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CommanderM2192 ,

Let me guess. You’re 18, grew up in a conservative household, have never worked a “real” job before this one, and you think that paying under $300 in union dues a year is “fucking bullshit”? How close am I with those?

You’re either a paid corporate shill or horribly naïve.

CommanderM2192 ,

Amazon bots.

CommanderM2192 ,

I am a liberal progressive, by far.

You sure as shit aren’t “progressive” if you suck Amazon’s cock, dude. It’s been common knowledge for years that they’re shitty to their drivers.

If someone claimed to be Muslim but talked about how they loved eating pork and pissing on pictures of Muhammad I’d call fucking bullshit. Same thing with you. You’re a shitty excuse of a liar and troll.

by far

What a fucking joke lmfao

EDIT: Last week, I sold some stuff I don’t need anymore to a guy who’s working at an Amazon warehouse. Had to reschedule meeting multiple times cause he kept on crashing after work and was too tired to meet. You don’t fucking work there, you motherfucking liar. Fuck you and everyone else who shills for these evil corporations. You’re just fucking evil.

CommanderM2192 ,

If they believe, then they become “mind controlled”, “double agents”, “traitors”, etc to other flat earthers.

Maryland's handgun licensing law has been struck down by a federal appeals court (

A federal appeals court on Tuesday struck down Maryland’s handgun licensing law, finding that its requirements, which include submitting fingerprints for a background check and taking a four-hour firearms safety course, are unconstitutionally restrictive....

CommanderM2192 ,

I just have one question for anyone who’s here and thought this was a good law. What mass shooting would this have prevented? Thank you.

CommanderM2192 ,

Maybe I’m missing something, but what exactly in this bill would prevent people with a history of domestic violence from obtaining firearms? Isn’t it already illegal for someone convicted of that crime from owning a firearm in Maryland?

If the background checks are somehow not preventing people from owning firearms who are already legally barred from doing so, then the problem is the background check process. Why the fuck do so many leftists keep on refusing to acknowledge that the problem is how consistently background checks are done? It’s fucking insane.

CommanderM2192 ,

We absolutely can stop this. Democrat leadership just doesn’t fucking want to, for the same reason Republican leadership doesn’t want to actually ban all abortion. It’s a wedge issue. Solving this issue means it’s harder for them to drum up voter support.

I want to stop this, but anyone who thinks the solutions is laws like this doesn’t actually care. You WILL NOT stop gun violence with these kinds of laws. We need to tackle the reasons behind the violence and put in place some actual fucking security at places that are common targets. If someone can shoot up a school, they can also bomb it, gas it, whatever. But you don’t want to hear that, do you? You don’t actually give a fuck about innocent children dying. You just want to virtue signal on the internet so you can show your friends how you “totally OWNED this debate”.

Grow up. Put some actual thought into how these issues can be solved instead of barfing out a thing you heard before.

CommanderM2192 ,

Quite a few actually. State background checks are actually more effective than the NICS system.

So the solution is just to actually enforce existing gun laws?

But this theory of gun laws must have existed for 200 years is ridiculous too.

Not entirely sure what you’re saying here, but I think you’re saying that laws have to change with technology. And I agree. Nobody should privately own a nuclear weapon, ballistic missile, etc. That’s just insane.

But, there is a balance. For now at least, it’s still a fact that a dedicated group of rebels with just semi-automatic weapons can wreak havoc on an organized military. Scale that up to a much larger part of the population and you’re actually looking at a population that can overthrow a tyrannical government if necessary. So we have to ask what “societal sacrifices” are we willing to make in order to make sure we can prevent a dictator from taking over?

And if you’re going to hem and haw about “there is no compromise” or some bullshit like that… then answer this question. If it is abhorrent to even suggest that the right to own firearms is more important than 100% safety from mass shootings, then surely you support a complete surveillance state right? You probably have no idea just how easy it is to make explosives in America. It’s frighteningly easy. Growing up, my friends and I made fuel air bombs and made liquid barium nitrate to create homebrew thermate out in the country. We were doing that just for fun as dumb teenagers with a knack for engineering and chemistry. Someone who’s dedicated could do far, far worse.

