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lobut , in Hey, maybe poor people don't deserve to starve?

If you don’t let people starve. They’ll learn to be lazy and it’ll be the downfall of our society! /s

we should also get rid of the inheritance tax so I can make sure even more generations of my family will never need to work and be lazy! /s

BeigeAgenda , avatar

Yes we need the society to look like Hercule Poirot’s England where you had to wait for your uncle to die, or help them on the way, to get some inheritance.

HipsterTenZero , in Spices too avatar

I once had a coworker who just took a bite out of a raw onion right in front of me. They were completely unfazed, like it was an apple or something. I’m still a little emotionally scarred.

Damage ,

Was he Eastern European?

HipsterTenZero , avatar

No, I don’t think so. He was a younger guy from the southern US, if I remember correctly. Is that something east europeans do on the regular??

Schmoo ,

Younger guy from the southern US here, I have done this just to fuck with people. I’m just not very sensitive to the “bite” onions are supposed to have. I can chop quite a few of them before my eyes start to water.

EmergMemeHologram ,

Your cutting technique can make a huge difference too, avoid cutting the base and there’s less of that sticking l chemical released

xX_fnord_Xx ,

It sounds like an old wives tale, and maybe I’m naturally resistant, but if I consistently press my tongue to the roof of my mouth as I chop onions, I do not cry.

Anecdotal, of course.

nevemsenki ,

As an eastern european, we eat everything with onions and garlic. Hell, I even eat onions on their own time to time, it tastes good.

thumbman ,

Southern guy probably was eating a Vidalia onion. The soil is low in sulfur, I believe, and has a more neutral acidity, so the onion is pretty uniquely sweet. I heard one older southerner call them dirt apples.

drcobaltjedi ,

There are actually onions that you can do that with. I think the soil where those are grown is low on sulfer or something so the onion cant make the chemical responsible for making your eyes water.

Sigh_Bafanada ,

I’ll usually eat a could wee chunks of an onion after I dice it up, and the other day I was surprised by how palatable the onion was that I was eating. Normally I enjoy eating a couple tiny pieces raw, but this was an onion I could see myself taking a big ol bite out of

GlitterInfection ,
leanleft , avatar


OhStopYellingAtMe , avatar

My grandfather used to eat vidalia onions like apples. They’re pretty sweet & mild.

Got_Bent ,

I had a surly paternal grandmother who seemed to revel in making the lives of children miserable.

When I was about four years old, I asked for a snack, and she gave me a raw onion.

I sat at the kitchen table and ate the entire fucking thing like it was the sweetest piece of fruit known to history, staring her in the eye the whole time.

If I had been just a little bit older and thought of it, I would’ve asked her for another one.

She died when I was seven. My reaction to this, as she lived in Washington State, was, “Does that mean we get to see Mount Saint Helens?” as the volcano had gone off just a couple weeks prior.

feedum_sneedson ,

That would have given me stomach cramps that made me pray for death.

wren , avatar

Do you happen to work at a mid-sized paper company?

LilB0kChoy ,

No, that was a potato… or a beet.

wren , avatar

But you gotta admit, it’s a very Creed thing to do

niktemadur ,

I once knew a guy who peeled and ate a full garlic like one would do with an orange or mandarin, while walking and talking casually.

EmergMemeHologram ,

Like a clove, or the entire head of garlic?

menemen , avatar

When I was a child we often had peeled garlic on the table for me to snack on it during dinner. I must have smelled hideously.

Simulation6 ,

Sweet onions were consider a desert by the Romans and they would eat them like we do apples.

NotMelon , in Target Acquired

Who exactly are they eliminating? Their customers or international first class tickets? Or maybe both?

gaael ,

One would hope they end their international flights, regardless of the ticket class.

tostiman , avatar

Yes, thats the joke

Hupf ,

Also what about the first class seats?

MNByChoice ,

In First Class you stand.

