There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

const_void , to piracy in So long... I'll not be returning

These companies are really shooting themselves in the foot with this shit.

NutsGate ,

Lol, to show our appreciation for being a paid member here’s a one month free trial that we give everyone regardless.

Kodama OP ,

Yes it’s a joke but I have the option to just leave, worse would be if you are dependent on the platform in some way.

I don’t see why companies should show you any appreciation except what you pay for or what you are given in return for your services, it would be nice but I do not demand it.

If you don’t like it, leave it, or make a plan you can ditch it.

LinkOpensChest_wav , to memes in POVERTY IS A FEATURE NOT A BUG avatar

I’d gladly live in one of those apartments in the first picture if it meant that everyone could have a home

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

I’d gladly walk my ass out to the wilderness rather than live in an apartment block, but at least then there’d be an extra spot.

LinkOpensChest_wav , avatar

The nice thing is in an anarchist society you could do just that, and no one would stop you

I’d personally prefer to be surrounded by people

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

Which is why I'm an anarchist. Pretty much every other system would force me to attempt to be happy in an apartment block, or waste huge amounts of resources creating suburbs that are still too goddamn crowded for me

trailing9 ,

I would like to share your attitude but fear the consequences when millions seek a place in the wilderness. What do you do when you arrive and your neighbor asks you to move on because he wants to be more alone?

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

I want to be more alone too, so I'd probably not get to the point where I was close enough to have them tell me to go away.

However, most people probably wouldn't like the actual wilderness. They want a big country house somewhere and when they find out they need to build it themselves they'll go back to the apartment blocks.

One reason I'm a fan of making cities less objectively terrible is that more people will live in them and be even further away from my hovel.

WhiskyTangoFoxtrot ,

No, you see, anarchism means I can do whatever I want. Who cares about the other people?

ProvokedGamer , avatar

That’s horrible. Have empathy. :(

TheBat , avatar

There’s a reason why anarchism doesn’t scale

Lobstronomosity , avatar

surrounded by people

I would literally prefer to put myself in a human sized toaster than live amongst people.

killeronthecorner , avatar

If everyone thought like this, everyone would have a home.

And 50 or so people would own all of the rest of the land and do nothing with it because we’re too fucking stupid to realize that a system that wants us all to live in 50m² micro apartments is a load of shit, and strung together by a greedy few.

There is enough land for us all to live comfortably, but a fraction of a percent don’t want anyone to use most of the land for anything useful so hey let’s just give up and take almost-squalor because at least it not squalor!

Fuck both these pictures.

HatchetHaro , avatar

“Land-usage” is such a narrow-minded way to think about the implicit wants and needs of society. You sound like you’ve never been to actual cities, or never got your head far enough out of your arse to actually experience one.

North American suburban sprawl already proves that “enough land for us all to live comfortably” is a terrible way to live sociable lives and drains the economy due to massive swathes of those lands being used for roads and the maintenance of said roads.

I implore you to take a trip to almost any European city, and see for yourself what actual “comfortable living” for most people looks like.

killeronthecorner , avatar

I’ve lived in cities my whole life, which paints a pretty broad picture of you doesn’t it? Couldn’t even get the premise of your own bullshit comment right.

AgentOrangesicle , avatar

…Why did you reinterpret the premise of their statement into something entirely different and then attack them for it?

I’m not saying your interpretation is wrong, but that was mean.

MeowZedong , avatar

You make dense housing like these apartments because it is the most practical way to house everybody quickly. Once you take care of the immediate problem, homelessness, you can continue to expand and build nicer, bigger housing for everyone.

What’s more important, that we have enough resources to house everyone, but there are still people forced to live on the streets or the fact that you don’t like the inconvenience of living in an apartment because it’s too small for you even in the short term? Guess that makes you one of the greedy few that can’t see past their own problems to think of their community.

Fuck you doubly.

killeronthecorner , avatar

You agreed with me and then said fuck you? Weird take but okay.

crispy_kilt ,

What if we made the commie block apartments 140 m² each?