So, if you think that preventing any violence due to guns is more important than having the tools to overthrow a dictator… How far are you willing to go to stop all other forms of violence? 24/7 monitoring of all purchases made by Americans? Monitoring all of their conversations? Eager to hear your ideals and solutions.

CommanderM2192 ,

a bit dishonest

I’m sorry, but the only dishonesty here is admitting that current gun laws would stop many mass shootings if they were just fucking enforced while trying not to say it out loud and then using that to try and justify more legislation that does nothing.

Sounds like a budgetary and enforcement issue. Not something that needs more legislation.

CommanderM2192 ,

Sounds like you don’t know how to use AI to work faster and are just jealous.

CommanderM2192 ,

I completely disagree with the premise that AI is overrated. It’s fucking underrated.

Sure, if you just blindly put input into ChatGPT and use the output it’s not that useful. It’s a tool. You need to know how to use a tool to get the most use out of it. If you know how to use it properly, then it’s fucking amazing. Anyone claiming that AI can just magically work and do anything is a fraud.

The truth is that anyone who can’t get practical use of it is probably ass at communicating with people. Pretend it’s another engineer who’s junior to you and your passing work off to them. If you can’t do that, then you probably shouldn’t ever progress beyond mid-level in your career.

CommanderM2192 ,

I’ve authored multiple FOSS libraries and have deployed numerous applications to production lmfao

Did you become a “dev” by going to a bootcamp and learning HTML and JS?

CommanderM2192 ,

You could not possibly be more wrong.

I’m not going to dox myself by giving proof, but I have used it to create novel, complex frameworks from scratch. Sure, it starts with my idea and guidance. But nearly 100% of the code and documentation is AI generated. Nobody has been able to tell the difference when I show it to them. We’re talking engineers who became leads years ago.

If that’s you’re experience, then it speaks volumes about your ability to communicate. If you can lead a team and communicate requirements, then you can use AI.

CommanderM2192 ,

if you feel the need to insult everyone who disagrees with you, that seems like a better indication of your ability to communicate than mine

I have spent most of my professional career trying to get engineers to unionize and fight for better wages/benefits. The vast majority are apathetic and passive. Now we have a brand new technology that won’t make the profession obsolete, but will make the need for their labor obsolete. I’m personally in a safe spot. I have the portfolio and network to ensure I will have opportunities to work no matter what. But how many engineers simply do not have that? MBAs will raze this profession to the ground for short-term profits. They’ll destroy every pipeline that takes in entry-level engineers and gives them a chance to grow.

As far as I know, you’re just another engineer who doesn’t see what’s coming down the road. Pleasant speech hasn’t worked to get people to wake up over the past two years, and I’m running out of patience like you’re all running out of time.

since it is likely similar to other existing frameworks

And that’s the problem. You claim to be in ML research, and you don’t even know what your own tools and field are capable of. I haven’t just made frameworks that are “copies” of a framework but in another language, or a combination of existing frameworks. GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 are capable of novel outputs when given sufficient guidance. I’ve gotten it to fill in architecture gaps and implement complex, recursive functions. I don’t believe for a second that it’s “self aware”. But it’s far more capable than even you realize.

I’m willing to bet that if I were in your shoes I could get at least some usable output from it for your use case.

CommanderM2192 ,

Okay Tankie.

CommanderM2192 ,

Cool. I’ll get back to you with a DM after the holidays. I’m not going to devote a week to proving a random internet stranger wrong, but I’ll at least give you a few hours.

CommanderM2192 ,

Did you know that 112% of uncited statistics are bullshit?

CommanderM2192 ,

Then surely they condemn Hamas, support their removal from the face of this planet, and call on their elected representatives to put boots on the ground in Gaza to do so with minimal loss of innocent life? Surely they do those things. Surely you do those things, right?

CommanderM2192 ,

but you’re fucking nuts if you want anyone with a soul to support sending the marines

Then what, oh brilliant mind on the internet, is your solution for enforcing a two-state solution since Palestine has rejected every plan?

