There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

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Rocketpoweredgorilla , to asklemmy in what is the worst case scenario that can happen at the presidential debate? avatar

What will probably happen is Trump will say a hundred stupid things no-one bats an eye to. Biden will screw up one soundbite and conservative media will twist and beat that dead horse until it get reincarnated.

LarkinDePark ,

Is this the same media that ignores his genocide?

neidu2 , to nostupidquestions in Is it generally safe to walk through a field of cows?

Yes. They might follow you, but that’s mostly out of curiosity and the fact that you’re tall enough to be their leader. Sometimes they might even run at you, but that’s mostly just to catch up and/or get closer - They’re not charging at you. Stop, turn around, and T-pose, and they’ll stop as well, waiting to see what you’re up to.

Cows alone are pretty chill and playful. Think of them like huge dogs, but without the instinct for hunting. If there are young ones with them you wanna give them some extra space for obvious reasons.

Source: Grew up on a cattle farm.

Regna , (edited ) avatar

Cows are big, strong and heavy, and docile dogs can also kill. Any kind of caution around things large or feisty enough to kill you is healthy.

Dozzi92 , avatar

Glad to hear t-pose is the way to go. I’m beginning to think it’s the solution to the world’s problems.

frightful_hobgoblin , to nostupidquestions in Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed?

What do you mean by physical proof?

Some history is known by digging up physical stones n bones. Some is known by digging up texts.

There are multiple texts dated to the 1st century that all corroborate the story that a person called Jesus was crucified around 33AD…/Sources_for_the_historicity_of…

themeatbridge ,

The evidence isn’t even that strong, there i just aren’t that many people willing to risk becoming a pariah to dispute them.

If you are a Christian, there is no doubt Jesus existed. Any oblique reference to a rabbi who was persecuted hundreds years ago is considered evidence that Jesus existed. But no contemporaneous documentation exists.

If you’re not a Christian, debunking all of those vague references that might be proof of a Jewish leader named Jesus just isn’t particularly important, won’t persuade anyone who believes Jesus was(is) God, and will paint a target on your back for terrorists.

frog_brawler ,

Wait… you mean to tell me there’s not a collective of atheist Wikipedia writers that have dedicated their lives to the absence of religion and citing themselves on refuting evidence on Wikipedia?!?

Wouldn’t it be weird of every Wikipedia article on the historical validity of Jesus was written by Christian scholars that have dedicated their lives to their religion? It would be wild if they were just citing themselves in these Wiki articles in order to sell some books, wouldn’t it?

andrewrgross , (edited )

It’s weird how many people in this thread are vaguely debating the validity of the historical research into this question when one person has posted a link to a well cited article on this very very heavily studied subject.

There’s even a link to a well cited article examining the skepticism of the historicity of Jesus:

I don’t feel compelled to argue an interpretation. The facts are well documented and their interpretations by experts available. What anyone chooses to do with these are of no real concern to me.

bionicjoey ,

Yeah there are plenty of historians who have done good work studying this and the academia is mostly settled. Not to say there’s no controversy, but there’s definitely an orthodox opinion.

reversebananimals ,

Yep. This is one of those posts that should have just been a web search instead.

frightful_hobgoblin ,

A literature search. The web is full of rubbish.

pop ,

I don’t feel compelled to argue an interpretation. The facts are well documented and their interpretations by experts available. What anyone chooses to do with these are of no real concern to me.

but then

It’s weird how many people in this thread are vaguely debating the validity of the historical research into this question when one person has posted a link to a well cited article on this very very heavily studied subject.

Well cited article aren’t proof of existenceof a man. Is spiderman real if enough people cite the comics? A group of influential people could gather and make their own circle of these myths and present it as a fact. And it isn’t fucking new.…/the-dark-world-of-citation-cartel…

Religions and all their influence could force a lot of heavily studied subject to be skewed for their benefit. Hell, there were studies that were treated as standard making sugar and alcohol heavily beneficial for human beings. And we’re talking about a person.

andrewrgross ,

I didn’t say which side I come down on. I just said that there is lots of information with plenty of high quality citations.

I’m really happy that everyone is a winner.

dandroid ,

In my experience, when it comes to debating the validity of religion, people tend to get far more emotional than other topics. People who are normally level-headed and quite logical tend to completely lose their ability to think rationally. And I mean both the people who argue for religion and against it.

bastion ,

Pretty clear that’s the case here in the comments on this post.

frog_brawler ,

It’s almost like Christian Scholars (people that have dedicated their entire lives to this idea) have access to write for Wikipedia too…

The citations are from the same people we see over and over again on this topic (specifically on Wikipedia).

andrewrgross , (edited )

I shouldn’t bother responding to this, but I have to point out that this weird assumption that scholars of Christianity are all Christian partisans seems pretty similar to people who say that climatologists are all biased in favor of a global warming hoax.

You don’t think anyone goes into studying a field to challenge the orthodoxy? That’s the fastest way to get famous. Even if the rest of your field hates you, you can make an incredibly lucrative career out of being “the outsider”. I literally linked to a collection of experts who agree with you.

If you don’t believe the experts, I guess it’s fine. But it’s weird when people use expertise on a subject as proof of bias to discredit expertise. It’s just such a silly thing to do.

frog_brawler ,

I think it’s a weird to assume the wiki-link that you posted is in support of the “Christ Myth Theory” (as they call it).

Read the contents of the wiki link you sent and check all of the citations, you’ll see that the Christian Scholars that contributed to writing the article aim to dismiss the theory by citing their own books.

bastion ,

Kinda cringey.

frog_brawler ,

There were a lot of people that shared that name, and a lot of people were crucified at that time.

The article you provided (if you read it) should actually serve to cast more doubt on the idea; it does not “answer the question to the affirmative.”

frightful_hobgoblin ,

There were a lot of people that shared that name, and a lot of people were crucified at that time.

That implies each source says: “A man called Jesus was crucified”. The article you provided (if you read it) should have told you otherwise.

  • Flavius Josephus: Antiquities of the Jews, year 93-94: “About this time there lived Jesus, a wise man, if indeed one ought to call him a man. For he was one who performed surprising deeds and was a teacher of such people as accept the truth gladly. He won over many Jews and many of the Greeks. He was the Christ. And when, upon the accusation of the principal men among us, Pilate had condemned him to a cross, those who had first come to love him did not cease. He appeared to them spending a third day restored to life, for the prophets of God had foretold these things and a thousand other marvels about him. And the tribe of the Christians, so called after him, has still to this day not disappeared.”
  • Tacitus’s Annals, year 117: Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus
frog_brawler ,

I didn’t provide any article. I read the one you linked.

In this most recent response, you are annotating sources from 93, and 117. Those years are notably (at minimum) 60 years after the supposed resurrection; and as such are not first hand accounts.

They very likely was someone named Jesus, because there were many people with that name. There was very likely someone named Jesus that was crucified, because many people were crucified. There’s 0 evidence or recorded documentation that a resurrection ever happened. That’s the big one.

frightful_hobgoblin ,

They very likely was someone named Jesus, because there were many people with that name.

