There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

Wollang , to lemmyshitpost in Grunka lunka dunkitty darmed guards

Shut the hell up!

asqapro ,

Context for the people who are unfairly downvoting you.

Wollang ,

Appreciate it!

saltesc , to memes in conservative physics

This comment section, holy shit.

scrolls up

Yep, this is still the meme with the states of matter.

Look at yourselves. Bunch of Redditors.

papalonian ,

Yeah man WTF happened there. I just saw a "deleted by moderator" comment and a shit load of people responding quoting the comment with a bunch of I guess hate speech about LGBT? What the hell were they even talking about lmao

saltesc ,

Yeah, sometimes it’s great to nuke some popcorn and just have a good ol’ guilty watch. But this was one of those times where things got so pathetic it felt icky even spectating.

The mod:

magnetosphere , avatar

Some redditors just bring the worst of reddit with them when coming to the fediverse, like tracking mud into the house. Some are still recovering, and slowly acclimating to the fact that you don’t have to be an overly defensive, argumentative prick all the time. Some just stay that way because it’s all they know. Some are still learning that every difference of opinion doesn’t have to become a tiresome debate. Some are OK people. Some are just plain assholes.

As a reddit refugee, I’m in that paragraph somewhere. I’m only half joking when I call it PRSD - Post Reddit Stress Disorder.

ShittyRedditWasBetter ,


30mag ,

slowly acclimating to the fact that you don’t have to be an overly defensive, argumentative prick all the time

I’m sorry. I am really trying to be better.

average_internet_enjoyer ,

Babe wake up new mental disorder just dropped

Custoslibera , to memes in Defediverse

Fuck off nazis.

Follow your leader and kill yourselves.

Foggyfroggy ,

Well said. There is a lively song by the Dead Kennedys that explains with nuance and understanding this same sentiment.

Mothra , to memes in Machinists, engineers and people of common sense unite !

I want to wholeheartedly believe the caliper has the size the customer wants and the pipe is bigger, therefore inappropriate. I’ve never met anyone who would use a caliper this way, I’ve seen people trying to eyeball it or use it as a ruler but not like this

panopticon ,

It’s gotta be something like that, like the photo is presented out of context, the alternative is too depressing

robot_dog_with_gun ,

could be that they saw somebody use fancier calipers that have a gauge thing on the other side and managed not to remember it looks different

Signtist , to asklemmy in What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you?

Efficient workers get more work if you’re in the office. I work from home, and that allows me to work efficiently until my work is done, set up scheduled emails to go out at the time I would’ve otherwise been done, then do what I want until then.

Black_Gulaman , avatar

I see your work doesn’t have invasive programs that check idle mouse and idle keyboard behaviors.

this is an old one but i can’t help thinking, what if they installed it without my knowledge, after all, my work laptop was given to me already pre prepared by our IT department.

Signtist ,

Yeah, they’re pretty behind the times, and I’m happy for that. They gave me a work laptop, but since they didn’t block me from just using my home computer instead, I just do that so that I’ve got an excuse if they ever bring up any strange data they might be skimming from the laptop. It’s been a couple years now without any word from them about it, though, so I think I’m in the clear.

rolaulten ,

Fyi. If your IT department is remotely on top of things - they know. They just might have larger fish to fry.

We can see all kinds of things about any devices that log on to check email, connect to the VPN, etc.

Signtist ,

Yeah, I figured they’re aware I’m not using the laptop - I’m not on the VPN most of the time as a result. I’m still able to do all my work in my own copy of excel, though, so I’m hoping I can continue pretending I’m unaware that I’m not following the correct avenues to get my work done, at least until they force me to use the laptop.

_number8_ ,

wow really glad you have that power

usernamesaredifficul ,

unless the it department tell your manager that wouldn’t matter.

PerogiBoi , avatar

There is an entire department at my work that employs thousands of moderators to review desktop screenshots of all employees every 5 minutes to make sure no one is “idle”.

Makes me want to scream when I think about it.

GuyWithLag ,

Luckily I work in a jurisdiction that would tear the whole C-team a new one if that happened.

theKalash ,

You you’re writing up more time that it actually took you. That is fraud.

Signtist ,

I’m not writing up anything. I clock in when my shift starts, I complete the work designated for me for that shift, send it out by the time it needs to be sent out, and clock out at the end of my shift.

theKalash ,

I’m not writing up anything. I clock in

… same fucking thing, Einstein.

The non-fraudulant thing would be to clock out when you’re done.

Signtist ,

Maybe it’s meant to be, but my parents taught me about deliberate ignorance, and I intend to use it.

shinigamiookamiryuu ,

My parents tried teaching me that, but I was ignorant of their lessons.

irmoz ,

Also, malicious compliance

Black_Gulaman , avatar

That’s not fraud, that’s called “working smarter”. Not giving us a raise to account for inflation, now that’s fraud.

theKalash ,

I’m not stealing, I’m just “shopping smarter”.

irmoz ,

Damn that boot must be so far down your throat it’s comng out your ass

Professor_Piddles ,

Is it fraudulent for a mechanic working flat rate to complete a 10 hour job in 6 hours and collect the full 10 hours of pay?

theKalash ,

flat rate

Obviously not if it’s a flat rate. But empoyment rarely is flat rate based. The contract are usually require you to work a certain amount of time per week/month.

dragnucs ,

It does not, or at least should not work like this. If you can do same work, with same quality in less time than average, then pay rate is higher than average.