CommanderM2192 ,

“Let’s send volunteer soldiers to kill terrorists in close quarters combat so that we minimize civilian casualties.”

“DoN’t yOU mEaN ‘LeT’s KIlL AlL tHE chIlDReN?’”

Fuck off you disingenuous douchebag lmfao

CommanderM2192 ,

Just FYI, your complete fucking ignorance is showing.

Or are you saying it’s okay for Israel to launch “surgical strikes” against hospitals, schools, and camps with a Hamas presence? I would have thought you’d be against that.

CommanderM2192 ,

You’re right, we can condemn them both in the same breath. Which I’ve done myself. But the vast majority of the “pro-Palestinian” crowd on here seems completely incapable of doing so. In fact, if you call them out on it, they just double down on “Israel is a monster!” and excusing atrocities committed by Muslims. 🤷

CommanderM2192 ,

There’s a reason why I call most leftists I interact with on here anti-Semites. They cannot stand it when you call out anyone who’s not Israel that’s done worse.

CommanderM2192 ,

You mean these kinds of UN definitions? The kind that the current conflict doesn’t even come close to meeting? The kind of definitions that nearly all of Israel’s neighbors have fallen into against them over the past few decades? Those kinds of generations right? That’s the kind your smooth tankie brain is thinking about right? Those? The definitions that every war against Israel can be categorized under? Sure thing buddy.

edit; blahblahblahblahcompletleygrosslyhistoricallyignorantblahblahblahblah

You mean keeping the land with strategic importance since Israel’s neighbors have tried to invade a commit genocide through it multiple times? The area that Hezbollah and other groups used to shell Israeli civilians? That part of West Bank?

You are aware that Israel even proposed a two-state solution where they’d give an equal exchange of land while they maintained the strategically important parts in the West Bank? But you know who rejected that, right?

You’re trash. Every moment of self improvement and education you’ve had is completely wasted. You couldn’t argue anything for shit. That’s why you’re sitting here online as a fucking anonymous loser.

CommanderM2192 ,

I mean, it’s not like the majority of Gazans have supported Hamas or elected them to office. Are you saying it’s unfair to hold people accountable for the government they elect? Are you saying that every German who wasn’t named Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, etc was innocent?

most people critical of Israel are also anti Hamas and we agree that they are terrorists

Really? Are you? Maybe you personally are that way, but the vast majority of tankies and other crazies on here certainly aren’t. There’s no strawman to be had here. The majority of Palestinians support Hamas. It’s a fucking statistic.

CommanderM2192 ,

The technology that can automate problem solving to some degree and other incredibly complicated tasks that only humans previously could do is toooooooooooooooootally a fad.

Start putting some fucking pressure on your politicians to implement UBI, put legal restrictions on AI, etc. Don’t fucking underestimate this tech. It’s only a matter of time before we’ve got more people than jobs.

CommanderM2192 ,

Guess what? I work in this field too.

now one person can do what 20 did in the past with a computer

How can you say this but completely miss the fucking point?

We do not have fast enough anything (storage/ram/CPU) to do what you think it can When quantum computing actually takes off then you can start worrying

Oh, that’s how you can say it. You clearly don’t work in this field if that’s what you think the bottleneck is right now.

I’ve personally used AI to generate more than 200K lines of production code this year alone. One senior engineer today can do the work of dozens with this. We are going to go from labor shortages to labor surpluses.

CommanderM2192 ,

Doesn’t sound like it from the shit you posted below that literally just says you used it lol

Wait… Do you think that people can’t work in a field if they use their own products to make sure they’re working?

I’m not going to dox myself by linking to what I’ve done. It’s just sad that you’re yet another person (probably a greybeard) who thinks they know everything but they’re completely unprepared for the future.

And if you can’t figure out how to check over 200K lines of properly formatted and documented code, then you’re a shit engineer.

Sure it’s great for augmenting us but it’s not replacing us.