Pointtwogo , avatar


LinkOpensChest_wav , avatar

You believe that housing is not a basic human right, yet you say to me, “bruh…”

Just gonna pre-emptively block your bootlicking ass

JoeCoT , to memes in Unpopular Opinion avatar

On the other side, Free and Open Source Software leveled the playing field for software development by quite a lot. Before FOSS you had proprietary databases, proprietary OSes, proprietary web servers, etc, at every level of the chain. Without FOSS Internet Explorer and Microsoft Office would rule the roost. Without FOSS smart phones might've taken years longer, and have far less choices. Without FOSS the web would be drastically different. Without FOSS development would be harder to break into, and anything you tried to produce would involve 15 different licensing fees.

treadful , avatar

Everyone can equally profit off it. And hopefully, everyone (that can) will contribute.

dingus OP , (edited ) avatar

Without FOSS Internet Explorer and Microsoft Office would rule the roost. Without FOSS smart phones might’ve taken years longer, and have far less choices.

Uhhh, Google Workspace isn’t FOSS and the only FOSS Office project that has market share is Libre Office with a whopping…1%.

Chromium may be “open source” but Google is definitely trying to make a walled garden, especially in respect to ads, and Chrome rules the roost. Chrome itself has plenty of proprietary software in it.

How is this any argument for something else? Your examples are weak, MS Office does rule the roost, and Chrome only rules the roost due to it being a Google product, not because of its open source bona fides.

Without FOSS smart phones might’ve taken years longer, and have far less choices.

Android is literally the reason bloatware from phone developers made a resurgence. It made modern phones worse than the shitty proprietary OSes driven by shitty phone manufacturers from the 90’s to 2007. Google allows manufacturers to install applications you can’t uninstall without rooting the device and risking your security.

How did that benefit consumers? To get a decent Android phone, you’re paying a shitload of money, just like you would be for an iPhone (a completely closed source product) and iPhone at least doesn’t have software bloat from your phone carrier/phone manufacturer.

Further, Google is literally attempting to use their web dominance to make it nearly impossible to implement ad blocking with Manifest v3. Their ad profits are more important to them than FOSS. How is denying the ability to block ads a “benefit” to consumers?

Sanctus , avatar

I agree with your points. But you can just download Android studio, hook your phone up in dev mode, and remove the bloatware packages as well as DT to prevent them from coming back. I did and I’ve not seen any carrier crap since.

dingus OP , avatar

That requires some technical knowledge that most people simply don’t have.

Sanctus , avatar

Most people dont care about the carrier apps on their phone I would say. There are guides that make it pretty painless. But yeah the Android Studio setup would probably turn off most non-tech people, though I found that easier than locating the packages, which wasn’t hard either.

CeeBee ,

you can’t uninstall without rooting the device and risking your security.

I see you bought into the fear mongering. Rooting your device doesn’t compromise your security. Malware that uses an exploit to gain root access does compromise your security, but that’s independent of a user rooting.

Custoslibera , to memes in conservative physics

Thank you, that other meme made me think of this. The world isn’t simple people. Nuance everywhere.

PerogiBoi , avatar

The world is a bunch of probability clouds of energy temporarily in a pattern that resembles real squishy meat machines and we all out here pretending we know what’s up.

Lemjukes ,

They’re made, out of meat.

MF_COOM , to memes in Defediverse

geordi-no defederate to maintain your very special echo chamber

geordi-yes defederate to stop chuds from harassing your comrades in DMs with violent, transphobic and ableist attacks

goat ,
brejela ,

Nazis do not deserve to live. I don’t see the problem.

goat ,

Too right on that one…

except you can’t just label everyone you don’t like a nazi.

krolden , avatar

Are you saying Nazis shouldn’t be killed?

Aabbcc ,

If you’re pulling the trigger on Nazis I hope you never guess wrong

goat ,

fuck 'em

But! The problem comes from labelling everyone a nazi because they disagree with you. I’ve been called a nazi many times by tankies and even other users. Do you think I should be killed?

can ,

What did we do?

Lenny , to linux in Today GNU/Linux is 32 years old

The Linus that was promised.

jasondj ,

It’s a shame. Linus was and is far more deserving of respect for his contributions to technology than Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. Probably even Woz. But he’s by far down the line in terms of fame and fortune. Except maybe Woz.

ipkpjersi ,

I have a feeling he’s more okay with having less fortune though. Just the impression I get about him.

flashgnash ,

I can’t imagine he’s struggling for money, he’s a smart guy and wrote an OS used in some capacity by so many corporations

He’s probably written books that sell quite well

nestEggParrot ,

They meant gain wealth like apple founders or any other big tech. Believe he derives a salary from Linux foundation for his work. I don’t imagine that being anything comparable to owning large percentage of a tech company.

flashgnash ,

True but he’s also going to make more than enough to live comfortably I’m sure

Don’t need to be a billionaire to have a good comfortable life

nestEggParrot ,

Didn’t mean he wasnt earning well. Just clarified what the original comment meant.

