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UltraMagnus0001 , in Anti-trans Texas pastor arrested after paying undercover cop for sex

These fuckers always hiding as someone in power to control others, meanwhile they’re the ones projecting and can’t leave other alone.

GregorGizeh ,

Technically I don’t think it is projecting as usual. Often it is some anti gay preacher trying to secretly hook up with a gay person or so. This is a trans hater who… Was looking to get with an adult consenting bio woman. I dont think that qualifies, aside from the usual and unsurprising fact that a man of religion does something his religion frowns upon.

lennivelkant ,

It’s not projection, just regular hypocrisy. Almost boring, these days.

mysticpickle , in Justice Thomas failed to reveal more private flights, senator says

Clarence Sale!

All my morals and ethics absolutely MUST GO!!!

Drunemeton , avatar

Please let “Clarence Sale” become a thing internet wide!

MediaBiasFactChecker Bot , in Venezuela’s opposition trounced Maduro, election receipts show

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Media Bias Fact Check | bot support

teamevil , in US supreme court declines to halt Trump’s sentencing in hush-money case

Shut the fuck up Missouri, adults are taking

cybervseas ,

Their argument for standing seems patently absurd. IANAL.

ArbitraryValue ,

Just the way Thomas and Alito like it.

Maggoty ,

Standing, who’s that?

-2024 SCOTUS

Know_not_Scotty_does , in Biden, Harris head to Situation Room as Iran threatens attack on Israel

Someone check the pizza trackers around the Pentagon. If it’s busy, we are in trouble

5wim ,


But I’ve read they have since mitigated the traceability of their pizza eating through various means.

Grimy ,

Someone finally got the green light on the pizza oven in the white house project they’ve been harrassing the budget committee about for five years.

Zorsith , avatar

Man, I can only imagine how much specialized kitchen equipment the Whitehouse has been stocked with over time. I bet they can make fuckin’ anything

FlyingSquid , avatar

When the president wants Thai yellow curry today and menudo tomorrow, you make it for them.

catloaf ,

There’s a comedic bit about that in one of those pulp thrillers. The President keeps trying to trip up the chef by requesting weird stuff, but the kitchen always comes through. But at the end of the book, the President sits down exhausted and just asks for a grilled American cheese sandwich—but they’re out of American.

I’m sure that in reality, if they didn’t have something, they’d send a runner to go pick it up real quick. Or nowadays, maybe doordash.

_stranger_ ,

The U.S. Pizza Industrial Complex solution would be to constantly have a high number of pizza orders being fulfilled by various vendors across the tri state area, filling vast salt mine vaults with a strategic pizza reserve, thereby hiding the signal amongst the noise.

thesporkeffect ,

They absolutely have not, though. They just took down the one guy’s tracker site that went viral

jordanlund , in Hotel to Search Rooms During DEF CON Hacking Conference avatar

“scheduled” - We’re telling you when we’re coming, hide yo’ shit!

OTOH - WTF do they think they’re looking for? I don’t expect hotel staff to know a nefarious device from a multi-port USB hub.

MediaBiasFactChecker Bot , in Attention, jittery investors: Stop panicking … this is what a soft landing should look like.

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Media Bias Fact Check | bot support

abaddon ,

Why does this bot constantly get down voted?

finley ,

Because some people don’t know how to block

Brown5500 ,

Because it’s spouting misleading information from a probably well-intentioned but not well-executed website that seems to be super right-leaning itself

Vent , in Hotel to Search Rooms During DEF CON Hacking Conference

But… it’s cybersecurity. What is a “brief visual and non-intrusive room inspection” even looking for? Anonymous masks? Green terminals with scrolling text? People shouting “enhance” and/or “I’m in”?

adespoton ,

Possibly they’re looking for people assembling their sniper rifles, or trying to ensure that no hotel room gets gutted to become some group’s command HQ with 50 amps of electronics with no shielding sprouting from the wall sockets and clean (de)soldering stations set up alongside an electron microscope?

I know what’s gone on in those hotel rooms in past years, and a lot of it is stuff I wouldn’t want to have to deal with as a hotelier.

friend_of_satan ,

Answering machines, scrabble boards, camouflage laptops, rollerblades.