What the fuck do you think “augmenting” means to bloodsucking MBAs? If one mid-level engineer can do the work of five, then they can scale a team of ten down to two. There are many reasons not to do that no matter how good AI is (i.e. bus factor). But since when has that stopped management from making dumbass decision?

Not going to waste anymore time on you. Hope you have a good retirement plan in place. You’re going to need it.

CommanderM2192 ,

Just curious. Have you ever considered the radicalization of Israelis if nothing is done? 🤔

CommanderM2192 ,

So, you think they are currently radicalized? Why do you think that is? Could it possibly be due to decades of people like yourself influencing their politicians who then further influence the stance of the international community to prevent Israel from putting down terrorist organizations and defending itself?

If you’re going to be concerned about the future radicalization of the Palestinians but put no thought or consideration into the present day “radicalization” of Israelis, then you need to shut up and stop commenting on this situation. In other words, your bias is clearly showing.

CommanderM2192 ,

Dead children you say? There’s dead children on both sides. Only one side has dead children that are collateral damage. The other side has dead children who are purposefully targeted, molested, tortured, and executed by their opposition’s elected government. If that’s not clear enough for you, then I’ll just plainly say it. Hamas rapes, tortures, and murders children. Israel kills children in airstrikes, and I have seen no reliable evidence or confirmation from third-parties that those children are not the intended target. On the other hand, hundreds of international forensics experts have confirmed the atrocities committed by Hamas.

Among the seven claims included in the X post, one stands out: No babies were beheaded.

But decapitated babies were found after the attack, according to both a group of Israeli and international forensic pathologists and Haaretz’s own reporting.

A group of 200 forensic pathologists, anthropologists, radiologists and other experts from Israel, the U.S, Switzerland, New Zealand and elsewhere gathered at the National Center for Forensic Medicine in Tel Aviv to help identify remains from the Israsel-Hamas war.

They reported on Oct. 16 that victims of the Hamas attack were executed, bound and burned alive, and others were found decapitated – many of whom were babies. However, they said it was difficult to ascertain whether they were decapitated before or after death.

I’m against dead children on both sides. But I’m not in any position to actually do anything about it. The harsh reality is that we’re in this mess because people like you put pressure on politicians to act irrationally. For decades, Israel hasn’t been “allowed” to properly deal with terrorist organizations and the Palestinians have not been forced to take reasonable two-state solutions. So that’s lead to their radicalization over time.

If you truly care like you say you do, then you need to educate yourself. The death will only stop when all major terrorist organizations are slaughtered, Israeli radical groups like Likud are removed from power, and Palestinians forced to accept a two-state solution at any cost. Until the international community steps in to do this, then the death will continue and you will have only yourself to blame.

CommanderM2192 ,

Hate only generates hate.

Taking the literal meaning of that, I can agree to a certain extent. But within the context of this conversation, I believe you really mean “Violence only generates hate.” History and I strongly disagree with you there.

Germany is one of the closest US allies and arguably the most important leader of the EU today. Part of how they got there was actually due to carpet bombing, interestingly enough.

I understand that Hamas is not the government of all of Palestine. But they were still elected. As for Mr. Abbas, you mean the guy who’s a Holocaust denier? The guy who allegedly helped fund the Munich Massacre? That’s the guy Israel should trust to implement a two-state solution?

Look dude, the reality is that “worst” case for Hamas, they only have near majority support in Gaza. A not insignificant part of the population wants to murder Israelis. How the fuck do you propose creating peace without massive amounts of violence? There are people who would happily murder a Jew if they had the means. And I don’t mean “means” in the sense that they could get away with it. Whether or not they get away with it in the “mortal” world isn’t of concern to them.

So yes, actually. A terrorist organization like Hamas needs to be slaughtered. They aren’t like the IRA fighting for independence. They are literally fighting for the genocide of the Jews according to their founding charter, founders, current leaders, and recruits. That’s an organization that must have its leadership wiped out to the man and closely monitored rehabilitation of members/conscripts at the very least.