AnUnusualRelic , avatar

So much leg room!

jaamesbaxterr ,

Pilots choice

words_number , in oh no Germany what is u doin

The “journalism” about israel/gaza here in germany is a complete shame across the board. German media, even (or especially) the publicly funded media, literally try to hide the discussions that the rest of the world is having about this war. Things like these:…/…

And of course they are failing. Also, whenever something happens that they can’t ignore, they use euphemisms to describe war crimes of the israli side instead of just stating the facts. Many journalists are literally scared to lose their jobs if they report to honestly about this conflict. It’s insane.

Gradually_Adjusting , avatar

Journalists who are afraid of speaking truth to power are not doing their job. I would tell them “Get fired if you must, fuck your job - you’re a journalist, not a lobby boy.”

Bassman1805 ,

Suuuuuper easy to say when it’s not your ability to pay rent on the line.

Gradually_Adjusting , avatar

Some jobs are not a mere job, they are a societal need and a calling. Should we accept doctors who would prefer to keep their job if it meant giving substandard care?

That’s an extreme example maybe, but given the state of corporate news media and the effect it’s had on society, I’ll stand by it.

kamenlady , avatar

We can all make valid points here and there, at the end of the day there’s gotta be food on the table.

Gradually_Adjusting , avatar

It does rather underpin the value of strong social safety nets, doesn’t it? When the only way to survive is to keep your job, it’s not essentially different than forced labor.

kamenlady , avatar

I agree. At the moment i am keeping my job, but would rather take a small timeout, like 3 months. Just relax and take my time to think things over. The pandemic took everything i had set aside and the inflation has me spending my whole salary for the month. I could only quit this job if i already have another starting the next day, there’s no way to spend even a week without income.

So, yeah atm it feels like forced labor.

Bartsbigbugbag ,

That’s why I say, fuck a UBI, we need a UBO, Universal Basic Outcome.

urshanabi , (edited ) avatar

I’m sorry, why do you in particular have some keen insight or experience or knowledge which allows you to speak for these folks anymore than the other commenter?

EDIT: I should clarify, it would be very very easy to not do this; there, I did it now, there I didn’t do it again, I can keep this going. Can you specify why in-and-of-itself supporting an unambiguous apartheid regime and settler-colonial state engaged in documented genocide over decades is not, again, in-and-of-itself enough to not support or write on or for it??

MrVilliam ,

He was a lobby boy, she said “lose your jobby, boy.” He wasn’t good enough for her.

Now he’s gone apologist, so she turned and balled her fist. Fascism shouldn’t get support.

Roflmasterbigpimp , avatar

The German Media is funded by via a fee and is controlled by an NGO.

And I have no Idea what you are talking about, Deutschland Funk talks about the death in Palestine quite often. And how Israel is not tunening down their Attacks and how Shipments of Aid being blocked.

They report very neutral you could even say emotionless. Because they have no need for seeking attention or shock Images because they don’t need to sell their News and Articles.

Trust me, we are very well informed on what is going on in Gaza and how Israel is starving the Region while bombing it to shred. Our News network is pretty good only our politicians seem unwilling to talk about this

The public-funded-Media does a good job there!


words_number ,

Man muss zwischen “innerem” und “äußerem” Mainstream unterscheiden. Der innere Mainstream sind z.B. viel verkaufte Tageszeitungen, sowie Fernsehnachrichten, “politische” Talkshows und vielleicht Nachrichten bei Unterhaltungsradiosendern. Deutschlandfunksendungen, sowie Investigativformate (Monitor, Frontal 21, Panorama,…) leisten oft sehr gute Arbeit, aber fliegen verhältnismäßig unter dem Radar. Ich finde es berechtigt, die quotenstarken öffentlichrechtlichen Abendnachrichten (Tagesthemen, Heute) im Fernsehen mit anderen Ländern zu vergleichen (z.B. BBC, PBS, CNN) und in diesem Vergleich zeigt sich sehr deutlich, wie das Thema in Deutschland komplett anders und sehr einseitig behandelt wird.

Ich gebe dir recht, was den DLF betrifft, der rettet die Öffentlichrechtlichen in der Hinsicht immer, dass die sagen können “guck, wurde doch berichtet” wenn jemand Kritik übt. Also wer sich informieren will, kann das hier auf jeden Fall auch in den Deutschen Medien, aber die quotenstärksten Formate, die die allgemeine Diskussion von Themen am meisten prägen sind in vielerlei Hinsicht beschämend schlecht.

