handling in the first place, and then got conflated with the idea of abolishing police. And while the former would have, it seemed, broad support (even among a lot of police who felt ill-equipped and trained to deal with every kind of emergency), the latter immediately turned off a significant portion of people, and conflating the two hurt the entire movement.

I’m not saying we shouldn’t have a serious focus on wages increasing with profitability, I’m saying don’t use the terminology of a separate problem that needs to be fixed and could have broad support right now.

TheDoozer ,

All of that absolutely tracks for what I would expect of him. And honestly, I could imagine a number of people having similar reactions.

I feel the disconnect here is I can’t imagine someone going out of their way to tell the story unasked. Like, I feel even amongst the people who would do it they wouldn’t talk about it? And of those they wouldn’t talk about it in an interview, unprompted. That’s the truly baffling part, to me.

TheDoozer ,

So… I’m not shilling for the military, but…

Coast guard gets 30 days of leave, 3 months of paternity leave, and unlimited sick days.

Just saying.

Edit: to be clear, US Coast Guard.

TheDoozer ,

I suppose. I’m far more likely to die in a helicopter crash. Never been shot at, nor have just about anybody I’ve worked with. The only people who have gone to a war zone in the past couple decades were people who specifically requested it.

Though I have worked with a few who survived helicopter crashes (five, between two crashes), so definitely not without its dangers. That’s the specific job I chose, though. Plenty of jobs in the Coast Guard with paper cuts or oven-related burns as the most danger they’ll experience.

TheDoozer ,

You’re looking at it all wrong. It’s like having an 8-man highly coordinated platoon with a brilliant commander and amphibious capabilities.

Glockodile ain’t got shit.

TheDoozer ,

I was going to be dropping my son off at daycare before work (something I usually didn’t do), and my normal routine was to stop at Wawa for breakfast. I stopped, got out, grabbed my breakfast, got back in, and only then remembered that he was in the back. He had been VERY uncharacteristically quiet prior, and I was tired, and I just… forgot he was in the back.

It caused absolutely no harm (I was only in the Wawa for 5-10 min), but it was a very sobering moment. I can definitely understand how it happens.

TheDoozer ,

Seriously. I was like “okay, Brazil is in the right general area, but obviously the wrong shape. Argentina is definitely not there. Chile is along the coast, so I’ll allow it. I honestly couldn’t say what all the northern countries are, and… wait, what the hell is the north connecting to, that looks like the middle east.

Jesus Christ, that’s Africa.”

TheDoozer ,

I’ll be honest, with the exception of “Keep Us Connected” I absolutely hated the musical episode… except the first time they mentioned that it had affected a Klingon vessel. And then I powered through in the hopes of seeing Klingon musical time, and when it happened, it redeemed the whole thing for me. Better than I could have hoped.

TheDoozer ,

Seriously, the part about him coming in to ask her when a project was finished and eventually yelling that he needs a date sounds like she was waffling, waffling, waffling, and he was asking for a simple answer he could work with.

“I need to know an estimate of when you’ll have this portion of the project completed.”

“Well, there’s this thing that’s having problems with this, and we’re working through this. This other thing…”

“I understand, but I need a timeline so we can give the other team an idea when to expect it.”

“So the thing is, there’s this portion of the project…”

“For the… I NEED A DATE! A DATE!”

“That’s sexual harassment.”

TheDoozer ,

And a Senator. And a District Attorney. Elected as both of those, not “hired.”

She hasn’t been “hired” for anything. Of all the issues to take with her, calling her a “DEI Hire” has got to be the most ridiculous.

What a truly idiotic position to take.

TheDoozer ,

Yeah, I’ve been reviewing her record because of all the hate, and I definitely don’t like a former DA as VP/President, but… her record is surprising good from what I can see. She sponsored a ton of good bills, was fairly left-leaning (for a US politician) on the bills she sponsored, and even while a DA/AG she refused to seek the death penalty and tried to work against racist behavior in police (without actually, you know, holding any of them accountable). She wasn’t perfect by any stretch, and she was still a DA who is practically a cop, but she seemed to be one of the better ones (I know, low bar).

I’m not really understanding all the hate she is getting, even from her own side. The amount of “hold your nose and vote for her” seems out of proportion for her record.

TheDoozer ,

I imagine it’s something along the lines of calling people at companies who her family knows. I just assume when rich people say nonsense like that, it’s just networking or nepotism that normal people don’t have access to.