The greatest flaw of the left is believing that in all cases peace can be achieved without violence. I want that to be the case, but the sad reality is that it’s not always possible. We all have free will. Some people choose to stubbornly cling to violence, and the only solution there is paradoxically more violence.

CommanderM2192 ,

You’re totally right dude! We could have totally done all those reforms without any of the violence! We just had to ask Hitler, Himmler, et al to pretty please let us reform their country!

You’ve opened my eyes man. It wasn’t the German people who were racist bigots as a majority. It was just the Nazi party leadership. None of the SS or Wehrmacht soldiers were racist. None of the German scientists or engineers making lethal gases were racist. None of the German workers building weapons were racist. None of the German civilians and minor political officials who looked the other way and ignored the stench of dead bodies coming from concentration camps were racist. It was literally just Hitler and a few of his pals at Kristallnacht.

Fuck off you anti-Semite bigot. Hamas and the PLO have had programs to brainwash children into hating the Jews. There are motherfucking anti-Semitic sitcoms and children’s shows. This has been going on for decades.

It’s a government focused on brainwashing every generation to be anti-Semitic as best they can. Obviously not everyone falls for it, but many do. Asking politely and refusing to use violence will not solve this. It’s a fucking disturbing problem. An older generation of bigots using their power to try and turn future generations into bigots just like them.

I cannot blame someone who grew up in that system for how they are. But that doesn’t mean they should just be able to continue being a bigot.

Grow up. Do some actual fucking research for once in your life. You’re sick and disturbed if you think this is okay or can be solved peacefully.

CommanderM2192 ,

Sure, Mr Tankie who has crushed 1000 totally not peaceful protestors before

CommanderM2192 ,

Right on. The people who are occupying the homeland of the original inhabitants of Palestine should be treated with no dignity and humanity. That’s how moral, civilized people should act!

By the way, did you know that the original “Palestinians” were Jews until the Muslims went in and conquered it? Crazy to think that the modern day “Palestinians” are the descendants of colonizers who created apartheid states.

CommanderM2192 ,

That’s my stance as well. Peaceful co-existence can and should be achieved.

Only reason I constantly bring up shit like who conquered and enslaved who is because so many people like to claim “who was here first” doesn’t matter, but they inevitably fall back on that outdated logic. At the end of the day, the vast majority of the “pro-Palestinians” I interact with are just anti-Semites. They don’t actually care about a peaceful situation, they just want Israel to get fucked.

On top of that, a lot of people don’t realize that the Palestinian governments have a history of rejecting peace deals and working to genocide the Jews. So the history and context does matter.

CommanderM2192 ,

Again, everyone who says would be absolutely, 100% correct. If Israel were actually committing genocide.

Just how conservatives somehow have no clue what the definition of “coup” is, neoliberals have no clue what the definition of “genocide” is. You’re just fucking wrong, you have no fucking proof to back up your claims of genocide.

What was Israel doing to commit Genocide before October? Blockading Gaza? That’s fucking genocide? You can argue it’s many things, such as a brutal crime against humanity. But fucking genocide? At best, you are utterly fucking delusional. At worst, you’re just another anti-Semitic mouthpiece for Iran.

Not a single fucking tankie or neoliberal knows what “genocide”, “colonization”, or “apartheid” means. You’re just sheltered fools who don’t know what real, insidious evil is.

CommanderM2192 ,

And did they liberate the land? Is Jerusalem completely owned by the Jews today?

Oh, I see. Comparing lesser evils to say one is good is only okay when it fits your agenda. Does it matter that Israel doesn’t explicitly target children and takes measures to reduce civilian deaths while Hamas purposefully targets civilians and beheads babies in front of their families? No? They’re just as evil in your eyes? But the Muslim conquerors are “okay” because they were nicer conquerors for a time?

Fuck off you deceptive prick. Conquerors aren’t liberators.

CommanderM2192 ,

Then what word would you use to describe yourself? Tankie?

CommanderM2192 ,

That’s patently false. I’ve debated anti-vaxxers with better sources than you.

CommanderM2192 ,

So you’re a tankie?