Roflmasterbigpimp , avatar

(Ah Gott sei Dank du sprichst deutsch! Eine Diskussion auf englisch darüber ist etwas knifflig zumal es kaum Artikel über die deutsche Medienlandschaft auf englisch gibt 😂)

Bei mir ist es vielleicht genau deswegen umgekehrt 🤔 Ich schaue kein Fernsehen und somit auch nicht Tagesschau und bekomme daher meine Nachrichten eher vom DLF und deren Unterformaten. Daher bin ich und die meisten meiner Freunde sehr darüber informiert. Aber in der Tagesschau usw. kommt dazu nichts?

words_number ,

Geht mir genau so. Ich informiere mich hauptsächlich über Podcasts und höre auch gerne DLF Sendungen als Podcast (Nachrichten, Der Tag, Hintergrund, manchmal auch Kontrovers). Wenn ich mal Abendnachrichten oder auch politische Talkshows im Fernsehen sehe, platzt mir aber regelmäßig der Kragen.

  1. wegen dem vielfach widerlegtem Schwachsinn, der dort faktenbasierten Argumenten scheinbar ebenbürtig gegenüber steht und
  2. U.A. im Falle dieses Konfliktes, wegen der sehr einseitigigen Berichterstattung, welche sich immer in der gewählten Sprache und oft auch in der Auswahl und Gewichtung der Themen ganz klar zeigt. Wie gesagt, es ist, als würden die Versuchen, unvermeidbare Diskussionen, die sowieso auf der ganzen Welt geführt werden, sowie schwierige, ambivalente Bewertungen, von den Deutschen Zuschauer*innen fernzuhalte. Dadurch soll wohl ein möglichst geschlossenes Weltbild vermitteln und den Leuten (größtenteils im fortgeschrittenen Rentenalter) die Welt erklärt werden, anstatt ihnen die Möglichkeit zu geben, sich eine Meinung zu bilden und sich weiter zu informieren. Ich vermute, dass eine der Ursachen dafür ist, dass diese Art von Nachrichten höhere Einschaltquoten bringen, was auch die Öffis nicht ganz ignorieren können.

Ziemlich gut diskutiert und anhand von Clips gezeigt (auch im Vergleich zu internationalen anderen Medien), wurde das im Aufwachen!-Podcast, Folgen 456 und 457. Die Podcasts sind sehr lang, haben aber Kapitelmarken. Dazu sei noch erwähnt, dass diverse Redakteur*innen aus den Öffis, denen das selbst auffällt, die aber dagegen nichts ausrichten können, die Podcaster in ihrer Betrachtung bestärkt und ihnen für das Aufzeigen des Problems gedankt haben. Natürlich nicht öffentlich, denn das Thema ist in Deutschland einfach ein Minenfeld.

GenEcon ,

Thats simply incorrect. For example ‘Deutschlandfunk Der Tag’ did a long series (~5 hours) about the impact of the war on Palestinians living under Hamas occupation during the war and their feelings towards Israel. They even did a Meta-report ‘How much attention does the dying in Gaza get in german media’ where they interviewed Salma Abuzaina, a Palestine activist in germany.

Maybe you just don’t consume public funded media if you haven’t heard any report about it. The conflict between reporting on Palestinian deaths and Isreali deaths without negating the suffering of any of the parties is a huge topic in german media.

words_number ,

See my other german comment for a reply to exactly that. I know that DLF is mostly doing a good job but that’s not my point. Sorry, but its to tedious for me to keep discussing this in english.

Seraph , in We are doing again? avatar

Couldn't get far enough, just used the thumbnail.

LemmyKnowsBest ,

Yes this is fascinating because the thumbnail is undeniably clear, but the bigger and closer you get, it’s indecipherable.

funkless_eck ,

I had to turn my phone angled away from my face so I’m looking more at the volume buttons than the screen

sxan , avatar

Thank you.

univers3man ,

You’re totally right. That was the only way I saw it.