JonEFive ,


friend_of_satan ,

Too many secrets

Dry_Monk ,

We didn’t start the fire!

xmunk ,

Captain Crunch whistles.

I’ve heard you can bankrupt financial institutions with one of those.

PM_Your_Nudes_Please ,

For those who missed the joke: Payphone hackers (often called phreakers) discovered that a toy whistle from Captain Crunch cereal boxes could easily be modified to play the specific tone that payphones listened for to indicate that a coin had been inserted. Basically, the phone company didn’t know when a coin has been put in, without some sort of signal from the pay phone. And typically, the only lines run to the phone were the actual phone line. So the pay phone would play a specific 2600Hz tone, indicating that a coin was inserted.

Using this toy whistle, you could essentially use payphones for free, and it was entirely untraceable until the company emptied the phone and counted the coins in the collection bin. In an era when cellphones were only for millionaires and were the size of literal bricks the world was almost entirely dependent on pay phones unless you were at home. So this was a major discovery for phreaks, who quickly began experimenting to see what other tones may be used to send signals.

Naturally, the phone companies panicked, and quickly had the cereal company pull the toys from future boxes.

bradorsomething ,

It didn’t need modification, it was naturally the right pitch.

finestnothing ,

I like to say enhance before opening the full file from a thumbnail in feh when showing my wife pictures. She hates it and I will not stop

TexasDrunk ,

She’s a lucky lady.

Warp10Lizard ,

He’s in a hoodie, take him out!

ByteOnBikes ,

Which one, sir? They’re all in hoodies!

BleatingZombie ,

Maybe some Guy Fawkes masks?

DrSleepless , in Justice Thomas failed to reveal more private flights, senator says

It’s corruption turtles all the way down

ceenote , in Justice Thomas failed to reveal more private flights, senator says

Give the poor guy a break, he’s been bribed so many times it’s hard to keep track of it all.

Sterile_Technique , avatar

To that point, is there a wiki or something for all of Justice Thomas’s unethical lapses?

scytale , in Hotel to Search Rooms During DEF CON Hacking Conference

How can an inspection be non-intrusive if it consists of physically entering a guest’s room? As an aside, I was hoping I could attend this year but my company said there wasn’t enough budget 🙄. Whenever I attend Defcon or Blackhat, I stay in hotels not directly within the vicinity of the con because of all the shenanigans.

jordanlund , avatar

Non-Intrusive in that they enter the room, which is their property and they have the right to enter, but they aren’t going through your stuff.

Nougat ,

Renters have rights.

jordanlund , avatar

They do, and you agree to whatever rights are outlined in the rental agreement when you check in and sign the forms.

meco03211 ,

There are rights you can’t give up even by signing them away.

jordanlund , avatar

On private property, you agree to the terms the property owner sets.

meco03211 ,

There are still rights you 100% cannot sign away regardless of what property you are on.

jordanlund , avatar

There are also rights people think they have on private property that they absolutely do not have. ;)

Nougat ,

There is a difference between being a customer in a store and a resident in a rental property.

Tenants have rights.

flyingSock ,

Hotel guests are not the same as tenants in a rental home though.

SloppyPuppy ,

Im pretty sure hotel guests are more close to being customers than a rental resident.

shalafi ,

So you can’t sign away your right to not have your room searched on the owner’s property?

You’re getting upvotes and the other guy down. Based on feelings.

Legal chapter and verse please.

ryannathans ,

Have you used the internet before? That’s how this works

foggy ,

When you give someone the key to property you own for an exchange of money, you indeed lose that explicit right.

So, no. You are incorrect. It is their property, but they gave up the right to enter with less than 24 hrs notice when they sold the keys.

This is by definition, intrusive.

jordanlund , avatar

Spot the person who has never read a hotel rental agreement.

foggy ,

Spot the person who has a fundamental misundertanding of property rights.

Get fucked, my guy. I was polite, but youre returning fightin words.

Google the term “reasonable person” and quickly learn that any such agreement has no legal standing. It’s an agreement. It is not contractual. It is not enforcable.

meco03211 ,

Not the person you’re responding to… but consider your proposal that an unreasonable person Google the definition of a reasonable person. I imagine they won’t come to the correct conclusion.

foggy ,

Well played homie 🥂

hoshikarakitaridia , avatar

Let’s break those contract down: contracts are enforceable. Unless, they interfere with other rights you have and those take priority. How? Well there’s things like conscionability and consideration.