TheDoozer ,

So to preface, I am absolutely and without reservation against the death penalty, so any state-sanctioned murder is unacceptable to me.

That being said, if they’re going for painless, why not just a captive bolt stunner the their brain stem? Like, having them lie back in a massage table with a container for the blood (heaven forbid the audience should experience the discomfort of gore with their death spectacle), and just pop it when it’s time. Guaranteed to shut them off, mess is handled, suitable for a casket, and no suffering. They wouldn’t even have a chance to feel it.

And if the thought of putting a human down like cattle is disturbing to you, good. It should be, just like any other way we would keep somebody locked up waiting to be killed.

TheDoozer ,

That is, ideally, what they want to do. However, to do it properly you would need a doctor, and doctors won’t help because of the whole “do no harm” thing. Kind of against their whole thing.

TheDoozer ,

Seriously, try being the candidate talking shit about an astronaut and decorated servicemember. “I like people who stay on Earth.” Well I don’t!

TheDoozer ,

So many of these stories are months or even years after the fact because unless the media gets on it, the incident gets buried immediately, and by the time the media gets ahold of it any investigation is challenging because it’s either so long after the fact or police “lost” evidence.

It being reported immediately starts the accountability and makes it much more likely that there will be an investigation in the first place. Either you are too young to remember or just weren’t noticing, but reports of police killing unarmed minorities was exceptionally rare a few decades ago. Cops got away with anything and everything. That’s where Black Lives Matter came from, getting the mainstream media (and the justice department) to care when a black person gets killed.

What is the actual point of a bra?

Let me preface this by saying I am a man, and smoked a little too much, so I’m sitting here thinking… what is or was the original purpose of a bra? Weight support? Vanity? Covering the nips so people’s eyes met your eyes and you can have a normal conversation? Like what’s it all about?

TheDoozer ,

I’m a man, and that’s how I feel about boxers and being nude. I don’t like that dangle feel of uncontrolled swaying on a sensitive part.

TheDoozer ,

Trans Exclusive Radical Feminist. The main example is J.K. Rowling, who thinks shitting on trans women is in service to feminism, instead of harming some women in order to pretend to protect others.

Basically feminist but only for cis women.

TheDoozer ,

I’ve seen stuff like that on helmets, but not flight suit. My service is pretty strict on what you can put on flight suits, though. Helmets (while still against the rules) are generally acceptable as long as they are not inappropriate.

TheDoozer ,

Especially hot sauce. I missed that the cap wasn’t closed on some… I think Sriracha, and ended up pepper spraying myself. The waitress was very concerned.

BTW, actually getting pepper sprayed is MUCH worse. Getting bear sprayed is worse and also disgusting, because on top of the pain and misery, it also has a really gross musk stank. It took A LOT of washes with vinegar to get the smell out of the clothes I was wearing.

Do not recommend getting spicy stuff of any kind in the eyes.

TheDoozer ,

Alderwood Mall? That’s the nicer one! If it were the Everett Mall, I’d be unsurprised, but Alderwood? That’s wild.

TheDoozer ,

“It has a smooth finish, virtually indestructible, and it writes upside-down.” [None of these will be true] “Also, with our Ink Anytime subscription service, you’ll never run out of ink! It’s free…” [for the first six months] “for our lowest tier…” [three lines of text per day] “with an option to upgrade to a higher tier anytime.” [Puts pen in pocket] “We’re offering pre-orders with a $5 non-refundable deposit, with delivery expected sometime in the next six months depending on how soon you get on the waitlist.” [Two years until you give up and just let us keep your deposit] “So sign up now!”

TheDoozer ,

Yes to all except jiggy. I feel like that was just Will Smith trying to make Fetch happen.

TheDoozer ,

Like… tables?

TheDoozer ,

The amount of people with no kids that have strong opinions about how children should be raised is like the people with no uteruses that have strong feelings about abortion and pregnancy, or white college kids who have strong opinions about what words and phrases should be offensive to minorities. There’s nothing wrong with having an opinion, but the arrogance to think they have something to contribute to that conversation is exhausting.

TheDoozer ,

And the US military. I was studying the supply manual (not for fun, a large portion of our promotions are based on a test we take once a year), and saw there was a hierarchy for ordering. Most of our stuff is from Skilcraft (“Made with pride by people who are blind”) and thought that was our preferred source. Nope! Our first source we have to try to order from is Unicor. So I looked up Unicor, and it’s prison labor.