Jax ,

Unfocusing your eyes works as well.

idunnololz , avatar

I just squinted.

thorbot ,

I just turned my eyeballs inside out, easy

Leakrate ,

This worked, thanks!

BrownTree33 ,

I moved my phone randomly from left to right, and that worked for me.

henfredemars , in Dating

I literally asked my wife to marry me on the first date and she said yes. Getting right to the point is a woman after my own heart. Neither of us have ever dated before or, naturally, since.

We’ve been together for ten years.

We are also on the spectrum so that may have been a factor.

SpaceNoodle ,

Yeah that was a major factor

Sprokes ,

Why marriage? Can’t you just start living together first?

Asking someone to marry you on the first is just stupid. Many things could not work out and marriage is a big thing. Imagine spending time and money and then find out that you are not fit together. Then you live a miserable life or fill for a divorce.

henfredemars ,

We did–After we agreed to get married, because we were quite sure, but at the same time we didn’t want to impose such a stark change right away in case the change would exceed one’s ability to cope with change which could lead to panic, meltdowns, etc. Neither of us handle change very well. We didn’t actually get married immediately of course. She packed up a pod and moved in next. It was months before.

We also talked about having kids right away. Not having them right away! But we talked about it immediately, I think like five minutes in, because isn’t it important to know?

As a counterpoint: nothing in life is without risk. I’ve seen friends take it slow and end up divorced, too.

idunnololz , avatar

The tax benefits tho :o

henfredemars ,

No kidding. My employer has top quality health insurance too, and in the USA that’s a seriously big deal when your prospective partner has a health condition.

MonkderZweite ,

Why marriage? Can’t you just start living together first?

Or not marry at all?

Kusimulkku ,


Twelve20two , in No take backs?

I feel so bad for Laurence Fishburne. This pic does him dirty. It’s got him looking like the cenobite Butterball

SnipingNinja ,

That’s what not being a human battery does to you

!This propaganda was bought to you by the machines!<

TheBat , avatar
Twelve20two ,

And singing opera, no less! Thank you for sharing. That makes the picture make way more sense

rotopenguin , avatar

Kudos to whoever found the one frame out of a hundred thousand where Fishburne isn’t looking like a total badass.

Lmaydev , in Don't recall ever having this explained to me...

They’ve actually found that trans individuals have brain structures that match their identity rather than their sex at birth.

So while the way genders are supposed to act is a social construct, gender is very much biological as well.

The truth is at this stage we don’t fully understand it.

GeneralVincent ,

I’d love to learn more about that, do you have a source I can go to read more?

Lmaydev ,
GeneralVincent ,

Thank you, that’s some great reading. Very… dense haha I’m far from a biologist or scientist of any kind so I’m doing quite a bit of googling but some great info in there

rbesfe ,

That doesn’t back up your claim at all, the evidence is still incredibly weak and the sample sizes are all very small

Lmaydev ,

It does back up my claim we’ve found evidence of it in trans people. I also explicitly said we don’t understand it yet.

IzzyJ , avatar

Sample sizes can only get so big when studying less than a percentage of the population

Facebones ,

Considering the only evidence the other camp has is “the Bible” and “their feels,” Ima take it. 🤷

OurToothbrush , (edited )

Before people start thinking there is an innately male or female brain, please remember that environmental conditions including social ones influence the way the brain is structured due to neuroplasticity.

And think about how boys are encouraged to eat and girls are encouraged to watch their weight, and how child body growth relies on building up periodic fat reserves in order to happen, and you need to eat a lot of protein when building muscle mass, and what the physical implications for that are and how it contributes to our social definition of sex. And how that contributes to cis women being more vulnerable to physical violence.

PotjiePig , in yellow guy
cypherpunks , avatar

i thought this might fit but the first episode was 1969 so it doesn’t really

No_Ones_Slick_Like_Gaston ,
samus12345 , avatar

Only from one year earlier, in 1968. 1966 if you want to count the song, which is a bit better.

TheRedSpade ,

Didn’t the Simpsons first air in '89?

samus12345 , avatar

Yes, but Bart’s first appearance was on the Tracy Ullman show in 1987, Woodstock first appeared in 1967, and Spongebob did in 1999. Just splitting hairs at that point.

