There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

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Pregnenolone , to lemmyshitpost in They're perfectly good brownies, Karen. What is your problem?

They don’t really look like they’d come from that pan

webadict ,

They didn’t, otherwise there’d be one less, they’d be wider, flatter, and the tray picture wouldn’t be from an amazon listing.

coffeecat ,

This guy pans.

MamboGator , to lemmyshitpost in The men vs. bear saga reaches the inevitable conclusion avatar

I never understood this debate. Of course a woman would feel safer with a large gay man at her side.

Speculater , avatar

I think what bothered most men wasn’t that he was large, but that a woman would feel safer with any gay man that was with them.

Sanguine_Sasquatch ,

As a sasquatch, I’d feel safer around a gay man

NoIWontPickAName ,

I’m going to need to know what kind of sanguine you are.

ETA: added need to

Sanguine_Sasquatch ,

I’m the sanguine kind of sanguine

NoIWontPickAName ,

I mean, as a dude, I damn sure would feel safest around lesbians if I was worried about that.

Idk what like the girl animal “equivalent” of a bear would be, except one that I am not quite sure if it is offensive or not.

Fucking queer is super accepted now, but then I watch my daughter, who has dated women before, and is not shy or ashamed, and I do believe is still fine with doing so in the future, call her brother or someone on YouTube gay as an insult.

Mrderisant ,

The current “equivalent” I’ve seen is would you rather share your emotions with a tree or a woman.

Karyoplasma ,

A tree. Inanimated objects are good listeners.

NoIWontPickAName ,

Tree, but I have anxiety issues and trees don’t trigger them

Mongostein ,

A tree isn’t going to use those emotions you shared when your were feeling down against you when she gets mad that you forgot to unload the dishwasher two months later 🤷🏻‍♂️

Sonotsugipaa , avatar

Yeah, but do you know how dangerous a tree is? It will eat you alive without mercy

Glemek ,

Nonono, we had this discussion about the snake yesterday: the tree kills you by dropping a limb on you long before it eats you.

feedum_sneedson ,

Exceptional woman over average tree. Average tree over average woman. Exceptional tree? Not sure.

GiveMemes ,

I’m bi and call stuff I don’t like ‘gay’ all the time. I also call stuff I like ‘gay’. I don’t think that the use of a term by those it applies to can really be negative as its more of an empowerment thing abt takibg the word back for the community. It’s like getting mad at people that call each other the n-word (especially if you aren’t black yourself).

Iheartcheese , avatar

I’m bi and only chubby… Where do I fall in this?

MamboGator , avatar

I think chubby bisexuals are classed as “pandas”

Iheartcheese , avatar

I do like being punched in the face…

FlyingSquid , avatar

That’s because it wasn’t meant to be a debate, it was meant to illustrate a point.

People who didn’t get it and people who did get it but didn’t like it (i.e. misogynists) turned it into a debate. The latter also proved that point with the large number of rape and death threats.

The_Terrible_Humbaba ,

Yeah, god forbid people get angry when others make sexist remarks! They must be real misogynists for not liking sexism!

If you replaced the “man” with “black man” or “black person”, or if someone said this with immigrants, it wouldn’t need to be explained to you or anyone why this is a pretty fucked up thing to say, but for some reason when it’s just “man” it’s okay and anyone who disagrees is a misogynist, according to you. If I made a general frustrated remark about women, plenty of people would take issue with it, and I don’t think you’d would be saying “it wasn’t meant to be a debate, it was meant to illustrate a point”, would you?

How about just stop using sexist rhetoric? There are a lot of people on your side who would agree with you if you just dropped the needlessly sexist and divisive rhetoric.

And before you get there - and if not you then I’m sure someone will think of saying it - yes, it’s true that the world and system we live in isn’t as hostile to men as women, black people, and immigrants, but progressive spaces definitely tend to be the opposite. And believe it or not, that actually has an effect with pushing younger men into the arms of the alt right; you can insult them and just call them fascists if you like, but that doesn’t change the reality that young hormonal men going into progressive spaces and seeing this kind of rhetoric will feel excluded, pushed out, and like the world is against them.

FlyingSquid , avatar

See above re: people didn’t get it.

By the way, what is “my side” and what would they agree with me about?

The_Terrible_Humbaba ,

Gr8 argument m8!

Should be pretty clear if you actually bothered to read it, but I’ll spell it out for you: P-R-O-G-R-E-S-S-I-V-E-S; and overall people who acknowledge the experiences of women that this is supposed to highlight. And I am also on that side, I just think you’re doing an absolute shit job of it, being needlessly discriminating, and creating division - as I already explained.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Okay, how would you illustrate this that wouldn’t cause a huge amount of controversy and misogyny?

The_Terrible_Humbaba ,

By just highlighting the experiences of women in the society we live in, and all the sexual violence they fall victims to, and how much violence is specifically directed at women - without resorting to cheap inflammatory “memes” (*). And as another way to a solution, we can also just try to be and create good role models for young men.