The second one doesn’t use that name. Read the sources.

There’s 0 evidence or recorded documentation that a resurrection ever happened. That’s the big one.

Well of course, but that’s common sense. Dead people stay dead as a rule.

frog_brawler ,

I didn’t say the second one used “that name.” Read what I wrote.

frightful_hobgoblin ,

There’s 0 evidence or recorded documentation that a resurrection ever happened. That’s the big one.

The question in question was “Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed?”

frog_brawler ,

Jesus Christ is very specific. Jesus Christ, the son of God, who was crucified and rose again on the third day… that is fake.

frightful_hobgoblin ,

Well that’s an entirely different question. Entirely different field.

“the son of God, who was crucified and rose again on the third day” is for silly Christians.

The question under discussion here is about Roman-era history.

frog_brawler ,

You suck ass at reading. The title of this post is asking about “Jesus Christ,” which we all know to mean the son of God and the guy that resurrected after 3 days.

frightful_hobgoblin ,

The title of this post is asking about “Jesus Christ,” which we all know to mean the son of God and the guy that resurrected after 3 days.

lol no… this thread is not talking about anything like that hahaha. Read it.

Obviously people don’t come back from the dead or transform into cheddar cheese; we don’t need historical research to tell us that.

His given name was יֵשׁוּעַ‎ or Yeshua, which is Jesus in one speech-type, عيسى (ʿIsà) in another, as well as a lot of other variants.

‘Christus’ in Latin seems to refer to the same person; Tacitus wrote “called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus”

frog_brawler ,

I’m not debating with you the question that was asked as to start this thread. It’s visible to literally anyone that looks it.

If you wanted to answer a question that was not asked by the OP, that’s on you.

frightful_hobgoblin ,


frightful_hobgoblin , (edited )

What do you think of what Ehrman says here at 1h45m25s that the mythicist theory isn’t taken seriously by the academy because it’s mostly pushed by people who seem eager to dunk on religion.

uienia ,

No, there arent a lot of texts from the 1st century AD about him. The majority by far stems from the second century or later.

Potatisen , to memes in Never forget what they took from us...

Single player is the best.

nexussapphire ,

10 year old games on a 4k OLED with maxed out settings is the best. Especially if it’s a game you can run above 60 fps.

Mac ,

yes but i do miss co-op gaming.

unwillingsomnambulist ,

Powerwash Simulator.

SacralPlexus ,

Deep Rock Galactic.

Rock and Stone, Miner!

ekky ,

Couch co-op, split-screen, hotseat; Kingdom Two Crowns is nice. So is Darksiders Genesis, For The King, Moon Hunters, Trine, etc.

Always on the lookout for other good co-op couch games, especially with a good story, but I feel that they are few and far between. :(

Potatisen ,

Brothers, It takes two and A way out.

A way out I really liked.

JackFrostNCola ,

For me its the Borderlands series & portal 2.

mino , avatar

It takes two is absolutely amazing in every aspect.

idunnololz , avatar

A few games that are great single player can also be played with friends such as Terraria, Stardew Valley, Factorio and Minecraft.

M500 ,

100% Online gaming is pretty toxic and I love being able to play at my own pace.

Only exception to this for me was stardew with my wife.

Potatisen ,

Toxicity is one thing for sure but I don’t like how the commercialization of MP has shaped it.

Indie games have a very different feel in their online gameplay compared to “commercial” games.

Even way back, HL1 online and those online experiences felt so different because it was designed to be about the group experience rather than level up and get a skin, buy a weapon, our skill tree is massive. Sure technology was holding it back but I wish I could see what it would’ve been without the massive push for $$$.

M500 ,

Oh, yeah. I just ignore that stuff. But it’s really annoying. I can’t even think of the last time I played a game online.

Oh, I got fallout 76 on sale super cheap and uninstalled it after 20-30 minutes.

TheFriar ,

I only want to play single player games. I’m not a super big gamer, but I just want campaigns. I recently got a PS5 and I’ve been struggling to find newer games that have a great single player campaign. RDR2 is my style, it’s my favorite game. The gameplay itself is a little problematic, but it’s gorgeous and the story just gets me where I live. And that’s what I want.

RecluseRamble , (edited ) to programmer_humor in What a time to be alive

More like:

Computer scientist: We have made a text generator

Everyone: tExT iS iNtElLiGeNcE

Persen ,

That’s why nonverbal (and sometimes speaking) autistic people are considered stupid even by professionals.

pantyhosewimp ,
Persen ,

Wow, this looks worth reading. I’ll read it if I remember.

pantyhosewimp ,

It’s also a movie too with Daniel Day-Lewis. He’s kinda hard to forget.

abracaDavid ,

Oh come on. It’s called AI, as in artificial intelligence. None of these companies have ever called it a text generator, even though that’s what it is.

jorp ,

I get that it’s cool to hate on how AI is being shoved in our faces everywhere and I agree with that sentiment, but the technology is better than what you’re giving it credit for.

You don’t have to diminish the accomplishments of the actual people who studied and built these impressive things to point out that business are bandwagoning and rushing to get to market to satisfy investors. like with most technologies it’s capitalism that’s the problem.

LLMs emulate neural structures and have incredible natural language parsing capabilities that we’ve never even come close to accomplishing before. The prompt hacks alone are an incredibly interesting glance at how close these things come to “understanding.” They’re more like social engineering than any other kind of hack.

AppleTea ,

The trouble with phrases like ‘neural structures’ and ‘language parsing’ is that these descriptions still play into the “AI” narrative that’s been used to oversell large language models.

Fundamentally, these are statistical weights randomly wired up to other statistical weights, tested and pruned against a huge database. That isn’t language parsing, it’s still just brute-force calculation. The understanding comes from us, from people assigning linguistic meaning to patterns in binary.

jorp ,

Brain structures aren’t so dissimilar, unless you believe there’s some metaphysical quantity to consciousness this kind of technology will be how we do achieve general AI

AProfessional ,

This is all theoretical. Today it’s quite basic with billions thrown at the problem. Maybe in decades these ideas can be expanded on.

AppleTea ,

Living, growing, changing cells are pretty damn dissimilar to static circuitry. Neural networks are based on an oversimplified model of neuron cells. The model ignores the fact neurons are constantly growing, shifting, and breaking connections with one another, and flat out does not consider structures and interactions within the cells.

Metaphysics is not required to make the observation that computer programmes are magnitudes less complex than a brain.

ChickenLadyLovesLife ,

Neural networks are based on an oversimplified model of neuron cells.

As a programmer who has studied neuroanatomy and the structure/function of neurons themselves, I remain astonished at how not like real biological nervous systems computer neural networks still are. It’s like the whole field is based on one person’s poor understanding of the state of biological knowledge in the late 1970s. That doesn’t mean it’s not effective in some ways as it is, but you’d think there’d be more experimentation in neural networks based on current biological knowledge.

areyouevenreal ,

What sort of differences are we looking at exactly?