Sauciflord , in Cope harder pasta eaters/s avatar

From an European perspective, it has always been a point of divergence with my American friends and colleagues. They always want the fattier, more sugar-full version arguing there’s more taste and it’s “real food”, but in our point of view it taste like junk and don’t compete a second with a home-made traditional one (and are pricier !).

Rustmilian , avatar

Sugar is overrated AF.

Vode_An OP ,

Sugar is the devil. The devil is actually quite sweet. I also enjoy putting the devil in my mouth.

SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

Have you ever blown the devil in the pale moonlight?

Vode_An OP ,

More of broad daylight in a dog park situation. Thank god for the staffing issues at the local PD

SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

Is the local PD the devil you blow?

Vode_An OP ,

I have standards.

SeekPie ,

Proffessionals have standards

vzq ,

That. Unless Domino’s has a completely different pricing strategy in the US, They are the expensive option.

I like eating dominos once in a while, it’s a great sweet fatty snack, but it’s not cheaper.

Vode_An OP ,

It’s the second cheapest here if you for something you don’t cook at home after buying it frozen.

Little Ceaser’s would give an Italian aneurysm, buts like 5 bucks for a week of calories.

AngryCommieKender ,

Little Caesars isn’t a pizza company. That’s just a bonus. They’re actually a distribution company


Can’t speak for the US as a whole but everywhere I’ve lived Domino’s is the cheapest. I can get a medium 2 topping pizza at dominoes for $6.99. We have 3 family run traditional pizza places within driving distance of where I live, for a 2 topping medium pizza they cost: $14.75, $15.99, or $18.99.

AngryCommieKender ,

Little Caesars, but they’re cheating as the pizza is mostly an afterthought. They’re actually a distribution company.

Hexarei , avatar

Little Caesars: It’s hot and ready!

Us: Is it good?

LC: It’s hot, and it’s ready.

rambaroo , (edited )

Domino’s is way cheaper than an actual Italian pizza in the US.

It’s also shit pizza, I’d rather buy a frozen one and put my own stuff on it. Then it’s cheaper and better.

Vode_An OP ,

That’s my point about Italy having better ingredients. The assembling of the ingredients is the issue. This is why authentic Italian-American pizza is the best. The bougie places shell out for imported ingredients and cook them in the American style.

AnagrammadiCodeina ,

Im not saying you should go to naples to try the real one, but have you at least ever been to Italy?

sudoshakes ,


Just this month I was there and the pizza is a different concept there to be sure.

Street pizzas of thinly sliced zucchini or potato covering bread rounds with olive oil. That’s pizza in Rome.

Focaccia bread like crust with some anchovies and potatoe? Pizza.

Neapolitan style is just a different style again, but the theme is dough is not the delivery agent, it is the primary purpose. The dough is the important bit, with toppings being intended to enhance subtle flavors for it.

Italian pizza is most similar in American expectations of food typically found there, to flatbread dishes. It’s flatbread with some stuff on top to accent it. There is no cheese on most of the pizza I had in the various parts of Italy I was in. Cheese was not an expected component. Healthy or at least flavorful variations on additions to the dough are the goal.

Whether you are in Sardinia, Calabria, or Rome; pizza is pizza dough with local additives.

I have seen French fries on top of pizza in Sardinia, and this was called there “American pizza” :)

Vode_An OP ,

I have not been to Italy, but I have made several of the authentic recipes used as reference in “Modernist Pizza”. I know it’s called modernist, but they go back to the roots before rebuilding.

I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys food history and techniques regardless of their desire to cook at home.

AnagrammadiCodeina ,

And you really think Domino’s is better? I believe the quality of the ingredients used are very, very different. With Domino’s specifically I only had bad experience and only in Europe, but when I was in NYC I tried some slice of NY style pizza and it was ok. But for me it was just a normal pizza like thousands I can have randomly around Italy.

Vode_An OP ,

It was authentic pizza that convinced me it’s true people eat with their eyes. Just deeply off putting and lacking in symmetry.