MusicPiano ,

What books has Linus written?

flashgnash ,

Google search found “Just for fun the story of an accidental revolutionary” by Linus torvalds as the first result

My point was more that there are absolutely ways he can make money off Linux’s success

irmoz ,

“He oversees and has final say over every line of code [of Linux] to this day. The Linux Foundation pays Linus around $1.5 million per year to support the software.”…/linus-torvalds-net-worth/

He has an estimated net worth of $150 million.…/linus-torvalds-net-worth

admin ,

Watch some of the interviews in his home office. Dude is a happy dad with a nice family. Meanwhile a lot of tech billionaires are miserable. I’d say the respect he’s earned by not selling out is worth more than mainstream success. Linux and Linus are just the right size.

jasondj ,

Fair point. Out of all the tech legends, Linus (and Woz) seem the happiest.

Zink ,

They seem to have their priorities in the right place, living a happy comfortable human life instead of trying to mimic the exploit-profit-control-infiniteGrowth-fullThrottle24/7 priorities of the companies they started/own/work for.

TomBombadil , to linux in Windows 11 vs Linux supported HW avatar

There’s this thing I notice. If windows asks you to learn something or put up with some BS it’s seen as the cost of business, reasonable, or simply not even noticed. If Linux requires you to learn something, like read one article about which distro might work best for you, it’s seen as an insurmountable difficulty or an absurd ask.

silent_water , avatar

it’s sunk cost bias. I have this trying to use windows or macos, after using linux exclusively for half my life - everything feels foreign and frustrating, with an obnoxious amount of UX patterns you’re expected to know in order to find anything. ugh, I could rant for hours on how obtuse macos is (mainly because I have to interact with it for work right now - if you force me to use windows, I’ll rant about that too)

TomBombadil , avatar

It definitely is ya. I use mac for work and that shit sucks

nat_turner_overdrive , avatar

The nice thing about Linux is you can pick a DE that apes whatever OS you’re used to so the transition from Windows or Mac to desktop Linux can be very painless.

silent_water , avatar

dear god if I could just run xmonad and dmenu on windows or mac I’d hate employers that tried to force me to use one or the other so much less.

Shinji_Ikari , avatar

oh my god another xmonad user. You can get almost close with some paid tiling window managers in mac but you can’t recreate the managed layouts of xmonad.

silent_water , avatar

yep stuck on Xorg forever gang

Shinji_Ikari , avatar

Cries in perfectly managed window layouts and reasonable defaults.

Outdoor_Catgirl , avatar

I don’t use linux because a linux computer is not usable for me. I use mine for blender(works on Linux), Creo(does not work), DCS(no linux support, people say it’s hard to get working with wine/proton game things) and Destiny (anti cheat will ban you if you run it through one of the linux game things). Like it or not, “just learn an entire new os and new software for all the things you want to do” is not an option for most people.

TomBombadil , avatar

No I’ll never deny that. Some things do only work in very specific environments. I’ll also never pretend learning is a task with zero effort or that everyone is interested in doing. What bugs me is when people are dishonest about it. Linux is not impossibly difficult to use nor is Windows a sublime user experience with no friction.

Anticheat though ya that’s fucked. Hate that. I’ll admit I have a Windows partition solely for playing the few games that require it. Though haven’t booted it in a year or so.

Frank , avatar

Every time I’ve been asked to learn about Windows this year has resulted in “Haha fuck you who do you think you are? The owner of this computer? Eat shit pleb you belong to steve balmer now”.

You wouldn’t believe the amount of bullshit you have to go through to exorcise Edge. Some people told me “This is to protect the user” so i sent them back a picture of system.32 in the recycle bin.

TomBombadil , avatar

I quit windows after I spent a few hours trying to get permission to delete a file I knew I didn’t need but but windows just refused to allow even admin accounts to touch. Had to dig so deep into windows settings.

user224 , avatar

I had same problem multiple times when I tried Windows. The recommendations I could find on internet were to disable fast startup and boot into live Linux disc.