(*)And saying that has actually reminded me, that’s usually exactly how the far right likes to act and spread their message too: inflammatory rhetoric that can make a catchy sound bite that will reach a lot of people, but which has no real depth to it. I’d rather not those tactics and actually try having real conversations.

FlyingSquid , avatar

You think that doesn’t result in threats of violence and rape too? Really?

The_Terrible_Humbaba ,

What are you talking about? When did I even say anything like that? Of course they will still get threats, the point is what is the best way to move forward, raise attention to these issues to bring about a better society, instead of making the situation worse, which is what I think your behavior does.

I’m really not sure if you’re even engaging in good faith and I’m not gonna spend all day on this, so this will be the final thing I’ll say:

I think that meme is unnecessarily divisive and will cause the average man (at least young man/teenager) who stumbles into it to feel attacked, and even more so when accused of either “not getting it” or “being a misogynist”; and in a time when they are just a couple clicks away of falling into and alt-right pipeline that will acknowledge their feelings and tell them the left/progressives have it out for them, it’s really unproductive to use rhetoric like that, which can make them feel “othered” and part of an out group.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I’m sorry, but if a “debate” like this is all it takes to turn someone into a redpilled incel, they were going to become one anyway and we have much bigger problems.

The fact is that women get attacked just existing in an online space and a scary amount of men feel threatened any time a woman speaks up for herself. Because that’s patriarchy. When the power structure is threatened in any way, No matter what example a woman gives, no matter how hard she attempts to not be divisive, there are still a bunch of men who feel threatened by her suggesting that any man may possibly pose a threat to a woman because they take it personally.

And they will feel ‘othered’ because the patriarchy has raised them to believe they are the superior humans because of their gender and any suggestion that some men may do the wrong thing where women are concerned is an explicit threat to them personally. And the whole point of this is that a woman doesn’t know whether the strange man she encounters in the woods will do the wrong thing. There’s just no way to know whether or not a man will assault her. People can claim that’s true about strange women as well, but, again, that’s missing the whole fucking point. Again, though, the point will be missed no matter how diplomatically it is put because it challenges the patriarchy.

The_Terrible_Humbaba ,

Okay, this comment was the best so far and actually seemed to care to make a point/converse, so I’ll make just one final reply.

Your first sentence might be true for older men, or men who are already “allies” to put it simply, but it’s simply not true for younger men, and again it’s also just unhelpful and pushes people away. Overall, it makes you sound like you care more about being angry and being right, than actually helping to make society better. Not that I don’t understand that feeling by the way, I’m just saying it’s unhelpful and not constructive.

And yeah, off course there will always be some men who will feel threatened anyway when people raise the issue, but the question is how many feel threatened and “othered” in one situation versus in the other situation. I mean, I’d hate to fall from a ladder, but I’d rather fall from a short ladder than a tall one; does that make sense? I’d rather you go with the option that will push less young men into the arms of people like Andrew Tate, rather than the one that will push the most just because you’re angry and want to make your point in the most brutish way possible.

And they will feel ‘othered’ because the patriarchy has raised them to believe they are the superior humans because of their gender and any suggestion that some men may do the wrong thing where women are concerned is an explicit threat to them personally.

They feel “othered” because the meme is inherently sexist, and if they complain they get called sexist. Again, imagine if instead of “men” this is talking about a marginalized group and the problem becomes explicit. Just because men are not a marginalized group in society, does not mean that the same feelings are not evoked in them when confronted with such rhetoric.

FlyingSquid , avatar

You make a lot of good points, but where I am stuck on is the idea of blaming these videos (especially the initial ones, not all the reactions) for people falling off that ladder and becoming an incel. That takes years of grooming and if they were at that point, something was going to push them over sooner or later.

Also, maybe it is sexist for all of those women to find strange men more threatening, but it doesn’t change the fact that a large number of women do feel that way and maybe it should be explored why instead of criticizing them for it.

homicidalrobot ,

You should look into the origin of the word meme. It’s not terribly old and you clearly don’t understand it. You’ve also gone and thrown away your benefit of the doubt by arguing semantics on what’s clearly meant to be a lighthearted and hyperbolic comparison. Propping up random ideas and putting them, as words, in someone else’s mouth is dumb as hell. Pretty sure there’s hundreds of places online where you can argue with other people who don’t know the difference between socratic and aristotelean logic.

The_Terrible_Humbaba ,

You managed to say a lot without really saying anything. And when did I argue semantics or put words in someone’s mouth?

I’m not gonna go through this entire conversation again, so I’ll just link you my last comment which should sum up my thoughts relatively well.

homicidalrobot ,

Dumbass lmao

The_Terrible_Humbaba ,

Ok 👍 😘

Steamymoomilk , to lemmyshitpost in Break science with this one weird trick

Fire hazard speed run

JohnDClay ,

I don’t think it would it be too bad since it’d have a current limiter would it?

JCreazy ,

It will only charge as fast as the output of the power bank.

JohnDClay ,

Yeah, so I think it’d be fine, since I’d think the charge limit would be about the same as the discharge limit of the power bank. It would heat up a normal amount for charging and being charged at the same time, but I don’t think it would melt down or anything. It’d just drain slowly over time.