Got_Bent ,

Most shops I know of these days assign a labor time to any given job. You get charged that amount whether the mechanic does it in half the time or takes five times as long.

Anymore, it’s an internal benchmark for mechanics to build on the efficiency of their own work.

In my line of work, it may take me three hours to solve a client tax issue. I will bill for that accordingly.

If another client comes along the next day with the exact same issue, but this time I know the answer because I researched it yesterday, so I can solve it instantly, should the second client get charged nothing?

veniasilente , avatar


It’s literally right there in the sentence you wrote, thankfully.

Nemo ,

Nope. They pay me for my availability, not how much of it they utilize.

theKalash ,

If that is clearly state in your contract that way, sure.

irmoz ,

No, that is literally how employment works.

Got_Bent ,

I remember those halcyon days when calling each other Sherlock and Einstein was the zenith of insults.

On the playground.

During recess.

In the fifth grade.

theKalash ,

Which seems appropiate since most of people in this comment chain seem to be teenagers who’s only argument seem to be “boss bad” and “work bad”.

orca , avatar

A lot of us speak from experience… it’s not just some opinion pulled out of thin air and being reductive and dismissive isn’t solving anything.

theKalash ,

Well, surely there must be more constructive replies to that situation that just slacking on the job or wirting up fake hours.

Like does everyone here work for Evil Corp itself? If it sucks so bad, quit. Find a better job.

orca , avatar

If you’re in tech, it can be absolute hell. I worked at an agency that required 7 hours clocked to projects every day. Doesn’t sound so bad until you realize you still need to eat lunch and deal with random non-billable things that arise. Now you’re working a 10-hour day to appease the numbers, while furiously clocking every minute to every job. If you estimate 6 hours for a task and find an efficient way to do it in 2, that’s the expectation going forward—even for the devs that haven’t done it before.

It doesn’t sound terrible until you do it for a while and realize that it’s a fucking meat grinder. Instead of being gauged by your abilities and skills as a programmer, you’re quietly evaluated by how many tickets you can get out the door.

I have tasks where I might spend 6 hours to make the task take a half hour going forward. That’s value-added work and I shouldn’t be rewarded with an onslaught of new tasks because of that simply to fill a void.

I deserve to find some ways to keep my sanity intact until I’m mentally incapable of continuing to write code anymore in the older years before ageism starts shoving me out the door.

theKalash ,

I mean, sorry. That sounds quite horrid. But that just sounds like a really shit agency.

I do work in tech and I also have to write up all billable hours minutely. But most of the work I do is on internal projects anyway, so I have to write up the time, but it’s not billable. Paid work usually takes priority though.

But when it comes to it, I’m required to work 8h a day. Doesn’t matter what as long as it is what matters the most right now. And I could easily just keep it there and work my 8 to 5 if I wanted, not giving a shit.

But I actually like my work, most of the time. So I do. So when you have to solve a lot immediate problems, the internal projects often get delayed and you risk overshooting the deadline. That’s bad for the company in general, so best to avoid it. That gives incentives to solve everything asap and still get the internal stuff done on time.

And if we risk falling behind the deadline, that means overtime (voluntarily of course), but all of our devs know that missing a deadline could set us back quite far, so everyone shows up. Of course all overtime is paid and at better rates. Hell, I’ll sometimes do overtime just to get the better rate and get ahead of things I’d have to fix eventually anyway.

And the boss very much appriciated the effort we put in. In fact, he makes less money then me. I know that because I’m a shareholder and can read the yearly financial report, they gave all the senior devs a share when the company went public.

orca , avatar

It was indeed a shit agency, but I’ve found almost identical practices in other agencies. It’s the nature of the work and it sucks, which is part of why I won’t work at another agency ever again. Another issue I’ve run into are colleagues that don’t clock all of their time for a task, which makes management say things like “well X did this in 2 hours; why is it going to take you 6?” It took me a long time in my career to arrive at a place where I feel like I have actual control, so I can empathize with younger devs that are feeling crushed under the weight of work.

My role now is all internal product work and I always clock my time spent, but it’s not crucial. I do it mostly to gauge how long things I build take (a lot of which are greenfield projects) and keep the data on hand as a point of reference for myself.

I like what I do but don’t really like that it’s become a big part of what defines me as a person. That’s really besides the point though. I think white collar employees like us have it easier than others in the workforce elsewhere, and that’s somehow with the absolute onslaught of tech layoffs I keep seeing. I have a friend that has been laid off 5 times in the span of 3 years, and I was laid off myself for 3 months before finding a new role. I’m actually shocked at how many times previous employers have tried to take advantage of myself or others. Those things are the reason wage theft in the US is a 50b dollar industry and it’s just going to get worse as capitalists try to squeeze as much value out of things as they can.

theKalash ,

That all sounds very dire, indeed. Not sure what to say.