TomBombadil , avatar

Ya that’s about right. Next step is from that live Linux disc install Linux.

wheeldawg ,

Except that’s an article we would probably read, unless we’re already set in our ways.

torpak ,

Also the half life of windows knowledge is a lot lower than linux knowledge. Under windows: when you have this problem, click here, click there, find this button, select this option and then it might help, until the next version changes everything. Under linux you find this config file, change this line to that and the fix will likely survive multiple system upgrades and could even work on different distributions.

TomBombadil , avatar

Absolutely. Once you spend just a bit of time figuring out how config files work suddenly fixing problems on and maintaining your Linux system is far easier than windows. Not hidden behind layers of bad UI that doesn’t work. Just edit the file. Restart the process.

Holodeck_Moriarty , to cat in Free therapy

Mine do a little “brrrup?”

Is that universal?

Sharpie ,

Yes, that is the cat activation sound. There is a subreddit dedicated to that sound (r/activationsound)… I wonder if that has been made for lemmy

Facelikeapotato OP , avatar

Yes, that’s the noise my cat makes if I wake her up, it’s adorable.

TurboDiesel , avatar

It’s called a trill!

snowyday Bot ,

Some trills are different than others

root_beer , avatar

While I've heard variations, like "breet" and "gggweh", they are basically the same

EvilColeslaw , (edited ) to technology in Twitter’s new X logo wasn’t made by an in-house designer. It’s from an old podcast avatar

It’s literally just a Unicode character.

From elsewhere:

𝕏 is a generic Unicode character known as “mathematical double-struck capital X.”

DimberDamber ,

So, does that mean he doesn’t own the copyright to the logo if it is is a generic Unicode character?

desconectado ,

That’s a font/design issue, not a character issue. If that were the case, then no one could use letters (or unicode characters) for their logo.

probably ,

Fonts are definitely subject to copyright. That’s why there are open fonts and why not all of the fonts on windows are just thrown into Linux for compatibility.

Edit: forgot to finish with that the inverse is also true. If that X is indistinguishable from something copylefted or public domain then he will be facing a lot of trouble trying to copyright it.

EvilColeslaw , avatar

The thing is, fonts are copyrightable but typefaces aren’t. Typefaces are the symbols, fonts are the files that contain all the symbols along with the formatting and everything else that let you use the typefaces in software. So he probably can’t copyright the symbol itself and it’s doubtful he could get a trademark on it either. But at the same time, copyright is also weird in that if he made an image and had that X in it, he would have the copyright to that specific image. But that’s only insomuch as anyone else would also own the copyright of an image they made with the stupid X in it.

desconectado ,

That’s my point. If he used a copyrighted/copylefted font, he might be in trouble. But he doesn’t get in trouble just for using an unicode character.

negativenull , to technology in Twitter’s new X logo wasn’t made by an in-house designer. It’s from an old podcast avatar

Musk’s logo for “X” is literally just Unicode Character “𝕏” (U+1D54F).
Which means that can’t trademark the logo.…/110768836422832847

koper ,

That’s not accurate. Copyright and trademark are two different things. The name “twitter” is also just a combination of preexisting characters and the word was probably in use before the company was founded. You can still trademark existing things because trademarks are about preventing consumer confusion, not protecting original creations.

Musk does have a problem with copyright if it turns out this specific design was made by someone else.

FlowVoid ,

The US Patent and Trademark Office is generally reluctant to enforce single-letter trademarks, and some countries ban them outright.

FlowVoid ,

The good news is that “x com” can be trademarked.

The bad news is that “x com” is already trademarked.

MJBrune ,

xcom is trademarked as a video game. There can be existing trademarks in different spaces. So you could easily get an xcom social media site trademarked.

FlowVoid ,

Yes, it’s trademarked for use in video games.

And by another company for use in sporting equipment.

And by another company for fiber optics.

And by another company, as follows…

Telecommunications services, namely, transmission of voice, data, graphics, images, audio, and video via the internet

Yeah, maybe should’ve stuck with “Twitter”

MJBrune ,

We’ll see. The reality is that if you pay enough you can probably get the trademark off of anyone.

FlowVoid ,

True, but Twitter X isn’t exactly flush with cash right now. And if it aspires to be an “everything app”, it might take more than one payoff.