Consideration means, both parties have to get something in return. It can literally be a corn of rice, but it has to be something.

Conscionability means there’s things too egregious to be enforceable through contract law.

For example I can’t sign a contract that I want to be killed by someone else. It gets very complicated, but in it’s most basic form, it is unconscionable to just chalk a death up to freedom, just because you found a contract of the victim stating they want to be killed. The investigation takes priority and a prosecution’s case could be brought in spite of any contract. This render such a contract void.

So what does this fall under? Well there’s a lot of rights that people that rent a property have and that they can enforce against them against the landlords. Some of those rights pierce the veil of the contract and therefore are enforceable in spite of the contract.

Now I am not sure about the rights in this particular situation but there is a solid chance this creates a legal claim against the hotel company.

My point is, both of you are right, but you are getting down voted right now because you are ignoring the the fact that contract law, although very broad, is not absolute, and especially in this case it might be unenforceable.

Obligatory IANAL.

foggy , (edited )

The biggest point of issue, if I were a lawyer, is whether or not these terms were agreed upon (or ‘not’) before or after the point of sale.

hoshikarakitaridia , avatar

I mean yeah if it’s not in the original contract that obv makes it way easier, assuming they didn’t suddenly agree to a second contract mentioning explicitly that.

That is, either terms of the contract can be unenforceable, the whole contract could get voided or the the terms are not in the contract. Any of that means there’s a good chance the hotel is doing illegal things.

And quiet frankly, if I were the hotel I would not try that stuff, and even if I announced this, I wouldn’t follow through.

Way to make your lawyers and bank account work overtime.

Melody ,

I have to point out that they have, indeed, given more than 24 hours notice with the letter they posted. DEF CON hasn’t started yet and they informed the con organizers to inform the attendees with the rooms.

So this is reasonable.

Is it right? Probably not; and they’re probably going to upset a lot of folks. Let’s hope they use discretion and only inspect rooms where they believe something unusual is going on.

BradleyUffner ,

Sounds like they are giving FAR MORE than 24 hours notice to me.

Nindelofocho ,

On that technicality though couldnt anyone just put that notice in the initial contract on any place and then come in anytime? I feel like that wouldnt fly

machinin ,

As a parent, I have the right to enter my kids’ rooms anytime I want. If I don’t do it respectfully, it will definitely be intrusive.

The hotel does have their rights. When they abuse those rights, it becomes intrusive. Rights don’t really have anything to do with feeling that someone is being intrusive.

Fuzzy_Red_Panda ,

How can an inspection be non-intrusive if it consists of physically entering a guest’s room?

“Because we said it was!” - Hotel Management

Orbituary , in Biden, Harris head to Situation Room as Iran threatens attack on Israel avatar

WTAF did they think was going to happen letting Israel act unchecked?

Launch attacks across borders and you fuck with sovereign territory and…checking notes… Those places have a right to defend themselves.

WatDabney ,

Right, but it’s not really a matter of what did they expect from just standing idly by as Israel brazenly tried to provoke military responses fron Lebanon, Syria, Yemen and Iran, since we’re in this bizarre post-truth timeline in which governments and corporate media just blithely pretend that none of that happened at all

All of the versions of this story that I’ve seen so far either pass over Israel’s provocations entirely, or try to bury them by just mentioning them in passing, in passive voice, and with no assignment of responsibility.

The stock phrase is “Iran vows retaliation after the killing of…”

The mid-phrase shift from active to passive voice is propaganda 101.

Orbituary , avatar

Well stated.

cygnus , avatar

WTAF did they think was going to happen letting Israel act unchecked?

Yes, how dare they retaliate to events provoked by Iran? They are going about it terribly, but they were entirely in their rights to do something.