Come to Europe? .

orca , avatar

It really is a problem that is unique to the US. So if you encounter a lot of us US folk that are angry and jaded due to work, that’s why lmao. The protections and time off that Europeans receive is leagues better than anything here. Europe is definitely something we’ve personally considered for the future.

theKalash ,

So if you encounter a lot of us US folk that are angry and jaded due to work, that’s why lmao

That might have been an issue. I actually know a lot of people from the US, but because I lived near military bases or international schools. But those are probably not people stuggeling. I don’t have actual insight into the mood of the country or any personal expirence.

But going by this thread and comment chain, working conditions, even in sought of sectors like IT, are apperently exploited quite badly in the US. More than I could have imagined. I was not trying to mock people that just want to get by.

Still, it seems very sad that this is apperently a reality so many Americans have to deal with, even in IT. You desperately need better labour protection laws in generals. And unions.

orca , avatar

It’s honestly like a pressure cooker sometimes. That’s why strikes are happening so much more often in the US. The attitude towards corporations here is rightfully really pessimistic because of the mass layoffs, the rising prices of rent and everything else, poor employment environments, etc. We’re facing the brunt of late capitalism.

burntbutterbiscuits ,

Wow you’re not very intelligent

crazyminner , avatar

Imagine caring about stealing from a thief.

They’re just stealing back a fraction of what is being stolen from them.

theKalash ,

Yes, because every single empoyeer is a thief. Capitalism bad, mkay. Fucking tankies.

CommanderM2192 ,

Get a real job. You obviously have never had one if you think most employers don’t “steal” to some degree or pay fair wages.

theKalash ,

Maybe you should have gotton some qualification or had a better work ethic and you wouldn’t be stacking boxes at Amazon.

orca , avatar

Making fun of a person’s job is easily one of the most unappealing personality traits a person can have.

theKalash ,

I didn’t even know what his job is, I invented it. And I’m pretty sure all boxes at Amazon are stacked by robots, so it’s not even a real job.

Catchphrase ,

Amazon is still very much fueled by human labor. “Warehouse Associate” would be the job title. It is definitely a “real job,” and the people grinding their joints into dust deserve so much more dignity (and compensation) than Amazon, and society as a whole, really, deigns to give them.

theKalash ,

They really do. I know the South Park episode.

You guys should have like union or something, where a bunch of workers bands together to demand better conditions and so on.

CommanderM2192 ,

I own my own company dude lmfao

crazyminner , avatar

Imagine thinking capitalists deserve anything other than being kicked to the curb. Workers do everything, the sooner we control things the better.

irmoz ,

Yeah, that’s exactly what they said… can you refute that surplus value is extracted through exploitation of labour forces? No? Didn’t think so. Much easier to insult and deride, and pretend that was a meaningful or valuable argument, than to actually make one.

severien ,

Stealing from a thief is still a crime.

BTW, if they’re a thief, report/sue them. Or are they just “thief” because of an ad hoc moral system you made up to justify anything you do?

crazyminner , avatar

Wage theft is one of the least acted upon crimes. This system is immoral, and the people who run it are immoral. Thinking you will get any justice except for what you take for yourself is naive and wrong.

This system isn’t designed for us, its literally designed for the people its named after… Capitalists. Taking anything you can back from them is perfectly fine.

severien ,

I grew up in a communist country, and we had a saying “if you don’t steal from your employer, you’re stealing from your family”. And people acted accordingly.

You would love that! Or perhaps not, it actually sucked for everybody.

Khotetsu ,

Wage theft (when employers don’t pay their employees what they’re owed) in the US accounts for more stolen value every year than grand theft auto, larceny, petty theft, and breaking and entering combined. Yet wage theft is not considered a crime.

It’s the same story all over the world. The real issue isn’t the economic system but rather greedy people in positions of power with no accountability.

severien ,

The original comment did not suggest any wage theft happening, and the original comment from the communist commando treated all employers as thieves.

robotrash ,

What in the boot licking fuck is this?

_number8_ ,

shut the fuck up.

Notyou ,

Most employers pay you to be on standby for last minute tasks. That’s what you are doing for the rest of the time. You are also planing on how to do these tasks more efficiently. That is all billable in my opinion.

psud ,

It’s a double edged sword. I was very efficient, and did get more work, which got me noticed and eventually promoted out of a doing position into a leading position

It’s a nice change, the work is light, the people side of the work is easy. I have higher pay and much more free time

WtfEvenIsExistence , to memes in Saw this on and want to share the idea.

Here, I fixed it for you!

Also, why did you just pirate my meme? See my watermark? Ye feckin thief


AGuyAcrossTheInternet ,

You know what fixes that? Meme NFTs! That way you can prove your ownership! :V

Whitebrow , to memes in Can you Americans pass the test?

Republic of Biscay

Etterra ,

I like their cookies. A little dry though.