ChickenLadyLovesLife ,

The one thing that stands out to me the most is that programmatic “neurons” are basically passive units that weigh inputs and decide to fire or not. The whole net is exposed to the input, the firing decisions are worked through the net, and then whatever output is triggered. In biological neural nets, most neurons are always firing at some rate and the inputs from pre-synaptic neurons affect that rate, so in a sense the passed information is coded as a change in rate rather than as an all-or-nothing decision to fire or not fire as is the case with (most) programmatic neurons. Implementing something like this in code would be more complicated, but it could produce something much more like a living organism which is always doing something rather than passively waiting for an input to produce some output.

And TBF there probably are a lot of people doing this kind of thing, but if so they don’t get much press.

areyouevenreal ,

Pretty much all artificial neural nets I have seen don’t do all or nothing activation. They all seem to have activation states encoded as some kind of binary number. I think this is to mimic the effects of variable firing rates.

The idea of a neural network doing stuff in the background is interesting though.

NikkiDimes ,

The fact that you believe software based neural networks are, as you put it, “static circuitry” betrays your apparent knowledge on the subject. I agree that many people overblow LLM tech, but many people like yourself grossly underestimate it as well.

CompassRed , (edited )

Language parsing is a routine process that doesn’t require AI and it’s something we have been doing for decades. That phrase in no way plays into the hype of AI. Also, the weights may be random initially (though not uniformly random), but the way they are connected and relate to each other is not random. And after training, the weights are no longer random at all, so I don’t see the point in bringing that up. Finally, machine learning models are not brute-force calculators. If they were, they would take billions of years to respond to even the simplest prompt because they would have to evaluate every possible response (even the nonsensical ones) before returning the best answer. They’re better described as a greedy algorithm than a brute force algorithm.

I’m not going to get into an argument about whether these AIs understand anything, largely because I don’t have a strong opinion on the matter, but also because that would require a definition of understanding which is an unsolved problem in philosophy. You can wax poetic about how humans are the only ones with true understanding and that LLMs are encoded in binary (which is somehow related to the point you’re making in some unspecified way); however, your comment reveals how little you know about LLMs, machine learning, computer science, and the relevant philosophy in general. Your understanding of these AIs is just as shallow as those who claim that LLMs are intelligent agents of free will complete with conscious experience - you just happen to land closer to the mark.

marcos ,

It is parsing and querying into a huge statistical database.

Both done at the same time and in an opaque manner. But that doesn’t make it any less of parsing and querying.

Sweetpeaches69 ,

We don’t have to diminish their accomplishments, no; we choose to.

JackbyDev ,

It’s a shit post, relax

seaQueue , to linux in Does anyone know why SteamOS is based on arch rather than Debian? avatar

Gaming support is still very much a work in progress all up and down the software stack. Stable distros like Debian tend to ship older proven versions of packages so their packaged software can be up to 18mo behind current releases. The NTSync kernel code that should improve Windows game performance isn’t even scheduled for mainline merge until the 6.10 kernel window in a few weeks - that’s not likely to be in a stable Debian release for a 12-18mo.

TL;DR: Gaming work is very much ongoing and Arch moves faster than Debian does. Shipping 12-18mo old versions of core software on the Steam deck would degrade performance.

TunaCowboy ,

It’s pretty common to use debian unstable as a base. stable is not the only release that debian offers, and despite their names they tend to be more dependable than other distros idea of stable.

<span style="color:#323232;">$ awk -v k=$(uname -r) '/^NAME=/{gsub(/^NAME=|"/, "", $0);print $0,k}' /etc/os-release
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Debian GNU/Linux 6.7.12-amd64
lemmyvore ,

stable is not the only release that debian offers,

Did you mean to say “branch” rather than “release”? Debian only releases stable. Everything else is part of the process of preparing and supporting stable.

Testing branch may work well or it may not. Its goal is to refine packages for the next stable release so it has an inherent strive towards quality, but it doesn’t have a commitment to “quality now” like stable does, just to “quality eventually”.

Testing’s quality is highest towards the start of each release cycle when it picks up from the previous stable release and towards the end when it’s getting ready to become the next stable. But the cycle is 2 years long.

acockworkorange ,

Puts on reading glasses back in my day, we had a saying: “there’s nothing more stable than Debian unstable.”

TunaCowboy ,

No, I meant release:

Debian always has at least three releases in active maintenance: stable, testing and unstable.

lemmyvore ,

Interesting, I didn’t know they consider testing and unstable to be releases too.

dsemy ,

In my experience, Debian unstable has been less stable than “pure” rolling release distributions. Basing on unstable also means you have to put up with or work around Debian’s freeze periods.

atmur , (edited ) to nostupidquestions in Have you ever seen coal in real life?

When I was a kid, for some reason I really wanted coal for Christmas and I was diappointed that only the bad kids got it. My parents decided to mess with me one year by hiding all my actual presents and only putting a piece of coal in my stocking. I was thrilled and thought it was so cool. I have no idea why I thought it was cool, I was a weird kid. My parents gave up on the joke before I even realized that none of the presents under the tree had my name on them. I was entirely happy with the piece of coal.

Ironically, it’s become one of my favorite Christmas memories and it’s one of few presents I still have as an adult.

cheesymoonshadow , avatar

Whoa, I didn’t expect coal to look so pretty!

grue ,

There are different types/grades of coal, with anthracite being the hardest and shiniest.

BarrelAgedBoredom ,

Lignite balls

felbane ,

lmao gottem

Kingofthezyx ,


wurstgulasch3000 ,

For some reason I expected coal to be round at least in some form

Zozano , avatar

And the texture, like a dry snowball?

MrsDoyle ,

Not really. It’s like a rock, but you can easily break it up with a hammer.

Anticorp ,

It’s like a sooty soapstone.

Zeritu ,

I just love this story.

Anticorp ,

Ha! That’s a funny story. Thanks for sharing.

Entropy , to piracy in Piracy as a quality of service issue

“We think there is a fundamental misconception about piracy. Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem. If a pirate offers a product anywhere in the world, 24 x 7, purchasable from the convenience of your personal computer, and the legal provider says the product is region-locked, will come to your country 3 months after the US release, and can only be purchased at a brick and mortar store, then the pirate’s service is more valuable.”

Gabe Newell

CrabAndBroom ,

I agree fully. I basically never download music anymore, because I can get all the music I can think of on Spotify for a few bucks a month. And when everything was on Steam I just got everything from there. Now that all the games companies are bringing out their own stores and launchers, that’s starting to change again.

This is a lesson that the movie & TV industry seems hell-bent on not learning.

Entropy ,

It at it’s worst in my opinion with streaming services like Netflix and Hulu. They’re all starting to get so fragmented that they’re not much better than just paying for cable anymore, and that was their whole appeal to begin with. Now you have to sub to like 3 or 4 different services to get all the content you want (sometimes more) and they all seem to be phasing out their ad free tiers. It’s like they forgot what made them so popular to begin with.

where_am_i ,

Also, my pirated game runs without trackers and forced updates. Steam version somehow insist on overlays, overnight updates, and likes to show me ads unless I google how to toggle them off.

myxi , avatar

I agree fully. I basically never download music anymore, because I can get all the music I can think of on Spotify for a few bucks a month.