Of course it’s better if I put on the completely serious no fun hat. One is a chain the other is not. No such thing as a chain that’s better than non-chain. One is all about consistency and cost-cutting whereas the other is constantly judged solely on quality, usually with only a single shot at it.

Katana314 ,

When I was in Venice I only tried a Diavolo at a local restaurant. It certainly could be my American expectations but nothing amazed me about it; definitely feel like a bit more could be done to mesh the ingredients. Or, maybe my American brain just craved sweeter, cheesier stuff.

Then again, I went to Germany and the bread there was fantastic compared to America, so unless they boarded the sugar train it feels like there must be something that can be done right with good ingredients.

Vode_An OP ,
ToxicWaste ,

Venice is a hard place. Pretty much every restaurant is a tourist trap. For good food it is better to have different appetizer sized things in bars and trattorias. Didn’t find a single sit down classical restaurant with good food for reasonable price.

sxan , in No I won't feel bad about having ad blockers avatar

The entire fucking web worked with no ads for literally years. I do not feel bad, and won’t lament if companies can’t afford to pay people to cram even more JavaScript into web pages.

Sorry, web developers. Your masters are making you do evil things. It isn’t your fault, but I hate your jobs.

killeronthecorner , avatar

There were less than 200 websites in 1993 when the first paid ad was introduced shortly thereafter. There were over 100k websites by the end of 1995.

So you’re kind of right, but ads have been part of the Internet for 30 years. And half of the internet that we know today wouldn’t have survived if this wasn’t the case.

sxan , avatar

Half of he internet is shit, so - again - I personally would not lament its loss. My mom, who lives in games like Farmville these days, probably would, but she’d probably be healthier and happier if she took up knitting again.

killeronthecorner , avatar

I concur. There’s a sweet spot for ads where they are mostly tolerable. We haven’t been in it for a long time though.

Kecessa ,


August 1991 the web was made available to CERN, 1993 was the year it truly became open to the public and ads were introduced the same year…

I mean, I guess they were technically right? But it’s the same as the “cable didn’t have ads” bullshit people keep saying…

Geek_King ,

I think the difference was, they were just side banners and that’s it. They didn’t have all this insane tracking, data analysis, metrics, and knowing everything about you bullshit they do now.

TheBat , avatar

So you’re kind of right, but ads have been part of the Internet for 30 years.

And so have been adblockers.

Kecessa ,

Well, if you don’t mind losing all online content that’s more than a couple mb in size then sure, what you’re saying makes sense… Safely hosting over 1 billion videos costs money and people don’t want to pay for it directly so…

BlemboTheThird ,

Tens of millions of people can and do pay. This isn’t about covering costs, this is about making line go up faster than last year, every year, no matter what.

Kecessa ,

And there’s even more people that don’t…

80m premium subscribers, 2.7b monthly users… Do you really think that’s sustainable without having a secondary source of revenue? Because I don’t know that many businesses that survive from 3% paying customers…

That’s just for YouTube, but there are other websites that host content that wouldn’t be sustainable without ads and that would need to switch to a paid subscription format.

Is it so hard to admit that there’s something unusual about expecting websites to run out of the pocket of the owners/employees when we don’t expect real world businesses to do so?

BlemboTheThird ,

Do you really think that’s sustainable

At $15 a month? Yeah totally. The vast majority of that 2.7 billion probably cost a few cents at most to offer service to. Very few people actually upload anything and streaming video is way cheaper than the various streaming services would have you believe. It’s expensive to get off the ground, sure, but it scales well.

Kecessa ,

Repeat after me, Google isn’t the only provider that hosts a lot of content.

Would you like it if the majority of websites became pay per use or subscription only?

henrikx ,

It’s probably worth noting that this has a lot to do with VCs pumping in a seemingly unlimited amount of funding for services that aren’t profitable yet but has potential to be later. Hence why Twitter is still a thing despite running at a loss for almost its entire lifetime.

erogenouswarzone , in Seriously spends $80 to drive 20km.. avatar

I am that uncle. I’m just doing what I have to to survive.