NumbersCanBeFun , to memes in Always look on the bright side of life avatar


  • Loading...
  • Bread ,

    It is believed that people can have visions or hallucinations that will match whatever they believe in when they are dying. For some it is Jesus, for others it is nothing or memories. It is interesting to think about that when dying or being close to it, your brain will just make up whatever makes it feels the most reassured. The real question is why?

    unreachable , avatar

    The real question is why?

    good question

    maybe the brain still try to “get a grip” to reality it was once familiar, while the body still in “alive state” before

    that is until it can no longer maintain its own “state of living”, as is running off life fuel

    Bread ,

    If only we could test this scientifically, but silly things like ethics keep getting in the way.

    justastranger ,

    Reminds me of the movie Flatliners

    explodicle ,

    Maybe our perception of this as positive is cultural? Ancient people might have survived near death experiences, and it shaped our society to the point that we believe being reassured while dying is good. We aren’t angered or frightened by our brains lying to us in this particular situation.

    Bread ,

    Well it is not necessarily always a positive experience. There have been instances where it scared them so bad that they changed they way they lived. Like they believe they had been sent to hell.

    MonkderZweite , (edited )

    You barely missed the opportunity of being isekaied.

    devfuuu ,

    Truck-kun is disappointed

    akippnn ,

    I don’t really care if there’s a higher being, an afterlife, or otherwise.

    I’m still scared of the idea of nihilism, but eventually I’ll have to prepare myself and at least do something that makes my existence worthwhile.

    ReakDuck ,

    Well, you were not unconciouss. I heard often that a near death experience was more like a DMT trip or smth. Maybe its also fake.

    Drusenija , to memes in 🙃😵💀

    Tomorrow’s headline, “Millenials are single handedly killing the breakfast industry”.

    nomadjoanne , to memes in 2023-08-09.jpg

    Nah, for everything.

    Colour_me_triggered ,

    Typisk svensk!

    lud , (edited )


    Roundcat , to memes in Abe-sama gives advice avatar

    Missing picture of Abe holding his stomach: "You had time to make a mother fucking blunderbuss, but not enough to fuck?!"

    Addfwyn ,

    Yamagami has enough fans now he definitely could, they just need to let him out.

    Roundcat , avatar

    "The only thing I'm interested in 'fucking' is the cult that runs at the underpinnings of this government"

    -Yamagami probably.

    Duamerthrax , (edited )

    His story is amazing. Radicalized by the equivalent of Japan’s alt right, then when he realized that’s who exactly grifted his mother to give away the family wealth, turned his attention to that.

    ICastFist , avatar

    Racialized or radicalized?

    So, he fell for the alt-right bullshit, then later realized they were the grifters and scammers, not the filthy gaijin? That culminating in the assassination of Shinzo Abe sounds straight out of a revenge movie

    Duamerthrax ,

    I can’t find the article that mentioned his shift in political views, but he was a hardcore alt-right type before realizing that’s who swindled his mother.

    Here’s an article in the Japanese Times. More or less, different publications all have the same story.

    One thing that does change depending on when the article was written is Abe’s connection with the church and the church’s connections to the Japanese and South Korean governments. Police withheld certain details until after the elections and approval ratings for the party dropped after. Generally, people aren’t too happy with that and there was even push back about the government paying for Abe’s funeral.

    Uniquitous ,

    “You are the one who is fucked now, Abe-kun.”

    bisby , to memes in Everytime

    My dad once told me my mom didnt feel safe walking alone at night in the neighborhood and asked if I felt the same. I said I didnt feel any concerns, but added the caveat that Im not a small woman, and Im a large man.

    He paused for a minute, nodded and said “that makes sense.” Then after another few seconds goes “That’s not white privilege.”

    thesporkeffect ,
    TheDoozer ,

    I mean, that’s true. It’s not “white privilege,” but it’s still privilege.

    blanketswithsmallpox ,

    … Now compare the difference between being a built black man and built white man walking down that same street…

    TheDoozer ,

    And that would be white privilege. I’m not sure what you’re trying to convey here.

    bisby ,

    He saw himself having an epiphany about privilege in general, so he had to swerve and add race into the mix so he could say a true (albeit unrelated) thing and miss the point.

    It’s like when anti BLM people say “All lives matter” … Sure, all lives DO matter, but they’re intentionally missing the point, so they don’t have to acknowledge that police brutality disproportionately affects black lives.

    Saying unrelated “true” things to undermine the original statement is a bit telling about intentions.

    samus12345 , avatar

    Reminds me of my white dad talking to a friend of my brother’s who’s black about how he feels when a cop is around. “Not that different, maybe a little safer.” And the friend said he has to be very careful about everything he does in that situation. My dad’s not a conservative type, thank god, so hopefully it gave him some insight.

    A few years ago, some cops were in my neighborhood looking for someone while I was sitting in my car. One ducked his head down to look at me and quickly left. I was VERY aware that my skin color might have just saved my life.

    uis ,

    Living in multinational country I can say noone feels safe around police.

    theneverfox , avatar

    I was talking to my handyman the other day, he’s a nice guy and likes to learn. I’m telling him about how much it sucks to grow up in car-centric suburbs, and he told me about childhood.