I recently started music pirating because I listen to a lot of genres and I want to shuffle them. If I use Spotify, I am limited to their shitty shuffler, but if I download my music offline, I can shuffle however I want. My favorite algorithm to shuffle my huge bunch of music is to shuffle them by genre. Now I get to listen to interesting music with full control over the algorithm used.

Also, there are frequent power cuts in my area, so an offline library always proves useful. I also visit places where internet connections are not available.

samus12345 , to lemmyshitpost in It was in self-defence 🙃 avatar
shundi82 ,

Well, she’s changed a lot after her 16th birthday:

Resol , avatar

The nose doesn’t look extremely weird anymore.

Wow, such a massive change.

shrugal , (edited ) to piracy in what's your wishlist for piracy?

Adding proper metadata to releases. Why are we still trying to decipher release titles, why not add a little metadata JSON file to every release and make the info available to the search API?

Also keeping multiple different versions of a release in Arr apps, like ebook and audiobook in different languages. Right now I’d need 4 Readarr instances to get the English and German audiobook and ebook versions of a book, and don’t even think about letting them manage the same root folder!

AtmaJnana ,

Sorry, best we can do is some unrelated ASCII art.

lud ,

At least they sometimes include insane rants.

BrianTheeBiscuiteer ,

A separate file or if the first few bytes of a file contained the metadata.

spiderman ,

and following proper naming conventions too. why can’t releasers decided to choose one single naming convention together so it makes our job better to automate things?

Appoxo , avatar

Have you tried maintaining a standard at work?
Now imagine if several thousand people try to decide on a common standard.

lars ,

Several thousand people who tend to be less likely to follow the path most traveled, no less

EtzBetz ,

I actually like the release titles. It’s encoded in the name that way, there’s a somewhat good standard for it, and it’s one file. I rarely need more info than what’s in the release title. And I would dislike having to carry a separate json with me.

rapturex ,

Readarr honestly feels like the most barebones of all the arrs. I tried it for a bit and decided to just use Calibre to manage my library.

Sure, I need to manually grab stuff but it more than makes up for that with the other features it has.

zoostation , to asklemmy in My cat just died. What is the point of all this?

Your cat had a good life and loved you and then died. There doesn’t have to be a point, there’s more good than suffering.

GregoryTheGreat ,

My experience has been a net negative and I don’t event have it that bad.

zoostation ,

The world does suck right now. All the more reason to find something like a cat or some other thing that makes you happy to help ignore all the bullshit.

GregoryTheGreat ,

I have a cat, two dogs, married, high paying 30 hour a week job, no debt, several good friends, tight family. Still net negative.

zoostation ,

I’d ask to switch with you, except I know very well that anyone’s life can be much more complicated than it seems on the surface, and happiness does not automatically come from any of that. Therapy doesn’t help everyone be happier, but it’s something worth trying or trying again.

Mango ,

No there isn’t.

pastel_de_airfryer , to asklemmy in What are some things you can/should cheap out on?

Smartphones. Most people don’t need to buy the latest and greatest iPhone every year.

guywithadeathwish ,

I second this, especially with Android you can breath new life into a phone by installing a custom ROM

0_0j , avatar

breath new life into a phone by installing a custom ROM

Smh Nope, you don’t want to go down this ROM hole!

fraksken ,



Because they doesn’t know what their talking about.

Wizard_Pope , avatar

Damn right. I bought myself a redmi note 12 last year and now I am back to using my 5 year old OnePlus 6 with lineage OS as it just runs better somehow.

greywolf0x1 ,

You should try replacing LineageOS with DivestOS, it’s a much more secure build of Los.

Also, the oneplus 6 is such a great phone

noobdoomguy8658 ,

What if my phone isn’t supported by any ROMs? Is there an easier alternative to building it for your device on your own, following the given instructions, for example?

guywithadeathwish ,

I’m in that situation right now with my OnePlus N10, the plan is to buy a second hand device that is supported by LineageOS

PatMustard ,

Sadly the best bet is to only buy devices that you know have good custom ROM support

paddirn ,

I usually try to stay about 3–5 years behind whatever the newest one is. It’s good enough for what I need and helluvalot cheaper than current phone prices.

AngryCommieKender ,

Another way to do that is one year old manufacturer refurbished phones. I generally spend $250-$300 for a year old phone that will last me 4-5 years

LesserAbe ,

Going to respectfully disagree here. Outside of my glasses, my phone is the tool I use most often, many times daily. It’s worth getting a quality device, and if there’s an issue with the current one (battery, cracked screen etc) it’s worth replacing. But you’re right, it doesn’t need replacing just for the sake of newness.

akincisor ,

Gonna respectfully disagree back at you. You don’t have to get a $100 crapsung, but most people whose work depends on a good phone still don’t need a $2000 top of the line phone.

An iPhone SE or Pixel ?a phone is more than sufficient for almost anyone anything more I’m probably going to call opulence.

LesserAbe ,

Well the prompt was what are things you should cheap out on. I have a pixel 6, I think it was $600 or something like that? But to me cheaping out on a phone would be like a $100 device.

Because of how often I use it, it’s worth it to me to not have bloatware, to have a good camera, for the battery to last, resistant to water, etc.

cosmic_skillet ,

Pixel 7a is currently $500 new, so good mid tier device.

But really what you should do is get a used mid or top tier phone that’s one or two generations behind. Depreciation on phones is so great that you get a lot of bang for your buck.

For example mint condition Pixel 7 is $300…

icedterminal ,

Think outside the box. Get a previous generation. Pixel 8 was about to be released. To move inventory, Google discounted the 7 series by like 30-40%. I got the 256GB 7 Pro for $600. Without the sale, $600 is the same price as the 128GB 7. I got a top of the range flagship phone for the cost of a midrange. My mom did something similar with a Samsung phone. She got an S20 when the S22 released. Huge discount when Verizon offered it for $449.

chris , avatar

Yes and no. For apple you can use their phones for quite a long time securely. For Android that is a very different story. As far as I know only Google with their new pixel phones and Samsung have offered more than 2 years of updates. After that time your phone becomes a security risk. So make sure your devices receives updates or can be used with a custom ROM (though that can be insecure as well).

ArcticAmphibian ,

It’s 2 years of FEATURE updates, usually longer for security.

chris , avatar

Sometimes. It depends on the manufacturer. Some do more some don’t promise anything. You have to know what you have. Also the support time starts usually at the start of sale not at the time of purchase. That means if you buy a new phone that was released a year ago on clearance or something you might have only half the time.

octobob ,

What a load of crap. My phone is 5 years old and the only security risk is me blindly installing questionable APKs off the Internet or clicking pop-up ads or something. It’s not like I’m walking around with a time bomb or anything when all I do is browse a few apps and text and call.