CommanderM2192 ,

Typically, anyone on here who doesn’t “believe in” a free market is a tankie.

CommanderM2192 ,

For sake of argument, if this were true, I think the biggest thing is that it would show the international community has been ignoring intelligence and evidence of this and doing nothing. That means the blame is shifted onto the UN and the West imo

Who are we to tell Israel to not bomb resources used to hurt or harm their civilians when we’ve done jack fucking shit about it? The Israeli government, no matter who’s in charge, has a moral responsibility to protect its own civilians. There are still hostages to be rescued and Hamas is still launching attacks at Israel when it is able to do so. Israel just does not have the manpower or resources that we do. They can’t go door-to-door and try to minimize civilian casualties while also being prepared for an invasion from their other borders.

So if this is true and we want it to stop, then it’s the responsibility of the international community to step in and provide the resources needed to minimize or outright prevent civilian casualties. Israel just does not have that capability.

CommanderM2192 ,

I’m sorry, what? My fucking “homophobia” for pointing out that people would be murdered for identifying as LGBTQ in a Muslim country?

You know nothing of suffering and struggle, and I wouldn’t want you to anyways. You have far more privilege and opportunity than others who came before you, despite the economic and social oppression we’re facing today. You take your privilege and access to modern technology, and you use it to be a completely uninformed, uneducated bigot.

People are thrown from rooftops in Muslim countries for being gay. And you have the fucking audacity to call me homophobic for pointing out that Muslims would kill LGBTQ people. You are every vile “snowflake” parody the rightwing says you are. You’re a fucking disgrace. Grow up.

CommanderM2192 ,

Clarify just one thing for me. Do Native Americans have any rights to have their own nations in North America or the current United States?

No matter what you answer though, the outcome is the same. If they don’t have any rights to it, then your logic for that must fall under “might makes right” or “new people have already been born and live here”. Either of those can be used to justify the existence of Israel. If they do have rights, then the Jewish people also have a right to live on their ancestral land that was violently taken from them by the ancestors of the most recent inhabitants.

What I’m trying to get you to understand is that your approach is founded on blind ideology. It’s completely illogical and doesn’t have any basis in history. Even if you want to get into “who shot first” when it comes to murder, it’s actually settled. It was Palestine.

No matter what though, the correct solution is a two-state solution. The actions of the Palestinians do not match their words when it comes that matter. They have had multiple chances at a fair, two-state solution. Every time it was turned down and those who lead the negotiations from their side saw huge approval boosts from rejecting the peace plans.

Learn some fucking history and ethics, you fucking pleb. You’re an insult to all those who came before you and sacrificed their lives and happiness so you could have a better life. Such an utter waste of self sacrifice.

CommanderM2192 ,

Go fuck yourself, smoothbrain lmfao

You’re so fucking dimwitted that you can’t even comprehend that someone could ask you a question to try and get you thinking about your own hypocrisy. You’re a lost cause, a fucking blight of pointless pollution on this planet. You’re not just a net loss, you’re a total loss. You’re completely incapable of benefitting anyone, even yourself, throughout your entire existence.

CommanderM2192 ,

Oh, we’re doing that now? Rejected by my family. Married to a bisexual. Trans. Have multiple genetic illnesses/disabilities. Long COVID. Pulled myself up by my own bootstraps.

Anyways, I have worked in Muslim majority countries for projects and saw first-hand just what they’re like.

I absolutely despise and hate fundamentalist Baptists who follow their holy book to the letter. And you know what else? I also absolutely despise and hate Muslims who follow their holy book to the letter.

Islam isn’t a fucking ethnicity dipshit. It’s a religion. Just like that Gospel Mission that didn’t “take your kind”.

You know nothing about Islam. Nothing about Muslim countries. And then you go around and call people you don’t even know homophobic for saying people with beliefs you don’t even know are homophobic. I could link to videos that would get me banned of gay people being executed and tortured by Muslims.

You’re pathetic. The only positive thing you’re doing today is you’re someone for me to vent at and troll.

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