Swedneck , avatar

this assumes it’s not a dogshit quality power bank

umbrella , avatar

i have a similar one and its shoddy enough that i wouldnt bet on it.

captain_aggravated , avatar

Just don’t let a dog do a bad chew.

dudinax , to memes in Honestly

Also Europe:

“Let’s do this obviously good thing for the sake of the whole continent.”

“No, because it would help France.”

verstra ,

Haha sounds about right!

Is this based on actual event or is it a general joke?

dudinax ,

A quote I heard from a Greek minister (from memory). “If Germany had a choice between doing the right thing and hurting France, they will hurt France.”

norgur , avatar

So? Where is Your punchline?

betterdeadthanreddit , to lemmyshitpost in Facial Recognition

That’s not her, it’s an im-pasta!

GBU_28 ,

Please come home dad, everyone misses you

Blooper ,

Aww that’s sad :(

petey ,


toxic_cloud , to programmerhumor in Was Unity lying yesterday or are they lying today?

Even worse, is posted on their site:

“We leverage our own proprietary data model and will provide estimates of the number of times the runtime is distributed for a given project – this estimate will cover an invoice for all platforms.”

Estimating how many copies you sold based on your own ‘data models’ which is impossible to track? Isn’t that like a giant red flag for laundering money?

lobut ,

Yeah I don’t understand how that works. Will that even stand up to a lawsuit? Wouldn’t they have to give up stuff in discovery if a game company sues to find how they were billed?

mind ,


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  • SnipingNinja ,


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  • datendefekt , avatar

    I think it’s crazy that they want to write invoices based on estimations. Why didn’t I ever do that? “Oh yeah, I estimate that I worked about um… 2 weeks on that feature.”

    PhlubbaDubba , to science_memes in It is very therapeutic to garden, though.

    Surplusable farming is literally the basis on which all civilization is built

    Like the whole point of the way things work for us now is that you don’t have to be a farmer or a hunter or a gatherer to be able to have access to a consistent source of food.

    People romanticize about the idealic agrarian past but human civilization was literally invented over how back breakingly difficult that kind of work is for people who aren’t built for it.

    ashok36 ,

    Also the fact that one bad year in your tiny part of the world means you and everyone you know die slow agonizing deaths. Fun!

    Socsa ,

    This is also a major point of livestock. If you have more produce than you can eat, feed the excess to some animals and they will keep those calories fresh and delicious over the winter.

    Shard ,

    Adding on to that, its not just the surplus produce. Its all the rest of the produce that’s unusable by us humans.

    When we grow something like corn, we’re only growing it for the kernels that we can consume. We can’t physiologically make use of the stalks, stems and leaves, but an animal like the goat? They’ll chew up anything green and turn that into usable calories we humans can make use of.


    Doesn’t even need to be green, just any sort of plant or really any sort of organic matter. Eating goats that have lived off of old trash is probably not the best idea though

    Aceticon ,

    Which neatly raises the point of how modern large monoculture does a lot less of that kind of use of agricultural products unusuable by humans.

    Absolutelly, the whole of a cow slaughtered in a slaughterhouse is famously used (down to the hoves) and nothing thrown out, however you don’t see goats being raised on the unusable parts of a corn plant (whilst wheat straw is actually used as feed, for corn the silage for cattle made from it uses the whole plant including kernels not just the left-over unusable by humans parts).

    brbposting ,


    Explains the name perhaps

    Tar_alcaran ,

    This is part of the reason why early farming was so inefficient. Have a plot up the hill, have one in the valley, grow multiple crops, etc etc.

    That’s not done to have more food, that’s done so you don’t die when something bad happens.

    ryathal ,

    This is one of the things I find funny about modern day self sufficient communes. Subsistence farming is awful, industrialized farming is less awful, but still far more work than most are willing to ever do.

    FiniteBanjo OP ,

    In theory, some of those communes are cool. Way less wasteful than suburban living arrangements.

    But I do worry about those communes, honestly. The demographics they attract are easy to abuse: aging conspiracy theorists with low education. If the commune owns the land, or even worse if an individual owns the land, then those people could be forced to leave and become homeless. Even if they did own property in the commune, it might be able to act as an HOA or local township and start charging them until they can claim the property that way.

    Croquette ,

    The issue is that the current farming techniques are not sustainable.

    The fertilizers and pesticides used are burning the land, polluting the underground water pools and killing a bunch of animals and insects.

    The agriculture needs to change to something sustainable.

    ryathal ,

    Modern farming techniques consider sustainability, the larger problem is countries using traditional methods that are extremely harmful like burning forests.

    CountryBreakfast , avatar

    This is complete bullshit. Unhinged stupidity.

    racemaniac ,

    “Modern farming techniques consider sustainability”

    Yeah sure. They consider sustainability in that the current generation of poisons they use haven’t been proven unsustainable YET. When they are proven unsustainable, they’ll move to the next generation, that hasn’t been proven YET…

    Also systemically annihilating everything except that one crop you want to grow makes your farmland an ecological desert, that doesn’t sound very sustainable either.