Also the new pixel 8 supposedly is supposed to come with 7 years of updates. It’s entirely possible Google abandons that plan though, given their track record.

ergifruit ,

yeah, are y’all just rawdogging the Internet? i like Blokada (the free one) + Hypatia for my adblocker/antivirus combo, and it works just fine. i practice good Internet “hygiene” and have never had a problem. idk how all that works with Apple stuff, though.

chris , avatar

Your phone is rawdogging all it’s connections. It can receive SMS and Phone calls without your intervention. There have been several zero-click bugs in the past that allowed injecting malicious code into your phone without any interaction.

chris , (edited ) avatar

There have been a few bugs in the past years that let you take over a phone without user interaction. There was one where you only need to receive an SMS (it was invisible even) and your phone is infected. Another one was a vulnerability in wifi calling and voice over lte.

A phone is not a passive device that only gets something when you request it. You take also it with you to public places, use it in open wifi networks and you get calls. All that while being used for security critical stuff like 2FA, banking and payment.

You shouldn’t use a phone without current security updates for much more than calling. It is a time bomb. If you want to educate yourself further you should look at “zero click vulnerabilities”.

ryathal ,

And if you happen to be in Vegas during Def con you should probably just turn off your phone and leave it in the room.

Mango ,

There’s a reason my phone has no trouble with the Roku, works immediately when I use microHDMI, and gets updates for games on time and my roommate’s does not. Hardly a day passes where I’m not convinced he’s relegated to a worse quality of life because his phone just isn’t allowed to do things right. His phone doesn’t even run the transit app properly.

Now I’m not saying but a new phone every year for the incremental improvement, but don’t get something from a crap factory pushing high volume for small margins. Get something good.

SpaceCowboy , avatar

Don’t tell people that!

I always get a refurbished phone which are last years model that someone traded in when they got the newest and greatest thing. If people stopped doing this I might have to actually shell out for a new phone!

Rai ,

Lemmy hates Apple, but my five year old iPhone XS Max is still beastly fast, and I have like 40k pictures and all of my texts back nine years on it.

MrStetson , avatar

Better make a backup of those pics sooner than later

Rai ,

The beauty of iTunes (and the ONLY good thing about iTunes) is that I can make an encrypted incremental backup image of exactly what’s on my phone with one click.

Those pics have always been backed up.

The oldest pics are from my previous iPhone, so maybe eight years ago?

When I get a new phone (maybe soon, now that USB-C) I just plug into my computer and now my new phone is the same exact phone and layout as this phone, with all pictures and texts and files and everything.

TenderfootGungi ,

It is the one device most people use literally all day everyday. Having a great one is worth the money. But it does not need replaced every year. Mine is 4 years old and still works like new (one battery replacement). I will likely replace it next year.

FauxPseudo , avatar

I’m on my phone 8 hours a day. Quality counts. Slow is bad. Lacking features is bad. Crappy cameras are bad. Get a good phone. Use it until one of the following happens:

  • It no longer gets security updates
  • There is a new built-in hardware feature that will actually improve the quality of your life because you’ve been wanting it forever
  • You break it or the battery performance starts to suck too much.
NotJustForMe ,

Just for my personal understanding. How often have you heard about security issues from missing updates in older phones? In real life, I mean, not in some blog or video? I’m having a hard time finding any information about real cases. There are hundreds of articles from tech-sites and security companies.

To me it feels like selling pick-proof locks, a market without actual use-cases. You can pick them all anyway, but nobody actually does it.

FauxPseudo , avatar

I used to do phone security for a living. I’ve seen a handful of cases in person. The bigger issue is that most of the time you don’t know it was the phone that caused your problems. One day your bank is drained and you don’t know why.

There have been several zero days that gave anyone that wanted to the ability to own your phone with a text that you never even saw because the phone doesn’t show you command texts.…/apple-zero-click-imessage-…

redcalcium ,

Unlike the good ol’ malwares that let you know that you’re infected by deleting your files or messing up your system, modern malware authors are profit-oriented and will do everything they can to make you unaware that your devices are infected. Then they’ll exfiltrate your data and sell them on various underground marketplace such as this one.

FauxPseudo , avatar

Definitely. If you know your device is infected then someone drastically messed up. The new stuff isn’t like the old stuff.

bl4kers , avatar

I’m on my phone 8 hours a day.

That is generally not good and shouldn’t be common. I’d argue folks should consider whether a nice phone will lead to overuse, and if so, buying a cheaper phone.

FauxPseudo , avatar

Before I had a phone I was on a computer for all that time. And before that I was reading in bed for all that time. And before that I was watching TV for all of that time. This is so much healthier than anything else I’ve done in 5 decades.

bl4kers , avatar

Just to be clear, I wasn’t trying to be critical of you. I know some people can’t actually reduce their screen time due to their job or way of life. I’m curious though, could you elaborate on what you mean by this being healthier for you?

FauxPseudo , avatar

I used to sit, or lay, for all those hours. Now I’m up moving around. Talking to my geese, trimming trees, painting rooms, figuring out what some idiot electrician did 60 years ago that’s causing me a problem today (stupid loopbacks and hot neutrals, aluminum wiring optional), going someplace to hike and get the physical therapy I need after breaking my back falling off a ladder, etc. Living life while managing my ADHD and still consuming massive info dumps while also having one of the 200 podcasts I listen to play in my ear at 2.5x speed.

Blackmist ,

For me it’s just the last one that counts.

noobdoomguy8658 ,

What phones would you consider worthwhile in terms of price, i.e. those you can cheap out on, but not suffer the consequences of it being slow even in the simplest tasks?

One Android phone I had, Nokia 5.1, had to be replaced in less than 5 years because it often froze and lagged when I had to make or receive a phone call, open a single tab in some light-weight browser, etc.

I’m not a big fan of the smartphone industry and especially the reviewers because they seem to have a very twisted idea of a budget device. Or maybe I’m a cheapskate.

bl4kers , avatar

To combat this generally, you can buy one with more RAM. Also, right now there is a bit of a “race to the top” for longest phone support with Google announcing 7 years of support in November. Repairability is coming around too, which is great for replacing old batteries and broken charging ports.

Illegal_Prime ,

I’ve adopted a policy of buying the latest iPhone every 5 years, which is about how long they tend to last in my experience. So far it’s worked out well.

nis , to asklemmy in What are some items that really aren't worth paying the expensive version for?

Water. At least here in Denmark. Bottled water is less regulated than tap water.

Mr_Blott ,

In parts of the Alps, the stuff coming out of the fountains in the town square is cleaner than the stuff that comes out of the tap lol 😂

sxan , avatar

In the states, you always filter or boil stream water, because animals shit it it, and you can pick up any number of nasty parisites and diseases. Tap water should at least be treated.

Is there no dysentary in the Alps? No giardiasis? Cryptosporidiosis?