Ab_intra , avatar

Provoked by Iran? I think you should read some history dude. Nothing happens in vacuum and Israels occupation is the sole reason for 7. October. I do not agree with what Hamas did but thinking that anyone would just sit and watch their home be occupied is ignorant at best. The irony being that Israel funded Hamas. They can thank themselves for those deaths to be completely honest.

cygnus , avatar

Israels occupation is the sole reason for 7. October. I do not agree with what Hamas did but

What kind of abuser rationale is this? “Look what you made me do?” That twisted logic is exactly what Israel is using to justify their rampage at the moment. Killing innocent civilians is not OK, full stop.

catloaf ,

Okay maybe Israel should have not been doing that since 1948 then

cygnus , avatar

You should take ab_intra’s advice and read some history. People in the middle east didn’t discover violence in 1948.

Transporter_Room_3 , avatar

There sure is a place that popped up in 1948 that has carte Blanche to do whatever the fuck they want to surrounding areas because they have a trillion dollar war machine mommy that comes calling every time she hears baby cry foul.

I guess you skipped all that in your perusing of Wikipedia summaries.

cygnus , avatar

I can’t take seriously anybody who throws around any single date as the beginning of conflict in the ME.

Transporter_Room_3 , (edited ) avatar

I can’t speak for the other commenter, but I’m not naive enough to think conflict just appeared out of nowhere. It’s come from beefs between historic tribes and stretches back to before people wrote things down.

It’s more like “those cops were just regular people whose families were beating other people up, then someone with a lot more Big Sticks came over and told them they’re now part of a special group who are the only ones allowed to beat people up and gave them a shiny gold star plaque? to prove it”

Only instead of a gold star, it was drawing lines on a map and saying “this is yours, have fun”, and pretending to not see anything negative they do after that.

grue ,

Exactly. Can’t we all just get along… and blame the British?

Transporter_Room_3 , avatar

Personally, I blame Ichthyostega.

All they had to do was just keep swimming. But no, they got a stick up their ass that told them “hey Bro, go on land Bro, surely you will not regret walking on land” and now my ass has to go to work on Monday.

Cryophilia ,

gave them a shiny gold star to prove it


Transporter_Room_3 , avatar

😬 I didn’t even notice, and I’m not sure how nobody else pointed it out yet…

I was thinking “deputy star” not “star of David”

Cryophilia ,

It’s ok, I figured that’s what you meant but there’s better ways to phrase that lol

catloaf ,

Of course not, but there was a people that wasn’t in the middle east doing violence until that period.

cygnus , avatar

Ooof you really went full Nazi on that one, eh?

Psychodelic ,

I’m with you on violence bad, but if you were to consider Nat Turner’s rebellion, where many enslaved Africans escaped their captors and murdered white Americans (including women and children), as justification for slave owning Americans being unjustly brutal towards Africans and prohibiting them from learning to read, most people would justly tell you to fuck off and say those people that thought they could own other human beings based solely on the color of their skin should be condemned for all eternity. Hell they might even say those Africans didn’t kill enough of those evil whites

I’d say, you’ll never achieve peace by attacking the other side, but you can only achieve peace if both sides want it. White Americans in the South during 1938 absolutely did not want peace with African Americans in much the same way Israelis don’t want peace with Palestinians today. It’s oversimplified but this feeling has always gone mostly one way. Black Americans have mostly just wanted peace, they don’t want revenge. The same goes for Palestinians. It’s truly amazing how hard it is/was for many white Americans and Israelis to learn and accept that fact.

cygnus , avatar

I’m with you on violence bad, but if you were to consider Nat Turner’s rebellion, where many enslaved Africans escaped their captors and murdered white Americans (including women and children), as justification for slave owning Americans being unjustly brutal towards Africans and prohibiting them from learning to read, most people would justly tell you to fuck off and say those people that thought they could own other human beings based solely on the color of their skin should be condemned for all eternity. Hell they might even say those Africans didn’t kill enough of those evil whites

I can understand killing their former owner, but not random civilians who had the misfortune of being born white.

Let’s not lose sight of the fact that Hamas tortured and slaughtered hundreds of random civilians at a music festival.

Orbituary , avatar

Maybe you don’t understand it, but that’s exactly what’s happening to the 15 to 25,000 children killed by Israel in retaliation for 7-Oct.

cygnus , avatar

I agree, which is why you’ll note that I’m not defending Israel’s actions. I said they were entitled to do something, but not this. Keep swinging at that strawman, though.

Cryophilia ,

Let’s not lose sight of the fact that Hamas tortured and slaughtered hundreds of random civilians at a music festival.