    Unless you’re of the conviction that farmland shouldn’t be in any way part of nature, and we should concentrate on just growing crops there and every other kind of life there should be discouraged, and by doing that as dense as possible we keep more space for actual nature.

    Though i think farming that leaves meaningful room for (some) nature to coexist with it doesn’t do that much worse in yield to make the modern ‘kill everything’ approach worth it. But we’ll see what the future brings i guess.

    But just being like ‘modern farming techniques consider sustainability’ seems pretty naive to me…

    Aceticon , (edited )

    The industrial farming of corn in the US requires using hybrid corn strains to reach the yields it has, which in turn requires the use of fertilizers because the natural soils is incapable of sustaining the density of corn plants that hybrid varieties achive.

    Those fertilizers in turn are mainly made from Oil, which is a non-renewable resource, making the whole thing unsustainable. It’s is possible to make the fertilizers sustainably, it’s just much more expensive so that’s not done.

    The US is so deeply involved (including outright military invasions) in the Middle East from where most of the oil comes because in the US oil it’s not just a critical resource for Transportation and Energy, it’s also a critical resource for Food because it’s so incredibly dependent on corn (which is estimated to add up directly and indirectly to more than 70% of the human food chain there)

    PS: There is a book called The Omnivore’s Dilemma which is a great read on this.

    Bertuccio ,


    On indirect consumption, corn is largely used to feed cattle, make high fructose corn syrup, and other products that are not directly eaten as corn.

    This makes corn insanely inefficient as a food source.

    Aceticon ,

    There is a book called The Omnivore’s Dilemma which is a great read on this.

    MonkeMischief ,

    But for now my PLA 3D printer filament is still cheap! Yay? =\ lol…why is everything so broken…

    Kingofthezyx ,

    why is everything so broken…


    MonkeMischief ,

    I mean…yeah. I was more lamenting rhetorically. 😅

    Blue_Morpho ,

    Those fertilizers in turn are mainly made from Oil,

    Fertilizer is not made from oil. Oil/gas is used to power the factory but that doesn’t make the farming unsustainable.

    Because if you use the criteria of where we get our energy from, home gardening isn’t sustainable either because your house is powered by oil/gas.

    Aceticon ,

    Fertilizers are made from Amonia which in turn is made using the Haber-Bosch process which requires fossil fuels to provide the necessary energy and as reactants (see this related article).

    There is also “natural” fertilizer made from organic mass left over from other activities which would otherwise go to waste, but that’s insufficient for large scale intensive farming (composting is fine for your community garden or even for supplementing low intensity agriculture, but not for the intensive industrial farming growing things like hybrid corn).

    Finally, the use of techniques like crop rotation which lets letting fields lie fallow so that natural nitrate fixation occurs and the soil recovers do not make the soil rich enough in nitrates to support hybrid corn growing because, as I mentioned, the plant density is too high to be supported by natural soil alone without further addition of fertilizers.

    Blue_Morpho ,

    Fertilizers are made from Amonia which in turn is made using the Haber-Bosch process which requires fossil fuels to provide the necessary energy and as reactants

    That’s exactly what I said! Fertilizer is not made from oil. The factory is powered by oil. Just like your home where you garden is powered by oil.

    Aceticon ,

    Natural Gas - which is not renewable - is a reactant and Oil is still involved indirectly as a means to generate the power needed for the process. This can be replaced but is more expensive.

    That said, it’s unclear to me if Oil is somehow used at the chemical plant to generate said energy (for example, to reach the necessary temperatures) or if it’s even more indirect than that and it’s just fuelling Power Generation plants which in turn provide electricity used in the heating, pressure generation and subsequent cooling for that process, in which case it could be replaced by something renewable.

    If it is the latter case I have to agree that it’s not quite as bad in the renewable sense as I thought.

    Blue_Morpho ,

    Oil and Natural gas are not required. Ammonia is nitrogen and hydrogen.

    It is why solar powered fertilizer factories exist.…/small-green-ammonia-plant-farm-ke….

    Aceticon ,

    Good news.

    Guess my info on that was quite outdated.

    Croquette ,

    Modern agriculture uses ammonia pellets that more than half will evaporate by the time it enters the soil and it seeps into aquifers and rivers.

    There is nothing sustainable with modern agriculture.

    Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

    The Agricultural Revolution was a trap

    freebee ,

    There’s still different approaches to it though. The default industrial gigantic monocultures with massive aquifer drilling is for sure missing a few delayed, less visible costs in the equation. “Improve industrial farming, adjust it back to a more normal scale and add some diversity between the fields and rotate crops!” just isn’t a very catchy slogan I guess.

    Tar_alcaran ,

    Q: what does a subsistence farmer do when something goes wrong?

    A: they die.

    Aatube , to mildlyinfuriating in US Senator Bernie Sander's Newest Video is Unavailable in the USA avatar

    which is why I am once again asking for your usage of NORD V-

    pineapplelover ,

    If a company advertises that much I immediately put them on my sus list

    dangblingus ,

    They like money?

    Schmoo , (edited )

    Yep that’s a big red flag, unfortunate it’s so common.