I’d sooner drink tapwater short-term almost anywhere in a developed country than river water. The former may cause issues long term, but the later can make you life-threateningly ill in hours.

kamills ,

Are you talking about streams and rivers, and not ground water wells?

sxan , avatar

Yah, exclusively. Wells (stagnant water, whether above or under-ground) are problematic because they tend to breed bacteria, but any out-flowing ground-spring is probably fine. Deep wells, such as aquifers, are alse safe, I think, but you’re unlively to encounter accessible ones of those in the wild.

I’m suspicious of even mountain springs, although they can be utterly delicious and safe; my issue is nhen you don’t know what’s upstream. There are lots of farmers in the Alps who let their sheep, goats, and cattle forage in the mountains. Which is perfectly fine, except that they poop, and that gets into running water, often after having sat out and having had plenty of time to build up bacterial populations, hosting parasitic worms and such. People also contribute, but less so. I’m not worried about drinking someone else’s diluted pee, which is sterile in any case.

But, yeah, ground springs are fine, and those are far more common in the Alps than most of the ranges in North America.

Mr_Blott ,

There’s natural sources everywhere, literally filtered water pouring out of rocks. So much so that the overflow from water treatment plants gets pumped to the fountains, and troughs in the countryside for walkers to use

sxan , avatar

Stuff coming directy out of the ground is probably safe. I’d still avoid streams and rivers.

Mr_Blott ,

Nobody mentioned rivers or streams, High-Fructose-Syrup-Boy 😂

Welt ,

No need for that sort of insult. We’re talking about water here for fuck’s sake.

Zahille7 ,

When in a trip to Europe when I was 16, my grandpa and I visited Switzerland for a week. We got e-bikes for our time there and would take them everywhere we went around the country (absolutely gorgeous countryside, with bike trails literally all over the place). One day we went up into the Alps to visit and check things out. Our plan was to ride from one town on one side of the mountain, ride up over the mountain, then catch a train ride home.

I rode on ahead because I was impatient, ended up getting lost so I had to make that ride myself (and it took literally all day). At one point I stopped to take a break and I saw a large tub filled with water, which I assume(d) was for some animals or something. Well anyway I was tired and thirsty so I just went right up to the tub and dunked my face in for a drink. I could see bits of grass and whatnot floating in it but I didn’t care cause I was so thirsty.

I’ve been fine ever since.

BenPranklin ,

I wish you’d shared this anecdote sooner. Think of all the money that could have been saved on water treatment if people had only known that one time you drank from a semi questionable water source and didn’t get sick.

Mr_Blott ,

There’s nothing questionable about a water trough in Switzerland. It’s safe unless otherwise labelled

Admetus ,


sxan , avatar

That’s a great story, and it sounds like an amazing trip.

It’s not a “will”, it’s a “might”. It’s a game of Russian roulette; 5 times you might be fine, but is it worth it if the 6th isn’t, and you spend the rest of the vacation puking and crapping your guts out?

For me, the question is: are there any such parisites in the Alps? Maybe not. Giardia in the new world is spread largely by beavers, as I understand it, and those don’t exist (much) anymore in Europe.

Zahille7 ,

I mean I absolutely wouldn’t do it again lol. Nowadays I carry a water bottle with me anywhere I go

sxan , avatar

Good habit! I’d settle for even one of those filtering bottles; the biggest concern in streams is parasites, and those filters are fine for those. Cautious, not paranoid!

Mr_Blott ,

You can absolutely 100% safely drink water from a trough in a field in Switzerland or France. If it’s not drinkable it’s labelled “non potable”. If there’s no label it’s fine

Not everywhere is the US

Lazhward ,

Depends on altitude really. If you’re higher up it’s freezing meltwater, which might have a non-zero chance of containing disease carriers but it’s probably extremely unlikely.

sxan , avatar

Of course. It’s animals - including human ones - that introduce the parasites. No animals, no problem!

interolivary , avatar

One of the benefits of living in the Nordics is tap water that can literally be of higher quality than bottled water (assuming you don’t have bad pipes.) The only time I’ll ever buy bottled water is if I get really thirsty when I’m on the go and don’t have a bottle of tap water with me

supersheep , to selfhosted in Google Photos Alternative
controlphreak ,

Thread is over, because this is the only correct answer.

stackPeek , avatar

Interestingly only one or two years ago, people seems tp recommend PhotoPrism

ShortN0te ,

Nah. The Premium model is kinda bullshit. As a free tier open source user you will always be a second class citizen.

Also everyone who wants to commit code has to sign away his rights for them.

tl;dr maintainer gets money from open source contribution over the premium tier, but hinders everyone else to do the same with the AGPL licence.(kinda)

That’s not a good foundation to start off.

azron ,

So you think it is bad cause others can’t take their work and make money off of it? Seems to be a real problem in open source right now that others are doing exactly that and something I don’t begrudge a small development team doing.

Not affiliated with them just been using and happily subscribed for a year+ now. Better than Google getting my money.

ShortN0te ,

No, i think it is bad that the owner takes away the rights from the contributors.

AGPL alone does already solve the problem.

But both, is not sustainable.

Also the trademark owner can relicense the code anytime and just close the source. It is not community project

I think many developer feel like me. Just look at the contributor list on both projects.

azron ,

That’s a fair point. I think you are right that it is not a community project. Something for me to consider. Thanks for the response.

DeltaTangoLima , (edited ) avatar

Yep, until PhotoPrism revealed themselves to be the greedy cunts they are.

I sponsor my favourite tech projects annually, as I believe in supporting independent and responsible open-source development.

I became a paid Github sponsor for PhotoPrism because they promised features like multi-user were coming, and they indicated that paid sponsors would get access. After what seemed way too long a wait, they finally released the features many of us had been waiting for, only to stick them behind a monthly paid subscription. For self-hosted users. 🤨

So, I switched to Immich about 6 months ago. I’ve found Alex and the rest of the team to be very active, and quite responsive to support requests, including on Discord. Additionally, the development is fast-paced and new features are coming all the time.

My money’s going to Immich. PhotoPrism can go get fucked.

azron , (edited )

The user feature is available for non paying users too. If you want a gui for managing that is now behind plus. I don’t see exactly how wantng to make a living off of your work makes you a greedy cunt especially when it seems the features trickle down as they should. Am I missing something?

surewhynotlem ,

It’s about expectation setting. You can’t say “paid donators will get X” then say “actually you won’t, give us more money for X”.

tuhriel ,

Also, there’s usually no reason as a user to pay monthly for a feature in a self-hosted application.
The Dev has no monthly costs for that feature. Let me buy the application/feature, and if you need money for a new feature, create a feature that is worth buying again. No need to bully the user into a monthly subscription…

azron ,

I missed that bait and switch. Thank you for the response.

mojofrododojo ,

only to stick them behind a monthly paid subscription. For self-hosted users.

holy shit

bdonvr ,

Immich iirc has seen huge and rapid development in the past two years so no surprise.

eek2121 ,

Uh, what about Pixelfed?

emhl , (edited )

Pixelfed is an Instagram alternative and not a Google photos alternative afaik

tgxn , avatar

Yep, Immich is tha bomb! Able to completely clear out google photos!

bazzawhite ,

Looks interesting. Just wondering if anyone has tried Mylio which also looks promising and has many tools for de-duplication and tagging which I quite like in Google Photos.