You: immediately loses sight

Orbituary , avatar

Sure, pal. One evil doesn’t justify another. Get some perspective.

Cryophilia ,
Psychodelic ,

I totally get that. I’m not saying it’s cool or anything. I’m specifically saying if we use that relatively minor **retaliation ** as justification to be 10x worse or 1000x worse then it almost doesn’t matter what the they did because it’s not even comparable.

I’ll be honest, personally, of all the American history I’ve learned I couldn’t care less about what the group led by Nat Turner did to the group literally led by the various presidents of the US. It barely registers. It’s more like random gang violence driven by ignorant, emotional passion, where as what Americans were doing was legit calculated genocide (destroying culture, in this case, since obviously they were still breading people for profit) - it was done methodically and done to maximize profits and political power.

cygnus , avatar

I totally get that. I’m not saying it’s cool or anything. I’m specifically saying if we use that relatively minor **retaliation ** as justification to be 10x worse or 1000x worse then it almost doesn’t matter what the they did because it’s not even comparable.

I agree, and can’t defend what Israel are doing. The irony is that both sides are essentially doing the same thing that they accuse the other of doing. They are both hyper-aggressive, racist zealots. I don’t know what kind of “reset” could make it stop.

I’ll be honest, personally, of all the American history I’ve learned I couldn’t care less about what the group led by Nat Turner did to the group literally led by the various presidents of the US. It barely registers. It’s more like random gang violence driven by ignorant, emotional passion, where as what Americans were doing was legit calculated genocide (destroying culture, in this case, since obviously they were still breading people for profit) - it was done methodically and done to maximize profits and political power.

I’m not American and never heard of this incident until today, so I can’t provide an informed comment. I think I agree with your assessment in general, other than the killing of innocents. I understand why they did it but I can’t condone it.

WanderingVentra ,

They are not doing the same thing at all. One group is defending their home, trying to survive, living under an occupation with a horrible life, no state, no support, and are constantly losing their home, while the other side is spreading, taking their homes, and trying to do a genocide and prevent the other side from having a state. It’s two completely different things.

nonailsleft ,

They are both trying to put a genocide on eachother since the 1920’s

What you’re seeing is a looong stretched religious territorial conflict. Sometimes it lasts a year. Sometimes it lasts centuries

Cryophilia ,

most people would justly tell you to fuck off

You need better friends if any of them condone the murder of children in any circumstances.

Psychodelic ,

If they were justifying slavery because a few dudes killed some kids?

Uhh… I don’t think you understoood what I wrote.

I’m specifically saying it doesn’t matter how many kids one mob of people killed in comparison to the sanctioning and proliferation of chattel slavery for the sole purpose of increasing profits for a few wealthy white men.

Personally, if someone told me ‘yeah, slavery was bad but there was this one group of slaves that killed a bunch of kids so actually slavery was kinda justified.’ Well, I’d have to disagree and I’d tell them to stop talking to me. And then I’d think what a … (censored so I don’t get banned)

Cryophilia ,

in comparison

Who the fuck said anything about a comparison? Killing children is bad. Full stop. Like seriously, just stop there. No comparisons, no deflections, no justifications. No other issues required.

Killing. Children. Is. Bad.

Ridiculous I have to spell that out, what the fuck is wrong with y’all.

Psychodelic ,

Uh I did. That was the whole point of my comment. I made a comparison to the situation going on in Israel. Why did you reply to my comment if you don’t care what I’m talking about and don’t care to understand?

That’s a rhetorical question. I’m blocking you now because you’re being disrespectful and I don’t care enough to educate you or satisfy your need for attention

Cryophilia ,

Yeah fuck you too, ya fucking child murder apologist.

gedaliyah , avatar

"Israel funded Hamas” has to be one of the most backwards takes I’ve seen repeated here.

By that you mean that Israel eased restrictions according to an agreed upon schedule approved by international facilitators, allowed access to more construction materials, and issued more work and travel visas to Gazans. In other words, exactly the things that Palestinian people advocated for.

Ab_intra , avatar

Do your research. This has been a hidden secret in the international community for decades. Isreal did fund them to keep the tension high between them and the Palestinian authority. When even the foreign menister of my own country confirmed this I was really surprised as well. But nothing should really supprise anyone about this conflict. It’s in Isreals interest to keep this conflict on going.