    To explain further, the problem is money as an end and the product the means. The best companies with the best products and services are ones that view their product/service as the end and money as the means. Such a company is satisfied when their product or service is the best it can be. A company viewing money as the end is never satisfied and the quality of the product/service is only relevant insofar as it’s not a barrier to making more moolah.

    tyrant ,


    dan , avatar

    Mullvad removed port forwarding though :/ which makes it less useful for anyone that wants to use it for anything peer-to-peer.

    Squizzy ,

    Wasn’t there a privacy concern with, or that was their reasoning

    DigitalTraveler42 , to lemmyshitpost in Anti-racism be like

    This feels like one of those right wing memes that could go either way, but let’s break it down like this Uncle Ben and Aunt Jamima are both domestic servants, do you think that’s an appropriate mascot for a company? Do you think black folks want them as some of their oldest icons?

    Land of lakes also has a stereotypically dressed native woman who probably wouldn’t dress like that at all even back in the day.

    I get that most people couldn’t give a shit either way but when you use your brain to think about how messed up presumably white owned companies are for using slaves and genocided people as their logos or mascots is pretty fucked.

    But hey you’re not here for an insightful discussion, you’re here to get those hate clicks.

    MacNCheezus OP ,

    Well, the Sun-Maid girl is clearly working a job that’s mostly done by immigrants from the south these days, so using a white woman instead of a brown one denies them representation. But using a brown woman would also be racist because it would perpetuate harmful stereotypes… hm, what to do?

    Little Debbie is clearly a child. Do you want children to be exploited for marketing purposes?

    At least a Quakers are historically against war and slavery, so I guess he can stay.

    Valmond ,

    As a European (we had slavery, made more wars than you can imagine and have probably the worst history you can’t even imagine) nice try locking people up in “black” vs “white”.

    MacNCheezus OP ,

    Literally every culture on earth has practiced slavery at one time or another. Europeans were actually the first to abolish it.

    Valmond ,

    Let’s stop making “racial” (there is only one human race) stereotypes then.

    MacNCheezus OP ,

    So we get rid of the people on the right as well? Because those are also stereotypes.

    mojofrododojo ,

    so what do you want, a fucking cookie?

    like you were involved with the effort and take such pride in your works?

    this is such a bullshit post by someone who’s obviously racebaiting and loving every second of it. ignore the chuds people.

    MacNCheezus OP ,

    No, I’m just pointing out that “they practiced slavery” isn’t an argument you can just throw at any race or nationality in particular without inflicting massive self-damage. Literally everyone is guilty of it.

    mojofrododojo ,

    Literally everyone is guilty of it.

    haha no. such a huge claim requires substantial evidence - and you left yourself an easy out. Many cultures practiced slavery, true. Most cultures? Maybe an argument could be made. All?


    That requires substantial evidence there’s absolutely nothing supporting it.

    Now I get it, the easiest way to debase your enemy’s righteousness is to drag them down to your level. But you don’t get this one shitbag. Slavery isn’t universal. You just want it to be so it makes you feel better about your premise.

    MacNCheezus OP ,

    Good thing others already did the work for me:

    Since you’re the one making the claim that not all cultures have a history of it, I’ll leave it to you to find me a single counterexample of a culture that never practiced it. But even if that should exist, I think there’s certainly overwhelming evidence that it was extremely widespread and common practice on every single continent at some point in history.

    mojofrododojo ,

    That’s not how extraordinary claims work. Nothing in that article says ‘all cultures’ it just lists the cultures that are known to have.

    Cute though, nice try.

    MacNCheezus OP ,

    Okay, I change my claim to “almost all cultures”. I think there’s enough evidence here to support that.

    Happy now?

    mojofrododojo ,

    Why is it so important to you that “almost all cultures” practiced slavery? What does that do for you?

    It doesn’t absolve the inherent evil of the institution. No amount of “well billy and tommy did it too” makes it right, kiddo.

    MacNCheezus OP ,

    Why is it so important to you that “almost all cultures” practiced slavery? What does that do for you?

    At the risk of repeating myself: “they practiced slavery” isn’t an argument you can just throw at any race or nationality in particular without inflicting massive self-damage.

    It doesn’t absolve the inherent evil of the institution. No amount of “well billy and tommy did it too” makes it right, kiddo.

    I never claimed that. But I’m still waiting for you to find me a single example of a culture that never practiced slavery.

    mojofrododojo ,

    why wait for me when you have google dipshit?……/25853…/which_societies_have_never_had_slave……/which-ancient-civilisations-didnt-pr…

    So… Now that you have multiple examples, what then sport? Will you reevaluate your flawed premise and integrate new information that refutes your logic, or will you just piddle along with the flawed reasoning that got you here?

    BrokenGlepnir ,

    I hope you’re willing to learn because that is historically incorrect. The first nation to abolish slavery was Hati around a decade before the first European country (Denmark). That is if we are talking abolish and keep abolished in all territories controlled. Persia is possibly the first country recorded to have used slaves but they would have periods of “abolishment” which were probably good for causing slave revolts in new areas they were thinking of conquering. Arguably the first country to have and to abolish slavery.