Sibbo ,

Anyone has a working nixos config for immich? I don’t get the containers to communicate with the host database.

RecitalMatchbox ,
mofongo ,

Why docker though?

ExLisper ,

For virtualization.

RecitalMatchbox ,

Because it’s easy. For other services I use nixos containers, but for immich Docker was just so simple

vulgarcynic , avatar

Pleased that I came to this thread looking for a good answer, clicked this link and opened in my preferred browser for project tracking and saw it was already starred in GitHub. Guess I need to actually deploy an image finally and stop lurking for an answer. Lol

Rootiest , avatar

Definitely Immich.

There’s a lot of these kinds of services, hosted or self-hosted that are labeled as a “Google Photos replacement”

But very few of said services have features like face matching and object recognition alongside automatic backups.

IMO it’s not a legitimate replacement for Google Photos without those features and Immich really delivers on that without compromising your privacy.

Alborlin ,

Hi is there a guide for Complete Newbie like me , right from how to download this software(I could not find link or anything resembling.exe for installation,) upptill how doninput it on my zorin os laptop and setup my and my familys phone to upload photos to our own laptops via immich. Like a a book idiots guide to xyz… Kind of thing

qjkxbmwvz ,

I think this is hard to answer because there’s no “one way” to do this.

Do you want it accessible only in your house, and you’re running something like a raspberry pi? That’s one set of instructions.

Do you want it accessible from anywhere in the world, with proper TLS? That’s a little more complicated, and there are a million ways to do this — do you want to self host and expose public IP? Self host using a VPN as the entry point? Host on a VPS?

I would recommend playing around with it first. This is easiest if you can get a well-supported environment, so something like a raspberry pi is best IMHO if you want to play around with minimal frustration.

Alborlin , (edited )

Hi thanks for your reply. I have laptop with external drive that i use as server at home. Ideally as easy part1 i would only upload pictures home, and would access them home only. This is not a public intelltual property, it’s our photos so no public IP needed.

What i am looking is

My and familys phones are getting full of pics and videos, so instead of using Google Photos can we upload it our own server at home easily and wirelessly. If need be we can watch them on tv . That’s it.

jkjustjoshing ,

“IP” in this context means “internet protocol address”. A public IP is one that can be accessed from outside your home (what you see when you go to A non-public, or internal, IP is the one your router gives your computer, frequently starting with 192.168. This can be accessed by other computers on your network but not from outside your network.

Rootiest , (edited ) avatar

It’s not a Windows app.

You can run it on Windows with Docker, but I would suggest a Linux server and a reverse proxy for the best experience (like most self-host solutions)

The installation documentation is here

And here

Alborlin ,

Hi Thanks for reply, I would be putting it in zorin os laptop (that is linux) , What do I reserve proxy för ?

helenslunch , avatar

Probably gonna get downvoted for this but there’s a very easy way to get this running.

  1. Copy and paste this command into your terminal:

curl -fsSL | sudo bash

  1. When it’s finished, copy and paste the IP address at the bottom into your browser. This will take you to CasaOS. Don’t ask me why they call it that because it’s not an OS.
  2. Open the App Store and on the right side there’s a button to add a repository. Paste the following in there:…/

  1. Search the app store for Immich and click install.


ad_on_is , avatar

It is great, but the mobile app becomes slow AF when I import all my google photos which are thousands of them. Even after indexing has finished.

Edit: Scratch what I said! Just gave Immich another shot, and the slow mobile app was due to the initial background sync running.

qjkxbmwvz ,

How many photos? It’s a very good user experience for me, with 123GB library (23k+ photos, 1k+ videos). Fairly entry-level Samsung phone and iPhone 13, both work great.

Running on an Orange Pi 5 Plus.

Absolutely love Immich. Was previously running on an RPi 4 w/4GB RAM, but with the other services I had on there I needed to disable ML. Orange Pi 5 Plus (16GB RAM) and it’s just a dream. Kicked off ML/facial recognition before bed and it was done in the morning. Migration from RPi to OPi was straightforward.

sacbuntchris ,

What is different about an Orange Pi compared to a Raspberry Pi? Thinking about taking the plunge into self hosting and I’m looking for something easy and powerful.

qjkxbmwvz ,

Big difference for me between the RPi 5 and orange pi 5 Plus is more RAM and m.2 NVME support on board. It also has four additional efficiency cores and dual 2.5G NICs, but that’s less important to me.

Downside is it has a less polished ecosystem.

Overall though I’ve been happy! But I also love my collection of raspberry pis, so it’s a matter of taste I guess.

My current self hosted setup is my OPi running Immich, an RPi 4 4GB running Home Assistant and Pihole, an RPi 5 4GB “off-site” (with family, via WireGuard VPN), and a VPS with public IP as my entry point from outside. It’s a fun hobby :)

sacbuntchris ,

Thank you!

Father_Redbeard , avatar

I have 1.8TB of pics and videos on my server and it all runs fine in browsers or the app. Perhaps you could look at disabling the machine learning portion of it to save some overhead? For reference, my setup is:

Server - HP Micro server G8 Phone - Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ Tablet - Samsung Galaxy S7+

None of these are high end anymore, hell the server is ancient by computer standards. But I did put a GPU in it for ex hardware transcoding as well as machine learning for Immich.

ad_on_is , avatar

I saw some github issue where someone reported the same.

Trigkey S5 with AMD 5700U and 24GB ram. As I said, it is still slow, even after indexing has finished.

I’d really love to use it. Tested Photoprism, but the mobile app lacks almost everything immich offers.

Father_Redbeard , avatar

Dang, that’s too bad. It really is the best alternative out there.

helenslunch , avatar

Holy shit, this is incredible.

qjkxbmwvz ,

It really is. I absolutely love the shared link functionality, with the ability to easily set an expiration date and manage existing shared links.

It’s made taking pictures a lot more fun for me.

helenslunch , avatar

It even recognizes my Pixel “Top Shots!”. It’s like I just drag and dropped Google Photos into my server! 🤯

electric_nan ,

I wish it didn’t require docker :(

Tangent5280 ,

Why? Is docker hard to use?

electric_nan ,

It’s hard for me. I’ve tried, but not had much success.

Father_Redbeard , avatar

I’m a noob still regarding self hosting (started last year) but maybe I can help? I struggled with it too but eventually got it working on my unraid server and I love it.

electric_nan ,

I appreciate it. I have all my stuff at home running on Yunohost. I’m quite happy with it, but I have tried docker-based projects in the past including dockstarter. I always ended up confused. I don’t have much extra time at the moment for messing with it again, but it’s very kind of you to offer.