MJBrune ,

I mean if Elon is going to push it, he has plenty of cash to invest into the company to buy out anything. He’s also not above just using his personal assets for the company. E.g. now redirects to

MasterCelebrator ,

Thats true but anyway it doesnt make sense do trash a Brand that has becone verb, has its Logo on Millionen of Websites and is refered to by probably every news Website in existence. Imagine if McDonalds changed their golden M to a gray O.

ffolkes , avatar

Imagine the confusion when people order a “Big O”.

ffolkes , avatar

Yeah… But maybe not ANYONE… “Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta has already registered an ‘X’ logo in connection to ‘online social networking services’ and ‘social networking services in the fields of entertainment, gaming, and application development.’”

nzodd ,

That’s too many letters though. I’m starting to think this imbecile is just tired of sounding out all seven letters multiple times a day. X is nice and simple, like him.

FlowVoid ,

Let’s split the difference. “Twit” fits.

marco , avatar
argv_minus_one ,

“I’m losing control of the situation!!!” —Elon Musk, probably

tuxrandom , to technology in Twitter’s new X logo wasn’t made by an in-house designer. It’s from an old podcast

So, if I type a "Y" in Comic Sans and use it as a logo, I will have a billion dollar company?

everythingsucks ,

No. You need the company first.

SheeEttin ,

No, you have to buy someone else’s billion dollar company first Then you can give it a shitty logo.

Johem ,

Not guaranteed, but it might help you turn a 44 billion dollar company into a billion dollar company.

RoboRay , avatar

You have to start with a 40 billion dollar company if you want a billion dollar company using Musk's methods.

joeyshabadu , to programmerhumor in Alphabetically sorted months. But WHY?

Finally, I can find the month I want!

Now to enter my phone number…

SomeBoyo ,

Finally! A worthy opponent!

bdonvr ,
SomeBoyo ,
IndiBrony , to linux_gaming in Doing my part avatar

See, this is the kind of data collection I’m okay with. When it’s to genuinely help make the product I’m using better and not just to line someone’s pockets or feed the algorithm.

Valve aren’t perfect - they can make mistakes, too - but it fucking shows when someone up top actually cares about what they’re doing.

I sincerely hope that Gaben has a worthy prodigy lined up for when he’s no longer in charge.

darthsid ,

I hope so too, but history has shown us time and again that sequels are usually worse off compared to the originals ;)

herrcaptain ,

Hopefully Gabe can pull off the Terminator 2 of successors, but that just means it’ll only be downhill from there.

zaemz , avatar

There are some decent spinoffs, at least!

GeneralVincent ,

The second CEO of Valve will be good, but there won’t be a third 😔

DosDude , to memes in Beercycling avatar
bigkahuna1986 , to memes in boycott Nintendo products

I’m gonna need a source on this one.

unexposedhazard ,

Yeah, fuck Nintendo but this is very obviously bullshit unless they actually made and sold a product.

brbposting ,

Very obviously a joke. Cardboard, people! :)

FiniteBanjo ,

Counterargument, Nintendo strikes nonprofit videos and tries to take down free and open source emulators such as Yuzu and Dolphin. The fact that this is so believable should give you an idea of the sort of shit Nintendo is known for.

skulblaka , avatar

Yuzu wasn’t completely free; that’s sort of what got them into hot water in the first place and the reason why Nintendo hasn’t also sued SNES9X into the dirt. Yuzu had a patreon with certain releases gated behind it. That’s what got them in trouble.

ipkpjersi ,

Well, we’ll see if suyu lasts.

eating3645 ,

Looks like a joke to me

li10 ,

On the memes community?

If people continue to post jokes here then where will I get my news??


On the shitpost one obviosly . Are you dumb ?

VaultBoyNewVegas ,

But if that’s for news, where do I get my HQ jemes?


On the world news one. God these idiots nowadays .

thefartographer ,

I am!

residentmarchant ,

That’s never been done before, we’re part of history!

Gradually_Adjusting , avatar

That’s the neat part, you don’t!

OpenStars , avatar


bigkahuna1986 ,

Meme before I’ve had my coffee? It’s more likely than you think.

snooggums , avatar

No, just love the meme.

TheEntity ,

The source got pulled off Github already.

the_post_of_tom_joad , avatar

I think it’s super not real. So unreal it cycles back to real again. Poor thailand boy.

Alsephina ,

Nah this happened to my buddy Eric the other day

4am ,

Yeah this originally a copypasta about a boy from Venezuela named Paco Gutierrez

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