    MacNCheezus OP ,

    That is if we are talking abolish and keep abolished in all territories controlled.

    Ah yes, if we pick and choose our definitions, we can get pretty much any outcome we want, can’t we.

    Haiti didn’t abolish slavery as much as revolt against it (by killing all the slave owners), and they didn’t even manage to keep it abolished for very long, as it’s currently one of the worst countries on earth with regards to child slavery.

    Is that really the hero you want to choose?

    BrokenGlepnir ,

    I didn’t say they were hero’s but by your definition here no one had ever abolished slavery.

    MacNCheezus OP ,

    I suppose that once again depends on definitions. There’s likely a reason people often use the term “wage slavery” these days even though on paper, salaried workers are by no means slaves, since they can quit whenever they want to, but that doesn’t mean that in practice, people don’t end up in situations that feel like slavery anyways.

    Debt slavery is another one that gets thrown around, even though the possibility of declaring bankruptcy and thus getting off the hook for only a fraction of what you owe is technically available. It almost seems as if slavery is part of the human condition, and if not externally imposed, people will find a way to self-impose it in one way or another.

    Either way, it seems silly to suggest that only the slavery imposed by one particular group of people on one particular group of other people is morally objectionable, and I’m also not entirely convinced that erasing any reminders of it does anything at all to right that wrong. At some point, it must be possible to look back at the past and say “well, that was awful, but at least we’re over it now”, but that isn’t possible if you erase any and all traces of it, is it?

    DigitalTraveler42 ,

    Quakers are also who gave us the “puritanical work ethic” that plagues our society as we try to adapt to a more convenient era of work.

    MacNCheezus OP ,

    Alright, guess he guess to go as well, then.

    LinkOpensChest_wav , avatar

    Quakers may have perpetuated this concept as well, I’m not sure, but this is literally named after the Puritans, not Quakers

    feedum_sneedson ,

    Protestant work ethic.

    Remmock ,

    Always thought the Sun-Maid mascot was Hispanic, but so am I.

    MacNCheezus OP ,

    Well if she’s hispanic, that’s clearly racist because it associates brown people with low-paid manual labor. (semi /s)

    Ep1cFac3pa1m , avatar

    Yeah it’s hard to have a good faith debate about a post that wasn’t made in good faith. Anyone who’s being intellectually honest wouldn’t try to equate these company mascots.

    MacNCheezus OP ,

    Username checks out I guess.

    You can’t just assume the post wasn’t made in good faith in order to prove intellectual dishonesty, that’s begging the question.

    Learn yourself some debating skills.

    wesker , avatar

    Uncle Ben is supposedly based upon a southern maitre d. Aunt Jemima though, undoubtedly problematic.

    MacNCheezus OP , (edited )


    From 1946 to 2020, Uncle Ben’s products carried the image of an elderly African-American man dressed in a bow tie, which is said to have been based on a Chicago maître d’hôtel named Frank Brown with the name “Ben” being a possible reference to a shrewd rice farmer from Houston. In 2020, Mars told Ad Age, “We don’t know if a real ‘Ben’ ever existed.” According to Mars, Uncle Ben was an African-American rice grower known for the quality of his rice. Gordon L. Harwell, an entrepreneur who had supplied rice to the armed forces in World War II, chose the name “Uncle Ben’s” as a means to expand his marketing efforts to the general public.'s_Original

    EDIT: here’s a longer article portraying the people that the characters of Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben were based on.

    Rai ,

    Uncle Ben helps one grow the most excellent Golden Teachers.

    MacNCheezus OP ,


    Maggoty ,

    Only the picture. There was an actual Uncle Ben who was a rice farmer. And an actual Aunt Jemima making pancake mix. Both were born into slavery, both had white corporations exploit them. Uncle and Aunt are also both titles used in the Antebellum South for older house slaves trusted by the family.

    lewdian69 ,

    You are in a shitposting community friend.

    starman2112 , avatar

    I’m not making a statement about the post, but “it’s just shit posting” is a reeeeaaal good way to turn this place into a nazi bar. Not calling OP a nazi, just saying that this argument right here is chum in the water for them

    Maggoty ,

    This isn’t a shit post though. It’s alt right propaganda.

    AlligatorBlizzard ,

    Mia, the Land o Lakes butter maiden, is actually rather interesting, at least the modern version they got rid of. The artist was a member of the Red Lake Chippewa and the design included traditional Ojibwe floral motifs. Yeah, it needed to go, but it wasn’t the worst by a long shot.

    mojofrododojo ,

    I just love the idea of a native american being iconfied for… butter.

    like, wow, that’s so very, very native and authentic - butter.

    I get it, it’s the land-o-lakes, minnesota, and they take butter fucking serious folks, they make it, they eat it, they sculpt it, so yeah, they’re REALLY into butter… but why the stolen iconography? why associate the native americans, who didn’t domesticate cows, with butter of all things?

    like what the actual fuck was the line of thought?