Father_Redbeard , avatar

No problem. If you do ever want to get it running I believe it’s in the RunTipi store. That solution is similar to Yunohost in that it aims to make standing up a server with several services easy and available with a “single” click. I tried it and it’s pretty neat. Only thing I didn’t like is how updates to the apps themselves were handled.

electric_nan ,

Awesome, saved.

ad_on_is , avatar

you should really take some time and learn it. It’s a godsend.

sundaylab ,

Same here. I’m using mainly FreeBSD on my servers so docker is a no go due to lack of support. I have to stick with Photoprism for now as it offers a install without docker and it does the job for me. Anyhow, I’m not happy with the trend that most FOSS projects today limit the deployment on docker and do not offer a way of a plain install on you *nix system of choice.

Vex_Detrause ,

I’ve been on my 3rd install of linux mint and immich. I can’t seem to make it work. I can’t mount my second hard drive so immich can see it. I’m gathering up a strength for the 4th install.

Jawa ,

Hey, not sure how in depth your linux/docker knowledge is. Please disregard if irrelevant. I would recommend you pick a fixed mountpoint for the drive and set up a systemd service to mount the drive for you (systemd .mount file). Then you add an extra line “RequiredBy=docker.service” (look for systemd RequiredBy) This way the drive always has to be mounted by the system before docker is started and should always be visible before you start a container.

Hope this helps :)

theshatterstone54 , to linux in Happy new year of the Linux Desktop!

I firmly believe this will be the year of the Wayland Desktop. Everything is shaping up to finishing off the transition for regular people and further stabilisation of the Wayland desktop space.

TornadoRex ,

As someone who dabbles in Linux but is ultimately a regular people, what’s the advantage of this?

theshatterstone54 ,

A unified, bug-free, performant and featureful display stack to ensure people can use things like Variable refresh rate, which, iirc, is an impossibility on X11.

TornadoRex ,

That’s pretty awesome. I imagine this would be a huge advantage with the growth of Linux gaming too

theshatterstone54 ,

Yeah, it could be and it will be

Bogasse , avatar

I suppose the Steam Deck experience would be a bit worse if it wasn’t running on Wayland 👍

visor841 ,

The games on Steam Deck are already running in Wayland using gamescope IIRC

CraigeryTheKid ,

Wait, what? I’m on PopOS, with Nvidia GPU, and my “g-sync” VRR works fine.

theshatterstone54 ,

PopOS uses GNOME which hopefully uses Wayland

CraigeryTheKid ,

I can confirm that PopOS 22.04 is definitely running on X. wayland is officially coming when Cosmic releases.

That said, I see that Wayland is “available” if I want to manually switch to it - but it is definitely disabled as a default (and current) setting.

amju_wolf , avatar

As someone using Wayland on a HiDPI screen it’s not a great experience with legacy apps. You can’t completely rely on application-controlled scaling since not all apps support it and if you switch to system-wide scaling everything looks like crap.

const_void ,

Which apps? I’ve discovered recently Electron apps can enable Wayland support with a command line argument.

amju_wolf , avatar

Just last time it was free:ac; I had to change to system scaling because it would be unreadable otherwise, and that in turn fucked up Steam that I had managed to configure properly before.

Bogasse , avatar

But isn’t that still on par with xorg where you can’t have any fractional scaling?

amju_wolf , avatar

To be fair I haven’t tried. But I believe even at 2x scaling it looked like shit.

priapus ,

Integer scaling works perfectly, even with legacy apps. Fractional scaling works great with native apps.

exu ,

*every application using xWayland looks like crap.

Native Wayland apps work great with fractional scaling.

misophist ,

This won’t be the year of the Wayland desktop for me unless I can afford to replace my Nvidia card this year. I’ll never buy one again, but I’ve still gotta suffer with the one I have a bit longer.

Spectacle8011 , avatar

NVK is looking to be a viable replacement for general desktop computing in a few months, so long as you don’t need NVENC and any of the other stuff.

theshatterstone54 ,

I’d suggest you check out NVK.

patatahooligan , avatar

By the time you’re ready to buy a new card, Nvidia might be working well under wayland. They’ve already made significant changes in the past couple of years, like implementing GBM and hardware accelerated XWayland. To my understanding, this MR will also fix some remaining issues in the future. I don’t know how much more work needs to be done after that, but just the fact they are cooperating with the free software ecosystem is a good sign.

Perhaps more importantly, the free nouveau driver can now experimentally reclock nvidia gpus from the 2000 series and newer. With this breakthrough it is possible that nouveau + nvk will be able to compete with the proprietary driver in the near future. If/when we have a well-supported free driver, we will probably have proper wayland support as well.

I’m not really in a hurry to switch to Nvidia. I’ve been quite happy with my AMD cards so far. But it’s definitely a good thing to have the option to buy from any vendor.

misophist ,

Oh yeah, I’m also keeping a eye on that. Every time I see nvidia pop up in my updates, I try logging into Wayland and doing my usual tasks. If it starts working, that’ll just let me extend the life of this card. I’ll probably still strongly consider switching flavors with my next card.

mlg , avatar

This is what wayland said every year lol.

olafurp ,

KDE 6 will have Wayland by default, on track to release Feb 2024.

azvasKvklenko ,

nobody would say that one year ago far as my memory goes, and it’s reasonable thing to say now. Personally I expected some break-throughs that have happened in 2023 to take much longer.

LeFantome ,


We have been hearing about “The Year of the Linux Desktop” for 20 years I think and Linux has less than 5% share.

In contrast, I do not remember hearing “The Year of the Wayland Desktop” until recently. I have been hearing “Wayland is the future” forever but it has been correct the whole time.

By the time we enter 2025, I am not sure there will be a major desktop environment that does not support Wayland and many distros and DEs will be Wayland by default or even Wayland only. That is already happening. Valve may have ditched X by then and it feels like that is where most new Linux users are going to come from. It seems quite unlikely that Wayland market share on the Linux Desktop will be less than 75%.

I am not saying this is “The Year of the Wayland Desktop” but I would feel foolish publicly betting against it.

java ,

I don’t understand this fetish. Every day I read about problems people have with Wayland, while I’ve been using X for the past 15 years without any issues.

Loucypher ,

Wayland is better at segmenting each app. On X any app could potentially see/record what happen on the entire screen while on Wayland that requires you do manually grant the rights. Similar to how macOS is requesting you to give each app the possibility to record your screen or not.

java ,

That’s an improvement. But risk = impact * probability. Realistically, the probability of installing such an app from repos is virtually non-existent. My point is that Wayland comes with some improvements, but I’ve been seeing comments like the one I replied to for almost 15 years, as if Wayland will revolutionize Linux desktop. It won’t. Probably most users won’t see any difference, except for bugs caused by the migration.

jw13 ,

The probability of abuse is much higher with closed-source applications though. Almost all popular games are closed-source, and many are riddled with ads and spyware.

LeFantome ,

I have been using X since 1992 with lots of issues. I do not understand the fetish with X11 and why people cling to it so tightly.

java ,

If that was true, we would be on Wayland for years. But in reality, it proves minor improvements versus heavy investments to migrate from X. And that’s why it’s still a fetish and not a standard.

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