    I told him how the freedom he had now gets people arrested for child neglect, and all of a sudden he goes “yeah it’s so dangerous now with the crisis at the border”

    It’s like they’ve been through an “education” camp. You carefully lead them through understanding how the world could be very easily improved, and they’re getting it… Then some phrase reminds them of their conditioning, and they snap back to step one.

    It takes months of gently leading them to see that what they’re saying makes no sense… It’s possible, but it’s depressing how many people are falling into the fox newshole

    TokenBoomer ,

    Below is where discussion of class consciousness derails, thus fulfilling the meme.

    iain , to lemmyshitpost in AI or DEI?

    This just shows that AI sucks for getting accurate information. Even if it didn’t hallucinate black people, it would’ve been just as wrong, just with white skinned queens. Now the lies just line up with “current social freakout of conservatives”.

    IHeartBadCode , avatar

    AI is like spicy autocomplete. People need to understand that AI is basically that Excel meme but with pictures.

    SpaceNoodle , (edited )

    I am not familiar with this particular meme.

    iain ,

    Excel 🤝 Incel Incorrectly assuming it’s a date

    👆 they probably meant this one

    imPastaSyndrome ,

    Ooh that’s a keeper

    SpaceNoodle ,

    That’s a total non-sequitur

    Nikls94 ,
    Skua ,

    I do have to wonder if Excel would still have done that had the creator not mis-spelled February

    Ottomateeverything ,

    They didn’t? At least in the version I’ve seen, they typed “Fe” and excel auto filled the “buary”. That’s the whole point of the meme.

    Skua ,

    It's "February", so when the user typed "Febu" the program discarded "February" as an option. Only the "ary" part is autocompleted in that image, the "Febu" part has been typed manually. Although I can imagine that that first R will steadily get dropped in some dialects of English considering how it isn't really pronounced in them

    Ottomateeverything ,

    Someone posted the version I saw below. In that one, the person has only typed “Fe”. I haven’t seen one that had “Febu” typed, but yeah, that obviously would throw it.

    KeenFlame ,

    It really does not, even if you have a perfectly accurate model and ask it “draw an English queen, but make it ethnically diverse” this would still appear.

    Xariphon , to memes in Happy Christian Pride Month!

    Just don't remind them how many pagan symbols are in there.

    Happy Sol Invictus, everyone.

    proudblond ,

    Gotta admit, as an agnostic who was raised gently Christian, that’s part of the reason I’m still comfortable putting all this stuff up in our house. Took a while to figure out a tree topper I liked but one year a saw a dove and that feels less religious to me.

    drekloge ,

    We use a stuffed hamster toy with a santa hat.

    Call it the “Ham-star”

    drekloge ,

    We use a stuffed hamster toy with a santa hat.

    Call it the “Ham-star”

    SapphironZA ,

    Love it!

    DoctorWhookah ,

    Got a Santa hat on top of ours.

    Stalinwolf , avatar

    We just use a Santa hat. Looks great as a topper. Gotta tilt it slightly.

    proudblond ,

    Oh yeah, the tilt would make it. I’m fond of wild birds so a bird on my tree made sense. Also, to quote Portlandia, “put a bird on it!”

    Stalinwolf , avatar

    The recurring use of the word bird throughout that series is one of my favorite parts of the show. I love Birdman, the Australian mullet adventurah who shows about at the Air B&B togoonawalkabewt

    “What’s a robin?”

    “It’s a little bidder!”

    name_NULL111653 ,

    Góður Jól!

    Xariphon ,


    Malgas ,

    “You got your Saturnalia on my Yule!”

    “You got your Yule on my Saturnalia!”

    Siegfried ,

    May Jesus come into your house aswell

    Legendsofanus , avatar


    funkless_eck ,

    do a little dance

    make a lil love

    get down tonight

    Legendsofanus , avatar

    Fine but I’m not getting down

    LemmyKnowsBest ,

    look at all those lights. Jesus came all over that house. Jesus is the light of the world.

    squaresinger , (edited ) to linux_gaming in Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney was asked by Verge why there is no support for the Steam Deck for Fortnite

    I think, people here look at it from the wrong side.

    The code changes required for Linux support aren’t the issue.

    But if they support Linux, they have to support Linux. This is not some student’s first indie game, but instead a massive game with up to 290 million monthly active users. That’s 3.7% of the whole world’s population! (And it’s also more than the number of total Linux users.)

    So supporting Linux means they need to test on at least all currently maintained versions of maybe the top 20 or so distros on all sorts of hardware configurations. That would increase their testing costs by around a factor of 20.

    They also need to support customers if they have problems. Considering the variability of Linux configurations, chances are high that this comparatively small segment of players will consume an aproportional amount of difficult support requests.

    And lastly, if the Linux version of the game has some serious bugs on some setup, it might likely be that all these Linux users think the game is shit and start talking badly about it.

    So it’s just a simple cost calculation: Does Linux support increase or decrease the total profit?