    CoffeeJunkie ,

    Your thoughts are interesting, but I always presumed it was just a simple tribute of sorts. Like you said, Land-O-Lakes, beautiful, natural scenery of America…accompanied by a beautiful Native American woman.

    Now take the product itself, like you said, make it make sense. Ehh. Maybe you just can’t. They wanted a mascot & instead of a smiling cow or potato, they chose a woman. Sex sells!

    mojofrododojo ,

    cultural appropriation sells. It’s not just any sexy lady. recognize it for what it actually was and everyone moves on.

    mojofrododojo ,

    cultural appropriation sells. it’s not just any woman kneeling serving up the dairy products, nah… keep telling yourself it didn’t mean anything, maybe one day you’ll believe yourself, but make no mistake, they wouldn’t have put a white woman kneeling there.

    so figure it out.

    LilB0kChoy ,

    Interesting read about this..

    The native cultural influence is pretty strongly interwoven in the fabric of Minnesota. It’s very possible the thought process was just that the locals associated that image with their state, just like the brand name.

    The Anishinaabe and Dakota have had major influence on the state and that’s been recognized more in recent history with the renaming of certain places back to their native name, like Bde Maka Ska.

    Most of the naming in the metro(and the state name) comes from the Dakota peoples. The Anishinaabe were located more in northern Minnesota and Wisconsin so you’ll see the influence there. For example the town of Biwabik in the iron range which is the Anishinaabe word for iron.

    mojofrododojo ,

    The Anishinaabe and Dakota

    The Anishinaabe and Dakota were the lost butter tribes?

    No? No, no they weren’t. Make it make sense lol

    mojofrododojo ,

    The native cultural influence

    so is cultural appropriation of iconography that doesn’t belong to white people. and to have the person ‘serving’ up the butter, kneeling?

    think they would have done that with a white woman?

    What’s the Anishinaabe word for racism?

    Thebeardedsinglemalt , to memes in Meh burger
    • Half the staff are wearing wool beanies in dead ass middle of summer
    • Sides are a la carte, fries come in a metal cup with newspaper-style wax/parchment paper
    • The bottom bun is falls-apart-soggy by halfway through
    • Claims to have a huge selection of craft beers…all IPAs, a stout, a sour, and PBR
    leisesprecher ,

    You forgot the black gloves! Those are required by law.

    raspberriesareyummy ,

    Lol that is so spot-on I can’t believe the parallels never occurred to me. One exception though, I really had good burgers in such a place in Haarlem / NL.

    Nfamwap ,
    • Burgers are served on a scaffold board/shovel/roof tile
    • Coleslaw is always referred to as house 'slaw.
    • Menu prices omit the $ sign/£ sign.
      Eg. Triple cooked fries 4
    DJDarren ,

    Menu prices omit the $ sign/£ sign.

    “Gourmet bacon and cheese burger - 15”

    15 what? Pence?

    captain_aggravated , avatar

    run by four interchangeable lumbersexual white guys in their mid 20s who are having the time of their lives and one white chick in her late 20s who is just so over it.

    RadicallyBland ,

    This is so like… 2014

    captain_aggravated , avatar

    yeah that’s about the last time i walked into one of them places.

    yemmly , (edited ) to lemmyshitpost in Mildred

    I wanna be supportive but, fucking Mildred?

    Engaging in sexual intercourse with Mildred is perfectly fine as long as there is mutual consent. However, it is not required. Kind words are usually sufficient.

    samus12345 , avatar

    In addition, anal intercourse is not appreciated by everyone.

    Tyr_Raidho_Othala , avatar
    tanisnikana ,

    If history is okay with our degenerate friend Fry here being his own grandpa, who are we to judge?

    Bumblefumble ,

    However, it is not required

    The sex, not the consent, I hope.

    yemmly ,

    You hope correctly.

    AFC1886VCC ,

    I don’t think I could have sex with a woman named Mildred. Just imagine hitting it from behind, and then you remember her name is Mildred. You’d go soft like a wet noodle within seconds.

    I_Fart_Glitter ,
    ImplyingImplications , to memes in Thank you American software

    A true patriot supports local spyware!

    ZahzenEclipse ,

    I guess your world is only black and white ay?

    Catsrules ,

    They are being sarcastic.

    Bristle1744 ,

    Please log my IP address. This is a house that loves Managed Democracy^tm^

    objectionist ,

    democracy officers would be proud

    _dev_null , avatar

    Please log my IP address.

    Checkmate. We’re watching you.

    Cqrd ,

    lol I started DDoSing this losers IP address, good op sec dumba

    Blisterexe ,

    holdon i have connection issues

    lengau ,

    laughs in ipv6-only network

    Find me now!

    Chadus_Maximus ,

    Haha you’re wrong! My IP address is actually

    caveman ,


    Twattymctwatterson , to memes in Could it be that I just have horrible taste? No, it's the market that's wrong! avatar

    This is why you need a good friend who is not afraid to tell you you have bad taste lol.