If I could buy a new car I would. I’d get an electric, self-driving pleasure machine, but no way I can afford it.

Maybe when this thing breaks down (it’s already 15 yrs old).

spicytuna62 , avatar

No problem with that. I think the meme is referring to people who spent 100k on outlandishly large and glitzy trucks to spend 100% of their lives on paved suburban streets.

Cannibal_MoshpitV3 ,

Complete with lift kit doing 98 on the freeway

blanketswithsmallpox ,

Dont forget to tailgate then hang next to the car you were tailgating for a few moments before flying past you just to end up at the same stop light down the road.

spicytuna62 , avatar

All while never looking up from the phone.

kautau ,

“Bro you won’t believe this idiot on the highway who wouldn’t get out of the way of my truck”

ChickenLadyLovesLife ,

I’m a school bus driver and many of my fellow drivers talk or surf on their phones while driving fucking kids around. It’s illegal and every moment on our buses is recorded (audio and video) but somehow nothing is said or done about this by the people in charge.

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

There’s likely already a shortage of drivers and they can’t get more because they don’t pay enough. Blow the whistle. It’ll end up getting you paid more if you can stay secret. If not, they’ll fire you and you can sue and get paid A LOT more.

Globulart ,

I imagine they’ll do something once a bus full of kids drives into a river or off a bridge.

HooPhuckenKarez ,

My sister in-law? Broke as fuck, came across a windfall from an accident that never came up before, spent more than a third of it on... a fucking F-150 platinum. Still deep in debt, living in low income housing, doesn't have a job.

WetBeardHairs ,

She won’t have a truck soon, either.

HooPhuckenKarez ,

They don't get it. They won't get it, until they get it.

Never gonna get it, never gonna get it.
Never gonna get it... WOOT woot whoot woouhoouhoo.

HenriVolney ,

You could switch to a small cheap sedan

JDubbleu ,

It’s a gamble to get a used car you know nothing about when you have a truck you know is at least a bit reliable. My family grew up playing used car roulette and it’s pretty damn hard to come out ahead in this scenario. Best to run the thing until it dies while saving up for a new or like new vehicle.

HenriVolney ,

Makes completely sense to drive your car to the tomb. I live in Europe and try my best to dodge European cars. I’ve been lucky with my used Prius since 2014, aiming at keeping it as long as possible

rbesfe ,

Picking the right used car is important, my 2008 civic I got in 2018 is still chugging

NotSoCoolWhip ,

Learn about cars first and it isn’t a gamble.

JDubbleu ,

I know a ton about cars, but short of taking the motor apart there’s only so much you can glean from a drive and quick once over.

NotSoCoolWhip ,

Then you don’t know cars as well as you say you do, because you can check for a whole lot more than that without pulling the engine lmao. Maybe stick to the dealership if you don’t feel like you can effectively evaluate it’s condition.

Acrimonious ,

Switching costs money. From what he said money might be tight. I buy and sell my own vehicles. It is a job. Most prefer to give up a few grand to not have to do it (you never get paid full market value on a trade in). Even if someone decided to do it themselves they run the risk of losing big time if they’re inexperienced. Even though I’ve been doing it for years even I lose on some of these. When I lose, it’s usually close to the cost of the vehicle. I can afford that and in the end I average out really well.But the majority of people can’t do that. I get all the hate new big trucks get and I agree. As someone who works in construction I wish station wagons would make a come back. But it’s really easy to say “just do x y or z” it’s not so easy to do.

HenriVolney ,

I get your feeling. It’s a shame the market is built so that people buy more and more useless guga-trucks while most people would do perfectly well with a small family car.

SuperSpruce ,

A motorcycle is cheap, fuel-efficient, and fun.

snowadv ,

And totally not safe for everyday driving to me. Even if the biker himself is a good one ,dumbass right next to him might crush him any second

kautau ,

Yeah even in just local traffic, your body really doesn’t do well against a jarring 30mph throw or tons of solid steel pressing up against you. I’ve thought about buying a cheap motorcycle to go to the stores near me for awhile (Yes, I’m in the US. Yes, there’s no public transportation. Yes, I own a car) but honestly seeing drivers around me just driving my car once a week makes me not want to do it

Globulart ,

My brother was riding his motorbike when a car turned across his path having not seen him, he was doing 30mph and was launched off the bike, flew over the car, and landed directly on his elbow.