    And if the variables change, the calculation changes with it. Exactly as Sweeny said in his post. People like Sweeny don’t care about ideals or about which OS they prefer. They only care about money.

    And the revelation that a CEO likes money and dislikes risk isn’t exactly hard to figure out.

    I’m not saying that it’s good, but top capitalists tend to be capitalists.

    And in the end, I’m pretty sure someone who has all the business figures and frequently has to defend those in front of the shareholders probably knows much better what makes business sense than any of us. Someone like him goes where the money flows.

    prole ,

    Most games that work on Steam Deck aren’t technically Linux-compatible and therefore have no “Linux support” needed. Proton has come very very far, and most games are running the Windows exe through Steam using Proton.

    In fact, I’ve played several games that do have native Linux support, and they still play better using the Windows version through Proton. On my Steam Deck, and on my shitty non-gaming laptop.

    So no, they don’t have to support anything new.

    chaorace , avatar

    Exactly. Making the game WINE-compatible is not the same thing as committing to support. In reality, the only thing stopping WINE from working is Epic Anti-Cheat and the absurd thing about this is that Epic already gave EAC a WINE-compatibility mode – they’re just actively choosing not to turn it on.

    What Tim’s really saying is this:

    I don’t want our flagship game to be used as a way to highlight Steam’s better Linux support, so the game won’t come to Linux until EGS on Linux is at parity. Unfortunately, it doesn’t make sense for us to bother doing that right now because the Linux usershare is too small to matter.

    olafurp ,

    You don’t have to support all distros anymore. Just take whatever windows build and test it with Proton.

    squaresinger ,

    Proton with what? Stable or experimental? DXVK or Wine3D? X11 or Wayland? Nvidia closed source or open source?

    That’s just what I came up with. There are probably a few more of these questions. Even Proton alone is not an easy target.

    Especially if you want some low-level anticheat. And you know, if they have one platform that is easier to cheat, cheaters will all use that platform.

    I don’t know about you, but playing with tons of cheaters doesn’t seem like a lot of fun to me.

    olafurp ,

    Pick any Proton release you like. Support X11, Wayland will then probably work anyway unless people have nvidia gpus. Support DXVK and force people to use it.

    If you support one way to run Proton you’re already most of the way there. Besides that majority of games just work fine without any work whatsoever.

    squaresinger ,

    Seems like you didn’t read my first comment that you replied to before.

    But still, your view is totally fine for a little indie studio, but that doesn’t work for a game with >200 mio players.

    bitwolf ,

    They should actually target Wayland. Since Wayland will be what supports HDR, VRR, and is what the Steam Deck and most distros use.

    TheUncannyObserver ,

    You are making it sound way more difficult than it actually is. If some lone indie developer can manage it, a huge corporation with billions of dollars could do it without a thought.

    squaresinger ,

    Lone indie devs don’t have to care about giving support to players, testing or cheaters.

    So sure, if you completely ignore the difficult/expensive parts, the rest is super easy.

    0xD ,

    Yeah that’s just Linux evangelists here, it’s not really worth discussing anything with them lol.

    semperverus , avatar

    Lol, nvidia…

    sugar_in_your_tea ,

    Sure, but things work differently under the hood on Linux vs Windows, so they still need to validate every build. That means QA resources every release (and they release often), as well as development efforts to patch any Linux-specific exploits.

    If supporting Linux doesn’t bring in more money than other dev efforts, it’s not worth it.

    Venat0r ,

    Just release it as an unsupported “beta”. The Linux users will figure out any issues and give higher quality bug reports.

    stolid_agnostic ,

    If it can be made to run via Steam, then they only need to support it as far as getting it installed in Steam. Either Proton or native, it can be made an invisible issue from the user perspective. They have made a choice not to do so.

    I_am_10_squirrels ,

    Right, no need to support 20 distros. One distro, known hardware. Anything else, you’re on your own.

    stolid_agnostic ,

    If Steam can install on it, then it’s done. The distro doesn’t matter in this case. If Steam’ll install, then you’re done.

    Venat0r ,

    It’s more that epic have a competing store and Tim doesn’t want to do anything that might help steam gain more traction.

    Omega_Jimes ,

    The only thing stopping Fortnite from running on Linux is the anticheat. The anticheat it uses it made by Epic, and has a specific option for WINE compatibility.

    poVoq , avatar

    If I remember correctly it actually uses two separate anti-cheat, and the second one not made by Epic doesn’t have Linux or Wine support.

    But it’s still a weak excuse that they could just make a Linux version without that redundant second anti-cheat.

    candle_lighter , avatar

    Unless they changed it, the other one is Battle eye which also has Linux support

    bighatchester ,

    I’ve tried running fortnite on Linux . It installed fine started to play and then I get booted out because of the anti cheat . I believe the game would run fine if the anti cheat supported Linux .

    zalgotext ,

    That’s the fun part, the anti cheat does support Linux. Apex Legends also uses easyanticheat and it’s compatible with the Steam Deck, with a Gold rating on protondb.

    mnemonicmonkeys ,

    Yeah. Fortnite’s implementation of EAC literally sabotages itself on Linux mainly because Tim Sweeney doesn’t want it to run on Linux

    bighatchester ,

    That’s even more annoying because the game will run . It just boots you out before you touch the ground. I was thinking about playing it again lately but I can’t build with controller like I can with a keyboard and mouse.

    upandatom ,

    It feels like none of the replies to you actually read your comment. I appreciate you taking the time to offer up possible explanations with examples. Thank you!

    squaresinger ,

    Yeah, pretty much all answers are “You are wrong, the code change is easy”.