    Frittiert , to lemmyshitpost in Growing Old

    I still feel addressed when there’s something about “young people”. At 34.

    toofpic ,

    39 here, same shit. I’ll roll right into the “how do you do, fellow kids” meme

    Domille ,
    1. Same lol.
    MelodiousFunk ,

    Doesn’t help that the media has been infantilizing millennials for 20 years.

    zout ,

    48 here. Had a minor heart attack earlier this year, so sometimes I'm starting to feel old.

    ReedReads ,

    What is a “minor” heart attack?

    BenchpressMuyDebil ,

    When your hear hurts a bit for 2 seconds and you’ve accepted that your time has come

    send_me_your_mommy_milkers , avatar

    Angina Pectoris

    zout ,

    A heart attack where you have almost zero loss of heart funtion afterwards. Also, no loss of consciousness, just feeling really bad for an hour.

    send_me_your_mommy_milkers , avatar

    Heart attack < 18yo

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    You’re one year older than me and we’re the two oldest people here so far, which makes me feel super old.

    I hope the minor heart attack is the only one you ever have to suffer through.

    Fun thing about being this old: I thought I was turning 48 until my wife told me I was turning 47 a few days before my birthday.

    zout ,

    Fun fact about being 48; I'm turning 50 next year, which sounds a lot. But I only feel old-ish when mentioning my age.

    user224 ,

    Still applicable. I think.

    aeki ,

    Wait, I’m not “young people”? (37)

    AI_toothbrush ,

    I think under 35 is kinda young. Maybe a few hundred years ago you would have counted as old but nowadays with modern healthcare people live much longer and healthier.

    gothic_lemons , to lemmyshitpost in Fact checked

    But like nah. There was some evidence Saudi Arabia backed 9/11. No evidence Israel backed 9/11 that I’m aware of.

    I know this shitpost and Israel are genociding and doing fucked shit right now. But call them out on the shit they did. Don’t make up shit they didn’t do.

    Jiggle_Physics ,

    More than some evidence Saudi citizens backed them. However the claim that the government was tied to it was denied. However a portion of the report, or the missing 28 pages as it came to be known, was on this subject. Biden has since declassified, and released, these documents. They show that the ties to the government were real. They have phone, and other communications such as e-mail, between people involved and members of the government. This includes tying a hijacker to a Saudi diplomat. It is called the ENCORE report.

    Microw ,

    I didnt know Biden released those documents, interesting!

    Gigan , avatar

    If that’s true why haven’t we invaded Saudi Arabia? Or put sanctions on them or something.

    Jiggle_Physics ,

    because they are one of the major players helping to secure the petro dollar, they allow us to have an enormous military base there that we use as a platform for operations all over the middle east, we have intelligence sharing agreements with them, they will work with Israel, they have major business connections to a lot of the firms and corporations that own our legislators, to name a few reasons.

    Gigan , avatar

    Then why would they sponsor a terrorist attack against the US?

    Jiggle_Physics ,

    Because not everyone in the government actually likes this relationship with the US, nor did most of the government support the attack, or Al-Qaeda. Saudi Arabia, even its government, isn’t a single person, nor is it some sort of hive mind. It is thousands of people, that fight for their own personal interests, and break down into factions of different ideas over different things.

    Knock_Knock_Lemmy_In ,

    There are the dancing Israelis which hasn’t really been debunked. The rest of the conspiracies aren’t directly Israel related.

    Fades ,

    The arresting officers said they saw a lot that aroused their suspicion about the men. One of the passengers had $4,700 in cash hidden in his sock. Another was carrying two foreign passports. A box cutter was found in the van. But perhaps the biggest surprise for the officers came when the five men identified themselves as Israeli citizens

    Open and shut case!

    Give me a fucking break you moron

    fuckingkangaroos ,


    Knock_Knock_Lemmy_In , (edited )
    MoonJellyfish OP , avatar

    It was supposed to make fun of how fact checking works on Twitter

    Fades ,

    Oh so you hate literally the one good goddamn Twitter feature, the community notes??

    MoonJellyfish OP , avatar

    I do not hate it. But if this photo is not edited, then they need to improve it a little bit.

    gothic_lemons ,

    If this photo is not edited? So you were saying it was edited? What the fuck dude, find a real example of Twitter fact checking being fucked. Don’t make shit up. What are you 7 years? Or a paid troll?

    MoonJellyfish OP , avatar

    Bro, chill

    Good_morning ,

    The key word being “IF” implying they are unsure and are not the direct source of the picture.

    fuckingkangaroos ,


    Toldry , avatar

    My friend, I will give you the benefit of doubt and believe you when you say that this post’s purpose was to make fun of how shitty Twitter’s community notes are, and that is indeed an important topic to shed light on, so people won’t treat community notes as reliable.


    You can rest assured that a significant portion of the people who saw this post believed it as straight fact.

    It is impossible to overstate how gullible people on the internet are, and how readily they will straight up believe conspiratorial BS, especially surrounding controversial topics like Israel.

    That’s how Poe’s law works, and it is attitudes like yours that don’t take this shit seriously that end up inadvertently contributing to an environment full of libelous antisemitic conspiracies on the internet.

    I beseech you to carefully consider this stuff if you ever plan to post such a thing again.

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