9 hours of surgery rebuilding his arm and now it’s half metal and has about 30-45 degrees of movement. There was serious talk about amputation early on so he kinda got lucky (also lucky to land on an arm rather than his head obviously!)

Motorbikes may be fun and economical but fuck driving them around other cars, eventually you’ll run into a bad driver and if you’re unlucky that could be the end for you.

erogenouswarzone , avatar

I have one. It also sucks to ride for an hour, you’re eaither sweating, freezing or some other form of uncomfortable.

JohnDClay ,

I got a used bolt for ~12k recently. It’s definitely more than a gas gar, but not astronomically more.

powerofm ,

This is completely understandable. The solution isn’t another car, it’s better city planning and public transit.

grue ,

I’d get an electric, self-driving pleasure machine, but no way I can afford it.

Just get a bicycle already! Thinking your only other option is an “electric, self-driving pleasure machine” is such a false dichotomy.

laverabe ,

With the way most cities are designed, a bicycle is not a safe option for day to day transportation for most people.

GbyBE ,

Or get yourself a nice plug-in hybrid… E-bike

erogenouswarzone , avatar

Yeah, I’m not going to spend 6 hours driving a bicycle to work and back.

Arthur_Leywin , in The slow decline isn't slow anymore

Endgame was stupid. The solution to Thanos was have Tony conveniently invent time traveling and then save the day. Infinity Wars was the peak.

ExLisper ,

Infinity Wars was stupid. Have some super heroes run around fighting bad guys trying to destroy the world for some stupid reason. There was no pick. It’s all stupid.

QuodamoresDei ,

All stupid is correct.

bitcrafter ,

I don’t know, I thought it was kind of fun that they mixed things up for a change and had the protagonist be the villain and the central plot be about his triumph over the antagonists who are the heroes; the movie ending with him relaxing and enjoying the sunset now that his great work was over and so he could retire and put down his burdens was a really nice touch.

Chakravanti ,

You ignorant. Thanos was the hero. Ironman is just another billionaire denying the obvious responsiblity for the death of all life on earth Thanos was preventing.

blind3rdeye ,

Maybe so, but it was still a janky story. A gigantuan struggle, with epic consequences… resolved by deus ex machina.

Chakravanti ,

It wasn’t “resolved.” Thanos won. Then some janky billionaire lying asshole undid that and then lied about fucking everything. Everyone went on like a march of idiots right over the suicidal cliff like lemmings.

That’s not a fictional story. Goodbye! Forever!

sederx ,

But that plot point was completely nonsense.

Chakravanti ,

Yeah, a BILLIONAIRE undoes GOOD THINGS being done by the “VILLIAN.”

Of course it doesn’t make sense. It DOES make sense when you undo the bullshit it’s spun around. There you fucking go.

funkajunk , in I just might get away with it.... avatar

That’s kinda toxic

taanegl ,

Some families are.

A_Toasty_Strudel , avatar

I guess, but talking shit to your siblings is just kinda what happens. Siblings have less of a filter with each other than any two people on the planet. That doesn’t mean they wouldn’t die for each other if it came down to it though.

rockerface ,

Yeah, I’ve seen it said that sibling is like a built-in best friend. And the very best friends will curse you to the depths of hell with a straight face and hear you do the same, and still remain your best friend

CanadianCarl , (edited )

My older brother has me blocked, younger brother rarely texts me. It is like I am an only child. I am the only one who goes to my parents for holidays. I would never die for my brothers.

blanketswithsmallpox ,

Your brother’s what!?

CanadianCarl ,

Fixed my typo.

blanketswithsmallpox ,


HikingVet ,

It’s not toxic to call out bad behaviour.

Kusimulkku ,

Lmao of course this is the top reply

redcalcium , in The second coming is near

“You do you, bro 👍”

— Jesus probably

Holzkohlen ,

Dude cured the blind, least he could do is lend a hand.

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