    Kinda sad that people don’t make it even to the first line.

    stolid_agnostic ,

    lol why are you simping for them? they made a choice not to do this. they could easily do it with their manpower if they didn’t, you know, keep laying people off in order to maximize profits. You’re also overinflating how difficult it is to make games cross-platform compatible with the tools available today.

    squaresinger ,

    It sucks a lot when people are so deep in their petty trench fights over brands that they think there is only “Me for this, You for that, You simp”.

    I don’t care about Epic and neither do I care for Steam. I buy my games where I get them the cheapest: Key resellers. And I don’t care on which online store the cheapest price lands.

    If I was still developing games, I’d deploy them on both or on the one who pays me the most for an exclusivity deal.

    With that out of the way: I am only explaining simple backgrounds to people interested to listen.

    But sadly so many people fight over an online shop as if it was politics.

    Do you fight like that for your favourite online retailer? Or your favourite supermarket chain?

    What Steam and Epic do is business. They are no charities. They do stuff that makes them money. So any sane user should see it as a business transaction and buy where the price is best for what you get.

    stolid_agnostic ,

    LOL I have no skin in this game. Your comment is pure projection and I think that you have demonstrated precisely what I was arguing.

    FaeDrifter ,

    Except he’s completely wrong because containers work specifically to solve the problem of deploying across different configurations. Valve already figured this out a decade ago with the steam runtime. That’s why I can run a relatively obscure OS like Bazzite and nearly my entire library of AAA just works like it would on any other distro. You can run a container across hundreds of thousands of different configurations, it doesn’t matter.

    noodlejetski , (edited )

    EA/Respawn somehow haven’t had a problem with doing that with Apex legends.

    squaresinger ,

    Apparently, their cost calculation is different. Also, Fortnite has about 50x active users compared to Apex Legends. That also changes a lot.

    Sweeny said it doesn’t make business sense for them and if it will make sense in the future, they will support Linux.

    I’m pretty sure that someone who does know their business figures and frequently has to justify them to shareholders has a better overview about what makes business sense for them than anyone of us.

    stardust ,

    I’m pretty sure that someone who does know their business figures and frequently has to justify them to shareholders has a better overview about what makes business sense for them than anyone of us.

    Every time someone makes the business argument all I can think of Microsoft flopping with Windows Phone despite all their money. Google failing with Stadia and losing opportunity they had with hangouts to imessage. LG bowing out of smartphones. Blackberry and Nokia too late to enter smartphones despite prior dominance. Epic was so late into trying their hand at digital distribution until 2018 when doing it earlier over the past decade would have made entry easier.

    Companies just because they have money doesn’t mean they know what they are doing. And sometimes even less than random people.

    squaresinger ,

    Companies just because they have money doesn’t mean they know what they are doing. And sometimes even less than random people.

    Well, if half a million people are guessing on a choice of two options, some are going to get it right. But that’s not due to the insight of the people, but due to numbers.

    Every time someone makes the business argument all I can think of Microsoft flopping with Windows Phone despite all their money. Google failing with Stadia and losing opportunity they had with hangouts to imessage. LG bowing out of smartphones. Blackberry and Nokia too late to enter smartphones despite prior dominance. Epic was so late into trying their hand at digital distribution until 2018 when doing it earlier over the past decade would have made entry easier.

    These examples really don’t apply here.

    • Windows Phone, Blackberry and Nokia were caught up in a massive market change where they where too little and too late.
    • Stadia was a purpously risky gamble to be first at a potential “next big thing” and was scrapped when the global economy crumbled and cloud gaming showed no signs of wide spread adoption. If anything, this is the opposite situation than Epic and Linux.
    • Hangouts was renamed and merged with other Google chat apps, but in the end they now have messages, which is the messenger with the highest install count worldwide.
    • EGS is still a comparably new thing, considering that Steam is in the market since ~20 years while the EGS is here only ~5 years. They are growing steadily, so this is not an example that we can look at in retrospect, because it’s still unfolding. Also, sure it would have been great if they would have had to run a game distribution platform in 2003, but their money shower didn’t start until Fortnite exploded in 2017. And they pretty much immediately got into the business when they had the money to.

    Also, there are some other factors in play that you didn’t consider.

    Smartphones exploded between 2007 and 2010. It went from nothing to almost everything in just a few years, and those who got lucky and where ready at the right time managed to take the new market. Windows Mobile proves that it’s not enough to be super early. You need the right timing in both directions.