I respect that you got another opinion but maybe you should look into it and see that it is true. I don’t spread misinformation, that is the worst thing I know about. I try to always have my fact straight.

gedaliyah , avatar

If you take a moment to actually look into these claims that Israel funded Hamas, you’ll find that it’s exactly what I’m describing.

Please, send me a source that describes exactly what Israel did - not an out of context quote, not a vague accusation, but what specific actions or mechanism Israel used to help Hamas. You will find only actions that Palestinian advocates were calling for.

It’s easy to start from the point of view that Israel is bad and deserves everything that happens to them. It’s a lot harder to look at objective facts and think critically for yourself.

WanderingVentra ,

They literally enabled suitcases full of cash into Hamas from Qatar. And he’s said in public statements, it’s important to keep Hamas strong to balance the Palestinian Authority and prevent a Palestinian state.

gedaliyah , avatar

As I said, they allowed international aid, on an approved schedule. Or do you think that the ruling party of Gaza should not be allowed to move money they raised for the people of Gaza into the strip?

Hamas already raised the money and it was facilitated by Qatar.

Israel is criticized for keeping funds out of Gaza and for letting funds into Gaza? Does that really make sense, or is that what a pundit told you to think?

RIPandTERROR , avatar

Normally in football, they keep the goal posts still.

gedaliyah , avatar

Exactly right:

Palestinian activists: Israel needs to ease border restrictions and allow more goods and funds into Gaza!

Israel: (Does that)

Palestinian activists: Why are you helping Hamas??

WanderingVentra ,

What? That’s not what happened in that article at all. These weren’t public aid funds being sent to Gaza intercepted by Hamas, or whatever you are trying to say. These were secret payments given to Hamas that Israel found out about and allowed anyway so that the terrorist group could be strengthened against the then legitimate government of Palestinian. Suitcases of cash aren’t for legit payments lol.

gedaliyah , avatar

Hamas is the ruling body in Gaza. Where do you think donations go? Who do you think is receiving them on the other end?

This was the first step of easing restrictions as a show of good faith. It was literally allowing money that people had donated to Gaza enter Gaza.

Hamas agreed to cool the rocket attacks on Israeli civilians, and Israel agreed to begin easing border restrictions.

Don’t take it from me, here is AP News:

The Qatari aid went to some 100,000 needy families and to pay the salaries of civil servants in the Hamas-run government.

WanderingVentra ,

That was what Netanyahu said out loud but he’s also a known liar. You’re ignoring the other statements with their true intentions.

As far back as December 2012, Mr. Netanyahu told the prominent Israeli journalist Dan Margalit that it was important to keep Hamas strong, as a counterweight to the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank. Mr. Margalit, in an interview, said that Mr. Netanyahu told him that having two strong rivals, including Hamas, would lessen pressure on him to negotiate toward a Palestinian state.

Shlomo Brom, a retired general and former deputy to Israel’s national security adviser, said an empowered Hamas helped Mr. Netanyahu avoid negotiating over a Palestinian state.

“One effective way to prevent a two-state solution is to divide between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank,” he said in an interview. The division gives Mr. Netanyahu an excuse to disengage from peace talks, Mr. Brom said, adding that he can say, “I have no partner.”

Bezalel Smotrich, a far-right politician who is now Mr. Netanyahu’s finance minister, put it bluntly in 2015, the year he was elected to Parliament.

“The Palestinian Authority is a burden,” he said. “Hamas is an asset.”

There’s video clips and everything.

Goodmorningsunshine ,

The year is 2057. Israel sits upon the ashes of the rest of the world. “If only they had stopped provoking us,” it whispers into the emptiness.

I guess that’s actually Israel’s wet dream.

Kecessa ,

Now if only US citizens are able to apply the same logic to guns…

“What did you think would happen by arming people to the point where there would be more guns than people in your country?”

5wim ,

Lol bad take

Cryophilia ,

Oh god here’s the clown car of obsessed single issue voters.

Speaking of, where’s “fuckcars” to try and make war in the middle east about bicycles somehow?

nutsack ,

Israel wants the escalation

Cryophilia ,

Netanyahu especially in particular.

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