So our first focus is buying cheap products from slave labor lining the pockets of truly awful business people. The secondary choice is one that helps blind people. Way to show priorities, right?

TheDoozer ,

I had thought the recent understanding was they were likely small wings, like emus or ostriches, to help with balance. Angled back instead of forward.

TheDoozer ,

I can’t find the scene, but Supernaturalhad a scene like that. Sam had recently gotten back from Hell, and he got hurt pretty bad (forgot how, but something like a broken rib or gunshot wound), and a doctor asked him what his pain level was, with 1 being barely noticeable to 10 being the worst pain he ever experienced. He stares off into the distance and says something like “3.”

Tesla is recalling its Cybertruck for the fourth time to fix problems with trim pieces that can come loose and front windshield wipers that can fail | The new recalls each affect over 11,000 trucks (

The company says in the documents that the front windshield wiper motor controller can stop working because it’s getting too much electrical current. A wiper that fails can cut visibility, increasing the risk of a crash. The Austin, Texas, company says it knows of no crashes or injuries caused by the problem....

TheDoozer ,

I bet Simone Giertz’s Truckla had working windshield wipers…

TheDoozer ,

Okay, but pop-tarts are raviolis, not sandwiches. That doesn’t even make sense. What kind of sandwich is enclosed on all sides?

YSK: Using dairy milk after being tear gassed or pepper sprayed doesn't provide more relief and has slightly increased infection risk. Use water or saline instead

Generally medical professionals do not vouch for using milk for tear gas despite it often being touted. The research seems to suggest they are largely the same in providing relief...

TheDoozer ,

I got pepper sprayed in the military. In order to be allowed to wear pepper spray on our belts (for law enforcement), we had to be pepper sprayed and fight someone off.

I found it strange, because it’s not like we had to know what it was like to be shot and fight back. It was also one of the worst experiences of my life. Getting accidentally splashed across the eyes with hot sauce ended up not so bad simply by comparison, so I had that going for me.

TheDoozer ,

Think of it like a river. If you were getting washed away down a river, would you try to save yourself by swimming up river to where you were? No, you swim to the bank and make your way back from there.

A rip current is just a river in the ocean.

Edit: meant to reply to Not_Rick

TheDoozer ,

It’s the 7 tenets, not ten non-commandments. And they’re really good and honestly better to have in the classroom.

Neither should be in classrooms except in relevant textbooks.

TheDoozer ,

Interesting read, thank you for that!

TheDoozer ,

It’s the tenets of a religious organization, so public schools should not endorse them specifically.

TheDoozer ,

My experience with people who are really into working out is that they want everyone to be into working out, and want to help you get there. They’re nerds for lifting. They’re excited to get you excited.

Anyone who shit-talks you for not already being great at it is a fucking poser and you should tell them that.

TheDoozer , (edited )

A put a hole in the side of a helicopter that left it grounded for a week.

I accidentally tapped it with another piece of the helicopter. I’m happily working on helicopters that are made of metal now, so no more of that nonsense.

Edit: also, honorable mention because it wasn’t my fault, but I made a helicopter drop an external fuel tank when it took off… by replacing a light bulb. It was on the button that makes the helicopter drop the external tanks, but there are failsafes so it will only do it in the air. Apparently the internal switch got stuck, so the second the weight was off of the wheels CLONK… and a tank was laying on the active runway. Excellent.

North Carolina Supreme Court Secretly Squashed Discipline of Two GOP Judges Who Admitted to Violating Judicial Code (

Last fall, out of public view, the North Carolina Supreme Court squashed disciplinary action against two Republican judges who had admitted that they had violated the state’s judicial code of conduct, according to three sources with direct knowledge of the decisions....

TheDoozer ,

Seriously. He said his defense attorney was inadequate and asked for a different attorney. The judge said you take this one or you decide to represent yourself. And then the defense attorney asked to withdraw.

He never chose to defend himself. He never got the option to continue with his (to his mind) inadequate attorney. They made him defend himself for even questioning if he could get another attorney.

And then instead of explaining or trying to rectify the situation, she just yelled at him and sicced her goons on him.

TheDoozer ,

I read the bill, it’s very short and to the point, and just makes some very small, seemingly uncontraversial additions to the bill. I am curious what possible justification they have for opposing it? That a Democrat sponsored it maybe? Their finger slipped?

Edit: a Republican sponsored it. I understand even less.

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