    There is no indication that Linux will have >50% market share among gamers within the next 3 years. Yes, it nudged Linux over the 3% mark but at that rate it’s going to take a long while. Also, contrary to smartphones vs feature phones, the steam deck is an additional gaming PC for on the go. It doesn’t replace desktop gaming.

    Also, when it comes to mobile gaming, the Steam Deck is a distant fourth between Android, iOS and the Switch.

    And even if you limit the scope to x86 mobile gaming, they are by far not the only competitor. There are lots of others, many of them using Windows, who do the same.

    And the biggest edge the Steam Deck is it’s value, because Steam subsidizes the Deck with their Store sales. Most people don’t care whether it runs Linux or not.

    corsicanguppy ,

    So supporting Linux means they need to test on at least all currently maintained versions of maybe the top 20 or so distros

    It absolutely does not mean that.

    Pick a steam deck, support a steam deck, 3 major releases. If the SD runs on enterprise Linux that’s a 10 year support window.

    That’s a perfectly viable plan - much like “releasing on x box” - and with an understandable market clearly delineated. Everything else can be “hey try, but don’t call us” and we’d all still try.

    owenfromcanada , avatar

    This is a really good idea–they officially support the steam deck, and that means it’s unofficially supported on other Linux distros. The community gets what it wants without a huge extra load on Epic.

    sugar_in_your_tea ,

    Honestly, I’d just test on Steam Deck (performance, recent libs) and Debian (desktop experience, older libs) and that’s it.

    They also need to fix any exploits they find, which means they probably need Linux devs.

    wax ,

    Dude, steam ships with a bunch of libraries enabling cross distro support. It ain’t that complicated…/

    squaresinger ,

    Did you read the second line of my post?

    The code changes aren’t the issue.

    wax ,

    Did you read my comment? They ship with libraries to unify distribution across distros

    squaresinger ,

    I said: Code changes are easy, all the other things in regards to supporting playing on Linux (anticheat, support requests, testing, …) is hard.

    You said: But code changes are easy because steam has libraries to unify distribution.

    Do you see the problem here?

    What are you going to tell me next? That code changes are easy?

    Commiunism ,

    I’m going to do a hard disagree here - they don’t have to support Linux, just add compatibility in terms of anti-cheat for Linux. Proton is likely good enough to run the game itself but the anti-cheat sees Linux and just craps itself.

    They don’t even have to provide support - League of Legends runs on Linux if you install the game using community scripts and custom proton, and while the client runs poorly nobody spams the Riot Games support about how the “Linux version” client doesn’t work the well because people understand that it’s a community effort. Riot themselves have only made a statement saying how they’ll try not to break the game for Linux users, and that’s pretty much it.

    League of Legends is a massively popular game as well, yet Riot barely has to do anything to maintain it on Linux, let community fix issues that come up, let community provide support as it’s their tools.

    And while I do understand that porting an anti-cheat to be more friendly to another operating system isn’t an easy task (such as for Rust, where they tried to make the anti-cheat compatible with Linux but it introduced other issues so it got shelved), I think you’re vastly overstating the amount of areas a company has to cover for a game to be playable on Linux.

    squaresinger ,

    There’s a difference though.

    If the game doesn’t work for (some or all) Linux users, that’s not a big problem from Epic’s POV. They’ll lose a couple users that wouldn’t have been able to play the game without Linux support anyway.

    But if the Anticheat faills on Linux, that is a completely different story. Then cheaters would all dual boot over to Linux to cheat all they want. That’s now a problem for the whole game’s user base and consequently for the publisher as well.

    Something as low-level as an Anticheat would have to be rewritten almost from scratch to work on Linux and this one really needs to be tested with every possible permutation of installed relevant software. Because if one combination is found where it doesn’t work, you can be sure that the day after every cheater will be running this config.

    (Just to check, do you have a background in game development and/or low-level Windows/Linux programming? I got all of that and I can tell you, nothing that looks easy from the outside is actually easy. I think you are vastly underestimating how much work goes into something until it “just works as expected”)

    inetknght ,

    Speaking as a former game cheater…

    Cheaters are going to cheat. Booting into Linux isn’t going to change that.

    Anti-cheats just keep the filthy casuals from cheating. A broken anti-cheat on Linux would be fixed pretty quickly.

    sugar_in_your_tea ,

    Sure, but that’s dev resources they need to spend on a small market, and they’d suggest need to hire Linux devs or pull from other projects. It’s quite likely the math just doesn’t add up given the likelihood for profit for other uses of those resources.

    I doubt Epic would lose money in it, but they probably wouldn’t make as much as other options.

    Omega_Jimes ,

    EAC has a check box for Proton compatibility. Battleeye is linux native. All they have to do is check a box, and test to see if they can break it. If they let it out in the works and there’s some influx of cheaters, they can check the box again. Halo Infinite, Apex Legends, Smite, Battlebit etc etc were all capable of checking the box and testing.

    I suspect Sweenys hesitation over support is caused by a lack of control.

    Upgrading EAC in an unreal engine game is trivial, it’s basically baked into the engine. They update EAC all the time.

    fruitycoder ,

    Does it have to support every permutation or just a standard one like SteamOS?

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